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本文分析了静校正中不同浮动基准面的特点及确定方法。通过理论模型试验对平滑地表、平均静校正量与最小静校正误差等浮动基准面的静校正效果进行比较,验证了在最小静校正误差基准面上得到的叠加速度仅取决于低速带底界下伏地层的速度,而与地形起伏、低速带结构无关,得到的叠加剖面具有较好的同相叠加效果。另外为了更加符合实际资料处理情况,本文中采用波动方程模拟数据进行理论模型试验,并由此给出了一种新的基于波形的目标函数计算方法。同时修改了最小静校正误差计算公式,使其适用于起伏底界非均匀速度模型的实际资料静校正处理。最后部分对实际资料的处理进一步证明了该方法的优越性。 相似文献
常规静校正方法是先做低降速带校正,再做从高速层顶界面到统一基准面的校正。当高速层顶界面起伏剧烈和高速层速度横向变化较大时,这种静校正计算方法就不能很好解决静校正问题。中间参考面静校正技术是在静校正计算时,在高速层顶界面之下引入一个圆滑的参考面,这样可以在低降速带校正的基础上进一步提高静校正精度,确保成像效果和构造精度。该项技术在中国西部复杂地表区推广应用后取得了良好的效果。本文系统介绍了中间参考面的意义、应用条件及参数的选取,同时展示了部分典型效果对比资料。 相似文献
Common reflection surface stack using dip decomposition for rugged surface topography 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We present an extension of the Common Reflection Surface (CRS) stack that provides support for an arbitrary top surface topography. CRS stacking can be applied to the original prestack data without the need for any elevation statics. The CRS-stacked zero- offset section can be corrected (redatumed) to a given planar level by kinematic wave field attributes. The seismic processing results indicate that the CRS stacked section for rugged surface topography is better than the conventional stacked section for S/N ratio and better continuity of reflection events. Considering the multiple paths of zero-offset rays, the method deals with reflection information coming from different dips and performs the stack using the method of dip decomposition, which improves the kinematic and dynamic character of CRS stacked sections. 相似文献
Modeling the land surface reflectance for optical remote sensing data in rugged terrain 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A model for topographic correction and land surface reflectance estimation for optical remote sensing data in rugged terrian is presented.Considering a directional-directional reflectance that is used for direct solar irradiance correction and a hemispheric-directional reflectance that is used for atmospheric diffuse irradiance and terrain background reflected irradiance correction respectively,the directional reflectance-based model for topographic effects removing and land surface reflectance calculation is developed by deducing the directional reflectance with topographic effects and using a radiative transfer model.A canopy reflectance simulated by GOMS model and Landsat/TM raw data covering Jiangxi rugged area were taken to validate the performance of the model presented in the paper.The validation results show that the model presented here has a remarkable ability to correct topography and estimate land surface reflectance and also provides a technique method for sequently quantitative remote sensing application in terrain area. 相似文献
采用经典平差方法处理重力网数据时,判断起算基准是否稳定是一个关键性问题。本文在精细化处理陕西重力测网观测资料基础上,采用线性回归法,对1992—2011年陕西重力测网起算基准进行了稳定性分析。并以泾阳M_S 4.8地震为例,分析了重力起算基准稳定性对重力网计算的影响及线性回归方法的有效性,结果表明:(1)起算基准重力值随时间变化明显;(2)起算基准扰动影响改正后,地震前后重力场及跨断裂重力段差变化特征更加符合实际情况;(3)处理重力数据及分析重力场变化特征时,必须考虑起算基准稳定性的影响。 相似文献
银川地震台CTS-1数字地震仪震级校正初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
主要分析讨论了2002年1月~2005年2月银川台数字地震仪测定的震级与中国数字地震台网观测报告震级的误差,给出银川台CTS-1数字地震仪震级的校正值,以提高银川台地震速报的精度。同时初步探讨分析了银川台数字地震仪震级误差的原因。 相似文献
本文详细的介绍了模型约束三维折射静校正技术的基本原理和计算步骤,具体给出了三维抽线,目的层质量监控,三维速度内插,三维底界内插等技术的实现方法,并结合了西部某工区的具体实例加以说明.结果表明,这种由微测井、小折射求取近地表深度-时间速度模型,由大炮记录折射初至旅行时求取各点延迟时,两者联合反演低降速层底界的厚度和高程,最终求取低降速层静校正量的方法,可明显提高低降速带的反演精度,较好地解决表层结构复杂地区的静校正问题. 相似文献
用于地震观测的瞬态滤波器仿真研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
现代地震数据采集器中广泛使用的最小相位滤波器和线性相位滤波器各有不足之处,最小相位滤波引起的“振铃”尾波,线性相位滤波引起的“前缀”波,无法用后续处理的方法消除。本文提出一种专用于地震波形采集的瞬态滤波器设想,该瞬态滤波器既能满足最小相位特性,又能保持较好的线性相位特性。本文用Matlab设计出了可以满足上述条件的瞬态滤波器,并通过仿真比较了正弦接入波通过3种滤波器的输出波形。从仿真结果可以看出,与最小相位和线性相位滤波相比较,该瞬态滤波器的波形失真最小。 相似文献
Cai Xiling Liu Xuewei Deng Chunyan Lv Yingme 《应用地球物理》2006,3(1):48-54
China's continental deposition basins are characterized by complex geological structures and various reservoir lithologies. Therefore, high precision exploration methods are needed. High density spatial sampling is a new technology to increase the accuracy of seismic exploration. We briefly discuss point source and receiver technology, analyze the high density spatial sampling in situ method, introduce the symmetric sampling principles presented by Gijs J. O. Vermeer, and discuss high density spatial sampling technology from the point of view of wave field continuity. We emphasize the analysis of the high density spatial sampling characteristics, including the high density first break advantages for investigation of near surface structure, improving static correction precision, the use of dense receiver spacing at short offsets to increase the effective coverage at shallow depth, and the accuracy of reflection imaging. Coherent noise is not aliased and the noise analysis precision and suppression increases as a result. High density spatial sampling enhances wave field continuity and the accuracy of various mathematical transforms, which benefits wave field separation. Finally, we point out that the difficult part of high density spatial sampling technology is the data processing. More research needs to be done on the methods of analyzing and processing huge amounts of seismic data. 相似文献
Three-component seismic exploration through P-wave source and three-component geophone is an effective technique used in complicated reservoir exploration. In three-component seismic exploration data processing,one of the difficulties is static correction of converted wave. This paper analyzes propagation characteristics of non-converted and converted refracted waves,and discovers a favor-able condition for the formation of converted refracted wave,i.e. the velocity of overlaying medium S wave is much lower than that of underlying medium S wave. In addition,the paper proposes the static correction method of converted wave based on PPS converted refracted wave,and processes the real three-component seismic data with better results of static correction of converted wave. 相似文献
地震数据采集器中的滤波技术是影响地震观测数据质量的重要因素。本研究通过实测数据对比分析了最小相位滤波、线性相位滤波和瞬态滤波对观测数据的影响程度。实测波形数据证实了理论分析的预期,最小相位滤波在观测地方性微小地震时,初动半周期及后续波的失真均较大,利用波形作深入研究时,应注意该失真的影响;线性相位滤波引起的前缀可能会干扰震相的正确判读,不宜用于以震相分析为主要用途的地方震观测;瞬态滤波兼有前两类滤波的优点而无其缺点,是观测地方震和水库地震的优良滤波技术,但应用瞬态滤波必须提高采样率。 相似文献
徐闻地区位于北部湾盆地向雷州半岛的延伸部分,具有较好的油气勘探前景.2003年至今,江苏油田在徐闻地区先后开展了重力、大地电磁测深、二维地震和三维地震,以及钻探、VSP和试油测试等油气勘探工作.徐闻地区存在比较特殊的地表与地下地质条件.工区跨越半岛陆上和浅海水域,浅表层多套火成岩覆盖(出露),深层构造破碎、地震反射成像困难.因此,开展了具有针对性的综合地球物理方法(重力、大地电磁测深和地震)研究与勘探实践,克服了单一地球物理方法的局限性,获得了较好的数据资料,减少了多解性并为该地区的油气发现奠定基础. 相似文献
通过对波场矢量计算散度与旋度可将P波和S波进行分离,这种方法是波场传播与计算散度和旋度进行波场分离两部分的结合.基于二维各向同性介质速度模型,首先使用弹性波动方程对速度模型进行波场传播模拟;然后在地表接收多分量记录的同时计算散度代表P波、计算旋度代表S波,由于计算散度和旋度包括对空间各分量求导,这就导致了π/2的相位移,使用Fourier变换在频率域对记录进行-π/2的相位校正,就分别获得P波和S波的波场记录.通过对二维模型试算,并分析结果可知,采用计算散度和旋度进行波场分离是一种有效的方法. 相似文献
在地下构造复杂、断层发育地层中,常规水平叠加方法效果差,而常规的DMO算法计算效率低,实用性差。这篇文章通过对时间轴引用对数拉伸变换以提高计算速度和成像质量,运用DMO对数拉伸校正方法,对逆掩推覆构造物理模拟资料和实际资料进行了处理分析。DMO对数拉伸方法比常规水平叠加方法效果好,增强了断面反射,在倾斜地层和复杂构造地层中能更好地进行同相叠加,更加有利于逆掩推覆构造区地震资料成像,更有实用性。 相似文献