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氯化物对方解石和白云石矿物溶解度的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
借助PHREEQC软件,文章对方解石、白云石分别在无CO2和大气PCO2条件下NaCl、KCl、CaCl2和MgCl2溶液中的溶解度进行了模拟计算,结果显示:方解石在NaCl、KCl、和MgCl2溶液中以及白云石在NaCl、KCl溶液中的溶解度比纯水中大得多,其原因主要是盐效应。由于同离子效应,在CaCl2溶液中可降低方解石溶解度,而白云石在较高浓度CaCl2或MgCl2溶液中,虽发生同离子效应,其溶解度仍较纯水中有不同程度提高。模拟还显示,方解石在MgCl2溶液中以及白云石在CaCl2溶液中溶解时将分别发生白云石化和去白云石化反应,从而促使不全等溶解继续发生。在常规离子中,按方解石、白云石溶解度提高发挥作用的重要性排序为:阴离子中都是SO24->Cl-;对于方解石溶解,阳离子中Mg2+>Na+>K+>Ca2+;对于白云石溶解,当PCO2=0或PCO2=10-3.5bar且CaCl2浓度大约在1.5mol/L以下时,Na+>K+>Ca2+>Mg2+;当PCO2=10-3.5bar且CaCl2浓度大约在1.5mol/L以上时,Ca2+>Na+>K+>Mg2+。  相似文献   

不同阻垢剂对方解石和磷酸钙表面电位的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王京  陆婉珍 《岩矿测试》1998,17(4):241-248
采用微电泳法考察了15种阻垢剂对方解石和磷酸钙颗粒表面电位的影响。实验结果表明,在各种药剂中,丙烯酸/2 丙烯酰胺基 2 甲基丙磺酸/次磷酸调聚物对难溶盐表面电位影响最大,乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐的影响最小。乙二胺四甲叉膦酸的溶垢能力和对表面电位的影响都较强。各种药剂对两种难溶盐表面电位影响的排序差异不显著。根据配位化学和表面化学原理解释了实验结果。  相似文献   

元素性质和熔体成分对分配系数的影响及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现有40个元素的熔体-溶液分配系数的综合分析表明,元素性质和熔体成分是控制熔体-溶液间元素分配的重要因素。挥发组分的分配系数为K_F、K_P、>1>K_B、K_S>K_(Cl)。自Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、→Fe、Mn、Mg、Li、Rb、Cs、K、Na、Ca、Sr、Ba→Sn、Mo、W、Si、Al、∑Ce、∑Y、Nb、Ta,随元素氧化物吉布斯自由能的减小,元素分配系数逐渐增大。随熔体酸度的降低和碱度的增高,元素分配系数普遍增大。随熔体铝过饱和度的增高,Nb、Ta、Zn、REE的分配系数减小。这些变化规律有助于阐明花岗岩类的成矿专属性和成矿分带,评价火成岩的含矿性,预测未知的元素分配系数,并讨论不同熔体间元素的分配行为。  相似文献   

龙毅  陈汉林  程晓敢  林秀斌  张耀  成亚 《地质学报》2020,94(6):1763-1779
在褶皱冲断带的构造变形中,滑脱层是影响变形的主要控制因素之一。塔里木盆地北缘的乌什和库车褶皱冲断带的构造变形主要受到深浅两套滑脱层的控制,且浅部滑脱层沿走向存在厚度和性质差异。本文采用物理模拟研究方法,结合乌什和库车褶皱冲断带的地质背景,设计了4组实验模型,研究双滑脱层模型中浅部滑脱层沿走向的厚度与性质差异对褶皱冲断带变形的影响。实验中用微玻璃珠模拟页岩、泥岩等脆性滑脱层,用硅胶模拟盐岩、膏盐岩等韧性滑脱层。实验模型共铺设两套滑脱层,其中基底滑脱层为均匀分布的脆性滑脱层,而浅部滑脱层沿走向存在厚度和性质差异。实验结果表明:在双滑脱层模型中,浅部滑脱层沿走向的厚度与性质差异对褶皱冲断带的构造变形及楔体坡度值具有重要的控制作用。具体表现为:①当浅部滑脱层沿走向存在厚度差异时,浅部滑脱层较薄一侧的变形制约较厚一侧的变形传递,导致模型整体变形前锋的传递距离较近,且模型两侧的变形前锋的扩展范围基本一致。较薄一侧的断层发育数量明显比较厚一侧的数量多、间距小,且楔体坡度值自较薄一侧向较厚一侧逐渐减小。②当浅部滑脱层沿走向存在性质差异时,浅部脆性滑脱层一侧表现为上下一体的变形,而韧性滑脱层一侧表现为上...  相似文献   

Reactions occurring on the surfaces of biogenic carbonate minerals can have important consequences for the biogeochemical cycle of carbon. In this study, carbonate mineral surface reactions with ambient seawater were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). A sampling method was developed in which calcite surfaces were hung at discrete depths on a sediment trap array line for a three-day deployment period in subtropical North Pacific waters. Changes in surface morphologies were examined at nanometer resolution and evaluated using as a constraint the depth profile of calcite saturation in these waters. Evidence suggests that: (1) organic films which develop on carbonate surfaces exposed to shallow seawater may be responsible for the oversaturated state of the upper oceanic water column, (2) dissolution of carbonate minerals within the shallow warm layer of the ocean could be responsible for part of the alkalinity anomaly observed in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

为了研究板裂千枚岩的微观结构及力学性质,以汶川-马尔康高速公路沿线典型的板裂千枚岩为研究对象,进行了X衍射,薄片鉴定和单轴、三轴压缩试验。结果表明:1)板裂千枚岩微观结构和矿物成分比较复杂,具有明显的脆、塑性变形和裂隙,结构稳定性差;2)板裂千枚岩的各向异性明显,结构面夹角从0°到90°,板裂千枚岩的弹性模量、抗压强度、黏聚力和内摩擦角先减小后增大,呈V型分布规律;3)板裂千枚岩的破裂模式与结构面夹角和围压的大小密切相关,其破裂模式共有顺结构面的张拉劈裂破坏、顺结构面的剪切滑移破坏、Y型张拉-剪切复合破坏、顺结构面和贯穿结构面的复合张剪破坏、贯穿结构面的剪切破坏5种类型;4)随着围压的增大,不同结构面夹角试样的强度、变形参数和破裂模式的各向异性逐渐减弱;5)最大主应力与结构面的组合方式控制着岩石的破裂模式和力学性质,这是板裂板裂千枚岩显示各向异性的根本原因。  相似文献   

The formation and subsequent reactions of magnesiancalcite overgrowths on calcite were investigated bymeans of closed system seeded precipitationexperiments. These experiments demonstrated that(1) thin overgrowths of magnesian calcite are precipitatedon calcite seeds suspended in seawater;(2) the solubilities of the coatings increase outward from theseed crystals as a linear function of the log ofrelative coating thickness;(3) during the period ofthese experiments (up to 5.5 months), the magnesiancalcite coatings continued to increase in thickness,but became less soluble in composition. Thestabilization reaction, referred to asrecrystallization, can be described by the followingequation:Cax Mg(1-x) CO3 + [z + y(x + z)]Ca2++ 2yHCO3- ]= (1 + y)Ca(x + z)Mg(1 - x -z)CO3 + [z + y(x + z - 1)]Mg2++ y CO2 + yH20;]4) recrystallization rate is dependent on solutionsaturation state, with a reaction order of 3.2 forartificial seawater and 4.0 for natural seawater; and(5) by the cessation of the closed system experiments,overgrowth compositions approached that of the stablecalcite (a few mol % MgCO3).Armoring of suspended carbonate particles in thesurface oceans with magnesian calcite overgrowthswould provide an effective barrier to release of theoceanic supersaturation with respect to calcite. Thicknesses of such coatings would be limited by therecrystallization rate of the magnesian calcite. Estimates based on the recrystallization ratesdetermined in this work indicate coatings on the orderof 0.02 µm in thickness could form on particles asthey sink through the mixed layer. According to thesecalculations, the total amount of carbon precipitatedannually in magnesian calcite overgrowths iscomparable to the riverine flux of dissolved carbon tothe oceans. Field observations of severalinvestigators indicate the likely presence ofmagnesian calcite coatings on planktonic particles,and provide evidence for possible recrystallization ofbiogenic magnesian particles in the marineenvironment.  相似文献   

ICP—AES测定白钨矿中的十五种元素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张静 《岩矿测试》1991,10(1):41-43
样品用HCl分解,并沉淀分离除去W,除W后残渣碱熔,合并液用ICPQ-1000型光量计同时测定Mg、Ca、V、Cr、Mo、Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn、Si、Al、Pb、Sr、Ba和P 15种元素,各组份测定的RSD<10%。同时,本文还讨论了测定中元素间的干扰效应。  相似文献   

李荣清 《湖南地质》1994,13(1):25-28
对湘南多金属成矿区方解石的研究表明,产于钨矿床中的方解石以层状晶体发育为特征,晶体形态主要为{0001}和{012}+{1010},晶体表面具有菱形生长阶梯;产于铅锌矿床中的方解石一般不出现层解石,晶体形态主要为{2131},{0112}+{1010}和{0001}+{1010}+{0112},晶体表面平行纹发育;远矿正常灰岩内方解石晶体形态主要为{4041}。  相似文献   

 借助原位液槽原子力显微镜(in situ AFM)的观察,通过Cd2+,Pb2+替代方解石最外层晶格Ca2+生长模式的实验研究, 探讨了Cd2+与Pb2+作用下方解石表面溶解与结晶行为。在液体反应槽中,分别将含不饱和Cd2+与Pb2+溶液流经方解石{101 _ 4}解理面,结果发现:(1)Cd2+的存在不影响方解石沿<4_41> 晶向台阶的溶解,而Pb2+的存在则强烈阻碍了方解石沿<441>+晶向台阶的溶解;(2)停止输入溶液含Cd2+,Pb2+溶液后,随着方解石表面与溶液达到平衡,溶解过程逐渐转变为结晶过程。结果显示在Cd2+存在时,单分子生长层具有方解石原有的定向性,而在Pb2+存在时的生长则不具任何定向性。尽管有此差异, 但(Ca,Cd)CO3 和(Ca,Pb)CO3 固溶体都受控于单分子层外延生长这一结晶机理。   含Cd2+和Pb2+溶液对方解石溶解动力学的作用与选择性吸附的阳离子半径大小、吸附复合体的几何形状及其结晶学取 向有关。Cd2+离子倾向于优先进入更狭小的<4_41>- 晶向的微台阶上,而Pb2+则倾向于形成扭曲的八面体络合物吸附在更开 阔的<4_41>+ 晶向台阶上。因此,Pb2+存在下方解石表面生长方向无序可认为是白铅矿和方解石结构差异的原因。  相似文献   

Callovo-Oxfordian (Cox) argillite was investigated in the context of feasibility studies for an underground repository for nuclear waste. In this study, the influence of mineralogical composition and water content on the mechanical properties of the Cox argillite was investigated. The samples were drilled from three representative depths at which the rock formations have different mineralogical compositions. Micro-indentation and mini-compression tests were performed on samples with different water contents. The elastic and failure properties of argillite were determined and were found to be related to the mineralogical composition and water content. Both the elastic modulus and strength decrease with increasing clay and water contents.  相似文献   

Asthenosphere is a venerable concept based on geological intuition of Reginald Daly nearly 100 years ago.There have been various explanations for the existence of the asthenosphere.The concept of a plume-fed asthenosphere has been around for a few years due to the ideas put forth by Yamamoto et al..Using a two-dimensional Cartesian code based on finite-volume method,we have investigated the influences of lower-mantle physical properties on the formation of a low-viscosity zone in the oceanic upper mantle in...  相似文献   

Adsorption and Desorption of Phosphate on Calcite and Aragonite in Seawater   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The adsorption and desorption of phosphate on calcite and aragonite were investigated as a function of temperature (5–45 °C)and salinity (0–40) in seawater pre-equilibrated with CaCO3. An increase in temperature increased the equilibrium adsorption; whereas an increase in salinity decreased the adsorption. Adsorption measurements made in NaCl were lower than the results in seawater. The higher values in seawater were due to the presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. The increase was 5 times greater for Ca2+ than Mg2+. The effects ofCa2+ and Mg2+ are diminished with the addition of SO4 2- apparently due to the formation of MgSO4 and CaSO4 complexes in solution and/or SO4 2- adsorption on the surface of CaCO3. The adsorbed Ca2+ and Mg2+ on CaCO3 (at carbonate sites) may act as bridges to PO4 3- ions. The bridging effect of Ca2+is greater than Mg2+ apparently due to the stronger interactions of Ca2+ with PO4 3-.The apparent effect of salinity on the adsorption of PO4 was largely due to changes in the concentration of HCO3 - in the solutions. An increase in the concentration of HCO3 - caused the adsorption of phosphate to decrease, especially at low salinities. The adsorption at the same level of HCO3 - (2 mM) was nearly independent of salinity. All of the adsorption measurements were modeled empirically using a Langmuir-type adsorption isotherm[ [PO4]ad = KmCm[PO4]T/(1 +Km [PO4]T) , ]where [PO4]ad and [PO4]T are the adsorbed and total dissolved phosphate concentrations, respectively. The values of Cm (the maximum monolayer adsorption capacity, (mol/g) and Km (the adsorption equilibrium constant, g/(mol) over the entire temperature (t, °C) and salinity (S) range were fitted to[ Cm = 17.067 + 0.1707t - 0.4693S + 0.0082S2 ( = 0.7) ][ ln Km = - 2.412 + 0.0165t - 0.0004St - 0.0008S2 ( = 0.1) ]These empirical equations reproduce all of our measurements of[PO4]ad up to 14 mol/g and within ±0.7 mol/g.The kinetic data showed that the phosphate uptake on carbonate minerals appears to be a multi-step process. Both the adsorption and desorption were quite fast in the first stage (less than 30 min) followed by a much slower process (lasting more than 1 week). Our results indicate that within 24 hours aragonite has a higher sorption capacity than calcite. The differences between calcite and aragonite become smaller with time. Consequently, the mineral composition of the sediments may affect the short-term phosphate adsorption and desorption on calcium carbonate. Up to 80 % of the adsorbed phosphate is released from calcium carbonate over one day. The amount of PO4 left on the CaCO3 is close to the equilibrium adsorption. The release of PO4 from calcite is faster than from aragonite. Measurements with Florida Bay sediments produced results between those for calcite and aragonite. Our results indicate that the calcium carbonate can be both a sink and source of phosphate in natural waters.  相似文献   

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