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W.M. Grundy  L.A. Young 《Icarus》2004,172(2):455-465
We present eight new 0.8 to 2.4 μm spectral observations of Neptune's satellite Triton, obtained at IRTF/SpeX during 2002 July 15-22 UT. Our objective was to determine how Triton's near-infrared spectrum varies as Triton rotates, and to establish an accurate baseline for comparison with past and future observations. The most striking spectral change detected was in Triton's nitrogen ice absorption band at 2.15 μm; its strength varies by about a factor of two as Triton rotates. Maximum N2 absorption approximately coincides with Triton's Neptune-facing hemisphere, which is also the longitude where the polar cap extends nearest Triton's equator. More subtle rotational variations are reported for Triton's CH4 and H2O ice absorption bands. Unlike the other ices, Triton's CO2 ice absorption bands remain nearly constant as Triton rotates. Triton's H2O ice is shown to be crystalline, rather than amorphous. Triton's N2 ice is confirmed to be the warmer, hexagonal, β N2 phase, and its CH4 is confirmed to be highly diluted in N2 ice.  相似文献   

We present 0.8-2.4 μm spectral observations of uranian satellites, obtained at IRTF/SpeX on 17 nights during 2001-2005. The spectra reveal for the first time the presence of CO2 ice on the surfaces of Umbriel and Titania, by means of 3 narrow absorption bands near 2 μm. Several additional, weaker CO2 ice absorptions have also been detected. No CO2 absorption is seen in Oberon spectra, and the strengths of the CO2 ice bands decline with planetocentric distance from Ariel through Titania. We use the CO2 absorptions to map the longitudinal distribution of CO2 ice on Ariel, Umbriel, and Titania, showing that it is most abundant on their trailing hemispheres. We also examine H2O ice absorptions in the spectra, finding deeper H2O bands on the leading hemispheres of Ariel, Umbriel, and Titania, but the opposite pattern on Oberon. Potential mechanisms to produce the observed longitudinal and planetocentric distributions of the two ices are considered.  相似文献   

We present 1.25-19 μm infrared spectra of pure solid CH4 and H2O/CH4=87, 20, and 3 solid mixtures at temperatures from 15 to 150 K. We compare and contrast the absorptions of CH4 in solid H2O with those of pure CH4. Changes in selected peak positions, profiles, and relative strength with temperature are presented, and absolute strengths for absorptions of CH4 in solid H2O are estimated. Using the two largest (ν3+ν4) and (ν1+ν4) near-IR absorptions of CH4 at 2.324 and 2.377 μm (4303 and 4207 cm−1), respectively, as examples, we show that peaks of CH4 in solid H2O are at slightly shorter wavelength (higher frequency) and broader than those of pure solid CH4. With increasing temperature, these peaks shift to higher frequency and become increasingly broad, but this trend is reversible on re-cooling, even though the phase transitions of H2O are irreversible. It is to be hoped that these observations of changes in the positions, profiles, and relative intensities of CH4 absorptions with concentration and temperature will be of use in understanding spectra of icy outer Solar System bodies.  相似文献   

Conor Laver  Imke de Pater 《Icarus》2009,201(1):172-181
We present ground based observations of Io taken with a high spatial resolution imaging spectrometer on 1 and 2 June 2006. We mapped the 1.98 and 2.12 μm absorptions of SO2 frost, across Io's surface. We analyze these data with surface reflectance modeling using the Hapke method to determine the general frost distribution. This analysis also determined a lower limit of 700 μm on the grain size for the areas of strongest absorption. We incorporate our findings of a predominantly equatorial distribution of SO2 frost, with the maps of Carlson et al. [Carlson, R.W., Smythe, W.D., Lopes-Gautier, R.M.C., Davies, A.G., Kamp, L.W., Mosher, J.A., Soderblom, L.A., Leader, F.E., Mehlman, R., Clark, R.N., Fanale, F.P., 1997. Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 2479-2482], McEwen [McEwen, A.S., 1988. Icarus 73, 385-426] and Douté et al. [Douté, S., Schmitt, B., Lopes-Gautier, R., Carlson, R., Soderblom, L., Shirley, J., and The Galileo NIMS Team, 2001. Icarus 149, 107-132] to produce a self consistent explanation of the global distribution of SO2. We propose that the differences between the above maps is attributable, in part, to the different bands that were studied by the investigators.  相似文献   

We present near-IR spectra of solid CO2 in H2O and CH3OH, and find they are significantly different from that of pure solid CO2. Peaks not present in either pure H2O or pure CO2 spectra become evident when the two are mixed. First, the putative theoretically forbidden CO2 (2ν3) overtone near 2.134 μm (4685 cm−1), that is absent from our spectrum of pure solid CO2, is prominent in the spectra of H2O/CO2=5 and 25 mixtures. Second, a 2.74-μm (3650 cm−1) dangling OH feature of H2O (and a potentially related peak at 1.89 μm) appear in the spectra of CO2-H2O ice mixtures, but are probably not diagnostic of the presence of CO2. Other CO2 peaks display shifts in position and increased width because of intermolecular interactions with H2O. Warming causes some peak positions and profiles in the spectrum of a H2O/CO2=5 mixture to take on the appearance of pure CO2. Absolute strengths for absorptions of CO2 in solid H2O are estimated. Similar results are observed for CO2 in solid CH3OH. Since the CO2 (2ν3) overtone near 2.134 μm (4685 cm−1) is not present in pure CO2 but prominent in mixtures, it may be a good observational (spectral) indicator of whether solid CO2 is a pure material or intimately mixed with other molecules. These observations may be applicable to Mars polar caps as well as outer Solar System bodies.  相似文献   

M.H. Moore  R.L. Hudson 《Icarus》2003,161(2):486-500
Infrared spectra and radiation chemical behavior of N2-dominated ices relevant to the surfaces of Triton and Pluto are presented. This is the first systematic IR study of proton-irradiated N2-rich ices containing CH4 and CO. Experiments at 12 K show that HCN, HNC, and diazomethane (CH2N2) form in the solid phase, along with several radicals. NH3 is also identified in irradiated N2 + CH4 and N2 + CH4 + CO. We show that HCN and HNC are made in irradiated binary ice mixtures having initial N2/CH4 ratios from 100 to 4, and in three-component mixtures have an initial N2/(CH4 + CO) ratio of 50. HCN and HNC are not detected in N2-dominated ices when CH4 is replaced with C2H6, C2H2, or CH3OH.The intrinsic band strengths of HCN and HNC are measured and used to calculate G(HCN) and G(HNC) in irradiated N2 + CH4 and N2 + CH4 + CO ices. In addition, the HNC/HCN ratio is calculated to be ∼1 in both icy mixtures. These radiolysis results reveal, for the first time, solid-phase synthesis of both HCN and HNC in N2-rich ices containing CH4.We examine the evolution of spectral features due to acid-base reactions (acids such as HCN, HNC, and HNCO and a base, NH3) triggered by warming irradiated ices from 12 K to 30-35 K. We identify anions (OCN, CN, and N3−) in ices warmed to 35 K. These ions are expected to form and survive on the surfaces of Triton and Pluto. Our results have astrobiological implications since many of these products (HCN, HNC, HNCO, NH3, NH4OCN, and NH4CN) are involved in the syntheses of biomolecules such as amino acids and polypeptides.  相似文献   

Paul M. Schenk  Kevin Zahnle 《Icarus》2007,192(1):135-149
New mapping reveals 100 probable impact craters on Triton wider than 5 km diameter. All of the probable craters are within 90° of the apex of Triton's orbital motion (i.e., all are on the leading hemisphere) and have a cosine density distribution with respect to the apex. This spatial distribution is difficult to reconcile with a heliocentric (Sun-orbiting) source of impactors, be it ecliptic comets, the Kuiper Belt, the scattered disk, or tidally-disrupted temporary satellites in the style of Shoemaker-Levy 9, but it is consistent with head-on collisions, as would be produced if a prograde population of planetocentric (Neptune-orbiting) debris were swept up by retrograde Triton. Plausible sources include ejecta from impact on or disruption of inner/outer moons of Neptune. If Triton's small craters are mostly of planetocentric origin, Triton offers no evidence for or against the existence of small comets in the Kuiper Belt, and New Horizons observations of Pluto must fill this role. The possibility that the distribution of impact craters is an artifact caused by difficulty in identifying impact craters on the cantaloupe terrain is considered and rejected. The possibility that capricious resurfacing has mimicked the effect of head-on collisions is considered and shown to be unlikely given current geologic constraints, and is no more probable than planetocentrogenesis. The estimated cratering rate on Triton by ecliptic comets is used to put an upper limit of ∼50 Myr on the age of the more heavily cratered terrains, and of ∼6 Myr for the Neptune-facing cantaloupe terrain. If the vast majority of cratering is by planetocentric debris, as we propose, then the surface everywhere is probably less than 10 Myr old. Although the uncertainty in these cratering ages is at least a factor ten, it seems likely that Triton's is among the youngest surfaces in the Solar System, a candidate ocean moon, and an important target for future exploration.  相似文献   

S Marchi  C Barbieri  T.C Owen 《Icarus》2004,168(2):367-373
We have obtained new observations of Triton with the ESO New Technology Telescope (La Silla, Chile) in October 2002. Using the high quality of NTT instrumentation, we were able to cover the entire 0.4-2.5 μm spectral range in a single night. We applied this procedure for two nights, well selected along the orbit of Triton, in order to cover essentially the trailing side one night, and the leading one the other night, obtaining the first face-resolved 0.4-2.4 μm spectra of Triton. We discuss here the spectra and the differences between the two faces, and the implications of these new results for a better understanding of the surface composition of Triton. In particular we found possible clues for the presence of rocky materials on Triton's surface.  相似文献   

We have conducted a search for emissivity features in the thermal infrared spectrum of the icy satellites of Saturn, Phoebe, Iapetus, Enceladus, Tethys, and Hyperion, observed by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) on board the Cassini spacecraft. Despite the heterogeneity of the composition of these bodies depicted by Earth-based and Cassini/VIMS observations, the CIRS spectra of all satellites are undistinguishable from black-body spectra, with no detectable emissivity feature. However, several materials, which have been detected on the surface of the same bodies, present emissivity features in the analyzed spectral range. In particular, water ice presents features with sufficient contrast to be detected by CIRS. Here we study the physical causes of the absence of features by simulating the effects of intimate mixtures using models of directional emissivity for optically thick surfaces for different particle sizes and abundances, and porosities. The simulations include a set of materials detected on the Phoebe's surface, like water ice, hydrated silicates, and organics. We find that featureless spectra can be produced in three scenarios: (1) ice particles with large sizes, (2) mixtures of ices dominated by dark contaminants, and (3) small particles with large porosity. Constraints imposed by the NIR spectra of the satellites favors the latter scenario as the more likely explanation to the absence of emissivity features on the icy satellites of Saturn.  相似文献   

We present the results of a three-year observational program of long-slit spectroscopy and UBVRI photometry of Triton. We find evidence for short-lived albedo variations at wavelengths less than 0.5 μm with the most notable reddening event measured in October 1997 and “normal” colors returning by May 1998. We report a possible variation in the relative 0.73/0.89 μm methane absorption band strengths, suggesting that the transport or denudation of this species may play a major role in the reddening events.  相似文献   

P.M. Fry  L.A. Sromovsky 《Icarus》2007,192(1):117-134
On August 11, 2004, we made adaptive optics observations of the Uranus and Neptune systems with the Keck II Near Infrared Camera. Uranus and Triton were observed in three broadband filters (J, H, and K-prime) and four narrowband filters [Hcont, FeII, He1_B, and H2(v=1-0)]. Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, and Oberon were observed in the four narrowband filters only. To achieve the highest possible photometric accuracy, and thus the tightest possible constraints on atmospheric aerosol models and gas mixing ratios, we used aperture photometry that accounted for the dependence of point-spread functions and growth curves on the adaptive optics reference object, and accounted for recently determined phase curves of each object. The satellite albedos we determined were compared with published relative spectra to verify the relative consistency of our observations, which were subsequently used to convert published relative spectra to absolute spectra. We used these absolute spectra and synthetic photometry methods to compare published values in dissimilar photometric systems to each other and to our observations. We find our satellite albedos in best agreement with photometry from Karkoschka [Karkoschka, E., 2001. Icarus 151, 51-68], which is the best characterized and most contemporaneous data set. Our estimated absolute accuracy of 5% to 8% is consistent with these intercomparisons. We obtained the following ring-subtracted and discrete feature-free albedos of Uranus: J: (1.66±0.07)×10−2, H: (1.09±0.05)×10−2, K: (2.08±0.15)×10−4, Hcont: (3.71±0.23)×10−2, FeII: (1.14±0.07)×10−3, He1_B: (2.06±0.16)×10−4, and H2: (1.27±0.10)×10−4.  相似文献   

Galina M. Chaban 《Icarus》2007,187(2):592-599
An absorption band at ∼4.26 μm wavelength attributed to the asymmetric stretching mode of CO in CO2 has been found on two satellites of Jupiter and several satellites of Saturn. The wavelength of pure CO2 ice determined in the laboratory is 4.2675 μm, indicating that the CO2 on the satellites occurs either trapped in a host material, or in a chemical or physical complex with other materials, resulting in a blue shift of the wavelength of the band. In frequency units, the shifts in the satellite spectra range from 3.7 to 11.3 cm−1. We have performed ab initio quantum chemical calculations of CO2 molecules chemically complexed with one, two, and more H2O molecules and molecules of CH3OH to explore the possibility that the blue shift of the band is caused by chemical complexing of CO2 with other volatile materials. Our computations of the harmonic and anharmonic vibrational frequencies using high levels of theory show a frequency shift to the blue by 5 cm−1 from pure CO2 to CO-H2O, and an additional 5 cm−1 from CO2-H2O to CO2-2H2O. Complexing with more than two H2O molecules does not increase the blue shift. Complexes of CO2 with one molecule of CH3OH and with one CH3OH plus one H2O molecule produce smaller shifts than the CO2-2H2O complex. Laboratory studies of CO2:H2O in a solid N2 matrix also show a blue shift of the asymmetric stretching mode.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectral analysis of data from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) has yielded significant results regarding the properties and composition of the surface of Saturn's satellite Enceladus. We have obtained spectral cubes of this satellite, containing both spatial and spectral information, with a wavelength distribution in the infrared far more extensive than from any previous observations and at much higher spatial resolution. Using a composite mosaic of the satellite, we map the distribution of crystalline and amorphous ices on the surface of Enceladus according to a “crystallinity factor” and also the depth of the temperature- and structure-dependent 1.65 micron water-ice band. These maps show the surface of Enceladus to be mostly crystalline, with a higher degree of crystallinity at the “tiger-stripe” cracks and a larger amorphous signature between these stripes. These results suggest recent geological activity at the “tiger stripe” cracks and an intriguing atmospheric environment over the south pole where amorphous ice is produced either through intense radiative bombardment, flash-freezing of cryovolcanic liquid, or rapid condensation of water vapor particles on icy microspherules or on the surface of Enceladus.  相似文献   

We present the first spectra of Neptune taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope, highlighting the high-sensitivity, moderate-resolution 10-20 μm (500-1000 cm−1) spectra. We report the discovery of methylacetylene (CH3C2H) and diacetylene (C4H2) with derived 0.1-mbar volume mixing ratios of (1.2±0.1)×10−10 and (3±1)×10−12 respectively.  相似文献   

P.G.J. Irwin  N.A. Teanby 《Icarus》2010,208(2):913-926
Long-slit spectroscopy observations of Uranus by the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope UIST instrument in 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been used to monitor the change in Uranus’ vertical and latitudinal cloud structure through the planet’s Northern Spring Equinox in December 2007.These spectra were analysed and presented by Irwin et al. (Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Davis, G.R. [2009]. Icarus 203, 287-302), but since publication, a new set of methane absorption data has become available (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2010]. Methane absorption coefficients for the jovian planets from laboratory, Huygens, and HST data. Icarus 205, 674-694.), which appears to be more reliable at the cold temperatures and high pressures of Uranus’ deep atmosphere. We have fitted k-coefficients to these new methane absorption data and we find that although the latitudinal variation and inter-annual changes reported by Irwin et al. (2009) stand, the new k-data place the main cloud deck at lower pressures (2-3 bars) than derived previously in the H-band of ∼3-4 bars and ∼3 bars compared with ∼6 bars in the J-band. Indeed, we find that using the new k-data it is possible to reproduce satisfactorily the entire observed centre-of-disc Uranus spectrum from 1 to 1.75 μm with a single cloud at 2-3 bars provided that we make the particles more back-scattering at wavelengths less than 1.2 μm by, for example, increasing the assumed single-scattering albedo from 0.75 (assumed in the J and H-bands) to near 1.0. In addition, we find that using a deep methane mole fraction of 4% in combination with the associated warm ‘F’ temperature profile of Lindal et al. (Lindal, G.F., Lyons, J.R., Sweetnam, D.N., Eshleman, V.R., Hinson, D.P. [1987]. J. Geophys. Res. 92, 14987-15001), the retrieved cloud deck using the new (Karkoschka and Tomasko, 2010) methane absorption data moves to between 1 and 2 bars.The same methane absorption data and retrieval algorithm were applied to observations of Neptune made during the same programme and we find that we can again fit the entire 1-1.75 μm centre-of-disc spectrum with a single cloud model, providing that we make the stratospheric haze particles (of much greater opacity than for Uranus) conservatively scattering (i.e. ω = 1) and we also make the deeper cloud particles, again at around the 2 bar level more reflective for wavelengths less than 1.2 μm. Hence, apart from the increased opacity of stratospheric hazes in Neptune’s atmosphere, the deeper cloud structure and cloud composition of Uranus and Neptune would appear to be very similar.  相似文献   

BVI photometry of Triton and Proteus was derived from HST images taken in 1997. The VEGAMAG photometric technique was used. Triton was found to be brighter by a few percent than observations of the 1970's and 1980's, as expected due to the increasingly greater exposure of the bright south polar region. The leading side was also found to be brighter than the trailing side by 0.09 mag in all filters—50% larger than reported by Franz [Franz, O.G., 1981. Icarus 45, 602-606]. Contrary to our previous results [Pascu, D., et al., 1998. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 30, 1101], we found no episodic reddening. Our previous conclusions were based on an inaccurate early version of the Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) correction. The present result limits the start of the reddening event reported by Hicks and Buratti [Hicks, M.D., Buratti, B.J., 2004. Icarus 171, 210-218]. Our (B-V) result of 0.70±0.01 supports the global blueing described by Buratti et al. [Buratti, B.J., Goguen, J.D., Gibson, J., Mosher, J., 1994. Icarus 110, 303-314]. Our observations of July 1997 agree with the Voyager results and are among the bluest colors seen. We found Proteus somewhat brighter than earlier studies, but in good agreement with the recent value given by Karkoschka [Karkoschka, E., 2003. Icarus 162, 400-407]. A leading/trailing brightness asymmetry was detected for Proteus, with the leading side 0.1 mag brighter. The unique differences in action of the endogenic and exogenic processes on Triton and Proteus provides an opportunity to separate the endogenic and exogenic effects on Triton.  相似文献   

E. Nogueira  R. Gomes 《Icarus》2011,214(1):113-130
The origin of Neptune’s large, circular but retrograde satellite Triton has remained largely unexplained. There is an apparent consensus that its origin lies in it being captured, but until recently no successful capture mechanism has been found. Agnor and Hamilton (Agnor, C.B., Hamilton, D.P. [2006]. Nature 441, 192-194) demonstrated that the disruption of a trans-neptunian binary object which had Triton as a member, and which underwent a very close encounter with Neptune, was an effective mechanism to capture Triton while its former partner continued on a hyperbolic orbit. The subsequent evolution of Triton’s post-capture orbit to its current one could have proceeded through gravitational tides (Correia, A.C.M. [2009]. Astrophys. J. 704, L1-L4), during which time Triton was most likely semi-molten (McKinnon, W.B. [1984]. Nature 311, 355-358). However, to date, no study has been performed that considered both the capture and the subsequent tidal evolution. Thus it is attempted here with the use of numerical simulations. The study by Agnor and Hamilton (Agnor, C.B., Hamilton, D.P. [2006]. Nature 441, 192-194) is repeated in the framework of the Nice model (Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F. [2005]. Nature 435, 459-461) to determine the post-capture orbit of Triton. After capture Triton is then subjected to tidal evolution using the model of Mignard (Mignard, F. [1979]. Moon Planets 20, 301-315; Mignard, F. [1980]. Moon Planets 23, 185-201). The perturbations from the Sun and the figure of Neptune are included. The perturbations from the Sun acting on Triton just after its capture cause it to spend a long time in its high-eccentricity phase, usually of the order of 10 Myr, while the typical time to circularise to its current orbit is some 200 Myr, consistent with earlier studies. The current orbit of Triton is consistent with an origin through binary capture and tidal evolution, even though the model prefers Triton to be closer to Neptune than it is today. The probability of capturing Triton in this manner is approximately 0.7%. Since the capture of Triton was at most a 50% event - since only Neptune has one, but Uranus does not - we deduce that in the primordial trans-neptunian disc there were some 100 binaries with at least one Triton-sized member. Morbidelli et al. (Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Bottke, W.F., Dones, L., Nesvorný, D. [2009]. Icarus 202, 310-315) concludes there were some 1000 Triton-sized bodies in the trans-neptunian proto-planetary disc, so the primordial binary fraction with at least one Triton-sized member is 10%. This value is consistent with theoretical predictions, but at the low end. If Triton was captured at the same time as Neptune’s irregular satellites, the far majority of these, including Nereid, would be lost. This suggests either that Triton was captured on an orbit with a small semi-major axisa ? 50RN (a rare event), or that it was captured before the dynamical instability of the Nice model, or that some other mechanism was at play. The issue of keeping the irregular satellites remains unresolved.  相似文献   

We present in this work the observations performed with SINFONI in the framework of a new ESO-Large Program (2006-2008) on Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) and Centaurs. We obtained 21 near-infrared (1.49 to 2.4 microns) spectra of high quality, including 4 spectra of objects never observed before. We search for the presence of features due to ices, particularly water ice. Eris is the only object showing deep methane ice absorption bands. The spectra of 4 objects are featureless, and 6 others show clearly the presence of water ice. For 7 objects, the detections are more ambiguous, but absorption bands could be embedded in the noise. The 3 remaining spectra are too noisy to draw any reliable conclusion. The possible amount of water ice on each object's surface has been computed. The analysis shows that some objects present strong compositional heterogeneities over the surface (e.g. Chariklo), while some others are completely homogeneous (e.g. Quaoar).  相似文献   

Using TEXES, the Texas Echelon cross Echelle Spectrograph, mounted on the Gemini North 8-m telescope we have mapped the spatial variation of H2, CH4, C2H2 and C2H6 thermal-infrared emission of Neptune. These high-spectral-resolution, spatially resolved, thermal-infrared observations of Neptune offer a unique glimpse into the state of Neptune’s stratosphere in October 2007, LS = 275.4° just past Neptune’s southern summer solstice (LS = 270°). We use observations of the S(1) pure rotational line of molecular hydrogen and a portion of the ν4 band of methane to retrieve detailed information on Neptune’s stratospheric vertical and meridional thermal structure. We find global-average temperatures of 163.8 ± 0.8, 155.0 ± 0.9, and 123.8 ± 0.8 K at the 7.0 × 10−3-, 0.12-, and 2.1-mbar levels with no meridional variations within the errors. We then use the inferred temperatures to model the emission of C2H2 and C2H6 in order to derive stratospheric volume mixing ratios (hence forth, VMR) as a function of pressure and latitude. There is a subtle meridional variation of the C2H2 VMR at the 0.5-mbar level with the peak abundance found at −28° latitude, falling off to the north and south. However, the observations are consistent within error to a meridionally constant C2H2 VMR of at 0.5 mbar. We find that the VMR of C2H6 at 1-mbar peaks at the equator and falls by a factor of 1.6 at −70° latitude. However, a meridionally constant VMR of at the 1-mbar level for C2H6 is also statistically consistent with the retrievals. Temperature predictions from a radiative-seasonal climate model of Neptune that assumes the hydrocarbon abundances inferred in this paper are lower than the measured temperatures by 40 K at 7 × 10−3 mbar, 30 K at 0.12 mbar and 25 K at 2.1 mbar. The radiative-seasonal model also predicts meridional temperature variations on the order of 10 K from equator to pole, which are not observed. Assuming higher stratospheric CH4 abundance at the equator relative to the south pole would bring the meridional trends of the inferred temperatures and radiative-seasonal model into closer agreement.We have also retrieved observations of C2H4 emission from Neptune’s stratosphere using TEXES on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in June 2003, LS = 266°. Using the observations from the middle of the planet and an average of the middle three latitude temperature profiles from the 2007 observations (9.5° of LS later, the seasonal equivalent of 9.5 Earth days within Earth’s seasonal cycle), we infer a C2H4 VMR of at 1.5 × 10−3 mbar, a value that is 3.25 times that predicted by global-average photochemical models.  相似文献   

We have reanalyzed the high-resolution spectrum of Titan between 2.87 and 3.12 μm observed with NIRSPEC/Keck II on 2001 Nov. 21 in southern summer, using updated CH3D and C2H6 line-by-line models. From new synthetic spectra, we identify all but a few of the previously unidentified significant absorption spectral features in this wavelength range as due to these two species, both of which had been previously detected by Voyager and ground-based observations at other wavelengths. We also derive opacities and reflectivities of haze particles as functions of altitude for the 2.87-2.92 μm wavelength range, where Titan's atmosphere is partially transparent down to the surface. The extinction per unit altitude is observed to increase from 100 km (∼8 mbar) toward lower altitude. The derived total optical depth is approximately 1.1 for the 2.87-2.92 μm range. At wavelengths increasing beyond 2.92 μm the haze layers become much more optically thick, and the surface is rapidly hidden from view. These conclusions apply to equatorial and southern-temperate regions on Titan, excluding polar regions. We also find it unlikely that there is a large enhancement of the tropospheric CH4 mole fraction over the value reported from analysis of the Huygens/GCMS observations.  相似文献   

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