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The SMART-1 lunar impact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SMART-1 spacecraft impacted the Moon on 3rd September 2006 at a speed of 2 km s−1 and at a very shallow angle of incidence (∼1°). The resulting impact crater is too small to be viewed from the Earth; accordingly, the general crater size and shape have been determined here by laboratory impact experiments at the same speed and angle of incidence combined with extrapolating to the correct size scale to match the SMART-1 impact. This predicts a highly asymmetric crater approximately 5.5-26 m long, 1.9-9 m wide, 0.23-1.5 m deep and 0.71-6.9 m3 volume. Some of the excavated mass will have gone into crater rim walls, but 0.64-6.3 m3 would have been ejecta on ballistic trajectories corresponding to a cloud of 2200-21,800 kg of lunar material moving away from the impact site. The shallow Messier crater on the Moon is similarly asymmetric and is usually taken as arising from a highly oblique impact. The light flash from the impact and the associated ejecta plume were observed from Earth, but the flash magnitude was not obtained, so it is not possible to obtain the luminous efficiency of the impact event.  相似文献   

We performed the first global survey of lunar regolith depths using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) data and the crater morphology method for determining regolith depth. We find that on both the lunar farside and in the nearside, non-mare regions, the regolith depth is twice as deep as it is within the lunar maria. Our data compare favorably with previous studies where such data exist. We also find that regolith depth correlates well with density of large craters (>20 km diameter). This result is consistent with the gradual formation of regolith by rock fracture during impact events.  相似文献   

Rays and secondary craters of Tycho   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The large, fresh crater Tycho in the nearside lunar highlands has an extensive system of bright rays covering approximately 560,000 km2, containing dense clusters of secondary craters. Examination of crater densities in several clusters shows that Tycho produced almost 106 secondary craters larger than 63 m diameter. This is a lower limit, because small crater densities are reduced, most likely by mass wasting. We estimate a crater erasure rate of 2-6 cm/Myr, varying with crater size, and consistent with previous results. This process has removed many small craters, and it is probable that the original number of secondary craters formed by Tycho was higher. Also, we can only identify distant secondaries of Tycho where they occur in bright rays. Craters on Mars and Europa also formed large numbers of secondaries, but under possibly ideal conditions for spallation as a mechanism to produce high-velocity ejecta fragments. The results from Tycho show that large numbers of such fragments can be produced even from impact into a heavily fragmented target on which spallation is expected to be less important.  相似文献   

The origin of lunar crater rays   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lunar rays are filamentous, high-albedo deposits occurring radial or subradial to impact craters. The nature and origin of lunar rays have long been the subjects of major controversies. We have determined the origin of selected lunar ray segments utilizing Earth-based spectral and radar data as well as FeO, TiO2, and optical maturity maps produced from Clementine UVVIS images. These include rays associated with Tycho, Olbers A, Lichtenberg, and the Messier crater complex. It was found that lunar rays are bright because of compositional contrast with the surrounding terrain, the presence of immature material, or some combination of the two. Mature “compositional” rays such as those exhibited by Lichtenberg crater, are due entirely to the contrast in albedo between ray material containing highlands-rich primary ejecta and the adjacent dark mare surfaces. “Immaturity” rays are bright due to the presence of fresh, high-albedo material. This fresh debris was produced by one or more of the following: (1) the emplacement of immature primary ejecta, (2) the deposition of immature local material from secondary craters, (3) the action of debris surges downrange of secondary clusters, and (4) the presence of immature interior walls of secondary impact craters. Both composition and state-of-maturity play a role in producing a third (“combination”) class of lunar rays. The working distinction between the Eratosthenian and Copernican Systems is that Copernican craters still have visible rays whereas Eratosthenian-aged craters do not. Compositional rays can persist far longer than 1.1 Ga, the currently accepted age of the Copernican-Eratosthenian boundary. Hence, the mere presence of rays is not a reliable indication of crater age. The optical maturity parameter should be used to define the Copernican-Eratosthenian boundary. The time required for an immature surface to reach the optical maturity index saturation point could be defined as the Copernican Period.  相似文献   

Global mapping of lunar crustal magnetic fields by Lunar Prospector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Lunar Prospector Electron Reflectometer has obtained the first global map of lunar crustal magnetic fields, revealing that the effects of basin-forming impacts dominate the large-scale distribution of remanent magnetic fields on the Moon. The weakest surface magnetic fields (<0.2 nT) are found within two of the largest and most recent impact basins, Orientale and Imbrium. Conversely, the largest concentrations of strong surface fields (>40 nT) are diametrically opposite to these same basins. This pattern is present though less pronounced for several other post-Nectarian impact basins larger than 500 km in diameter. The reduced strength and clarity of the pattern for older basins may be attributed to: (1) demagnetization from many smaller impacts, which erases antipodal magnetic signatures over time, (2) superposition effects from other large impacts, and (3) variation in the strength of the ambient magnetizing field. The absence of fringing fields stronger than 1 nT around the perimeter of the Imbrium basin or associated with craters within the basin implies that any uniform magnetization of the impact melt must be weaker than ∼10−6 G cm3 g−1. This limits the strength of any steady ambient magnetic field to no more than ∼0.1 Oe at the lunar surface while the basin cooled for tens of millions of years following the Imbrium impact 3.8 billion years ago.  相似文献   

The rayed crater Zunil and interpretations of small impact craters on Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 10-km diameter crater named Zunil in the Cerberus Plains of Mars created ∼107 secondary craters 10 to 200 m in diameter. Many of these secondary craters are concentrated in radial streaks that extend up to 1600 km from the primary crater, identical to lunar rays. Most of the larger Zunil secondaries are distinctive in both visible and thermal infrared imaging. MOC images of the secondary craters show sharp rims and bright ejecta and rays, but the craters are shallow and often noncircular, as expected for relatively low-velocity impacts. About 80% of the impact craters superimposed over the youngest surfaces in the Cerberus Plains, such as Athabasca Valles, have the distinctive characteristics of Zunil secondaries. We have not identified any other large (?10 km diameter) impact crater on Mars with such distinctive rays of young secondary craters, so the age of the crater may be less than a few Ma. Zunil formed in the apparently youngest (least cratered) large-scale lava plains on Mars, and may be an excellent example of how spallation of a competent surface layer can produce high-velocity ejecta (Melosh, 1984, Impact ejection, spallation, and the origin of meteorites, Icarus 59, 234-260). It could be the source crater for some of the basaltic shergottites, consistent with their crystallization and ejection ages, composition, and the fact that Zunil produced abundant high-velocity ejecta fragments. A 3D hydrodynamic simulation of the impact event produced 1010 rock fragments ?10 cm diameter, leading to up to 109 secondary craters ?10 m diameter. Nearly all of the simulated secondary craters larger than 50 m are within 800 km of the impact site but the more abundant smaller (10-50 m) craters extend out to 3500 km. If Zunil is representative of large impact events on Mars, then secondaries should be more abundant than primaries at diameters a factor of ∼1000 smaller than that of the largest primary crater that contributed secondaries. As a result, most small craters on Mars could be secondaries. Depth/diameter ratios of 1300 small craters (10-500 m diameter) in Isidis Planitia and Gusev crater have a mean value of 0.08; the freshest of these craters give a ratio of 0.11, identical to that of fresh secondary craters on the Moon (Pike and Wilhelms, 1978, Secondary-impact craters on the Moon: topographic form and geologic process, Lunar Planet. Sci. IX, 907-909) and significantly less than the value of ∼0.2 or more expected for fresh primary craters of this size range. Several observations suggest that the production functions of Hartmann and Neukum (2001, Cratering chronology and the evolution of Mars, Space Sci. Rev. 96, 165-194) predict too many primary craters smaller than a few hundred meters in diameter. Fewer small, high-velocity impacts may explain why there appears to be little impact regolith over Amazonian terrains. Martian terrains dated by small craters could be older than reported in recent publications.  相似文献   

We compare three previously independently studied crater morphologies - excess ejecta craters, perched craters, and pedestal craters - each of which has been proposed to form from impacts into an ice-rich surface layer. Our analysis identifies the specific similarities and differences between the crater types; the commonalities provide significant evidence for a genetic relationship among the morphologies. We use new surveys of excess ejecta and perched craters in the southern hemisphere in conjunction with prior studies of all of the morphologies to create a comprehensive overview of their geographic distributions and physical characteristics. From these analyses, we conclude that excess ejecta craters and perched craters are likely to have formed from the same mechanism, with excess ejecta craters appearing fresh while perched craters have experienced post-impact modification and infilling. Impacts that led to these two morphologies overwhelmed the ice-rich layer, penetrating into the underlying martian regolith, resulting in the excavation of rock that formed the blocky ejecta necessary to armor the surface and preserve the ice-rich deposits. Pedestal craters, which tend to be smaller in diameter, have the same average deposit thickness as excess ejecta and perched craters, and form in the same geographic regions. They rarely have ejecta around their crater rims, instead exhibiting a smooth pedestal surface. We interpret this to mean that they form from impacts into the same type of ice-rich paleodeposit, but that they do not penetrate through the icy surface layer, and thus do not generate a blocky ejecta covering. Instead, a process related to the impact event appears to produce a thin, indurated surface lag deposit that serves to preserve the ice-rich material. These results provide a new basis to identify the presence of Amazonian non-polar ice-rich deposits, to map their distribution in space and time, and to assess Amazonian climate history. Specifically, the ages, distribution and physical attributes of the crater types suggest that tens to hundreds of meters of ice-rich material has been episodically emplaced at mid latitudes in both hemispheres throughout the Amazonian due to obliquity-driven climate variations. These deposits likely accumulated more frequently in the northern lowlands, resulting in a larger population of all three crater morphologies in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

A 1953 telescopic photograph of a flash on the Moon is the only unequivocal record of the rare crash of an asteroid-sized body onto the lunar surface. We estimate that this event would create an impact feature up to several km in size and that the diameter of the impacting body would be about 20 m. Such an event would cause regional devastation if it occurred on Earth. Although not detectable with ground- based telescopes, the lunar crater should be visible in space-based images of the Moon. A search of images from the Clementine mission reveals an ∼1.5-km high-albedo, blue, fresh-appearing crater with an associated ejecta blanket at the location of the flash. The identification of this crater offers an opportunity to investigate subsurface unaltered lunar soils.  相似文献   

Apollo 12 Lunar Module exhaust plume impingement on Lunar Surveyor III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding plume impingement by retrorockets on the surface of the Moon is paramount for safe lunar outpost design in NASA’s planned return to the Moon for the Constellation Program. Visual inspection, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and surface scanned topology have been used to investigate the damage to the Lunar Surveyor III spacecraft that was caused by the Apollo 12 Lunar Module’s close proximity landing. Two parts of the Surveyor III craft returned by the Apollo 12 astronauts, Coupons 2050 and 2051, which faced the Apollo 12 landing site, show that a fine layer of lunar regolith coated the materials and was subsequently removed by the Apollo 12 Lunar Module landing rocket. The coupons were also pitted by the impact of larger soil particles with an average of 103 pits/cm2. The average entry size of the pits was 83.7 μm (major diameter) × 74.5 μm (minor diameter) and the average estimated penetration depth was 88.4 μm. Pitting in the surface of the coupons correlates to removal of lunar fines and is likely a signature of lunar material imparting localized momentum/energy sufficient to cause cracking of the paint. Comparison with the lunar soil particle size distribution and the optical density of blowing soil during lunar landings indicates that the Surveyor III spacecraft was not exposed to the direct spray of the landing Lunar Module, but instead experienced only the fringes of the spray of soil. Had Surveyor III been exposed to the direct spray, the damage would have been orders of magnitude higher.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  Brett J. Gladman 《Icarus》2010,207(2):590-7225
Multiple impact basins formed on the Moon about 3.8 Gyr ago in what is known as the lunar cataclysm or Late Heavy Bombardment. Many workers currently interpret the lunar cataclysm as an impact spike primarily caused by main-belt asteroids destabilized by delayed planetary migration. We show that morphologically fresh (class 1) craters on the lunar highlands were mostly formed during the brief tail of the cataclysm, as they have absolute crater number density similar to that of the Orientale basin and ejecta blanket. The connection between class 1 craters and the cataclysm is supported by the similarity of their size-frequency distribution to that of stratigraphically-identified Imbrian craters. Majority of lunar craters younger than the Imbrium basin (including class 1 craters) thus record the size-frequency distribution of the lunar cataclysm impactors. This distribution is much steeper than that of main-belt asteroids. We argue that the projectiles bombarding the Moon at the time of the cataclysm could not have been main-belt asteroids ejected by purely gravitational means.  相似文献   

I.D.S. Grey 《Icarus》2004,168(2):467-474
Research on the impact cratering process on icy bodies has been largely based on the most abundant ice, water. However little is known about the influence of other relatively abundant ices such as ammonia. Accordingly, data are presented studying the influence on cratering in ammonia rich ice using spherical 1 mm diameter stainless steel projectiles at velocities of 4.8±0.5 km s−1. The ice target composition ranged from pure water ice, to solutions containing 50% ammonia and 50% water by weight. Results for crater depth, diameter, volume and depth/diameter ratio are given. The results showed that the presence of ammonia in the ice had a very strong influence on crater diameter and morphology. It was found that with only a 10% concentration of ammonia, crater diameter significantly decreased, and then at greater concentrations became independent of ammonia content. Crater depth was independent of the presence of ammonia in the ice, and the crater volume appeared to decrease as ammonia concentration increased. Between ammonia concentrations of 10 and 20% crater morphology visibly changed from wide shallow craters with a deeper central pit to craters with a smoothly increasing depth from the crater rim to centre. Thus, a small amount of ammonia within a water ice surface may have a major effect on crater morphology.  相似文献   

Ejecta from impact craters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An important feature of impacts into Solar System bodies is the fate of crater ejecta, the near-surface material launched during the highly dynamic crater formation process. Laboratory measurements of impact crater ejecta from 18 studies are summarized. The data are examined and used to assess our understanding of how the ejecta velocity and mass distributions depend on the conditions of an impact event. The effects of impact speed on the ejecta are reasonably well understood, but the dependences on target properties such as strength and porosity are only poorly constrained. A point-source scaling model for the ejecta mass and velocity distributions is developed and fit to the data for several classes of materials distinguished by porosity.  相似文献   

Impact craters on planetary bodies transition with increasing size from simple, to complex, to peak-ring basins and finally to multi-ring basins. Important to understanding the relationship between complex craters with central peaks and multi-ring basins is the analysis of protobasins (exhibiting a rim crest and interior ring plus a central peak) and peak-ring basins (exhibiting a rim crest and an interior ring). New data have permitted improved portrayal and classification of these transitional features on the Moon. We used new 128 pixel/degree gridded topographic data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) instrument onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, combined with image mosaics, to conduct a survey of craters >50 km in diameter on the Moon and to update the existing catalogs of lunar peak-ring basins and protobasins. Our updated catalog includes 17 peak-ring basins (rim-crest diameters range from 207 km to 582 km, geometric mean = 343 km) and 3 protobasins (137-170 km, geometric mean = 157 km). Several basins inferred to be multi-ring basins in prior studies (Apollo, Moscoviense, Grimaldi, Freundlich-Sharonov, Coulomb-Sarton, and Korolev) are now classified as peak-ring basins due to their similarities with lunar peak-ring basin morphologies and absence of definitive topographic ring structures greater than two in number. We also include in our catalog 23 craters exhibiting small ring-like clusters of peaks (50-205 km, geometric mean = 81 km); one (Humboldt) exhibits a rim-crest diameter and an interior morphology that may be uniquely transitional to the process of forming peak rings. A power-law fit to ring diameters (Dring) and rim-crest diameters (Dr) of peak-ring basins on the Moon [Dring = 0.14 ± 0.10(Dr)1.21±0.13] reveals a trend that is very similar to a power-law fit to peak-ring basin diameters on Mercury [Dring = 0.25 ± 0.14(Drim)1.13±0.10] [Baker, D.M.H. et al. [2011]. Planet. Space Sci., in press]. Plots of ring/rim-crest ratios versus rim-crest diameters for peak-ring basins and protobasins on the Moon also reveal a continuous, nonlinear trend that is similar to trends observed for Mercury and Venus and suggest that protobasins and peak-ring basins are parts of a continuum of basin morphologies. The surface density of peak-ring basins on the Moon (4.5 × 10−7 per km2) is a factor of two less than Mercury (9.9 × 10−7 per km2), which may be a function of their widely different mean impact velocities (19.4 km/s and 42.5 km/s, respectively) and differences in peak-ring basin onset diameters. New calculations of the onset diameter for peak-ring basins on the Moon and the terrestrial planets re-affirm previous analyses that the Moon has the largest onset diameter for peak-ring basins in the inner Solar System. Comparisons of the predictions of models for the formation of peak-ring basins with the characteristics of the new basin catalog for the Moon suggest that formation and modification of an interior melt cavity and nonlinear scaling of impact melt volume with crater diameter provide important controls on the development of peak rings. In particular, a power-law model of growth of an interior melt cavity with increasing crater diameter is consistent with power-law fits to the peak-ring basin data for the Moon and Mercury. We suggest that the relationship between the depth of melting and depth of the transient cavity offers a plausible control on the onset diameter and subsequent development of peak-ring basins and also multi-ring basins, which is consistent with both planetary gravitational acceleration and mean impact velocity being important in determining the onset of basin morphological forms on the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

We address impact cratering on Io and Europa, with the emphasis on the origin of small craters on Europa as secondary to the primary impacts of comets on Io, Europa, and Ganymede. In passing we also address the origin of secondary craters generated by Zunil, a well-studied impact crater on Mars that is a plausible analog to impact craters on Io. At nominal impact rates, and taking volcanic resurfacing into account, we find that there should be 1.3 impact craters on Io, equally likely to be of any diameter between 100 m and 20 km. The corresponding model age of Europa's surface is between 60 and 100 Ma. This range of ages does not include a factor three uncertainty stemming from the uncertain sizes and numbers of comets. The mass of basaltic impact ejecta from Io to reach Europa is found to meet or exceed the micrometeoroid flux as a source of rock-forming elements to Europa's ice crust. To describe impact ejecta in more detail we adapt models for impact-generated spalls and Grady-Kipp fragments originally developed by Melosh. Our model successfully reproduces the observed size-number distributions of small craters on both Mars and Europa. However, the model predicts that a significant fraction of the 200-500 m diameter craters on Europa are not traditional secondary craters but are instead sesquinary craters caused by impact ejecta from Io that had gone into orbit about Jupiter. This prediction is not supported by observation, which implies that high speed spalls usually break up into smaller fragments that make smaller sesquinary craters. Iogenic basalts are also interesting because they provide stratigraphic horizons on Europa that in principle could be used to track historic motions of the ice, and they provide materials suitable to radiometric dating of Europa's surface.  相似文献   

B.A. Ivanov 《Icarus》2006,183(2):504-507
Published data for global impact rate of bolides are compared with the cratering rate on the Moon in the past 100 Ma (assumed to be constant). The comparison shows, that in the limits of used models accuracy, the current meteoroid flux in the Earth-Moon system is approximately the same as in the last 100 Ma, provided most of the small (D<200 m) craters counted on the young (?100 Ma) lunar surface are primary, not secondary craters.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki Sato  Kei Kurita 《Icarus》2010,207(1):248-264
Floor-fractured craters (FFC) are a peculiar form of degradation of impact craters defined by the presence of crevice networks and mesas affecting crater floors. They are preferentially distributed near chaotic terrains and outflow channels. The scope of this paper is to present a detailed systematic analysis of FFC at Xanthe Terra. FFC morphologies in this region are classified into five types making a picture of different stages of the same degradation process. FFC are geographically intermixed with un-fractured normal craters (non-FFC). Young craters are less prone to show this type of degradation, as suggested by fresh ejecta layer with preserved crater floor. Size distributions of FFC and non-FFC indicate that larger craters are preferentially fractured. Careful examinations of the crater floor elevations reveal that the crevices often extend deeper than the original crater cavity. Furthermore, an onset depth for the formation of FFC is evidenced from the difference of spatial distributions between FFC and non-FFC. Roof-collapsed depressions observed in the same region have been also documented and their characteristics suggest the removal of subsurface material at depth from about 1200 to 4000 m. These observations taken together suggest a subsurface zone of volume deficit at depth from 1 to 2 km down to several kilometers responsible for FFC formation. Then a scenario of FFC formations is presented in the context of groundwater discharge events at the late Hesperian. This scenario involves two key processes, Earth fissuring and piping erosion, known to occur with rapid groundwater migrations on Earth.  相似文献   

The lunar cratering rate studied over the past 1.1 Gyr, which is a foundation of the lunar cratering chronology, is a decreasing function of the angular distance from the apex of the orbital motion due to the synchronous rotation of the Moon. We here evaluate an influence of the asymmetrical rate upon the age determination.  相似文献   

This paper presents an updated stratigraphical and compositional study of the exposed maria within the Imbrium basin on the Moon. Clementine multispectral data were employed to derive TiO2 and FeO wt% abundance estimates of potentially distinct basaltic flows. Additionally, NASA Lunar Orbiter images were used to estimate flow ages using crater count statistics. Mare Imbrium shows evidence of a complex suite of low to high-Ti basaltic lava units infilling the basin over an 800 million year timescale. More than a third (37%) of identified mare basalts were found to contain 1-3 wt% TiO2. Two other major mare lithological units (representing about 25% of the surface each) show TiO2 values between 3-5 and 7-9 wt%. The dominant fraction (55%) of the sampled maria contain FeO between 16 and 18 wt%, followed by 27% of maria having 18-20 wt% and the remaining 18%, 14-16 wt% FeO. A crater frequency count (for diameters >500 m) shows that in three quarters of the sampled mare crater counts range between 3.5 and 5.5×10−2 per km2, which translates, according to a lunar cratering model chronology, into estimated emplacement ages between ∼3.3 and 2.5 Ga. A compositional convergence trend between the variations of iron and titanium oxides was identified, in particular for materials with TiO2 and FeO content broadly above 5 and 17 wt%, respectively, suggesting a related petrogenesis and evolution. According to these findings, three major periods of mare infill are exposed in the Imbrium basin; despite each period showing a range of basaltic compositions (classified according to their TiO2 content), it is apparent that, at least within these local geological settings, the igneous petrogenesis generally evolved through time towards more TiO2- and FeO-rich melts.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  Brett J. Gladman 《Icarus》2011,216(1):363-365
?uk et al. (?uk, M. Gladman, B.J., Stewart, S.T. [2010]. Icarus 207 590-594) concluded that the the lunar cataclysm (late heavy bombardment) was recorded in lunar Imbrian era craters, and that their size distribution is different from that of main belt asteroids (which may have been the dominant pre-Imbrian impactors). This result would likely preclude the asteroid belt as the direct source of lunar cataclysm impactors. Malhotra and Strom (Malhotra, R., Strom, R.G. [2011]. Icarus) maintain that the lunar impactor population in the Imbrian era was the same as in Nectarian and pre-Nectarian periods, and this population had a size distribution identical to that of main belt asteroids. In support of this claim, they present an Imbrian size distribution made from two data sets published by Wilhelms et al. (Wilhelms, D.E., Oberbeck, V.R., Aggarwal, H.R. [1978]. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 9, 3735-3762). However, these two data sets cannot be simply combined as they represent areas of different ages and therefore crater densities. Malhotra and Strom (Malhotra, R., Strom, R.G. [2011]. Icarus) differ with the main conclusion of Wilhelms et al. (Wilhelms, D.E., Oberbeck, V.R., Aggarwal, H.R. [1978]. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 9, 3735-3762) that the Nectarian and Imbrian crater size distributions were different. We conclude that the available data indicate that the lunar Imbrian-era impactors had a different size distribution from the older ones, with the Imbrian impactor distribution being significantly richer in small impactors than that of older lunar impactors or current main-belt asteroids.  相似文献   

This study presents an automated system for cataloging impact craters using the MOLA 128 pixels/degree digital elevation model of Mars. Craters are detected by a two-step algorithm that first identifies round and symmetric topographic depressions as crater candidates and then selects craters using a machine-learning technique. The system is robust with respect to surface types; craters are identified with similar accuracy from all different types of martian surfaces without adjusting input parameters. By using a large training set in its final selection step, the system produces virtually no false detections. Finally, the system provides a seamless integration of crater detection with its characterization. Of particular interest is the ability of our algorithm to calculate crater depths. The system is described and its application is demonstrated on eight large sites representing all major types of martian surfaces. An evaluation of its performance and prospects for its utilization for global surveys are given by means of detailed comparison of obtained results to the manually-derived Catalog of Large Martian Impact Craters. We use the results from the test sites to construct local depth-diameter relationships based on a large number of craters. In general, obtained relationships are in agreement with what was inferred on the basis of manual measurements. However, we have found that, in Terra Cimmeria, the depth/diameter ratio has an abrupt decrease at ∼38°S regardless of crater size. If shallowing of craters is attributed to presence of sub-surface ice, a sudden change in its spatial distribution is suggested by our findings.  相似文献   

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