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中等水深轻型张力腿井口平台运动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种中等水深轻型张力腿井口平台的型式。研究了该种型式平台的六个自由度的运动响应以及所受到的波浪力、二阶漂移力、系索回复力和系索张力等特性。分析了平台运动响应与水深以及系索预张力大小的关系。文中得出的结论可供张力腿初步设计时参考。  相似文献   

张力腿平台研究领域和发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文比较全面地阐述了世界上第一个张力腿平台(TensionLegPlatform,简称TLP)——HutonTLP的研究情况,并对TLP的关键问题——运动响应和系索(张力腿)问题的研究情况进行了较为详细的介绍。最后,指出了目前TLP的研究热点以及今后的发展方向。文中收集了有关文献73篇,对开展TLP的研究有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

张力腿平台及其基础设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海洋工程油气开发逐步向深海域进军,资料表明21世纪深海的石渍、天然气将是主要能源这一。目前主要的深海石油平台形式是张力腿平台,其结构一般由平台本体、张力腿系统和基础系统三部分组成。基础部分不但承受着结构上部及海底的各种载荷,而且为结构提供必要的稳定性和安全性。本文通过对当今世界已建成投产的9座深海张力腿平台及其基础形式进行分析,剖析它们的基础设计思想,为我国深海张力腿平台的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

单立柱张力腿平台水动力性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过耐波性水池进行单立柱张力腿平台(简称SCTLP)在系泊状态下的运动特性,以及张力筋键受力情况的试验研究。试验分别在规则波和不规则波(长峰波和短峰波)中进行,浪向选取180°。根据水池深度,模型试验采用1∶87.5的缩尺比进行全水深模拟,并对风力和流速进行了模拟。通过试验,获得较为丰富的试验数据,能很好地分析SCTLP的运动特性。  相似文献   

张力腿平台总体响应分析方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余建星  张中华  于皓 《海洋通报》2008,27(2):97-102
张力腿平台 ( TLP ) 作为典型的深水顺应式平台,其总体响应分析对于平台设计过程至关重要.分析技术关系到计算效率和相关耦合效应的处理,本文介绍了张力腿平台的基本结构及其运动特点,分析了平台总体响应分析的基本方法,包括频域分析和时域分析的方法,将不同的分析技术相结合,提供了不同的分析策略,为张力腿平台总体响应分析的深入研究提供了一定的基础.  相似文献   

在张力腿平台筋腱与海底桩基连接后,需要筋腱支撑浮筒为筋腱提供足够的浮力,保证筋腱在平台运抵工作海域之前不会发生倾覆。针对南海油田自主研发的张力腿平台筋腱实际尺寸及设计要求,设计了适用于1 061 mm(40英寸)筋腱、500米水深的张力腿平台筋腱支撑浮筒,并对筋腱支撑浮筒主要受力进行了分析计算,根据所计算的载荷情况对关键部件进行了有限元仿真分析,验证了结构强度的可靠性,并得到了结构的应力集中点与最大变形点,为筋腱支撑浮筒的结构设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

为揭示张力腿平台涡激运动响应规律,采用数值模拟与模型试验相结合的方法研究了全水深系泊张力腿平台涡激运动响应。根据张力腿平台主尺度参数,按照几何相似制作了水池试验模型,在满足运动相似和动力相似的条件下开展了均匀流、剖面流模型试验,并将模型试验结果与数值模拟结果进行了对比,验证了数值模拟与模型试验结果的一致性。分析结果表明在均匀流作用下张力腿平台涡激运动的锁定区间在5.5<Ur<8.5,来流角对涡激运动影响较大。剖面流作用下平台涡激运动规律与均匀流作用基本一致,但剖面流造流引起的能量分散,使平台在XY平面的运动轨迹变得不规律,系泊系统提供的回复力对涡激运动幅值有抑制作用,来流角和流速对张力腿或立管模态影响明显。论文得到结论对于张力腿平台的工程设计有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张力腿平台水动力参数计算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张力腿平台作为一种深水平台 ,其半顺应半固定的运动特征 ,成为在复杂的深海海洋环境中进行海洋石油勘探、开采一种重要结构型式。在张力腿平台波浪载荷的计算中根据产生波动流场的因素不同将波浪载荷分为绕射效应和辐射效应。本文对辐射效应深入研究并以附加质量、附加阻尼等水动力参数的形式计算了辐射效应对张力腿平台的载荷影响。在计算水动力参数时将平台简化为浮式直立柱群 ,采用势流理论 ,引进改进平面波法计入柱体间水动力相互作用得到辐射波速度势的半解析解 ,引入大间距假设、通过非平面波修正 ,精确地求解了柱群的辐射波的载荷作用  相似文献   

吴家鸣 《海洋科学》2014,38(4):101-108
<正>张力腿平台(简称TLP)是一种垂直系泊的顺应式平台,其主要设计思想是通过平台自身的特殊结构形式,产生远大于平台结构自重的浮力,浮力除了抵消结构自重之外,所产生的剩余浮力与张力腿的预张力相平衡。时刻处于受张拉绷紧状态的张力腿使平台的横摇、纵摇和垂荡运动较小,近似于刚性。张力腿平台立柱主要为直立的圆筒型或方形截  相似文献   

随着张力腿平台(TLP)在深海油气开发领域的广泛应用,在早期传统式(C-TLP)的基础上衍生出了多种结构形式,其中还有延展式(E-TLP)、最小化深海水面式(MOSES)和海之星式(SeaStar)已具备业界建造运营经验。为了体现TLP各类结构形式的性能特点,服务于工程开发方案中平台构型选择,本文基于三维势流理论频域方法,针对现已建造的4种TLP的水动力性能及相关参数进行了对比研究。首先,在质量惯性、结构刚度相似的条件下,完成了各类型平台的主尺度方案;其次,采用SESAM软件分析计算了各方案设计平台的附加质量、势流阻尼和运动响应幅值算子(RAO);最后的结果对比表明,不同结构形式对张力腿平台的固有周期影响很大,分散立柱形式的C-TLP与E-TLP的垂向运动响应更小。  相似文献   

在一定来流条件下,张力腿平台(tension leg platform,简称TLP)的立柱后缘出现周期性的交替旋涡脱落,致使立柱受到垂直于来流方向的升力和平行于来流方向的阻力作用,导致TLP产生大幅度往复运动,显著增加平台结构和系泊系统的负载。目前,关于单柱、多柱结构绕流问题的研究较多,但对于TLP绕流特性的研究较少,机理尚存不明确的地方。为研究TLP的绕流力变化情况和流场特征,开展了数值模拟分析。利用计算流体动力学数值模拟软件,基于雷诺平均(RANS)法和分离涡模拟(DES)法对TLP绕流场进行仿真分析,揭示了TLP的绕流特性。结果表明,在3种来流角度和多个折合速度Vr下,TLP绕流的流体力系数存在明显差异,升力系数时域曲线呈现脉动性。TLP的上、下游立柱间存在明显的相互作用,影响了旋涡的形成与发展。TLP的旋涡脱落大多集中在平台固有频率附近,且在Vr=7,来流角度为0°时,升力系数频谱峰值最大,旋涡脱落集中。  相似文献   

张力腿平台局部节点强度可靠度分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
局部节点可靠度分析对张力腿平台(TLP)整体安全性评估具有重要意义。提出了一个TLP平台局部节点可靠度的分析方法,首先对TLP平台整体进行分析,统计局部节点各种失效模式并得到典型失效模式及对应的典型荷载工况;然后应用改进的子模型技术对TLP平台局部节点进行极限承载能力分析,确定了局部节点在典型荷载工况下的极限承载力;对局部节点极限承载力及南海某区域的波浪荷载进行统计分析,得到其概率统计特性;在此基础上计算了TLP平台局部节点对应典型失效模式下的可靠度指标。通过算例分析表明,该TLP平台各节点可靠度指标值均大于3.1;立柱与浮箱连接节点在不同荷载工况下失效模式不同,而立柱与甲板连接节点易发生管交汇处剪切破坏。为TLP平台的安全性评估提供了一种有效的分析方法,具有一定的理论价值及实用价值。  相似文献   

依据三类内孤立波理论KdV、eK dV和MCC的适用性条件,采用Navier-Stokes方程为流场控制方程,以内孤立波诱导上下层深度平均水平速度作为入口边界条件,建立了两层流体中内孤立波对张力腿平台强非线性作用的数值模拟方法。结果表明,数值模拟所得内孤立波波形及其振幅与相应理论和实验结果一致,并且在内孤立波作用下张力腿平台水平力、垂向力及力矩数值模拟结果与实验结果吻合。研究同时表明,张力腿平台内孤立波载荷由波浪压差力、粘性压差力和摩擦力构成,其中摩擦力很小,可以忽略;水平力的主要成分为波浪压差力和粘性压差力,粘性压差力与波浪压差力相比较小却不可忽略,流体粘性的影响较小;垂向力中粘性压差力很小,流体粘性影响可以忽略。  相似文献   

Tension leg platform (TLP) for offshore wind turbine support is a new type structure in wind energy utilization.The strong-interaction method is used in analyzing the coupled model,and the dynamic characteristics of the TLP for offshore wind turbine support are recognized.As shown by the calculated results:for the lower modes,the shapes are water’s vibration,and the vibration of water induces the structure’s swing;the mode shapes of the structure are complex,and can largely change among different members;the mode shapes of the platform are related to the tower’s.The frequencies of the structure do not change much after adjusting the length of the tension cables and the depth of the platform;the TLP has good adaptability for the water depths and the environment loads.The change of the size and parameters of TLP can improve the dynamic characteristics,which can reduce the vibration of the TLP caused by the loads.Through the vibration analysis,the natural vibration frequencies of TLP can be distinguished from the frequencies of condition loads,and thus the resonance vibration can be avoided,therefore the offshore wind turbine can work normally in the complex conditions.  相似文献   

Since a self-elevating platform often works in water for a long time,the lattice leg is largely influenced by wave and current.The amplitude of leg joint stresses is a very important factor for the fatigue life of the platform.However,there are not many researches having been done on the mechanism and dynamic stress analysis of these leg joints.This paper focuses on the dynamic stress analysis and suppression methods of the leg joints of self-elevating platforms.Firstly,the dynamic stresses of the lattice leg joints are analyzed for a self-elevating platform by use of the 5th-order Stokes wave theory.Secondly,the axial and bending stresses are studied due to their large contributions to total stresses.And then,different joint types are considered and the leg-hull interface stiffness is analyzed for the improvement of the joint dynamic stress amplitude.Finally,some useful conclusions are drawn for the optimization design of the self-elevating platform.  相似文献   

控制平台工程投资对提高海上边际油田开发的经济效益起着举足轻重的作用,其中安装费约占平台工程投资的50%。因此,就要求尽可能节省安装费用和工期,从而促使采用不同的平台安装方案。结合国际上不同结构型式的简易平台,分别对采用小型起重船安装、采用钻井平台安装和自主安装三种方式的技术特点进行分析和比较,并简要介绍了一种结合这三种安装方支优点的新型平台(SSF)。  相似文献   


This article discusses a possible alternate foundation system for a tension leg platform (TLP) in deep water. It was developed through Tecnomare S.p.A. for Agip S.p.A. during a feasibility study of a site located in the southern Adriatic Sea having a water depth of 827 m. The system is a combination of a pile‐gravity foundation, with relatively short (?20 m) steel piles of very large diameter (6 to 12 m) called “superpiles,”; which are closed at the top and open at the bottom. The superpiles are installed in soft soil under the effect of self‐weight and active suction. Permanent tension of the TLP tendons is equilibrated by self‐weight only; tension due to wave action is equilibrated by the weight of the soil inside the superpiles. In fact, a pulsating tension applied to the superpiles generates a suction in the pore water that tends to keep the soil plug inside the cylinder and prevents the cylinder as a whole from being extracted from the (impervious) foundation soil.

The results of analyses of the installation and in service behavior of superpiles are described on conventional principles of soil mechanics and related to a typical profile at the Adriatic site. Installation problems are briefly discussed; then the stability in service is examined to evaluate the capacity of superpiles in compression and tension and the associated factors of safety. Finally, considering the pore pressure gradient generated by the applied tension inside the soil plug, the flow rate and related deformations during storms and during the entire expected life of the TLP are evaluated.

The proposed superpile system appears to be feasible, simple to install, and economical. Further study and experimental research are justified to optimize the system.  相似文献   

海上结构设计包括对荷载和响应的可靠性评估。对结构进行全面长期响应分析繁琐且费时,故将基于逆一阶可靠性方法的环境包络线进行海上结构概率可靠性分析,对结构的长期响应进行近似估计。在二维标准正态空间中画出与重现期相对应的圆,将圆离散为点后通过Rosenblatt变换转化为环境参数空间中的点来形成闭合的环境包络线。描述海洋环境条件的模型对绘制环境包络线极为重要,基于我国南海荔湾海域40年波浪模拟数据,建立了描述南海波浪的Weibull-Gev条件分布模型,进而绘制南海有效波高—谱峰周期包络线,并与张力腿平台(TLP)系泊张力的长期响应预报结果对比,给出南海海域在波浪作用下应用环境包络线法预报TLP系泊张力的分位数,为未来南海TLP设计中系泊张力预报提供快速估算方法。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionAfter enteringthe twenty-first century,offshore oil field development in China is rapidly expand-inginto deepwater (Zeng,2005 ;Liu and Pan,2002) .The conventional fixed platformmodels cannotsatisfythe requirement of newfield development .Floatingsystems ,suchastensionleg platform(TLP)or Spar ,will be neededfor oil field development .FPSOhas been usedfor offshore oil field development in China since 1980’s (Xu and Li ,2002 ;Chen and Qian,1999 ; Chen,2003) .Since early 19…  相似文献   

In this study the wave induced surge motion of a twin platform of a pretension leg structural system is investigated. A set of equations along with boundary conditions are derived, and solutions are obtained analytically. The tension-legged twin platform structural system might better represent a platform system in the practical application in either idealized two-dimensional analysis or actual three-dimensional practice than a single platform system. In the analysis the coupling problem of a two-dimensional tension leg twin platform interacting with a monochromatic linear wave train in an inviscid and incompressible fluid is considered. The problem is considered as a combination of the scattering and radiation. These two boundary-value problems are first solved independently and then combined together to resolve for all unknowns. The analysis is focused on the wave induced surge motion of the twin platform and the reflection coefficient. Other than the wave-related parameters, the dimensional effect of the twin platform structure is examined and presented in numerical examples. From the analytical results, it is found that the behavior of the tension-leg twin platform is significantly influenced by dimensional factors of the platform system such as the dimension of each single platform and the spacing between two platforms. It is also realized that to simplify the analysis of a twin platform system into a single platform, it tends to underestimate the wave-induced response and then reduces the safety of the platform system.  相似文献   

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