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三维地理场景的可视化是虚拟地理环境研究中展示各类复杂地学过程与现象的重要技术。目前,现实中地理场景大多具有复杂度高、规模大、交互性强等特点, 故采用传统的单个计算机单屏显示方式, 已无法满足用户对沉浸感、大视野、高分辨率的可视化应用需求, 而多屏显示技术是一个解决该问题的有效途径。本文以福建长汀县水土流失治理过程中植被覆盖变化为例, 开展了时序三维地理场景的单机多屏同步可视化技术和漫游系统研究。提出了系统的软件架构和开发流程, 并引入多线程同步机制, 实现了三视图场景的构建、三屏同步显示、三屏同步路径漫游、矢量图的差异符号化和三维场景实景图片嵌入播放等技术, 设计并实现了一个以单个计算机控制三个显示屏幕的时序同步可视化漫游系统。采用3 个时相的彩色遥感卫星影像,叠加数字高程模型形成反映不同时期水土流失程度变化的三维地理场景, 在水土流失治理过程成果展示中得到了应用。系统除了三维场景沉浸感强、震撼力大之外, 还具有动态变化、信息量大、表现力强等特点, 在地理场景动态可视化方面有独特的应用前景。  相似文献   

5月,走入福建省长汀县,目光所及之处,郁郁葱葱,层峦叠翠。漫山遍野的马尾松与油茶树,亭亭如盖。爬上山头眺望,绿意会将你包裹其中。但若将时光的坐标轴拨回20世纪80年代,却会看到截然不同的景象——满目疮痍的荒山,难觅草木踪影;雨水裹挟着红土,漫过田地,淹没庄稼……作为我国南方水土流失最为严重的区域之一,长汀的水土流失面积比例高达31.5%,山光水浊,田瘦人穷。  相似文献   

全国水土流失180万平方公里亟待治理 水利部部长陈雷近日强调,目前全国有180多万平方公里水土流失面积亟待治理,多年平均年土壤侵蚀量高达45亿吨,有3.6亿亩坡耕地和44.2万条侵蚀沟亟待治理,东北黑土区的保护和西南石漠化地区耕地资源的抢救十分紧迫。据中国水土流失与生态安全科学考察估算,每年水土流失给我国带来经济损失相当于GDP的2.25%左右。  相似文献   

<正>5月,走入福建省长汀县,目光所及之处,郁郁葱葱,层峦叠翠。漫山遍野的马尾松与油茶树,亭亭如盖。爬上山头眺望,绿意会将你包裹其中。但若将时光的坐标轴拨回20世纪80年代,却会看到截然不同的景象——满目疮痍的荒山,难觅草木踪影;雨水裹挟着红土,漫过田地,淹没庄稼……作为我国南方水土流失最为严重的区域之一,长汀的水土流失面积比例高达31.5%,山光水浊,田瘦人穷。  相似文献   

部委全国水土流失180万平方公里亟待治理水利部部长陈雷近日强调,目前全国有180多万平方公里水土流失面积亟待治理,多年平均年土壤侵蚀量高达45亿吨,有3.6亿亩坡耕地和44.2万条侵蚀沟亟待治理,东北黑土区的保护和西南石漠化地区耕地资源的抢救十分紧迫。  相似文献   

关注中国水土流失   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国是世界上水土流失最为严重的国家之一,水土流失面积和土地沙漠化面积呈扩张趋势,治理任务十分艰巨。  相似文献   

我国已治理水土流失近 90 万平方公里 经过长期不懈的努力,我国已探索出了一条中国特色的水土保持之路,累计治理水土流失面积近 90 万平方公里,各地生态环境得到显著改善,提高了我国社会与经济的可持续发展能力。 在此间召开的由全球水伙伴(中国)、世界水土保持协会和中国水土保持学会联合主办的“水土保持可持续发展”高级圆桌会议上,水利部副部长鄂竟平说,新中国成立以来,我国已累计治理水土流失面积89.7万平方公里,通过水土保持措施累计保土 426 亿吨,增产粮食 2492 亿公斤,取得了显著的生态成效和社会经济效益。 由于特殊的自然地理和社…  相似文献   

我国水土流失与土地资源保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地是人类赖于生存的重要条件。我国的水土流失日益严重,若不加以重视、采取有力措施保护土地资源,将影响我国社会经济的可持续发展。因此,防止和治理水土流失、保护土地资源势在必行。  相似文献   

正时值岁末,青海省实施的国家水土保持重点工程——坡耕地水土流失综合治理项目年度建设任务接近尾声,项目今年在湟中县、同仁县、互助县、大通县等地兴修水平梯田4.23万亩。从2010年启动至今,该项目新增水平梯田面积28万亩。据介绍,因特殊的地理气候条件制约,青海省水土流失总面积32.45万平方公里,占国土面积的45.07%,水土流失面积的占比位居全国第四位,治理水土流失任重道远。为此,青海省近  相似文献   

人代会期间,我看到青海代表就江河源头生态保护和水土流失治理问题提出提案.令我非常感动。省领导在繁忙之中还专门抽出时间听我们专业人员的意见,表明青海省对江河源头生态保护治理工作非常重视。  相似文献   

Quantifying the effects of forests on water and soil conservation helps further understanding of ecological functions and improving vegetation reconstruction in water-eroded areas.Studies on the effects of vegetation on water and soil conservation have generally focused on vegetation types or vegetation horizontal distribution densities.However,only a few studies have used indicators that consider the vegetation vertical distribution.This study used the leaf area index(LAI) to investigate the relationship between forests and water and soil conservation in experimental plots.From 2007 to 2010,rainfall characteristics,LAI,and water and soil loss in 144 natural erosive rainfall events were measured from five pure tree plots(Pinus massoniana).These tree plots were located in Hetian Town,Changting County,Fujian Province,which is a typical water-eroded area in Southern China.Quadratic polynomial regression models for LAI and water/soil conservation effects(RE/SE) were established for each plot.The RE and SE corresponded to the ratios of the runoff depth(RD) and the soil loss(SL) of each pure tree plot to those of the control plot under each rainfall event.The transformation LAIs of the LAI–RE and LAI–SE curves,as well as the rainfall characteristics for the different water/soil conservation effects,were computed.The increasing LAI resulted in descending,descending–ascending,ascending–descending,and ascending trends in the LAI–RE and LAI–SE curves.The rainfall frequencies corresponding to each trend of LAI–RE and LAI–SE were different,and the rainfall distributions were not uniform per year.The effects of soil conservation in the plots were superior to those of water conservation.Most of the RE and SE values presented a positive effect on water and soil conservation.The main factor that caused different effects was rainfall intensity.During heavy rains(e.g.,rainfall erosivity R = 145 MJ mm/ha h and maximum 30 min intensity I30 = 13 mm/h),the main effects were positive,whereas light rains(e.g.,R = 70 MJ mm/ha h and I30 = 8 mm/h) generally led to negative effects.When the rainfall erosivity was lower than that of the positive or the negative effects to a threshold and the tree LAI reached a transformation value,the relationships between LAI and RE or SE notably transformed.Results showed that the plottransformation LAIs for water and soil conservation during rainfall events were both approximately 1.0 in our study.These results could be used to come up with a more efficient way to alleviate water and soil loss in water-eroded areas.  相似文献   

兴国县土壤侵蚀变化的遥感监测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兴国县是南方红壤丘陵区水土流失最严重的地区之一,近20年的综合治理成效显著。为分析该时期县域内水土流失的变化趋势,并掌握其目前的水土流失状况,本文选用1987、1994和2000年的TM影像,采用基于NDVI 的动态监测和影像分类相结合的方法.对江西兴国县近20年水土流失的情况进行分析,定性与定量地反映兴国县水土流失的时空变化趋势,并结合地形因素进行交叉分析,获取水土流失的空间分布规律。兴国县水土流失变化分析结果表明:在水土流失面积方面,这3年中均呈减少趋势;在空间分布上,中南部和东部部分地区流失强度下降幅度较大,强度明显加剧的区域较少,除西南部的部分地区外,仅在县境边缘有零星分布。目前,水土流失主要分布在海拔500m以下和坡度20°以下的地区。  相似文献   

为了查清济阳县生态地质环境质量,对水、土壤、矿山环境质量、无公害农产品环境质量进行了现状调查,并对生态地质环境质量进行了综合评价。为济阳县社会经济发展规划、农业经济调整、环境保护、国土资源管理等领域提供依据,配合济南城市北跨发展为政府的宏观决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于流域过程模型的BMP情景分析是当前流域管理措施评价、非点源污染控制等研究应用中广泛采用的方法,但其通常采用的BMP空间配置单元(地块、农场、水文响应单元或子流域)与坡面上的地形部位关系较弱,难以有效地根据坡面过程特点表达坡面上多种BMP之间的空间配置关系,影响了BMP情景优化效率和结果的合理性。为此,本文提出以坡位单元作为BMP空间配置单元,将各种BMP在不同坡位间合理的空间配置关系显式表达为基于坡位的空间配置规则,通过结合NSGA-II优化算法建立了一套基于坡位单元的BMP空间配置优化方法。应用案例表明,本文构建的基于坡位单元的BMP情景优化方法可有效利用基于坡位的空间配置规则进行BMP情景优化,优化所得的BMP空间配置方案更为合理,优化效率较高。  相似文献   

Current methods that utilize simple data or models to judge whether soil fertility can selfdevelop are not sufficiently rigorous. A new framework has been set up using catastrophe theory, laboratory experiment, field work, and 3S(Geographic information system, Global positioning system, and Remote sensing) to explore soil fertility catastrophe under ecological restoration, discriminate whether soil fertility can self-develop, and propose adjustment of ecological restoration measures in the Zhuxi watershed of Changting County, Fujian Province, China, which is a typical representative of the red soil hilly region of China. The results show that: 1) the soil fertility is obviously improved through the four ecological restoration measures, which impels soil fertility catastrophe. Among 89 soil samples, catastrophic soil samples and stable soil samples account for 26(29.21%) and 63(70.79%) of the samples, respectively. The four ecological restoration measures are listed in the order lowquality forest improvement arbor–bush–herb mixed plantation orchard improvement closing measures according to the proportions of catastrophic soil samples. A typical soil sample in Bashilihe that can self-develop is selected as the criterion to judge the upper lobe and lower lobe of soil fertility in the process surface of the Cusp catastrophe model. Twenty-six(29.21%) were in the middle lobe, 10(11.24%) were in the upper lobe, and 53(70.79%) were in the lower lobe. The catastrophic direction of 26 catastrophic soil samples is to the upper lobe according to soil and water loss change as well as fieldwork. There is a significant positive correlation of Δ with soil and water loss change, and the lower soil and water loss relates to higher catastrophic probability. 2) Soil fertility self-development could be regionalized as "Soil fertility can self-develop" whose area was 12.74 km2(28.33%) distributed mainly in the leftmost and rightmost parts, "Soil fertility tends to self-develop" whose area was 11.63 km2(25.89%) distributed mainly in the middle part, and "Soil fertility cannot self-develop" whose area was 20.58 km2(45.78%) distributed mainly between the above two types. 3) There is no need to take ecological restoration measures and excessive human interference should be avoided in the future in regions of "Soil fertility can self-develop" and "Soil fertility tends to self-develop," and ecological restoration measures should be taken in region of "Soil fertility cannot self-develop." 4) We suggest withdrawal and implementation of ecological restoration measures should be incorporated into the evaluation criteria of ecological restoration to avoid misuse of funds.  相似文献   

This paper reports the dynamic changes of soil and water loss in the red soil region of Southern China since the 1950s. The red soil region covers eight provinces: Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Hainan. From the 1950s to 1986, the annual rate of soil erosion increased by 3.4%. From 1986 to 1996 and from 1996 to 2000, the annual rates of soil erosion decreased by 2.0% and 0.32%, respectively. Field surveys showed that from 2000 to 2005, the area of soil and water loss decreased annually by 1.2%. This decrease was a result of large-scale erosion control activities across China. Although the eroded soil has been restored, the restoration process is very slow and full restoration will take a long time. Our report suggests that controlling soil and water loss is a challenging task, and additional measures must be taken to effectively control the soil erosion in the red soil region.  相似文献   

通过低效工业用地界定,以临邑县工业用地认定调查为基础,建立县域低效用地认定标准体系和县级工业用地管理系统,通过分析工业用地低效现状,提出区域低效土地再开发策略,为政府建立差别化税收和产业用地调控决策提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

The impacts of no-tillage (NT) and moldboard plough (MP) managements on infiltration rate and preferential flow were characterized using a combined technique of double-ring device and dye tracer on a black soil (Mollisols) in Northeast China. The objective of this study is to evaluate how tillage practices enhance soil water infiltration and preferential flow in favor of soil erosion control in the study area. The steady infiltration rates under NT management are 1.6 and 2.1 times as high as those under MP management in the 6th and 8th years of the tillage management in place, while the infiltrated water amounts under NT management are 1.4 and 2.0 times as high as those under MP management, respectively. The depth of methylene blue penetrated into NT soil increases from 43 cm in the 6th year to 57 cm in the 8th year, which are 16 cm and 19 cm deeper than those in MP soil, respectively. The results of morphologic image show that more biological macro-pores occur in NT soil than in MP soil. These macro-pores play a key role in enhancing preferential flow in NT soil, which in turn promotes water infiltration through preferential pathways in NT soil. The results are helpful to policy-making in popularizing NT and have the implications for tillage management in regard to soil erosion control in black soil region of China.  相似文献   

Serious desertification caused by human activity and climate change, in addition to water loss and soil erosion related to arsenic sandstone in the Mu Us Sandy Land, lead to severe scarcity of soil and water resources, which causes worse local agricultural conditions accordingly. Many physical properties of arsenic sandstone is complementary with that of sand, arsenic sandstone is therefore supposed to be blended to enhance water productivity and arability of sandy land. Container experiments are carried out to study the enhancement of water holding capacity of the mixture, the blending ratio of arsenic sandstone and sand, and the proper size of the arsenic sandstone particles, respectively. The results of the experiments show that particle size of 4 cm with a ratio of 1 : 2 between arsenic sandstone and sand are the proper parameters on blending. Both water content and fertility increase after blending. Water use efficiency in the mixture is 2.7 times higher than that in sand by the water release curves from experiments. Therefore, a new sand control and development model, including arsenic sandstone blending with sand, efficient water irrigation management and reasonable farming system, is put forward to control and develop sandy land so that water-saving agriculture could be developed. Demonstration of potato planting about 153.1 ha in area in the Mu Us Sandy Land in China indicates that water consumption is 3018 m3/ha in the whole growth period. It means that about 61% of irrigation water can be saved compared with water use in coarse sand without treatment. Recycle economic mode and positive feedback of sand resource-crop planting-soil resource are constructed, which changes sand into arable soil and make it possible to develop water-saving agriculture on it. The proposed model will be helpful for soil-water resources utilization and management in the Mu Us Sandy Land.  相似文献   

章丘大葱是久负盛名的名特产品,其品质佳、产量高与其生态环境密切相关,其中气候、水质和土壤是最重要的因素.  相似文献   

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