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We simulate the OH/H2O production from the action of keV protons on the lunar regolith using a vacuum chamber and a mass analyzer to examine the molecular products released from olivine and SiO2 powders during their irradiation by deuterium ions. The measured mass spectra, showing the OD/D2O signature, confirm the possibility of OH/H2O formation on the lunar surface by solar-wind hydrogen.  相似文献   

D.J. Burke 《Icarus》2011,211(2):1082-1088
Remote infrared spectroscopic measurements have recently re-opened the possibility that water is present on the surface of the Moon. Analyses of infrared absorption spectra obtained by three independent space instruments have identified water and hydroxyl (-OH) absorption bands at ∼3 μm within the lunar surface. These reports are surprising since there are many mechanisms that can remove water but no clear mechanism for replenishment. One hypothesis, based on the spatial distribution of the -OH signal, is that water is formed by the interaction of the solar wind with silicates and other oxides in the lunar basalt. To test this hypothesis, we have performed a series of laboratory simulations that examine the effect of proton irradiation on two minerals: anorthite and ilmenite. Bi-directional infrared reflection absorption spectra do not show any discernable enhancement of infrared absorption in the 3 μm spectral region following 1 or 100 keV proton irradiation at fluences between 1016 and 1018 ions cm−2. In fact, the post-irradiation spectra are characterized by a decrease in the residual O-H band within both minerals. Similarly, secondary ion mass spectrometry shows a decrease rather than an increase of the water group ions following proton bombardment of ilmenite. The absence of significant formation of either -OH or H2O is ascribed to the preferential depletion of oxygen by sputtering during proton irradiation, which is confirmed by post-irradiation surface analysis using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. Our results provide no evidence to support the formation of H2O in the lunar regolith via implantation of solar wind protons as a mechanism responsible for the significant O-H absorption in recent spacecraft data. We determine an upper limit for the production of surficial -OH on the lunar surface by solar wind irradiation to be 0.5% (absorption depth).  相似文献   

Wenzhe Fa 《Icarus》2007,190(1):15-23
3He (helium-3) in the lunar regolith implanted by the solar wind is one of the most valuable resources because of its potential as a fusion fuel. The abundance of 3He in the lunar regolith is related to solar wind flux, lunar surface maturity and TiO2 content, etc. A model of solar wind flux, which takes account of variations due to shielding of the nearside when the Moon is in the Earth's magnetotail, is used to present a global distribution of relative solar wind flux over the lunar surface. Using Clementine UV/VIS multispectral data, the global distribution of lunar surface optical maturity (OMAT) and the TiO2 content in the lunar regolith are calculated. Based on Apollo regolith samples, a linear relation between 3He abundance and normalized solar wind flux, optical maturity, and TiO2 content is presented. To simulate the brightness temperature of the lunar surface, which is the mission of the Chinese Chang-E project's multichannel radiometers, a global distribution of regolith layer thickness is first empirically constructed from lunar digital elevation mapping (DEM). Then an inversion approach is presented to retrieve the global regolith layer thickness. It finally yields the total amount of 3He per unit area in the lunar regolith layer, which is related to the regolith layer thickness, solar wind flux, optical maturity and TiO2 content, etc. The global inventory of 3He is estimated as 6.50×108 kg, where 3.72×108 kg is for the lunar nearside and 2.78×108 kg is for the lunar farside.  相似文献   

We performed the first global survey of lunar regolith depths using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) data and the crater morphology method for determining regolith depth. We find that on both the lunar farside and in the nearside, non-mare regions, the regolith depth is twice as deep as it is within the lunar maria. Our data compare favorably with previous studies where such data exist. We also find that regolith depth correlates well with density of large craters (>20 km diameter). This result is consistent with the gradual formation of regolith by rock fracture during impact events.  相似文献   

We use multispectral reflectance data from the lunar Clementine mission to investigate the impact ejecta deposits of simple craters in two separate lunar mare basalt regions, one in Oceanus Procellarum and one in Mare Serenitatis. Over 100 impact craters are studied, and for a number of these we observe differences between the TiO2 (and FeO) contents of their ejecta deposits and the lava flow units in which they are located. We demonstrate that, in the majority of cases, these differences cannot plausibly be attributed to uncorrected maturity effects. These observations, coupled with morphometric crater relationships that provide maximum crater excavation depths, allow the investigation of sub-surface lava flow stratigraphy. We provide estimated average thicknesses for a number of lava flow units in the two study regions, ranging from ∼80 m to ∼600 m. In the case of the Serenitatis study area, our results are consistent with the presence of sub-surface horizons inferred from recent radar sounding measurements from the JAXA Kaguya spacecraft. The average lava flow thicknesses we obtain are used to make estimates of the average flux of volcanic material in these regions. These are in broad agreement with previous studies, suggesting that the variation in mare basalt types we observe with depth is similar to the lateral variations identified at the surface.  相似文献   

Images returned by the MESSENGER spacecraft from the Mercury flybys have been examined to search for anomalous high-albedo markings similar to lunar swirls. Several features suggested to be swirls on the basis of Mariner 10 imaging (in the craters Handel and Lermontov) are seen in higher-resolution MESSENGER images to lack the characteristic morphology of lunar swirls. Although antipodes of large impact basins on the Moon are correlated with swirls, the antipodes of the large impact basins on Mercury appear to lack unusual albedo markings. The antipodes of Mercury’s Rembrandt, Beethoven, and Tolstoj basins do not have surface textures similar to the “hilly and lineated” terrain found at the Caloris antipode, possibly because these three impacts were too small to produce obvious surface disturbances at their antipodes. Mercury does have a class of unusual high-reflectance features, the bright crater-floor deposits (BCFDs). However, the BCFDs are spectral outliers, not simply optically immature material, which implies the presence of material with an unusual composition or physical state. The BCFDs are thus not analogs to the lunar swirls. We suggest that the lack of lunar-type swirls on Mercury supports models for the formation of lunar swirls that invoke interaction between the solar wind and crustal magnetic anomalies (i.e., the solar-wind standoff model and the electrostatic dust-transport model) rather than those models of swirl formation that relate to cometary impact phenomena. If the solar-wind standoff hypothesis for lunar swirls is correct, it implies that the primary agent responsible for the optical effects of space weathering on the Moon is solar-wind ion bombardment rather than micrometeoroid impact.  相似文献   

Lunar swirls are optically bright, sinuous albedo features found on the Moon. The Mini-RF synthetic aperture radar on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has provided a comprehensive set of X- and S-Band radar images of these enigmatic features, including the first radar observations of swirls on the farside of the Moon. A few general remarks can be made about the nature of the lunar swirls from this data set. First, the average radar properties of lunar swirls are identical to nearby non-swirl regions, in both total radar backscatter and circular polarization ratio (CPR). This implies that average centimeter-scale roughness and composition within the high-albedo portions of the swirls do not differ appreciably from the surroundings, and that the high optical reflectance of the swirls is related to a very thin surface phenomenon (less than several decimeters thick) not observable with X- or S-Band radar. Secondly, bright swirl material appears to be stratigraphically younger than a newly discovered impact melt flow at Gerasimovich D. This observation indicates that the swirls are capable of forming over timescales less than the age of the crater. The Mini-RF data set also provides clues to the origin of the lunar swirls. In at least one case, the presence of an enhanced crustal magnetic field appears to be responsible for the preservation of a high-albedo ejecta blanket around an otherwise degraded crater, Descartes C. The degree of degradation of Descartes C suggests it should not be optically bright, yet it is. This implies that the enhanced albedo is related to its location within a magnetic anomaly, and hence supports an origin hypothesis that invokes interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic anomaly.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic rays are a potential energy source to stimulate organic synthesis from simple ices. The recent detection of organic molecules at the polar regions of the Moon by LCROSS (Colaprete, A. et al. [2010]. Science 330, 463–468, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1186986), and possibly at the poles of Mercury (Paige, D.A. et al. [2013]. Science 339, 300–303, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1231106), introduces the question of whether the organics were delivered by impact or formed in situ. Laboratory experiments show that high energy particles can cause organic production from simple ices. We use a Monte Carlo particle scattering code (MCNPX) to model and report the flux of GCR protons at the surface of the Moon and report radiation dose rates and absorbed doses at the Moon’s surface and with depth as a result of GCR protons and secondary particles, and apply scaling factors to account for contributions to dose from heavier ions. We compare our results with dose rate measurements by the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) experiment on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (Schwadron, N.A. et al. [2012]. J. Geophys. Res. 117, E00H13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011JE003978) and find them in good agreement, indicating that MCNPX can be confidently applied to studies of radiation dose at and within the surface of the Moon. We use our dose rate calculations to conclude that organic synthesis is plausible well within the age of the lunar polar cold traps, and that organics detected at the poles of the Moon may have been produced in situ. Our dose rate calculations also indicate that galactic cosmic rays can induce organic synthesis within the estimated age of the dark deposits at the pole of Mercury that may contain organics.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hybrid code is used to study the electromagnetic disturbances in the solar wind that arise due to the absorption effect of the Moon. Due to the nearly insulating nature of the Moon, interplanetary magnetic fields (IMFs) can move through the interior without hindrance. However, the near-vacuum created in the wake region due to the lunar absorption effect will lead to enhancement of the strength of the magnetic field by a factor of about 1.4 in the middle of the lunar wake and lead to depletions at two sides. The situations arising from different orientations of the interplanetary magnetic fields relative to the radial direction are compared. Asymmetries of the inward diffusions both along and perpendicular to the field lines are also observed. The electric field formed from the plasma convection could reach a magnitude of 0.2–0.8 mV/m at the border of the wake. The role of the electric field on the inward accelerations is important to the geometry of the lunar wake.  相似文献   

A radial anisotropy in the flux of cosmic rays in heliosphere was theoretically predicted by Parker and others within the framework of the diffusion–convection mechanism. The solar wind is responsible for sweeping out the galactic cosmic rays, creating a radial density gradient within the heliosphere. This gradient coupled with the interplanetary magnetic field induces a flow of charged particles perpendicular to the ecliptic plane which was measured and correctly explained by Swinson, and is hereafter referred as ‘Swinson flow’. The large area GRAPES-3 tracking muon telescope offers a powerful probe to measure the Swinson flow and the underlying radial density gradient of the galactic cosmic rays at a relatively high rigidity of ∼100 GV. The GRAPES-3 data collected over a period of six years (2000–2005) were analyzed and the amplitude of the Swinson flow was estimated to be (0.0644 ± 0.0008)% of cosmic ray flux which was an ∼80σ effect. The phase of the maximum flow was at a sidereal time of (17.70 ± 0.05) h which was 18 min earlier than the expected value of 18 h. This small 18 min phase difference had a significance of ∼6σ indicating the inherent precision of the GRAPES-3 measurement. The radial density gradient of the galactic cosmic rays at a median rigidity of 77 GV was found to be 0.65% AU−1.  相似文献   

Jörg Fritz  Roald Tagle 《Icarus》2007,189(2):591-594
A late Eocene asteroid shower to the Earth-Moon system resulted in an increased flux of impact ejected 3He-rich lunar matter to Earth, which is recorded by a 2 Ma enduring 3He-anomaly in marine sediments.  相似文献   

M. Ozima  Y.N. Miura 《Icarus》2004,170(1):17-23
Surface-correlated noble gases in lunar soils are primarily implanted SW (solar wind) noble gases. However, they also include apparently orphan radiogenic 40Ar, 129Xe, and 244Pu-derived fission Xe in excess of plausible primordial solar origin. These orphan radiogenic components are usually assigned a lunar origin, in a scenario in which radiogenic noble gases produced in the lunar interior were degassed into the transient atmosphere and then re-implanted to the lunar surface together with SW. There are some quantitative difficulties with this scenario, however, and it requires special constraints on the degassing history of the Moon that have not emerged from more general thermal history models. We therefore urge consideration of alternative hypotheses. As a possible source for the orphan radiogenic noble gases, we have examined planetary pollution of the Sun, as suggested by studies of extrasolar planetary systems (e.g., Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815; Israelian et al., 2001, Nature 411, 163-166). Pollution of the Sun by 2M (two Earth mass) planetary materials (Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815) is likely not significant for Ar but could be important to account for orphan Xe in the Moon.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the viscous transport of solar wind momentum to the upper layers of the Venus ionosphere with that occurring within the trans-terminator flow leads to estimates of the ratio of the viscosity coefficients that are applicable to both cases. Support for viscous forces between the solar wind and the ionospheric plasma in the trans-terminator flow derives from the momentum flux balance between the momentum flux in the latter flow and the deficiency of solar wind momentum along the flanks of the ionosheath. By comparing the relative width of the viscous boundary layer in the Venus ionosheath and the width of the trans-terminator flow we find that the transport of momentum within the upper ionosphere proceeds at a rate similar to that at which momentum is delivered to the upper ionosphere from the solar wind. Comparable values are obtained for the viscosity coefficient of the solar wind that streams over the ionosphere and that implied from momentum transport within the ionospheric trans-terminator flow. It is further suggested that despite the different nature of the processes that give place to the viscous transport of the solar wind momentum to the upper ionosphere (wave-particle interactions) and those responsible for its distribution within the ionosphere (through coulombian collisions) there is a similar response in the behavior of both plasmas to momentum transport. Calculations show that with comparable values of the viscosity coefficient in the ionosheath and in the upper ionospheric plasma the mean free path suitable to wave-particle interactions in the ionosheath is of the same order of magnitude as the mean free path of the planetary O+ ions that interact through coulombian collisions in the upper ionosphere. The effects of this similarity are considered in the discussion.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  Brett J. Gladman 《Icarus》2011,216(1):363-365
?uk et al. (?uk, M. Gladman, B.J., Stewart, S.T. [2010]. Icarus 207 590-594) concluded that the the lunar cataclysm (late heavy bombardment) was recorded in lunar Imbrian era craters, and that their size distribution is different from that of main belt asteroids (which may have been the dominant pre-Imbrian impactors). This result would likely preclude the asteroid belt as the direct source of lunar cataclysm impactors. Malhotra and Strom (Malhotra, R., Strom, R.G. [2011]. Icarus) maintain that the lunar impactor population in the Imbrian era was the same as in Nectarian and pre-Nectarian periods, and this population had a size distribution identical to that of main belt asteroids. In support of this claim, they present an Imbrian size distribution made from two data sets published by Wilhelms et al. (Wilhelms, D.E., Oberbeck, V.R., Aggarwal, H.R. [1978]. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 9, 3735-3762). However, these two data sets cannot be simply combined as they represent areas of different ages and therefore crater densities. Malhotra and Strom (Malhotra, R., Strom, R.G. [2011]. Icarus) differ with the main conclusion of Wilhelms et al. (Wilhelms, D.E., Oberbeck, V.R., Aggarwal, H.R. [1978]. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 9, 3735-3762) that the Nectarian and Imbrian crater size distributions were different. We conclude that the available data indicate that the lunar Imbrian-era impactors had a different size distribution from the older ones, with the Imbrian impactor distribution being significantly richer in small impactors than that of older lunar impactors or current main-belt asteroids.  相似文献   

A comparison of global models for the solar wind interaction with Mars   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present initial results from the first community-wide effort to compare global plasma interaction model results for Mars. Seven modeling groups participated in this activity, using MHD, multi-fluid, and hybrid assumptions in their simulations. Moderate solar wind and solar EUV conditions were chosen, and the conditions were implemented in the models and run to steady state. Model output was compared in three ways to determine how pressure was partitioned and conserved in each model, the location and asymmetry of plasma boundaries and pathways for planetary ion escape, and the total escape flux of planetary oxygen ions. The two participating MHD models provided similar results, while the five sets of multi-fluid and hybrid results were different in many ways. All hybrid results, however, showed two main channels for oxygen ion escape (a pickup ion ‘plume’ in the hemisphere toward which the solar wind convection electric field is directed, and a channel in the opposite hemisphere of the central magnetotail), while the MHD models showed one (a roughly symmetric channel in the central magnetotail). Most models showed a transition from an upstream region dominated by plasma dynamic pressure to a magnetosheath region dominated by thermal pressure to a low altitude region dominated by magnetic pressure. However, calculated escape rates for a single ion species varied by roughly an order of magnitude for similar input conditions, suggesting that the uncertainties in both the current and integrated escape over martian history as determined by models are large. These uncertainties are in addition to those associated with the evolution of the Sun, the martian dynamo, and the early atmosphere, highlighting the challenges we face in constructing Mars’ past using models.  相似文献   

The influence of solar EUV and solar wind conditions on ion escape at Mars is investigated using ion data from the Aspera-3 instrument on Mars Express, combined with solar wind proxy data obtained from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. A solar EUV flux proxy based on data from the Earth position, scaled and shifted in time for Mars, is used to study relatively long time scale changes related to solar EUV variability. Data from May 2004 until November 2005 has been used. A clear dependence on the strength of the subsolar magnetic field as inferred from MGS measurements is seen in the ion data. The region of significant heavy ion flows is compressed and the heavy ion flux density is higher for high subsolar magnetic field strength. Because of the difference in outflow area, the difference in estimated total outflow is somewhat less than the difference in average flux density. We confirm previous findings that escaping planetary ions are mainly seen in the hemisphere into which the solar wind electric field is pointed. The effect is more pronounced for the high subsolar magnetic field case.The average ion motion has a consistent bias towards the direction of the solar wind electric field, but the main motion is in the antisunward direction. The antisunward flow velocity increases with tailward distance, reaching above at 2 to 3 martian radii downtail from Mars for O+ ions. Different ion species reach approximately the same bulk flow energy. We did not find any clear correlation between the solar EUV flux and the ion escape distribution or rate, probably because the variation of the solar EUV flux over our study interval was too small. The results indicate that the solar wind and its magnetic field directly interacts with the ionosphere of Mars, removing more ions for high subsolar magnetic field strength. The interaction region and the tail heavy ion flow region are not perfectly shielded from the solar wind electric field, which accelerates particles over relatively large tail distances.  相似文献   

The spacecraft P1 of the new ARTEMIS (Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun) mission passed the lunar wake for the first time on February 13, 2010. We present magnetic field and plasma data of this event and results of 3D hybrid simulations. As the solar wind magnetic field was highly dynamic during the passage, a simulation with stationary solar wind input cannot distinguish whether distortions were caused by these solar wind variations or by the lunar wake; therefore, a dynamic real-time simulation of the flyby has been performed. The input values of this simulation are taken from NASA OMNI data and adapted to the P1 data, resulting in a good agreement between simulation and measurements. Combined with the stationary simulation showing non-transient lunar wake structures, a separation of solar wind and wake effects is achieved. An anisotropy in the magnitude of the plasma bulk flow velocity caused by a non-vanishing magnetic field component parallel to the solar wind flow and perturbations created by counterstreaming ions in the lunar wake are observed in data and simulations. The simulations help to interpret the data granting us the opportunity to examine the entire lunar plasma environment and, thus, extending the possibilities of measurements alone: A comparison of a simulation cross section to theoretical predictions of MHD wave propagation shows that all three basic MHD modes are present in the lunar wake and that their expansion governs the lunar wake refilling process.  相似文献   

The occurrence of a nonlinear turbulent energy cascade in solar wind plasma has been recently established through the observation of an exact law from spacecraft measurements. The main results obtained in the fast, polar wind measured by Ulysses spacecraft are reviewed here. In particular, the turbulent cascade is seen as the mean to provide the energy necessary for the local heating in the non-adiabatic expansion of the solar wind. The importance of the density fluctuations in enhancing the turbulent energy transport is also evidenced. The ecliptic wind data measured by Ulysses are studied here in the same framework. This has been done by separating fast and slow streams, in order to avoid mixing of different physical conditions. The results further support the need for separate analysis of the two types of wind.  相似文献   

The propagation of MHD waves is studied when two ideal fluids, thermal and suprathermal gases, coupled by magnetic field are moving with the steady flow velocity. The fluids move independently in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field but gets coupled along the field. Due to the presence of flow in suprathermal and thermal fluids there appears forward and backward waves. All the forward and backward modes propagate in such a way that their rate of change of phase speed with the thermal Mach number is same. It is also found that besides the usual hydromagnetic modes there appears a suprathermal mode which propagates with faster speed. Surface waves are also examined on an interface formed with composite plasma (suprathermal and thermal gases) on one side and the other is a non-magnetized plasma. In this case, the modes obtained are two or three depending on whether the sound velocity in thermal gas is equal to or greater than the sound velocity in suprathermal gas. The results lead to the conclusion that the interaction of thermal and suprathermal components may lead to the occurrence of an additional mode called suprathermal mode whose phase velocity is higher than all the other modes.  相似文献   

The analysis of the transition from the large-scale fluid regime to the short-scale kinetic range of wavelengths in the development of the turbulent cascade of energy is nowadays subject of fervent discussion in the space plasmas scientific community. We make use of Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations where the full kinetic dynamics of ions is taken into account, while electrons are treated as a fluid. We investigate the development of turbulence in the solar wind, in 1D-3V phase space configuration and in the frequency range across the ion cyclotron frequency. These simulations allow for the analysis of the role of kinetic effects in the short-scale region of the energy spectra in the direction parallel to the background magnetic field. Our numerical results show the presence of a significant electrostatic activity at small wavelengths, triggered by the resonant interaction of ions with longitudinal waves. Our model does not allow to take into account the evolution of the turbulent spectra in the plane perpendicular to the ambient field, due to limited dimensionality in phase space. On the other hand, this model permits to isolate and study the possibility of transferring the electromagnetic large-scale energy on the small-scale kinetic electrostatic component of the spectrum. Peculiar features observed in the spacecraft data in the solar wind are qualitatively reproduced within the hybrid-Vlasov model, such as the generation of perpendicular temperature anisotropy and accelerated longitudinal beams of ions in the distribution of particle velocities as well as the appearance of a marked peak of electrostatic activity in the short-scale termination of the turbulent spectra.  相似文献   

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