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Matteo Tosi   《Geomorphology》2007,87(4):268-283
The role of root strength is important in stabilising steep hillslopes which are seasonally affected by storm-induced shallow landslides. In the Italian Apennines, steep (25–40°) slopes underlain by mudstone are generally stable if they are covered by shrubs whose roots anchor into the soil mantle. To quantify the mechanical reinforcement of roots to soil, the root tensile breaking force and the root tensile strength of three autochthonous shrub species commonly growing on stiff clay soils of the Northern Italian Apennines, Rosa canina (L.), Inula viscosa (L.) and Spartium junceum (L.), were measured by means of field and laboratory tests. For each test approximately 150 root specimens were used. The tensile force increases with increasing root diameter following a second-order polynomial regression curve. The tensile strength decreases with increasing root diameter following a power law curve. The field in situ tensile force required to break a root is always smaller than that obtained from laboratory tests for the same root diameter, although their difference becomes negligible if the root diameter is smaller than 5 mm. The influence of root tensile strength on soil shear strength was verified based on the infinite slope stability model. The root reinforcement was calculated using the number and mean diameter of roots. The factor of safety was calculated for three different soil thickness values (0.1, 0.3, and 0.6 m) and topographic slopes between 10° and 45°. The factor of safety for the combination of 0.6 m soil thickness, slopes smaller than 30°, and vegetation of I. viscosa (L.) or S. junceum (L.) is always larger than 1. If a slope is steeper, the factor of safety may be smaller than 1 for I. viscosa (L.), although it is still larger than 1 for S. junceum (L.). In the stiff clayey areas of the Northern Italian Apennines, I. viscosa (L.) mainly colonizes fan/cone/taluses and stabilises these zones up to a topographic gradient < 30° for a soil 0.6 m thick. S. junceum (L.) colonizes not only fan/cone/taluses but also headwalls and cliffs and, for a 0.6 m thick soil, it stabilises these areas up to 45°. The effectiveness of this reinforcement, however, depends strongly on the frequency of soil and seasonal grass vegetation removal due to shallow landsliding before the entrance of the shrub species.  相似文献   

Debris flows and debris floods cause frequent geomorphic hazards, even in the mid‐mountains of Central Europe. In the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Eastern Sudetes, Czech Republic), strong anthropogenic interventions have created specific conditions for erosion, transport and accumulation of material released by debris flow/flood events. We present a detailed spatio‐temporal reconstruction of the hydro‐geomorphic process activity in two adjacent sub‐catchments using dendrogeomorphic methods applied to the steep, narrow channels. An analysis of 172 sampled trees [Picea Abies (L.) Karst.] revealed 14 torrential events since 1943 in the Klepá?ský stream sub‐catchment and 11 events since 1897 in the Keprnický stream sub‐catchment. Identical events were identified in 1965, 1991, 1997, 2002 and 2010. The event return periods were comparable with return periods from the foothills of the European Alps. A higher frequency of events in the first sub‐catchment may be caused by the presence of a deep‐seated landslide, steeper slopes and a higher susceptibility to shallow slope deformations. Different spatial patterns of events were presented using the Kernel Density analysis in ArcMap 10.1. Clusters of affected trees in the valley floor during the last decades may be due to increased erosion below the check dams and increased accumulation above. The presence of check dams and slope stabilization works since the 1960s has mitigated the processes in several gullies, but due to the current non‐interventional management, the risk of their damage is increasing, particularly when increased activity is observed in the adjacent unprotected gullies.  相似文献   

Translational failures, with associated downslope earthflow components and shallow slides, appear to be the primary mechanism of hillslope denudation in the humid tropical forests of the mountains of eastern Puerto Rico. In-situ weathering of quartz diorite and marine-deposited volcaniclastics produces residual soil (saprolite; up to 21 m deep) / weathered rock profiles. Discontinuous zones of contrasting density and permeability particularly in quartz-diorite slopes at 0.5 m, and between 3 and 7 m, create both pathways and impedances for water that can result in excess pore pressures and, ultimately, aid in determining the location of failure planes and magnitudes of slope failures. In combination with relict fractures which create planes of weakness within the saprolite, and the potential significance of tensile stresses in the upper zone of saprolite (hypothesized to be caused by subsurface soil creep), shear failure can then occur during or after periods of heavy rainfall.Results of in-situ shear-strength testing show negative y-intercepts on the derived Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes (approximately 50% of all tests) that are interpreted as apparent tensile stresses. Observation of tension cracks 1–2 m deep support the test data. Subsurface soil creep can cause extension of the soil and the development of tensile stresses along upper-slope segments. Shear-strength data support this hypothesis for both geologic types. Apparent values of maximum and mean tensile stress are greatest along upper slopes (16.5 and 6.29 kPa). Previously documented maximum rates of downslope movement coincided with local minima of shear strength, and the shear-strength minimum for all tests was located near 0.5 m below land surface, the shallow zone of contrasting permeabilities. These results indicate that subsurface soil creep, a slow semi-continuous process, may exert a profound influence on rapid, shallow slope failures in saprolitic soils.Data indicate that cove slopes in quartz diorite tend to be the most unstable when saturation levels reach 75%. Deep failures (7 m deep) appear the most critical but not the most frequent because pore pressure build-up will occur more rapidly in the upper perched zone of translocated clays before reaching the lower zone between 3 and 7 m. Frequent shallow failures could reduce the probability of deeper failures by removing overburden and reducing shear stress at depth. Deep failures are more likely to result from storm events of great duration and intensity.Sixty-six ‘naturally occurring’ and more than 100 ‘road-related’ landslides were mapped. Forest elevations exceed 1000 m, but the majority of these failures were found between 600 and 800 m in elevation. This appears to be the area where there is sufficient concentration of subsurface water to result in excess pore pressures. The high percentage of slope failures in the 600–800-m range, relative to the percentage at higher elevations, suggests that differences in soil-water processes are responsible for the form of these mountain slopes. Steep linear segments are maintained at higher elevations. Slope angles are reduced in the 600–800-m range by frequent shallow slides, creating a largely concave surface. In combination, slope segments above 800 m, and those between 600 and 800 m, produce the characteristic form of the mountains of eastern Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Water is well established as a major driver of the geomorphic change that eventually reduces mountains to lower relief landscapes. Nonetheless, within the altitudinal limits of continuous vegetation in humid climates, water is also an essential factor in slope stability. In this paper, we present results from field experiments to determine infiltration rates at forested sites in the Andes Mountains (Ecuador), the southern Appalachian Mountains (USA), and the Luquillo Mountains (Puerto Rico). Using a portable rainfall simulator–infiltrometer (all three areas), and a single ring infiltrometer (Andes), we determined infiltration rates, even on steep slopes. Based on these results, we examine the spatial variability of infiltration, the relationship of rainfall runoff and infiltration to landscape position, the influence of vegetation on infiltration rates on slopes, and the implications of this research for better understanding erosional processes and landscape change.Infiltration rates ranged from 6 to 206 mm/h on lower slopes of the Andes, 16 to 117 mm/h in the southern Appalachians, and 0 to 106 mm/h in the Luquillo Mountains. These rates exceed those of most natural rain events, confirming that surface runoff is rare in montane forests with deep soil/regolith mantles. On well-drained forested slopes and ridges, apparent steady-state infiltration may be controlled by the near-surface downslope movement of infiltrated water rather than by characteristics of the full vertical soil profile. With only two exceptions, the local variability of infiltration rates at the scale of 10° m overpowered other expected spatial relationships between infiltration, vegetation type, slope position, and soil factors. One exception was the significant difference between infiltration rates on alluvial versus upland soils in the Andean study area. The other exception was the significant difference between infiltration rates in topographic coves compared to other slope positions in the tabonuco forest of one watershed in the Luquillo Mountains. Our research provides additional evidence of the ability of forests and forest soils to preserve geomorphic features from denudation by surface erosion, documents the importance of subsurface flow in mountain forests, and supports the need for caution in extrapolating infiltration rates.  相似文献   

Geomorphic differences between slopes backing two distinct desert piedmont types provide a proxy indicator for the kind of landform developed at the corresponding mountain base. Here, the term ‘bedrock pediment’ describes subaerial bedrock platforms that emanate from a mountain base while ‘alluvial slope’ describes suballuvial bedrock platforms that extend from the mountain. Mountain slopes backing bedrock pediments have been demonstrated to be mantled by larger clast sizes than corresponding slopes backing alluvial slopes in the Phoenix region, Arizona, USA. The present research focuses on using the disparate particle sizes between slopes backing bedrock pediments and alluvial slopes as an indicator for the piedmont form developed at the mountain base, and uses high-resolution remotely sensed digital data as a medium for quantitative landform assessments. A gravel + bedrock versus soil index developed from airborne midinfrared multispectral imagery acquired by the Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) indicates the presence of slopes mantled with larger particle sizes versus slopes mantled with smaller particle sizes and greater soil coverage. Two test areas confirm the applicability of this method and further demonstrate the usefulness of high-resolution midinfrared multispectral imagery as a geomorphic tool in arid regions.  相似文献   

Manjiya County on the Ugandan slopes of Mount Elgon is a densely populated mountainous area where landslides have been reported since the beginning of the twentieth century. The numerous fatalities and the damage done during the extreme rainfall events of 1997 to 1999 drew attention to this phenomenon. In order to better understand the causal factors of these landslides, 98 recent landslides in the study area, mostly debris slumps, were mapped and investigated. Together, they displaced 11 millions m3 of slope material. Statistical analysis shows that landslides dominate on steep concave slope segments that are oriented to the dominant rainfall direction (northeast) and at a relatively large distance from the water divide. Based on landslide occurrence and impact, four different zones can be distinguished within the study area. Causal factors as well as landslide characteristics differ greatly between the four zones.Besides the fact that steep slopes, high rainfall and typical soil properties and stratification turn Manjiya into an inherently unstable area, human interference cannot be neglected. Whereas deforestation has reduced the stability of the shallow soils on the eastern slopes of the study area, the excavation of slopes, mainly for house building, is an important destabilizing factor for the western slopes. The growing population density not only increases the risk on damage, but hampers the search for solutions for the landslide problem as well.  相似文献   

This paper reviews results from field surveys of over 200 sites on ski segments in the central Swiss Alps. Terrain modification during piste construction is shown to encourage soil erosion, especially in long, concave, linear hollows, on high-angle slopes, shallow or poorly drained soils and on long pistes. Erosion inhibits regeneration of the vegetation, especially above 2200 m a.m.s.l.; below 1600 m a.m.s.l. natural and/or artificial revegetation is generally more successful. On the basis of these observations, recommendations are presented for the siting and design of ski pistes.  相似文献   

A large number of blowouts and playas occur in the marginal sectors of the aeolian deposits located in the southern sector of the Duero Depression (Tierra de Pinares) in Spain. The blowouts are relict landforms that were developed on sand sheets by deflation during dry periods with lower vegetation cover and a deeper water table. The studied blowouts form complexes of NW–SE and NNW–SSE elongated hollows with accompanying dunes up to 4 km long in the leeward margins. Some hollows host lakes or swampy areas related to a shallow water table. The dunes formed by NE–ENE winds show steep windward slopes and gentle leeward slopes. The studied playas, with prevalent NNW–SSE orientations, result from the aeolian excavation of terrace deposits and the underlying marly bedrock. It is probable that the formation of these depressions in an initial stage was related to deflation processes affected preferentially NNW–SSE sandy channels perpendicular to the dominant wind direction. The precipitation of salts in the playas generates aggregates of clay particles (peloids) that are easily removed by the wind. Once the bottom reached the substratum, the deepening of the depressions progressed by the deflation of particles produced by weathering of the argillaceous bedrock.  相似文献   

Soil profiles, colluvial stratigraphy, and detailed hillslope morphology are key elements used for geomorphic interpretations of the form and long-term evolution of triangular facets on a 1200 m high, tectonically active mountain front. The facets are developed on Precambrian gneisses and Tertiary volcanic and plutonic rocks along a complexly segmented, active normal-fault zone in the Rio Grande rift of northern New Mexico. The detailed morphologies of 20− to 350 m high facets are defined by statistical and time-series analyses of 40 field transects that were keyed to observations of colluvium, bedrock, microtopography, and vegetation. The undissected parts of most facets are transport-limited hillslopes mantled with varying thicknesses (0.1 to > 1 m thick) of sand and gravel colluvium between generally sparse (≤10–30%) bedrock outcrops. Facet soils range from (a) thin (≤ 0.2 m) weakly developed soils with cumulic silty A or transitional A/B epipedons above Cox horizons in bedrock or colluvium, to (b) deep (≥0.5–1 m) moderately to strongly developed profiles containing thick cambic (Bw) and/or argillic (Bt) horizons that commonly extend into highly weathered saprolitic bedrock. The presence of strongly weathered profiles and thick colluvium suggests that rates of colluvial transport and hillslope erosion are less than or equal to rates of soil development over at least a large part of the Holocene.The catenary variation of soils and colluvium on selected facet transects indicate that the degree of soil development generally increases and the thickness of colluvium decreases upslope on most facets. This overall pattern is commonly disrupted on large facet hillslopes by irregular secondary soil variations linked to intermediate-scale (20–60 + m long) concave slope elements. These features are interpreted to reflect discontinuous transport and erosion of colluvium down-slope below bedrock outcrops. The degree of weathering in subsurface bedrock commonly increases more systematically upslope on most facets than colluvial soils. This pattern is consistent with an increase in age with height on these fault-generated facet hillslopes.The characteristic range of internal variation in soils and colluvial deposits on a given facet also varies greatly among facets with differing overall morphologies and external environments. Deep cumulic soils and thick colluvium occur consistently on steep (≥ 30°), high, and relatively undissected facets above the narrow central sections of fault segments. Much thinner and less weathered colluvium and soils overlie saprolitic bedrock at shallow depths on low, highly dissected, gently sloping (≤ 20°) facets above complex fault segment boundaries. Parametric and nonparametric analyses of variance indicate that these large-scale contrasts in facet morphology correlate primarily with a few facet subgroups related, in decreasing importance, to variations in range-front faulting, bedrock lithology, and piedmont dissection or aggradation. These factors are related to facet morphology, drainage evolution, and hillslope-soil stratigraphy in a general geomorphic model for fault-generated facets. In this model, segmentation-related changes in the geometry and/or rates of faulting most strongly affect facet size, slope gradient, the thickness of colluvium and soil development, and drainage patterns. Facets of varying heights have similar hillslope forms at the same position on the range front; these characteristic morphologies are established under prevailing tectonic and nontectonic conditions on facets as bedrock is initially exposed from beneath alluvial-covered fault scarps above a height threshold of 15–35 m.  相似文献   

Abstract: The February 2004 Manawatu floods in New Zealand were the result of a naturally occurring, although unusual, storm. Up to 300 mm of rain fell on the already saturated ground of the lower North Island over two days, generating substantial and rapid runoff from catchment slopes. Rivers rose quickly, inundating unprotected farmland and properties and in places breaching stopbanks. There was widespread slope failure in the hill country of the lower North Island, affecting an area of ca. 7500 km2. Slopes under scrub, plantation forest and native bush were not as badly affected as those under pasture, where slopes typically failed by shallow translational landsliding. Flooding caused catastrophic channel change in a number of small to medium sized channel systems in the upland fringes. Whilst the occurrence of landsliding and channel changes during an extreme event such as this is natural, the intensity of both landsliding and channel erosion was exacerbated by human activity within the catchments.  相似文献   

This study used palaeolimnological approaches to determine how Holocene climatic and environmental changes affected aquatic assemblages in a subarctic lake. Sediments of the small Lake Njargajavri, in northern Finnish Lapland above the present treeline, were studied using multi-proxy methods. The palaeolimnological development of the lake was assessed by analyses of chironomids, Cladocera and diatoms. The lake was formed in the early Holocene and was characterized by prominent erosion and leaching from poorly developed soils before the establishment of birch forests, resulting in a high pH and trophic state. The lake level started to lower as early as ca. 10,200 cal. BP. In the resulting shallow basin, rich in aquatic mosses, pH decreased and a diverse cladoceran and chironomid assemblage developed. It is likely that there was a slight rise in the water level ca. 8000 cal. BP. Later, during the mid-Holocene characterized by low effective moisture detected elsewhere in Fennoscandia, the lake probably completely dried out; this is manifest as a hiatus in the stratigraphy. The sediment record continues from ca. 5000 cal. BP onwards as the lake formed again due to increased effective moisture. The new lake was characterized by very low pH. The possible spread of pine to the catchment and the development of heath community may have contributed to the unusually steep (for northern Fennoscandia) decline in pH via change in soils, together with the natural decrease in leaching of base cations. Furthermore, the change in pH may have been driven by cooling climate, affecting the balance of dissolved inorganic carbon in the lake.  相似文献   

Since European settlement 160 years ago, much of the indigenous forest in New Zealand hill country has been cleared for pastoral agriculture, resulting in increased erosion and sedimentation. To prioritise soil conservation work in the Manawatu–Wanganui region, we developed a model of landslide susceptibility. It assigns high susceptibility to steep land not protected by woody vegetation and low susceptibility everywhere else, following the commonly used approach for identifying inappropriate land use. A major storm on 15–16 February 2004 that produced many landslides was used to validate the model. The model predicted hills at risk to landsliding with moderate accuracy: 58% of erosion scars in the February storm occurred on hillsides considered to be susceptible. The model concept of slope thresholds, above which the probability of landsliding is high and below which the probability is low, is not adequate because below 30° the probability of landsliding is approximately linearly related to slope. Thus, reforestation of steep slopes will need to be combined with improved vegetation management for soil conservation on moderate slopes to significantly reduce future landsliding.  相似文献   

Greaves Creek has cut a hanging valley through the entire Triassic sandstone sequence near Blackheath in the western Blue Mountains, New South Wales. Downstream of Beauchamp Falls, it cuts into Permian strata in the Grose Gorge. The hanging valley has a valley-in-valley structure. The narrow inner valley is bounded by high cliffs and its floor is cut by a deep narrow slot canyon where stream incision has occurred without valley widening. The course of the creek is related to joint directions. Intense jointing, minor faulting and sapping influence the stability of cliffs but up to 30m of incision has occurred without valley widening in the slot canyon. Topographic asymmetry expressed as unequal slopes of the valley sides is related to differential insolation, erosion, vegetation cover, bioturbation and fire intensity. In the western Blue Mountains and elsewhere in the Sydney Basin asymmetric slopes occur in many other valley-ridge systems, particularly those whose long axes are oriented between about east-west and north-east-south-west. Vegetation structure and floristics within Greaves Creek valley are related to physiography of the valley and to aspect through their effects on fire, moisture availability, light availability, soil depth and temperature.  相似文献   

中国西南山区公路沿线乡村聚落景观格局演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山区乡村聚落演化机制是聚落地理学研究的热点,为探究山区公路对乡村聚落变化的驱动机理,以贵州省麻江县为研究对象,基于1992,2012年乡村聚落数据,运用GIS技术和景观分析软件,对山区不同地貌的公路沿线乡村聚落景观格局变化进行研究。结果表明:(1)与整个研究区(行政单元)相比,公路影响范围内乡村聚落景观快速增加,景观趋于破碎化和形状复杂化。乡村聚落景观演变速度呈现岩溶槽谷区低山丘陵区中山峡谷区的特点。(2)距公路越近的缓冲区,景观格局变化更加剧烈。在3个公路距离缓冲区,乡村聚落景观演变速度都呈岩溶槽谷区低山丘陵区中山峡谷区的特点。(3)在0~1 500 m距离缓冲区,低坡度的乡村聚落景观格局变化速度明显快于中坡度与高坡度地区。低坡度的景观格局演变速度呈现出岩溶槽谷区低山丘陵区中山峡谷区的特点,而中坡度与高坡度的景观格局演变速度呈现出中山峡谷区低山丘陵区岩溶槽谷区的特点。这说明距公路远近和坡度的变化是影响山区公路影响范围内乡村聚落景观格局演变差异的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a new instrument to continuously measure bedload transport, an impact sensor, to a 72 km2 test catchment in the Yorkshire Dales, northern England. Data from a network of impact sensors are linked to repeat surveys of channel morphological response, to get a better understanding of the conditions that lead to sediment generation and transfer. Results suggest certain areas of the catchment act as key sediment sources at the annual time scale, with material being quickly delivered to the lower parts of the catchment along the steep bedrock channel. Sediment transfer within the tributaries occurs in significantly smaller magnitudes than within the main channel; but it moves more frequently and at different times of the year, with transfer rates being strongly conditioned by larger-scale valley geomorphology. The lower 5.6 km reach sees a significant reduction in gradient and a widening of the valley. This permits significant accumulation within the channel, which has persisted for many years. This lower reach is very sensitive to changes in sediment supply and there is good agreement between changes in bedload transport data and the surveyed channel response. These observations have major implications for how river management projects should be developed in upland environments, especially those where large-scale geomorphological controls have a major impact upon the sediment transfer process. Evidence suggests that where river management restricts lateral movement of the channel and transfer of sediment into floodplain storage, changes in sediment supply can lead to areas of severe accumulation, acceleration of bank erosion and exacerbated flood risk.  相似文献   

Results are presented from eight scaled centrifuge modelling experiments designed to investigate mass movement processes on thawing ice-rich slopes. Four pairs of simple planar slope models were constructed, one in each pair being of sufficient gradient to promote slope failure during soil thaw and the second having a gradient below the threshold for instability. Four frost susceptible soils were used, three were normally consolidated and had different clay contents (2%, 12% and 20%) and the fourth comprised the 20% clay soil, but was over consolidated prior to model testing. Modelling protocols included freezing from the surface downwards under an open hydraulic system, and thawing from the surface downwards under an enhanced gravitational field within the geotechnical centrifuge, thereby utilising scaling laws to simulate correct prototype self weight stresses during thaw. Slopes below the stability threshold gradient were subjected to between 2 and 4 cycles of freezing and thawing, simulating annual cycles. Those above the stability threshold were subjected to only one cycle, since they failed during the first thaw phase. Thermal conditions, pore water pressures, surface movements, and profiles of displacement are reported. Measured pore pressures are used in slope stability analyses based on a simple planar infinite slope model. Profiles of solifluction shear strain and mechanisms of slope failure are both shown to be sensitive to small changes in soil properties, particularly clay content and stress history. In all cases, pore pressures rose rapidly immediately following thaw, remained below the threshold for failure in low gradient models, but exceeding the threshold to trigger landslides on steeper slopes. Upward seepage of melt water away from the thaw front contributed to loss of shear strength. Mechanisms of slope failure differed between test soils, ranging from mudflow in non-cohesive silt to active layer detachment sliding in over consolidated silt–clay. During solifluction, shear strain was greatest at the surface in non-cohesive silt and decreased rapidly with depth, but in test soils containing clay, the zone of maximum shear strain was located lower in the displacement profiles.  相似文献   

Slope failures cause billions of dollars of damage annually and put human lives at risk. This study employed field measurements and observations to provide the framework for laboratory simulations to investigate the effects of environmental characteristics on slope stability in the highly fractured bedrock region of the Boston Mountains, northwest Arkansas. Field measurements, to determine characteristics and possible controls of 10 shallow slope failures along an interstate highway, revealed that slope failures occurred within a relatively narrow range of slope angles (17–36°) and in loamy soils. Based on field observations, flume experiments were conducted to investigate the relationships between soil texture, slope angle, bedrock fractures, soil compaction, and slope instability. Time to failure differed (p < 0.05) among treatment combinations. Generally, slopes composed of loam were more stable than slopes composed of sand. Time to failure decreased more on slopes of 15–20° than on slopes of 20–25°. Flume slopes with sod cover never failed. This study provided a methodology for using field analyses of slope failures to guide laboratory experiments and demonstrated that complex interactions among environmental factors work to stabilize or compromise steep (>20°) slopes.  相似文献   

This study examines the development of a conceptual model of sediment processes in the upper Yuba River watershed; and we hypothesize how components of the conceptual model may be spatially distributed using a geographical information system (GIS). The conceptual model illustrates key processes controlling sediment dynamics in the upper Yuba River watershed and was tested and revised using field measurements, aerial photography, and low elevation videography. Field reconnaissance included mass wasting and channel storage inventories, assessment of annual channel change in upland tributaries, and evaluation of the relative importance of sediment sources and transport processes. Hillslope erosion rates throughout the study area are relatively low when compared to more rapidly eroding landscapes such as the Pacific Northwest and notable hillslope sediment sources include highly erodible andesitic mudflows, serpentinized ultramafics, and unvegetated hydraulic mine pits. Mass wasting dominates surface erosion on the hillslopes; however, erosion of stored channel sediment is the primary contributor to annual sediment yield. We used GIS to spatially distribute the components of the conceptual model and created hillslope erosion potential and channel storage models. The GIS models exemplify the conceptual model in that landscapes with low potential evapotranspiration, sparse vegetation, steep slopes, erodible geology and soils, and high road densities display the greatest hillslope erosion potential and channel storage increases with increasing stream order. In-channel storage in upland tributaries impacted by hydraulic mining is an exception. Reworking of stored hydraulic mining sediment in low-order tributaries continues to elevate upper Yuba River sediment yields. Finally, we propose that spatially distributing the components of a conceptual model in a GIS framework provides a guide for developing more detailed sediment budgets or numerical models making it an inexpensive way to develop a roadmap for understanding sediment dynamics at a watershed scale.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of 3.25 m of late glacial and Holocene sediments gives a mid‐altitude (600 m) record of vegetation development after the last or Margaret Glaciation. Alpine herbfield, coniferous heath and Nothofagus gunnli scrub developed on the moraines until 11,400 BP. Wet montane forest and heath then developed with Phyllocladus aspleniifolius, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Eucalyptus until c. 10,000 BP. After 10,000 BP a mosaic of N. cunninghamii rainforest, Myrtaceae and Proteaceae scrub and Sprengelia incarnata heath occurred. The development of the vegetation from alpine communities to temperate rainforest, which is near its limit at 600 m, occurred under the influence of improving climatic conditions with rapid upslope migration or local expansion of taxa during the late glacial. Temperatures were warm enough for the development of rainforest at 600 m by 10,000 BP, if not earlier. The development of a mosaic of rainforest, scrub and heath vegetation rather than extensive rainforest after 10,000 BP reflects the influence of poor soils, bad drainage and fires. Comparison with similar pollen diagrams from western Tasmania suggests that the development of pollen/vegetation associations was time transgressive with altitude during the late glacial when climatic influences and migration rates were important, and that the mosaic of vegetation communities became more complex during the Holocene because of adjustment to or control by local ecological factors.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区典型小流域土地持续利用案例研究   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
本文选择我国水土流失最为严重的黄土丘陵沟壑区作为研究地区,通过野外调查、土地利用填图,结合区域国民经济发展规划提出了4种基本土地利用规划方案附加2种保护性耕作措施;开展了生态适宜性、经济可行性和社会可接受性评价。提出:在得到大量外部经济支持的前提下,应积极实行15°以上的坡耕地全部退耕还林还草的方案,其中在中等坡度的地区(15°-25°)应发展果园和经济林;若缺少外部强有力的经济支持,该区土地利用调整应逐步开展,短期内(约0-5年),建议坡度大于25°的坡耕地逐步退耕还林还草,其中,坡度大于25°,地形条件较好的地区应种植果园和经济林;中期(约5-10年),坡度大于20°的黄土地区应逐步退耕还林还草,其中坡度介于20°-25°之间的地区应转变为果园和经济林;10年之后,建议大于15°的坡耕地全部转变为其他用途,其中坡度介于15°-25°的黄土地区应转变为果园和经济林,坡度大于25°的地区转变为林地/灌丛和草地  相似文献   

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