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The co-seismic deformations produced during the September 27, 2003 Chuya earthquake (Ms = 7.5) that affected the Gorny Altai, Russia, are described and discussed along a 30 km long segment. The co-seismic deformations have manifested themselves both in unconsolidated sediments as R- and R′-shears, extension fractures and contraction structures, and in bedrock as the reactivation of preexisting schistosity zones and individual fractures, as well as development of new ruptures and coarse crushing zones. It has been established that the pattern of earthquake ruptures represents a typical fault zone trending NW–SE with a width reaching 4–5 km and a dextral strike–slip kinematics. The initial stress field that produced the whole structural pattern of co-seismic deformations during the Chuya earthquake, is associated with a transcurrent regime with a NNW–SSE, almost N–S, trending of compressional stress axis (σ1), and a ENE–WSW, almost E–W, trending of tensional stress axis (σ3). The state of stress in the newly-formed fault zone is relatively uniform. The local stress variations are expressed in insignificant deviation of σ1 from N–S to NW–SE or NE–SW, in short-term fluctuations of relative stress values in keeping their spatial orientations, or in a local increase of the plunge angle of the σ1. The geometry of the fault zone associated with the Chuya earthquake has been compared with the mechanical model of fracturing in large continental fault zones with dextral strike–slip kinematics. It is apparent that the observed fracture pattern corresponds to the late disjunctive stage of faulting when the master fault is not fully developed but its segments are already clearly defined. It has been shown that fracturing in widely different rocks follows the common laws of the deformation of solid bodies, even close to the Earth surface, and with high rates of movements.  相似文献   

In the Kurai fault zone, travertine forms a matrix cementing clastic material of colluvial and glacial deposits or rarely forming a stockwork in a system of fractures in Palaeozoic rocks. The regular change of composition of solutions in the process of travertine formation has resulted in change of stable Mg–calcite by Sr–aragonite. According to the carbon isotopic composition, the travertine has intermediate genesis between thermal and meteogene. The light oxygen isotopic composition of CaCO3 indicates formational water input. The carbonates inherited Y, Sr, U, and Ni and in some areas, V, As, and Zn from the endogeneous water sources. Given that the Kurai zone travertine cements the Late Pleistocene–Holocene sediments and 14C dating of the carbonates gives a range of >40 000–3475 ± 35 years, the faults serving as routes of migration of the solutions forming the travertine should be considered as active structures.  相似文献   

The Rudny Altai and Gorny Altai regions had different geologic histories and differ in metallogenic patterns. The Vendian-Early Cambrian to Permian-Triassic multistage evolution of Gorny Altai included subduction, accretion-collision, and rifting events accompanied by magmatism and related mineralization. Metallogeny evolved in discrete pulses, with especially abundant Late Paleozoic-earliest Mesozoic mineralization. The Devonian-Carboniferous pulse produced diverse mineral deposits (iron, mercury, gold, silver, molybdenum, tungsten, cobalt, polymetallic ores, and rare earths), some of considerable economic value. The territory of Gorny Altai includes several large ore districts that belong to different zones. They are the Beloretsk-Kholzun iron district in the west, the Kayancha-Sinyukha fluorine-gold district in the northeast, the Kurai gold-mercury and Yustyd rare-metal-silver districts in the southeast, and the Kalguty rare-metal-tungsten and Ulandryk U-REE-Cu districts in the south. The largest mineral deposits are Kholzun (Fe, P2O5), Karakul (Co, Bi), Sinyukha (Au), Aktash and Chagan-Uzun (Hg), Ozernoe and Pogranichnoe (Ag), Kalguty (Mo, W), Alakha (Li, Ta), Rudnyi Log (Y,Fe-specularite), and Urzarsai (W-scheelite). Mineralization in Rudny Altai is mainly pyritic: copper-pyrite, pyrite-polymelallic ore, and barite-polymelallic ore. It resides in suprasubduction basalts and rhyolites and in Emsian to Frasnian island-arc volcanics at different stratigraphic levels of Devonian volcanosedimentary sequences in six ore districts. The Kurchum high-grade metamorphic block hosts copper-pyrite and gold-quartz mineralization related to Hercynian volcanism.  相似文献   

We revised geological data substantiating the unified 1983 Regional Stratigraphic Chart of Gorny Altai Quaternary deposits. Based on our own and literature data, we showed that Lower and Middle Quaternary glacial horizons are erroneously distinguished in the Yaloman-Katun’ zone of southeastern Altai. A new correlation is proposed, according to which the glacial complex of the maximum glaciation (MIS-6) corresponds to the Inya catafluvial series and the glacial complex of the first postmaximum glaciation (MIS-4 unit), to the Sal’dzhar catafluvial series. The lectostratotypes of both series are described. The event history of the second half of the Late Neopleistocene in Gorny Altai (MIS-3 and MIS-2) was less catastrophic for ancient biota and Paleolithic man than it was believed earlier.  相似文献   

Comprehensive lithofacies and biofacies analysis provided constraints on the origin of Upper Ordovician clastic and carbonate deposits in northeastern Gorny Altai, which form large low-elevated flat carbonate banks located relatively close to the shore. The sediments were deposited during the Sandbian and early-middle Katian stages, according to new conodont data. Upper Ordovician sections in northeastern Gorny Altai store record of two global regressions: the early Sandbian (Vollen Lowstand) and early Katian (Frognerkilen Lowstand) events.  相似文献   

An extended Vendian-Cambrian island-arc system similar to the Izu-Bonin-Mariana type is described in the Gorny Altai terrane at the margin of the Siberian continent.

Three different tectonic stages in the terrane are recognized. (1) A set of ensimatic active margins including subducted oceanic crust of the Paleo-Asian ocean, the Uimen-Lebed primitive island arc, oceanic islands and seamounts: the set of rocks is assumed to be formed in the Vendian. (2) A more evolved island arc comprising calc-alkaline volcanics and granites: a fore-arc trough in Middle-late Cambrian time was filled with disrupted products of pre-Middle Cambrian accretionary wedges and island arcs. (3) Collision of the more evolved island arc with the Siberian continent: folding, metamorphism and intrusion of granites occurred in late Cambrian-early Ordovician time.

In the late Paleozoic, the above-mentioned Caledonian accretion-collision structure of the Siberian continent was broken by large-scale strike-slip faults into several segments. This resulted in the formation of a typical mosaic-block structure.  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu fault zone (TLFZ) is the largest of the major faults in eastern China. Many strong earthquakes have occurred on its section in North China, but no quake greater than M  6 has been documented in history at its northeastern section, the Yilan-Yitong fault (YYF) in Northeast China. It is usually considered that this fault has been inactive since late Quaternary and incapable of generating moderate-sized quakes. This conclusion is, however, questioned by our recent work based on high-resolution satellite image interpretation and field investigation. We found a 70-km-long surface scarp near Fangzheng county in Heilongjiang province (HLJP) and a 20-km-long scarp near Shulan county in Jilin province (JLP), and both are associated with the YYF. The trenches across these two scarps reveal a 14C displacement date of 1730 ± 40 years BP at Fangzheng and of 4410 ± 30 years BP at Shulan. The dextral offsets of the Songhua River and Second Songhua River and nearly horizontal fault striations indicate that the new activity of the YYF has been dominated by dextral strike slipping with a normal component. These new data suggest that, at least for partial sections, the YYF has been active since the Holocene, implying a potential seismic hazard. However, current quake-protection standards in this region are very low due to the previous view that the YYF fault has not been active since the late Quaternary. If an M  7 quake takes place on this fault, it will be a devastating event. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a detailed study on the whole YYF and to reassess its future seismic risk.  相似文献   

The geometry of a fault zone exerts a major control on earthquake rupture processes and source parameters. Observations previously compiled from multiple faults suggest that fault surface shape evolves with displacement, but the specific processes driving the evolution of fault geometry within a single fault zone are not well understood. Here, we characterize the deformation history and geometry of an extraordinarily well-exposed fault using maps of cross-sectional exposures constructed with the Structure from Motion photogrammetric method. The La Quinta Fault, located in southern California, experienced at least three phases of deformation. Multiple layers of ultracataclasite formed during the most recent phase. Crosscutting relations between the layers define the evolution of the structures and demonstrate that new layers formed successively during the deformation history. Wear processes such as grain plucking from one layer into a younger layer and truncation of asperities at layer edges indicate that the layers were slip zones and the contacts between them slip surfaces. Slip surfaces that were not reactivated or modified after they were abandoned exhibit self-affine geometry, preserving the fault roughness from different stages of faulting. Roughness varies little between surfaces, except the last slip zone to form in the fault, which is the smoothest. This layer contains a distinct mineral assemblage, indicating that the composition of the fault rock exerts a control on roughness. In contrast, the similar roughness of the older slip zones, which have comparable mineralogy but clearly crosscut one another, suggests that as the fault matured the roughness of the active slip surface stayed approximately constant. Wear processes affected these layers, so for roughness to stay constant the roughening and smoothing effects of fault slip must have been approximately balanced. These observations suggest fault surface evolution occurs by nucleation of new surfaces and wear by competing smoothing and re-roughening processes.  相似文献   

何祥丽  李海兵  王焕  张蕾  孙知明  司家亮 《岩石学报》2020,36(10):3209-3224

断裂蠕滑可以连续释放部分构造应力,但仍可能造成重大的地质灾害,甚至具有发生大地震的可能性。断层岩是断裂作用中的直接产物,其物质组成和内部构造可为揭示断裂带滑移机制提供关键信息。2008年Mw 7.9汶川地震中破裂的龙门山灌县-安县断裂带具有蠕滑性质,是探究大陆内部蠕滑断裂滑移机制的最佳案例。本文以龙门山灌县-安县断裂带地表探槽和深部钻孔的断层岩为研究对象,通过碎屑统计、X射线粉末衍射矿物分析、光学显微镜和扫描电镜观测,结果显示该断裂带断层泥碎屑含量和颗粒大小均小于断层角砾岩,其粘土矿物含量高达50%以上,且断层岩中普遍发育粘土-碎屑组构以及拖尾构造、似S-C组构等多种压溶构造。综合分析发现压溶作用、低摩擦系数物质以及颗粒滑移对灌县-安县断裂带的蠕滑变形都发挥着重要作用,并且三者相辅相成,因此认为灌县-安县断裂带的蠕滑过程主要是压溶作用和摩擦-颗粒滑移机制共同作用,该认识可更好地了解地震周期并为区域防震减灾提供科学依据。


The Cenozoic intracontinental Teletsk basin in the Central Asian Altai Mountains is composed of a complexly structured northern and a more simple southern sub-basin. These sub-basins formed in two distinct kinematic stages when first the NNW-striking Teletsk- and then the NE-striking West-Sayan shear zones became reactivated in the Cenozoic under dominant NS-oriented horizontal compression. Although the entire Teletsk basin strikes roughly NS, the southern sub-basin is parallel to the NNW-trending, amphibolite facies Teletsk ductile shear zone, while the northern sub-basin is NS-striking and flanked by differently structured, greenschist facies basement. Basement reactivation closely controlled the southern sub-basin formation, but this is less clear for the northern sub-basin. Contrasts between northern and southern basement and the exclusive occurrence of pseudotachylytes along the margins of the southern basin are explored for their contribution to the formation of the Teletsk basin with two distinct sub-basins.In the ductile shear fabric of the basement flanking the southern sub-basin, concordantly interleaved pseudotachylytes and isolated breccia lenses reflect local brittle deformation along the ductile fabric. The genetic link between breccia lenses and pseudotachylyte occurrences was defined by microstructural investigation. It allows to explore their possible development in a dextral strike–slip zone. These rocks occur in a large fault-bounded segment of the basement. The geometry of the structures in the segment is comparable with a dextral strike–slip sidewall-ripout structure along the Teletsk shear zone. Seismic slip related to pseudotachylytes is attributed to the sudden stress release on the NNW-striking Teletsk shear zone, when the latter became unconstrained by reactivation of the NE-trending West-Sayan fault zone at its northern boundary. The boundary of the sidewall-ripout structure was reactivated as a large listric fault in a later stage. The northern sub-basins roughly develop along an NS strike and are assumed to reflect reactivation of the ductile shear zone underneath the variably structured greenschist facies basement outcropping along the flanks of the sub-basin.  相似文献   

多旋回叠合盆地断层具有异常复杂的构造变形与成岩演变,跨学科结合的构造成岩作用研究为断层破碎带演变机制与流体-岩石作用分析提供了新思路。结合塔中Ⅰ号断裂带构造解析和地化资料分析,探讨古老碳酸盐岩断层破碎带构造成岩作用的特殊性。结果表明,塔中Ⅰ号断裂带上奥陶统台缘带碳酸盐岩断层破碎带发育多类、多期构造成岩作用,明显不同于围岩。断层破碎带宽度高达2~4km,裂缝类型多样、纵横向变化大、开启程度较高。沿断裂带压实作用较弱且有差异,发现有碳酸盐岩压实变形带发育,并有后期裂缝与溶蚀作用形成的局部高渗透带。断层破碎带观测到多期压溶低角度缝合线与高角度构造缝合线,部分具有渗透性。多达4~5期不同类型胶结作用沿裂缝带发育,大气淡水胶结较多,胶结程度相对较弱。准同生期大气淡水溶蚀与局部风化壳岩溶主要沿断层破碎带发育,而且埋藏溶蚀作用较强,发育大型缝洞体与溶蚀孔洞。构造成岩作用揭示塔中Ⅰ号断裂带东段上奥陶统碳酸盐岩断层破碎带经历断裂萌芽期-形成期-定型期-复活扩张期-局部开启期等5期演变,不同演化期构造成岩作用有明显差异。构造成岩作用的多期差异活动是造成古老碳酸盐岩断层破碎带复杂性的重要因素。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带中生代构造演化史:进展与新认识   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37  
总结出郯庐断裂带中生代运动学演化的过程与历史,概括为"两大运动时期、五个发辰阶段".第一运动时期对应于三叠纪一早侏罗世早期的"印支运动",以扬子陆块与华北地块之间的拼合和碰撞造山为主导,郯庐断裂带经历了:①转换走滑阶段(240~220Ma),其走滑活动局限在大别和苏鲁超高压变质带之间.这个阶段的陆一陆深俯冲作用使苏鲁超高压变质带向西韧性挤出,导致徐淮弧形构造带的形成和发育.②左旋平移走滑阶段(220~190Ma),徐淮弧形构造带向南错移了约145km,并被大别山以北地区的东西向逆冲系统所吸收.左旋走滑扩展使郯庐断裂带贯穿整个华北和东北地区.第二运动时期对应于中、晚侏罗世至古新世时期的"燕山运动",郯庐断裂带的演化与东亚活动陆缘的演化紧密联系在一起,经历了③中、晚侏罗世至早白垩世早期挤压走滑活动,伴随着华北东部地区岩石圈、地壳增厚和郯庐左旋走滑断裂系的发育.④早白垩世以地壳伸展和陆内裂谷断陷作用为主,使早期增厚的华北克拉通岩石圈发生垮塌和减薄.⑤晚白垩世一古新世以右旋走滑为主,沿断裂带及其两侧发育一系列拉分盆地.系统地阐述了郯庐断裂带中生代发育过程与地质特征,及其在东亚大陆演化历史中独特的作用.  相似文献   

张蕾  李海兵  孙知明  葛成隆  叶小舟  曹勇  郑勇 《岩石学报》2023,39(12):3817-3832

汶川-茂县断裂带是龙门山后山断裂,是松潘-甘孜褶皱带与龙门山断裂带之间的边界断层,然而,在2008年MW 7.9级汶川大地震中并没有发生破裂。同时,汶川-茂县断裂带在汶川地震之前是否发生过历史大地震仍缺少确切的证据。这不仅制约着汶川地震发生机制的认识,而且还影响对龙门山形成演化过程的理解。因此,确定汶川-茂县断裂带的断裂作用环境对于认识龙门山断裂带的地震发生机制至关重要。断裂岩的岩石磁学可以有效地揭示断裂带的物理和化学环境。本文以汶川-茂县断裂带北部地表露头的断裂岩为研究对象,通过岩石磁学研究,并结合显微结构观察和地球化学分析,探讨汶川-茂县断裂带的断裂作用环境。断层泥和断层角砾岩最大磁化率值分别约为围岩的30倍和15倍,具有高磁化率值特征。断层泥的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿、磁黄铁矿、针铁矿;断层角砾岩的主要载磁矿物为磁黄铁矿、针铁矿。断层泥的高磁化率值异常的主要原因是围岩中的含铁矿物在地震摩擦热和流体作用下新生成磁铁矿和磁黄铁矿。断层角砾岩的高磁化率值异常是围岩在含有大量硫元素的低温热液流体作用下生成了磁黄铁矿。大量针铁矿指示了震后期还原性的低温热液流体作用。断裂岩的高磁化率值异常和新生磁铁矿指示了汶川-茂县断裂带曾经发生了摩擦热温度>500℃的大地震活动,发震和震后期均为还原性的硫元素含量较高的低温热液流体环境。



The Karasu Rift (Antakya province, SE Turkey) has developed between east-dipping, NNE-striking faults of the Karasu fault zone, which define the western margin of the rift and westdipping, N-S to N20°-30°E-striking faults of Dead Sea Transform fault zone (DST) in the central part and eastern margin of the rift. The strand of the Karasu fault zone that bounds the basin from west forms a linkage zone between the DST and the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ). The greater vertical offset on the western margin faults relative to the eastern ones indicates asymmetrical evolution of the rift as implied by the higher escarpments and accumulation of extensive, thick alluvial fans on the western margins of the rift. The thickness of the Quaternary sedimentary fill is more than 465 m, with clastic sediments intercalated with basaltic lavas. The Quaternary alkali basaltic volcanism accompanied fluvial to lacustrine sedimentation between 1.57 ± 0.08 and 0.05 ± 0.03 Ma. The faults are left-lateral oblique-slip faults as indicated by left-stepping faulting patterns, slip-lineation data and left-laterally offset lava flows and stream channels along the Karasu fault zone. At Hacilar village, an offset lava flow, dated to 0.08 ± 0.06 Ma, indicates a rate of leftlateral oblique slip of approximately 4.1 mm?year?1. Overall, the Karasu Rift is an asymmetrical transtensional basin, which has developed between seismically active splays of the left-lateral DST and the left-lateral oblique-slip Karasu fault zone during the neotectonic period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

以WFSD-2钻孔岩心为研究对象,通过详细的岩心编录和岩石学、构造地质学等研究,识别出该钻孔岩心具有6段岩性,从上向下依次为彭灌杂岩(0~599.31m)、三叠系须家河组二段(599.31~1211.49m)、彭灌杂岩(1211.49~1679.51m)、三叠系须家河组三段(1679.51~1715.48m)、彭灌杂岩(1715.48~2081.47m)、三叠系须家河组四段(2081.47~2283.56m)。彭灌杂岩主要以花岗岩和火山岩为主,三叠系须家河组沉积岩以砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、页岩、煤层(线)和砾岩为主。3套彭灌杂岩与三叠系须家河组沉积岩重复出现,时代较老的岩性段逆冲覆盖在新的地层之上,表明龙门山构造带由一系列逆冲岩片叠置而成。岩心中断裂岩较为发育,主要为断层角砾岩、碎裂岩和断层泥,反映出脆性变形作用的特点。通过对断裂岩的统计分析,厘定了20余条产状不同、规模不等的次级断裂带,断裂带宽度和断裂密度峰值显示FZ600、FZ720、FZ782、FZ817、FZ922、FZ951、FZ1449、FZ1681、FZ2082为主要断裂带,其中FZ1681系规模最大的一条断裂。依据断裂岩的组合特征可以将岩心中断裂带的结构以断层泥为核部划分为两大类:对称型断裂带和不对称型断裂带。根据地表破裂带、WFSD-1钻孔岩心中主滑移带位置的几何关系、岩性分层等因素,可推断汶川地震主滑移带应位于FZ1134、FZ1449或FZ1681之中,同时也暗示该地区经常发生类似汶川地震的大地震活动。研究表明,龙门山地区经历了强烈的构造缩短和快速隆升作用,暗示龙门山地区构造活动非常强烈。  相似文献   

张伟      李海兵    黄尧  司家亮    刘栋粱    李勇  王焕    杨光      孙立文 《地质通报》2012,31(08):1201-1218
以WFSD-2钻孔岩心为研究对象,通过详细的岩心编录和岩石学、构造地质学等研究,识别出该钻孔岩心具有6段岩性,从上向下依次为彭灌杂岩(0~599.31m)、三叠系须家河组二段(599.31~1211.49m)、彭灌杂岩(1211.49~1679.51m)、三叠系须家河组三段(1679.51~1715.48m)、彭灌杂岩(1715.48~2081.47m)、三叠系须家河组四段(2081.47~2283.56m)。彭灌杂岩主要以花岗岩和火山岩为主,三叠系须家河组沉积岩以砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、页岩、煤层(线)和砾岩为主。3套彭灌杂岩与三叠系须家河组沉积岩重复出现,时代较老的岩性段逆冲覆盖在新的地层之上,表明龙门山构造带由一系列逆冲岩片叠置而成。岩心中断裂岩较为发育,主要为断层角砾岩、碎裂岩和断层泥,反映出脆性变形作用的特点。通过对断裂岩的统计分析,厘定了20余条产状不同、规模不等的次级断裂带,断裂带宽度和断裂密度峰值显示FZ600、 FZ720、 FZ782、 FZ817、 FZ922、 FZ951、FZ1449、 FZ1681、FZ2082为主要断裂带,其中FZ1681系规模最大的一条断裂。依据断裂岩的组合特征可以将岩心中断裂带的结构以断层泥为核部划分为两大类:对称型断裂带和不对称型断裂带。根据地表破裂带、WFSD-1钻孔岩心中主滑移带位置的几何关系、岩性分层等因素,可推断汶川地震主滑移带应位于FZ1134、FZ1449或FZ1681之中,同时也暗示该地区经常发生类似汶川地震的大地震活动。研究表明,龙门山地区经历了强烈的构造缩短和快速隆升作用,暗示龙门山地区构造活动非常强烈。  相似文献   

鄂西秭归盆地西北缘高桥断裂带特征及其活动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高桥断裂带是长江三峡库区规模较大的一条基底断裂,延伸达40 km余,经历了多期构造变动,其中以燕山中晚期活动规模及强度最大.利用变形岩石中显微、超显微构造恢复喜山期、新构造运动早、晚期差异应力值分别为145 MPa、76~106 MPa和30~40 MPa,高于三峡其他地区.地震及各种测试资料表明,该断裂带为一弱活动断裂,但因其远离三峡工程坝址,对大坝将不构成威胁.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂带是2008年汶川地震的主发震断裂,它具有斜冲断裂的运动学特征(逆冲兼右旋走滑),其中南西段映秀断裂带以逆冲为主,而北东段北川断裂带以右旋走滑为主。断裂带的物质组成和内部结构的研究,有利于深入认识断裂活动性质、构造变形行为和地震发震机制。本文以出露于映秀-北川断裂带北东段南坝地区的断裂岩为研究对象,通过野外地质调查、显微构造观察、XRD和μXRF等多种分析手段,探讨映秀-北川断裂带北东段的岩石组成和内部结构。研究表明发育于寒武纪粉砂质板岩中的断裂带宽度约30m,断层中心发育厚20~40cm的黑色断裂物质,2008年汶川地震的同震位移沿黑色物质层中厚约10mm滑动带滑动。断层NW侧和SE侧表现出近于对称的结构特征,两侧的角砾岩宽~4m和~3m,破碎带宽~10m和~12m。黑色断裂物质中石英含量30%~50%,长石含量18%~25%,黏土矿物总含量30%~36%,主要由伊利石、伊蒙混层和绿泥石组成,少有蒙脱石。XRD结果显示黑色断裂物质具有非晶质成分特征,SEM观测结果可见熔融结构特征,显微结构与μXRF结果呈现后期流体作用明显,其表明黑色断裂物质主要由古地震滑动形成的假玄武玻璃蚀变而成,并发育不同蚀变程度的多期假玄武玻璃。上述研究揭示出断裂摩擦熔融是汶川地震断裂带北东段南坝地区的重要动态弱化机制,其内部结构和岩石特征与南西段映秀断裂带具有明显的差异。  相似文献   

Twenty seven buildings collapsed and 2076 buildings were heavily damaged during 17 August 1999 Izmit Earthquake in Avc?lar (west of Istanbul), which is nearly 100 km from the epicenter of the earthquake. The geology of Avc?lar consists of Upper Miocene poorly bounded conglomerate and sandstone (Çukurçe?me formation), claystone with sandstone and limestone interbedding (Güngören member) and limestone with sandstone and claystone interbedding (Bak?rköy formation). Lithological and geotechnical parameters of these formations in Avc?lar are not different from non damaged parts of the western Istanbul such as Zeytinburnu, Bak?rköy and Beylikdüzü, but these formations were cut by several faults in the damaged area. Collapsed and damaged buildings are located on this fault zone. Thus, cause of large amplification and damage in Avc?lar might be related with this fault zone because the fault zone behaves as a waveguide trapping seismic energy.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带(安徽部分)动力学演化及其构造意义   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
依据区域构造层划分,从最新地层内的断裂动力学分析开始,层层深入,层层筛选,采用计算机程序对所获的断层面上的擦痕统计分析计算,求得每个点上的古应力场状态,继而求得区域古构造应力场状态。确定发生于各个不同时代断裂活动的古应力场特征。最后确定了一个连续的、完整的古应力场演化序列表,结合区域构造变形特征分析,阐述断裂带的构造事件演化序列及其构造意义。  相似文献   

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