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通过求取定常线性准地转位涡模式的数值解,研究了感热型垂直非均匀分布的冷、热源强迫所激发的副热带环流的结构特征,讨论了副热带背景风场和洋面辐射冷却对洋面副热带高压"三角形偏心"结构形成的重要作用。结果表明,基本流对感热加热强迫的副热带环流有重要影响,当基本流为常数时,感热加热强迫的气旋和反气旋主要集中在对流层中下层,且地面系统远强于中高层。当基本流为非常数时,其经向切变能改变气旋和反气旋中心的经向位置,使它移至0风速所在纬度附近;其垂直变化加强了中高层气旋和反气旋,中心位于对流层上层,与南亚高压的位置基本一致。研究结果还表明,在大洋东部洋面辐射冷却与副热带地区背景风场的共同作用下,形成了洋面副热带高压特有的"三角形偏心"结构。副热带高纬度的西风使感热强迫的洋面副热带高压东移,低纬度的东风使其西移,形成东北—西南走向的"平行四边形"结构,且中心位于大洋西部。大洋东部强洋面辐射冷却激发的洋面反气旋加强了大洋东部的副热带高压,使其中心东移至大洋东部,从而表现出东北—西南走向的"三角形偏心"结构。  相似文献   

利用线性理论模型进行解析和模拟是大气科学的重要基础研究方法之一, 其简单明了, 解释了如Rossby波形成等重要的环流现象。近年, 有研究 (Chen et al., 2001) 运用定常线性准地转模型研究副热带高压的形成, 在相似加热强迫下, 其结果与理论研究和GCM的研究不同。本文运用该模型系统研究了由季风降水产生的潜热加热所激发的副热带定常波的结构特征, 以理解其结果与GCM不一致的原因。研究表明基本流对热强迫的定常波的结构有重要的影响: (1) 当基本流为东风或为零时, 定常波在垂直方向上表现为第一斜压结构, 波动振幅随东风的增大而减小; (2) 当基本流为西风时, 呈现向上的传播特征, 振幅随高度的升高而增大。而且存在一个临界风速Uc(约3 m/s), 此时, 波动振幅最强; 基本流的平流作用具有非对称性, 西风时平流作用远远强于东风。由此揭示了该线性模型解的本质: 加热在热源区所激发的经向地转涡度输送必须能够平衡加热的位涡制造和纬向位涡平流; 基本流的经向和垂直方向的变化使得气旋和反气旋中心偏向热源中心北侧, 并进一步发现当基本流为夏季亚洲季风区纬向平均的纬向风场时, 线性模型的解中位于中低层的反气旋中心显著抬升, 而不出现在地面上, 与完整的大气环流模式的结果接近。说明即使在线性模式中, 洋面副高的形成也不能完全用季风潜热加热来解释; 另外, 静力稳定度对热强迫的副热带环流的影响也很重要, 使热源的强迫作用放大。  相似文献   

本文着重研究了线性模型中副热带环流对潜热加热的响应过程中影响高、低压系统中心位置的因子,剖析出边界层中基本流的垂直切变影响低层环流的根本原因,并且探讨了线性模式中基本流和静力稳定度自调整过程的重要作用.结果表明,在β效应和f效应、基本流在经向和垂直方向的二阶切变、以及东、西风基本流作用的非对称性等因素的共同作用下,高、低压中心位于热源北侧.结果还表明,当近地面基本流的垂直切变为零或者当风速随高度减小时,低层气旋和反气旋中心位于地面上,当风速随高度增大具有类似亚洲季风区的结构时,低层气旋和反气旋中心抬升离开地面;进一步考虑热源区附近静力稳定度和基本流自调整过程的作用后,反气旋中心继续抬升至中层,证明对流降水对其东侧对流层中低层副高的形成有重要贡献.指出基于传统线性准地转模式来研究副热带高压形成的缺陷在于应用不适当的下边界条件以及缺乏静力稳定度的自调整机制和基本流对热源的反馈机制,从而得到"潜热加热激发的低层反气旋中心位于洋面上"的不切实际的解.  相似文献   

定常条件下感热和地形影响的Rossby波   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过在非绝热准地转线性模式中引入波动形式解,并确定适当的定解条件,用正交模方法求得了感热波的波动解。结果表明由于感热加热集中于近地层附近,其波动解具有与山脉波类似的波动垂直结构,波动等位相线随高度向西倾斜,波动能量向上传播。对NCEP/NCAR资料的分析验证了理论推导结果的合理性。大尺度大气定常波随纬度和季节有明显变化。热带地区定常波主要受潜热加热影响,副热带地区大气波动常表现为地形、潜热和感热加热的综合效应,而中纬度地区大气定常波则主要由地形和感热加热决定。  相似文献   

本文着重研究了线性模型中副热带环流对潜热加热的响应过程中影响高、低压系统中心位置的因子, 剖析出边界层中基本流的垂直切变影响低层环流的根本原因, 并且探讨了线性模式中基本流和静力稳定度自调整过程的重要作用。结果表明, 在β效应和f效应、基本流在经向和垂直方向的二阶切变、以及东、西风基本流作用的非对称性等因素的共同作用下, 高、低压中心位于热源北侧。结果还表明, 当近地面基本流的垂直切变为零或者当风速随高度减小时, 低层气旋和反气旋中心位于地面上, 当风速随高度增大具有类似亚洲季风区的结构时, 低层气旋和反气旋中心抬升离开地面; 进一步考虑热源区附近静力稳定度和基本流自调整过程的作用后, 反气旋中心继续抬升至中层, 证明对流降水对其东侧对流层中低层副高的形成有重要贡献。指出基于传统线性准地转模式来研究副热带高压形成的缺陷在于应用不适当的下边界条件以及缺乏静力稳定度的自调整机制和基本流对热源的反馈机制, 从而得到“潜热加热激发的低层反气旋中心位于洋面上”的不切实际的解。  相似文献   

田永祥 Dunc.  CN 《气象科学》1991,11(4):365-372
本文应用一个定常态、线性原始方程三维谱模式模拟出全球200百帕定常波的结构特征。同时还考察了模式大气对耗散参数的线性响应。  相似文献   

本文应用一个定常态线性原始方程三维谱模式模拟出全球200 hPa定常波的结构特征。同时还考察了模式大气对大尺度地形的线性响应。  相似文献   

本文利用Plumb(1985年)所导出的线性、准地转定常波的三维波作用通量和Eliassen-Palm(EP)剖面图,对于一个线性和一个非线性的关于大气定常波的斜压初始方程三维谱模式的若干输出结果进行了诊断分析。分析结果表明,Plumb通量和EP剖面图,不仅可以用来诊断波作用在三维空间的传播、波动与纬向平均气流之间的相互作用,而且也可以用来诊断非线性作用的显著性,在利用它们对于观测资料进行诊断分析时,应当充分注意到非线性作用的影响。  相似文献   

准地转动量近似下风速切变线上的波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李子良  万军 《气象学报》1995,53(3):289-298
利用准地转动量近似下的斜压两层大气的非线性方程组及非线性边界条件,研究了切变线上波动的稳定性,导出了切变线上孤立波解。较好地解释了切变线上易产生低涡等天气系统现象。  相似文献   

Starting from a modified barotropic quasi-geostrophic model equation, considering the actual situation of the large-orography of the Tibetan Plateau, neglecting its slope in x direction, and using the reductive perturbation method, then the solitary waves are obtained. The results show that the orography is essential factor exciting solitary Rossby waves in a flow without shear.  相似文献   

粒子滤波自从被引入资料同化领域以来,对于高维系统存在的粒子衰退问题一直困扰着资料同化领域的研究。隐式等权重粒子滤波(Implicit Equal-Weights Particle Filter,IEWPF)通过在高维的状态空间维数的前提下,隐式从每个粒子都具有特殊协方差的提议密度中进行采样,构建等权重的粒子集合,从而解决高维系统的粒子衰退问题。通过在高维准地转模式中应用IEWPF方法,验证了IEWPF的系统一致性和资料同化效果。通过对水平动能谱的检验,验证了IEWPF可以保持系统的原始平衡特性。通过IEWPF与等权重粒子滤波(Equivalent Weights Particle Filter,EWPF)的对比试验发现,两者的资料同化分析场非常接近,但在运行效率上,IEWPF远优于EWPF。同时,IEWPF也为解决一系列的资料同化问题,比如参数估计,提供了新的解决途径。   相似文献   

Based on diagnostic analysis of reanalysis data for 58-year, the distribution characteristics of decadal variability in diabatic heating, transient eddy heating and transient eddy vorticity forcing related to the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the North Pacific, as well as their relationship with anomalous atmospheric circulation have been investigated in this paper. A linear baroclinic model(LBM) was used to investigate atmospheric responses to idealized and realistic heat and vorticity forcing anomalies, and then to compare relative roles of different kinds of forcing in terms of geopotential height responses. The results illustrate that the responses of atmospheric height fields to the mid-latitude heating can be either baroclinic or barotropic. The response structure is sensitive to the relative horizontal location of heating with respect to the background jet flow, as well as to the vertical profile of heating. The response to the idealized deep heating over the eastern North Pacific, mimicking the observed heating anomaly, is baroclinic. The atmospheric response to the mid-latitude vorticity forcing is always barotropic, resulting in a geopotential low that is in phase with the forcing. The atmospheric responses to the realistic heat and vorticity forcing show the similar results, suggesting that diabatic heating, transient eddy heating and transient eddy vorticity forcing can all cause atmospheric anomalies and that the vorticity forcing plays a relatively more important role in maintaining the equivalent-barotropic structure of geopotential height anomalies.  相似文献   

本文通过对1979-2017年夏季925 hPa经向风异常进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解,研究了亚澳季风区内越赤道气流的年际变化特征.结果表明,越赤道气流的第一模态表现为亚澳季风区内不同通道间的同相变化,即一致加强或减弱;第二模态表现为孟加拉湾和澳大利亚越赤道气流的反相变化,其中新几内亚和孟加拉湾越赤道气流的反相变化最...  相似文献   

Water tank experiments are carried out to investigate the convection flow induced by bottom heating and the effects of the ambient wind on the flow in non-symmetrical urban street canyons based on the PIV (Particle Image Visualization) technique. Fluid experiments show that with calm ambient wind,the flows in the street canyon are completely driven by thermal force, and the convection can reach the upper atmosphere of the street canyon. Horizontal and vertical motions also appear above the roofs of the buildings. These are the conditions which favor the exchange of momentum and air mass between the street canyon and its environment. More than two vortices are induced by the convection, and the complex circulation pattern will vary with time in a wider street canyon. However, in a narrow street canyon, just one vortex appears. With a light ambient wind, the bottom heating and the associated convection result in just one main vortex. As the ambient wind speed increases, the vortex becomes more organized and its center shifts closer to the leeward building.  相似文献   

In this paper, the coupling equations describing nonlinear three-wave interaction among Rossby waves including the forcing of an external vorticity source are obtained. Under certain conditions, the coupling equations with a constant amplitude forcing, the stability analysis indi-cates that when the amplitude of the external forcing increases to a certain extent, a pitchfork bifurcation occurs. Also, it is shown from numerical results that the bifurcation can lead to chaotic behavior of “strange” attractor. For the obtained three-variable equation, when the amplitude of modulated external forcing gradually increases, a period-doubling bifurcation is found to lead to chaotic behavior. Thus, in a nonlinear three-wave coupling model in the large-scale forced barotropic atmospheric flow, chaotic behavior can be observed. This chaotic behavior can explain in part 30-60-day low-frequency oscillations observed in mid-high latitudes.  相似文献   

The simulation characteristics of the seasonal evolution of subtropical anticyclones in the Northern Hemisphere are documented for the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Systemmodel, Spectral Version 2 (FGOALS-s2), developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. An understanding of the seasonal evolution of the subtropical anticyclones is also addressed. Compared with the global analysis established by the European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts, the ERA-40 global reanalysis data, the general features of subtropical anticyclones and their evolution are simulated well in both winter and summer, while in spring a pronounced bias in the generation of the South Asia Anticyclone(SAA) exists. Its main deviation in geopotential height from the reanalysis is consistent with the bias of temperature in the troposphere. It is found that condensation heating (CO) plays a dominant role in the seasonal development of the SAA and the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific (SAWP) in the middle troposphere. The CO biases in the model account for the biases in the establishment of the SAA in spring and the weaker strength of the SAA and the SAWP from spring to summer. CO is persistently overestimated in the central-east tropical Pacific from winter to summer, while it is underestimated over the area from the South China Sea to the western Pacific from spring to summer. Such biases generate an illusive anticyclonic gyre in the upper troposphere above the middle Pacific and delay the generation of the SAA over South Asia in April. In midsummer, the simulated SAA is located farther north than in the ERA-40 data owing to excessively strong surface sensible heating (SE) to the north of the Tibetan Plateau. Whereas, the two surface subtropical anticyclones in the eastern oceans during spring to summer are controlled mainly by the surface SE over the two continents in the Northern Hemisphere, which are simulated reasonably well, albeit with their centers shifted westwards owing to the weaker longwave radiation cooling in the simulation associated with much weaker local stratiform cloud. Further improvements in the related parameterization of physical processes are therefore identified.  相似文献   

The non-hydrostatic wave equation set in Cartesian coordinates is rearranged to gain insight into wave generation in a mesoscale severe convection system. The wave equation is characterized by a wave operator on the lhs, and forcing involving three terms—linear and nonlinear terms, and diabatic heating—on the rhs. The equation was applied to a case of severe convection that occurred in East China. The calculation with simulation data showed that the diabatic forcing and linear and nonlinear forcing presented large magnitude at different altitudes in the severe convection region. Further analysis revealed the diabatic forcing due to condensational latent heating had an important influence on the generation of gravity waves in the middle and lower levels. The linear forcing resulting from the Laplacian of potential-temperature linear forcing was dominant in the middle and upper levels. The nonlinear forcing was determined by the Laplacian of potential-temperature nonlinear forcing. Therefore, the forcing of gravity waves was closely associated with the thermodynamic processes in the severe convection case. The reason may be that, besides the vertical component of pressure gradient force, the vertical oscillation of atmospheric particles was dominated by the buoyancy for inertial gravity waves. The latent heating and potential-temperature linear and nonlinear forcing played an important role in the buoyancy tendency. Consequently, these thermodynamic elements influenced the evolution of inertial-gravity waves.  相似文献   

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