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The hydroelectric reservoir of Petit Saut, French Guiana, was created in 1994–1995 by flooding 350 km2 of tropical forest. When sampled in 1999, the lake exhibited a permanent stratification separating the 3–5 m thick, oxygenated epilimnion from the anoxic hypolimnion. The rate of anaerobic organic carbon mineralization below the oxycline was on the order of 1 μmol C m−2 s−1 and did not show a pronounced difference between wet and dry seasons. Methanogenesis accounted for 76–83% of anaerobic carbon mineralization, with lesser contributions of sulfate reduction and dissimilatory iron reduction. Upward mixing of reduced inorganic solutes explained 90% of the water column O 2 demand during the dry season, while most O 2 consumption during the wet season was coupled to aerobic respiration of organic matter synthesized in the surface waters. Inorganic mercury species represented 10–40% of total dissolved mercury in the epilimnion, but were of relatively minor importance (≤10%) in the anoxic portion of the water column. Net production of soluble organic mercury compounds in the flooded soils and anoxic water column did not vary significantly between wet and dry seasons. Methylmercury accounted for about 15% of total dissolved mercury below the oxycline. Its estimated net production rate, 0.04 mg m−2 yr−1, is of the same order of magnitude as values reported for contaminated lakes and flooded terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Surface soil and sediment samples collected along a forest-brackish marsh-salt marsh transect in a southeastern U.S. estuary were separated into three different fractions (sand, macro-organic matter, and humus) based on size and density. Elemental, stable carbon isotope, and lignin analyses of these samples reveal important contrasts in the quantity, composition, and sources of organic matter, between forest and marsh sites. Elevated nitrogen contents in humus samples suggest nitrogen incorporation during humification is most extensive in forest soils relative to the marsh sites. The lignin compositions of the macro-organic and humus samples reflect the predominant type of vegetation at each site. Lignin phenol ratios indicate that woody and nonwoody litter from, gymnosperm and angiosperms trees (pines and oaks) is the major source of vascular plant-derived organic matter in the forest site and that angiosperm, grasses (Juncus andSpartina) are the major sources of lignin at the marsh sites. The phenol distributions also reveal that oxidative degradation of lignin is most extensive in the forest and brackish marsh zones whereas little lignin decay occurs in the salt marsh samples. In forest soils, most organic matter originates from highly altered forest vegetation while at the brackish marsh site organic matter is a mixture of degradedJuncus materials and microbial/algal remains. Organic matter in the salt marsh appears to be composed of a more complex mixture of sources, including degradedSpartina detritus as well as algal and microbial inputs. Microbial methane oxidation appears to be an important process and a source of13C depleted organic carbon in subsurface sediments at this site.  相似文献   

The effects of fortnightly, semidiurnal, and quaterdiurnal lunar tidal cycles on suspended particle concentrations in the tidal freshwater zone of the Seine macrotidal estuary were studied during periods of medium to low freshwater flow. Long-term records of turbidity show semidiurnal and spring-neap erosion-sedimentation cycles. During spring tide, the rise in low tide levels in the upper estuary leads to storage of water in the upper estuary. This increases residence time of water and suspended particulate matter (SPM). During spring tide periods, significant tidal pumping, measured by flux calculations, prevents SPM transit to the middle estuary which is characterized by the turbidity maximum zone. On a long-term basis, this tidal pumping allows marine particles to move upstream for several tens of kilometers into the upper estuary. At the end of the spring tide period, when the concentrations of suspended particulate matter are at their peak values and the low-tide level drops, the transport of suspended particulate matter to the middle estuary reaches its highest point. This period of maximum turbidity is of short duration because a significant amount of the SPM settles during neap tide. The particles, which settle under these conditions, are trapped in the upper estuary and cannot be moved to the zone of maximum turbidity until the next spring tide. From the upper estuary to the zone of maximum turbidity, particulate transport is generated by pulses at the start of the spring-neap tide transition period.  相似文献   

The speciation and partition of mercury in a macrotidal estuary (Seine estuary, France) was studied in order to explore the role of the high turbidity zone (HTZ) in mercury transfer to the adjacent coastal waters. Water and particles were analyzed to determine the concentrations of various mercury species, including monomethylmercury and the inorganic fraction. The exchangeable particulate mercury, which varies with salinity, and the mercury fraction associated with the amorphous oxyhydroxides were evaluated. The distribution of dissolved mercury species during early mixing suggests non-conservative behavior of organically bound mercury at the head of the estuary. Mercury in the particles covaried positively with suspended particulate matter concentrations up to a threshold, which constitutes the typical mercury load of particles and deposited sediments of the HTZ. This distribution pattern is well explained by a dilution model: a slowly settling, low metal population of particle, characterized by relatively invariant turbidity, becomes admixed with a variable amount of higher metal content particles derived from the resuspension in the HTZ. In addition, in the HTZ, which acts as a degradation reactor for particulate organic matter, particulate mercury concentrations increase with increasing C:N ratios and amorphous oxyhydroxides particles. Mercury reaches the estuarine HTZ mainly associated with the riverine and marine particles, including organic matter and oxyhydroxides, which are temporarily trapped in the HTZ and mixed with autochthonous HTZ particles. The largest particles periodically settle and undergo diagenetic reactions and resuspensions, which lead to their mercury enrichment. Depending upon hydrodynamic conditions, mercury escapes seaward as fine particulate within the plume, partially associated with the oxyhydroxides. A surface complexation model reproduces most of the partitioning observed. In the dissolved phase the model simulation suggests that a very strong ligand must be present to explain the field observations.  相似文献   

This contribution presents a new perspective on water chemistry and its relation to tidal hydrology in marsh-dominated estuaries. Results are derived from both field and modeling experiments. A heuristic model based on a tidally-averaged advection-dispersion equation is used in conjunction with source-sink terms (for benthic, marsh surface, and open-water exchanges) to make predictions of nutrient concentrations in the water column. Spring-neap tidal contrasts are associated with significant changes in water-column chemistry for a variety of nutrients sampled during the growing season in the Parker River estuary (Massachusetts). For ammonium, phosphate, nitrate plus nitrite, total dissolved N, and total dissolved P, concentrations are significantly lower during spring tides (marshes flooded) than during neap tides (marshes unflooded). Model results indicate that physical changes and open-water processing are insufficient to produce the observed effect, and that explicit biogeochemical processing on marsh surfaces is required. Field observations of changes in nutrient to nutrient ratios with the onset of marsh inundation also support this conclusion. As tides progress from the neap to spring condition, a “spectrum” of trajectories emerges in salinity-nutrient plots developed from both observational datasets and model output. Care must therefore be exercised in designing sampling programs for water chemistry in marsh-dominated ecosystems and in interpreting the resulting mixing diagrams.  相似文献   

Acoustic backscatter from an active sonar system (TAPS-6) over a range of six frequencies between 265 kHz and 3 MHz revealed characteristics of emergence and reentry events within 1 h of sunset and sunrise, respectively, at a site 10 m deep in the Damariscotta River estuary, Maine. Emergence traps indicated that the mysid shrimpNeomysis americana was the dominant migrator. Daily fluctuation in irradiance influenced the timing of dusk emergence. Local variability in irradiance apparently caused populations to emerge occasionally before sunset or to leave the surface after the beginning of nautical twilight near dawn. Emergence before sunset was marked by slower-than-average ascent, and departure from the surface after initiation of nautical twilight was marked by faster-than-average descent. This pattern would be expected for populations avoiding visual predators by concealment in dark water. Mean ascent (0.29 ± 0.03 cm s−1 [±1 SE]) and descent (−0.26 ± 0.02 cm s−1) velocities showed little difference in magnitude, suggesting that a similar mechanism controls both. Ascent initiation times for the first such event of the night were consistent with a cue based on relative rate of change in light intensity and inconsistent with either the progress of isolumes or with absolute rate of change in light intensity.  相似文献   

Acoustic backscatter from an active sonar system over a range of six frequencies between 265 kHz and 3 MHz in the tidally dominated Damariscotta River estuary, Maine, United States, revealed that the major emergence event of the night commenced on the first tidal deceleration after dark (3.5–4 h after local slack), irrespective of flow direction. Emergence traps identified the mysid shrimp,Neomysis americana, as the dominant migrator. Water-column-integrated, acoustically estimated biovolume at our 10-m deep study location increased by a factor of about 6 during these large events, entirely dominating the holoplanktonic contribution and likely being a major component in benthic-pelagic coupling. Application of the same algorithm used to locate this nighttime emergence revealed a parallel but considerably smaller daytime emergence event near the same phase of the tide. Daytime trap samples failed to recover the organisms responsible, but transmissometry rejected the alternative hypothesis that we observed resuspension events. We suspect, but have yet only weak evidence, that animals emerging in daylight are copepods rather than mysids.  相似文献   

Porewater samples were obtained on five occasions during spring, summer and fall by in situ dialysis from three sites of a large freshwater wetland situated along the St. Lawrence River. These samples were analysed for total dissolved mercury ([Hg]T) and methylmercury ([MeHg]) concentrations and for complementary variables including dissolved sulfate, sulfide and elemental sulfur concentrations. Sediment cores were obtained on three occasions from one of these sites for the determination of total mercury ({Hg}T) and methylmercury ({MeHg}) concentration as well as mercury methyltransferase (HgMT) activity profiles. {MeHg} and HgMT activity varied with time and sediment depth. The porewater [Hg]T and [MeHg] depth profiles varied with time and among sites. Modeling the porewater [MeHg] profiles with a one-dimensional reaction-transport equation allowed identification of the sediment depths where MeHg is produced or consumed, as well as an estimate of the net in situ MeHg production rates in the sediments. The model-predicted depths of MeHg production, as well as the sulfate concentration and the HgMT activity depth distributions are all consistent with the involvement of sulfate reducing bacteria in the production of MeHg.  相似文献   

The distribution and partitioning of trace metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) between dissolved and particulate phases were studied in the Tanshui Estuary. The upper reach of the estuary is hypoxic and heavily polluted due to domestic and industrial discharges. The concentration ranges of dissolved and leachable particulate trace metals in the Tanshui Estuary were: Co: 0.3–6.1 nM, 1.8–18.6 mg kg−1; Cu: 5–53 nM, 22–500 mg kg−1; Fe: 388–3,364 nM, 1.08–6.67%; Mn: 57–2,914 nM, 209–1,169 mg kg−1; Ni: 7–310 nM, 6–108 mg kg−1; and Zn: 12–176 nM, 62–1,316 mg kg−1; respectively. The dissolved concentrations of the metals were 2–35 times higher than the average values of the world river water. The distributions of dissolved and particulate studied metals, except Mn, in the estuary showed scattering, which could be attributed to the discharges from many industrial wastewater disposal works located in the upper tributaries. The daily input of dissolved metals from the disposal works to the Tanshui Estuary ranged from 0.1–0.4 tons. Dissolved Mn was nearly conservative in the region with salinity higher than 10 psu, while particulate Mn decreased in the region with salinity of 10–15 psu. The concentration increased significantly seawards, corresponding with the distribution of dissolved oxygen. The distribution coefficient (KD) for Mn in the lower estuary was nearly three orders of magnitude higher than in the upper estuary. This phenomenon may be attributed to the diffusion of Mn from the anoxic sediment in the upper estuary and gradual oxidation into particulate Mn in the middle and lower estuary as the estuarine water became more oxygenated. The distribution coefficient for Cu decreased with increasing salinity. The percentages of trace metals bound by suspended particulate matter decreased in the following order: Fe>Zn, Cu>Co>Mn>Ni.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in aquatic food web structure at Mad Island Marsh, Matagorda Bay, Texas, was examined using dietary information obtained from the analysis of gut contents from large samples of fish and crustacean specimens. Unique aspects of this study include the use of large samples of consumer gut contents (n=6,452), long-term sampling (bimonthly surveys over 18 mo), and standard methods of data collection and analysis facilitating comparisons with other aquatic food webs. Dietary data were partitioned for analysis into warm (summer) and cold (winter) seasons. Most consumers fed low in the food web, with trophic levels ranging from about 2 to 3.5 during both summer and winter. Vegetative detritus was more important in macroconsumer diets than live algae and macrophytes. Low trophic levels of consumers reflected the important role of abundant detritivores (e.g., striped mulletMugil cephalus, Gulf menhadenBrevortia patronum, and macroinvertebrates) in linking detritus to top predators via short food chains, a finding consistent with many other estuarine food web studies. Despite changes in community composition and population size structure of certain species, most food web properties revealed comparatively little seasonal variation. The summer food web had more nodes (86), more links (562), a higher density of links as indicated by connectance (0.08), and a slightly higher predator: prey ratio (0.51) compared to the winter food web (75 nodes, 394 links, connectance = 0.07, predator: prey ratio = 0.47). Proportions of top (0.06–0.07), intermediate (0.75–0.76), and basal (0.19) species did not vary significantly between seasons, but mean trophic level was higher during summer. Addition of feeding links based on information from the literature increased connectance to 0.13 during both seasons; other web parameters had values similar to those obtained for our directly estimated food webs. Seasonal variation in food web structure was influenced by changes in community composition (e.g., influxes of postlarval estuarine-dependent marine fishes during winter), availability of resources (e.g., more submerged macrophytes and amphipods during summer), and size structure and ontogenetic diet shifts of dominant consumer taxa. Our findings suggest that some basic properties of estuarine food web are resilient to seasonal changes in population and community structures and food web architecture.  相似文献   

Changes in groundwater tables brought about by sea level increases in the Delaware River Basin (near Philadelphia) about 2,500 years B.P., initiated wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson Branch of the Woodbury Creek marshes. Continual increases in sea level pushed groundwater tables further upward, and by approximately 800 years B.P., groundwater tables had risen to the upper limits for woody vegetation at the site. By the time European settlers arrived in the late 1600s nontidal sedge marshes dominated the site. Upon arriving colonists began manipulating the hydrology of the Delaware River Basin by constructing dams and dikes for flood control. Soon many areas were cut off from direct contact with the river. During the next one and one-half centuries sea level continued to rise, and because of channelization of the Delaware River the tidal range doubled. During the early 1900s flood control structures began to fail allowing tidal waters to periodically inundate these protected sites. At that time the site was dominated by a Quercus-Castanea swamp forest with hummocks of Cyperaceae interspersed throughout. In 1940 the dike surrounding the Princeton-Jefferson marsh collapsed and the site was immediately inundated with tidal waters on a regular basis. Within a short period of time tidal freshwater marsh developed and has continued to the present day. It is clear from this investigation that changes in hydrology brought about by cultural modifications have been directly responsible for the ontogeny of this tidal marsh. The influence cultural impacts have had on wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson marsh suggest that it may be necessary to reevaluate the extent humans have modified the development and structure of the present day upper Delaware River estuary. Although the ability to discern historic vegetation zonation patterns is limited, these marshes can record individual events that have shaped these wetlands through time. Due to differences in the structure of the plant community, rates of decomposition, and processes of accretion, Redfield’s model (1972) of tidal salt marsh development does not apply to the Princeton-Jefferson marsh. Along a submerging coast, the development of tidal freshwater marsh in many estuaries may be necessary for the establishment of brackish and salt marshes by creating and maintaining a suitable habitat for the eventual colonization of more salt-tolerant plant species. The roles these wetlands have played in the development of the estuaries has been underestimated in the past.  相似文献   

Heavy metals on tidal flats in the Yangtze Estuary, China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Five short cores were used to examine heavy metals on tidal flats in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Statistically insignificant trends in lead-210 and most metals with core depth are primarily due to high sedimentation rates. Metal contents are correlated with percent aluminum, which reflects the clay contents in the sediment, and they are also affected by proximity to sewage outlets and local industry. National standards for copper are exceeded in four cores, zinc in one core, and arsenic in all cores. Heavy metal contents are generally lower on the Yangtze tidal flats compared to most other estuaries because high sediment loads dilute metal inputs. Received: 1 June 1999 · Accepted: 15 August 2000  相似文献   

The impact of climatic changes that occurred during the last glacial maximum and the Holocene on vegetation changes in the Amazon Basin and the Guiana Shield are still widely debated. The aim of our study was to investigate whether major changes in vegetation (i.e. transitions between rainforests and C4 savannas) occurred in northern French Guiana during the Holocene. We measured variations in the δ13C of soil organic matter at eight sites now occupied by forest or savannah. The forest sites were selected to cover two regions (forest refugia and peneplains) which are thought to have experienced different intensities of disturbance during the latest Pleistocene and the Holocene. We found that none of the forest sites underwent major disturbances during the Holocene, i.e. they were not replaced by C4 savannahs or C4 forest savannahs for long periods. Our results thus suggest that tropical rainforests in northern French Guiana were resilient to drier climatic conditions during the Holocene. Nevertheless, geographical and vertical variations in the 13C of SOM were compatible with minor changes in vegetation, variations in soil processes or in soil physical properties.  相似文献   

This paper examines sediment transport, sedimentation and properties of suspended matter and sediments in the Ra?a River estuary, a small, rock-bounded, microtidal, low-wave-energy karstic estuary in the north-eastern Adriatic. The Ra?a River is characterized by large variation in water flow and variable load of mineral particles. More than 90% of this load is brought into the estuary as fine-grained suspended matter, consisting of only 24–36% of carbonates, the rest being clays. Sedimentation occurs at the salt wedge, resulting in a prograding estuarine delta. Salt-induced flocculation is the predominant process of sediment deposition. The Ra?a estuary is infilling with sediment, and classifies as a disequilibrium estuary. We propose a modification of Cooper's (1993) classification scheme to include river-dominated, disequilibrium estuaries, with the Ra?a River as an example.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns and faunal composition of freshwater ostracods in large tidal river systems are poorly documented. In summer 1987, a faunal and distributional survey of freshwater ostracods was conducted at Stockport Flats on the Hudson River. The ostracod fauna of this tidal freshwater wetland contains exclusively freshwater species. Seven genera were represented among 2,928 specimens collected from three intertidal sampling stations. The ostracod fauna of the tidal freshwater Hudson is similar to that of large lakes, and is numerically dominated by a few widely distributed species.  相似文献   

Plant pigment decay constants were determined for four macrophytes collected from the Hudson Estuary.Typha angustifolia andScirpus fluviatilis were used as representatives of emergent aquatic vegetation (EAV), andPotamogeton sp. andVallisneria americana were used to represent submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). Litter bags were maintained in an environmental chamber in the dark for 104 d. The fastest rate of total mass loss was in the SAVV. americana and slowest in the EAVT. angustifolia. Changes in carotenoid and chloropigment concentration resulting from microbial and meiofaunal heterotrophy in each of the macrophytes were quantified using reverse-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) techniques. Chlorophyllc and the carotenoid, fucoxanthin, provided useful biomarkers in determining the presence of epiphytic diatom growth, which only occurred on the SAV. The highest concentrations of phaeophorbidea, commonly used as an indication of metazoan grazing, were found in the SAVV. americana. Low concentrations of phaeophorbidea in the SAVPotamogeton sp. indicate inefficient use of this SAV by meiofaunal grazers. Lutein decayed slower than all other carotenoids in both EAV and SAV. Microcosm studies such as this are necessary to further understand the mechanisms and kinetics of photosynthetic pigment transformations in natural systems.  相似文献   

Measurements show that in general salt is vertically well-mixed everywhere in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire except near the river entrances at the head of the estuary. Dyer and Taylor’s (1973) modified version of Ketchum’s segmented tidal prism model has been applied to the Great Bay Estuarine System in order to predict high and low water salinity distribution for a specified river flow. The theory has been modified here to account for the mixing which occurs at the junction of two branches of an estuary. The mixing parameter, which in this model is related to the tidal excursion of water in the estuary, has been determined for different segments in the estuary on the basis of a comparison between predictions and a comprehensive data set obtained for a low river flow period. Using a mixing parameter distribution based on the low river flow calibration procedure the salinity distribution has been predicted for high river flow. The resulting salinity distribution compares favorably with observations for most of the estuary. The corresponding flushing times for water parcels entering at the head of the estuary during periods of low and high river flow is 54.5 and 45.9 tidal cycles respectively.  相似文献   

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