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盘锦湿地芦苇群落生物量动态特征研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
基于2005年4~9月盘锦湿地芦苇生态系统的观测资料,分析了盘锦湿地优势植物芦苇的群落学特性。结果表明:地上生物量峰值出现在7月,4~7月茎重与叶重呈显著的正相关;地下生物量存在明显的季节和垂直变化,其中0~30 cm的芦苇须根最大值出现在7月,根茎最大值出现在6月,30~40 cm深度为生物量变化在垂直剖面的分界线;根冠比以7月为最低,分层营养物质在30 cm以下积累。  相似文献   

内蒙古草地土壤水分动态监测预测模式的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用土壤水分平衡参数模拟的方法,建立了内蒙古草地0-50cm土层土壤水分动态监测预测模式。通过8个站点两年的检验和试用,效果较好。  相似文献   

湿地生态环境监测方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨义彬 《四川气象》2005,25(2):24-26
本文在分析四川湿地现状的基础上,对湿地的监测目的、监测范围、技术手段、监测内容、监测技术指标等问题进行了分析,提出建立我省生态环境监测体系和加强湿地生态环境应用研究的工作思路,为保护湿地生态环境,实现湿地的可持续利用发展提供决策服务。  相似文献   

本文在分析四川湿地现状的基础上,对湿地的监测目的、监测范围、技术手段、监测内容、监测技术指标等问题进行了分析,提出建立我省生态环境监测体系和加强湿地生态环境应用研究的工作思路,为保护湿地生态环境,实现湿地的可持续利用发展提供决策服务.  相似文献   

MODIS数据在乌鲁木齐地区植被景观动态监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据EOS/MODIS卫星时次高覆盖面广的特征,选取从4.10月的MODIS晴空资料,对整个乌鲁木齐地区植被景观进行动态监测,利用植被指数最大合成法制作了每月植被指数专题图。为了能够结合物候更好地分析乌鲁木齐地区植被随季节变化趋势以及不同时期植被生长状况,我们还制作了植被景观专题图及其变化评价图。评价图的优势在于能直观地反映植被变化的趋势,并能将变化的程度数字化,还可以根据不同的评价图叠加DEM做相应的分析。为乌鲁木齐地区植被变化研究提供有效的依据。  相似文献   

内蒙古雨养农业区土壤水分动态监测模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章根据多年实际观测资料,在土壤水分平衡参数模拟方法的基础上,利用初始土壤有效水分贮存量、降水量和实际蒸散量3要素,建立了0~50 cm土层的土壤水分动态监测模式,确定了各项参数的计算方法。通过11个站点两年的检验和试用,对主要农作物春小麦和春玉米农田的水分状况监测准确率达80%以上。同时,对两个站点的土壤水分进行了预报,准确率平均为92%。  相似文献   

黑龙江省气象局在向气候系统领域拓展中,根据本省具有大农业、大森林、大草原、大湿地的生态特点,在积极开展农业、森林、草原生态监测的同时重点开展了湿地生态监测.通过实施多学科合作,目前已在国际著名的扎龙湿地建起了湿地气候生态环境监测站,并在 2003年开展了部分项目的观测,取得了阶段成果.  相似文献   

利用1979、1989、1999、2008、2012年Landsat TM/MSS遥感数据,在地理信息系统与遥感技术的支持下,结合地面调查、核查等相关信息的基础上,对阿拉善盟境内黄河西岸地区水域湿地现状及其动态变化进行分析。结果表明:黄河西岸地区1979年水域湿地面积为76.21 km2,2012年的为50.05km2,减少了26.16km2,水域湿地面积以0.79km2/a的速度减少,其中1979—1999年间减少的速度最快,为1.49km2/a,1999—2012年间处于没有明显变化状态。  相似文献   

贵州省植被指数遥感动态监测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘丽  刘青 《贵州气象》1997,21(5):26-31
1引言贵州地处云贵高原东部,位于东经103°30'至109°35',北纬24°37'至29°13'之间,全省面积17.6万平方公里,是一个八山一水一分田的低纬高原山区。境内岩溶地貌发育强烈,丘陵起伏,槽谷纵横,高原和山地面积占全省面积的87%,丘陵占10%,河谷坝地仅占3%,面积超过万亩的大坝不足20个,主要分布在中北部和西南部的遵义、安顺、铜仁和兴义地区,是省内耕地集中,农业发达的地区。主要山脉多作东北一西南走向,是森林覆盖率较高的地区。北部大娄山为贵州高原的北界;东北部有武陵山,其主峰梵净山,海拨2572m;西部乌蒙山脉地势…  相似文献   

荒漠地区草地天然牧草地上生物量动态的初步研究张辉远(阿拉善盟气象处,750300,阿拉善左旗)1试验地自然概况和试验方法阿拉善荒漠地区年降水量为80-220mm,牧草生育期(4-10月)降水占全年降水量的92%。年平均气温6.0-8.0℃,无霜期15...  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲退化湿地人工引水恢复区为研究对象,采用野外植被调查、土壤采样结合室内实验方法,对植被的种类、密度、盖度、频度和重要值以及土壤含水量、pH值、有机质、全氮以及全磷等指标进行分析,旨在探讨人工引水恢复工程对黄河三角洲退化湿地所产生的生态效应。结果表明:随着水分条件的改善,恢复区植被呈现出正向演替;恢复区土壤含水量明显高于未恢复区,pH值则明显降低,土壤有机质含量高于未恢复区,土壤全氮、全磷含量变化不大。可见,引水恢复工程已经使退化湿地的生态环境得到了一定程度的改善,淡水资源仍是制约退化湿地恢复的关键因素。  相似文献   

 Wetland regions are important components of the local climate, with their own characteristic surface energy and moisture budgets. Realistic representation of wetlands, including the important vegetation component, may therefore be necessary for more accurate simulations of climate and climate change. However, many land-atmosphere coupled models either ignore wetlands or treat wetlands as bare, water-saturated soil, neglecting the vegetation present within wetland environments. This study investigates the possible response of the mid-Holocene climate of North Africa to changes in orbital forcing, both with and without the presence of wetlands. The location of these wetlands is guided by analysis of paleovegetation and wetland distribution. In this study, the wetland regime in the land surface component of a climate model was modified to incorporate vegetation. Field measurements have shown that vegetation affects water loss associated with evaporation (including transpiration) within a wetland area. Comparisons between non-vegetated wetland and vegetated wetland revealed an increase in local albedo that produced an associated decrease in net radiation, evaporation and precipitation in the vicinity of the wetlands regions. Based on an analysis of the model surface water balance, the calculated area of mid-Holocene wetland coverage for North Africa closely matches the observed. For the North African region as a whole, the effects of adding vegetation to the wetland produced relatively small changes in climate, but local recycling of water may have served to help maintain paleo wetland communities. Received: 16 March 1999 / Accepted: 17 May 2000  相似文献   

Climate reconstructions from data sensitive to past climates provide estimates of what these climates were like. Comparing these reconstructions with simulations from climate models allows to validate the models used for future climate prediction. It has been shown that for fossil pollen data, gaining estimates by inverting a vegetation model allows inclusion of past changes in carbon dioxide values. As a new generation of dynamic vegetation model is available we have developed an inversion method for one model, LPJ-GUESS. When this novel method is used with high-resolution sediment it allows us to bypass the classic assumptions of (1) climate and pollen independence between samples and (2) equilibrium between the vegetation, represented as pollen, and climate. Our dynamic inversion method is based on a statistical model to describe the links among climate, simulated vegetation and pollen samples. The inversion is realised thanks to a particle filter algorithm. We perform a validation on 30 modern European sites and then apply the method to the sediment core of Meerfelder Maar (Germany), which covers the Holocene at a temporal resolution of approximately one sample per 30 years. We demonstrate that reconstructed temperatures are constrained. The reconstructed precipitation is less well constrained, due to the dimension considered (one precipitation by season), and the low sensitivity of LPJ-GUESS to precipitation changes.  相似文献   

In Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs), the establishment of woody vegetation refers to flowering, fertiliza- tion, seed production, germination, and the growth of tree seedlings. It determines not only the population densities but also other important ecosystem structural variables. In current DGVMs, establishments of woody plant functional types (PFTs) are assumed to be either the same in the same grid cell, or largely stochastic. We investigated the uncertainties in the competition of establishment among coexisting woody PFTs from three aspects: the dependence of PFT establishments on vegetation states; background establishment; and relative establishment potentials of different PFTs. Sensitivity experi- ments showed that the dependence of establishment rate on the fractional coverage of a PFT favored the dominant PFT by increasing its share in establishment. While a small background establishment rate had little impact on equilibrium states of the ecosystem, it did change the timescale required for the establishment of alien species in pre-existing forest due to their disadvantage in seed competition during the early stage of invasion. Meanwhile, establishment purely fiom background (the scheme commonly used in current DGVMs) led to inconsistent behavior in response to the change in PFT specification (e.g., number of PFTs and their specification). Furthermore, the results also indicated that trade-off between irtdividual growth and reproduction/colonization has significant influences on the competition of establishment. Hence, further development of es- tablishment parameterization in DGVMs is essential in reducing the uncertainties in simulations of both ecosystem structures and successions.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of vegetation dynamics in regional predictions of future climate change in western Africa using a dynamic vegetation model asynchronously coupled to a regional climate model. Two experiments, one for present day and one for future, are conducted with the linked regional climate-vegetation model, and the third with the regional climate model standing alone that predicts future climate based on present-day vegetation. These simulations are so designed in order to tease out the impact of structural vegetation feedback on simulated climate and hydrological processes. According to future predictions by the regional climate-vegetation model, increase in LAI is widespread, with significant shift in vegetation type. Over the Guinean Coast in 2084–2093, evergreen tree coverage decreases by 49% compared to 1984–1993, while drought deciduous tree coverage increases by 56%. Over the Sahel region in the same period, grass cover increases by 31%. Such vegetation changes are accompanied by a decrease of JJA rainfall by 2% over the Guinean Coast and an increase by 23% over the Sahel. This rather small decrease or large increase of precipitation is largely attributable to the role of vegetation feedback. Without the feedback effect from vegetation, the regional climate model would have predicted a 5% decrease of JJA rainfall in both the Guinean Coast and the Sahel as a result of the radiative and physiological effects of higher atmospheric CO2 concentration. These results demonstrate that climate- and CO2-induced changes in vegetation structure modify hydrological processes and climate at magnitudes comparable to or even higher than the radiative and physiological effects, thus evincing the importance of including vegetation feedback in future climate predictions.  相似文献   

For more than a century, coastal wetlands have been recognized for their ability to stabilize shorelines and protect coastal communities. However, this paradigm has recently been called into question by small-scale experimental evidence. Here, we conduct a literature review and a small meta-analysis of wave attenuation data, and we find overwhelming evidence in support of established theory. Our review suggests that mangrove and salt marsh vegetation afford context-dependent protection from erosion, storm surge, and potentially small tsunami waves. In biophysical models, field tests, and natural experiments, the presence of wetlands reduces wave heights, property damage, and human deaths. Meta-analysis of wave attenuation by vegetated and unvegetated wetland sites highlights the critical role of vegetation in attenuating waves. Although we find coastal wetland vegetation to be an effective shoreline buffer, wetlands cannot protect shorelines in all locations or scenarios; indeed large-scale regional erosion, river meandering, and large tsunami waves and storm surges can overwhelm the attenuation effect of vegetation. However, due to a nonlinear relationship between wave attenuation and wetland size, even small wetlands afford substantial protection from waves. Combining man-made structures with wetlands in ways that mimic nature is likely to increase coastal protection. Oyster domes, for example, can be used in combination with natural wetlands to protect shorelines and restore critical fishery habitat. Finally, coastal wetland vegetation modifies shorelines in ways (e.g. peat accretion) that increase shoreline integrity over long timescales and thus provides a lasting coastal adaptation measure that can protect shorelines against accelerated sea level rise and more frequent storm inundation. We conclude that the shoreline protection paradigm still stands, but that gaps remain in our knowledge about the mechanistic and context-dependent aspects of shoreline protection.  相似文献   

植物的生长策略不仅影响生态系统结构,而且对全球碳、水循环也起着至关重要的作用。本文以中国科学院大气物理研究所研发的第一代全球植被动力学模式IAP-DGVM1.0为平台,考察森林生态系统中树的个体生长方案及其影响。结果表明,与观测相比,模式高估了个体茎生物量,低估了个体叶生物量,从而进一步高估了中国森林生态系统的总生物量和成熟林受干扰后恢复的时间尺度,低估了生态系统净初级生产力和叶面积指数。  相似文献   

灰色动力模型在天气预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂松柏  李才媛 《大气科学》1990,14(2):188-192
本文在简述灰色系统理论的基础上,提出天气过程为灰色系统,从而探讨了灰色分析和预测方法在气象中的应用,并给出了灰色动力模型的应用实例。  相似文献   

Canopy interception of incident precipitation, as a critical component of a forest's water budget, can affect the amount of water available to the soil, and ultimately vegetation distribution and function. In this paper, a statistical-dynamic approach based on leaf area index and statistical canopy interception is used to parameterize the canopy interception process. The statistical-dynamic canopy interception scheme is implemented into the Community Land Model with dynamic global vegetation model (CLM-DGVM) to improve its dynamic vegetation simulation. The simulation for continental China by the land surface model with the new canopy interception scheme shows that the new one reasonably represents the precipitation intercepted by the canopy. Moreover, the new scheme enhances the water availability in the root zone for vegetation growth, especially in the densely vegetated and semi-arid areas, and improves the model's performance of potential vegetation simulation.  相似文献   

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