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We present a model of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) rotational fission and ensuing dynamics that describes the creation of synchronous binaries and all other observed NEA systems including: doubly synchronous binaries, high-e binaries, ternary systems, and contact binaries. Our model only presupposes the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect, “rubble pile” asteroid geophysics, and gravitational interactions. The YORP effect torques a “rubble pile” asteroid until the asteroid reaches its fission spin limit and the components enter orbit about each other (Scheeres, D.J. [2007]. Icarus 189, 370-385). Non-spherical gravitational potentials couple the spin states to the orbit state and chaotically drive the system towards the observed asteroid classes along two evolutionary tracks primarily distinguished by mass ratio. Related to this is a new binary process termed secondary fission - the secondary asteroid of the binary system is rotationally accelerated via gravitational torques until it fissions, thus creating a chaotic ternary system. The initially chaotic binary can be stabilized to create a synchronous binary by components of the fissioned secondary asteroid impacting the primary asteroid, solar gravitational perturbations, and mutual body tides. These results emphasize the importance of the initial component size distribution and configuration within the parent asteroid. NEAs may go through multiple binary cycles and many YORP-induced rotational fissions during their approximately 10 Myr lifetime in the inner Solar System. Rotational fission and the ensuing dynamics are responsible for all NEA systems including the most commonly observed synchronous binaries.  相似文献   

We examine the shape of a “rubble pile” asteroid as it slowly gains angular momentum by YORP torque, to the point where “landsliding” occurs. We find that it evolves to a “top” shape with constant angle of repose from the equator up to mid-latitude, closely resembling the shapes of several nearly critically spinning asteroids imaged by radar, most notably (66391) 1999 KW4 [Ostro, S.J., Margot, J.-L., Benner, L.A.M., Giorgini, J.D., Scheeres, D.J., Fahnestock, E.G., Broschart, S.B., Bellerose, J., Nolan, M.C., Magri, C., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Rose, R., Jurgens, R.F., De Jong, E.M., Suzuki, S., 2006. Science 314, 1276-1280]. Similar calculations for non-spinning extremely prolate or oblate “rubble piles” show that even loose rubble can sustain shapes far from fluid equilibrium, thus inferences based on fluid equilibrium are generally useless for inferring bulk properties such as density of small bodies. We also investigate the tidal effects of a binary system with a “top shape” primary spinning at near the critical limit for stability. We find that very close to the stability limit, the tide from the secondary can actually levitate loose debris from the surface and re-deposit it, in a process we call “tidal saltation.” In the process, angular momentum is transferred from the primary spin to the satellite orbit, thus maintaining the equilibrium of near-critical spin as YORP continues to add angular momentum to the system. We note that this process is in fact dynamically related to the process of “shepherding” of narrow rings by neighboring satellites.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  Joseph A. Burns 《Icarus》2005,176(2):418-431
The Yarkovsky force, produced when thermal radiation is re-emitted asymmetrically, causes significant orbital evolution of asteroids in the 10 m-10 km size range. When acting on a non-spherical body, the momentum carried by this radiation generally produces a torque, called the YORP effect, which may be important in re-orienting asteroidal spins. Here we explore a related effect, the “binary YORP” (BYORP), that can modify the orbit of a synchronously rotating secondary in a binary system. It arises because a locked secondary is effectively an asymmetric appendage of the primary. It should be particularly important for Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) owing to their small sizes, proximity to the Sun, and benign collisional environment. To estimate BYORP's strength, we subjected 100 random Gaussian spheroids to the thermal radiation model of Rubincam (2000, Radiative spin-up and spin-down of small asteroids, Icarus, 148, 2-11). For most shapes, a significant torque arose on the secondary's orbit, typically modifying the orbit's size, eccentricity and inclination in less than 105 years, for components of 1 and 0.3 km radii, separated by 2 km, at 1 AU, each of density 1750 kg m−3. Together YORP and BYORP are capable of synchronizing secondaries and circularizing orbits, making tidal dissipation unnecessary to explain the evolved state of observed NEA pairs. However, BYORP's rapid timescale poses a problem for the abundance of observed NEA binaries, since their formation rate is thought to be much slower. We consider and reject the following resolutions of this quandary: (i) the approximation using Gaussian spheroids inadequately models YORP; (ii) most secondaries are not synchronous, but inhabit other spin-orbit resonances (very unlikely); (iii) tidal dissipation is much more efficient than previously estimated, and thus capable of stabilizing observed systems; and (iv) moderately close encounters with planets can re-orient secondaries, turning BYORP into a slower, random-walk process. Finally, we speculate that most observed binary NEAs are in a stable state in which the obliquity-changing torques of YORP (acting on the primary) and BYORP cancel out, and that those systems must be close to 55° inclination, where the momentum-changing torques of both YORP and BYORP tend to be very small. Some retrograde systems might develop such that the nodes precess at a Sun-synchronous rate, while some prograde ones might move into the “evection” resonance. All three of these hypotheses can be tested directly by comparison with the i, Ω and ? observed for NEA binaries.  相似文献   

A. Parker  ?. Ivezi?  R. Lupton  A. Kowalski 《Icarus》2008,198(1):138-155
Asteroid families, traditionally defined as clusters of objects in orbital parameter space, often have distinctive optical colors. We show that the separation of family members from background interlopers can be improved with the aid of SDSS colors as a qualifier for family membership. Based on an ∼88,000 object subset of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Moving Object Catalog 4 with available proper orbital elements, we define 37 statistically robust asteroid families with at least 100 members (12 families have over 1000 members) using a simple Gaussian distribution model in both orbital and color space. The interloper rejection rate based on colors is typically ∼10% for a given orbital family definition, with four families that can be reliably isolated only with the aid of colors. About 50% of all objects in this data set belong to families, and this fraction varies from about 35% for objects brighter than an H magnitude of 13 and rises to 60% for objects fainter than this. The fraction of C-type objects in families decreases with increasing H magnitude for H>13, while the fraction of S-type objects above this limit remains effectively constant. This suggests that S-type objects require a shorter timescale for equilibrating the background and family size distributions via collisional processing. The size distribution varies significantly among families, and is typically different from size distributions for background populations. The size distributions for 15 families display a well-defined change of slope and can be modeled as a “broken” double power-law. Such “broken” size distributions are twice as likely for S-type familes than for C-type families (73% vs. 36%), and are dominated by dynamically old families. The remaining families with size distributions that can be modeled as a single power law are dominated by young families (<1 Gyr). When size distribution requires a double power-law model, the two slopes are correlated and are steeper for S-type families. No such slope-color correlation is discernible for families whose size distribution follows a single power law. For several very populous families, we find that the size distribution varies with the distance from the core in orbital-color space, such that small objects are more prevalent in the family outskirts. This “size sorting” is consistent with predictions based on the Yarkovsky effect.  相似文献   

NASA’s Dawn mission observed a great variety of colored terrains on asteroid (4) Vesta during its survey with the Framing Camera (FC). Here we present a detailed study of the orange material on Vesta, which was first observed in color ratio images obtained by the FC and presents a red spectral slope. The orange material deposits can be classified into three types: (a) diffuse ejecta deposited by recent medium-size impact craters (such as Oppia), (b) lobate patches with well-defined edges (nicknamed “pumpkin patches”), and (c) ejecta rays from fresh-looking impact craters. The location of the orange diffuse ejecta from Oppia corresponds to the olivine spot nicknamed “Leslie feature” first identified by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157) from ground-based spectral observations. The distribution of the orange material in the FC mosaic is concentrated on the equatorial region and almost exclusively outside the Rheasilvia basin. Our in-depth analysis of the composition of this material uses complementary observations from FC, the visible and infrared spectrometer (VIR), and the Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND). Several possible options for the composition of the orange material are investigated including, cumulate eucrite layer exposed during impact, metal delivered by impactor, olivine–orthopyroxene mixture and impact melt. Based on our analysis, the orange material on Vesta is unlikely to be metal or olivine (originally proposed by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157)). Analysis of the elemental composition of Oppia ejecta blanket with GRaND suggests that its orange material has ∼25% cumulate eucrite component in a howarditic mixture, whereas two other craters with orange material in their ejecta, Octavia and Arruntia, show no sign of cumulate eucrites. Morphology and topography of the orange material in Oppia and Octavia ejecta and orange patches suggests an impact melt origin. A majority of the orange patches appear to be related to the formation of the Rheasilvia basin. Combining the interpretations from the topography, geomorphology, color and spectral parameters, and elemental abundances, the most probable analog for the orange material on Vesta is impact melt.  相似文献   

D.J. Scheeres 《Icarus》2007,188(2):430-450
A detailed derivation is given of the effect of solar radiation on the rotational dynamics of asteroids, commonly called the YORP effect. The current derivation goes beyond previous discussions published in the literature and provides a comprehensive secular dynamical analysis of the effect of solar radiation torques acting on a uniformly rotating body, and the evolution of its rotation state over time. Our predicted model has the global radiation properties of the asteroid as explicit parameters, and hence can be specified independent of these parameters. The resulting secular equations for the rotation rate and rotation pole are characterized by three parameters of the body's shape and explicitly includes the effect of thermal inertia on the evolution of these rotation state parameters. With this detailed model, in conjunction with estimated asteroid shapes and poles, we compute the expected YORP torques and dynamic response of several asteroids and the change in rotation rate for specific shapes as a function of obliquity. Finally, we define a convenient dimensionless parameter that is only a function of the body geometry and that can be used to characterize the effects of YORP.  相似文献   

Ishan Sharma 《Icarus》2010,205(2):638-657
Binaries are in vogue; many minor-planets like asteroids are being found to be binary or contact-binary systems. Even ternaries like 87 Sylvia have been discovered. The densities of these binaries are often estimated to be very low, and this, along with suspected accretionary origins, hints at a rubble interior. As in the case of fluid objects, a rubble-pile is unable to sustain all manners of spin, self-gravitation, and tidal interactions. This motivates the present study of the possible ellipsoidal shapes and mutual separations that members of a rubble-pile binary system may achieve. Conversely, knowledge of a granular binary’s shape and separation will constrain its internal structure - the ability of the binary’s members to sustain elongated shapes and/or maintain contact will hint at appreciable internal frictional strength. Because the binary’s members are allowed to be of comparable mass, the present investigation constitutes an extension of the second classical Darwin problem to granular aggregates.General equations defining the ellipsoidal rubble-pile binary system’s equilibrium are developed. These are then specialized to a pair of spin-locked, possibly unequal, prolate ellipsoidal granular aggregates aligned along their long axes. We observe that contact rubble-pile binaries can indeed exist. Further, depending on the binary’s geometry, an equilibrium contact binary’s members may, in fact, disrupt if separated. These results are applied to four suspected or known binaries: 216 Kleopatra, 25143 Itokawa, 624 Hektor and 90 Antiope. This exercise helps to bound the shapes and/or provide information about the interiors of these binaries.The binary’s interior will be modeled as a rigid-plastic, cohesionless material with a Drucker-Prager yield criterion. This rheology is a reasonable first model for rubble piles. We employ an approximate volume-averaging procedure that is based on the classical method of moments, and is an extension of the virial method (Chandrasekhar, S., 1969. Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT) to granular solid bodies. The present approach also helps us present an incrementally consistent approach to investigate the equilibrium shapes of fluid binaries, while highlighting the inconsistencies and errors inherent in the popular “Roche binary approximation”.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of asteroid spin states is challenging work, in part because asteroids have a variety of orbits, shapes, spin states, and collisional histories but also because they are strongly influenced by gravitational and non-gravitational (YORP) torques. Using efficient numerical models designed to investigate asteroid orbit and spin dynamics, we study here how several individual asteroids have had their spin states modified over time in response to these torques (i.e., 951 Gaspra, 60 Echo, 32 Pomona, 230 Athamantis, 105 Artemis). These test cases which sample semimajor axis and inclination space in the inner main belt, were chosen as probes into the large parameter space described above. The ultimate goal is to use these data to statistically characterize how all asteroids in the main belt population have reached their present-day spin states. We found that the spin dynamics of prograde-rotating asteroids in the inner main belt is generally less regular than that of the retrograde-rotating ones because of numerous overlapping secular spin-orbit resonances. These resonances strongly affect the spin histories of all bodies, while those of small asteroids (?40 km) are additionally influenced by YORP torques. In most cases, gravitational and non-gravitational torques cause asteroid spin axis orientations to vary widely over short (?1 My) timescales. Our results show that (951) Gaspra has a highly chaotic rotation state induced by an overlap of the s and s6 spin-orbit resonances. This hinders our ability to investigate its past evolution and infer whether thermal torques have acted on Gaspra's spin axis since its origin.  相似文献   

We present reflectance spectra from 0.4 to 2.4 μm of Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36, the target of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft mission. The visible spectral data were obtained at the McDonald Observatory 2.1-m telescope with the ES2 spectrograph. The infrared spectral data were obtained at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility using the SpeX instrument. The average visible spectrum is combined with the average near-infrared wavelength spectrum to form a composite spectrum. We use three methods to constrain the compositional information in the composite spectrum of Asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 (hereafter RQ36). First, we perform a least-squares search for meteorite spectral analogs using 15,000 spectra from the RELAB database. Three most likely meteorite analogs are proposed based on the least-squares search. Next, six spectral parameters are measured for RQ36 and their values are compared with the ranges in parameter values of the carbonaceous chondrite meteorite classes. A most likely meteorite analog group is proposed based on the depth of overlap in parameter values. The results of the least-squares search and the parametric comparisons point to CIs and/or CMs as the most likely meteorite analogs for RQ36, and COs and CHs as the least likely. RQ36 has a spectrally “blue” continuum slope that is also observed in carbonaceous chondrites containing magnetite. We speculate that RQ36 is composed of a “CM1”-like material. Finally, we compare RQ36 to other B-type asteroids measured by Clark et al. (Clark, B.E. et al. [2010]. J. Geophys. Res. 115, E06005). The results of this comparison are inconclusive. RQ36 is comparable to Themis spectral properties in terms of its albedo, visible spectrum, and near-infrared spectrum from 1.1 to 1.45 μm. However, RQ36 is more similar to Pallas in terms of its near-infrared spectrum from 1.6 to 2.3 μm. Thus it is possible that B-type asteroids form a spectral continuum and that RQ36 is a transitional object, spectrally intermediate between the two end-members. This is particularly interesting because Asteroid 24 Themis was recently discovered to have H2O ice on the surface (Rivkin, A., Emery, J. [2010]. Nature 464, 1322–1323; Campins, H. et al. [2010a]. Nature 464, 1320–1321).  相似文献   

We recorded 101 new rotation lightcurves of five Koronis family members, and then combined the new observations with previous data to determine the objects' sidereal rotation periods, spin vector orientations, and model shape solutions. The observing program was tailored specifically for spin vector analyses by determining single-apparition Lumme–Bowell solar phase coefficients, and by measuring synodic rotation periods precisely enough to unambiguously count the rotations between two consecutive oppositions, which is a prerequisite for identifying the correct sidereal period. The new data make possible first pole and shape determinations for (263) Dresda, (462) Eriphyla, and (1289) Kutaïssi, and they improve the models for (277) Elvira and (534) Nassovia, two objects previously studied by Slivan et al. [Slivan, S.M., Binzel, R.P., Crespo da Silva, L.D., Kaasalainen, M., Lyndaker, M.M., Kr?o, M., 2003. Icarus 162, 285–307]. Our results increase the number of Koronis family spin vectors reported in the literature to fourteen, a sample which now includes the seven largest family members. The spin properties of Eriphyla (rotation period , spin vector obliquity ε=51°) and Kutaïssi (P=3.62 h, ε=165°) are consistent with the markedly nonrandom distribution reported by Slivan [Slivan, S.M., 2002. Nature 419, 49–51], and explained by Vokrouhlický et al. [Vokrouhlický, D., Nesvorný, D., Bottke, W.F., 2003. Nature 425, 147–151] as the result of the effects of thermal “YORP” torques combined with solar and planetary gravitational torques. Dresda (P=16.81 h, ε=16°) is the first prograde Koronis member whose spin obliquity and spin rate significantly differ from the clustered spin properties previously found for other prograde Koronis members; nevertheless, its spin vector is consistent with several of the spin evolution possibilities that were identified in the YORP modeling.  相似文献   

Thomas S. Statler 《Icarus》2009,202(2):502-513
Radiation recoil (YORP) torques are shown to be extremely sensitive to small-scale surface topography, using numerical simulations. Starting from a set of “base objects” representative of the near-Earth object population, random realizations of three types of small-scale topography are added: Gaussian surface fluctuations, craters, and boulders. For each, the expected relative errors in the spin and obliquity components of the YORP torque caused by the observationally unresolved small-scale topography are computed. Gaussian power, at angular scales below an observational limit, produces expected errors of order 100% if observations constrain the surface to a spherical harmonic order l?10. For errors under 10%, the surface must be constrained to at least l=20. A single crater with diameter roughly half the object's mean radius, placed at random locations, results in expected errors of several tens of percent. The errors scale with crater diameter D as D2 for D>0.3 and as D3 for D<0.3 mean radii. Objects that are identical except for the location of a single large crater can differ by factors of several in YORP torque, while being photometrically indistinguishable at the level of hundredths of a magnitude. Boulders placed randomly on identical base objects create torque errors roughly 3 times larger than do craters of the same diameter, with errors scaling as the square of the boulder diameter. A single boulder comparable to Yoshinodai on 25143 Itokawa, moved by as little as twice its own diameter, can alter the magnitude of the torque by factors of several, and change the sign of its spin component at all obliquities. Most of the total torque error produced by multiple unresolved craters is contributed by the handful of largest craters; but both large and small boulders contribute comparably to the total boulder-induced error. A YORP torque prediction derived from groundbased data can be expected to be in error by of order 100% due to unresolved topography. Small surface changes caused by slow spin-up or spin-down may have significant stochastic effects on the spin evolution of small bodies. For rotation periods between roughly 2 and 10 h, these unpredictable changes may reverse the sign of the YORP torque. Objects in this spin regime may random-walk up and down in spin rate before the rubble-pile limit is exceeded and fissioning or loss of surface objects occurs. Similar behavior may be expected at rotation rates approaching the limiting values for tensile-strength dominated objects.  相似文献   

We compare 13 near-infrared (0.8-2.4 μm) spectra of two low albedo C complex outer-belt asteroid families: Themis and Veritas. The disruption ages of these two families lie at opposite extremes: 2.5 ± 1.0 Gyr and 8.7 ± 1.7 Myr, respectively. We found striking differences between the two families, which show a range of spectral shapes and slopes. The seven Themis family members (older surfaces) have “red” (positive) slopes in the 1.6-2.4 μm region; in contrast, the six Veritas members (younger surfaces) have significantly “flatter” slopes at these same wavelengths. Moreover, the two families are characterized by different concavity at shorter (1.0-1.5 μm) wavelengths with the Themis group being consistently flat or concave up (smile) and the Veritas group being consistently concave down (frown). Each family contains a broad range of diameters, suggesting our results are not due to comparisons of asteroids of different sizes. The statistically significant clustering of the two spectral groups could be explained by one of the following three possibilities or a combination of them: (1) space weathering effects, (2) differences in original composition, or (3) differences in thermal history perhaps as a result of the difference in parent body sizes. As a result of our analyses, we propose a new method to quantify broad and shallow structures in the spectra of primitive asteroids. We found reasonable matches between the observed asteroids and individual carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Because these meteoritic fits represent fresh surfaces, space weathering is neither necessary nor ruled out as an explanation of spectral differences between families. The six Veritas family near-infrared (NIR) spectra represent the first NIR analysis of this family, thus significantly increasing our understanding of this family over these wavelengths.  相似文献   

David A. Minton 《Icarus》2008,195(2):698-704
Rubble pile asteroids can attain shapes that are dramatically different from those of rotating, self-gravitating equilibrium fluids. A new numerical technique, called “seed growth,” is demonstrated for calculating three-dimensional bodies that are self-gravitating and rotating, and whose every surface is approximately at a constant angle, ?, with respect to the local horizontal. By altering the configuration of cusps, which are points along a constant longitude path where the surface angle changes sign but not magnitude, multiple solution shapes that satisfy the condition that all surface slopes are at a constant angle are possible. Five different cusp configurations are explored here, three of which yield solutions for 20°???30°. Rotational effects are explored, and it is found that for some solution shapes, the ratios of their shortest to longest dimensions, c/a, can fall outside the limits published in the literature for rotating, cohesionless, spheroidal bodies. Solution shapes show some similarities to observed small bodies, such as the saturnian satellite Atlas, the near-Earth Asteroid 1999 KW4, and some contact binary asteroids.  相似文献   

Near-infrared and mid-infrared observations of the site of the 2009 July 19 impact of an unknown object with Jupiter were obtained within days of the event. The observations were used to assess the properties of a particulate debris field, elevated temperatures, and the extent of ammonia gas redistributed from the troposphere into Jupiter’s stratosphere. The impact strongly influenced the atmosphere in a central region, as well as having weaker effects in a separate field to its west, similar to the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impact sites in 1994. Temperatures were elevated by as much as 6 K at pressures of about 50-70 mbar in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere near the center of the impact site, but no changes above the noise level (1 K) were observed in the upper stratosphere at atmospheric pressures less than ∼1 mbar. The impact transported at least ∼2 × 1015 g of gas from the troposphere to the stratosphere, an amount less than derived for the SL9 C fragment impact. From thermal heating and mass-transport considerations, the diameter of the impactor was roughly in the range of 200-500 m, assuming a mean density of 2.5 g/cm3. Models with temperature perturbations and ammonia redistribution alone are unable to fit the observed thermal emission; non-gray emission from particulate emission is needed. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of material delivered by the impacting body implies that, in addition to a silicate component, it contains a strong signature that is consistent with silica, distinguishing it from SL9, which contained no evidence for silica. Because no comet has a significant abundance of silica, this result is more consistent with a “rocky” or “asteroidal” origin for the impactor than an “icy” or “cometary” one. This is surprising because the only objects generally considered likely to collide with Jupiter and its satellites are Jupiter-Family Comets, whose populations appear to be orders of magnitude larger than the Jupiter-encountering asteroids. Nonetheless, our conclusion that there is good evidence for at least a major asteroidal component of the impactor composition is also consistent both with constraints on the geometry of the impactor and with results of contemporaneous Hubble Space Telescope observations. If the impact was not simply a statistical fluke, then our conclusion that the impactor contained more rocky material than was the case for the desiccated Comet SL9 implies a larger population of Jupiter-crossing asteroidal bodies than previously estimated, an asteroidal component within the Jupiter-Family Comet population, or compositional differentiation within these bodies.  相似文献   

Isotopic-geochemical investigations were carried out on peat samples from the 1908 Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) explosion area. We analyzed two peat columns from the Northern peat bog, sampled in 1998, and from the Raketka peat bog, sampled during the 1999 Italian expedition, both located near the epicenter of the TCB explosion area. At the depth of the “catastrophic” layer, formed in 1908, and deeper, one can observe shifts in the isotopic composition of nitrogen (up to Δ15N = +7.2‰) and carbon (up to Δ13C = +2‰) and also an increase in the nitrogen concentration compared to those in the normal, upper layers, unaffected by the Tunguska event. One possible explanation for these effects could be the presence of nitrogen and carbon from TCB material and from acid rains, following the TCB explosion, in the “catastrophic” and “precatastrophic” layers of peat. We found that the highest quantity of isotopically heavy nitrogen fell near the explosion epicenter and along the TCB trajectory. It is calculated that 200,000 tons of nitrogen fell over the area of devastated forest, i.e., only about 30% of the value calculated by Rasmussen et al. (1984). This discrepancy is probably caused by part of the nitrogen having dispersed in the Earth’s atmosphere. The isotopic effects observed in the peat agree with the results of previous investigations [Kolesnikov et al 1998a], [Kolesnikov et al 1998b], [Kolesnikov et al 1999] and [Rasmussen et al 1999] and also with the increased content of iridium and other platinoids found in the corresponding peat layers of other columns [Hou et al 1998] and [Hou et al 2000]. These data favor the hypothesis of a cosmochemical origin of the isotopic effects.  相似文献   

Lucy F. Lim  Larry R. Nittler 《Icarus》2009,200(1):129-146
We present a new calibration of the elemental-abundance data for Asteroid 433 Eros taken by the X-ray spectrometer (XRS) aboard the NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft. (NEAR is an acronym for “Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous.”) Quantification of the asteroid surface elemental abundance ratios depends critically on accurate knowledge of the incident solar X-ray spectrum, which was monitored simultaneously with asteroid observations. Previously published results suffered from incompletely characterized systematic uncertainties due to an imperfect ground calibration of the NEAR gas solar monitor. The solar monitor response function and associated uncertainties have now been characterized by cross-calibration of a large sample of NEAR solar monitor flight data against contemporary broadband solar X-ray data from the Earth-orbiting GOES-8 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite). The results have been used to analyze XRS spectra acquired from Eros during eight major solar flares (including three that have not previously been reported). The end product of this analysis is a revised set of Eros surface elemental abundance ratios with new error estimates that more accurately reflect the remaining uncertainties in the solar flare spectra: Mg/Si=0.753+0.078/−0.055, Al/Si=0.069±0.055, S/Si=0.005±0.008, Ca/Si=0.060+0.023/−0.024, and Fe/Si=1.678+0.338/−0.320. These revised abundance ratios are consistent within cited uncertainties with the results of Nittler et al. [Nittler, L.R., and 14 colleagues, 2001. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 36, 1673-1695] and thus support the prior conclusions that 433 Eros has a major-element composition similar to ordinary chondrites with the exception of a strong depletion in sulfur, most likely caused by space weathering.  相似文献   

Andreas Nathues 《Icarus》2010,208(1):252-275
Reflectance spectra in visible and near-infrared wavelengths of 97 nominal members of the Eunomia asteroid family have been obtained and analyzed. According to these investigations, 94% of the observed dynamic family members belong to the Tholen S-class, only 4% to the C-class and 2% to the M-class. The S-asteroids are believed to be “genetic” members of the Eunomia family and thus are fragments of 15 Eunomia. The fragments show different 1- and 2-μm absorption band characteristics, which are likely attributed to their place of origin within the parent body. The major volume fraction of the investigated members seems to originate from the “crust” of the parent body while the volume fraction of “mantle” material is less. Previous spectral investigations (Nathues, A., Mottola, S., Kaasalainen, M., Neukum, G. [2005], Icarus 175 (2), 452-463) of the family’s main body, 15 Eunomia, revealed variations of olivine and pyroxene on a hemispherical scale. These findings, together with the conclusion that the major mineral component of 15 Eunomia and its fragments is olivine, suggest that a large fraction of the original pyroxene-enriched crust layer has been lost due to a major collision that created the asteroid family. Significant spectral evidences consistent with high concentrations of metals have not been found in the rotational resolved spectra of 15 Eunomia and in its fragments. This led to the conclusion that either a core, which consists mainly of metals, does not exist or that an eventual one has not yet been unearthed by an impact. The absence of V-type asteroids, the low number of M-types among the dynamic family members and the lack of distinct feldspar absorption features in the S-asteroid spectra suggest that the parent body of the Eunomia family was partially differentiated rather than fully differentiated.  相似文献   

Pawe? Wajer 《Icarus》2010,209(2):488-493
We study the dynamical evolution of Asteroids (164207) 2004 GU9 and 2006 FV35, which are currently Earth quasi-satellites (QS). Our analysis is based on numerical computation of their orbits, and we also applied the theory of co-orbital motion developed in Wajer (Wajer, P. [2009]. Icarus 200, 147-153) to describe and analyze the objects’ dynamics. 2004 GU9 stays as an Earth QS for about a 1000 years. In the present epoch it is in the middle of its stay in this regime. After leaving the QS orbit near 2600 this asteroid will move inside the Earth’s co-orbital region on a regular horseshoe (HS) orbit for a few 1000 years. Later, either HS-QS or HS-P transitions are possible, where P means “passing”. Although 2004 GU9 moves primarily under the influence of the Sun and Earth, Venus plays a significant role in destabilizing the object’s orbit. Our analysis showed that the guiding center of 2006 FV35 moves deep inside the averaged potential well, and since the asteroid’s argument of perihelion precesses at a rate of approximately , it prevents the QS state begin left for a long period of time; consequently the asteroid has occupied this state for about 104 years and will stay in this orbit for about 800 more years. Near 2800 the asteroid’s close approach with Venus will cause it to exit the QS state, but probably it will still be moving inside the Earth’s co-orbital region and will experience transitions between HS, TP (tadpole) and P types of motion.  相似文献   

We have made near-IR spectral observations of the very young (5.75 Myr) S-type asteroid 832 Karin, well sampled in rotational phase over its 18.35-h period. We find no significant variations in its reflectance spectrum. Karin, the brightest member of the Karin cluster (a sub-family of the larger, older Koronis dynamical family), was shown to be exceptionally young by Nesvorný et al. [Nesvorný, D., Bottke, W.F., Dones, L., Levison, H., 2002. Nature 417, 720-722], using backward numerical integration of orbital elements of cluster members. Their precise dating of the collisional breakup gives us an opportunity, for the first time and without age-dating of physical samples, to monitor time-evolution of processes, like space weathering, that operate on timescales of ∼1-10 Myr. Sasaki et al. [Sasaki, T., Sasaki, S., Watanabe, J., Sekiguchi, T., Yoshida, F., Kawakita, H., Fuse, T., Takato, N., Dermawan, B., Ito, T., 2004. Astrophys. J. 615, L161-L164; Sasaki, T., Sasaki, S., Watanabe, J., Sekiguchi, T., Yoshida, F., Ito., T., Kawakita, H., Fuse, T., Takato, N., Dermawan, B., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVI. Abstract #1590] had made similar measurements of Karin, although more sparsely sampled than ours, and claimed dramatically different colors as a function of rotational phase. Sasaki et al. interpreted their data to be showing the reddish, space-weathered exterior surface of the precursor asteroid, as well as an interior face, which had not had time to become space-weathered. On five nights over 2006 January 7-14 UT, we observed Karin with the SpeX (0.8-2.5 μm) spectrometer of the IRTF. We analyze data in 30° intervals of rotational longitude, some of which we sampled on two different nights. The spectra are consistent with little or no spectral variation as the asteroid rotates; certainly there are no changes as large as previously reported. The previous observations were probably spurious. Our average spectrum resembles the “blue” spectrum of Sasaki et al., which they interpreted to be the “fresh” surface. Karin is not quite as red as typical S-types, yet has rather shallow absorption bands. We surmise that the space-weathering process affecting Karin has had time to reduce spectral contrast, but has not operated long enough to redden its spectrum—an intermediate case of space weathering, which has gone to completion for most main-belt asteroids. This work sets an important constraint on the timescale for the ubiquitous space-weathering process affecting S-types, namely that its effects are evident, but not yet complete, at ∼6 Myr.  相似文献   

We observed the near-Earth ASTEROID 2008 EV5 with the Arecibo and Goldstone planetary radars and the Very Long Baseline Array during December 2008. EV5 rotates retrograde and its overall shape is a 400 ± 50 m oblate spheroid. The most prominent surface feature is a ridge parallel to the asteroid’s equator that is broken by a concavity about 150 m in diameter. Otherwise the asteroid’s surface is notably smooth on decameter scales. EV5’s radar and optical albedos are consistent with either rocky or stony-iron composition. The equatorial ridge is similar to structure seen on the rubble-pile near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 and is consistent with YORP spin-up reconfiguring the asteroid in the past. We interpret the concavity as an impact crater. Shaking during the impact and later regolith redistribution may have erased smaller features, explaining the general lack of decameter-scale surface structure.  相似文献   

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