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The thickness,volume and grainsize of tephra fall deposits   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
An improved empirical method for the plotting of field data and the calculation of tephra fall volumes is presented. The widely used area plots of ln(thickness) against ln(isopach area) are curved, implying an exponential thinning law. Use of ln(thickness)–(area)1/2 diagrams confirm the exponential dependence of many parameters (e.g. thickness, maximum and median clast size) with distance from source, producing linear graphs and allowing volumes to be calculated without undue extrapolation of field data. The agreement between theoretical models of clast dispersion and observation is better than previously thought. Two new quantitative parameters are proposed which describe the rates of thinning of the deposit (b t the thickness half-distance) and the maximum clast size (b c the clast half-distance). Many deposits exhibit different grainsize and thickness thinning rates, with the maximum clast size diminishing 1–3 times slower than the thickness. This implies that the entrained grainsize population influences the morphologic and granulometric patterns of the resulting deposit, in addition to the effects of column height and wind-speed. The grainsize characteristics of a deposit are best described by reference to the half-distance ratio (b c /b t ). A new classification scheme is proposed which plots the half-distance ratio against the thickness half-distance and may be contoured in terms of the column height.  相似文献   

Sedimentation of ejecta from volcanic plumes has been studied as a function of distance from the source in the Fogo A plinian deposit, Sao Miguel, Azores. The Fogo A trachytic pumice deposit is reversely graded and can be divided into two parts on the basis of pumice colour, abundance of syenite accessory lithic clasts and distribution. The lower syenite-poor part was dispersed to the south and was clearly influenced by wind. The upper syenite-rich part is coarsegrained and has a nearly symmetrical distribution around the vent. Elongation of isopachs to the east indicate a weak wind influence. The grain-size variations of lithic and crystal components in the upper coarse part were studied. Total accumulation and accumulation per unit area (expressed in kg/m2) show good fits to a gaussian function at distances greater than 7 km for grain diameters less than 2 cm. These results agree with a theoretical model for a radially spreading turbulent current moving over a quiescent fluid. The gaussian coefficient is shown to be a function of grain size and the flow rate of material into the umbrella region of the eruption column. The coefficient is therefore also a function of column height. The column height deduced from these data is 21 km, which is in broad agrrement with the column height of 27 km deduced from maximum clast dispersal using the method of Carey and Sparks (1986). The accumulation of clasts larger than 2 cm agrees with a theory for the fallout of clasts from the margins of the ascending eruption column, which treats the plume as a succession of large eddies that decrease their mass of particles as an exponential function of time. Calculations are also presented for the influence of the radial inflow of surrounding air into the column on the deposition of clasts. These calculations constrain the wind speed during the later part of the Fogo A eruption to be at most a few metres per second. The study has allowed four different dynamic categories of clast behaviour to be recognised in eruption columns.  相似文献   

The violent August 16–17, 2006 Tungurahua eruption in Ecuador witnessed the emplacement of numerous scoria flows and the deposition of a widespread tephra layer west of the volcano. We assess the size of the eruption by determining a bulk tephra volume in the range 42–57 × 106 m3, which supports a Volcanic Explosivity Index 3 event, consistent with calculated column height of 16–18 km above the vent and making it the strongest eruptive phase since the volcano’s magmatic reactivation in 1999. Isopachs west of the volcano are sub-bilobate in shape, while sieve and laser diffraction grain-size analyses of tephra samples reveal strongly bimodal distributions. Based on a new grain-size deconvolution algorithm and extended sampling area, we propose here a mechanism to account for the bimodal grain-size distribution. The deconvolution procedure allows us to identify two particle subpopulations in the deposit with distinct characteristics that indicate dissimilar transport-depositional processes. The log-normal coarse-grained subpopulation is typical of particles transported downwind by the main volcanic plume. The positively skewed, fine-grained subpopulation in the tephra fall layer shares close similarities with the elutriated co-pyroclastic flow ash cloud layers preserved on top of the scoria flow deposits. The area with the higher fine particle content in the tephra layer coincides with the downwind prolongation of the pyroclastic flow deposits. These results indicate that the bimodal distribution of grain size in the Tungurahua fall deposit results from synchronous deposition of lapilli from the main plume and fine ash elutriated from scoria flows emplaced on the western flank of the volcano. Our study also reveals that inappropriate grain-size data processing may produce misleading determination of eruptive type.  相似文献   

The mass distribution and sorting of tephra produced in the plinian phase of the 1970 Hekla eruption was controlled by the particle size distribution, the height of the eruption column, and velocity of transport. Near the volcano the mass distribution of soluble fluorine was controlled by particle size of the deposits, but approaches the mass distribution of the tephra at longer distances. Adsorbed soluble fluorine reaches a maximum at a distance from the volcano determined by the velocity of the transporting medium.SEM studies show the soluble fluorine to be chemically adsorbed on the surface of tephra particles. The adsorption is shown by experiment to occur at temperatures below 600°C in the cooling eruption column. Evaluation of reactions in the eruption column leads to the conclusion that formation of water soluble compounds adhering to tephra is principally controlled by environmental factors and to a lesser degree by the composition of the volcanic gas phase.  相似文献   

The June 15, 1991 climactic eruption of Mt. Pinatubo produced an extensive, largely co-ignimbrite-derived airfall ash layer on Luzon Island and across the central South China Sea. The layer covers an area of ~4×105 km2 with a volume of 5.5 km3. Near the coast of Luzon, the deposit consists of two units: a normally graded basal ash bed, unimodal in grain size, and a finer-grained, internally structureless upper ash bed showing grain size bimodality. With increasing distance from the source, the coarse particle populations of the two units merge and migrate towards a near-constant fine population (~11 m); the distal region is covered by a fine-mode dominated, virtually ungraded single ash layer. The reversal of the winds from easterly directions at upper-tropospheric and stratospheric levels to westerly directions in the middle and lower troposphere indicates that both the coarse- and fine-mode components fell out from high-altitude eruption clouds. The high-velocity upper-level winds, however, would have transported fine-grained ash particles far beyond the South China Sea, which suggests that their settling was accelerated by aggregation. The boundary between the units thus marks a change from fallout of predominantly discrete pyroclasts to simultaneous fallout of aggregated fines and freely falling, coarse-grained particles. The particle populations composing the upper ash bed were almost completely removed from the proximal areas by the upper-level winds. At lower elevations, the counterclockwise circulation of a typhoon over the coastal area advected the ash south and eastward, producing a thickness maximum in the medial region (at about 160 km from source). The strong displacement of fines, possibly aided by wind turbulence, led to a break in bulk tephra thinning rates close to the coastline. In the distal region, outside the influence of the typhoon, southwest monsoonal winds caused a distinct lobe axis inflection and thickness asymmetry. Within this region, at about 420 km from source, fallout of particle aggregates created a second thickness maximum. Comparison of the field data with previous experimental observations and tephra flux records in the deep sea (Wiesner et al. 1995; Carey 1997; McCool 2002) implies that the transport of ash in the water column was largely determined by vertical density currents. Differences in the reaction of coarse and fine particles to turbulence in the descending plumes probably suppressed the segregation of fines but allowed the coarser pyroclasts to maintain their initial order of arrival at the sea surface. Considering typical fall rates of convective plumes, modifications of the initial fallout position of the particles by the South China Sea current system are on the order of only a few kilometers. The results suggest that convective sedimentation processes ensure the preservation of atmospheric particle transport directions, distances, and fallout modes in the deep sea.Editorial responsibility: R. CioniAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

On 20th May 2006 the Soufrière Hills Volcano on the Caribbean island of Montserrat experienced a large dome collapse and intense rainfall generated flash floods. The floods had very high loads of volcanic debris derived both from this and previous eruptions and can thus be classified as lahars. The floods reached unusually high water levels and caused substantial geomorphic change in the Belham Valley. Detailed rainfall and geomorphological data, coupled with the precise timing of events and yewitness accounts have facilitated an assessment of the relative importance of rainfall volume and intensity, older volcanic debris, pre- and syn-flood tephra fall and the extent of pre-flood vegetation damage for the behavior of this and subsequent sediment-laden floods in this setting. The change in runoff behavior was controlled by preexisting vegetation damage and synchronous tephra fall and this was critically important in controlling the impact of these flash floods. Although rainfall intensity and volume have some control on flood occurrence they are not the critical control on flash flood impact on the geomorphology in the Belham Valley. A significant conclusion of this study is that the extreme nature of the flash floods was not caused by extreme rainfall (as is commonly believed to be the primary cause of flash floods) but rather it was the result of changed runoff behaviour caused by the widespread syn-flood tephra deposition and importantly the widespread vegetation damage by volcanic-associated acid rain in the preceding weeks.  相似文献   

The dispersal of an ash plume as it propagates downwind with the ash settling under gravity is presented. It is shown that wind shear, the initial plume height and the plume grain size distribution have an important role in the dispersal of the ash, in particular in determining the evolution of the upper surface and the leading edge of the ash cloud. Once the ash has thermally equilibrated with the atmosphere, the temperature of the upper surface of the ash plume is directly related to its altitude. As a result we can use the model to interpret satellite images of the temperature of the upper surface of ash plumes. These calculations are compared with new analyses of satellite data from the 18 May 1980 eruptions of Mount St Helens in which both thermal infra-red and visible GOES satellite data were examined. In accord with the data, the model is able to predict the rate at which the Mount St Helens ash plume propagated downwind through a combination of the wind shear and gravitational settling of different size particles. The model is also able to explain the observed thermal structure of the upper surface of the ash plume, in which the temperature initially decreases, but then increases with downwind distance as the ash falls through the tropopause.  相似文献   

During an explosive volcanic eruption, tephra fall out from the umbrella region of the eruption cloud to the ground surface. We investigated the effect of the intensity of turbulence in the umbrella cloud on dispersion and sedimentation of tephra by performing a series of laboratory experiments and three dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations. In the laboratory experiments, spherical glass-bead particles are mixed in stirred water with various intensities of turbulence, and the spatial distribution and the temporal evolution of the particle concentration are measured. The experimental results show that, when the root-mean-square of velocity fluctuation in the fluid (Wrms) is much greater than the particle terminal velocity (vt), the particles are homogeneously distributed in the fluid, and settle at their terminal velocities at the base of the fluid where turbulence diminishes. On the other hand, when Wrms is as small as or smaller than vt, the particle concentration increases toward the base of the fluid during settling, which substantially increases the rate of particle settling. The results of the 3-D simulations of eruption cloud indicate that Wrms is up to 40 m/s in most of the umbrella cloud even during a large scale plinian eruption with a magma discharge rate of 109 kg/s. These results suggest that relatively coarse pyroclasts (more than a few mm in diameter) tend to concentrate around the base of the umbrella cloud, whereas fine pyroclasts (less than 1/8 mm in diameter) may be distributed homogeneously throughout the umbrella cloud during tephra dispersion. The effect of the gradient of particle concentration in the umbrella cloud explains the granulometric data of the Pinatubo 1991 plinian deposits.  相似文献   

 This paper examines the cause of color variations of trachytic pumices which are essentially uniform in chemical composition and proposes a geological model for their formation. A pyroclastic sequence of distinct subunits with brown, buff, and black pumices was deposited during the 5000-B.P. eruption of a tuff ring in the central Meidob volcanic field (Sudan). Subunits of buff pumices locally contain minor amounts of streaky pumice with pale-gray and dark-gray domains. The combined evidence of petrographic studies, chemical analyses of whole pumices and groundmass separates, electron microprobe analyses, optical spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetic susceptibility measurements show that color variations of the pumice clasts are related to the size and distribution of Fe3+-rich oxide microcrysts. Buff pumice and light-gray domains of streaky pumice have a colorless, transparent groundmass with very few microcrysts. Dark-gray domains of streaky pumice contain abundant hematite and/or magnetite microcrysts visible in thin section within a transparent, colorless glass groundmass. The groundmass of the black pumice clasts is brown in thin section which is most likely caused by submicroscopic magnetite microcrysts. Brown pumice clasts have a mixed groundmass consisting of brown domains and domains with opaque microcrysts in transparent glass. Variations in the eruption dynamics have been inferred from lithological observations. Subunits of black pumices are related to eruption pulses with low magma discharge and high water/magma mass ratio, whereas subunits of buff pumice were deposited during eruption pulses with high magma discharge and low water/magma mass ratio. Brown pumices represent the top part of the magma body, and the initial stage of the eruption probably had a low magma discharge. Streaky pumices are interpreted as the product of syn-eruptive mixing of Fe3+-rich oxide microcryst-bearing magma and microcryst-free magma. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

Mt. Etna, in Sicily (Italy), is one of the world's most frequent emitters of volcanic plumes. During the last ten years, Etna has produced copious tephra emission and fallout that have damaged the inhabited and cultivated areas on its slopes and created serious hazards to air traffic. Recurrent closures of the Catania International airport have often been necessary, causing great losses to the local economy. Recently, frequent episodes of ash emission, lasting from a few hours to days, occurred from July to December 2006, necessitating a look at additional monitoring techniques, such as remote sensing. The combination of a ground monitoring system with polar satellite data represents a novel approach to monitor Etna's eruptive activity, and makes Etna one of the few volcanoes for which this surveillance combination is routinely available.In this work, ash emission information derived from an integrated approach, based on comparing ground and NOAA–AVHRR polar satellite observations, is presented. This approach permits us to define the utility of real time satellite monitoring systems for both sporadic and continuous ash emissions. Using field data (visible observations, collection of tephra samples and accounts by local inhabitants), the duration and intensity of most of the tephra fallout events were evaluated in detail and, in some cases, the order of magnitude of the erupted volume was estimated. The ground data vs. satellite data comparison allowed us to define five different categories of Etna volcanic plumes according to their dimensions and plume height, taking into account wind intensity. Using frequent and good quality satellite data in real time, this classification scheme could prove helpful for investigations into a possible correlation between eruptive intensity and the presence and concentration of ash in the volcanic plume. The development and improvement of this approach may constitute a powerful warning system for Civil Protection, thus preventing unnecessary airport closures.  相似文献   

We have documented 80 tephra beds dating from ca. 9.5 to >50 ka, contained within continuously deposited palaeolake sediments from Onepoto Basin, a volcanic explosion crater in Auckland, New Zealand. The known sources for distal (>190 km from vent) tephra include the rhyolitic Taupo Volcanic Centre (4) and Okataina Volcanic Centre (14), and the andesitic Taranaki volcano (40) and Tongariro Volcanic Centre (3). The record provides evidence for four new events between ca. 50 and 28 ka (Mangaone Subgroup) suggesting Okataina was more active than previously known. The tephra record also greatly extends the known northern dispersal of other Mangaone Subgroup tephra. Ten rhyolitic tephra pre-date the Rotoehu eruption (>ca. 50 ka), and some are chemically dissimilar to post-50 ka rhyolites. Some of these older tephra were produced by large-magnitude events; however, their source remains uncertain. Eight tephra from the local basaltic Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) are also identified. Interpolation of sedimentation rates allow us to estimate the timing of 12 major explosive eruptions from Taranaki volcano in the 27.5-9.5-ka period. In addition, 28 older events are recognised. The tephra are trachytic to rhyolitic in composition. All have high K2O contents (>3 wt%), and there are no temporal trends. This contrasts with the proximal lava record that shows a trend of increasing K2O with time. By combining the Onepoto tephra record with that of the previously documented Pukaki crater, 15 AVF basaltic fall events are constrained at: 34.6, 30.9, 29.6, 29.6, 25.7, 25.2, 24.2, 23.8, 19.4, 19.4, 15.8 and 14.5 ka, and three pre-50 ka events. This provides some of the best age constraints for the AVF, and the only reliable data for hazard recurrence calculations. The minimum event frequency of both distal and local fall events can be estimated, and demonstrates the Auckland City region is frequently impacted by ash fall from many volcanoes.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene basanite-tephrite Rothenberg cone complex in the East Eifel was constructed by alternating dominantly Strombolian (S1–3) and dominantly phreatomagmatic (P1–3) phases of volcanism along a NNE-SSW linear vent system. Strombolian eruptions, from the central vent of the S1 scoria cone, and phreatomagmatic eruptions, from a vent on the southern margin of the cone, occurred simultaneously during the second phreatomagmatic phase (P2). The P2 deposits are a complex sequence in which Strombolian fallout ejecta is intimately admixed with phreatomagmatic fallout and pyroclastic surge material. Every bed contains at least trace amounts of ejecta from both sources but, at every site, an alternation of Strombolian-dominant and phreatomagmatic-dominant units is recorded. Each bed also shows marked lateral changes with a progressive northward increase in the proportion of Strombolian material. The two eruptive styles produced morphologically distinct clast populations often with widely separated (5–7 φ) grain size modes. The phreatomagmatic component of the P2 deposits is inferred to be the result of shallow interaction of external water and cool, partially degassed magma which reached the surface at a time when the magma column was retreating from the northern Strombolian central vent.The Rothenberg deposits illustrate the complexity and sensitivity of controls on Strombolian and associated phreatomagmatic volcanism, and the shallow depth of fragmentation during such eruptions. During such shallow eruptions minor, ephemeral and localised variations in the rate of rise and discharge of magma, and vent geometry and hydrology significantly influence the magma:water ratio and hence eruptive style.  相似文献   

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