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An analysis of ion data from 390 Venus Express, VEX, orbits demonstrates that the flow of solar wind- and ionospheric ions near Venus is characterized by a marked asymmetry. The flow asymmetry of solar wind H+ and ionospheric O+ points steadily in the opposite direction to the planet’s orbital motion, and is most pronounced near the Pole and in the tail/nightside region. The flow asymmetry is consistent with aberration forcing, here defined as lateral forcing induced by the planet’s orbital motion. In addition to solar wind forcing by the radial solar wind expansion, Venus is also subject a lateral/aberration forcing induced by the planet’s orbital motion transverse to the solar wind flow.The ionospheric response to lateral solar wind forcing is analyzed from altitude profiles of the ion density, ion velocity and ion mass-flux. The close connection between decreasing solar wind H+ mass-flux and increasing ionospheric O+ mass-flux, is suggestive of a direct/local solar wind energy and momentum transfer to ionospheric plasma. The bulk O+ ion flow is accelerated to velocities less than 10 km/s inside the dayside/flank Ionopause, and up to 6000 km in the tail. Consequently, the bulk O+ outflow does not escape, but remains near Venus as a fast (km/s) O+ zonal wind in the Venus polar and nightside upper ionosphere. Furthermore, the total O+ mass-flux in the Venus induced magnetosphere, increases steadily downward to a maximum of 2 × 10−14 kg/(m2 s) at ≈400 km altitude, suggesting a downward transport of energy and momentum. The O+, and total mass-flux, decay rapidly below 400 km. With no other plasma mass-flux as replacement, we argue that the reduction of ion mass-flux is caused by ion-neutral drag, a transfer of ion energy and momentum to neutrals, implying that the O+ plasma wind is converted to a neutral (thermosphere) wind at Venus. Incidentally, such a neutral wind would go in the same direction as the Venus atmosphere superrotation.  相似文献   

Jane L. Fox 《Icarus》2011,216(2):625-639
We have modeled the near and post-terminator thermosphere/ionosphere of Venus with a view toward understanding the relative importance of EUV solar fluxes and downward fluxes of atomic ions transported from the dayside in producing the mean ionosphere. We have constructed one-dimensional thermosphere/ionosphere models for high solar activity for seven solar zenith angles (SZAs) in the dusk sector: 90°, 95°, 100°, 105°, 110°, 115° and 125°. For the first 4 SZAs, we determine the optical depths for solar fluxes from 3 Å to 1900 Å by integrating the neutral densities numerically along the slant path through the atmosphere. For SZAs of 90°, 95°, and 100°, we first model the ionospheres produced by absorption of the solar fluxes alone; for 95°, 100°, and 105° SZAs, we then model the ion density profiles that result from both the solar source and from imposing downward fluxes of atomic ions, including O+, Ar+, C+, N+, H+, and He+, at the top of the ionospheric model in the ratios determined for the upward fluxes in a previous study of the morphology of the dayside (60° SZA) Venus ionosphere. For SZAs of 110°, 115° and 125°, which are characterized by shadow heights above about 300 km, the models include only downward fluxes of ions. The magnitudes of the downward ion fluxes are constrained by the requirement that the model O+ peak density be equal to the average O+ peak density for each SZA bin as measured by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer. We find that the 90° and 95° SZA model ionospheres are robust for the solar source alone, but the O+ peak density in the “solar-only” 95° SZA model is somewhat smaller than the average value indicated by the data. A small downward flux of ions is therefore required to reproduce the measured average peak density of O+. We find that, on the nightside, the major ion density peaks do not occur at the altitudes of peak production, and diffusion plays a substantial role in determining the ion density profiles. The average downward atomic ion flux for the SZA range of 90–125° is determined to be about 1.2 × 108 cm−2 s−1.  相似文献   

Orbiter ion mass spectrometer measurements, as available in the UADS data files are used to study the response of dayside Venus ions at various altitudes to solar wind dynamic pressure, P sw. Ion densities below about 200 km are not affected by changes in P sw. At altitudes above 200 km the ions get abruptly depleted with increase in P sw, and this abrupt depletion occurs at lower altitudes when P sw is high. At lower P sw, the depletion occurs at higher altitudes. The effect is similar for all ions. These results are also compared with the empirical relationship observed by Brace et al. (1980) between the ionopause altitude and P sw from electron density measurements on orbiter electron temperature probe.  相似文献   

A comparison of global models for the solar wind interaction with Mars   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present initial results from the first community-wide effort to compare global plasma interaction model results for Mars. Seven modeling groups participated in this activity, using MHD, multi-fluid, and hybrid assumptions in their simulations. Moderate solar wind and solar EUV conditions were chosen, and the conditions were implemented in the models and run to steady state. Model output was compared in three ways to determine how pressure was partitioned and conserved in each model, the location and asymmetry of plasma boundaries and pathways for planetary ion escape, and the total escape flux of planetary oxygen ions. The two participating MHD models provided similar results, while the five sets of multi-fluid and hybrid results were different in many ways. All hybrid results, however, showed two main channels for oxygen ion escape (a pickup ion ‘plume’ in the hemisphere toward which the solar wind convection electric field is directed, and a channel in the opposite hemisphere of the central magnetotail), while the MHD models showed one (a roughly symmetric channel in the central magnetotail). Most models showed a transition from an upstream region dominated by plasma dynamic pressure to a magnetosheath region dominated by thermal pressure to a low altitude region dominated by magnetic pressure. However, calculated escape rates for a single ion species varied by roughly an order of magnitude for similar input conditions, suggesting that the uncertainties in both the current and integrated escape over martian history as determined by models are large. These uncertainties are in addition to those associated with the evolution of the Sun, the martian dynamo, and the early atmosphere, highlighting the challenges we face in constructing Mars’ past using models.  相似文献   

We have used more than 4 years of Mars Express ion data to estimate the escape of heavy ions ( and ) from Mars. To take the limited field of view of the instrument into account, the data has been binned into spatial bins and angular bins to create average distribution functions for different positions in the near Mars space. The net escape flux for the studied low solar activity period, between May 2007 and May 2011, is 2.0 ± 0.2 × 1024 s−1. The escape has been calculated independently for four different quadrants in the YMSO − ZMSO plane, south, dusk, north and dawn. Escape is highest from the northern and dusk quadrants, 0.6 ± 0.1 × 1024 s−1, and smallest from the south and dawn quadrants, 0.4 ± 0.1 × 1024 s−1. The flux ratio of molecular ( and ) to O+ ions is 0.9 ± 0.1, averaged over all quadrants. The flux difference between the north and south quadrants is statistically significant, and is presumed to be due to the presence of significant crustal magnetic fields in the southern hemisphere, reducing the outflow. The difference between the dawn and dusk quadrants is likely due to the magnetic tension associated with the nominal Parker angle spiral, which should lead to higher average magnetic tension on the dusk side. The escape increases during periods of high solar wind flux and during times when co-rotating interaction regions (CIR) affect Mars. In the latter case the increase is a factor 2.4-2.9 as compared to average conditions.  相似文献   

The neutral particle detector (NPD) on board Mars Express has observed energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from a broad region on the dayside of the martian upper atmosphere. We show one such example for which the observation was conducted at an altitude of 570 km, just above the induced magnetosphere boundary (IMB). The time of flight spectra of these ENAs show that they had energies of 0.2-2 keV/amu, with an average energy of ∼1.1 keV/amu. Both the spatial distribution and the energy of these ENAs are consistent with the backscattered ENAs, produced by an ENA albedo process. This is the first observation of backscattered ENAs from the martian upper atmosphere. The origin of these ENAs is considered to be the solar wind ENAs that are scattered back by collision processes in the martian upper atmosphere. The particle flux and energy flux of the backscattered ENAs are and , respectively.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectra of Venus and Mars at the NO fundamental band at 5.3 μm with resolving power ν/δν=76,000 were acquired using the TEXES spectrograph at NASA IRTF on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The observed spectrum of Venus covered three NO lines of the P-branch. One of the lines is strongly contaminated, and the other two lines reveal NO in the lower atmosphere at a detection level of 9 sigma. A simple photochemical model for NO and N at 50-112 km was coupled with a radiative transfer code to simulate the observed equivalent widths of the NO and some CO2 lines. The derived NO mixing ratio is 5.5±1.5 ppb below 60 km and its flux is . Predissociation of NO at the (0-0) 191 nm and (1-0) 183 nm bands of the δ-system and the reaction with N are the only important loss processes for NO in the lower atmosphere of Venus. The photochemical impact of the measured NO abundance is significant and should be taken into account in photochemical modeling of the Venus atmosphere. Lightning is the only known source of NO in the lower atmosphere of Venus, and the detection of NO is a convincing and independent proof of lightning on Venus. The required flux of NO is corrected for the production of NO and N by the cosmic ray ionization and corresponds to the lightning energy deposition of . For a flash energy on Venus similar to that on the Earth (∼109 J), the global flashing rate is ∼90 s−1 and ∼6 km−2 y−1 which is in reasonable agreement with the existing optical observations. The observed spectrum of Mars covered three NO lines of the R-branch. Two of these lines are contaminated by CO2 lines, and the line at 1900.076 cm−1 is clean and shows some excess over the continuum. Some photochemical reactions may result in a significant excitation of NO (v=1) in the lowest 20 km on Mars. However, quenching of NO (v=1) by CO2 is very effective below 40 km. Excitation of NO (v=1) in the collisions with atomic oxygen is weak because of the low temperature in the martian atmosphere, and we do not see any explanation of a possible emission of NO at 5.3 μm. Therefore the data are treated as the lack of absorption with a 2 sigma upper limit of 1.7 ppb to the NO abundance in the lower atmosphere of Mars. This limit is above the predictions of photochemical models by a factor of 3.  相似文献   

The ASPERA-4 instrument on board the Venus Express spacecraft offers for the first time the possibility to directly measure the emission of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the vicinity of Venus. When the spacecraft is inside the Venus shadow a distinct signal of hydrogen ENAs usually is detected. It is observed as a narrow tailward stream, coming from the dayside exosphere around the Sun direction. The intensity of the signal reaches several , which is consistent with present theories of the plasma and neutral particle distributions around Venus.  相似文献   

Venus was observed at 2.4 and 3.7 μm with a resolving power of 4×104 using the long-slit high-resolution spectrograph CSHELL at NASA IRTF. The observations were made along a chord that covered a latitude range of ± 60° at a local time near 8:00. The continuous reflectivity and limb brightening at 2.4 μm are fitted by the clouds with a single scattering albedo 1−a=0.01 and a pure absorbing layer with τ=0.09 above the clouds. The value of 1−a agrees with the refractive index of H2SO4 (85%) and the particle radius of 1 μm. The absorbing layer is similar to that observed by the UV spectrometer at the Pioneer Venus orbiter. However, its nature is puzzling. CO2 was measured using its R32 and R34 lines. The retrieved product of the CO2 abundance and airmass is constant at 1.9 km-atm along the instrument slit in the latitude range of ± 60°. The CO mixing ratio (measured using the P21 line) is rather constant at 70 ppm, and its variations of ∼10% may be caused by atmospheric dynamics. The observed value is higher than the 50 ppm retrieved previously from a spectrum of the full disk, possibly, because of some downward extension of the mesospheric morningside bulge of CO. The observations of the HF R3 line reveal a constant HF mixing ratio of 3.5±0.5 ppb within ± 60° of latitude, which is within the scatter in the previous measurements of HF. OCS has been detected for the first time at the cloud tops by summing 17 lines of the P-branch. The previous detections of OCS refer to the lower atmosphere at 30-35 km. The retrieved OCS mixing ratio varies with a scale height of 1 to 3 km. The mean OCS mixing ratio is ∼2 ppb at 70 km and ∼14 ppb at 64 km. Vertical motions in the atmosphere may change the OCS abundance. The detected OCS should significantly affect Venus' photochemistry. A sensitive search for H2S using its line at 2688.93 cm−1 results in a 3 sigma upper limit of 23 ppb, which is more restrictive than the previous limit of 100 ppb.  相似文献   

Electrical activity in a planetary atmosphere enables chemical reactions that are not possible under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium. In both the Venus and terrestrial atmospheres, lightning forms nitric oxide. Despite the existence of an inventory of NO at Venus like the Earth’s, and despite observations of the signals expected from lightning at optical, VLF, and ELF frequencies, the existence of Venus lightning still is met with some skepticism. The Venus Express mission was equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer gradiometer system sampling at rates as high as 128 Hz, and making measurements as low as 200 km altitude above the north polar regions of Venus. However, significant noise levels are present on the Venus Express spacecraft. Cleaning techniques have been developed to remove spacecraft interference at DC, ULF, and ELF frequencies, revealing two types of electromagnetic waves, a transverse right-handed guided mode, and a linearly polarized compressional mode. The propagation of both types of signals is sensitive to the magnetic field in ways consistent with propagation from a distant source to the spacecraft. The linearly polarized compressional waves generally are at lower frequencies than the right-handed transverse waves. They appear to be crossing the usually horizontal magnetic field. At higher frequencies above the lower hybrid frequency, waves cannot enter the ionosphere from below when the field is horizontal. The arrival of signals at the spacecraft is controlled by the orientation of the magnetic field. When the field dips into the atmosphere, the higher frequency guided mode above the lower hybrid frequency can enter the ionosphere by propagating along the magnetic field in the whistler mode. These properties are illustrated with examples from five orbits during Venus Express’ first year in orbit. These properties observed are consistent with the linearly polarized compressional waves being produced at the solar wind interface and the transverse guided waves being produced in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using an electron transport model, we calculate the electron density of the electron impact-produced nighttime ionosphere of Mars and its spatial structure. As input we use Mars Global Surveyor electron measurements, including an interval when accelerated electrons were observed. Our calculations show that regions of enhanced ionization are localized and occur near magnetic cusps. Horizontal gradients in the calculated ionospheric electron density on the night side of Mars can exceed 104 cm−3 over a distance of a few tens of km; the largest gradients produced by the model are over 600 cm−3 km−1. Such large gradients in the plasma density have several important consequences. These large pressure gradients will lead to localized plasma transport perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field which will generate horizontal currents and electric fields. We calculate the magnitude of these currents to be up to 10 nA/m2. Additionally, transport of ionospheric plasma by neutral winds, which vary in strength and direction as a function of local time and season, can generate large (up to 1000 nA/m2) and spatially structured horizontal currents where the ions are collisionally coupled to the neutral atmosphere while electrons are not. These currents may contribute to localized Joule heating. In addition, closure of the horizontal currents and electric fields may require the presence of vertical, field-aligned currents and fields which may play a role in high altitude acceleration processes.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheric particles and the solar wind dynamic and magnetic pressure creates a pseudo-magnetosphere which deflects the solar wind flow around the planet (Schunk and Nagy, 1980). The combination of changing solar radiation and solar wind intensities leads to a highly variable structure and plasma composition of the ionosphere. The instrumentation of the Venus Express spacecraft allows to measure the magnetic field (MAG experiment) as well as the electron energy spectrum and the ion composition (ASPERA-4 experiment) of the upper ionosphere and ionopause. In contrast to the earlier Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) measurements which were conducted during solar maximum, the solar activity was very low in the period 2006-2009. A comparison with PVO allows for an investigation of ionospheric properties under different solar wind and EUV radiation conditions. Observations of MAG and ASPERA have been analyzed to determine the positions of the photoelectron boundary (PEB) and the “magnetopause” and their dependence on the solar zenith angle (SZA). The PEB was determined using the ELS observations of ionospheric photoelectrons, which can be identified by their specific energy range. It is of particular interest to explore the different magnetic states of the ionosphere, since these influence the local plasma conductivity, currents and probably the escape of electrons and ions. The penetration of magnetic fields into the ionosphere depends on the external conditions as well as on the ionospheric properties. By analyzing a large number of orbits, using a combination of two different methods, we define criteria to distinguish between the so-called magnetized and unmagnetized ionospheric states. Furthermore, we confirm that the average magnetic field inside the ionosphere shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field in the region directly above the PEB.  相似文献   

Venus cloud covered atmosphere offers a well-suited framework to study the coupling between the atmospheric dynamics and the structure of the cloud field. Violet images obtained during the Galileo flyby from 12 to 17 February 1990 have been analyzed to retrieve the zonal power spectra of the cloud brightness distribution field between latitudes 70° N and 50° S. The brightness distribution spectra serve as a diagnostic of the eddy kinetic energy spectrum providing indirect information about the distribution of energy along different spatial scales. We composed images covering a full rotation of the atmosphere at the level of the UV contrasted clouds obtaining maps of almost 360° that allowed us to obtain the brightness power spectra from wavenumbers k=1 to 50. A full analysis of the spectrum slope for different latitude bands and ranges of wave numbers is presented. The power spectra follow a classical law kn with exponent n ranging from −1.7 to −2.9 depending on latitude and the wavenumber range. For the whole planet, the average of this parameter is −2.1 intermediate between those predicted by the classical turbulence theories for three- and two-dimensional motions (n=−5/3 and n=−3). A comparison with previous analysis of Mariner 10 (in 1974) and Pioneer Venus (in 1979) shows significant temporal changes in the cloud global structure and in the turbulence characteristics of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

F. Duru  D.A. Gurnett  R. Frahm 《Icarus》2010,206(1):74-82
The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) on the Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft is capable of measuring ionospheric electron density by the use of two main methods: remote radar sounding and from the excitation of local plasma oscillations. The frequency of the locally excited electron plasma oscillations is used to measure the local electron density. However, plasma oscillations are not observed when the plasma flow velocity is higher than about 160 km/s, which occurs mainly in the solar wind and magnetosheath. As a consequence, in many passes, there is a sudden disappearance of the plasma oscillations as the spacecraft enters into the magnetosheath. This fact allows us to identify a flow velocity boundary on the dayside, between the ionosphere of Mars and the shocked solar wind. This paper summarizes the results of the measurement of 552 orbits mostly over a period from August 4, 2005 to August 17, 2007. The boundary points found using MARSIS have been verified by measurements from the Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) Electron Spectrometer (ELS) instrument on Mars Express. The average position of the flow velocity boundary is compared to flow velocity simulations computed using hybrid model and other boundaries. The boundary altitude is slightly lower than the magnetic pile-up boundary determined using Phobos 2 and Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) crossings, but it is in good agreement with the induced magnetospheric boundary determined by ASPERA-3. Investigation of the effect of the crustal magnetic field revealed that the flow velocity boundary is raised at the locations with strong crustal magnetic fields.  相似文献   

A fast method is presented for deriving the tropospheric CO concentrations in the Venus atmosphere from near-infrared spectra using the night side 2.3 μm window. This is validated using the spectral fitting techniques of Tsang et al. [Tsang, C.C.C., Irwin, P.G.J., Taylor, F.W., Wilson, C.F., Drossart, P., Piccioni, G., de Kok, R., Lee, C., Calcutt, S.B., and the Venus Express/VIRTIS Team, 2008a. Tropospheric carbon monoxide concentrations and variability on Venus with Venus Express/VIRTIS-M observations. J. Geophys. Res. 113, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003089. E00B08] to show that monitoring CO in the deep atmosphere can be done quickly using large numbers of observations, with minimal effect from cloud and temperature variations. The new method is applied to produce some 1450 zonal mean CO profiles using data from the first eighteen months of operation from the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer infrared mapping subsystem (VIRTIS-M-IR) on Venus Express. These results show many significant long- and short-term variations from the mean equator-to-pole increasing trend previously found from earlier Earth- and space-based observations, including a possible North-South dichotomy, with interesting implications for the dynamics and chemistry of the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

Near-infrared brightness temperature contrasts observed on the night side of Venus indicate variations in the size and distribution of particles in the lower and middle cloud decks. McGouldrick and Toon [McGouldrick, K., Toon, O.B., 2007. Icarus 191, 1-24] have shown that these changes can be explained by large-scale dynamics; in particular, that downdrafts may produce optical depth “holes” in the clouds. The lifetimes of these holes are observed to be moderately short, on the order of ten days. Here, we explore a simple model to better understand this lifetime. We have coupled a microphysical model of the Venus clouds with a simple, two-dimensional (zonal, vertical) kinematical transport model to study the effects of the zonal flow on the lifetime of the holes in the clouds. We find that although wind shear may be negligible within the cloud itself, the shear that is present near the top and the bottom of the statically unstable cloud region can lead to changes in the radiative-dynamical feedback which ultimately lead to the dissipation of the holes.  相似文献   

We consider solar wind flow tubes as a magnetosonic wave-guide. Assuming a symmetric expansion in edges of slab-modelled wave-guide, we study the propagation characteristics of magnetosonic wave in the solar wind flow tubes. We present the preliminary results and discuss their implications.  相似文献   

For the first time since 1992 when the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) ceased to operate, there is again a plasma instrument in orbit around Venus, namely the ASPERA-4 flown on Venus Express (inserted into an elliptical polar orbit about the planet on April 11, 2006). In this paper we report on measurements made by the ion and electron sensors of ASPERA-4 during their first five months of operation and, thereby, determine the locations of both the Venus bow shock (BS) and the ion composition boundary (ICB) under solar minimum conditions. In contrast to previous studies based on PVO data, we employ a 3-parameter fit to achieve a realistic shape for the BS. We use a different technique to fit the ICB because this latter boundary cannot be represented by a conic section. Additionally we investigate the dependence of the location of the BS on solar wind ram pressure (based on ASPERA-4 solar wind data) and solar EUV flux (using a proxy from Earth).  相似文献   

S.A. Haider  S.P. Seth  V.R. Choksi 《Icarus》2006,185(1):102-112
The production rate, ion density and electron density are calculated between longitudes 0° and 360° E due to incident radiation of wavelength range 1-102.57 nm in the dayside atmosphere of Mars. These calculations are made by using global analytical yield spectrum (AYS) model at solar zenith angle 80° between latitudes 50° and 70° N for spring equinox and medium solar activity condition. These conditions are appropriate for Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Phase 2 aerobraking period during which both the accelerometer and the radio occultation data are used. The calculated results are compared with MGS radio occultation measurements carried out at different latitudes (64.7°-67.3° N) and longitudes (0°-360° E) in December 1998 between solar zenith angle 78° and 81°. This measurement shows primary and secondary ionization peaks, which are varying with longitudes. Our calculation suggests that first peak is produced by photoionization and photoelectron impact ionization processes due to absorption of solar EUV radiation (9-102.57 nm). The second peak is produced by photoelectron impact ionization of soft X-ray photon (1-9 nm). There is a good agreement between our calculation and measurement as far as the maximum and the minimum values of primary peak altitude/peak density of electrons are concerned. However, the calculated values of secondary peak density and peak altitude are higher than the measured values by a factor of 1.5-2.0 and 1.1, respectively. The secondary peak is brought into agreement with the measurement using low X-ray flux by a factor of 2 to 3 below 9 nm. The longitudinal distribution of calculated and measured peak density and peak altitude are fitted by least-square method with 0.95 confidence limits.  相似文献   

A time-dependent one-dimensional model of Saturn's ionosphere has been developed as an intermediate step towards a fully coupled Saturn Thermosphere-Ionosphere Model (STIM). A global circulation model (GCM) of the thermosphere provides the latitude and local time dependent neutral atmosphere, from which a globally varying ionosphere is calculated. Four ion species are used (H+, H+2, H+3, and He+) with current cross-sections and reaction rates, and the SOLAR2000 model for the Sun's irradiance. Occultation data from the Voyager photopolarimeter system (PPS) are adapted to model the radial profile of the ultraviolet (UV) optical depth of the rings. Diurnal electron density peak values and heights are generated for all latitudes and two seasons under solar minimum and solar maximum conditions, both with and without shadowing from the rings. Saturn's lower ionosphere is shown to be in photochemical equilibrium, whereas diffusive processes are important in the topside. In agreement with previous 1-D models, the ionosphere is dominated by H+ and H+3, with a peak electron density of ∼104 electrons cm−3. At low- and mid-latitudes, H+ is the dominant ion, and the electron density exhibits a diurnal maximum during the mid-afternoon. At higher latitudes and shadowed latitudes (smaller ionizing fluxes), the diurnal maximum retreats towards noon, and the ratio of [H+]/[H+3] decreases, with H+3 becoming the dominant ion at altitudes near the peak (∼1200-1600 km) for noon-time hours. Shadowing from the rings leads to attenuation of solar flux, the magnitude and latitudinal structure of which is seasonal. During solstice, the season for the Cassini spacecraft's encounter with Saturn, attenuation has a maximum of two orders of magnitude, causing a reduction in modeled peak electron densities and total electron column contents by as much as a factor of three. Calculations are performed that explore the parameter space for charge-exchange reactions of H+ with vibrationally excited H2, and for different influxes of H2O, resulting in a maximum diurnal variation in electron density much weaker than the diurnal variations inferred from Voyager's Saturn Electrostatic Discharge (SED) measurements. Peak values of height-integrated Pedersen conductivities at high latitudes during solar maximum are modeled to be ∼42 mho in the summer hemisphere during solstice and ∼18 mho during equinox, indicating that even without ionization produced by auroral processes, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling can be highly variable.  相似文献   

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