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The latitudinal variation of Saturn’s tropospheric composition (NH3, PH3 and AsH3) and aerosol properties (cloud altitudes and opacities) are derived from Cassini/VIMS 4.6-5.1 μm thermal emission spectroscopy on the planet’s nightside (April 22, 2006). The gaseous and aerosol distributions are used to trace atmospheric circulation and chemistry within and below Saturn’s cloud decks (in the 1- to 4-bar region). Extensive testing of VIMS spectral models is used to assess and minimise the effects of degeneracies between retrieved variables and sensitivity to the choice of aerosol properties. Best fits indicate cloud opacity in two regimes: (a) a compact cloud deck centred in the 2.5-2.8 bar region, symmetric between the northern and southern hemispheres, with small-scale opacity variations responsible for numerous narrow light/dark axisymmetric lanes; and (b) a hemispherically asymmetric population of aerosols at pressures less than 1.4 bar (whose exact altitude and vertical structure is not constrained by nightside spectra) which is 1.5-2.0× more opaque in the summer hemisphere than in the north and shows an equatorial maximum between ±10° (planetocentric).Saturn’s NH3 spatial variability shows significant enhancement by vertical advection within ±5° of the equator and in axisymmetric bands at 23-25°S and 42-47°N. The latter is consistent with extratropical upwelling in a dark band on the poleward side of the prograde jet at 41°N (planetocentric). PH3 dominates the morphology of the VIMS spectrum, and high-altitude PH3 at p < 1.3 bar has an equatorial maximum and a mid-latitude asymmetry (elevated in the summer hemisphere), whereas deep PH3 is latitudinally-uniform with off-equatorial maxima near ±10°. The spatial distribution of AsH3 shows similar off-equatorial maxima at ±7° with a global abundance of 2-3 ppb. VIMS appears to be sensitive to both (i) an upper tropospheric circulation (sensed by NH3 and upper-tropospheric PH3 and hazes) and (ii) a lower tropospheric circulation (sensed by deep PH3, AsH3 and the lower cloud deck).  相似文献   

Cassini/VIMS limb observations have been used to retrieve vertical profiles of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) from its 3 μm emission in the region from 600 to 1100 km altitude at daytime. While the daytime emission is large up to about 1100 km, it vanishes at nighttime at very low altitudes, suggesting that the daytime emission originates under non-LTE conditions. The spectrally integrated radiances around 3.0 μm shows a monotonically decrease with tangent altitude, and a slight increase with solar zenith angle in the 40-80° interval around 800 km.A sophisticated non-LTE model of HCN energy levels has been developed in order to retrieve the HCN abundance. The population of the HCN 0 00 1 energy level, that contributes mostly to the 3.0 μm limb radiance, has been shown to change significantly with the solar zenith angle (SZA) and HCN abundance. Also its population varies with the collisional rate coefficients, whose uncertainties induced errors in the retrieved HCN of about 10% at 600-800 km and about 5% above. HCN concentrations have been retrieved from a set of spectra profiles, covering a wide range of latitudes and solar zenith angles, by applying a line-by-line inversion code. The results show a significant atmospheric variability above ∼800 km with larger values for weaker solar illumination. The HCN shows a very good correlation with solar zenith angles, irrespective of latitude and local time, suggesting that HCN at these high altitudes is in or close to photochemical equilibrium. A comparison with UVS and UVIS measurements show that these are close to the lower limit (smaller SZAs) of the VIMS observations above 750 km. However, they are in reasonable agreement when combining the rather large UV measurement errors and the atmospheric variability observed in VIMS. A comparison of the mean profile derived here with the widely used profile reported by Yelle and Griffith (Yelle R.V., Griffith, C.A. [2003]. Icarus 166, 107-115) shows a good agreement for altitudes ranging from 850 to 1050 km, while below these altitudes our result exhibits higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Recently, an unidentified 3.3-3.4 μm feature found in the solar occultation spectra of the atmosphere of Titan observed by Cassini/VIMS was tentatively attributed to the C-H stretching mode of aliphatic hydrocarbon chains attached to large organic molecules, but without properly extracting the feature from adjacent influences of strong CH4 and weak C2H6 absorptions (Bellucci et al., 2009). In this work, we retrieve the detailed spectral feature using a radiative transfer program including absorption and fluorescent emission of both molecules, as well as absorption and scattering by haze particles. The spectral features of the haze retrieved from the VIMS data at various altitudes are similar to each other, indicating relatively uniform spectral properties of the haze with altitude. However, slight deviations observed near 127 km and above 300 km suggest inhomogeneity at these altitudes. We find that the positions of the major spectral peaks occur at 3.33-3.37 μm, which are somewhat different from the typical 3.3 μm aromatic or 3.4 μm aliphatic C-H stretches usually seen in the spectra of dust particles of the interstellar medium and comets. The peaks, however, coincide with those of the solid state spectra of C2H6, CH4, and CH3CN; and a broad shoulder from 3.37 to 3.50 μm coincides with those of C5H12 and C6H12 as well as those of typical aliphatic C-H stretches. This result combined with high-altitude (∼1000 km) haze formation process recently reported by Waite et al. (2007) opens a new question on the chemical composition of the haze particles. We discuss the possibility that the 3 μm feature may be due to the solid state absorption bands of these molecules (or some other molecules) and we advocate additional laboratory measurements for the ices of hydrocarbon and nitrogen-bearing molecules present in Titan's atmosphere for the identification of this 3 μm feature.  相似文献   

We report the detection of the (H2)2dimer in the atmospheres of Saturn and Neptune based on spectra of the fundamentalS1(1) collision-induced band of H2. The lines of this dimer are potentially useful for probing the (H2)2ortho–para ratio and its implications for atmospheric dynamical processes. We also report the detection of the (1–0)S1(1) quadrupole absorption line of monomeric H2in these spectra.  相似文献   

The abundance of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in the Venus atmosphere was measured by ground-based IR spectroscopy. The dayside measurements were performed in May 2007 with a resolution of 40,000, and the nightside measurements in October 1999 with a resolution of 1000. The hemispheric distributions of the HCl mixing ratio measured above the Venus’ clouds show no significant structure with a disc-averaged value of 0.74±0.06 ppm which is in the similar range as the previous report of 0.6±0.2 ppm. The representative height for the dayside measurements is estimated to be 60-66 km. Recent results by Venus Express/SPICAV/SOIR show much smaller values of 0.1-0.2 ppm at 64-94 km; however the direct comparison is difficult due to the different spatial conditions. The hemispheric distributions of the 35Cl/37Cl isotope ratio are also found to show no significant structure with a disc-averaged value of 3.1±0.4 which coincides with the terrestrial value of 3.1. The HCl mixing ratios below the clouds are also found to show no significant structure with a disc-averaged value of 0.40±0.05 ppm, which is similar to the previous reports of 0.4-0.5 ppm. The larger HCl mixing ratio above the clouds than below suggests the production of HCl in the cloud region or above. Also, a uniform hemispherical distribution of H2O is found below the clouds with a disc-averaged mixing ratio of 25±5 ppm; this is in the same range as the previous measurements. Those uniform distributions of HCl and H2O support the fact that their chemical lifetimes are much longer than that of mixing as has been discussed so far.  相似文献   

The abundance of carbon monoxide in the Venus’ dayside atmosphere above the clouds was measured by ground-based 2.3 μm spectroscopy for 4 days. The hemispherical distributions found show no significant latitudinal or longitudinal structure. The disc-averaged mixing ratio of 58 ± 17 ppm found at a representative height of 62-67 km is consistent with previous measurements. Such a flat distribution of CO abundance above the clouds seems to be controlled by an efficient horizontal eddy diffusion with a time scale of 30 days or shorter although the CO distribution below the clouds seems to be controlled by the meridional circulation. The pole-ward wind speed of the meridional circulation above the clouds is estimated to be 0.2 m s−1 or less based on the difference between the CO mixing ratios above and below the clouds.  相似文献   

We present observations of Ceres over the 2.2-4.0 μm region taken using the SpeX instrument on the NASA IRTF in 2005. The observations cover Ceres’ entire longitude range and show evidence for a relatively uniform surface in terms of Ceres’ composition, however there is a subtle but consistently shallower band depth over longitudes associated with bright regions in HST maps, suggesting those areas are slightly less carbonate- and brucite-rich. We also find Ceres’ beaming parameter, a measure of its thermal properties, to have changed with its viewing aspect.  相似文献   

The thermal histories of two geologically active satellites of Saturn—Titan and Enceladus—are discussed. During the Cassini mission, it was found that there are both nitrogen-containing compounds—NH3 and N2-and CO2 and CH4 in the water plumes of Enceladus; at that, ammonia is the prevailing form. This may testify that during evolution, the material of the satellite was warmed up to T ∼ 500–600 K, when NH3 (the form of nitrogen capable of being accreted) could only be partly converted into N2. Contrary to Enceladus, the temperature inside Titan probably reached values higher than 800 K or even higher than 1000 K, since the process of the chemical dissociation of ammonia was completely finished on this satellite and its atmosphere contains only molecular nitrogen. While the internal heating of Titan up to high temperatures can be explained by its large mass, the heating source for Enceladus’ interior is far from evident. Such traditional heating sources as the energy of gravitational differentiation and the radiogenic heating due to shortliving 26Al and 60Fe could not be effective. The first one is because of the small size of Enceladus (RE ≈ 250 km), and the inefficiency of the second one is caused by the fact that the satellite was formed not earlier than 8–10 Myr after the formation of calcium and aluminum-enriched inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites (CAI), i.e., after 26Al had completely decayed. In the present paper, we propose other heating mechanisms-the heat of long-living radioactive elements and tidal heat, which could provide the observed chemical composition of the water plumes of Enceladus rather than only the differentiation of its protomatter into the ironstone core and the ice mantle.  相似文献   

After molecular nitrogen, methane is the most abundant species in Titan’s atmosphere and plays a major role in its energy budget and its chemistry. Methane has strong bands at 3.3 μm emitting mainly at daytime after absorption of solar radiation. This emission is strongly affected by non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) in Titan’s upper atmosphere and, hence, an accurate modeling of the non-LTE populations of the emitting vibrational levels is necessary for its analysis. We present a sophisticated and extensive non-LTE model which considers 22 CH4 levels and takes into account all known excitation mechanisms in which they take part. Solar absorption is the major excitation process controlling the population of the v3-quanta levels above 1000 km whereas the distribution of the vibrational energy within levels of similar energy through collisions with N2 is also of importance below that altitude. CH4-CH4 vibrational exchange of v4-quanta affects their population below 500 km. We found that the ν3 → ground band dominates Titan’s 3.3 μm daytime limb radiance above 750 km whereas the ν3 + ν4 → ν4 band does below that altitude and down to 300 km. The ν3 + ν2 → ν2, the 2ν3 → ν3, and the 13CH4ν3 → ground bands each contribute from 5% to 8% at regions below 800 km. The ν3 + 2ν4 → 2ν4and ν2 + ν3 + ν4 → ν2 + ν4 bands each contribute from 2% to 5% below 650 km. Contributions from other CH4 bands are negligible. We have used the non-LTE model to retrieve the CH4 abundance from 500 to 1100 km in the southern hemisphere from Cassini-VIMS daytime measurements near 3.3 μm. Our retrievals show good agreement with previous measurements and model results, supporting a weak deviation from well mixed values from the lower atmosphere up to 1000 km.  相似文献   

We obtained time-resolved, near-infrared spectra of Io during the 60-90 min following its reappearance from eclipse by Jupiter on five occasions in 2004. The purpose was to search for spectral changes, particularly in the well-known SO2 frost absorption bands, that would indicate surface-atmosphere exchange of gaseous SO2 induced by temperature changes during eclipse. These observations were a follow-on to eclipse spectroscopy observations in which Bellucci et al. [Bellucci et al., 2004. Icarus 172, 141-148] reported significant changes in the strengths of two strong SO2 bands in data acquired with the VIMS instrument aboard the Cassini spacecraft. One of the bands (4.07 μm [ν1 + ν3]) observed by Bellucci et al. is visible from ground-based observatories and is included in our data. We detected no changes in Io’s spectrum at any of the five observed events during the approximately 60-90 min during which spectra were obtained following Io’s emergence from Jupiter’s shadow. The areas of the three strongest SO2 bands in the region 3.5-4.15 μm were measured for each spectrum; the variation of the band areas with time does not exceed that which can be explained by the Io’s few degrees of axial rotation during the intervals of observation, and in no case does the change in band strength approach that seen in the Cassini VIMS data. Our data are of sufficient quality and resolution to show the weak 2.198 μm (4549.6 cm−1) 4ν1 band of SO2 frost on Io for what we believe is the first time. At one of the events (June 22, 2004), we began the acquisition of spectra ∼6 min before Io reappeared from Jupiter’s shadow, during which time it was detected through its own thermal emission. No SO2 bands were superimposed on the purely thermal spectrum on this occasion, suggesting that the upper limit to condensed SO2 in the vertical column above Io’s surface was ∼4 × 10−5 g cm−2.  相似文献   

We have performed an analysis of ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) observations of Titan at 2 μm. The data were acquired with the Nasmyth Adaptative Optics System Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph (NAOS/CONICA), on the 16th of January 2005, that is 2 days after the landing of the Huygens probe (Hirtzig et al., 2007). The data consist in 21 spectra taken along two diameters of Titan’s disk at wavelengths between 2.03 and 2.5 μm. This range covers a part of the 2 μm methane window and the adjacent band. The data received a preliminary analysis in a recent paper (Negrão et al., 2007), essentially focused on the surface albedo near Huygens landing site. In this work, we perform an in-depth analysis to retrieve information about several aspects: the latitude haze distribution in the stratosphere and in the low atmosphere, the latitudinal variation of the surface albedo and its spectral behaviour. Also, this analysis allowed us to make sensitivity tests on the influence of the scatterer profiles on the retrieved surface albedo and its spectral slope. The news analysis confirms that, as was the case with VIMS observations at the same epoch, the Northern (currently winter) Hemisphere contains more haze than the southern one (Summer Hemisphere). The sensitivity tests show that the scatterer profiles have just a little impact on the surface albedo and its spectral slope. The analysis seems to confirm the presence of H2O and CH4 ices.  相似文献   

Three weeks prior to the commencement of Cassini's 4 year tour of the saturnian system, the spacecraft executed a close flyby of the outer satellite Phoebe. The infrared channel of the Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) obtained images of reflected light over the 0.83-5.1 μm spectral range with an average spectral resolution of 16.5 nm, spatial resolution up to 2 km, and over a range of solar phase angles not observed before. These images have been analyzed to derive fundamental photometric parameters including the phase curve and phase integral, spectral geometric albedo, bolometric Bond albedo, and the single scattering albedo. Physical properties of the surface, including macroscopic roughness and the single particle phase function, have also been characterized. Maps of normal reflectance show the existence of two major albedo regimes in the infrared, with gradations between the two regimes and much terrain with substantially higher albedos. The phase integral of Phoebe is 0.29±0.03, with no significant wavelength dependence. The bolometric Bond albedo is 0.023±007. We find that the surface of Phoebe is rough, with a mean slope angle of 33°. The satellite's surface has a substantial forward scattering component, suggesting that its surface is dusty, perhaps from a history of outgassing. The spectrum of Phoebe is best matched by a composition including water ice, amorphous carbon, iron-bearing minerals, carbon dioxide, and Triton tholin. The characteristics of Phoebe suggest that it originated outside the saturnian system, perhaps in the Kuiper Belt, and was captured on its journey inward, as suggested by Johnson and Lunine (2005).  相似文献   

Lucy F. Lim  Joshua P. Emery 《Icarus》2011,213(2):510-523
We present the thermal infrared (5-35 μm) spectrum of 956 Elisa as measured by the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (“IRS”; Houck, J.R. et al. [2004]. Astrophys. J. Suppl. 154, 18-24) together with new groundbased lightcurve data and near-IR spectra. From the visible lightcurve photometry, we determine a rotation period of 16.494 ± 0.001 h, identify the rotational phase of the Spitzer observations, and estimate the visible absolute magnitude (HV) at that rotational phase to be 12.58 ± 0.04. From radiometric analysis of the thermal flux spectrum, we find that at the time of observation 956 Elisa had a projected radius of 5.3 ± 0.4 km with a visible albedo pV = 0.142 ± 0.022, significantly lower than that of the prototype V-type asteroid, 4 Vesta. (This corresponds to a radius of 5.2 ± 0.4 km at lightcurve mean.) Analysis with the standard thermal model (STM) results in a sub-solar temperature of 292.3 ±  2.8 K and beaming parameter η = 1.16 ± 0.05. Thermophysical modeling places a lower limit of on the thermal inertia of the asteroid’s surface layer (if the surface is very smooth) but more likely values fall between 30 and depending on the sense of rotation.The emissivity spectrum, calculated by dividing the measured thermal flux spectrum by the modeled thermal continuum, exhibits mineralogically interpretable spectral features within the 9-12 μm reststrahlen band, the 15-16.5 μm Si-O-Si stretching region, and the 16-25 μm reststrahlen region that are consistent with pyroxene of diogenitic composition: extant diogenitic pyroxenes fall within the narrow compositional range Wo2±1En74±2Fs24±1. Spectral deconvolution of the 9-12 μm reststrahlen features indicates that up to ≈20% olivine may also be present, suggesting an olivine-diogenite-like mineralogy. The mid-IR spectrum is inconsistent with non-cumulate eucrite as the major component on the surface of 956 Elisa, although cumulate eucrite material may be present at abundances lower than that of the diogenite component.Analysis of new near-IR spectra of 956 Elisa with the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM; Sunshine, J.M., Pieters, C.M., Pratt, S.F. [1990]. J. Geophys. Res. 95 (May), 6955-6966) results in two pyroxene compositions: 75% magnesian low-Ca pyroxene and 25% high-Ca pyroxene. High-Ca pyroxene is not evident in the mid-IR data, but may belong to a component that is underrepresented in the mid-IR spectrum either because of its spatial distribution on the asteroid or because of its particle size. High-Ca pyroxenes that occur as exsolution lamellae may also be more evident spectrally in the NIR than in the mid-IR. In any case, we find that the mid-IR spectrum of 956 Elisa is dominated by emission from material of diogenite-like composition, which has very rarely been observed among asteroids.  相似文献   

The origin and nature of the early atmosphere of Mars is still debated. The discovery of sulfate deposits on the surface, coupled with the evidence that there are not large abundances of carbonates detectable on Mars in the optically accessible part of the regolith, leaves open different paleoclimatic evolutionary pathways. Even if carbonates are responsible for the feature observed by TES and Mini-TES at 6.76 μm, alternative hypotheses suggest that it could be due to the presence of Hydrated Iron Sulfates (HIS). Carbonates can be discerned from HIS by investigating the spectral region in which a strong overtone carbonate band is present. The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer on board the Mars Express spacecraft has acquired several thousand martian spectra in the range 1.2-45 μm since January 2004, most of which show a weak absorption feature between 3.8 and 4 μm. A similar feature was observed previously from the Earth, but its origin could not be straightforwardly ascribed to surface materials, and specifically to carbonates. Here we show the surficial nature of this band that can be ascribed to carbonate mixed with the martian soil materials. The materials that best reproduce the detected feature are Mg-rich carbonates (huntite [CaMg3(CO3)4] and/or magnesite [MgCO3]). The presence of carbonates is demonstrated in both bright and dark martian regions. An evaluation of the likeliest abundance gives an upper limit of ∼10 wt%. The widespread distribution of carbonates supports scenarios that suggest carbonate formation occurred not by precipitation in a water-rich environment but by weathering processes.  相似文献   

David E. Dunn  Imke de Pater 《Icarus》2010,208(2):927-937
We present a Monte Carlo model of the uranian rings, and compare this model to images of the system obtained with the Keck adaptive optics system in July 2004, at a wavelength of 2.2 μm (from de Pater et al. (de Pater, I., Gibbard, S.G., Hammel, H.B. [2006a]. Icarus 180, 186-200)). We confirm the presence of the ζ ring, but show that this ring must extend inwards much further than previously thought, although with an optical depth much lower than that in the main ζ ring component. We further confirm dust rings between rings α-4 and β-α, as well as near the λ ring. In addition, we show that a broad sheet of faint material (τ0 ∼ 10−3) must be present through most of the ring region, from the α ring through the λ ring.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.M. Fry 《Icarus》2010,210(1):230-257
The Cassini flyby of Jupiter in 2000 provided spatially resolved spectra of Jupiter’s atmosphere using the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). A prominent characteristic of these spectra is the presence of a strong absorption at wavelengths from about 2.9 μm to 3.1 μm, previously noticed in a 3-μm spectrum obtained by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) in 1996. While Brooke et al. (Brooke, T.Y., Knacke, R.F., Encrenaz, T., Drossart, P., Crisp, D., Feuchtgruber, H. [1998]. Icarus 136, 1-13) were able to fit the ISO spectrum very well using ammonia ice as the sole source of particulate absorption, Sromovsky and Fry (Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M. [2010]. Icarus 210, 211-229), using significantly revised NH3 gas absorption models, showed that ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH) provided a better fit to the ISO spectrum than NH3, but that the best fit was obtained when both NH3 and NH4SH were present in the clouds. Although the large FOV of the ISO instrument precluded identification of the spatial distribution of these two components, the VIMS spectra at low and intermediate phase angles show that 3-μm absorption is present in zones and belts, in every region investigated, and both low- and high-opacity samples are best fit with a combination of NH4SH and NH3 particles at all locations. The best fits are obtained with a layer of small ammonia-coated particles (r ∼ 0.3 μm) overlying but often close to an optically thicker but still modest layer of much larger NH4SH particles (r ∼ 10 μm), with a deeper optically thicker layer, which might also be composed of NH4SH. Although these fits put NH3 ice at pressures less than 500 mb, this is not inconsistent with the lack of prominent NH3 features in Jupiter’s longwave spectrum because the reflectivity of the core particles strongly suppresses the NH3 absorption features, at both near-IR and thermal wavelengths. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn lacks the broad 3-μm absorption feature, but does exhibit a small absorption near 2.965 μm, which resembles a similar jovian feature and suggests that both planets contain upper tropospheric clouds of sub-micron particles containing ammonia as a minor fraction.  相似文献   

T Tauri stars are young stars usually surrounded by dusty disks similar to the one from which we believe our own Solar System formed. Most T Tauri stars exhibit a broad emission or absorption band between 7.5 and 13.5µm which is attributed to silicate grains in the circumstellar environment. We imaged three spatially resolved T Tauri binaries through a set of broadband filters which include the spectral region occupied by the silicate band. Two of these objects (T Tauri and Haro 6–10) are infrared companion systems in which one component is optically much fainter but contributes strongly in the infrared. Both infrared companions exhibit a deep silicate absorption which is not present in their primaries, indicating that they suffer very strong local extinction which may be due to an edge-on circumstellar disk or to a dense shell. We also took low resolution spectra of the silicate feature of two unresolved T Tauris to look for narrow features in the silicate band which would indicate the presence of specific minerals such as olivine. We observed GK Tau, for which Cohen and Witteborn (1985) reported a narrow emission feature at 9.7µm, but do not find evidence for this feature, and conclude that it is either time-dependent or an artifact of absorption by telluric ozone.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The lunar photometric function, which describes the dependency of the observed radiance on the observation geometry, is used for photometric correction of lunar visible/near-infrared data. A precise photometric correction parameter set is crucial for many applications including mineral identification and reflectance map mosaics. We present, for the first time, spectrally continuous photometric correction parameters for both sides of the Moon for wavelengths in the range 0.5-1.6 μm and solar phase angles between 5° and 85°, derived from Kaguya (SELENE) Spectral Profiler (SP) data. Since the measured radiance also depends on the surface albedo, we developed a statistical method for selecting areas with relatively uniform albedos from a nearly 7000-orbit SP data set. Using the selected data set, we obtained empirical photometric correction parameter sets for three albedo groups (high, medium, and low). We did this because the photometric function depends on the albedo, especially at phase angles below about 20° for which the shadow hiding opposition effect is appreciable. We determined the parameters in 160 bands and discovered a small variation in the opposition effect due to the albedo variation of mafic mineral absorption. The consistency of the photometric correction was checked by comparing observations made at different times of the same area on the lunar surface. Variations in the spectra obtained were lower than 2%, except for the large phase angle data in mare. Lastly, we developed a correction method for low solar elevation data, which is required for high latitude regions. By investigating low solar elevation data, we introduced an additional correction method. We used the new photometric correction to generate a 1° mesh global lunar reflectance map cube in a wavelength range of 0.5-1.6 μm. Surprisingly, these maps reveal that high latitude (?75°) regions in both the north and south have much lower spectral continuum slopes (color ratio r1547.7nm/r752.8nm ? 1.8) than the low and medium latitude regions, which implies lower degrees of space weathering.  相似文献   

Building upon previous studies, we re-investigated the ethane spectrum between 1330 and 1610 cm?1 by combining unapodized spectra obtained at room temperature with a Bruker Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) in Brussels and at 131 K with a Bruker FTS in Pasadena. The maximum optical path differences (MOPD) of the two datasets were 450 and 323.7 cm, corresponding to spectral resolutions of 0.0020 and 0.0028 cm?1, respectively. Of the 15,000 lines observed, over 4592 transitions were assigned to the ν6 (at 1379 cm?1), ν8 (at 1472 cm?1), ν412 (at 1481 cm?1) and 2ν49 (at 1388 cm?1) bands, and another 1044 transitions were located for the ν484 hot band (at 1472 cm?1). Our new analysis included an improved implementation of the Hamiltonian calculation needed to interpret the complex spectral structures caused by numerous interactions affecting these four modes of vibration. From these results, we created the first line-by-line database containing the molecular parameters for over 20,000 12C2H6 transitions at 7 μm.  相似文献   

The spectra of galactic infrared sources over the waveband 2.5–4 m provide clear evidence for an organic composition of interstellar grains.  相似文献   

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