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The Society Islands of French Polynesia (south-central Pacific Ocean) are formed predominatly by basaltic lavas of alkaline affinities. These intraplate rocks are either Ne- or Hy-normative. Ne-normative basaltic lavas are lower in Si and heavy rare earth elements and higher in Ti, V and Sr than Hy-normative. The differences are attributed to the contrasting behaviour of amphibole during melting of the upper mantle, which, in turn, may be related to the variation in the depth of melting. Compared to pyrolite, the upper mantle source of the lavas was enriched in incompatible elements.  相似文献   

Basalts being erupted in the Pacific Ocean Basin vary in Sr isotopic composition in a simple geographic pattern. 87Sr/86Sr increases away from the East Pacific Rise to very high values for islands in the south-central Pacific. The 87Sr/86Sr variations are almost certainly related to past segregation of Rb, K, and other large cations. The segregation process was probably incipient partial melting which resulted in various mantle zones being enriched or depleted.  相似文献   

The whole rock K-Ar ages of basalts from the South China Sea basin vary from 3.8 to 7.9 Ma, which suggest that intra-plate volcanism after the cessation of spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) is comparable to that in adjacent regions around the SCS, i.e., Leiqiong Peninsula, northern margin of the SCS, Indochina block, and so on. Based on detailed petrographic studies, we selected many fresh ba-saltic rocks and measured their major element, trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions. Geochemical characteristics of major element and trace element show that these basaltic rocks belong to alkali basalt magma series, and are similar to OIB-type basalt. The extent of partial melting of mantle rock in source region is very low, and magma may experience crystallization differentiation and cu-mulation during the ascent to or storing in the high-level magma chamber. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of these basaltic rocks imply an inhomogeneous mantle below the South China Sea. The nature of magma origin has a two end-member mixing model, one is EM2 (Enriched Mantle 2) which may be originated from mantle plume, the other is DMM (Depleted MORB Mantle). Pb isotopic characteristics show the Dupal anomaly in the South China Sea, and combined with newly found Dupal anomaly at Gakkel ridge in Arctic Ocean, this implies that Dupal anomaly is not only limited to South Hemisphere. In variation diagrams among Sr, Nd and Pb, the origin nature of mantle below the SCS is similar to those below Leiqiong peninsula, northern margin of the SCS and Indochina peninsula, and is different from those below north and northeast China. This study provides geochemical constraints on Hainan mantle plume.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of mildly alkalic basalts (24–25 Ma) erupted in the southeastern Kerguelen Archipelago are considered to represent the best estimate for the composition of the enriched Kerguelen plume end-member. A recent study of picrites and high-MgO basalts from this part of the archipelago highlighted the Pb and Hf isotopic variations and suggested the presence of mantle heterogeneities within the Kerguelen plume itself. We present new helium and neon isotopic compositions for olivines from these picrites and high-MgO basalts (6–17 wt.% MgO) both to constrain the enriched composition of the Kerguelen plume and to determine the origin of isotopic heterogeneities involved in the genesis of Kerguelen plume-related basalts. The olivine phenocrysts have extremely variable 4He / 3He compositions between MORB and primitive values observed in OIB (∼90,000 to 40,000; i.e., R / Ra ∼8 to 18) and they show primitive neon isotopic ratios (average 21Ne / 21Neext ∼0.044). The neon isotopic systematics and the 4He / 3He ratios that are lower than MORB values for the Kerguelen basalts clearly suggest that the Kerguelen hotspot belongs to the family of primitive hotspots, such as Iceland and Hawaii. The rare gas signature for the Kerguelen samples, intermediate between MORB and solar, is apparently inconsistent with mixing of a primitive component with a MORB-like source, but may result from sampling a heterogeneous part of the mantle with solar 3He / 22Ne and with a higher (U, Th) / 3He ratio compared to typically high R / Ra hotspot basalts such as those from Iceland and Hawaii.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of ocean island basalts(OIB) has important bearings on Earth's deep mantle.Although it is widely accepted that subducted oceanic crust, as a consequence of plate tectonics, contributes material to OIB's formation, its exact fraction in OIB's mantle source remains ambiguous largely due to uncertainties associated with existing geochemical proxies. Here we show, through theoretical calculation, that unlike many known proxies, triple oxygen isotope compositions(i.e.D^(17 )O) in olivine samples are not affected by crystallization and partial melting. This unique feature, therefore, allows olivine D^(17 )O values to identify subducted oceanic crusts in OIB's mantle source. Furthermore, the fractions of subducted ocean sediments and hydrothermally altered oceanic crust in OIB's mantle source can be quantified using their characteristic D^(17 )O values. Based on published D^(17 )O data, we estimated the fraction of subducted oceanic crust to be as high as 22.3% in certain OIB, but the affected region in the respective mantle plume is likely to be limited.  相似文献   

Trace element and isotopic characteristics of late Carboniferous to early Permian minettes and kersantites have been determined. These lamprophyres have been sampled throughout the Western European Hercynian orogen, from Brittany to the west to Schwarzwald to the east. In spite of sharp petrological differences reflected by mineralogy and major element geochemistry, minettes and kersantites exhibit close identity with respect to trace element and isotopic features. These features comprise enrichment in incompatible elements, highCs/Rb and lowCe/Pb ratios, Ta and Ti relative depletion, high abundance in transition elements and highNi/Mg ratios. Pb isotope ratios are undistinguishable from those measured on Hercynian continental crust. Initial143Nd/144Nd ratios are between0.5120 (εi −5) and0.5122 (εi −1) for minettes and kersantites whereas initial87Sr/86Sr ratios vary between 0.7055–0.710 for minettes and 0.707–0.708 for kersantites. No simple mixing relations are visible on RbSr and SmNd isochron diagrams. The exceptional homogeneity of these geochemical characteristics along a 1000 km traverse does not allow for an hypothesis of enrichment through upper level assimilation and thus leads to propose that these rocks originated through melting of a mantle enriched by recycling of crustal material.  相似文献   

Basalts dredged from ridge axes within 70 km of the Indian Ocean triple junction in the western Indian Ocean have many geochemical and petrologic characteristics in common with depleted mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from the Atlantic and Pacific. For example there is overlap in major and trace element abundances, and in diagnostic ratios such as K/Rb (700–925) and La/Sm (less than chondritic). Also, glass inclusions in calcic plagioclase (An89–90) provide evidence for a primitive high Mg/Fe, low TiO2 melt. In contrast, basalts dredged from 250 to 400 km southwest of the triple junction on the Southwest Indian Ridge are compositionally distinct from depleted MORB. They are nepheline-normative or slightly hypersthene normative and have higher alkali metal and incompatible element abundances than depleted MORBs with similar MgO contents.All of these Indian Ocean basalts have Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios which corroborate previous studies showing that relative to depleted Atlantic and Pacific MORB, many Indian Ocean MORBs have low206Pb/204Pb and high87Sr/86Sr. However, individual Indian Ocean ridges have different radiogenic isotope characteristics, and basalts from the vicinity of the triple junction have unusually high87Sr/86Sr (∼ 0.7032) at low206Pb/204Pb ratios (17.3–18.2). Moreover, the shallow axial region of the Central Indian Ridge from ∼ 12°S to the triple junction (26°S) has high87Sr/86Sr (> 0.7030). Apparently, the depleted component of Indian Ocean MORBs has been contaminated by an isotopically unusual component which does not occur in Pacific and Atlantic MORBs, and is not dominant in basalts from many Indian Ocean islands. The degree of this contamination is not uniform in western Indian Ocean MORB; the most contaminated basalts occur from 12°S on the Central Indian Ridge to the triple junction (∼ 26°S) and easterly along the Southeast Indian Ridge to ∼ 72°E.  相似文献   

Diverse87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/144Nd isotopic compositions among basalts from the Lau Basin (LBB), an active backarc basin in the southwest Pacific, indicate heterogeneity in the underlying mantle. Isotopic compositions display bimodal distributions which are related to geographic location. Type I LBB (87/Sr86Sr 0.70366;143Nd/144Nd 0.51297) include tholeiites from the central basin, Peggy Ridge, and Rochambeau Bank, while Type II basaltic and andesitic glasses from the northeastern portion of the basin, near Niua Fo'ou island, have higher87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7038) and lower 143Nd/144Nd ( 0.51288). Both depleted (e.g. N-MORB) and enriched (e.g. E-MORB) trace element abundances occur among Type I and Type II LBB.Covariation between trace element and isotopic ratios among Type I LBB is consistent with mixing between depleted mantle similar to the source for MORB and relatively enriched peridotite similar to the source for E-MORB. Relative to MORB, uniformly high87Sr/86Sr ( +0.0005) among all Type I LBB for given Nd isotopic compositions ( εNd = +8 to +12) may reflect a lithospheric component, such as ancient recycled altered ocean crust. Type II LBB have SrNd isotopic compositions which are gradational between enriched mantle similar to the source of OIB and a component with distinct Sr isotopic composition such as that observed in Samoan post-erosional basalts. Isotopic and geographic discontinuity between Type I and Type II LBB, and isotopic affinity of Type II and Niua Fo`ou island basalts with those from Samoa suggests that volcanism in the northeastern portion of the basin is tapping deeper mantle beneath the adjoining Pacific plate, as well as Indo-Australian mantle overlying the Pacific lithosphere that is subducted into the Tonga Trench.  相似文献   

Mariana Trough basalt (MTB) glasses from zones of of active seafloor volcanism have incompatible trace element compositions which are intermediate between normal MORB and basaltic rocks from the active northern Mariana Island Arc (MIAB). The chemical variation is observed in trace elemental abundances and ratios such as LIL/LIL and LIL/HFS. MTB glasses with high LIL/HFS and Ba/Sm ratios, and low K/Rb, K/Ba, and Sm/Nd ratios have more enriched Sr and Nd isotopic compositions.Comparison of the SrNd isotopic compositions of MTB and MIAB suggests that the source region within the mantle wedge is heterogeneous. The diverse trace element and isotopic compositions of MTB glasses both within and between dredge sites near 18°N imply small-scale source heterogeneity. Correlation between Sm/Nd and143Nd/144Nd of the MTB glasses is interpreted as due to recent binary mixing, rather than closed system evolution of a common homogeneous source. Mixing of melts at or near the source region between a mantle component with long-term LREE and LIL element depletion (MORB-like) and a relatively enriched component with lower integrated143Nd/144Nd (Arc-like) is suggested by trends of the MTB data on ratio-ratio, ratio-element and element-element plots.  相似文献   

Four tholeiites dredged from 500 to 5000 meters on the east rift of Kilauea were analyzed for K, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Ni and87Sr/86Sr. No effects were found which relate to extrusion into sea water at depth.  相似文献   

Up to now, accurate determination of the growth age and hiatuses of the Co-rich crust is still a difficult work, which constrains the researches on the genesis, growth process, controlling factors, regional tectonics, paleo-oceanographic background, etc. of the Co-rich crust. This paper describes our work in determining the initial growth age of the Co-rich crust to be of the late Cretaceous Campanian Stage (about 75-80 Ma), by selecting the Co-rich crust with clear multi-layer structures in a central Pacific seamount for layer-by-layer sample analysis and using a number of chronological methods, such as Co flux dating, dating by correlation with 187Os/188Os evolution curves of seawater, and stratigraphic divi- sion by calcareous nannofossils. We have also discovered growth hiatuses with different time intervals in the early Paleocene, middle Eocene, late Eocene and early-middle Miocene, respectively. These re- sults have provided an important age background for further researches on the Co-rich crust growth process and the paleo-oceanographic environment evolution thereby revealed in the said region.  相似文献   

The fault-controlled Nibao Carlin-type gold deposit,together with the strata-bound Shuiyindong deposit,comprise a significant amount of the disseminated gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou Province,China.Five main types and two sub-types of pyrite at the Nibao deposit(Py1a/Py1b,Py2,Py3,Py4,Py5)were distinguished based on detailed mineralogical work.Py1,Py2and Py3 are Au-poor,whereas Py4 and Py5 are Au-rich,corresponding to a sedimentary and hydrothermal origin,respectively.Through systematic in situ analyses of NanoSIMS sulfur isotopes,the framboid pyrite Py1a with negative δ^34S values(-53.3 to-14.9%)from the Nibao deposit were found to originate from bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR)processes in an open and sulfate-sufficient condition while the superheavy pyrite Py1b(73.7–114.8%)is probably due to the potential influence of closed-system Rayleigh fractionation or the lack of preservation of deepsea sediments.Data of Py2 and Py3 plot within the area of S isotope compositions from biogenic and abiogenic sulfate reduction.In view of few coeval magmatic rocks in the mining district,the near zero δ^34S values of the Au-rich pyrites(Py4 and Py5)may discount the potential involvement of magmatic but metamorphic or sedimentary origin.LA-ICP-MS and TEM work show that Au in ore-related pyrite is present as both nanoparticles and structurally bound.LA-ICP-MS analyses show that the Au-rich pyrite also contains higher As,Cu,Sb,Tl and S than other types of pyrite,which inferred a distal manifestation of deep hydrothermal mineralization systems.  相似文献   

New Hf isotope and trace element data on mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from the Pacific Ocean basin are remarkably uniform (176Hf/177Hf≈0.28313–0.28326) and comparable to previously published data [Salters, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 141 (1996) 109–123; Patchett, Lithos 16 (1983) 47–51]. Atlantic MORB have 176Hf/177Hf ranging from 0.28302 to 0.28335 confirming the wide range originally identified by Patchett and Tatsumoto [Geophys. Res. Lett. 7 (1980) 1077–1080]. Indian MORB define an even wider range, from 0.28277 to 0.28337, but three exotic samples have very unradiogenic Hf isotope compositions. Their very low 176Hf/177Hf ratios, together with their trace element characteristics, require the presence of unusual plume-type material beneath the Indian ridge. All other Indian MORB have uniform Hf isotope compositions at about 0.2832, and define a small field displaced to the right of other MORB in Hf–Nd isotope space. The distinct nature of Indian MORB is best explained by the presence in Indian depleted mantle of old recycled oceanic crust and pelagic sediments. Sm/Hf ratios calculated from new high-precision rare earth element and Hf trace element data do not vary in MORB in the same way as in ocean island basalts (OIB): ratios are constant in OIB, but decrease with increasing Sm contents in MORB. The constancy of Sm/Hf in OIB is probably due to an overwhelming influence of residual garnet during melting. By contrast, the decrease of Sm/Hf in MORB is due to the effect of clinopyroxene in the residue of melting beneath ridges, an interpretation confirmed by quantitative modeling of melting. The relationship between Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf ratios in MORB does not require the presence of garnet in the residual mineralogy. The decoupling of Lu/Hf ratios and Hf isotope compositions – the so-called Hf paradox [Salters and Hart, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 70 (1989) 510] – can be explained by melting dominantly in the spinel field at shallow depths beneath mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Ocean island basalt (OIB) suites display a wide diversity of major element, trace element, and isotopic compositions. The incompatible trace element and isotopic ratios of OIB reflect considerable heterogeneity in the mantle source regions. In addition to the distinctive Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic signatures of the HIMU, EMI and EMII OIB end-members, differences in incompatible trace element ratios among these end-members are of great help in identifying the nature and origin of their sources. Examination of trace element and isotopic constraints for the three OIB end-members suggests a relatively simple model for their origin. The dominant component in all OIB is ancient recycled basaltic oceanic crust which has been processed through a subduction zone, and which carries the trace element and isotopic signature of a dehydration residue (enrichment in HFSE relative to LILE and LREE, low Rb/Sr, but high U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios leading to the development of radiogenic Pb isotope compositions). HIMU OIB are derived from such a source, with little contamination from other components. Both the EMI and EMII OIB end-members are also dominantly derived from this source, but they contain significant proportions (up to 5–10%) of sedimentary components derived from the continental crust. In the case of EMI OIB, ancient pelagic sediment with high LILE/HFSE, LREE/HFSE, Ba/Th and Ba/La ratios, and low U/Pb ratios, is the contaminant. EMII OIB are also contaminated by a sedimentary component, in the form of ancient terrigenous sediment with high LILE/HFSE and LREE/HFSE ratios, but lacking relative Ba enrichment, and with higher U/Pb and Rb/Sr ratios. A model whereby the source for all OIB is ancient (1–2 Ga old) subducted oceanic crust ± entrained sediment (pelagic and/or terrigenous) is therefore consistent with the trace element and isotopic data. Although subducted oceanic lithosphere will accumulate and be dominantly concentrated within the mesosphere boundary layer, forming the source for hot-spots, such material may also become convectively dispersed within the depleted upper mantle as blobs or streaks, giving rise to small-scale chemical heterogeneities in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotope results are presented from a new study of the most southern basalts in the Deccan Trap, India. Three chemical formations are recognised, two of which can be correlated with the established stratigraphy in Mahabaleshwar and imply a regional southerly dip of 0.06° over a distance of 250 km. In detail Sr-isotope variations within the Ambenali and Mahabaleshwar Formations can be shown to reflect three distinct end-members which provide new constraints for petrogenetic models. Pb-isotope data for selected basalts exhibit a wide range with206Pb/204Pb= 16.87–22.45, and a linear correlation on a Pb—Pb diagram. The least contaminated Ambenali basalts plot within the Pb-array, and interaction with mantle lithosphere involves a shift to less radiogenic Pb whereas contamination with crust is characterised by more radiogenic Pb. Unlike the Karoo and Parana continental flood basalt provinces only four flow units within the southern Deccan appear to contain a significant contribution from mantle lithosphere. The Mahabaleshwar and Ambenali Formation basalts exhibit a striking negative Pb—Sr isotope trend which is presently regarded as one of the features of interaction with shallow level lithospheric mantle. It further suggests that basalts from the Walvis Ridge, Kerguelen and Ninetyeast ridge all remobilised such shallow level material, and that the Deccan basalts which were not affected by crustal contamination reflect interaction between asthenospheric material similar to T-type MORB, but related to the Reunion hotspot, and continental mantle lithosphere of the Indian plate.  相似文献   

We report new helium isotope results for 49 basalt glass samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 1°N and 47°S.3He/4He in South Atlantic mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) varies between 6.5 and 9.0 RA (RA is the atmospheric ratio of1.39 × 10−6), encompassing the range of previously reported values for MORB erupted away from high3He/4He hotspots such as Iceland. He, Sr and Pb isotopes show systematic relationships along the ridge axis. The ridge axis is segmented with respect to geochemical variations, and local spike-like anomalies in3He/4He, Pb and Sr isotopes, and trace element ratios such as(La/Sm)N are prevalent at the latitudes of the islands of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough to the east of the ridge. The isotope systematics are consistent with injection beneath the ridge of mantle “blobs” enriched in radiogenic He, Pb and Sr, derived from off-axis hotspot sources. The variability in3He/4He along the ridge can be used to refine the hotspot source-migrating-ridge sink model.

MORB from the 2–7°S segment are systematically the least radiogenic samples found along the mid-ocean ridge system to date. Here the depleted mantle source is characterized by87Sr/86Sr of 0.7022, Pb isotopes close to the geochron and with206Pb/204Pb of 17.7, and3He/4He of 8.6–8.9 RA. The “background contamination” of the subridge mantle, by radiogenic helium derived from off-ridge hotspots, displays a maximum between 20 and 24°S. The HePb and HeSr isotope relations along the ridge indicate that the3He/4He ratios are lower for the hotspot sources of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough than for the MORB source, consistent with direct measurements of3He/4He ratios in the island lavas. Details of the HeSrPb isotope systematics between 12 and 22°S are consistent with early, widespread dispersion of the St. Helena plume into the asthenosphere, probably during flattening of the plume head beneath the thick lithosphere prior to continental breakup. The geographical variation in theHe/Pbratio deduced from the isotope systematics suggests only minor degassing of the plume during this stage. Subsequently, it appears that the plume component reaching the mid-Atlantic ridge was partially outgassed of He during off-ridge hotspot volcanism and related melting activity.

Overall, the similar behavior of He and Pb isotopes along the ridge indicates that the respective mantle sources have evolved under conditions which produced related He and Pb isotope variations.  相似文献   

Sr- and Pb-isotope compositions and Rb, Sr, Ce, Nd and K2O contents have been determined for the Iblean Mountain and Mt. Etna volcanics in eastern Sicily. Isotope variations within each of these regions have been interpreted as reflecting the heterogeneous nature of the source regions in the upper mantle. The87Sr/86Sr ratios of all these volcanics are less than 0.705, which is taken to indicate that their source regions evolved with lower Rb/Sr ratios than the bulk earth.87Sr/86Sr and Ce/Nd ratios determined in the Mt. Etna tholeiites are positively correlated suggesting that fractionation(s) in Rb/Sr are accompanied by fractionation(s) in light REE in the source regions of these volcanics. Pb-isotope compositions form a linear array in the207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb plot which has a negative age slope. This array represents either a very recent U/Pb fractionation in the source regions, or a mantle mixing line. Imperfect correlation between the Sr- and Pb-isotope compositions of these volcanics suggests that U/Pb and Rb/Sr have not always increased or decreased in unison during the differentiation of these source regions.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic basaltic province of the Vogelsberg area (central Germany) is mainly composed of intercalated olivine to quartz tholeiites and near-primary nephelinites to basanites. The inferred mantle source for the alkaline and tholeiitic rocks is asthenospheric metasomatized garnet peridotite containing some amphibole as the main hydrous phase. Trace element modelling indicates 2 to 3% partial melting for the alkaline rocks and 5 to 7% partial melting for the olivine tholeiites. Incompatible trace element abundances and ratios as well as Nd and Sr radiogenic isotope compositions lie between plume compositions and enriched mantle compositions and are similar to those measured in Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) and the Central European Volcanic Province elsewhere. The mafic olivine tholeiites have similar Ba/Nb, Ba/La and Nd–Sr isotope ratios to the alkaline rocks indicating derivation of both magma types from chemically comparable mantle sources. However, Zr/Nb ratios are slightly higher in olivine tholeiites than in basanites reflecting some fractionation of Zr relative to Nb during partial melting. Quartz tholeiites have higher Ba/Nb, Zr/Nb, La/Nb, but lower Ce/Pb ratios and lower Nd isotope compositions than the alkaline rocks which can be explained by interaction of the basaltic melt with lower (granulite facies) crustal material or partial melts thereof during stagnation within the lower crust. It appears most likely that upwelling of hot, asthenospheric material results in the generation of primitive alkaline rocks at the base of the lithosphere at depths of 75–90 km. Lithospheric extension together with minor plume activity and probably lower lithosphere erosion induced melting of shallower heterogenous upper mantle generating a spectrum of olivine tholeiitic melts. These olivine tholeiitic rocks evolved via crystal fractionation and probably limited contamination to quartz tholeiites.  相似文献   

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