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Ganymede's grooved terrain likely formed during an epoch of global expansion, when unstable extension of the lithosphere resulted in the development of periodic necking instabilities. Linear, infinitesimal-strain models of extensional necking support this model of groove formation, finding that the fastest growing modes of an instability have wavelengths and growth rates consistent with Ganymede's grooves. However, several questions remain unanswered, including how nonlinearities affect instability growth at large strains, and what role instabilities play in tectonically resurfacing preexisting terrain. To address these questions we numerically model the extension of an icy lithosphere to examine the growth of periodic necking instabilities over a broad range of strain rates and temperature gradients. We explored thermal gradients up to 45 K km−1 and found that, at infinitesimal strain, maximum growth rates occur at high temperature gradients (45 K km−1) and moderate strain rates (10−13 s−1). Dominant wavelengths range from 1.8 to 16.4 km (post extension). Our infinitesimal growth rates are qualitatively consistent with, but an order of magnitude lower than, previous linearized calculations. When strain exceeds ∼10% growth rates decrease, limiting the total amount of amplification that can result from unstable extension. This fall-off in growth occurs at lower groove amplitudes for high-temperature-gradient, thin-lithosphere simulations than for low-temperature-gradient, thick-lithosphere simulations. At large strains, this shifts the ideal conditions for producing large amplitude grooves from high temperature gradients to more moderate temperature gradients (15 K km−1). We find that the formation of periodic necking instabilities can modify preexisting terrain, replacing semi-random topography up to 100 m in amplitude with periodic ridges and troughs, assisting the tectonic resurfacing process. Despite this success, the small topographic amplification produced by our model presents a formidable challenge to the necking instability mechanism for groove formation. Success of the necking instability mechanism may require rheological weakening or strain localization by faulting, effects not included in our analysis.  相似文献   

We have compiled a global geological map of Ganymede that represents the most recent understanding of the satellite based on Galileo mission results. This contribution builds on important previous accomplishments in the study of Ganymede utilizing Voyager data and incorporates the many new discoveries that were brought about by examination of Galileo data. We discuss the material properties of geological units defined utilizing a global mosaic of the surface with a nominal resolution of 1 km/pixel assembled by the USGS with the best available Voyager and Galileo regional coverage and high resolution imagery (100-200 m/pixel) of characteristic features and terrain types obtained by the Galileo spacecraft. We also use crater density measurements obtained from our mapping efforts to examine age relationships amongst the various defined units. These efforts have resulted in a more complete understanding of the major geological processes operating on Ganymede, especially the roles of cryovolcanic and tectonic processes in the formation of might materials. They have also clarified the characteristics of the geological units that comprise the satellite’s surface, the stratigraphic relationships of those geological units and structures, and the geological history inferred from those relationships. For instance, the characteristics and stratigraphic relationships of dark lineated material and reticulate material suggest they represent an intermediate stage between dark cratered material and light material units.  相似文献   

Radio Doppler data, generated with NASA's Galileo spacecraft during its second encounter with Jupiter's moon Ganymede, are used to infer the locations and magnitudes of mass anomalies on Ganymede. We construct models for both surface and buried anomalies. With only one flyby and no global coverage, a solution for mass anomalies cannot be uniquely determined. However, we are able to constrain acceptable solutions for mass anomalies to four broad regions—a near polar region and three that are roughly equatorial. If the mass anomalies are constrained to lie at the surface, the centers of the regions are located near the coordinates (77° N, 333° W), (36° N, 0° W), (33° N, 130° W), and (7° N, 194° W). If the mass anomalies are located at the deep ice-rock interface 800 km below the surface, the regions' centers are approximately (65° N, 17° W), (32° N, 30° W), (37° N, 175° W), and (15° N, 211° W). For both models, the regions are up to a few thousand kilometers across. The magnitude of mass anomalies on the surface is on the order of 1017 kg. Mass anomalies at the ice-rock interface are on average no more than an order of magnitude larger (1018 kg). There are two positive and two negative mass anomalies in both the surface and ice-rock interface models. One of the positive mass anomalies at the surface is associated with Galileo Regio. The other positive surface mass anomaly is located at high northern latitudes with no obvious geological association. Negative surface mass anomalies lie near Uruk Sulcus and between Perrine Regio and Barnard Regio near Sicyan Sulcus and Phrygia Sulcus. The locations of the ice-rock interface mass anomalies lie approximately radially below the surface anomalies. Positive mass anomalies at the surface could be associated with the silicate-rich ice or accumulated silicate layers of the dark regions. Negative mass anomalies at the surface could be associated with the relatively clean, low-lying ice of sulci. Alternatively, Ganymede's mass anomalies could be associated with the topography or other mass concentrations at the deep ice-rock interface.  相似文献   

Adam P. Showman  Lijie Han 《Icarus》2005,177(2):425-437
Europa's surface exhibits numerous pits, uplifts, and disrupted chaos terrains that have been suggested to result from convection in the ice shell. To test this hypothesis, we present numerical simulations of convection in an ice shell including the effects of plasticity, which provides a simple continuum representation for brittle or semibrittle deformation along discrete fractures. Plastic deformation occurs when stresses reach a specified yield stress; at lower stresses, the fluid flow follows a Newtonian, temperature-dependent viscosity. Four distinct modes of behavior can occur. For yield stresses exceeding ∼1 bar, plastic effects are negligible and stagnant-lid convection, with no surface motion and minimal topography, results. At intermediate yield stresses, a stagnant lid forms but deforms plastically, leading to surface velocities up to several millimeters per year. Slightly smaller yield stresses allow episodic, catastrophic overturns of the upper conductive lid, with (transient) stagnant lids forming in between overturn events. The smallest yield stresses allow continual recycling of the upper lid, with simultaneous, gradual ascent of warm ice to the surface and descent of cold, near-surface ice into the interior. The exact yield stresses over which each regime occurs depend on the ice-shell thickness, melting-temperature viscosity, and activation energy for viscous creep. To form hummocky matrix and translate chaos plates by several kilometers, substantial surface strain must accompany chaos formation, and the three plasticity-dominated convection modes described here can provide such deformation. Our simulations suggest that, if yield stresses of ∼0.2-1 bar are relevant to Europa, then convection in Europa's ice shell can produce chaos-like structures at the surface. However, our simulations have difficulty explaining Europa's numerous pits and uplifts. When plasticity forces the upper lid to participate in the convection, dynamic topography of ∼50-100-m amplitude results, but the topographic structures generally have diameters of 30-100 km, an order of magnitude wider than typical pits and uplifts. None of our simulations produced isolated pits or uplifts of any diameter.  相似文献   

Iapetus, one of the saturnian moons, has an extreme albedo contrast between the leading and trailing hemispheres. The origin of this albedo dichotomy has led to several hypotheses, however it remains controversial. To clarify the origin of the dichotomy, the key approach is to investigate the detailed distribution of the dark material. Recent studies of impact craters and surface temperature from Cassini spacecraft data implied that sublimation of H2O ice can occur on Iapetus’ surface. This ice sublimation can change the albedo distribution on the moon with time.In this study, we evaluate the effect of ice sublimation and simulate the temporal change of surface albedo. We assume the dark material and the bright ice on the surface to be uniformly mixed with a certain volume fraction, and the initial albedo distribution to incorporate the dark material deposits on the surface. That is, the albedo at the apex is lowest and concentrically increases in a sinusoidal pattern. This situation simulates that dark materials existed around the Iapetus’ orbit billions of years ago, and the synchronously rotating Iapetus swept the material and then deposited it on its surface. The evolution of the surface albedo during 4.0 Gyr is simulated by estimating the surface temperature from the insolation energy on Iapetus including the effect of Saturn’s eccentricity and Iapetus’ obliquity precession, and evaluating the sublimation rate of H2O ice from the Iapetus’ surface.As a result, we found that the distribution of the surface albedo changed dramatically after 4.0 Gyr of evolution. The sublimation has three important effects on the resultant surface albedo. First, the albedo in the leading hemisphere has significantly decreased to approach the minimum value. Second, the albedo distribution has been elongated along the equator. Third, the edge of the low albedo region has become clear. Considering the effect of ice sublimation, the current albedo distribution can be reconstructed from the sinusoidal albedo distribution, suggesting the apex-antapex cratering asymmetry as a candidate for the origin of the albedo dichotomy. From the model analysis, we obtained an important aspect that the depth of the turn-over layer where the darkening process proceeded for 4 Gyr should be an order of 10 cm, which is consistent with evaluation from the Cassini radar observations.  相似文献   

F. Nimmo  B. Giese 《Icarus》2005,177(2):327-340
Stereo topography of an area near Tyre impact crater, Europa, reveals chaos regions characterised by marginal cliffs and domical topography, rising to 100-200 m above the background plains. The regions contain blocks which have both rotated and tilted. We tested two models of chaos formation: a hybrid diapir model, in which chaos topography is caused by thermal or compositional buoyancy, and block motion occurs due to the presence of near-surface (1-3 km) melt; and a melt-through model, in which chaos regions are caused by melting and refreezing of the ice shell. None of the hybrid diapir models tested generate any melt within 1-3 km of the surface, owing to the low surface temperature. A model of ocean refreezing following melt-through gives effective elastic thicknesses and ice shell thicknesses of 0.1-0.3 and 0.5-2 km, respectively. However, for such low shell thicknesses the refreezing model requires implausibly large lateral density contrasts (50-100 kg m−3) to explain the elevation of the centres of the chaos regions. Although a global equilibrium ice shell thickness of ≈2 km is possible if Europa's mantle resembles that of Io, it is unclear whether local melt-through events are energetically possible. Thus, neither of the models tested here gives a completely satisfactory explanation for the formation of chaos regions. We suggest that surface extrusion of warm ice may be an important component of chaos terrain formation, and demonstrate that such extrusion is possible for likely ice parameters.  相似文献   

The surface composition of Europa is of special interest due to the information it might provide regarding the presence of a subsurface ocean. One source of this information is the infrared reflectance spectrum. Certain surface regions of Europa exhibit distorted H2O vibrational overtone bands in the 1.5 and 2.0 μm region, as measured by the Galileo mission Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS). These bands are clearly the result of highly concentrated solvated contaminants. However, two interpretations of their identity have been presented. One emphasizes hydrated salt minerals and the other sulfuric acid, although each does not specifically rule out some of the other. It has been pointed out that accurate chemical identification of the surface composition must depend on integrating spectral data with geochemical models, and information on the tenuous atmosphere sputtered from the surface. It is also extremely important to apply detailed chemistry when interpreting the spectral data, including knowledge of mineral dissolution chemistry and the subsequent optical signatures of ion solvation in low-temperature ice. We present studies of flash frozen acid and salt mixtures as Europa surface analogs and demonstrate that solvated protons, metal cations and inorganic anions all influence the spectra and must all, collectively, be considered when assigning Europa spectral features. These laboratory data show best correlation with NIMS Europa spectra for multi-component mixtures of sodium and magnesium bearing sulfate salts mixed with sulfuric acid. The data provide a concentration upper bound of 50-mol% for MgSO4 and 40-mol% for Na2SO4. This newly reported higher sodium and proton content is consistent with low-temperature aqueous differentiation and hydrothermal processing of carbonaceous chondrite-forming materials during the formation and early evolution of Europa.  相似文献   

Oceans in the icy Galilean satellites of Jupiter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tilman Spohn  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2003,161(2):456-467
Equilibrium models of heat transfer by heat conduction and thermal convection show that the three satellites of Jupiter—Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—may have internal oceans underneath ice shells tens of kilometers to more than a hundred kilometers thick. A wide range of rheology and heat transfer parameter values and present-day heat production rates have been considered. The rheology was cast in terms of a reference viscosity ν0 calculated at the melting temperature and the rate of change A of viscosity with inverse homologous temperature. The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity k of ice I has been taken into account by calculating the average conductivity along the temperature profile. Heating rates are based on a chondritic radiogenic heating rate of 4.5 pW kg−1 but have been varied around this value over a wide range. The phase diagrams of H2O (ice I) and H2O + 5 wt% NH3 ice have been considered. The ice I models are worst-case scenarios for the existence of a subsurface liquid water ocean because ice I has the highest possible melting temperature and the highest thermal conductivity of candidate ices and the assumption of equilibrium ignores the contribution to ice shell heating from deep interior cooling. In the context of ice I models, we find that Europa is the satellite most likely to have a subsurface liquid ocean. Even with radiogenic heating alone the ocean is tens of kilometers thick in the nominal model. If tidal heating is invoked, the ocean will be much thicker and the ice shell will be a few tens of kilometers thick. Ganymede and Callisto have frozen their oceans in the nominal ice I models, but since these models represent the worst-case scenario, it is conceivable that these satellites also have oceans at the present time. The most important factor working against the existence of subsurface oceans is contamination of the outer ice shell by rock. Rock increases the density and the pressure gradient and shifts the triple point of ice I to shallower depths where the temperature is likely to be lower then the triple point temperature. According to present knowledge of ice phase diagrams, ammonia produces one of the largest reductions of the melting temperature. If we assume a bulk concentration of 5 wt% ammonia we find that all the satellites have substantial oceans. For a model of Europa heated only by radiogenic decay, the ice shell will be a few tens of kilometers thinner than in the ice I case. The underlying rock mantle will limit the depth of the ocean to 80-100 km. For Ganymede and Callisto, the ice I shell on top of the H2O-NH3 ocean will be around 60- to 80-km thick and the oceans may be 200- to 350-km deep. Previous models have suggested that efficient convection in the ice will freeze any existing ocean. The present conclusions are different mainly because they are based on a parameterization of convective heat transport in fluids with strongly temperature dependent viscosity rather than a parameterization derived from constant-viscosity convection models. The present parameterization introduces a conductive stagnant lid at the expense of the thickness of the convecting sublayer, if the latter exists at all. The stagnant lid causes the temperature in the sublayer to be warmer than in a comparable constant-viscosity convecting layer. We have further modified the parameterization to account for the strong increase in homologous temperature, and therefore decrease in viscosity, with depth along an adiabat. This modification causes even thicker stagnant lids and further elevated temperatures in the well-mixed sublayer. It is the stagnant lid and the comparatively large temperature in the sublayer that frustrates ocean freezing.  相似文献   

Ryo Nakamura  Eiji Ohtani 《Icarus》2011,211(1):648-654
We have determined the phase relation of the MgSO4-H2O binary system using an externally heated diamond anvil cell in the compositional range of 0-30 wt.% MgSO4, and under temperature and pressure conditions from 298 to 500 K and up to 4.5 GPa. Using our experimental results, we were able to estimate the composition of the ice mantle of the large icy satellites of Jupiter, such as Ganymede.In our experiments, we identified the following phases in the MgSO4-H2O system up to 4 GPa at 298 K: Ices VI and VII, magnesium heptahydrate, MgSO4·7H2O, and a liquid phase. The present phase relations suggest that there may be a deep internal ocean down to a depth about 800 km in the interior of Ganymede.  相似文献   

Z. Peeters  R.L. Hudson  M.H. Moore 《Icarus》2010,210(1):480-487
The radiation chemistry, thermal stability, and vapor pressure of solid-phase carbonic acid (H2CO3) have been studied with mid-infrared spectroscopy. A new procedure for measuring this molecule’s radiation stability has been used to obtain intrinsic IR band strengths and half-lives for radiolytic destruction. We report, for the first time, measurements of carbonic acid’s vapor pressure (0.290-2.33 × 10−11 bar for 240-255 K) and its enthalpy of sublimation (71 ± 9 kJ mol−1). We also report the first observation of a chemical reaction involving solid-phase carbonic acid. Possible applications of these findings are discussed, with an emphasis on the outer Solar System icy surfaces.  相似文献   

F Nimmo  R.T Pappalardo 《Icarus》2003,166(1):21-32
We use stereo-derived topography of extensional bands on Europa to show that these features can be elevated by 100-150 m with respect to the surroundings, and that the positive topography sometimes extends beyond the band margins. Lateral variations in shell thickness cannot maintain the observed topography for timescales greater than ∼0.1 Myr. Lateral density variations can maintain the observed topography indefinitely; mean density contrasts of 5 and 50 kg m−3 are required for shell thicknesses of 20 and 2 km, respectively. Density variations caused by temperature contrasts require either present-day heating or that bands are young features (<1 Myr old). Stratigraphic analyses suggest that these mechanisms are unlikely. The observation that bands form from ridges may be explained by an episode of shear-heating on ridges weakening the ridge area, and leading to strain localization during extension. Fracture porosity is likely to persist over Myr timescales in the top one-third to one-quarter of the conductive part of the ice shell. Lateral variations in this porosity (of order 20%) are the most likely mechanism for producing band topography if the ice shell is thin (≈2 km); porosity variations of 2% or less are required if the shell is thicker (≈20 km). If the ice shell is thick, lateral variations in salt content are a more likely mechanism. Warm ice will tend to lose dense, low-melting temperature phases and be buoyant relative to colder, salt-rich ice. Thus, lateral density variations will arise naturally if bands have been the sites of either localized heating or upwelling of warm ice during extension.  相似文献   

Lijie Han  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2010,207(2):834-505
We performed 2D numerical simulations of oscillatory tidal flexing to study the interrelationship between tidal dissipation (calculated using the Maxwell model) and a heterogeneous temperature structure in Europa’s ice shell. Our 2D simulations show that, if the temperature is spatially uniform, the tidal dissipation rate peaks when the Maxwell time is close to the tidal period, consistent with previous studies. The tidal dissipation rate in a convective plume encased in a different background temperature depends on both the plume and background temperature. At a fixed background temperature, the dissipation increases strongly with plume temperature at low temperatures, peaks, and then decreases with temperature near the melting point when a melting-temperature viscosity of 1013 Pa s is used; however, the peak occurs at significantly higher temperature in this heterogeneous case than in a homogeneous medium for equivalent rheology. For constant plume temperature, the dissipation rate in a plume decreases as the surrounding temperature increases; plumes that are warmer than their surroundings can exhibit enhanced heating not only relative to their surroundings but relative to the Maxwell-model prediction for a homogeneous medium at the plume temperature. These results have important implications for thermal feedbacks in Europa’s ice shell.To self-consistently determine how convection interacts with tidal heating that is correctly calculated from the time-evolving heterogeneous temperature field, we coupled viscoelastic simulations of oscillatory tidal flexing (using Tekton) to long-term simulations of the convective evolution (using ConMan). Our simulations show that the tidal dissipation rate resulting from heterogeneous temperature can have a strong impact on thermal convection in Europa’s ice shell. Temperatures within upwelling plumes are greatly enhanced and can reach the melting temperature under plausible tidal-flexing amplitude for Europa. A pre-existing fracture zone (at least 6 km deep) promotes the concentration of tidal dissipation (up to ∼20 times more than that in the surroundings), leading to lithospheric thinning. This supports the idea that spatially variable tidal dissipation could lead locally to high temperatures, partial melting, and play an important role in the formation of ridges, chaos, or other features.  相似文献   

Since their discovery in Voyager images, the origin of the bright polar caps of Ganymede has intrigued investigators. Some models attributed the polar cap formation to thermal migration of water vapor to higher latitudes, while other models implicated plasma bombardment in brightening ice. Only with the arrival of Galileo at Jupiter was it apparent that Ganymede possesses a strong internal magnetic field, which blocks most of the plasma from bombarding the satellite's equatorial region while funneling plasma onto the polar regions. This discovery provides a plausible explanation for the polar caps as related to differences in plasma-induced brightening in the polar and the equatorial regions. In this context, we analyze global color and high resolution images of Ganymede obtained by Galileo, finding a very close correspondence between the observed polar cap boundary and the open/closed field lines boundary obtained from new modeling of the magnetic field environment. This establishes a clear link between plasma bombardment and polar cap brightening. High resolution images show that bright polar terrain is segregated into bright and dark patches, suggesting sputter-induced redistribution and subsequent cold trapping of water molecules. Minor differences between the location of the open/closed field lines boundary and the observed polar cap boundary may be due to interaction of Ganymede with Jupiter's magnetosphere, and our neglect of higher-order terms in modeling Ganymede's internal field. We postulate that leading-trailing brightness differences in Ganymede's low-latitude surface are due to enhanced plasma flux onto the leading hemisphere, rather than darkening of the trailing hemisphere. In contrast to Ganymede, the entire surface of Europa is bombarded by jovian plasma, suggesting that sputter-induced redistribution of water molecules is a viable means of brightening that satellite's surface.  相似文献   

Previously, radio Doppler data, generated with NASA's Galileo spacecraft during its second encounter with Jupiter's moon Ganymede, were used to infer the locations and magnitudes of mass anomalies on Ganymede using point-mass models. However, the point-mass solutions do not provide the vertical and horizontal extent of the anomalous mass concentrations. Here, we provide the results of a new study using spherical cap disks to model Ganymede's mass anomalies. The spherical cap disk models not only provide the locations and magnitudes of the mass anomalies, but also their vertical and horizontal dimensions. The new models show that three disks, a positive mass located at (53.0° N, 127.0° W) and two negative masses located at (22.0° N, 87.0° W) and (49.0° N, 219.0° W), can explain the data. The magnitudes of the mass anomalies are on the order of 1018 kg. The diameters of the anomalies are a few thousand kilometers. The positive anomaly is about 100 meters thick and both negative anomalies have a thickness of less than a kilometer. We use the additional information provided by the disk models to investigate the viability of mass anomalies at Ganymede's surface by comparing the diameters of the anomalies to the sizes of regiones and sulci and the anomalies' thicknesses to accumulated layers of rock and clean ice on the surface. We find that the dimensions of the mass anomalies could be explained by concentrations of rock in the regio and rock-free ice in the sulci. These results confirm that mass anomalies may reside on or near Ganymede's surface and that positive mass anomalies are contained within areas of dark terrain and negative mass anomalies within bright terrain.  相似文献   

A long-popular model for producing Ganymede's bright terrain involves flooding of low-lying graben with liquid water, slush, or warm, soft ice. The model suffers from major problems, however, including the absence of obvious near-surface heat sources, the negative buoyancy of liquid water, and the lack of a mechanism for confining the flows to graben floors. We present new models for cryovolcanic resurfacing to overcome these difficulties. Tidal heating within an ancient Laplace-like orbital resonance (Showman and Malhotra 1997, Icarus 127, 93; Showman et al., 1997, Icarus 129, 367) provides a plausible heat source and could allow partial melting to occur as shallow as 5-10 km depth. Our favored mechanism for delivering this water to the surface invokes the fact that topography—such as a global set of graben—causes subsurface pressure gradients that can pump water or slush upward onto the floors of topographic lows (graben) despite the negative buoyancy of the liquid. These eruptions can occur only within the topographic lows; furthermore, as the low areas become full, the pressure gradients disappear and the resurfacing ceases. This provides an explanation for the observed straight dark-bright terrain boundaries: water cannot overflow the graben, so resurfacing rarely embays craters or other rough topography. Pure liquid water can be pumped to the surface from only 5-10 km depth, but macroscopic bodies of slush ascending within fractures can reach the surface from much greater depths due to the smaller negative buoyancy of slush. A challenge for these models is the short predicted gravitational relaxation timescale of topographic features at high heat flows; the resurfacing must occur before the graben topography disappears. We also evaluate alternate resurfacing mechanisms, such as pumping of liquid water to the surface by thermal expansion stresses and buoyant rise of water through a silicate-contaminated crust that is denser than liquid water, and conclude that they are unlikely to explain Ganymede's bright terrain.  相似文献   

Zamama, Culann, and Tupan Patera are three large, persistent volcanic centers on the jovian moon Io. As part of an ongoing project to quantify contributions from individual volcanic centers to Io’s thermal budget, we have quantified the radiant flux from all suitable observations made by the Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) of these volcanoes, in some cases filling omissions in previous analyses. At Zamama, after a long period of cooling, we see a peak in thermal emission that corresponds with new plume activity. Subsequently, toward the end of the Galileo epoch, thermal emission from Zamama drops off in a manner consistent with a greatly reduced eruption rate and the cooling of emplaced flows. Culann exhibits possible episodic activity. We present the full Tupan Patera NIMS dataset and derive new estimates of thermal output and temporal behavior. Eruption rates at these three volcanoes are on the order of 30 m3 s−1, consistent with a previous analysis of NIMS observations of Prometheus, and nearly an order of magnitude greater than Kilauea volcano, Hawai’i, Earth’s most active volcano. We propose that future missions to the jovian system could better constrain activity at these volcanoes and others where similar styles of activity are taking place by obtaining data on a time scale of, ideally, at least one observation per day. Observations at similar or even shorter timescales are desirable during initial waxing phases of eruption episodes. These eruptions are identifiable from their characteristic spectral signatures and temporal behavior.  相似文献   

Previous analyses into flexural deformation on the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have assumed static, elastic lithospheres. Viscous creep within the lithosphere, however, can cause evolution over time. Here, we apply a finite-element model that employs a time-dependent elastic–viscous-plastic rheology in order to investigate flexure on icy satellites. Factors that affect this time-dependent response are those that control creep rates; surface temperature, heat flow, and grain size. Our results show that surface temperature is by far the dominant factor. At higher surface temperatures (100–130 K), the evolution of the deformation is such that the thickness of a modeled elastic lithosphere could vary by up to an order of magnitude, depending on the time scale over which the deformation occurred. Because the flexure observed on icy satellites generally indicates transient high heat flow events, our results indicate that the duration of the heat pulse is an important factor. For the icy worlds of Jupiter and Saturn, static models of lithospheric flexure should be used with caution.  相似文献   

The full set of high-resolution observations from the Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) is analyzed to look for spectral trends across the surface of Europa. We provide the first disk-resolved map of the 280 nm SO2 absorption feature and investigate its relationship with sulfur and electron flux distributions as well as with surface features and relative surface ages. Our results have implications for exogenic and endogenic sources. The large-scale pattern in SO2 absorption band depth is again shown to be similar to the pattern of sulfur ion implantation, but with strong variations in band depth based on terrain. In particular, the young chaos units show stronger SO2 absorption bands than expected from the average pattern of sulfur ion flux, suggesting a local source of SO2 in those regions, or diapiric heating that leads to a sulfur-rich lag deposit.While the SO2 absorption feature is confined to the trailing hemisphere, the near UV albedo (300-310 nm) has a global pattern with a minimum at the center of the trailing hemisphere and a maximum at the center of the leading hemisphere. The global nature of the albedo pattern is suggestive of an exogenic source, and several possibilities are discussed. Like the SO2 absorption, the near UV albedo also has local variations that depend on terrain type and age.  相似文献   

Europa's surface exhibits numerous small dome-like and lobate features, some of which have been attributed to fluid emplacement of ice or slush on the surface. We perform numerical simulations of non-Newtonian flows to assess the physical conditions required for these features to result from viscous flows. Our simulations indicate that the morphology of an ice flow on Europa will be, at least partially, influenced by pre-existing topography unless the thickness of the flow exceeds that of the underlying topography by at least an order of magnitude. Three classes of features can be identified on Europa. First, some (possibly most) putative flow-like features exhibit no influence from the pre-existing topography such as ridges, although their thicknesses are generally on the same order as those of ridges. Therefore, flow processes probably cannot explain the formation of these features. Second, some observed features show modest influence from the underlying topography. These might be explained by ice flows with wide ranges of parameters (ice temperatures >230 K, effusion rates >107 m3 year−1, and a wide range of grain sizes), although surface uplift (e.g., by diapirism) and in situ disaggregation provide an equally compelling explanation. Third, several observed features are completely confined by pre-existing topographic structures on at least one side; these are the best known candidates for flow features on Europa. If these features resulted from solid-ice flows, then temperatures >260 K and grain sizes <2 μm are required. Such small grain sizes seem unlikely; low-viscosity flows such as ice slurries or brines provide a better explanation for these features. Our results provide theoretical support for the view that many of Europa's lobate features have not resulted from solid-ice flows.  相似文献   

Ran Qin  W. Roger Buck 《Icarus》2007,189(2):595-597
We show Lee, Pappalardo, and Makris' [2005. Icarus 177, 367-379] argument that surface cracks in Europa's icy shell penetrate 3-10 times deeper in the presence of subsurface ocean is not correct. We use numerical calculations to demonstrate that there is at most 50% increase in penetration depth for a crack opening in a shell of finite thickness compared to a half-space. We also propose a simple equation based on force balances to estimate the maximum thickness of an ice shell that can be opened under tensile stress. Our calculations show that a crack can only penetrate 330-m-thick ice shell under 200 kPa far-field tensile stress and half of that if the stress is 100 kPa. But the presence of water would allow crack penetrate ∼4.0 km into the ice shell with zero porosity.  相似文献   

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