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分析了河北省怀来县后郝窑热田区的构造特征和怀来4井井孔成孔条件,研究了怀来4井水汞异常与地震的关系,分析该井的映震灵敏性,认为有以下几个方面的原因:①该井处于热田区活动断裂上;②含水层母岩为糜棱岩化片麻岩及泥质物塑状体,怀来4井水汞映震异常与其所处独特的地质构造、成孔条件及汞的物理化学性质的有机结合密不可分,因而有较好的映震效果。  相似文献   

对安徽省庐江县东汤池地热田热水井开采的情况进行了调查,分析了热水井开采对汤池1号井水位、井压、流量、气体总量、汞动态的影响。  相似文献   

The prevailing purpose of geoelectrical exploration is the location of acquifers, as resistivity is strongly sensitive to the presence of water. Through this method valuable information on the structure and volume of storage rocks may be acquired. However, the evaluation of saturation and porosity, which plays a strong role in the estimation of hydraulic parameters, is hitherto affected by a large uncertainty. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out expensive and often numerous drillings, in addition to the calibration ones. In this paper we argue how the uncertainty can be substantially reduced by carrying out a joint seismic and geoelectrical prospection.to profitably utilize the results of a joint seismic and geoelectrical survey, a model is proposed in which the geophysical characteristics of all the phases possibly present in underground rocks, i.e., matrix, clay, water and air (whose percentages give porosity and saturation degree of an acquifer) are taken into account. The four phases are considered contiguous, in parallel as regards the electrical conductivity and in series as regards the propagation of elastic waves. On the basis of the formulas related to the model, theoretical curves for porosity, degree of saturation and percentage of clay have been obtained, which enable us to calculate these parameters.As a test of the suggested methodology, porosity and saturation have been evaluated in an area of the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Napoli) of which porosity data were available after core drillings. The test was performed by practising a joint electrical and seismic prospection using the more customary and less expensive techniques of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and Seismic Refraction. Our data permit us to produce porosity and saturation maps for two depths; the comparison between the porosity, derived from the maps in the points where core drillings have been made, and the porosity values found on the cores, shows a good agreement for the more superficial layer; for the greater depth, we derived lower values of porosity, probably due to difficulties of laboratory reproduction of thein situ condition of the cores. These results suggest that our model has value in water research.  相似文献   

Geophysical prospection employing magnetometry and electromagnetic measurements has been applied in and around two small sized pyramids of Hellenikon and Ligourio in Argolid, Greece. The magnetic anomalies appropriately assessed were interpreted as possible archaeological targets. Subsequent test excavations revealed the presence of room foundations and parts of walls, as well as a plethora of ceramic ware. Typological study of the ceramics classified them to as early as the proto-Helladic period and to as late as the first centuries A.D. The earlier periods have been also confirmed by a novel application of thermoluminescence (TL) dating of ceramics and the megalithic stones themselves. The present results question earlier attempts classifying these pyramids at the Classical period and favour much earlier periods.  相似文献   

Riassunto Si descrivono e si illustrano le principali ricerche radiogeologiche ese guite dall'Autore nel 1939. Esse riguardano misure a scopo idrologico, applicazioni dei metodi radiogeologici alle ricerche d'acqua, all'individuazione di giacimenti minerari, alla determinazione della profondità dei ghiacciai, alla prospezione dei giacimenti di sali potassici, nonchè allo studio della relazione esistente fra la caduta del fulmine e le condizioni geologiche. Sulla tecnica delle misure si comunicano anche degli elementi in merito agli strumenti usati.
Summary In this paper the most important radiogeological research works of the Author in 1939 are described and illustrated. Such works concern hydrologic measurements, applications of radiogeological methods to the discovery of water and mineral layers, to the determination of the thickness of glaciers, to the prospection of the layers of potassic salts and to the study of the relations existing between the fall of lightning and the geological conditions. On the technique of measurements some details concerning the instruments that have been used for the purpose are given.

Zusammenfassung Es werden die vom Verfasser im Jahre 1939 durchgeführten wichtigsten funkgeologischen Untersuchungen besprochen. Es handelt sich um elektrohydrologische Hilfsmessungen, um die Anwendung der Funkmutung zur Untersuchung von Wasservorkommen, Erzlagerstätten, Gletschern und Kalilagern und schliesslich um Versuche an der Grenze zwischen Funkgeologie und Blitzforschung. Ueberdies wird auch einiges über die Konstruktion der neueren Apparate mitgeteilt.

Summary The present communication deals with problems that are common to the application of some geophysical methods in arid regions. Typical examples of using geothermic methods, D.C. and A.C. electrical and radiometric methods in the Eastern Desert of Egypt are presented. The conclusions were derived from a great number of measurements and are all associated with the physical properties of rocks on or near the surface under desert conditions.  相似文献   

地震层析成像在水利水电工程地质勘察中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利水电工程地质勘察是水利水电工程建设中的基础工作。地震层析成像技术作为一种新的物探方法,通过工程中孔,碉间地质条件的探测,进而评价大坝建筑物的工程地质条件是一种有效的手段。本文介绍了乌江构皮滩水利枢纽的应用效果。  相似文献   

Kamarina, located in southern Sicily (Italy), was an important Greek colony since its foundation in the sixth century BC. Archaeological excavations, carried out since the twentieth century, uncovered only limited portions of the site so far. Despite the importance of the Greek colony, the presence of remarkable buildings that archaeologists expected to bring to light has not found fully correspondence in the archaeological excavations. Consequently, the integrated geophysical prospection carried out in the study area is aimed to support and address the future archaeological investigations. After the photographic and thermographic survey obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle, we performed a systematic survey through ground magnetic and GPR methods over an area of 6200 m2. The acquisition procedures have been optimized in order to get the best results combining high resolution and elevated speed of acquisition. The results derived from the three geophysical techniques have been conveniently combined by means of a cluster analysis, allowing us to clearly identify a series of buried archaeological features. Because of their geometrical characteristics, often in good agreement with the spatial arrangement of the archaeological remains at the surface, these buried archaeological features can be interpreted as roads, walls, or buildings foundations in which the various construction phases of the city can be clearly recognized. The integrated approach has proven to be essential for a robust interpretation of the archaeogeophysical investigation.  相似文献   

GPR技术在考古勘探中的应用研究   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6  
地面航向雷达(GPR)是一种高分辨率浅层地球物理勘探仪器,它适用于考古勘探中目标体埋藏浅、尺度小、物性差异不大的特点。结合近几年实际应用实例,本文介绍了GPR技术及其对承础石、夯土城墙和早期墓葬等不同考古遗存的探测效果,并就考古勘探的地球物理特点对GPR的数据处理和解释进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In fissured and karstic rocks the general movement of underground waters (forced convection) can modify geothermic gradients. This depends both on the discontinuous structure (channels and fissures) and on hydrodynamic conditions which can vary with the weather, e.g. during the recharging of reserviors in rainy periods.An experimental analysis has been carried out in the broken and karstified Mesozoic limestone in the South of France, on shallow boreholes (60 m) grouped in a closely-spaced network. Nearly a hundred thermal loggings have been measured in the homothermic zone below 25 m. The gradients in dry periods, varying from one drilling to another, are between 0.01 and 0.03°C m−1 for an average thermal conductivity of rock of 2.56 Wm−1 °C−1. During recharging of the aquifer by rain, the gradients do not change in some drillings. This always occurs in those which cut through networks of slightly karstified fissures with low hydraulic conductivity. The slow circulation allows the water to be in thermal quasi-equilibrium with the rock. In other drillings, however, recharging causes local and sometimes very significant modifications of the gradients. Disturbances are temporary and appear directly over well-developed karstic channels which rapidly draw down the infiltrated cold water to the bottom. Thermal profiles, either stable or disturbed, can be surveyed simultaneously in drillings situated at least 10 m from each other. The position and nature of the karstic channels in which the forced convection is most active can be identified through observations by videologging and flow velocity tests.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the transfer of energy and water within the climate system are under worldwide investigation within the framework of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) to improve the predictability of natural and man-made climate changes at short and long ranges and their impact on water resources. Five continental-scale experiments have been established within GEWEX to enable a more complete coupling between atmospheric and hydrological models. One of them is the Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX).In this paper, the goals and structure of BALTEX are outlined. A short overview of measuring and modelling strategies is given. Atmospheric and hydrological model results of the authors only are presented. These include also the validation of precipitation using station measurements as well as validation of modelled cloud cover with cloud estimates from satellite data. Furthermore, results of a large-scale grid based hydrological model to be coupled to atmospheric models are presented.This research has never been possible without the contribution of research groups and operational institutions from all 10 member countries. We concentrate here on results obtained at the GKSS research center.  相似文献   

Errors in the estimates of changes in the area of individual water bodies and their groups have been studied in the central part of Yamal Peninsula based on Landsat satellite imagery. For the first time, the overlap zone of two satellite images along satellite trajectory has been proposed for the choice of the most efficient algorithm for identifying water surfaces and estimating the errors in water body area measurements. Empirical equations have been derived to describe the relationship between the error in estimates of changes in the areas of individual water bodies and their groups and the areas themselves. The seasonal and many-year variations in water body areas have been identified in the zone of intense construction of facilities at the Bovanenkovskoe oil-gas condensate field.  相似文献   

五大连池火山与冷泉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对火山活动与温泉关系的分析基础上,讨论了五大连池区的冷泉现象,结果表明火山区的泉水温度并不是描述火山活动性的惟一指标,五大连池区的火山气体,微震活动和地热梯度等特点清楚显示了该区火山群的活动性。  相似文献   

Many papers or conference presentations, particularly over the last ten years, have referred to multi-parametric geophysical surveys and integrated interpretations in archaeological prospection. Several experiments of this kind have been undertaken by our laboratory, with mostly fascinating results, but our experience leads us to be rather suspicious of the over-systematic choice of extreme solutions and we would recommend an appropriate and balanced choice, within the limits of the budget available for an operation, between the two following procedures: 1) Routine survey with an extremely large variety of instruments: this allows a better understanding of the underground situation than survey with a single instrument but reduces the area that can be surveyed. A limited number of specific circumstances should lead one to adopt this option. They include: previous knowledge or equally previous ignorance of the targets under investigation, preliminary selection of the most efficient method on a scientific and economic basis, comparative experiments for the validation of new tools, specific detection of targets of different nature into the ground as well as uncertainty about the efficiency of each available method for the actual nature of the investigated site. 2) Survey of a much larger area with only one method, chosen because it is particularly fast and efficient: there is an obvious value in extensive exploration in order to evaluate the size, distribution and limits of a large number of archaeological features. The strict selection of appropriate methods, chosen to meet the aims of a project should consider not only geophysics but all kinds of conventional or non-conventional archaeological methods as well, brought together to permit an integrated interpretation. This highly specialized job does not fall within the normal experience of exploration geophysicists who usually deal with geological features or most field archaeologists who are mainly involved in excavations. It must be undertaken by particularly trained operators, whether they belong to private companies (under appropriate official control) or to public organizations.  相似文献   

Although a number of parameters affect the temperature-depth profile in a borehole, temperature measurements have been successfully used to detect and map fracture zones with moving water and massive sulfide mineralization, and they have been used to map lithology. In drill holes without water flow, temperature gradient logs have been used to map lithology where significant thermal conductivity contrasts exist between different materials. Because of the high thermal conductivity of massive sulfides, temperature measurements show significant anomalies near or within mineralized zones and may be used successfully to locate sulfide occurrences. Although temperature measurements may not replace conventional electrical methods in exploration for most massive sulfide deposits, non-conducting and non-polarizable sulfides, such as sphalerite, may be explored for with temperature methods. Electrochemical reactions within massive sulfide deposits may generate sufficient heat to be detected on the temperature-depth profile. Their detection provides information to aid in interpreting self potentials within massive sulfide deposits. Field examples of four applications of temperature measurements in mineral exploration are presented: (1) lithological mapping; (2) fracture detection; (3) direct detection of massive sulfides; (4) use in correcting and interpreting other geophysical logs.  相似文献   

We present results from a geophysical prospection at a historical Jesuit Mission, located in San Ignacio (Misiones-Argentina), declared World Monument some years ago. We studied different sectors looking for buried structures; the total area under study covered 36 ha. In this work we will show the results obtained in a sector that at the time of the prospection was at imminent risk of being damaged by a wrong management of the historical resource. To optimize the data acquisition and the preliminary in-situ analysis of the results, we performed an electromagnetic survey using a multifrequency electromagnetic induction device (GEM-2) to have a first insight of the near surface electrical distribution. From 2D and 3D visualization of data, different targets were identified as possible historical structures. Around these anomalous zones, we performed different dipole–dipole profiles, forming high resolution grids for later 3D inversions. Further inversions of the electric and electromagnetic data completed the characterization of the anomalies. One of the main results of this work is that the 3D electric image obtained from 1D inversion of electromagnetic data coincides with the 3D images obtained from resistivity inversion, but at a much less time consuming cost.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological investigation of the Bandung area, Java, Indonesia, is described. The investigation was carried out as part of a feasibility study directed towards improvement and development of the city's water supply.The area is situated in a tropic mountainous region, dominated by pyroclastic volcanic deposits and with abundant rainfall. The main activities of the investigation were compilation and evaluation of existing climatological and hydrogeological data, testing of four existing wells, a geo-electrical survey, drilling and testing of a new test well, study of water quality by analysis of samples from both springs and wells, and measurements of spring yields.The results of the investigation indicated presence of large groundwater resources within a distance of 15–20 km from the city. The feasibility study recommended that Bandung's water supply be based on these groundwater resources and this recommendation is being implemented.During the investigation some results concerning rainfall, infiltration, aquifers, geoelectrical surveying, and groundwater quality were obtained, which may be of general interest for hydrologists and geologists working in tropical volcanic and mountainous regions. These results are summarized in the conclusion of this paper.  相似文献   

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) method is the only physical tool currently available which is able to detect directly the presence of fresh water in the subsurface. The Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) method, in turn, has been proven highly efficient in detecting saline groundwater. The combined application of these two methods is the most promising way to delineate accurately groundwater-bearing aquifers and to evaluate the quality of the water. This idea was tested during the feasibility study carried out under different hydrogeological conditions throughout Israel during August–September 1992. The Russian Hydroscope and Geonics PROTEM-IV instruments were used for the NMR and TDEM measurements, respectively.A total of 36 NMR and 12 TDEM stations was established, mostly in close proximity to existing observation wells. Among these only 19 NMR measurements showed reasonable signal-to-noise characteristics, while the rest were obviously distorted by ambient noise. The number of distorted measurements could have been even greater had they been carried out at all points planned. However, a significant number of the NMR stations were cancelled due to their proximity (less than 1–1.5 km) to electric power lines. As a result almost the entire Mediterranean coast of Israel, which was originally chosen as the main test site for this survey, turned out to be unsuitable owing to the low ambient noise protection of the Hydroscope. Another serious limitation of NMR measurements is the maximum penetration depth. The deepest information obtained during the feasibility study was from a depth of 74 m.Nevertheless, within the framework of its applicability, the NMR measurements proved to be sufficiently accurate and to have a high resolving capability. A comparison with the borehole data shows that, in most cases, NMR is able not only to detect the presence of water, but also to delineate different subaquifers. At the same time, however, the transmissivity and aquifer texture are much less reliably detected. The combined application of the NMR and TDEM methods may essentially improve the reliability of the interpretation. In all cases where the NMR anomaly fits the drop in TDEM resistivity, water of a different salinity is found at approximately the same depth. A reasonable correlation between the interpreted resistivities and water salinities is obtained for these horizons. However, if only one method indicates the presence of water, this, in many cases, was not confirmed by the borehole data. The TDEM anomalies were obviously caused by low-resistivity lithologies, while some of the false NMR signals could be explained by a low signal-to-noise ratio.As regards the freshwater/seawater interface, this was, in all cases, accurately detected by the TDEM measurements alone. It is interesting to note that at the same depth, NMR measurements indicated a drastically increasing anomaly followed by the absence of water at greater depths. The latter can most likely be explained by the very low resistivity of the sea water, which is not taken into account by the existing NMR interpretation.  相似文献   

海底热流探测技术综述   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
热流探测是一项重要的基础地球物理调查项目,使用探针式热流计测量海底热流是常用的方法.自二十世纪中期以来,先后出现的三种主要的热流计:Bullard型、Ewing型和Lister型,使热流探测的精度和效率有了很大的提高.文中比较详细地介绍了这三种热流计的主要技术特点,分析了我国海底热流探测的现状与不足,并对热流探测技术未来的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

Emissions of CO2 have been known for more than a hundred years as fumarolic activity at the terminal crater of El Teide volcano and as diffuse emissions at numerous water prospection drillings in the volcanic island of Tenerife. Large concentrations of CO2 (>10% in volume) have been found inside galleries, long horizontal tunnels excavated for water mining. However, CO2 concentrations of only 2900 ppm have been observed at the surface of the central region of the island (Las Cañadas del Teide caldera). In this work we analysed CO2 concentrations in the subsurface of Las Cañadas caldera, in an attempt to study the vertical distribution of carbon dioxide and, in particular, the low emissions at the surface. This has been done through a series of 17 vertical profiles in two deep boreholes excavated in the Caldera. We found high levels of CO2, varying in time from 13 vol% up to 40 vol% in different profiles directly above the water table, while no significant concentrations were detected above the thermal inversion that takes places in both boreholes at approximately 100 m from the water table. Water analyses also showed high dissolved CO2 levels in equilibrium with the air, and an average 13C value in DIC of +4.7 (PDB), apparently induced by fast CO2 degassing in the bicarbonated water.  相似文献   

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