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Labour geography foregrounds the role of workers in shaping geographies of work by paying attention to the larger actions of labour in response to the capital and state. It however pays less attention to the everyday geographies of labour and the complexities of the ‘social being’ in trying to understand workers motivations and responses. This review argues for labour geography to look beyond the factory gates to understand the nuanced politics of labour as relations get ‘reworked’ within a patriarchal-capitalist society. It argues for paying close attention to the life stories and experiences of workers, to create linkages between lives as waged workers in a formal workspace with the informal nature of work-life outside, without losing sight of the larger struggles of labour and global processes, to develop a more grounded understanding of worker’s agency and actions.  相似文献   

Ulf Strohmayer 《GeoJournal》1993,30(4):463-472
Current developments within the human sciences in general and social geography in particular have challenged the paradigm of representation that has prevailed here as elsewhere for the longest time since the Enlightenment. The paper at hand seeks to explore some of the wider ramifications of this so-called postmodern challenge for those forms of expression that geographers have become accustomed to. Primarily the map, unique in its importance for the pursuit of geographical knowledge, will be analyzed from a decidedly abstract point of view.  相似文献   

Location-enabled online tools and/or services (i.e. Google Earth/Maps, Flickr, Facebook check-ins, etc.) have been widely used for distributing and processing geospatial-related data. They attract diverse users to consume and contribute geographic information (GI) in many different forms. This study examines college students’ consumption and contribution of GI through these tools and/or services as well as their perception of risk and privacy. It evaluates the impact of Geographic information systems (GIS) and geography knowledge on the related behavior and perception. Through conducting a survey, it was found that college students’ consumption frequency of GI through the investigated tools and services is positively related to their knowledge in GIS and geography, but their GI contribution is not related. GIS knowledge was found to help raise students’ awareness level of risk. However, this relationship does not translate into students’ concern about potential privacy disclosure or their willingness to share personal location information through using location-enabled online tools and/or services. Discussions on the gap between students’ consumption and contribution of GI through the tools and/or services are shared in the paper as well as possible explanations on the disconnection between their risk awareness, privacy concern, and willingness to share personal information. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   


The International Geographical Union Reports

IGU commission on population geography symposium on ethnicity and geography Ljubljana, Slovenia: September 8–11, 1993 (Second circular)  相似文献   

The total number of synthetic organic chemicals introduced to the environment by humans has never been quantified, but it is not lower than thousands. A fraction of these chemicals have toxic effects to coastal organisms and presumably affect ecosystems structure and function. During the last decades, some of the processes affecting the transport, degradation, and fate of a limited number of chemicals have been studied, and the rising concern for environmental risk of organic chemical has lead to the regulation of a few of them by national and international organisms. However, the environmental inventory of organic pollutants is far from being quantified, and current methodologies used in most toxicological tests only allow to determine effects of individual chemicals to organisms. There are major limitations on appropriate methodologies to assess the effects of organic pollutants at population and ecosystem levels and the effects induced by complex mixtures of organic pollutants present in natural environments. The modification of the composition of the biosphere by a myriad of organic pollutants at ultra-trace levels is not yet regarded as another vector of environmental change which is irreversible due to the persistent character of many of these chemicals and due to its global coverage. Here, we claim that the modification of the atmosphere, water, sediments, and biota composition is a factor to be taken into account in coastal ecosystems, and that its pressure on the environment has been exponentially increasing during the last six decades of the anthropocene.  相似文献   

In contrast to dramatic flow regime changes by less frequent large-scale volcanic eruptions, those caused by more frequent small-scale processes in volcanic landscapes may also drastically change the direction and dynamics of flow in a drainage system formed solely by fluvial processes. During such periods of channel morphology change, it is necessary to frequently update channel flow parameters to assess preventive measures for civil protection purposes. Often aerial photography is impracticable, since parts of the channels are covered by dense vegetation, while total station and laser topographic surveys are often too slow and costly, particularly during a high frequency of events. This article introduces and validates a new methodology for updating the representation of channel morphology in Digital Elevation Models (DEM) used specifically for assessing the dangers of frequently occurring lahars along gorges in volcanic landscapes during eruptive and non-eruptive periods. The updating of channel cross-sections was achieved by inserting more detailed representative profiles of homogeneous channel sectors in DEMs derived from existing less detailed topographic maps. The channel profiles were surveyed along the thalweg in equidistant points according to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) (x,y) coordinates and elevation derived from the existing DEM. The proposed technique was applied at Tenenepanco-Huiloac Gorge on Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico, in an area affected by major lahars during the volcano’s most recent eruptive period from 1994 to 2005. The proposed method can reduce the cost and person-hours of a regular channel topographic survey dramatically and the enhanced DEM can determine volume parameters and flood zones associated with the 1 July 1997 and 21 January 2001 lahars, respectively. In addition, the updated DEM with better channel representation allowed a more realistic fluid flow and lahar simulation with the process-based TITAN2D model.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous Bowland Shale in England, and its correlatives in Ireland, contain anomalously high concentrations of trace elements, including selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo) and arsenic (As). High levels of these elements reflect high sulphur contents as these elements occur as trace constituents of pyrite. Anomalous Se in particular may have a volcanic provenance, from contemporary volcanic activity and/or drainage from Ordovician volcanogenic sulphide deposits. Following concern over the release of Se and As into groundwater during shale gas extraction in the US, the potential fate of Se and As during any future shale gas extraction from the Bowland Shale merits attention. It is at least an environmental issue that must be managed, but at best it could be an opportunity for extraction of Se in an environmentally sensitive manner.  相似文献   

Recrystallization of zircons under the influence of fluids was studied using examples from Precambrian rocks (microcline granites, metasedimentary, and mafic rocks) of the Kola Peninsula. All zircon crystals showed complex internal textures visible by cathodoluminescence and backscattered electron (BSE) imaging. Detailed mineralogical and geochemical studies with subsequent secondary ion mass spectrometer U–Pb dating of different zircon domains show that secondary texture formation can be interpreted in terms of metasomatic replacement of zircon crystals on the base of crystallogenetic experimental models. Mechanisms of zircon replacement and interpretation of U–Pb ages for secondary zircon domains are dependent on the degree of damage of the zircon structure and the fluid composition. The recrystallization of metamict zircon without additional supply of new zircon substance (Zr, SiO2) goes with the dissolution of amorphous domains and precipitation of new polycrystalline zircon, which preserves the U–Pb initial age, but loses radiogenic lead, and the lower intercept of Discordia lines with the Concordia curve determines the time of fluid influence. The recrystallization of metamict zircon or crystalline zircon with high contents of impurities with additional supply of Si and Zr forms monocrystalline replacements. Dissolution of primary zircon is accompanied by growth of new zircon domains differing in the composition of isomorphic impurities and zones of transitional composition, whose ages have no geological sense. The study is of particular importance for zircons from Precambrian rocks with long and complex histories.  相似文献   

Paul Reuber 《GeoJournal》2000,50(1):37-43
The political and economic upheavals during the past two decades have led to a new social and political organization of space on all levels of scale. To deal with the obvious changes, political geography had to rethink and to extend its traditional concepts. Transcending its long taken-for-granted radical approaches, the Anglo-American geography developed two conceptional paths, both of which are still relevant for political geography today:— a new awareness of regional differences in political action and culture— a new, constructionist awareness of the instrumentalization of geographical discourses for geopolitical purposes.With these theoretical concepts, political geography is examining a number of both traditional and new fields of research. Their heterogeneity is once again evidence of postmodern diversity and difference. They are characterized by both a new awareness of differentiation and a widening of the traditional viewpoint in three closely related respects transcending the traditional topics of political activity, the traditional political actors and the established levels of scale of politics. Based on the current literature it is possible to outline some major themes and perspectives of current political geography that are closely linked together, like knots in thematic networks:1. ecological politics and resource conflicts 2. territorial conflicts and boundaries 3. geopolitics and the politics of identity 4. globalization and new international relations 5. the symbolic representation of political power 6. regional conflicts and new social movements.  相似文献   

Desalination alters a basic premise of water geography – fresh water flows from the sea inward, rather than the other way around. But, is this observation important? To address this question it is necessary to identify the potential ramifications of the changes in the water geography brought about by desalination. Israel is used as a basis for identifying these ramifications as it has recently embarked on a large-scale desalination program. The direct readily observable implications of the three main attributes of desalination, the reversal of flow direction, the continuity of water production, regardless of weather and climate vagrancies, and its cost are first spelled out. Then the potential ramifications for internal power structures, pricing and transboundary water agreements are discussed for the Israeli and Israeli–Arab scene. It is shown that the spatial flexibility introduced by desalination may undermine existing power relations within the water sector, which were based on the previous water geography. In the Israeli case these changes may be used to undermine the monopoly power of the national water company and of its organized labor, thereby advancing a neoliberal agenda. Desalination may have also significant distributional implications, as a function of the pricing effects it may have. Finally, the new water geography raises new issues in the Israeli–Arab water scene. The general insights gained from the Israeli case are then spelled out.  相似文献   

Cleaved metasedimentary clasts are present in stratigraphically and geographically distinct conglomerates in the Argyll and Southern Highland Groups of the Neoproterozoic Dalradian succession in the SW Scottish Highlands and NW Ireland. The significance and relationships of these clasts are that: (1) they were unequivocally reworked and deposited by sedimentary processes; (2) their internal foliation is probably due to contractional deformation that pre‐dates regional Caledonian fabrics; and (3) most of the cleaved clasts are only moderately deformed psammites and pelites and thus cannot be construed as having been derived from extensional mylonites. These conclusions, coupled with the generally accepted inferences that the Dalradian succession post‐dates Grenville deformation (c. 1100–1000 Ma) and pre‐dates early Palaeozoic Caledonian deformation (c. 470 Ma) and that the lowermost exposed Dalradian rocks, the Grampian Group, are truncated by a c. 806 Ma shear zone, imply that the clasts must have been foliated during an episode of mid‐Neoproterozoic contractional deformation. The clasts may thus represent further evidence in support of the contentious c. 870–800 Ma Knoydartian orogeny and thereby further render as equivocal interpretations that the Neoproterozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Scottish Highlands and NW Ireland is a record of long‐lived ‘episodic’ extensional tectonism. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zebra and boxwork fabrics in Manetoe and Presqu'ile hydrothermal dolomites provide critical data for discrimination between hypotheses for their origin. In a unique occurrence, sets of weakly imbricated, decimetre‐sized curvilinear lenticles of white dolospar are developed within sub‐metre sized tongues of greyish‐white dolomitized crinoidal packstone and grainstone. This nascent zebra fabric has developed along wavy to nodular intra‐bed sedimentary partings. Primary bedding can be traced through dolomitized masses containing these fabrics, into the surrounding undolomitized limestone. All zebra and boxwork fabrics are confined within single beds, consistent with an early burial time of origin. No change in bed thickness occurs across zebra or boxwork fabrics within beds; this indicates a dissolutional, rather than a dilational, origin for the creation of pore space partly cemented with white dolospar. The dolomitized groundmass displays an abruptly gradational or sharp transition to centripetal saddle dolomite cement, which partially to nearly completely, occludes vugs. Circulation of geothermally heated hypersaline Devonian Elk Point basinal sea water brines led to dissolution and replacive dolomitization of limestone adjacent to vugs, and near‐contemporaneous precipitation of white dolospar within dissolutional vugs, consistent with geochemical simulations. The presence of downward‐extending galleries of white dolospar‐cemented solution‐collapse breccia provides further support for an interpretation of regional thermally driven convection of hydrothermal evaporative sea water brines across a broad area of northern Canada. The absence of gases under pressure in vacuoles within fluid inclusions from Manetoe and Presqu'ile dolospars is also more consistent with a dissolutional and contemporaneous dolomitization origin for these fabrics, rather than an origin involving dilational fracturing for space creation and dolospar precipitation. The ubiquitous presence of zebra and boxwork fabrics in hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs indicates that they are not confined fault zones and instead occur wherever precursor limestones had relatively greater porosity and permeability prior to dolomitization.  相似文献   

This paper studies the basis and nature of the long-term factors that may have influenced the electoral behavior of St. Petersburgers between 1989 and 1995 from the perspective of geography. Our analysis shows two distinct periods in St. Petersburgs recent electoral history marked by differing behavioral motivations of voters in the city. The first period was marked by only one ideological cleavage between marketers and hard-liners. In 1993 protest motivation managed to erode the predominance of ideology as the determining variable in voting behavior, and began to act as a new independent variable. This marked the beginning of the second period. Four major groupings of St. Petersburg electorate are described in terms of the basic ideological cleavages, party affiliations and geographical gravity centers.  相似文献   

The high-growth, resource- and pollution-intensive industrialization model that China has pursued has caused severe environmental pollution and deterioration, particularly in a number of clusters in the coastal regions of East and Southeast China, where the Reform and Opening-up policies first started. The lack of uptake of environmental norms/values, deficit of regulatory enforcement of environmental policies, and insufficient institutional capacity have been compounding factors. As environmental standards were raised by China’s central government, the enforcement of environmental regulation has been compromised more in inland China than in coastal regions, due to China’s “decentralized governance structure” and regional disparity in terms of both economic development and environmental pollution. This paper therefore argues that rising environmental regulations, as well as firm characteristics, regional hub effect and political environment, have all been particularly important in forcing China’s pollution-intensive enterprises to restructure their production, through innovation, upgrading, geographical relocation, outsourcing and plant closure, especially in China’s coastal regions. It contributes to recent studies by developing a heuristic analytical framework that aims to be sensitive to the impacts of environmental regulation, political environment and regional hub effect over firm restructuring, but which does so by stressing these impacts are simultaneously inflected by the nature and attributes of firms. The empirical analysis suggests a roughly inverted “U”-shaped relationship between firm relocation tendency and firm size (or firm capability), resulting from complex interactions between political environment, regional hub effect and environmental regulation.  相似文献   

Colin Flint 《GeoJournal》2000,51(3):145-156
This paper makes two contributions towards making a theoretically driven electoral geography a vital component of geography. First, a theoretical framework for the empirical analysis of elections is proposed that views elections as one component of the social construction of space while simultaneously illustrating how space structures electoral behavior. Second, the concepts of a geographic theory of voter mobilization need to be operationalized in such a way that space is an integral component of statistical analysis. The statistical concepts of spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity are used to include electoral locales and the regionalization of voter mobilization in the analysis. The theoretical framework and statistical operationalization proposed are illustrated by a statistical analysis of the growth of the Nazi party vote in Baden between 1924 and 1932.  相似文献   

In the previous part of this work (Cermak, Safanda and Bodri, this volume p.MMM) we have described experimental data and quantified the heterogeneity features of the microtemperature time series. The spectral analysis and the local growth of the second moment technique revealed scaling structure of all observed time series generally similar and suggested the presence of two temperature forming processes. The longer-scale part can be attributed to the heat conduction in compositional and structural heterogeneous solid rocks, further affected by various local conditions. Short-scale temperature oscillations are produced by the intra-hole fluid convection due to inherent instability of water column filling the hole. Here we present how the observational evidence is supported by the results of the computer simulations. The exact modes of intra-hole convection may be different, ranging from quasi-periodic (“quiescent”) state to close of turbulence. As demonstrated by numerical modeling and referred on laboratory experiments, at higher Rayleigh numbers the periodic character of oscillation characteristic for “quiescent” regime is superseded by stochastic features. This so called “oscillatory” convection occurs due to instability within the horizontal boundary layers between the individual convectional cells. In spite of the fact that the basic convective cell motion is maintained and convection is characterized by slow motion, the oscillatory intra-hole flow and corresponding temperature patterns exhibit typical features of turbulence. The idea of boundary layer instability as a source of stochastic temperature fluctuations could explain many distinct features of borehole temperatures that previously cannot be interpreted.  相似文献   

正There are only two quantitative tools for Precambrian paleogeographic reconstructions–paleomagnetic data and dyke swarms geometries.Paleomagnetic data provide information about paleolatitudes and orientation of rigid  相似文献   

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