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The origin of the martian gullies has been much debated since their discovery by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC, Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S. [2000]. Science 288, 2330-2335). Several previous studies have looked at slope gradients in and around gullies, but none have used Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE, McEwen, A.S., and 14 colleagues [2007]. J. Geophys. Res. 112 (E05), E0505S02), which has a pixel scale down to 25 cm/pixel. We use five 1 m/post HiRISE DEMs to measure gully apex slopes, the local channel gradient at the upslope extent of the gully debris apron, which marks a shift from erosion to deposition. The apex slope provides information about whether a flow was likely a typical dry granular flow (begins depositing on slopes ∼21°) or fluidized by some extra mechanism (depositing on shallower slopes). We find that 72% of the 75 gully fans studied were likely emplaced by fluidized flows. Relatively old gullies appear more likely to have hosted fluidized flows than relatively fresh gullies. This suggests a time and location dependent fluidizing agent, possibly liquid water produced in a different climate as previously proposed. Our results do not provide evidence for water-rich flows in gullies today.  相似文献   

The Amazonian period of Mars has been described as static, cold, and dry. Recent analysis of high-resolution imagery of equatorial and mid-latitude regions has revealed an array of young landforms produced in association with ice and liquid water; because near-surface ice in these regions is currently unstable, these ice-and-water-related landforms suggest one or more episodes of martian climate change during the Amazonian. Here we report on the origin and evolution of valley systems within a degraded crater in Noachis Terra, Asimov Crater. The valleys have produced a unique environment in which to study the geomorphic signals of Amazonian climate change. New high-resolution images reveal Hesperian-aged layered basalt with distinctive columnar jointing capping interior crater fill and providing debris, via mass wasting, for the surrounding annular valleys. The occurrence of steep slopes (>20°), relatively narrow (sheltered) valleys, and a source of debris have provided favorable conditions for the preservation of shallow-ice deposits. Detailed mapping reveals morphological evidence for viscous ice flow, in the form of several lobate debris tongues (LDT). Superimposed on LDT are a series of fresh-appearing gullies, with typical alcove, channel, and fan morphologies. The shift from ice-rich viscous-flow formation to gully erosion is best explained as a shift in martian climate, from one compatible with excess snowfall and flow of ice-rich deposits, to one consistent with minor snow and gully formation. Available dating suggests that the climate transition occurred >8 Ma, prior to the formation of other small-scale ice-rich flow features identified elsewhere on Mars that have been interpreted to have formed during the most recent phases of high obliquity. Taken together, these older deposits suggest that multiple climatic shifts have occurred over the last tens of millions of years of martian history.  相似文献   

We report observations of Icelandic hillside gully systems that are near duplicates of gullies observed on high-latitude martian hillsides. The best Icelandic analogs involve basaltic talus slopes at the angle of repose, with gully formation by debris flows initiated by ground water saturation, and/or by drainage of water from upslope cliffs. We report not only the existence of Mars analog gullies, but also an erosional sequence of morphologic forms, found both on Mars and in Iceland. The observations support hypotheses calling for creation of martian gullies by aqueous processes. Issues remain whether the water in each case comes only from surficial sources, such as melting of ground ice or snow, or from underground sources such as aquifers that gain surface access in hillsides. Iceland has many examples of the former, but the latter mechanism is not ruled out. Our observations are consistent with the martian debris flow mechanism of F. Costard et al. (2001c, Science295, 110-113), except that classic debris flows begin at midslope more frequently than on Mars. From morphologic observations, we suggest that some martian hillside gully systems not only involve significant evolution by extended erosive activity, but gully formation may occur in episodes, and the time interval since the last episode is considerably less than the time interval needed to erase the gully through normal martian obliteration processes.  相似文献   

Recent gully deposits on Mars have been attributed to both wet and dry mass wasting processes. In this paper frosted granular flow (FGF) is presented as a new hypothesis for recent mass wasting activity in martian gullies. FGF is a rare type of granular flow observed on a talus slope in the Province of Québec, Canada [Hétu, B., van Steijn, H., Vandelac, P., 1994. Géogr. Phys. Quat. 48, 3-22]. Frost reduces dynamic inter-particle friction, enabling flows to mobilize onto relatively low slope gradients (25-30°) compared to those involving dry granular flow of the same material (35-41°). Resulting erosional and depositional features include straight to sinuous channels, levees and digitate to branching arrangements of terminal deposits. Similar features are commonly found in association with geologically-young gully systems on Mars. Based on terrestrial observations of FGF processes the minimum criteria required for their occurrence on Mars include: (i) readily mobilized, unconsolidated sediment at the surface; (ii) an upper slope gradient at or near the angle of repose; (iii) frost accumulation at the surface; and (iv) triggering by rock fall. All four conditions appear to be met in many areas on present-day Mars though triggering mechanisms may vary. Compared to terrestrial FGFs, which are lubricated by thin liquid films at inter-particle contacts, those occurring on Mars are more likely lubricated by vaporization of CO2 and small amounts of H2O frost that becomes incorporated in the translating mass. Some recent mass wasting activity in martian gullies, therefore, could be interpreted as the product of FGF.  相似文献   

The discovery of presumably geologically recent gully features on Mars (Malin and Edgett, 2000, Science 288, 2330-2335) has spawned a wide variety of proposed theories of their origin including hypotheses of the type of erosive material. To test the validity of gully formation mechanisms, data from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has been analyzed to uncover trends in the dimensional and physical properties of the gullies and their surrounding terrain. We located 106 Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images that contain clear evidence of gully landforms, distributed in the southern mid and high latitudes, and analyzed these images in combination with Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data to provide quantitative measurements of numerous gully characteristics. Parameters we measured include apparent source depth and distribution, vertical and horizontal dimensions, slopes, orientations, and present-day characteristics that affect local ground temperatures. We find that the number of gully systems normalized to the number of MOC images steadily declines as one moves poleward of 30° S, reaches a minimum value between 60°-63° S, and then again rises poleward of 63° S. All gully alcove heads occur within the upper one-third of the slope encompassing the gully and the alcove bases occur within the upper two-thirds of the slope. Also, the gully alcove heads occur typically within the first 200 meters of the overlying ridge with the exception of gullies equatorward of 40° S where some alcove heads reach a maximum depth of 1000 meters. While gullies exhibit complex slope orientation trends, gullies are found on all slope orientations at all the latitudes studied. Assuming thermal conductivities derived from TES measurements as well as modeled surface temperatures, we find that 79% of the gully alcove bases lie at depths where subsurface temperatures are greater than 273 K and 21% of the alcove bases lie within the solid water regime. Most of the gully alcoves lie outside the temperature-pressure phase stability of liquid CO2. Based on a comparison of measured gully features with predictions from the various models of gully formation, we find that models involving carbon dioxide, melting ground ice in the upper few meters of the soil, dry landslide, and surface snowmelt are the least likely to describe the formation of the martian gullies. Although some discrepancies still exist between prediction and observation, the shallow and deep aquifer models remain as the most plausible theories. Interior processes involving subsurface fluid sources are generally favored over exogenic processes such as wind and snowfall for explaining the origin of the martian gullies.  相似文献   

Ridges that resemble terrestrial moraines are commonly visible at the foot of many mid-latitude crater walls in Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera images. These moraine-like ridges are often associated with hillside gullies, mantling material, and glacier-like flows, and are usually in contact with crater fill, suggesting possible interrelationships. We consider terrestrial glacier systems that may be analogs of martian moraine-like ridges and glacier-like flows and suggest that the formation of some gullies and crater fill is intimately tied to ice deposition, ice flow, and rock-glacier processes. Upper limits on age suggest the possibility that many of these features formed during the last, or last few, high obliquity cycles.  相似文献   

J.S. Levy  J.W. Head  J.L. Dickson 《Icarus》2009,201(1):113-126
We describe the morphology and spatial relationships between composite-wedge polygons and Mars-like gullies (consisting of alcoves, channels, and fans) in the hyper-arid Antarctic Dry Valleys (ADV), as a basis for understanding possible origins for martian gullies that also occur in association with polygonally patterned ground. Gullies in the ADV arise in part from the melting of atmospherically-derived, wind-blown snow trapped in polygon troughs. Snowmelt that yields surface flow can occur during peak southern hemisphere summer daytime insolation conditions. Ice-cemented permafrost provides an impermeable substrate over which meltwater flows, but does not significantly contribute to meltwater generation. Relationships between contraction crack polygons and sedimentary fans at the distal ends of gullies show deposition of fan material in polygon troughs, and dissection of fans by expanding polygon troughs. These observations suggest the continuous presence of meters-thick ice-cemented permafrost beneath ADV gullies. We document strong morphological similarities between gullies and polygons on Mars and those observed in the ADV Inland Mixed microclimate zone. On the basis of this morphological comparison, we propose an analogous, top-down melting model for the initiation and evolution of martian gullies that occur on polygonally-patterned, mantled surfaces.  相似文献   

The formation process(es) responsible for creating the observed geologically recent gully features on Mars has remained the subject of intense debate since their discovery. We present new data and analysis of northern hemisphere gullies from Mars Global Surveyor data which is used to test the various proposed mechanisms of gully formation. We located 137 Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images in the northern hemisphere that contain clear evidence of gully landforms and analyzed these images in combination with Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data to provide quantitative measurements of numerous gully characteristics. Parameters we measured include apparent source depth and distribution, vertical and horizontal dimensions, slopes, orientations, and present-day characteristics that affect local ground temperatures. Northern hemisphere gullies are clustered in Arcadia Planitia, Tempe Terra, Acidalia Planitia, and Utopia Planitia. These gullies form in craters (84%), knobby terrain (4%), valleys (3%), other/unknown terrains (9%) and are found on all slope orientations although the majority of gullies are equator-facing. Most gullies (63%) are associated with competent rock strata, 26% are not associated with strata, and 11% are ambiguous. Assuming thermal conductivities derived from TES measurements as well as modeled surface temperatures, we find that 95% of the gully alcove bases with adequate data coverage lie at depths where subsurface temperatures are greater than 273 K and 5% of the alcove bases lie within the solid water regime. The average alcove length is 470 m and the average channel length is 690 m. Based on a comparison of measured gully features with predictions from the various models of gully formation, we find that models involving carbon dioxide, melting ground ice in the upper few meters of the soil, dry landslide, and surface snowmelt are the least likely to describe the formation of the martian gullies. Although some discrepancies still exist between prediction and observation, the shallow and deep aquifer models remain as the most plausible theories. Interior processes involving subsurface fluid sources are generally favored over exogenic processes such as wind and snowfall for explaining the origin of the martian gullies. These findings gleaned from the northern hemisphere data are in general agreement with analyses of gullies in the southern hemisphere [Heldmann, J.L., Mellon, M.T., 2004. Icarus 168, 285-304].  相似文献   

The discovery of gullies on Mars suggests liquid water activity near the surface of the planet in recent times. Since liquid water is unstable under the present-day P-T martian conditions, the formation mechanisms of the gullies, and the source of the putative water, have been a matter of debate for the last years. To provide new insights into these matters, we have approached the problem studying the gullies in relation to their regional setting. A major point in our study relates to the geographic orientation of gullies, an aspect that has been previously regarded as a crucial matter in different models, and has profound implications regarding their origin. We present a comprehensive and detailed survey of the Gorgonum-Newton region, and a study of the Dao and Nirgal Vallis regions. The survey was carried out with the aid of 965 high-resolution MOC images (752 for Gorgonum-Newton, 102 for Nirgal Vallis and 111 for Dao Vallis regions), and MOLA-derived DEMs. We found that gullies display a clear regional pattern, geographically and topographically consistent with a decreasing regional slope. We interpret the results in terms of the existence of several groundwater flow systems operating at different scales, which ultimately may have led to gully formation by seepage at the slopes of craters and canyons. We suggest that aquifers discharging at gully systems may have recharged from the surface, in response to the melting of young partially eroded ice-rich deposits.  相似文献   

Recent geomorphic, remote sensing, and atmospheric modeling studies have shown evidence for abundant ground ice deposits in the martian mid-latitudes. Numerous potential water/ice-rich flow features have been identified in craters in these regions, including arcuate ridges, gullies, and small flow lobes. Previous studies (such as in Newton Basin) have shown that arcuate ridges and gullies are mainly found in small craters (∼2-30 km in diameter). These features are located on both pole-facing and equator-facing crater walls, and their orientations have been found to be dependent on latitude. We have conducted surveys of craters >20 km in diameter in two mid-latitude regions, one in the northern hemisphere in Arabia Terra, and one in the southern hemisphere east of Hellas basin. In these regions, prominent lobes, potentially ice-rich, are commonly found on the walls of craters with diameters between ∼20-100 km. Additional water/ice-rich features such as channels, valleys, alcoves, and debris aprons have also been found in association with crater walls. In the eastern Hellas study region, channels were found to be located primarily on pole-facing walls, whereas valleys and alcoves were found primarily on equator-facing walls. In the Arabia Terra study region, these preferences are less distinct. In both study regions, lobate flows, gullies, and arcuate ridges were found to have pole-facing orientation preferences at latitudes below 45° and equator-facing orientation preferences above 45°, similar to preferences previously found for gullies and arcuate ridges in smaller craters. Interrelations between the features suggest they all formed from the mobilization of accumulated ice-rich materials. The dependencies of orientations on latitude suggest a relationship to differences in total solar insolation along the crater walls. Differences in slope of the crater wall, differences in total solar insolation with respect to wall orientation, and variations in topography along the crater rim can explain the variability in morphology of the features studied. The formation and evolution of these landforms may best be explained by multiple cycles of deposition of ice-rich material during periods of high obliquity and subsequent modification and transport of these materials down crater walls.  相似文献   

Radar observations in the Deuteronilus Mensae region by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have constrained the thickness and dust concentration found within mid-latitude ice deposits, providing an opportunity to more accurately estimate the rheology of ice responsible for the formation of lobate debris aprons based on their apparent age of ∼100 Myr. We developed a numerical model simulating ice flow under martian conditions using results from ice deformation experiments, theory of ice grain growth based on terrestrial ice cores, and observational constraints from radar profiles and laser altimetry. By varying the ice grain size, the ice temperature, the subsurface slope, and the initial ice volume we determine the combination of parameters that best reproduce the observed LDA lengths and thicknesses over a period of time comparable to the apparent ages of LDA surfaces (90-300 Myr). We find that an ice temperature of 205 K, an ice grain size of 5 mm, and a flat subsurface slope give reasonable ages for many LDAs in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars. Assuming that the ice grain size is limited by the grain boundary pinning effect of incorporated dust, these results limit the dust volume concentration to less than 4%. However, assuming all LDAs were emplaced by a single event, we find that there is no single combination of grain size, temperature, and subsurface slope which can give realistic ages for all LDAs, suggesting that some or all of these variables are spatially heterogeneous. Based on our model we conclude that the majority of northern mid-latitude LDAs are composed of clean (?4 vol%), coarse (?1 mm) grained ice, but regional differences in either the amount of dust mixed in with the ice, or in the presence of a basal slope below the LDA ice must be invoked. Alternatively, the ice temperature and/or timing of ice deposition may vary significantly between different mid-latitude regions. Either eventuality can be tested with future observations.  相似文献   

Hale crater, a 125 × 150 km impact crater located near the intersection of Uzboi Vallis and the northern rim of Argyre basin at 35.7°S, 323.6°E, is surrounded by channels that radiate from, incise, and transport material within Hale’s ejecta. The spatial and temporal relationship between the channels and Hale’s ejecta strongly suggests the impact event created or modified the channels and emplaced fluidized debris flow lobes over an extensive area (>200,000 km2). We estimate ∼1010 m3 of liquid water was required to form some of Hale’s smaller channels, a volume we propose was supplied by subsurface ice melted and mobilized by the Hale-forming impact. If 10% of the subsurface volume was ice, based on a conservative porosity estimate for the upper martian crust, 1012 m3 of liquid water could have been present in the ejecta. We determine a crater-retention age of 1 Ga inside the primary cavity, providing a minimum age for Hale and a time at which we propose the subsurface was volatile-rich. Hale crater demonstrates the important role impacts may play in supplying liquid water to the martian surface: they are capable of producing fluvially-modified terrains that may be analogous to some landforms of Noachian Mars.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to determine whether martian landslides in Valles Marineris were wet or dry and place constraints on the availability of liquid water in Valles Marineris during the Amazonian, when the landslides occurred. We, thus, statistically compare the power-law relationship between the volume and runout distance of landslides on Earth with those in Valles Marineris, Mars. The exponent of the power-law for martian landslides is similar to that for dry landslides and volcanic flows on Earth, and differs significantly from wet debris flows on Earth. The constant of proportionality in the observed power-law relationship for martian flows is linearly proportional to gravity, as predicted from physical modeling of dry flows in which the dissipation occurs in a layer of uniform thickness. Conversion of gravitational potential energy to heat is insufficient to generate more than a few weight percent of liquid water in the landslide. We thus conclude that water did not significantly influence the dynamics of landslides in Valles Marineris. This implies predominantly dry conditions in Valles Marineris during the Amazonian.  相似文献   

We present the results of laboratory experiments to study the sediment transport and erosional capacity of water at current martian temperature and pressure. We have performed laboratory simulation experiments in which a stream of water flowed over test beds at low temperature (∼−20 °C) and low pressure (∼7 mbar). The slope angle was 14° and three sediment types were tested. We compared the erosive ability, runout and resulting morphologies to experiments performed at ambient terrestrial temperature (∼20 °C) and pressure (∼1000 mbar), and also to experiments performed under low pressure only. We observed that, as expected, water is unstable in the liquid phase at low temperature and low pressure, with boiling and freezing in competition. Despite this, our results show that water at low temperature and low pressure has an equivalent and sometimes greater erosion rate than at terrestrial temperature and pressure. Water flows faster over the sediment body under low temperature and low pressure conditions because the formation of ice below the liquid-sediment contact inhibits infiltration. Flow speed and therefore runout distance are increased. Experiments at low pressure but Earth-ambient temperature suggest that flow speeds are faster under these conditions than under Earth-ambient pressure and temperature. We hypothesise that this is due to gas bubbles, created by the boiling of the water under low atmospheric pressure, impeding liquid infiltration. We have found that both basal freezing and low pressure increase the flow propagation speed - effects not included in current models of fluvial activity on Mars. Any future modelling of water flows on Mars should consider this extra mobility and incorporate the large reduction in fluid loss through infiltration into the substrate.  相似文献   

A new survey of Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) narrow-angle images of gullies in the 30°-45° S latitude band includes their distribution, morphology, local topographic setting, orientation, elevation, and slopes. These new data show that gully formation is favored over a specific range of conditions: elevation (−5000 to +3000 m), slope (>10°), and orientation (83.8% on pole-facing slopes). These data, and the frequent occurrence of gullies on isolated topographic highs, lead us to support the conclusion that climatic-related processes of volatile accumulation and melting driven by orbital variations are the most likely candidate for processes responsible for the geologically recent formation of martian gullies.  相似文献   

Pingos are small hills with cores of ice, formed by injection and freezing of pressurized water. The possibility of pingos on Mars is of particular interest because of the associated implications for liquid water. We have systematically searched for candidate pingos using images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. Since pingos are expected to develop surface fractures due to extension of the frozen ground over the ice core, we have searched for fractured features and identified a variety of mounds. These features are confined to the martian mid-latitudes, in the bands where gullies are also most common. The observed fractured mounds have a variety of morphologies and are likely of multiple origins. Isolated fractured mounds found on the floors of gullied craters in the southern hemisphere match the general morphologic characteristics of terrestrial pingos and are the best candidates for martian pingos, but there is currently no direct evidence for presence of ice cores and it is difficult to produce the necessary water volumes, so these features should still be interpreted with caution. Other fractured mounds appear more likely to be erosional remnants of an unusual mantling layer or possibly thermokarst structures. Flat-topped mounds in Utopia have some characteristics (fracture pattern and latitudinal distribution) consistent with pingos but differ in other aspects such as shape and setting. While we do not rule out a pingo origin, we prefer an erosional model for these enigmatic features.  相似文献   

Dynamical transport of gases within the martian regolith controls many climatic processes, and is particularly important in the deposition and/or mobilization of shallow ground ice, as well as exchange of other volatiles between the martian regolith and atmosphere. A variety of theoretical studies have addressed issues related to ground ice dynamics on Mars and in the terrestrial analog environment of the Antarctic Dry Valleys. These theoretical studies have drawn on a limited set of empirical measurements to constrain the structural parameters controlling gas diffusion and flow in soils. Here, we investigate five groups of Mars-analog soils: glass spheres, JSC Mars-1, aeolian dune sand, Antarctic Dry Valley soils, and arctic loess. We present laboratory measurements of the structural properties most relevant to gas transport in these soils: porosity, tortuosity, permeability, bulk and intrinsic densities, grain-size distribution, pore-size distribution and BET surface area. Our results bear directly both on the appropriateness of assumptions made in theoretical studies and on current outstanding issues in the study of shallow ground ice on Mars and in the Dry Valleys. Specifically, we find that (1) measured values of tortuosity are lower than values commonly assumed for Mars by a factor of two to three; (2) diffusive loss of ground ice on Mars can likely proceed up to four times faster than predicted by theoretical studies; (3) soil permeabilities are sufficiently high that flushing of the soil column by bulk flow of atmospheric gases may further speed loss or deposition of shallow ground ice; (4) the pore volume in some Mars-analog soils is sufficiently high to explain high volumetric ice abundances inferred from Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer data as simple pore ice; and (5) measured properties of soils collected in Beacon Valley, Antarctica agree well with assumptions made in theoretical studies and are consistent with rapid loss of ground ice in the current climate.  相似文献   

Gullies are among the most intriguing structures identified on the surface of Mars. Most common are gullies located on the slopes of craters which are probably formed by liquid water transported by shallow aquifers (Heldmann, J.L., Carlsson, E., Johansson, H., Mellon, M.T., Toon, O.B. [2007]. Icarus 188, 324-344). Two particular types of gullies are found on slopes of isolated hills and dunes. The hill-slope gullies are located mostly at 50°S, which is at the high end of latitudes of bulk of the gullies found so far. The dune gullies are found in several locations up to 65°S (Reiss, D., Jaumann, R., Kereszturi, A., Sik, A., Neukum, G. [2007]. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVIII. Abstract 1993), but the best known are those in Russel crater at 54°S. The hill and dune gullies are longer than others making the aquifers explanation for their formation unlikely (Balme, M., Mangold, N., Baratoux, D., Costard, F., Gosselin, M., Masson, P., Pnet, P., Neukum, G. [2006]. J. Geophys. Res. 111. doi:10.1029/2005JE002607). Recently it has been noted that thin liquid films of interfacial water can play a role in rheological processes on the surface of Mars (Moehlmann, D. [2008]. Icarus 195, 131-139. Kereszturi, A., Moehlmann, D., Berczi, Sz., Ganti, T., Kuti, A., Sik, A., Horvath, A. [2009]. Icarus 201, 492-503.). Here we try to answer the question whether interfacial liquid water may occur on Mars in quantities large enough to play a role in formation of gullies. To verify this hypothesis we have calculated thermal models for hills and dunes of various steepness, orientation and physical properties. We find that within a range of average expected values of parameters it is not possible to have more than a few monolayers of liquid water at depths greater than a centimeter. To create subsurface interfacial water film significantly thicker and hence to produce conditions for the slope instability, parameters have to be chosen to have their extreme realistic values or an additional source of surface heating is needed. One possibility for additional heating is a change of atmospheric conditions due to a local dust storm. We conclude that if interfacial water is responsible for the formation of the hill-slope gullies, our results may explain why the hill gullies are rare.  相似文献   

Higher outflow channel dissection in the martian region of southern circum-Chryse appears to have extended from the Late Hesperian to the Middle Amazonian Epoch. These outflow channels were excavated within the upper 1 km of the cryolithosphere, where no liquid water is expected to have existed during these geologic epochs. In accordance with previous work, our examination of outflow channel floor morphologies suggests the upper crust excavated by the studied outflow channels consisted of a thin (a few tens of meters) layer of dry geologic materials overlying an indurated zone that extends to the bases of the investigated outflow channels (1 km in depth). We find that the floors of these outflow channels contain widespread secondary chaotic terrains (i.e., chaotic terrains produced by the destruction of channel-floor materials). These chaotic terrains occur within the full range of outflow channel dissection and tend to form clusters. Our examination of the geology of these chaotic terrains suggests that their formation did not result in the generation of floods. Nevertheless, despite their much smaller dimensions, these chaotic terrains are comprised of the same basic morphologic elements (e.g., mesas, knobs, and smooth deposits within scarp-bound depressions) as those located in the initiation zones of the outflow channels, which suggests that their formation must have involved the release of ground volatiles. We propose that these chaotic terrains developed not catastrophically but gradually and during multiple episodes of nested surface collapse. In order to explain the formation of secondary chaotic terrains within zones of outflow channel dissection, we propose that the regional Martian cryolithosphere contained widespread lenses of volatiles in liquid form. In this model, channel floor collapse and secondary chaotic terrain formation would have taken place as a consequence of instabilities arising during their exhumation by outflow channel dissection. Within relatively warm upper crustal materials in volcanic settings, or within highly saline crustal materials where cryopegs developed, lenses of volatiles in liquid form within the cryolithosphere could have formed, and/or remained stable.In addition, our numerical simulations suggest that low thermal conductivity, dry fine-grained porous geologic materials just a few tens of meters in thickness (e.g., dunes, sand sheets, some types of regolith materials), could have produced high thermal anomalies resulting in subsurface melting. The existence of a global layer of dry geologic materials overlying the cryolithosphere would suggest that widespread lenses of fluids existed (and may still exist) at shallow depths wherever these materials are fine-grained and porous. The surface ages of the investigated outflow channels and chaotic terrains span a full 500 to 700 Myr. Chaotic terrains similar in dimensions and morphology to secondary chaotic terrains are not observed conspicuously throughout the surface of Mars, suggesting that intra-cryolithospheric fluid lenses may form relatively stable systems. The existence of widespread groundwater lenses at shallow depths of burial has tremendous implications for exobiological studies and future human exploration. We find that the clear geomorphologic anomaly that the chaotic terrains and outflow channels of southern Chryse form within the Martian landscape could have been a consequence of large-scale resurfacing resulting from anomalously extensive subsurface melt in this region of the planet produced by high concentrations of salts within the regional upper crust. Crater count statistics reveal that secondary chaotic terrains and the outflow channels within which they occur have overlapping ages, suggesting that the instabilities leading to their formation rapidly dissipated, perhaps as the thickness of the cryolithosphere was reset following the disruption of the upper crustal thermal structure produced during outflow channel excavation.  相似文献   

Gwendolyn D. Bart 《Icarus》2007,187(2):417-421
Some lunar crater-wall landslides strongly resemble martian gullies, despite the lack of geologically active water on the Moon today or in the past. The lunar features indicate that alcove-channel-apron morphology, attributed on Mars to seepage of liquid water, can also form via a dry landslide mechanism. Therefore a more stringent test than just an alcove-channel-apron morphology is necessary to differentiate dry landslides from water carved gullies.  相似文献   

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