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The aim of this paper was to explore new factors that might be reasons for the occurrence of fluoride-rich groundwater in the area around a construction site. During the construction of two deep shafts of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) in Mizunami city, central Japan, a large quantity of groundwater with high fluoride concentration was charged into the shafts. Chemical investigation carried out during the excavation revealed that fluoride concentrations in the area around the MIU site greatly exceeded those prescribed by Japanese standards. Therefore, the origin of fluoride ion was experimentally investigated. Samples were collected from the core of a deep borehole drilled in the study area. The weathering - and alteration levels of the collected granites varied greatly. Granitic powders were used to measure fluoride content in the granitic rock mass. The fluoride content ranged between 200 and 1300 mg/kg. The powders were reacted with purified water for 80 days. The results of water–rock interaction showed granitic rock to be one of the main sources of fluoride-rich groundwater in Mizunami area. Fluoride concentrations in these solutions that were shaken for 80 days varied between 2 and 7 mg/l. This change may have occurred as a result of the spatial distribution of fluoride ions in the granite mass as evidenced by mineralogical analysis of fluoride content in several specimens. X-ray powder diffraction analysis of the rock before- and after the water–rock interaction tests manifested that the presence of fluorite mineral was relatively small compared to other minerals. The degree of weathering and alteration might be an additional factor causing dissolution of fluoride-rich minerals. However, it was difficult to interpret the change in fluorite composition by X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

Located in semi-arid regions of northwestern China, Datong basin is a Quaternary sedimentary basin, where groundwater is the most important source for water supply. It is very important to study groundwater characteristics and hydrogeochemical processes for better management of the groundwater resource. We have identified five geochemical zones of shallow groundwater (between 5 and 80 m) at Datong: A. Leaching Zone (Zone I); B. Converging Zone (Zone II); C. Enriching Zone (Zone III); D. Reducing Zone (Zone IV); E. Oxidizing Zone (Zone V). In Zones I, II, and V and some parts of Zones III and IV, hydrolysis of albite/K-feldspar/chalcedony system and/or albite/K-feldspar/quartz system enhanced concentrations of Na+, K+, HCO3 and silicate. In Zone I, dissolution of carbonate and hydrolysis of feldspar generally controlled the groundwater chemistry. Infiltration of meteoric water promoted the formation of HCO3 in the water. In Zone II, the main geochemical processes influencing the groundwater chemistry were dissolutions of calcite and dolomite, ion exchange and evaporation. In Zones III and IV, in addition to ion exchange, evaporation and precipitation of calcite and dolomite, leaching of NaHCO3 in saline–alkaline soils dominated the water quality. Zone IV was under anoxic condition, and reduction reactions led to the decrease of SO42−, NO3 and occurrence of H2S, with the highest arsenic content (mean value of 366 μg/L), far exceeding Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Abnormal arsenic in the groundwater resulted in endemic disease of waterborne arsenic poisoning among local people. Zone V overlapped Zone I was intensively affected by coal mining activities. Sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, would have been oxidized when exposed to air due to coal mining, which directly added sulfate to groundwater and thus increased SO42− concentration. Oxidization of sulfide minerals also decreased pH and promoted dissolutions of calcite and dolomite.  相似文献   

Sixty-five inflow samples from access shafts were collected at three separate potash mines in order to construct three 1000 m deep hydrochemical profiles. Bromine concentrations, and δD and δ18O stable isotopic compositions, increase with depth in each case. Measured isotopic ratios have not changed in 15+ years since the mine-inflows were first sampled, implying little change in the hydraulic regimes at the mines over time. However, the bromine concentrations are typically a factor of five lower than previously reported. Newer analytical techniques have improved the accuracy, precision and resolution of the hydrochemical profiles. Results indicate that the salinity of the inflow waters originated as mixtures of evaporatively concentrated seawater, meteoric water, and brine derived from halite dissolution. Extremely concentrated brines (TDS > 525 g/L) were found at the Cory and Allan potash mines some 55 km apart, but their role in the paleohydrogeology of the basin remains uncertain.  相似文献   

This study describes the microstructural and chemical development of symplectites, obtained in fluid‐mediated mineral replacement experiments. During the experiments polymineralic feldspar‐rich samples were exposed to aqueous Na–SiO2 solution at 600 °C and 2 kbar confining pressures for durations of 12 h to 20 days. The resulting reaction rims display high mineralogical and structural complexity and contain two varieties of symplectites, represented by nanometre‐scale intergrowths of gehlenite–zeolite and grossular–zeolite grains. The experimental fluid was enriched in 18O isotope in order to trace oxygen redistribution during the reaction. The elevated 18O concentration in the reaction products and the heterogeneity in its distribution suggest that symplectite formation was controlled by dissolution–precipitation mechanisms rather than volume‐diffusion processes. Microstructural and chemical observations suggest that symplectite formation occurred in multiple stages in response to spatially heterogeneous and temporarily evolving fluid composition at the reaction interfaces. Hence, our results shed light on the fundamental processes involved in symplectite formation improving our ability to interpret symplectite microstructures.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope studies were carried out across units of a Neoproterozoic nappe system, south of São Francisco Craton. A temperature decrease toward the base of the system is found, consistent with a previously recognized inverted metamorphic pattern. The tectonic contact of the basal unit and the reworked southern São Francisco craton show a steep temperature gradient, suggesting that low temperature thrusting acted as the dominant tectonic process. The contrasts between the δ18O values of the Três Pontas-Varginha and Carmo da Cachoeira nappes and the differences among the samples and minerals are consistent with the preservation of sedimentary isotopic composition during metamorphism. The small differences in the δ18O values between the undeformed and the deformed calc-silicate samples (1.6‰) suggest that the δ18O value of mylonitization fluids was close to that which equilibrated with the metamorphic assemblage. The distinct δ18O values of metapelitic and calc-silicate samples and the great temperature difference from one type to the other indicate that no large-scale fluid interaction processes occurred during metamorphism. Oxygen isotopic estimations of both Três Pontas-Varginha undeformed rocks and Carmo da Cachoeira unaltered equivalents indicate δ18O values of up to 18‰. Comparison between these values and those from the ‘basement’ orthogneisses (8.3–8.5‰) indicates the latter are not sources for the metapelites.  相似文献   

Saline groundwaters were recovered from undisturbed (Restigouche deposit) and active (Brunswick #12 mine) Zn-Pb volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp (BMC), northern New Brunswick, Canada. These groundwaters, along with fresh to brackish meteoric ground and surface waters from the BMC, have been analyzed to determine their major, trace element and stable isotopic (O, H, C, and B) compositions. Saline groundwaters (total dissolved solids = 22-45 g/L) are characterized by relatively high Na/Ca ratios compared to brines from the Canadian Shield and low Na/Clmolar and δ11B isotopic compositions (−2.5‰ to 11.1‰) compared to seawater. Although saline waters from the Canadian Shield commonly have oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions that plot to the left of the global meteoric water line, those from the BMC fall close to the water line. Fracture and vein carbonate minerals at the Restigouche deposit have restricted carbon isotopic compositions of around −5‰ to −6‰. The carbon isotopic compositions of the saline waters at the Restigouche deposit (+12‰ δ13CDIC) are the result of fractionation of dissolved inorganic carbon by methanogenesis. We suggest that, unlike previous models for shield brines, the composition of saline waters in the BMC is best explained by prolonged water-rock reaction, with no requirement of precursor seawater. We suggest that elevated Br/Cl ratios of saline waters compared to seawater may be explained by differential uptake of Br and Cl during groundwater evolution through water-rock reaction.  相似文献   

Geochronological data, major and trace element abundances, Nd and Sr isotope ratios, δ18O whole rock values and Pb isotope ratios from leached feldspars are presented for garnet-bearing granites (locality at Oetmoed and outcrop 10 km north of Omaruru) from the Damara Belt (Namibia). For the granites from outcrop 10 km N′ Omaruru, reversely discordant U–Pb monazite data give 207Pb/235U ages of 511±2 Ma and 517±2 Ma, similar to previously published estimates for the time of regional high grade metamorphism in the Central Zone. Based on textural and compositional variations, garnets from these granites are inferred to be refractory residues from partial melting in the deep crust. Because PT estimates from these xenocrystic garnets are significantly higher (800°C/9–10 kbar) than regional estimates (700°C/5 kbar), the monazite ages are interpreted to date the peak of regional metamorphism in the source of the granites. Sm–Nd garnet–whole rock ages are between 500 and 490 Ma indicating the age of extraction of the granites from their deep crustal sources. For the granites from Oetmoed, both Sm–Nd and Pb–Pb ages obtained on igneous garnets range from 500 to 490 Ma. These ages are interpreted as emplacement ages and are significantly younger than the previously proposed age of 520 Ma for these granites based on Rb/Sr whole rock age determinations. Major and trace element compositions indicate that the granites are moderately to strongly peraluminous S-type granites. High initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (>0.716), high δ18O values of >13.8‰, negative initial Nd values between −4 and −7 and evolved Pb isotope ratios indicate formation of the granites by anatexis of mid-crustal rocks similar to the exposed metapelites into which they intruded. The large range of Pb isotope ratios and the lack of correlation between Pb isotope ratios and Nd and Sr isotope ratios indicate heterogeneity of the involved crustal rocks. Evidence for the involvement of isotopically highly evolved lower crust is scarce and the influence of a depleted mantle component is unlikely. The crustal heating events that produced these granites might have been caused by crustal thickening and thrusting of crustal sheets enriched in heat-producing elements. Very limited fluxing of volatiles from underthrust low- to medium-grade metasedimentary rocks may have also been a factor in promoting partial melting. Furthermore, delamination of the lithospheric mantle and uprise of hot mantle could have caused localized high-T regions. The presence of coeval A-type granites at Oetmoed that have been derived at least in part from a mantle source supports this model.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(1):1-21
The Daheishan Mo deposit of the Lesser Xing'an–Zhangguangcai Range metallogenic belt in northeast China is a super‐large molybdenum deposit with Mo reserves of 1.09 Mt. The Mo mineralization occurs mainly in a granodiorite porphyry. Zircon SIMS U–Pb dating yields a crystallization age of 168.3 ± 1.4 Ma for the granodiorite porphyry. Molybdenite Re–Os dating indicates that Mo mineralization occurred at 169.2 ± 1.2 Ma. These geochronological data indicate that these magmatic and hydrothermal activities occurred during the Middle Jurassic. The granodiorite porphyry can be classified as high‐K calc‐alkaline series, and the rare earth elements (REE) are characterized by a significant fractionation between light REE (LREE) and heavy REE (HREE) with slightly positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.08–1.12). Large ion lithophile elements (e.g., Rb, U, K, and Pb) are enriched, whereas high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti, HREEs, and Yb) are strongly depleted. The granodiorite porphyry is also characterized by initial strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr)i of 0.70460–0.70482 and magmatic zircon δ18O values of 5.2–6.5 ‰ that are similar to those of the mantle. Zircon ɛHf(t) and whole‐rock ε Nd(t) values range from 5.6 to 9.9 and 0.8 to 1.1, respectively. The two‐stage Nd model ages (TDM2) are in the range of 868–894 Ma, similar to Hf model ages, indicating that the parent magma has a uniform source and primarily originated from a juvenile crustal source. Combined with the regional geological history, geochemistry of the Daheishan granodiorite porphyry, and new isotopic age data, we propose that the formation of the Daheishan porphyry Mo deposit is likely related to the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

Melt must transfer through the lower crust, yet the field signatures and mechanisms involved in such transfer zones (excluding dykes) are still poorly understood. We report field and microstructural evidence of a deformation‐assisted melt transfer zone that developed in the lower crustal magmatic arc environment of Fiordland, New Zealand. A 30–40 m wide hornblende‐rich body comprising hornblende ± clinozoisite and/or garnet exhibits 'igneous‐like' features and is hosted within a metamorphic, two‐pyroxene–pargasite gabbroic gneiss (GG). Previous studies have interpreted the hornblende‐rich body as an igneous cumulate or a mass transfer zone. We present field and microstructural characteristics supporting the later and indicating the body has formed by deformation‐assisted, channelized, reactive porous melt flow. The host granulite facies GG contains distinctive rectilinear dykes and garnet reaction zones (GRZ) from earlier in the geological history; these form important reaction and strain markers. Field observations show that the mineral assemblages and microstructures of the GG and GRZ are progressively modified with proximity to the hornblende‐rich body. At the same time, GRZ bend systematically into the hornblende‐rich body on each side of the unit, showing apparent sinistral shearing. Within the hornblende‐rich body itself, microstructures and electron back‐scatter diffraction mapping show evidence of the former presence of melt including observations consistent with melt crystallization within pore spaces, elongate pseudomorphs of melt films along grain boundaries, minerals with low dihedral angles as small as <10° and up to <60°, and interconnected 3D melt pseudomorph networks. Reaction microstructures with highly irregular contact boundaries are observed at the field and thin‐section scale in remnant islands of original rock and replaced grains, respectively. We infer that the hornblende‐rich body was formed by modification of the host GG in situ due to reaction between an externally derived, reactive, hydrous gabbroic to intermediate melt percolating via porous melt flow through an actively deforming zone. Extensive melt–rock interaction and metasomatism occurred via coupled dissolution–precipitation, triggered by chemical disequilibrium between the host rock and the fluxing melt. As a result, the host plagioclase and pyroxene became unstable and were reacted and dissolved into the melt, while hornblende and to a lesser extent clinozoisite and garnet grew replacing the unstable phases. Our study shows that hornblendite rocks commonly observed within deep crustal sections, and attributed to cumulate fractionation processes, may instead delineate areas of deformation‐assisted, channelized reactive porous melt flow formed by melt‐mediated coupled dissolution–precipitation replacement reactions.  相似文献   

A geochemical and isotopic study was carried out for the Mesozoic Yangxin, Tieshan and Echeng granitoid batholiths in the southeastern Hubei Province, eastern China, in order to constrain their petrogenesis and tectonic setting. These granitoids dominantly consist of quartz diorite, monzonite and granite. They are characterized by SiO2 and Na2O compositions of between 54.6 and 76.6 wt.%, and 2.9 to 5.6 wt.%, respectively, enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) and large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and relative depletion in Y (concentrations ranging from 5.17 to 29.3 ppm) and Yb (0.34–2.83 ppm), with the majority of the granitoids being geochemically similar to high-SiO2 adakites (HSA). Their initial Nd (εNd = − 12.5 to − 6.1) and Sr ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7054–0.7085) isotopic compositions, however, distinguish them from adakites produced by partial melting of subducted slab and those produced by partial melting of the lower crust of the Yangtze Craton in the Late Mesozoic. The granitoid batholiths in the southeastern Hubei Province exhibit very low MgO ranging from 0.09 to 2.19 wt.% with an average of 0.96 wt.%, and large variations in negative to positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu = 0.22–1.4), especially the Tieshan granites and Yangxin granite porphyry (Eu/Eu = 0.22–0.73). Geochemical and Nd–Sr isotopic data demonstrate that these granitoids originated as partial melts of an enriched mantle source that experienced significant contamination of lower crust materials and fractional crystallization during magma ascent. Late Mesozoic granitoids in the southeastern Hubei Province of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River belt were dominantly emplaced in an extensional tectonic regime, in response to basaltic underplating, which was followed by lithospheric thinning during the early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

小壳动物化石微结构及壳体成分的认知对于揭露寒武纪早期小壳动物群的演化具有重要意义,黔中地区早寒武世梅树村期磷块岩中保存了大量的小壳化石,为了获取该时期小壳化石微结构及成分的关键信息,本文利用电子显微镜、扫描电镜对岩石薄片小壳化石个体进行观察、分析,获得了贵州织金熊家场和清镇落夯地区的寒武纪梅树村期磷块岩中小壳动物化石微结构、壳体成分特征。结果显示,织金、清镇地区的磷块岩中小壳化石多样性与其壳体成分表现一致,主要为软舌螺类,其成分为P、Ca、F、O等氟磷灰石组成元素;小壳化石壳体保存有明显的纳米级磷灰石矿化颗粒骨架、多圈层结构、溶蚀多孔隙和管体嵌套的现象。另外,通过电子探针对小壳化石进行原位微区元素面扫描,发现主要元素P、Ca分布在小壳化石及小壳化石碎片中,胶结物几乎不含P元素。综合判断,两个研究区域的寒武纪梅树村期磷块岩小壳动物化石多为异地埋藏保存,且保存过程中,成岩作用等后期磷酸盐化、搬运沉积对小壳化石微结构及其壳体成分产生一定改造影响;基于薄片全玻面扫描推断全岩小壳动物化石(含化石碎片)含量,与磷块岩中磷含量呈正相关关系,认为寒武纪梅树村期小壳动物的繁盛对同期磷块岩的形成具有重要贡献。  相似文献   

This paper examines the issues related to salinization and water quality in the complex drainage system of the historical land reclamation of Lamone basin (Ravenna coastal plain, northern Italy), with the aim of guiding ongoing agricultural-related decisions. Major and trace element concentration and O–H–B–Sr isotope-ratios were measured on surface water from a network of canals and ditches. Sampling was carried out during the winter period and in summer, to assess the effects of agricultural water management on the aquatic system. Results show widespread salinization of waters over the entire crop, due to both the direct saltwater inland flushing through the canals in proximity of the mouths, and sea salt leaching from soils. During winter, salinization is partly mitigated by rainfalls, while in summer dilution processes are due to freshwater input from outside the watershed, planned to assist the agricultural water demand. In the winter season, the concentration of some elements such as Fe, Mn, Al, and Cu in waters exceeds the maximum permissible limits imposed by the Italian regulations, while during summer the concentration of these elements is significantly reduced. A seasonal cycling is established, where the bottom sediments of canals and ditches act as sinks of harmful elements, mostly through adsorption by Fe–Mn–Al oxy-hydroxide solid phases. The irrigation practice, although improving the water quality, increases water turbidity by re-mobilization of sediments which act as transport agents of contaminants, with detrimental effects that may become significant over the years.  相似文献   

Different types of free water have been analysed for their deuterium and chemical composition in order to evaluate their source, mixing phenomena, and the underground dynamics. All types of ground water (mineral, geothermal and wellhead water) display δD values (− 82.6‰ to − 72.6‰) similar to surface waters from the studied area (− 77.1‰ to − 73.6‰). The global salt content varies from 1102 to 8707 mg/l for the groundwater, and from 46 to 392 mg/l for the surface water. From the co-variation between the δD values and the chemical composition of the waters, as well as from the seasonal variation of these two parameters, it is evident that the free water from Tuşnad Băi are meteoric in origin. The mineralization of the mineral water took place by means of an intense underground circulation, probably in the fault system developed within the Neogene magmatites.  相似文献   

El Atshan mining area, central Eastern Desert, represents one of the uranium occurrences related to alkaline volcanic rocks in Egypt. Based on the plot of total alkali elements versus silica, these rocks are classified as trachytes. The U and Eu anomalies appear to be derived from trachyte exposed to a long period of alteration and rock–fluid interaction. The trachyte has been subjected to two phases of alteration. The pronounced chemical changes include the mobility of Si, Na, Fe, U, Zn and REE and the immobility of Mg, Th, Hf, Ta and Sc. The late stage hydrothermal solutions caused the breakdown of the feldspars by losing sodium, potassium and partially silica and eventually formation of argillic alteration products, dissolution of iron-bearing sulphides, formation of iron-oxy hydroxides and corrosion of primary uranium minerals forming uranyl oxide hydrates. The acidic water percolating through the fractured trachyte rock leached not only available major or trace elements, but also REE. Eu originally incorporated in feldspars as Eu+2 has been oxidized to Eu+3 and subsequently leached away leaving a negative anomaly in the host rock. The leached U and Eu were then transported most probably as carbonate complexes. The second phase of alteration occurred at the near surface profile when the late stage hydrothermal fluids cool to the temperature of meteoric water and may have mixed with it, the pH of the fluids would shift to more alkaline values and at these conditions U and Eu were precipitated into the fracture system mainly by being adsorbed on the clay minerals and probably coprecipitated with iron oxy-hydroxides.  相似文献   

Deep-seated cracked gas exploration was achieved great breakthrough in Es4L of the Minfeng area on the northern slope of the Dongying Sag. Carbon isotopic and molecular compositions studies revealed the characteristics of wet gas and a normal trend of carbon isotopic composition. Empirical cutoff points of δ13C2 and δ13C3 and light hydrocarbon compositions distinguished the cracking gas as sapropelic gas. Variations in i/nC5, i/nC4 and δ13C2 fur-ther confirmed that the gas was cracked from residual kerogen. Source characteristics indicated that the gas was de-rived from mature-highly mature source rocks of Es4 with kerogen type II being dominant mixed with some oil-cracking gas. Burial history modeling indicated that there were two hydrocarbon charging periods in Es4L reser-voirs. The first period refers to the Guantao-Minghuazhen stage dominated by oil charging, while the second period refers to the Minghuazhen stage and has been dominated by cracked gas charging till now.  相似文献   

Drilling through the Palaeoproterozoic bedrock at Forsmark, central Sweden, during the site investigation for a potential geological repository of highly radioactive nuclear waste has provided high quality drill-core material from the upper 1 km of the Fennoscandian Shield. Analyses of stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O, δ34S, 87Sr/86Sr), rare earth elements and fluid inclusions in fracture filling calcite and pyrite from these drill cores have resulted in the discrimination of several episodes of fracture mineralisations. These events represent migration of fluids during a wide range of conditions, ranging from high-temperature hydrothermal to present-day groundwater circulation. Four major events have been distinguished: 1) Precipitation of epidote, chlorite and quartz under hydrothermal conditions (T > 150–200 °C) during the Proterozoic, sometime between 1.8 and 1.1 Ga. 2) Hydrothermal circulation at temperatures close to 200 °C with precipitation of adularia, albite, prehnite, laumontite, calcite and chlorite. Most of these minerals precipitated during a tectonothermal event between 1.1 and 1.0 Ga, possibly in response to far-field effects of the Sveconorwegian orogeny. 3) Precipitation of mainly quartz, calcite, pyrite and asphaltite occurred during the Palaeozoic, at temperatures between 60 and 190 °C (mainly at < 100 °C). Mixing of a fluid emanating from an organic rich overlying sedimentary cover and a deep basinal fluid from the crystalline bedrock is suggested to have caused this precipitation, possibly as a far-field response to the Caledonian orogeny and/or the development of the Caledonian foreland basin. 4) The youngest generation of fracture minerals is associated with formation of clay minerals and calcite with minor occurrences of pyrite and goethite. These minerals have probably precipitated episodically during a long time period (possibly from the Late Palaeozoic to the present) from various fluids at low temperature conditions (< 50 °C). Few calcites in equilibrium with the present groundwater suggest that the ongoing precipitation of calcite is very limited.  相似文献   

Cenozoic lamprophyres (minettes, spessartites, kersantite) from the Western Alps, northern Italy, represent small volume, mafic melts with high Mg#s and high Ni and Cr contents. All the lamprophyres show light REE enrichment, high incompatible element contents, and Ta, Ti and Nb troughs on chondrite-normalized diagrams. Age-corrected 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios (assuming t = 30 Ma) are highly variable and range from 0.70590 to 0.71884; 143Nd/144Nd ratios range from 0.51203 to 0.51242. Pb isotopic ratios are: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.669–18.895, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.605–15.689 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.224–39.134. 87Sr/86Sr ratios show a negative correlation with 143Nd/144Nd, and a positive correlation with K, Ba, and Rb as well as with Ti, Th, Ta, Nb and Zr abundances. The primitive nature of the lamprophyres, coupled with their enriched incompatible trace element and isotopic signatures, suggest derivation from a metasomatized upper mantle source. Linear arrays in isotope space and elemental data plots suggest mixing between two distinct end-members in the Italian mantle; an enriched end-member that is isotopically similar to pelagic sediments, and a significantly less enriched end-member that approaches Bulk Earth values. New isotopic data indicate that the mantle source(s) of the lamprophyres from the Western Alps contain a very high proportion of the enriched end-member. The geochemical signature of the enriched end-member is attributed to fluids or melts derived from pelagic sediments subducted during the closure of the Tethyan Ocean in the late Cretaceous to early Tertiary.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):275-286
The volcanic‐hosted Xiangshan uranium orefield is the largest uranium deposit in South China. Recent exploration has discovered extensive Pb–Zn mineralization beneath the uranium orebodies. Detailed geological investigation reveals that the major metallic minerals include pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite, whilst the major non‐metallic minerals include quartz, sericite, and calcite. New δ18Ofluid and δDfluid data indicate that the ore‐forming fluids were mainly derived from magmatic, and the sulfide δ34S values (2.2–6.9‰) suggest a dominantly magmatic sulfur source. The Pb isotope compositions are homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb = 18.120–18.233, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.575–15.698, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.047–38.446). The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sulfide minerals range from 0.7197 to 0.7204, which is much higher than volcanic rocks and fall into the range of metamorphic basement. Lead and strontium isotopic compositions indicate that the metallogenic materials probably were derived from metamorphic basement. Pyrite Rb–Sr dating of the ores yielded 131.3 ± 4.0 Ma, indicating that the Pb–Zn mineralization occurred in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

J.C. Duchesne  B. Charlier 《Lithos》2005,83(3-4):229-254
Whole-rock major element compositions are investigated in 99 cumulates from the Proterozoic Bjerkreim–Sokndal layered intrusion (Rogaland Anorthosite Province, SW Norway), which results from the crystallization of a jotunite (Fe–Ti–P-rich hypersthene monzodiorite) parental magma. The scattering of cumulate compositions covers three types of cumulates: (1) ilmenite–leuconorite with plagioclase, ilmenite and Ca-poor pyroxene as cumulus minerals, (2) magnetite–leuconorite with the same minerals plus magnetite, and (3) gabbronorite made up of plagioclase, Ca-poor and Ca-rich pyroxenes, ilmenite, Ti-magnetite and apatite. Each type of cumulate displays a linear trend in variation diagrams. One pole of the linear trends is represented by plagioclase, and the other by a mixture of the mafic minerals in constant proportion. The mafic minerals were not sorted during cumulate formation though they display large density differences. This suggests that crystal settling did not operate during cumulate formation, and that in situ crystallization with variable nucleation rate for plagioclase was the dominant formation mechanism. The trapped liquid fraction of the cumulate plays a negligible role for the cumulate major element composition. Each linear trend is a locus for the cotectic composition of the cumulates. This property permits reconstruction by graphical mass balance calculation of the first two stages of the liquid line of descent, starting from a primitive jotunite, the Tjörn parental magma. Another type of cumulate, called jotunite cumulate and defined by the mineral association from the Transition Zone of the intrusion, has to be subtracted to simulate the most evolved part of the liquid line of descent. The proposed model demonstrates that average cumulate compositions represent cotectic compositions when the number of samples is large (> 40). The model, however, does not account for the K2O evolution, suggesting that the system was open to contamination by roof melts. The liquid line of descent corresponding to the Bjerkreim–Sokndal cumulates differs slightly from that obtained for jotunitic dykes in that the most Ti-, P- and Fe-rich melts (evolved jotunite) are lacking. The constant composition of the mafic poles during intervals where cryptic layering is conspicuous is explained by a compositional balance between the Fe–Ti oxide minerals, which decrease in Fe content in favour of Ti, and the pyroxenes which increase in Fe.  相似文献   

B. Seth  S. Jung  B. Gruner   《Lithos》2008,104(1-4):131-146
Three dating techniques for metamorphic minerals using the Sm–Nd, Lu–Hf and Pb isotope systems are combined and interpreted in context with detailed petrologic data from crustal segments in NW Namibia. The combination of isochron ages using these different approaches is a valuable tool to testify for the validity of metamorphic mineral dating. Here, PbSL, Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd garnet ages obtained on low- to medium-grade metasedimentary rocks from the Central Kaoko Zone of the Neoproterozoic Kaoko belt (NW Namibia) indicate that these samples were metamorphosed at around 550–560 Ma. On the other hand, granulite facies metasedimentary rocks from the Western Kaoko Zone underwent two phases of high-grade metamorphism, one at ca. 660–625 Ma and another at ca. 550 Ma providing substantial evidence that the 660–625 Ma-event was indeed a major tectonothermal episode in the Kaoko belt. Our age data suggest that interpreting metamorphic ages by applying a single dating method only is not reliable enough when studying complex metamorphic systems. However, a combination of all three dating techniques used here provides a reliable basis for geochronological age interpretation.  相似文献   

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