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We present values from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) of four fundamental disk-integrated spectrophotometric properties (bolometric Bond albedo, solar phase curve, phase integral, and geometric albedo at 7-15 different wavelengths in the λ = 0.35-5.1 μm range) for five mid-sized saturnian icy satellites: Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Mimas, and Enceladus. These values, which include data from the period 2004-2008 and add to past VIMS phase curves, include opposition surge effects at down to fractions of a degree in solar phase angle for several moons and extend to over double the solar phase angle coverage of the Voyager mission. We also present new rotational light curves for Rhea and Dione at 7 near-infrared bands not previously available in ground-based or spacecraft studies. The bolometric Bond albedos we derive are as follows: 0.48 ± 0.09 (Rhea), 0.52 ± 0.08 (Dione), 0.61 ± 0.09 (Tethys), 0.67 ± 0.10 (Mimas), and 0.85 ± 0.11 (Enceladus). We also provide breakdowns of the major photometric quantities in both leading and trailing hemispheres. These refined parameters can be used to construct future bolometric Bond albedo maps that will contribute to surface composition identification studies, as well as models of volatile transport and sublimation. Through such applications, these data will help to determine the physical properties of surface particles, how the E-ring affects the inner saturnian moons, what is responsible for the dark albedo patterns seen on Tethys, and if these moons (e.g., Dione) are geologically active.  相似文献   

Cassini Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) observations of Mimas, Tethys, and Dione obtained during the nominal and extended missions at large solar phase angles were analyzed to search for plume activity. No forward scattered peaks in the solar phase curves of these satellites were detected. The upper limit on water vapor production for Mimas and Tethys is one order of magnitude less than the production for Enceladus. For Dione, the upper limit is two orders of magnitude less, suggesting this world is as inert as Rhea (Pitman, K.M., Buratti, B.J., Mosher, J.A., Bauer, J.M., Momary, T., Brown, R.H., Nicholson, P.D., Hedman, M.M. [2008]. Astrophys. J. Lett. 680, L65-L68). Although the plumes are best seen at ∼2.0 μm, Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) Narrow Angle Camera images obtained at the same time as the VIMS data were also inspected for these features. None of the Cassini ISS images shows evidence for plumes. The absence of evidence for any Enceladus-like plumes on the medium-sized saturnian satellites cannot absolutely rule out current geologic activity. The activity may below our threshold of detection, or it may be occurring but not captured on the handful of observations at large solar phase angles obtained for each moon. Many VIMS and ISS images of Enceladus at large solar phase angles, for example, do not contain plumes, as the active “tiger stripes” in the south pole region are pointed away from the spacecraft at these times. The 7-year Cassini Solstice Mission is scheduled to gather additional measurements at large solar phase angles that are capable of revealing activity on the saturnian moons.  相似文献   

The energy balance at the surface of an airless planetary body is strongly influenced by the bolometric Bond albedo and the surface thermal inertia. Both of these values may be calculated through the application of a thermal model to measured surface temperatures. The accuracy of either, though, increases if the value of the other is better constrained. In this study, we used the improved global bolometric Bond albedo map of Iapetus derived from Cassini VIMS and ISS and Voyager ISS data in conjunction with Cassini CIRS temperature data to reevaluate surface thermal inertia across Iapetus. Results showed the thermal inertia of the dark terrain varies between 11 and 14.8 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2 while the light material varies between 15 and 25 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2. Using an approximation to the thermal properties of the dark overburden derived from our thermal inertia results, we can implement our thermal model to provide estimates on the dark material thickness, which was found to lie between 7 cm and 16 cm. In order to develop an accurate global thermal model, a weighted function that approximates the surface thermal inertia across Iapetus was developed and verified via our measurements. The global bolometric Bond albedo map, surface thermal inertia map, and the thermal model are then used to synthesize global temperature maps that may be used to study the stability of volatiles.  相似文献   

The roughness of a planetary surface offers clues to its past geologic history. We apply a surface roughness model developed by Buratti and Veverka (Buratti, B.J., Veverka, J. [1985]. Icarus 64, 320-328) to Cassini ISS data from the January 1st, 2005 flyby of Iapetus. This model uses the observed scattering behavior to provide a depth to radius factor q quantifying the size of idealized craters on the surface. Our findings indicate that the surface on the dark side is significantly smoother than the surfaces of other icy low-albedo saturnian satellites. We have found that the average depth to radius on the leading (dark) side is 0.084, corresponding to a Hapke mean slope angle of 6°. As compared to the 13-33° Hapke mean slope angle of other icy satellites (Buratti, B.J., and 10 colleagues [2008]. Icarus 193, 309-322), our results present a clearly different picture for the leading surface of Iapetus, suggesting that the dark deposit contributes to the decrease in macroscopic surface roughness of the leading side. Attempts were made to obtain an average depth to radius value for the trailing (bright) side; however the scans of the bright side from this flyby exhibited large variations in albedo, resulting in results that were physically unrealistic.  相似文献   

We present individual spectra 0.8-2.5 μm of the leading and trailing hemispheres of Enceladus obtained with the CorMASS spectrograph on the 1.8 m Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) at the Mount Graham International Observatory. While the absorption bands of water ice dominate the spectrum of both hemispheres, most of these bands are stronger on the leading hemisphere than the trailing hemisphere. In addition, longward of 1 μm, the continuum slope is greater on the leading hemisphere than the trailing hemisphere. These differences could be produced by the presence of particles on the trailing side that are smaller and/or microstructurally more complex than those on the leading side, consistent with the preferential erosion or structural degradation of regolith particle grains on the trailing side by magnetospheric sweeping. We also explore compositional differences between the two hemispheres by applying Hapke spectrophotometric mixture models to the spectra whose components include water ice and ammonia hydrate (1% NH3⋅H2O). We find that spectral models which include as much as 25% by weight ammonia hydrate intimately mixed with water ice and covering 80% of the illuminated area of the satellite fit the observed spectrum of both the leading and trailing hemispheres. Areal (checkerboard) mixing models of ammonia hydrate and water ice fit the leading hemisphere with 15% of the surface comprised of ammonia hydrate and the trailing hemisphere with 10% ammonia hydrate. Therefore, while these spectral data do not contain an unambiguous detection of ammonia hydrate on Enceladus, our spectral models do not preclude the presence of a modest amount of 1% NH3⋅H2O on both hemispheres. We examine spectral differences and similarities between both hemispheres and the tenuous E ring within which Enceladus orbits. The spectral resolution (R=λλ) of these CorMASS data (R∼300) is comparable to but nevertheless higher than that of the Visual-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) (R=225) onboard the Cassini spacecraft.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of an Iapetus mosaic of VIMS data with high spatial resolution (0.5 × 0.5° or ∼6.4 km/pixel). The spectra were taken in August 2007 and provide the highest VIMS spatial resolution data for this object during Cassini’s primary mission. We analyze this set of data using a statistical clustering approach to reduce the analysis of a large number of data (∼104 spectra from 0.35 to 5.10 μm) to the study of seven representative groups accounting for 99.6% of the surface covered by the original sample. We analyze the spectral absorption bands in the spectra of the different clusters indicative of different composition over the observed surface. We find coherence between the distribution of the clusters and the geographical features on the surface. We give special attention to the study of the water ice and CO2 bands. We find that CO2 is widespread over the entire surface being studied, including the bright and dark areas on Iapetus’ surface, and is probably trapped at the molecular level with other materials. The strength of the CO2 band in the areas where both, H2O- and carbon-bearing materials exist, gives support to the hypothesis that this volatile is formed on the surface of Iapetus as a product of irradiation of these two components. Finally, we also compare the Iapetus CO2 with that on other satellites confirming, that there are evident differences on the center, depth and width of the band on Iapetus and Phoebe, where CO2 has been suggested to be endogenous.  相似文献   

Zamama, Culann, and Tupan Patera are three large, persistent volcanic centers on the jovian moon Io. As part of an ongoing project to quantify contributions from individual volcanic centers to Io’s thermal budget, we have quantified the radiant flux from all suitable observations made by the Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) of these volcanoes, in some cases filling omissions in previous analyses. At Zamama, after a long period of cooling, we see a peak in thermal emission that corresponds with new plume activity. Subsequently, toward the end of the Galileo epoch, thermal emission from Zamama drops off in a manner consistent with a greatly reduced eruption rate and the cooling of emplaced flows. Culann exhibits possible episodic activity. We present the full Tupan Patera NIMS dataset and derive new estimates of thermal output and temporal behavior. Eruption rates at these three volcanoes are on the order of 30 m3 s−1, consistent with a previous analysis of NIMS observations of Prometheus, and nearly an order of magnitude greater than Kilauea volcano, Hawai’i, Earth’s most active volcano. We propose that future missions to the jovian system could better constrain activity at these volcanoes and others where similar styles of activity are taking place by obtaining data on a time scale of, ideally, at least one observation per day. Observations at similar or even shorter timescales are desirable during initial waxing phases of eruption episodes. These eruptions are identifiable from their characteristic spectral signatures and temporal behavior.  相似文献   

Iapetus, one of the saturnian moons, has an extreme albedo contrast between the leading and trailing hemispheres. The origin of this albedo dichotomy has led to several hypotheses, however it remains controversial. To clarify the origin of the dichotomy, the key approach is to investigate the detailed distribution of the dark material. Recent studies of impact craters and surface temperature from Cassini spacecraft data implied that sublimation of H2O ice can occur on Iapetus’ surface. This ice sublimation can change the albedo distribution on the moon with time.In this study, we evaluate the effect of ice sublimation and simulate the temporal change of surface albedo. We assume the dark material and the bright ice on the surface to be uniformly mixed with a certain volume fraction, and the initial albedo distribution to incorporate the dark material deposits on the surface. That is, the albedo at the apex is lowest and concentrically increases in a sinusoidal pattern. This situation simulates that dark materials existed around the Iapetus’ orbit billions of years ago, and the synchronously rotating Iapetus swept the material and then deposited it on its surface. The evolution of the surface albedo during 4.0 Gyr is simulated by estimating the surface temperature from the insolation energy on Iapetus including the effect of Saturn’s eccentricity and Iapetus’ obliquity precession, and evaluating the sublimation rate of H2O ice from the Iapetus’ surface.As a result, we found that the distribution of the surface albedo changed dramatically after 4.0 Gyr of evolution. The sublimation has three important effects on the resultant surface albedo. First, the albedo in the leading hemisphere has significantly decreased to approach the minimum value. Second, the albedo distribution has been elongated along the equator. Third, the edge of the low albedo region has become clear. Considering the effect of ice sublimation, the current albedo distribution can be reconstructed from the sinusoidal albedo distribution, suggesting the apex-antapex cratering asymmetry as a candidate for the origin of the albedo dichotomy. From the model analysis, we obtained an important aspect that the depth of the turn-over layer where the darkening process proceeded for 4 Gyr should be an order of 10 cm, which is consistent with evaluation from the Cassini radar observations.  相似文献   

Others have explained the excess flattening of Iapetus by a model in which the moon formed at a high spin rate, achieved isostatic equilibrium by very rapid interior heating caused by short-lived radioactive isotopes (SLRI), and subsequently cooled, locking in the excess flattening with respect to an equilibrium shape at its present spin rate. Here we propose an alternate model that does not require an unusually high initial spin rate or the SLRI. The initial formation of Iapetus results in a slightly oblate spheroid with porosity >10%. Radioactive heating by long-lived isotopes warms the interior to about 200 K, at which point it becomes ductile and the interior compacts by 10%, while the 120 km-thick exterior shell remains strong. The shell must deform to match the reduced volume of the ductile interior, and we propose that this deformation occurs along the equator, perhaps focused by a thinner equatorial shell. The final shape of the collapsed sphere matches the observed shape of Iapetus today, described as an oblate ellipse, except along the equator where strain concentration forms a broad ridge. To maintain this non-equilibrium shape, the thickness of the shell must exceed 120 km. Testing the equatorial focusing hypothesis will require a model that includes non-linear processes to account for the finite yield strength of the thick lithosphere. Nevertheless, we show that the stress in the lithosphere generated by the contraction of the interior is about 3 times greater than the stress needed to deform the lithosphere, so some type of lithospheric deformation is expected.  相似文献   

H.F. Levison  K.J. Walsh  A.C. Barr  L. Dones 《Icarus》2011,214(2):773-778
We present a scenario for building the equatorial ridge and de-spinning Iapetus through an impact-generated disk and satellite. This impact puts debris into orbit, forming a ring inside the Roche limit and a satellite outside. This satellite rapidly pushes the ring material down to the surface of Iapetus, and then itself tidally evolves outward, thereby helping to de-spin Iapetus. This scenario can de-spin Iapetus an order of magnitude faster than when tides due to Saturn act alone, almost independently of its interior geophysical evolution. Eventually, the satellite is stripped from its orbit by Saturn. The range of satellite and impactor masses required is compatible with the estimated impact history of Iapetus.  相似文献   

I. Kulyk  K. Jockers 《Icarus》2004,170(1):24-34
We present the results of photometric measurements of the inner jovian satellites Thebe, Amalthea and Metis based on extensive optical observations taken from October 1999 to January 2002. The observations were made in the phase angle range from 8.1° to 0.3°. The Two-Channel Focal Reducer of the Max-Planck Institute for Aeronomy attached to the 2-m RCC telescope at Terskol Observatory (Pik Terskol, Northern Caucasus) was used in coronagraph mode. The observations were performed at a wavelength of 0.887 μm. Mean observational uncertainties corresponding to 1σ rms errors were 3% for the leading and trailing sides of Amalthea, 7 and 9% for the leading and trailing sides of Thebe and 9% for the leading side of Metis after taking into account the longitude brightness variations. Photometric data calibrated on an absolute scale were used to evaluate the near-opposition behavior of satellite brightness. All three satellites exhibit significant opposition brightening, but the strength of this effect, measured as the ratios of intensities at α1=1.6° and α2=6.7° does not vary significantly among these satellites. In order to measure the opposition surge parameters the empirical law proposed by Karkoschka and Hapke's model were used. The parameters of the satellite opposition effects are presented and discussed. The values of geometric albedos calculated with best-fit Hapke parameters are 0.096, 0.157, and 0.24 for Thebe, Amalthea, and Metis respectively. We found that the average leading/trailing ratios of surface reflectance at the measured phase angles are 1.53±0.05, 1.25±0.04, 1.04±0.08 for Amalthea, Thebe, and Metis.  相似文献   

Narrowband reflectance spectra (0.53-1.0 μm) of Iapetus' leading and trailing sides were obtained in 2000 to test the presence of an absorption feature located near 0.67 μm seen in reflectance spectra of Iapetus' dark material and Hyperion's surface material. No feature was observed. The difference in reflectance across the UV/VIS/NIR spectral region, and the dependence of the presence or absence of this absorption feature on angular separation from the apex of Iapetus in its orbit, phase angle, and heliocentric distance (affecting temperature), were examined. A trend of increased reddening, and the presence of the absorption feature, correlate with an angular separation from the apex of ? approximately 10°. Spectral information is lost when the contribution of the bright water ice signal to the reflectance spectrum increases sufficiently. In order to optimize compositional studies of Iapetus, we encourage future ground-based and space-based spectral observations to maximize the concentration of dark material in the instrumental field of view.  相似文献   

Ever since their discovery the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have held out the promise of providing an independent set of observations with which to test theories of planet formation. Yet elucidating their origins has proven elusive. Here we show that Iapetus can serve to discriminate between satellite formation models. Its accretion history can be understood in terms of a two-component gaseous subnebula, with a relatively dense inner region, and an extended tail out to the location of the irregular satellites, as in the SEMM model of Mosqueira and Estrada (2003a,b) (Mosqueira, I., Estrada, P.R. [2003a]. Icarus 163, 198-231; Mosqueira, I., Estrada, P.R. [2003b]. Icarus 163, 232-255). Following giant planet formation, planetesimals in the feeding zone of Jupiter and Saturn become dynamically excited, and undergo a collisional cascade. Ablation and capture of planetesimal fragments crossing the gaseous circumplanetary disks delivers enough collisional rubble to account for the mass budgets of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. This process can result in rock/ice fractionation as long as the make up of the population of disk crossers is non-homogeneous, thus offering a natural explanation for the marked compositional differences between outer solar nebula objects and those that accreted in the subnebulae of the giant planets. For a given size, icy objects are easier to capture and to ablate, likely resulting in an overall enrichment of ice in the subnebula. Furthermore, capture and ablation of rocky fragments become inefficient far from the planet for two reasons: the gas surface density of the subnebula is taken to drop outside the centrifugal radius, and the velocity of interlopers decreases with distance from the planet. Thus, rocky objects crossing the outer disks of Jupiter and Saturn never reach a temperature high enough to ablate either due to melting or vaporization, and capture is also greatly diminished there. In contrast, icy objects crossing the outer disks of each planet ablate due to the melting and vaporization of water-ice. Consequently, our model leads to an enhancement of the ice content of Iapetus, and to a lesser degree those of Titan, Callisto and Ganymede, and accounts for the (non-stochastic) compositions of these large, low-porosity outer regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. For this to work, the primordial population of planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region must be partially differentiated, so that the ensuing collisional cascade produces an icy population of ?1 m size fragments to be ablated during subnebula crossing. We argue this is likely because the first generation of solar nebula ∼10 km planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region incorporated significant quantities of 26Al. This is the first study successfully to provide a direct connection between nebula planetesimals and subnebulae mixtures with quantifiable and observable consequences for the bulk properties of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, and the only explanation presently available for Iapetus’ low density and ice-rich composition.  相似文献   

B.J. Buratti  M.D. Hicks  A. Davies 《Icarus》2005,175(2):490-495
We have obtained broadband spectrophotometric observations of four of the recently discovered small satellites of Saturn (Gladman et al., 2001, Nature 412, 163-166). The new data enable an understanding of the provenance, composition, and interrelationships among these satellites and the other satellites of Saturn, particularly Iapetus, Phoebe, and Hyperion. Temporal coverage of one satellite (S21 Tarvos) was sufficient to determine a partial rotational lightcurve. Our major findings include: (1) the satellites are red and similar in color, comparable to D-type asteroids, some KBOs, Iapetus, and Hyperion; (2) none of the satellites, including those from the “Phoebe Group” has any spectrophotometric relationship to Phoebe; and (3) S21 Tarvos exhibits a rotational lightcurve, although the data are not well-constrained and more observations are required to fit a definitive period. Dust created by meteoritic impacts and ejected from these satellites and additional undiscovered ones may be the source of the exogenous material deposited on the low-albedo side of Iapetus. Recent work which states that the small irregular satellites of Saturn have impacted Phoebe at least 6-7 times in the age of the Solar System (Nesvorny et al., 2003, Astron. J. 126, 398-429), suggests that such collisions may have propelled additional material from both Phoebe and the small irregular satellites toward Iapetus. The accretion of material from outer retrograde satellites may be a process that also occurs on Callisto and the uranian satellites.  相似文献   

Cassini 2.2-cm radar and radiometric observations of seven of Saturn's icy satellites yield properties that apparently are dominated by subsurface volume scattering and are similar to those of the icy Galilean satellites. Average radar albedos decrease in the order Enceladus/Tethys, Hyperion, Rhea, Dione, Iapetus, and Phoebe. This sequence most likely corresponds to increasing contamination of near-surface water ice, which is intrinsically very transparent at radio wavelengths. Plausible candidates for contaminants include ammonia, silicates, metallic oxides, and polar organics (ranging from nitriles like HCN to complex tholins). There is correlation of our targets' radar and optical albedos, probably due to variations in the concentration of optically dark contaminants in near-surface water ice and the resulting variable attenuation of the high-order multiple scattering responsible for high radar albedos. Our highest radar albedos, for Enceladus and Tethys, probably require that at least the uppermost one to several decimeters of the surface be extremely clean water ice regolith that is structurally complex (i.e., mature) enough for there to be high-order multiple scattering within it. At the other extreme, Phoebe has an asteroidal radar reflectivity that may be due to a combination of single and volume scattering. Iapetus' 2.2-cm radar albedo is dramatically higher on the optically bright trailing side than the optically dark leading side, whereas 13-cm results reported by Black et al. [Black, G.J., Campbell, D.B., Carter, L.M., Ostro, S.J., 2004. Science 304, 553] show hardly any hemispheric asymmetry and give a mean radar reflectivity several times lower than the reflectivity measured at 2.2 cm. These Iapetus results are understandable if ammonia is much less abundant on both sides within the upper one to several decimeters than at greater depths, and if the leading side's optically dark contaminant is present to depths of at least one to several decimeters. As argued by Lanzerotti et al. [Lanzerotti, L.J., Brown, W.L., Marcantonio, K.J., Johnson, R.E., 1984. Nature 312, 139-140], a combination of ion erosion and micrometeoroid gardening may have depleted ammonia from the surfaces of Saturn's icy satellites. Given the hypersensitivity of water ice's absorption length to ammonia concentration, an increase in ammonia with depth could allow efficient 2.2-cm scattering from within the top one to several decimeters while attenuating 13-cm echoes, which would require a six-fold thicker scattering layer. If so, we would expect each of the icy satellites' average radar albedos to be higher at 2.2 cm than at 13 cm, as is the case so far with Rhea [Black, G., Campbell, D., 2004. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 36, 1123] as well as Iapetus.  相似文献   

The spectra of water ice on the surfaces of icy satellites and Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) indicate that the surface ice on these bodies is in a crystalline state. This conflicts with theoretical models, which predict that radiation (galactic cosmic rays and solar ultraviolet) should damage the crystalline structure of ice on geologically short timescales. Temperatures are too low in the outer Solar System for the ice to anneal, and reflectance spectra of these bodies should match those of amorphous solid water (ASW). We assess whether the kinetic energy deposited as heat by micrometeorite impacts on outer Solar System bodies is sufficient to anneal their surface ice down to a near-infrared optical depth . We calculate the kinetic energy flux from interplanetary micrometeorite impacts, including gravitational focusing. We also calculate the thermal diffusion of impact heat in various surfaces and the rate of annealing of ice. We conclude that the rate of annealing from micrometeorite impacts is sufficient to explain the crystallinity of ice on nearly all the surfaces of the saturnian, uranian and neptunian satellites. We discuss how the model can be used in conjunction with spectra of KBOs to probe dust fluxes in the Kuiper Belt.  相似文献   

During its 2005 January opposition, the saturnian system could be viewed at an unusually low phase angle. We surveyed a subset of Saturn's irregular satellites to obtain their true opposition magnitudes, or nearly so, down to phase angle values of 0.01°. Combining our data taken at the Palomar 200-inch and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory's 4-m Blanco telescope with those in the literature, we present the first phase curves for nearly half the irregular satellites originally reported by Gladman et al. [2001. Nature 412, 163-166], including Paaliaq (SXX), Siarnaq (SXXIX), Tarvos (SXXI), Ijiraq (SXXII), Albiorix (SXVI), and additionally Phoebe's narrowest angle brightness measured to date. We find centaur-like steepness in the phase curves or opposition surges in most cases with the notable exception of three, Albiorix and Tarvos, which are suspected to be of similar origin based on dynamical arguments, and Siarnaq.  相似文献   

Stéfan Renner  Bruno Sicardy 《Icarus》2005,174(1):230-240
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of Prometheus and Pandora show longitude discrepancies of about 20° with respect to the Voyager ephemerides, with an abrupt change in mean motion at the end of 2000 (French et al., 2003, Icarus 162, 143-170; French and McGhee, 2003, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 34, 06.07). These discrepancies are anti-correlated and arise from chaotic interactions between the two moons, occurring at interval of 6.2 yr, when their apses are anti-aligned (Goldreich and Rappaport, 2003a, Icarus 162, 391-399). This behavior is attributed to the overlap of four 121:118 apse-type mean motion resonances (Goldreich and Rappaport, 2003b, Icarus 166, 320-327). We study the Prometheus-Pandora system using a Radau-type integrator taking into account Saturn's oblateness up to and including terms in J6, plus the effects of the major satellites. We first confirm the chaotic behavior of Prometheus and Pandora. By fitting the numerical integrations to the HST data (French et al., 2003, Icarus 162, 143-170; French and McGhee, 2003, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 34, 06.07), we derive the satellite masses. The resulting GM values (with their standard 3-σ errors) for Prometheus and Pandora are respectively and . Using the nominal shape of the two moons (Thomas, 1989, Icarus 77, 248-274), we derive Prometheus and Pandora's densities, 0.40+0.03−0.07 and 0.49+0.05−0.09 g cm−3, respectively. Our numerical fits also enable us to constrain the time of the latest apse anti-alignment in 2000. Finally, using our fit, we predict the orbital positions of the two satellites during the Cassini tour, and provide a lower limit of the uncertainties due to chaos. These uncertainties amount to about 0.2° in mean longitude at the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft in July 2004, and to about 3° in 2008, at the end of the nominal tour.  相似文献   

Stephan et al. (Stephan, K. et al. [2010]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, 7104-+.) first saw the glint of sunlight specularly reflected off of Titan’s lakes. We develop a quantitative model for analyzing the photometric lightcurve generated during a flyby in which the specularly reflected light flux depends on the fraction of the solar specular footprint that is covered by liquid. We allow for surface waves that spread out the geographic specular intensity distribution. Applying the model to the VIMS T58 observations shows that the waves on Jingpo Lacus must have slopes of no greater than 0.15°, two orders of magnitude flatter than waves on Earth’s oceans. Combining the model with theoretical estimates of the intensity of the specular reflection allows a tighter constraint on the waves: ?0.05°. Residual specular signal while the specular point lies on land implies that either the land is wetted, the wave slope distribution is non-Gaussian, or that 5% of the land off the southwest edge of Jingpo Lacus is covered in puddles. Another specular sequence off of Kraken Mare acquired during Cassini’s T59 flyby shows rapid flux changes that the static model cannot reproduce. Points just 1 min apart vary in flux by more than a factor of two. The present dataset does not uniquely determine the mechanism causing these rapid changes. We suggest that changing wind conditions, kilometer-wavelength waves, or moving clouds could account for the variability. Future specular observations should be designed with a fast cadence, at least 6 points per minute, in order to differentiate between these hypotheses. Such new data will further constrain the nature of Titan’s lakes and their interactions with Titan’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

Z. Peeters  R.L. Hudson  M.H. Moore 《Icarus》2010,210(1):480-487
The radiation chemistry, thermal stability, and vapor pressure of solid-phase carbonic acid (H2CO3) have been studied with mid-infrared spectroscopy. A new procedure for measuring this molecule’s radiation stability has been used to obtain intrinsic IR band strengths and half-lives for radiolytic destruction. We report, for the first time, measurements of carbonic acid’s vapor pressure (0.290-2.33 × 10−11 bar for 240-255 K) and its enthalpy of sublimation (71 ± 9 kJ mol−1). We also report the first observation of a chemical reaction involving solid-phase carbonic acid. Possible applications of these findings are discussed, with an emphasis on the outer Solar System icy surfaces.  相似文献   

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