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亚暴期间极光电集流带的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
极光活动加剧和极光电集流增强是磁层-电离层能量耦合的两种重要表现形式,它们同为磁层带电粒子向电离层沉降的结果,但是变化规律却非常不同.本文用地基磁场资料,反演极区等效电流体系,研究地磁平静期和扰动期极光电集流带的运动特点.研究表明,Harang间断把极光电集流带分为两段:下午—黄昏段的东向电集流带较弱,而晨侧和子夜—凌晨段的西向电集流带较强.在亚暴膨胀相,随着AE指数增大,整个极光卵向赤道扩展,而极光电集流带却表现出分段差异的特点:下午—黄昏东向电集流带向低纬移动,晨侧西向电集流带也向赤道移动,而子夜—凌晨西向电集流带则向极移动.电动力学分析表明,在不同地方时段,控制电流的主要因素不同,因而,电流及其磁扰有不同的特点:下午—黄昏东向电集流和晨侧西向电集流组成了DP2电流体系,主要受控于磁层对流电场,反映了“驱动过程”的行为;而子夜—凌晨西向电集流是DP1电流体系的基本部分,主要受控于电导率,反映了“卸载过程”的特点.  相似文献   

A planetary pattern of substorm development in auroral precipitation has been constructed on the basis of the F6 and F7 satellite observations. The behavior of the auroral injection boundaries and characteristics of precipitating electrons in various precipitation regions during all phases of a statistically mean magnetospheric substorm with an intensity of AL ~ ?400 nT at a maximum is considered in detail. It is shown that during a substorm, the zone of structured auroral oval precipitation AOP and the diffuse auroral zone DAZ are the widest in the nighttime and daytime sectors, respectively. In the daytime sector, all precipitation regions synchronously shift equatorward not only at the origination phase but during the substorm development phase. The strongest shift to low latitudes of the daytime AOP region is observed at a maximum of the development phase. As a result of this shift, the area of the polar cap increases during the phases of substorm origination and development. It is shown that the average position of the precipitation boundaries and the energy fluxes of precipitating electrons at each phase are linearly related to the intensity of a magnetic disturbance. This makes it possible to develop a model of auroral precipitation development during each phase of substorms of any intensity.  相似文献   

通过对北极斯瓦尔巴特( Svalbard )岛Longyearbyen台站的 极光扫描光度计和地磁 观测数据在地磁亚暴膨胀相期间的对比分析,发现扫描光度计记录中的极光边缘的快速极向 运动和地磁数据x分量的陡峭负弯之间有着良好的对应关系,地磁数据可用来研究两极 高纬 地区极光亚暴的地磁共轭特征. 对南极中山站、挪威Troms Svalbard台链和东格陵兰岛 地 区共15个地磁台站在7个典型极光亚暴事件中的地磁数据进行对比分析后发现, 中山站的地 磁共轭点位置存在明显的漂移特征,漂移的范围在斯瓦尔巴特岛与东格陵兰岛之间,纬度值 与CGM模型值近似.  相似文献   

The manifestations of the so-called main ionospheric effect during geomagnetic storms (substorms) in the character of decameter-wave propagation are analyzed. On HF radio paths, the main effect is observed as variations in the signal amplitude and the MOF-LOF working frequency band similarly to the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer. Specifically, these parameters increase before the disturbance active phase, decrease during the active phase, and increase again after this phase. The propagation outside the great circle arc, the change in the propagation processes, and the HF radio noise behavior were also considered on these paths during storms (substorms). It is assumed that the storm (substorm) development onset can be predicted.  相似文献   

On the basis of observations for the IGY period (visoplots) it is shown, that during magnetic storms diffuse glow is detected at all latitudes between the lowest latitude of the visually observed auroral glow at the zenith and the auroral oval. The diffuse glow region spatially coincides with the region of soft electron precipitation extending equatorward from the boundary of the oval to the latitude of the plasmopause projections along the magnetic force lines to the ionosphere. Using published materials on the diffuse glow dynamics and SAR arcs at the Yakutsk meridian, as well as simultaneous measurements of the DMSP F9 satellite, we discuss the contribution from low-energy electron precipitation transfered via convection toward Earth from the magnetosphere’s plasma sheet to excitation of 630.0 nm emission in low-intensity (<1.0 kR) SAR arcs.  相似文献   

About 100 breakups of different types and intensities are studied on the basis of Lovozero Observatory data. Magnetic pulsations in different frequency ranges, VLF emissions, and auroral activity are analyzed using the TV data. It is found that magnetic pulsations in all frequency ranges lag behind the moment of breakup by 0.5–2.0 min, and bursts of low-intensity broadband VLF emission hiss are observed 3–10 min before breakup. Hiss leading breakup corresponds to feeble auroras located northward of a pre-breakup arc.  相似文献   

High-time resolution CUTLASS observations and ground-based magnetometers have been employed to study the occurrence of vortical flow structures propagating through the high-latitude ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms. Fast-moving flow vortices (800 m s–1) associated with Hall currents flowing around upward directed field-aligned currents are frequently observed propagating at high speed (1 km s–1) azimuthally away from the region of the ionosphere associated with the location of the substorm expansion phase onset. Furthermore, a statistical analysis drawn from over 1000 h of high-time resolution, nightside radar data has enabled the characterisation of the bulk properties of these vortical flow systems. Their occurrence with respect to substorm phase has been investigated and a possible generation mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

The auroral oval concept radically changed the view that existed for a century in geophysics on the patterns in aurora planetary spatial–temporal distributions. The auroral zone, which is located around the geomagnetic pole as a continuous ring at a constant angular distance of ~23°, was replaced by the auroral oval in 1960. The auroral oval spatial position reflects the shape of the Earth’s magnetosphere, which is compressed by the solar wind on the dayside and stretches into the magnetotail on the nightside. The oval is fixed relative to the direction toward the Sun and is located around the geomagnetic pole at altitudes of the upper atmosphere at an angular distance of ~12° at noon and ~23° at midnight. After an animated discussion over several subsequent years, the existence of the auroral oval was accepted by the scientific community as a paradigm of a new science, i.e., solar–terrestrial physics. The oval location indicates the zone where electron fluxes with energies varying from ~100 eV to ~20 keV precipitate into the upper atmosphere and is related to the structure of plasma domains in the Earth’s magnetosphere. The paper describes the scientific studies that resulted in the concept of the auroral oval existence. It has been shown how this concept was subsequently justified in the publications by Y.I. Feldstein and O.B. Khorosheva. The issue of the priority of the auroral oval concept introduction into geophysics has been considered. The statement that the concept of the oval is an archaic paradigm of solar–terrestrial physics has been called into question. Some scientific fields in which the term auroral oval or simply oval was and is the paradigm have been listed.  相似文献   

The azimuthal propagation of luminosity inhomogeneities (of the bead type) within auroral arcs extended from east (E) to west (W) during the substorm growth phase is studied with high-precision groundbased optical observations at PGI observatories and THEMIS Canadian ground stations. The propagation velocities and directions are compared with the predictions of the known theories that were proposed in order to interpret this phenomenon. It is concluded that there is no unified theory capable of explaining the disturbance propagation peculiarities observed in different events.  相似文献   

Two features of giant pulsations (Pgs) which still require an explanation are firstly, why Pgs occur mainly in the early morning sector (i.e. 03:00-07:00 MLT) and not at other times of day, and secondly, why Pgs occur preferentially in a narrow latitudinal band (approximately 63○-68○ geomagnetic latitude). Using statistics from 34 Pg events observed by the EISCAT magnetometer cross, a comparison has been made between the location of the Pg resonant field lines and the equatorward edge of the auroral oval. The majority of these Pg events appear to occur just poleward of this boundary. Using these results, an explanation of the two features of Pgs as detailed above is made. This explanation involves the interaction of protons, which may be responsible for the Pg events, with the inner edge of the plasma sheet or with its ionospheric equivalent, the equatorward edge of the auroral oval.  相似文献   

The high-latitude ionospheric response to a major magnetic storm on May 15, 1997 is studied and different responses in the polar cap and the auroral oval are highlighted. Depletion of the F2 region electron density occurred in both the polar cap and the auroral zone, but due to different physical processes. The increased recombination rate of O+ ions caused by a strong electric field played a crucial role in the auroral zone. The transport effect, however, especially the strong upward ion flow was also of great importance in the dayside polar cap. During the main phase and the beginning of the recovery phase soft particle precipitation in the polar cap showed a clear relation to the dynamic pressure of the solar wind, with a maximum cross-correlation coefficient of 0.63 at a time lag of 5 min.  相似文献   

As a rule, bright auroral arcs evolve near the poleward boundary of the auroral oval at the growth phase of a substorm, a phenomenon that is known to occur near the poleward edge of the auroral oval. The closeness of these arcs to the projection of the magnetic separatrix on the night side suggests that their generation is related to magnetic reconnection in the magnetospheric tail in a particular way. In this study this suggestion is confirmed by the fact that integral brightness of the auroral oval at the poleward edge correlates with magnetic field structures in the solar wind that are observed by ACE and Wind satellites at distances of 50–300 RE upstream and are shifted towards the magnetospheric tail with time delays of ~ 10–80 min, consistent with measurements of the solar wind velocity. About 50 examples of this correlation have been found. The possible physical mechanisms of the effect observed are discussed.  相似文献   

The position of the auroral oval poleward and equatorward boundary projections on the equatorial plane in the nightside MLT sector during magnetically quiet periods (|AL| < 200 nT, |Dst| < 10 nT) has been determined. The oval boundary positions were determined according to the precipitation model developed at Polar Geophysical Institute (http://apm.pgia.ru/). The isotropy of the averaged plasma pressure and the experimentally confirmed balance of pressures during the nighttime have been taken into account. The morphological mapping method has been used to map the oval poleward and equatorward edges without the use of any magnetic field model on the assumption that the condition of magnetostatic equilibrium is valid. Ion pressures at ionospheric altitudes and in the equatorial plane have been compared. It has been shown that the auroral oval equatorward boundary in the midnight sector is localized at geocentric distances of ~7 RE, which is in good agreement with the position of the energetic particle injection boundary in the equatorial plane. The oval poleward edge is localized at the ~10 RE geocentric distance, which is in good agreement with the position of the equatorward boundary of the region with a high turbulence level in the Earth’s magnetosphere plasma sheet.  相似文献   

The 2D morphology of coherent HF radar and optical cusp aurora has been studied for conditions of predominantly southward IMF conditions, which favours low-latitude boundary layer reconnection. Despite the variability in shape of radar cusp Doppler spectra, the spectral width criterion of 220 m s–1 proves to be a robust cusp discriminator. For extended periods of well-developed radar backscatter echoes, the equatorward boundary of the 220 m s–1 spectral width enhancement lines up remarkably well with the equatorward boundary of the optical cusp aurora. The spectral width boundary is however poorly determined during development and fading of radar cusp backscatter. Closer inspection of radar Doppler profile characteristics suggests that a combination of spectral width and shape may advance boundary layer identification by HF radar. For the two December days studied the onset of radar cusp backscatter occurred within pre-existing 630.0 nm cusp auroral activity and appear to be initiated by sunrise, i.e. favourable radio wave propagation conditions had to develop. Better methods are put forward for analysing optical data, and for physical interpretation of HF radar data, and for combining these data, as applied to detection, tracking, and better understanding of dayside aurora. The broader motivation of this work is to develop wider use by the scientific community, of results of these techniques, to accelerate understanding of dynamic high-latitude boundary-processes. The contributions in this work are: (1) improved techniques of analysis of observational data, yielding meaningfully enhanced accuracy for deduced cusp locations; (2) a correspondingly more pronounced validation of correlation of boundary locations derived from the observational data set; and (3) a firmer physical rationale as to why the good correlation observed should theoretically be expected.  相似文献   

A case is described of multiple current sheets crossed by the MAGION-2 satellite in the near-midnight quieting auroral oval. The data were obtained by the magnetometer experiment onboard. Results show during a quieting period after a preceding substorm, or during an early growth phase of the next substorm, two double-sheet current bands, POLE and EQUB, located at respectively the polar and equatorial borders of the auroral oval separated by about 500 km in latitude. This is consistent with the double-oval structure during recovery introduced by Elphinstone et al. (1995). Within the POLE, the magnetic field data show simultaneous existence of several narrow parallel bipolar current sheets within the upward current branch (at 69.5–70.3° invariant latitude) with an adjacent downward current branch at its polar side at (70.5–71.3°). The EQUB was similarly stratified and located at 61.2–63.5° invariant latitude. The narrow current sheets were separated on average by about 35 km and 15 km, respectively, within the POLE and EQUB. A similar case of double-oval current bands with small-scale structuring of their upward current branches during a quieting period is found in the data from the MAGION-3 satellite. These observations contribute to the double-oval structure of the late recovery phase, and add a small-scale structuring of the upward currents producing the auroral arcs in the double- oval pattern, at least for the cases presented here. Other observations of multiple auroral current sheets and theories of auroral arc multiplicity are briefly discussed. It is suggested that multiple X-lines in the distant tail, and/or leakage of energetic particles and FA currents from a series of plasmoids formed during preceding magnetic activity, could be one cause of highly stratified upward FA currents at the polar edge of the quieting double auroral oval.  相似文献   

The SuperDARN HF radars have been employed in the past to investigate the spectral characteristics of coherent backscatter from L-shell aligned features in the auroral E region. The present study employs all-sky camera observations of the aurora from Husafell, Iceland, and the two SuperDARN radars located on Iceland, Þykkvibær and Stokkseyri, to determine the optical signature of such backscatter features. It is shown that, especially during quiet geomagnetic conditions, the backscatter region is closely associated with east-west aligned diffuse auroral features, and that the two move in tandem with each other. This association between optical and radar aurora has repercussions for the instability mechanisms responsible for generating the E region irregularities from which radars scatter. This is discussed and compared with previous studies investigating the relationship between optical and VHF radar aurora. In addition, although it is known that E region backscatter is commonly observed by SuperDARN radars, the present study demonstrates for the first time that multiple radars can observe the same feature to extend over at least 3 h of magnetic local time, allowing precipitation features to be mapped over large portions of the auroral zone.  相似文献   

Physical processes which affect the absorption of radio waves passing through the auroral E-region when Farley-Buneman irregularities are present are examined. In particular, the question of whether or not it is legitimate to include the anomalous wave-enhanced collision frequency, which has been used successfully to account for the heating effects of Farley-Buneman waves in the auroral E-region, in the usual expression for the radio-wave absorption coefficient is addressed. Effects also considered are those due to wave coupling between electromagnetic waves and high-frequency electrostatic waves in the presence of Farley-Buneman irregularities. The implications for radio-wave heating of the auroral electrojet of these processes are also discussed. In particular, a new theoretical model for calculating the effects of high-power radio-wave heating on the electron temperature in an electrojet containing Farley-Buneman turbulence is presented.  相似文献   

There has been some discussion in recent times regarding whether or not substorm expansive phase activity plays any role of importance in the formation of the stormtime ring current. I explore this question using the Kp index as a proxy for substorm expansive phase activity and the Dst index as a proxy for symmetric ring current strength. I find that increases in Dst are mildly related to the strength of substorm expansive phase activity during the development of the storm main phase. More surprisingly, I find that the strength of Dst during the storm recovery phase is positively correlated with the strength of substorm expansive phase activity. This result has an important bearing on the question of how much the Dst index reflects activity other than that of the stormtime symmetric ring current strength for which it is supposed to be a proxy.  相似文献   

The unique spectrographic observations of auroras on the Kola Peninsula, simultaneously performed in 1970 at Loparskaya and Kem stations using C-180-S cameras, have been analyzed by up-to-date digital data processing. The position and dynamics of proton precipitation relative to other manifestations of auroral and substorm activity (auroral arcs and electrojets) under moderately and weakly disturbed conditions have been analyzed. Several previously known regularities in the morphology of proton auroras have been confirmed. It has been indicated that the direction of motion of the proton band equatorward boundary in the evening sector changes at a sign reversal of the IMF Z component. Weak breakups affect the poleward boundary of the proton band but do not influence the position of the equatorward boundary of this band, which results in the expansion of the proton emission region. When a disturbance is stronger, the proton emission disappears near an active electron arc and subsequently appears poleward of its position before intensification. Short-term proton precipitation is also observed in the region of active electron precipitation during an intense breakup in the form of N–S structures.  相似文献   

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