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Angola has three to four million internally displaced persons, one of the highest per capita figures in the world. Most of the displaced persons originate from Huambo and other parts of Planalto Central, where the Ovimbundu is the dominant ethnic group. Through the experiences of displaced people, this article discusses why people flee, and thus aims to provide better understanding of the causes of their displacement, the strategies they choose and apply during flight and settlement and their identity as deslocado. The displaced population in Huambo can be divided into two groups: new deslocados and old deslocados. There are several causes of displacement, such as civil war, degradation of the land resources and displacement during the colonial period (war, forced labour, expulsion from land, etc.). The data used in this article were collected in Huambo and Luanda from November 1998 to June 1999.  相似文献   

There appears to have been a shift in the nature of forced migration since the end of the Cold War: the total number of refugees worldwide has been declining since the latter part of the 1990s, while the number of internally displaced people has risen. This paper reflects on some aspects of this shift. First, it attempts to place internal displacement in the broader arena of forced migration: it locates internally displaced people within a simple schema which seeks to account for different forms of forced migration and to show the connections between them. Some cases of internal displacement in Sri Lanka are examined to show the close links between different kinds of migratory movement. The paper then suggests some reasons, apart from the increase in numbers, for the increase in interest in internally displaced persons in both the academic and policy arenas. Specifically, it attempts to set the issue of internal displacement within the current debate on the 'refugee regime', especially the controversy about 'containment' of would-be asylum seekers in their countries of origin. The paper concludes that understanding the complex dynamics between different forms of migration, internal and international, is needed for the construction of an effective 'refugee regime'.  相似文献   

The“greatest lake perion”means that the lakes are in the stage of their maximum areas.As the paleo lake shorelines are widely distributed in the lake basins on the Tibetan Plateau,the lake areas during the “greatest lake period”may be inferred by the last highest lake shorelines.They are several,even tens times larger than that at present.According to the analyses of tens of lakes on the Plateau,most dating data fell into the range of 40-25 ka BP,some lasted to 20 ka BP.It was corresponded to the stage 3 of marine isotope and interstitial of last glaciation.The occurrence of maximum areas of lakes marked the very humid period on the Plateau and was also related to the stronger summer monsoon during that period.  相似文献   

First, central to our analysis is the argument that human movement within and across borders fundamentally challenges the view of geopolitics based upon fixed territorial states, inter-state relations, national identities and citizenship; indeed the whole idea of "national geographic". Using the examples of the Karen and Shan peoples, we explore the processes and patterns of forced relocation, displacement and migration in the border regions of Myanmar and Thailand. Our main concern is with forced displacement as a result of political and ethnic conflict; specifically, how the Burmese military regime's desire for "national unity" within Myanmar's "national space" has influenced the militarily inspired displacements of hundreds of thousands of villagers and civilians within the border zones inhabited mostly by so-called "national minorities". We examine the particular problems of the so-called "internally displaced persons" within "national" boundaries compared with the "refugees" and "undocumented migrants" who make it across "international" space into Thailand. We illustrate the ways displaced people are represented by state agencies and the media as "threats" and "transgressors". We consider some of the "long term" aspects of the displacement problem along the Myanmar-Thai border and the vital contribution geographers can make to the study of displacement.  相似文献   

中国拐卖儿童犯罪的地理特征研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
李钢  谭然  王会娟  颜祥  邵琰 《地理科学》2017,37(7):1049-1058
基于从公益平台获取的上万条寻亲记录数据,从犯罪地理学的视角探究1980~2015年中国拐卖儿童犯罪的地理特征。研究发现: 拐卖去向以被收养为主,总量上男童多于女童,频率上低年龄段高发,可分为4个贩运类型。犯罪量自1980年以来呈现“倒勺”型波动态势,1989~1998年为高发区间,犯罪受打击力度与人口政策影响明显。 犯罪量月变化呈现两个轻微倒“U”型格局,犯罪季节变化较小,夏半年高于冬半年。 犯罪呈现“西部集中拐出,东部分散拐入”的“三片两线”的“场-流”空间格局特征,并有一定的带动与回流效应。当前拐卖儿童犯罪的空间集聚程度减小,而扩散程度增加,由区域性犯罪发展成全国性犯罪。最后从不同角度和层面对未来的研究作了展望。  相似文献   

人口生育政策变化会对区域未来人口发展产生直接影响,“全面二孩”政策是继“单独二孩”政策之后逐步放宽生育政策的又一重大举措。结合政策变动,筛选政策受众人群进行精准化预测:未来15年,曲靖市20~39岁育龄妇女将净减少3.7万人,其中符合“全面二孩”生育政策且在20~39岁育龄妇女人口规模将缩减近0.7万;结合“全面二孩”政策最终兑现人口的测算,从2016年至2020年间会产生一个“二孩”生育高峰期,过了高峰期之后将渐落并减少至2.23万,较高峰期缩减0.82万人。“全面二孩”政策进一步调整和完善了生育政策,但后期效果不明显,面对“后人口转变”时代的到来,低生育率、老龄化的人口发展新格局,要实现人口与社会经济的协调发展,仍需与时俱进做出入口政策相应调整。  相似文献   

夏永久  黄友琴  李洁 《地理科学》2021,41(6):1050-1060
依托南京市郊区近千户城市拆迁安置家庭入户调查数据,对城市低收入居民被迫搬迁后的就业变动过程及形成原因开展统计分析,利用生命历程理论构建就业变动纵贯数据库,使用事件史分析模型动态模拟了被迫搬迁后城市低收入居民的就业变动经历,探究其影响因素.研究发现:①90%以上的城市低收入居民被迫搬迁后经历了就业变动,就业变动集中发生在...  相似文献   

孙东琪  张京祥  陈浩  胡毅 《地理科学》2016,36(2):161-169
拆迁安置补偿是城市内城改造与扩张过程中涉及拆迁居民利益的核心问题,拆迁安置家庭多个特征因影响补偿方式和受益率。针对补偿方式不同与受益率不同,分别采用二项逻辑回归与多元线性回归模型,对南京市4个安置区的349户拆迁安置居民家庭进行了实证分析,结果表明:① 对于实物补偿和货币补偿,城中村拆迁安置居民家庭和夫妻双方职业均为“无业”的家庭更容易获得实物补偿。② 单从经济角度来讲,城中村拆迁安置家庭成为拆迁安置家庭中的最大受益者,7人及以上的大家庭、高学历家庭也是货币补偿中的受益者。但其受益并非是由市场化的结果造成,而是市场作用与计划经济旧有制度的共同使然。因此,建立公平合理的补偿机制是解决问题的关键。  相似文献   

通过将基本公共服务作为一种民生资源,从失配视角研究其配置问题,运用熵值法和健康距离模型,分析乌昌地区2007—2016年基本公共服务失配度时空格局及其影响因素,为推进乌昌地区基本公共服务均等化建设提供决策依据。研究发现:乌昌地区8个市县基本公共服务失配度的平均值逐渐减小,2007年为0.759,属于高度失配,2016年为0.573,属于低度失配;2007年高度失配市县占比高达87.5%,2016年,基本公共服务配置较高、高度失配的市县占比仅为25%,整体上各市县基本公共服务状态有所提高,但2016年基本公共服务失配市县占比仍高达75%,说明乌昌地区仍有较多市县基本公共服务不协调。时间上,基本公共服务失配度演化主要经历3个阶段:高度失配主导阶段(2007—2011年)、失配度下降过渡阶段(2012—2014年)和中度失配主导阶段(2015—2016年)。空间上,基本公共服务失配度由均衡高度失配逐渐演进成不均衡中低度失配,并呈现出"核心、两翼"格局,"两翼"基本公共服务大多处于高度失配和较高度失配状态,而"核心"则一直处于良好或优秀状态,在变化趋势上,失配度由"核心"向"两翼"逐渐变化,离"核心"越近的市县基本公共服务失配度越早呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

近年来,中国高铁步入快速建设期,而高铁建设的重要目的之一就是客货分流。高铁客运专线的建设大大地提升了客运能力,从而可以释放既有线路的运输能力于货物运输。但是高铁客运的票价也高于既有线路,同时由于普通列车车次的减少,使得居民出行可能要被迫选择票价更高的高铁,这种现象称作“被高铁”。本文对媒体关注的“被高铁”现象进行了理性分析,以京沪高铁沿线城市为例,根据2015年1月1日列车时刻表数据计算出的时间节省的货币成本与小时工资(时间价值)作比较,并结合高铁车次比重,计算了不同城市的居民“被高铁”的可能性。研究发现:①很多“城市对”之间都存在时间节省的货币成本高于小时工资的情况,“被高铁”现象较为普遍;②“被高铁”的可能性在50%左右;③各城市“被高铁”的程度有较大差异,京沪高铁沿线城市的“被高铁程度”整体呈现出“两头低,中段高,长三角相对较低”的特征。研究认为,虽然从目前来看,京沪高铁沿线城市的普通列车班次减少不明显,但如果进行较大幅度调整,很多低收入旅客出行时可能会被迫选择高铁,并将带来负面的社会影响。本文的理性分析可为列车班次的调整方案提供参考。  相似文献   

综合采用质性和定量方法,从社会阶层、物质环境和消费方式等层面研究佛山岭南天地的旅游绅士化现象,并分析原住民在绅士化过程中的情感特征。结果发现,物质环境改造加速了地方社会阶层的更替,原住民大多被游客、中产阶级和房产投资者所替代,空间利用方式呈现出高度商业化特征。旅游绅士化虽有力地推动了地方的环境改造和经济发展,却衍生出阶层更替、社会排斥和空间隔离等副产品,使传统的本地化生活空间转变为“资本空间”与“消费空间”。城市历史街区改造不同于一般城市更新,街区更新应以地方性为落脚点,尊重原住民的情感与历史记忆,不应简单通过商业化手段推进历史街区更新。  相似文献   

The characteristic features of the transformation of the territorial geospace structure in the African Christianity religious geospace during 1910–2010 have been revealed. African countries within the boundaries of 2010 are used as territorial cells that have been fixed retrospectively over the course of the period analyzed. We used indicators, such as Ryabtsev’s index of relative structural shifts and the trajectory of the demographic center of the Christianity to assess changes in the inertia level of the territorial structure for the entire time interval as a whole and for each of the components of its 20-year long periods. It is found that to date the adherents of Christianity are extremely unevenly distributed in the countries of Africa; however, over the course of the period under consideration there was taking place a homogenization of their settlement. In accordance with changes of the values of the indicators used, we identified two development stages of geospace of African Christianity: colonial and post-colonial. It is determined that the colonial stage (1910–1970) is characterized by a “compression” of territorial structure from east and north, and by a predominance of the south-westward direction of movement of the demographic center because of a decrease in the proportion in the Christian population of East Africa first on account of Egypt and Ethiopia and Madagascar (1910–1930) and then North Africa on account of Egypt and Algeria (1930–1950). The territorial structure of Christianity’s geospace during the post-colonial stage is characterized by a higher degree of inertia at the background of the westward ”expansion” and the “compression” from the south as well as by a change of the vector of movement of the demographic center for north-westward.  相似文献   

In academia, publication productivity, defined as the number of peer-reviewed articles published and the frequency of citations, is a primary factor in the assessment of tenure and promotion. One of the most cited gender differences in academia is the “productivity puzzle,” which suggests that women publish less than men, thereby affecting every aspect of a woman's academic career. Peer-reviewed articles published in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Annals) and The Professional Geographer (PG) between 1995 and 2006, and in four subdisciplinary journals between 2005 and 2009, as well as citation reports, were used to explore whether gender differences are present in publication productivity. Gender differences were evident in the proportion of women authors, the frequency of collaboration, and the number of citations across a broad range of prestigious geographic journals. For all journals studied, women were underrepresented, especially in the authorship positions that equate to notions of respect and merit. Although the number of collaborative articles increased during the study period, single-authored papers are the dominant mode of publication for both men and women for most geographic journals. The authorship patterns for frequently cited articles generally mirror those for all articles. Because the frequency of collaborative publication was high for women, the dual trends of a general increase in publication collaboration and increasing participation of women in academic geography bodes well for increased female productivity as it relates to publishing. Nevertheless, it is important to note that, currently, males as lead or single authors represent the predominant voice of geography within the journals examined in this study.  相似文献   

高超  李学文  许莹  李德 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1833-1846
作物水分供需量是进行科学合理灌溉的重要参考依据,水分供需不平衡也是引起农业旱涝的根本原因。基于淮河流域蚌埠闸以上地区及周边1961—2015年共91个气象站点的日尺度气象数据,借助有效利用系数法计算夏玉米有效降水量,采用联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)建议的Penman-Monteith(P-M)公式和作物系数法计算需水量,分析夏玉米水分供需时空变化特征,并探讨典型站点夏玉米生育期内水分盈亏状况。结果表明:① 近55a来,研究区夏玉米全生育期和各生育阶段有效降水量呈南高北低的分布特征,各站点趋势变化不明显;② 夏玉米全生育期和各生育阶段需水量大致呈南低北高的纬向分布,全生育期和各生育阶段呈显著减少趋势,只少数站点未通过显著性检验;③ 夏玉米全生育期和各生育阶段缺水量大致呈纬向分布特征,全生育期和播种-出苗期呈显著减少趋势,其余生育阶段趋势变化不明显。  相似文献   

Questions of “integration” are normatively assumed to promote particular ideals of the multicultural city and lead to a “settlement” culture that bodes well with the hegemonic majority. This paper, however, questions the concept from an alternative perspective – that is, it aims to explore how “integration” is imagined and understood by displaced migrants through the contextual specificities of multiple and peripheral “public spaces” – defined in this paper as the everyday practices of integrative multiplicity. Exploring these questions in Scarborough, a post-war primarily ethno-racialized suburb of Toronto, the unique experiences of migrants, many who have faced histories of trauma and violence suggest that the settlement experience is not devoid of anxiety and pain. Memories of places and communities left behind, sometimes never to be returned to, harness a longing and deeper need for home-making often spilling into the public realm. Understanding public space and its inherent conceptual and political complexity as defined, used, and valued by recent migrants, allows integration to be understood through the dynamics of power relations. The findings reveal how recent migrants not only understand and use the city but also how they reflect upon and envision the city-building process, through their own individual subjectivities of inclusion/place-making and exclusion/displacement. Through such complex spaces of encounter, civic engagement and grounded experiences, the participants frame Scarborough in multiple and metaphorical forms: from a City of Refuge and Peace; City of Memory, Desire, and Imagination; City of Multifariousness; to a City of Civic Engagement and Fluid Resistance. This stands in stark contrast from how the city is framed in dominant discourse and the unsettling debates on how to reform it.  相似文献   

It is shown that the melting of ice floating on the ocean will introduce a volume of water about 2.6 per cent greater than that of the originally displaced sea water. The melting of floating ice in a global warming will cause the ocean to rise. If all the extant sea ice and floating shelf ice melted, the global sea level would rise about 4 cm. The sliding of grounded ice into the sea, however, produces a mean water level rise in two parts ; some of the rise is delayed. The first part, while the ice floats, is equal to the volume of displaced sea water. The second part, equal to 2.6 per cent of the first, is contributed as it melts. These effects result from the difference in volume of equal weights of fresh and salt water. This component of sea rise is apparently unrecognized in the literature to date, although it can be interpreted as a form of halosteric sea level change by regarding the displaced salt water and the meltwater (even before melting) as a unit. Although salinity changes are known to affect sea level, all existing analyses omit our calculated volume change. We present a protocol that can be used to calculate global sea level rise on the basis of the addition of meltwater from grounded and floating ice; of course thermosteric volume change must be added.  相似文献   

张铃钰  叶浩威  安宁 《热带地理》2019,39(6):880-888
通过文本分析和档案分析的方法,立足文学地理学分析框架和研究范式,分析了香港70年代、过渡时期、后殖民时期三部文学界热门且公认具代表性的作品——《我城》《烦恼娃娃的旅程》和《后殖民食物与爱情》,解构了作品中“本土”“国家”和“全球”3个空间维度下再现的地理物象、空间想象、人物活动、地方文化,窥探其内部隐含的文化认同与身份意识问题。结果发现,由于香港社会历史和文化背景不断变迁等原因,香港的文化和身份意识处于不断重塑的状态。通过文本分析,发现香港文学作品中最早萌芽的是“本土”意识。西西的《我城》被认为是本土意识的发轫之作,其在港英政府和回不去的家这一夹缝中在“城”这一空间尺度上勾勒出浓浓的地方意识。其次,在中国恢复行使香港主权这一背景下,《烦恼娃娃的旅程》这一极具回归题材代表性的作品深刻地刻画了香港人在身份认同尺度升级过程中的迷惘。最后,也斯的《后殖民食物与爱情》通过“食物”为线索讲述了回归后的香港故事,为读者认识后殖民时期多元文化混杂下的香港社会提供了细致的观察。通过对三部文学作品的分析,发现港人经历了由殖民统治时期本土身份意识的觉醒以及对中国文化的归属,到回归过渡阶段身份意识的尺度升级及其不适,再到回归后多元文化的交织和协商,不仅在尺度上实现了由地方到国家再到全球化的身份意识塑造,而且在结构上存在中华文化、西方文化和香港本土文化不断协商与冲突的三重性。更为重要的是,通过文学地理视角的讨论,发现这样的文化和身份意识不是属于某个群体的特有特征,而是根植于香港社会的每一寸肌肤,不仅反映了小说作者对香港社会的细致观察,在一定程度上也反映了社会本身所面临的文化和身份困扰。  相似文献   

Explicit notions of “communities”, as key actors in conservation and development projects across the Global South, are common. Narratives about “indigenous people” or “forest-dependent communities” in forest conservation programmes prevail, portraying a picture of “communities” as homogeneous and harmonious entities. In this study, we unfold “communities” as a construct with an empirical example of a community-based forest protection project, Northern Cambodia. Based on qualitative interviews, field observations and document analysis, we examine the “community” construct in terms of establishment of boundaries, geographical composition and social coherence. We not only find that the establishment of forest “community” boundaries are dominated by powerful external actors rather than the “community members” themselves, but that the spatial composition of “communities” is complex, and affects the ability of local people to benefit from the project. We also find that the studied “communities” show low levels of social coherence and mainly consist of migrant farmers, as opposed to common policy narratives. Taking these inconsistencies into account, we discuss implications of constructing “communities” for the success of forest conservation projects, and argue in favour of more discursive and political analyses to better understand, acknowledge and adapt to existing and changing conditions in present and prospective project locations.  相似文献   

How can we recognize those whose lives and data become attached to the far-from-groundbreaking framework of “small data”? Specifically, how can marginalized people who do not have the resources to produce, self-categorize, analyze, or store “big data” claim their place in the big data debates? I examine the place of lesbians and queer women in the big data debates through the Lesbian Herstory Archive's not “big” enough lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) organizing history data set—perhaps the largest data set known to exist on LGBTQ activist history—as one such alternative. In a contribution to critical data studies, I take a queer feminist approach to the scale of big data by reading for the imbricated scales and situated knowledge of data.  相似文献   

Summary. The decay of the post-depositional remanent magnetization (post-DRM) during desiccation in magnetic field free space is measured as a function of the loss of water. The decay is ascribed to the drying effect and the time decay of viscous remanent magnetization (VRM). The VRM forms only 10 per cent of the total of loss of remanent magnetization. The decay due to the drying effects depends both on the loss of water and on either the evaporation rate or the period of storage. The percentage of loss of magnetization is independent of its intensity.
A critical drying stage appears (about 60 per cent in water content on a dry basis) which is characterized as a vanishing point of mobile particles or particle units. The mobile particles or units play an important role both in acquisition and demagnetization through physical rotational motion within wet sediments before the critical drying stage. More than 80 per cent of the total loss of the post-DRM is destroyed before the desiccation proceeds to the critical drying stage. The decay of post-DRh4 is concluded to be mainly due to the physically random rotation of the magnetic particles trapped in shallow energy wells which are overcome by the torques caused by the application of the alternating magnetic field less than 200 Oe.  相似文献   

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