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Volcanic suites from Wawa greenstone belts in the southern Superior Province comprise an association of typical late Archean arc volcanic rocks including adakites, magnesian andesites (MA), niobium-enriched basalts (NEB), and ‘normal’ tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts to rhyolites. The adakites represent melts from subducted oceanic crust and all other suites were derived from the mantle wedge above the subducting oceanic lithosphere. The magnesian andesites are interpreted to be the product of hybridization of adakite melts with arc mantle wedge peridotite. The initial ?Hf values of the ∼2.7 Ga Wawa adakites (+3.5 to +5.2), magnesian andesites (+2.6 to +5.1), niobium-enriched basalts (+4.4 to +6.6), and ‘normal’ tholeiitic to calc-alkaline arc basalts (+5.3 to +6.4) are consistent with long-term depleted mantle sources. The niobium-enriched basalts and ‘normal’ arc basalts have more depleted ?Hf values than the adakites and magnesian andesites. The initial ?Nd values in the magnesian andesites (+0.4 to +2.0), niobium-enriched basalts (+1.4 to +2.4), and ‘normal’ arc tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts (+1.6 to +2.9) overlap with, but extend to lower values than, the slab-derived adakites (+2.3 to +2.8). The lower initial ?Nd values in the mantle-wedge-derived suites, particularly in the magnesian andesites, are attributed to recycling of an Nd-enriched component with lower ?Nd to the mantle wedge. As a group, the slab-derived adakites plot closest to the 2.7 Ga depleted mantle value in ?Nd versus ?Hf space, additionally suggesting that the Nd-enriched component in the mantle wedge did not originate from the 2.7 Ga slab-derived melts. Accordingly, we suggest that the enriched component had been added to the mantle wedge at variable proportions by recycling of older continental material. This recycling process may have occurred as early as 50-70 Ma before the initiation of the 2.7 Ga subduction zone. The selective enrichment of Nd in the sources of the Superior Province magmas can be explained by experimental studies and geochemical observations in modern subduction systems, indicating that light rare earth elements (e.g., La, Ce, Sm, Nd) are more soluble than high field strength elements (e.g., Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta) in aqueous fluids that are derived from subducted slabs. As a corollary, we suggest that the recycled Nd-enriched component was added to the mantle source of the Wawa arc magmas by dehydration of subducted sediments.  相似文献   

对西藏西部日土县城以南-拉梅拉山口一带的花岗岩体开展了详细的岩相学、岩石地球化学和锆石U-Pb年代学及Hf同位素研究。所有样品铝饱和指数A/CNK集中在0.76~1.0之间,为准铝质类型。CIPW标准矿物组合为Q+Or+Ab+An+Di(或C)+Hy。在稀土元素配分图中呈现出右倾缓倾斜型的特征,轻稀土元素富集并出现较强的分馏作用,重稀土元素无分馏-轻微分馏。δEu在0.56~0.99范围之间,属于铕亏损型。大离子亲石元素出现分化,富集Rb、Pb、Th而亏损K、Ba,高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti等明显亏损。获得钾长花岗岩、二长花岗岩及花岗闪长岩中岩浆结晶锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为:79.4±0.4Ma、 81.0±0.5Ma和81.3±0.5Ma,结合锆石稀土元素和岩浆振荡环带特征及Th/U比值,上述年龄结果可代表岩石的结晶年龄,表明该套岩体为晚白垩世侵位的大型岩基。两件样品的锆石均具有正的Hf同位素初始比值εHft),两阶段Hf模式年龄(tDM2)分别介于547.5~658.0Ma、523.4~710.2Ma之间。分析认为该套岩体的物质来源应该为富角闪石的下地壳,可能为幔源岩浆首先侵入到地壳基底岩石中形成新生地壳,然后在温度约为700~800℃之间、压力<8kbar且富含流体的影响下,这种既有新生地壳又有古老基底地壳构成的混合地壳发生部分熔融而形成。这一结论与野外宏观露头上岩体中大量发育暗色微粒包体等直接岩石学证据相佐证。结合区域构造演化及岩体所处的大地构造位置,该套花岗岩体应该形成于洋壳闭合时的碰撞造山过程,其形成与侵位与北侧班公湖-怒江结合带的构造演化有成因上的联系,是班公湖-怒江特提斯洋向南的俯冲碰撞的产物。  相似文献   

Whole rock elemental and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry and in situ K-feldspar Pb isotope geochemistry were used to identify the sources involved in the genesis of Neoproterozoic granites from the Embu Terrane, Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil. Granite magmatism spanned over 200 Ma (810–580 Ma), and is dominated by crust-derived relatively low-T (850–750 °C, zircon saturation) biotite granites to biotite-muscovite granites. Two Cryogenian plutons show the least negative εNdt (−8 to −10) and highest mg# (30–40) of the whole set. Their compositions are strongly contrasted, implying distinct sources for the peraluminous (ASI ∼ 1.2) ∼660 Ma Serra do Quebra-Cangalha batholith (metasedimentary rocks from relatively young upper crust with high Rb/Sr and low Th/U) and the metaluminous (ASI = 0.96–1.00) ∼ 630 Ma Santa Catarina Granite. Although not typical, the geochemical signature of these granites may reflect a continental margin arc environment, and they could be products of a prolonged period of oceanic plate consumption started at ∼810 Ma. The predominant Ediacaran (595–580 Ma) plutons have a spread of compositions from biotite granites with SiO2 as low as ∼65% (e.g., Itapeti, Mauá, Sabaúna and Lagoinha granites) to fractionated muscovite granites (Mogi das Cruzes, Santa Branca and Guacuri granites; up to ∼75% SiO2). εNdT are characteristically negative (−12 to −18), with corresponding Nd TDM indicating sources with Paleoproterozoic mean crustal ages (2.0–2.5 Ga). The Guacuri and Santa Branca muscovite granites have the more negative εNdt, highest 87Sr/86Srt (0.714–0.717) and lowest 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb, consistent with an old metasedimentary source with low time-integrated Rb/Sr. However, a positive Nd–Sr isotope correlation is suggested by data from the other granites, and would be consistent with mixing between an older source predominant in the Mauá granite and a younger, high Rb/Sr source that is more abundant in the Lagoinha granite sample. The Ediacaran granites are coeval with profuse granite magmatism attributed to continental arc magmatism in northern Ribeira and Araçuaí belts. However, their evolved compositions with low mg# and dominantly peraluminous character are unlike those of magmatic arc granites, and they are more likely products of post-collisional magmatism or correspond to an inner belt of crust-derived granites.  相似文献   

阿斯喀尔特Be-Nb-Mo矿床位于新疆阿尔泰东段可可托海伟晶岩矿集区,Be储量达大型,产出宝石并伴生Nb、Mo、Ga矿化。该矿床同时发育花岗岩型与伟晶岩型两类稀有金属矿化,晚阶段有辉钼矿、黄铁矿等硫化物发育,在阿尔泰伟晶岩省具有独特性。本文对矿区内的白云母钠长花岗岩、Be矿化白云母钠长花岗岩以及条带状伟晶岩进行锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年及Hf同位素研究,对伟晶岩中不同产状的辉钼矿进行Re-Os同位素定年。获得的锆石238U/206Pb加权平均年龄分别为219.2±2.9Ma、222.6±4.6Ma与218.2±3.9Ma,辉钼矿Re-Os加权平均年龄为218.6±1.3Ma,表明伟晶岩形成稍晚于花岗岩,花岗-伟晶岩系统的演化时间较短;锆石εHf(t)值分别为-0.72~+1.33、-0.36~+1.99与-0.45~+0.38,t DM C模式年龄分别为1169~1298Ma、1130~1279Ma与1229~1282Ma,表明花岗岩与伟晶岩具有类似的源区,以前寒武纪微陆块的壳源物质为主。花岗岩与伟晶岩形成于后造山板内演化阶段,与加厚地壳的熔融有关。根据矿化组合、源区特征并结合大地构造背景,提出阿斯喀尔特伟晶岩属于LCT型。地质、地球化学及年代学特征表明白云母钠长花岗岩为伟晶岩的成矿母岩。  相似文献   

陈邦学  徐胜利  来甲  张玺  付瑞鑫  李平 《地质科学》2022,57(4):1064-1080
东天山作为中亚成矿域的重要组成部分,是我国重要钼矿资源基地。铁岭钼矿位于东天山觉罗塔格成矿带西段。通过对铁岭钼矿区含矿正长花岗岩岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学及Hf同位素组成研究,获得正长花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄为286±1.9 Ma属于早二叠世;锆石Hf同位素数据显示,其具有较高的εHf(t)值(+9.51~+12.69),年轻的二阶段模式年龄TDM2(699~493 Ma)显示,该岩石是由新生地壳熔融形成的。岩石地球化学结果表明,整体上属于高钾钙碱性系列过铝质花岗岩,具有明显的轻重稀土分馏(La/Yb=1.02~6.08)和Eu正异常(Eu*=1.05~1.90),富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、K、Ba、U),以及亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti、P)等特点,显示出火山弧环境岩石地球化学特征。依据岩石地球化学及同位素地球化学特征,结合区域构造背景认为,东天山铁岭钼矿成矿作用发生于晚石炭世末期到早二叠世同碰撞向板内伸展过渡的构造环境下,此时地壳垂向增厚,铁岭钼矿区含矿正长花岗岩来源于新生地壳物质的部分熔融。  相似文献   

Migmatite gneisses are widespread in the Dabie orogen, but their formation ages are poorly constrained. Eight samples of migmatite, including leucosome, melanosome, and banded gneiss, were selected for U–Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis. Most metamorphic zircon occurs as overgrowths around inherited igneous cores or as newly grown grains. Morphological and internal structure features suggest that their growth is associated with partial melting. According to the Hf isotope ratio relationships between metamorphic zircon and inherited cores, three formation mechanisms for metamorphic zircon can be determined, which are dissolution–reprecipitation of pre‐existing zircon, breakdown of Zr‐bearing phase other than zircon in a closed system and crystallization from externally derived Zr‐bearing melt. Four samples contain magmatic zircon cores, yielding upper intercept U–Pb ages of 807 ± 35–768 ± 12 Ma suggesting that the protoliths of the migmatites are Neoproterozoic in age. The migmatite zircon yields weighted mean two‐stage Hf model ages of 2513 ± 97–894 ± 54 Ma, indicating reworking of both juvenile and ancient crustal materials at the time of their protolith formation. The metamorphic zircons give U–Pb ages of 145 ± 2–120 ± 2 Ma. The oldest age indicates that partial melting commenced prior to 145 Ma, which also constrains the onset of extensional tectonism in this region to pre‐145 Ma. The youngest age of 120 Ma was obtained from an undeformed granitic vein, indicating that deformation in this area was complete at this time. Two major episodes of partial melting were dated at 139 ± 1 and 123 ± 1Ma. The first episode of partial melting is obviously older than the timing of post‐collision magmatism, corresponding to regional extension. The second episode of partial melting is coeval with the widespread post‐collision magmatism, indicating the gravitational collapse and delamination of the orogenic lithospheric keel of the Dabie orogen, which were possibly triggered by the uprising of the Cretaceous mid‐Pacific superplume.  相似文献   

刘祥  詹琼窑  朱弟成  王青  谢锦程  张亮亮 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3513-3526



宋国学  秦克章  刘铁兵  李光明  申萍 《岩石学报》2010,26(10):2946-2958
阿尔泰造山带南缘发育有NW向斜列的四个泥盆纪海相火山岩沉积盆地,位于北西端的阿舍勒盆地产有阿舍勒大型铜锌矿床,前人对该矿床开展了大量研究,但其容矿火山岩的年龄尚未明确厘定。本文应用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和锆石Hf同位素、微量元素,对阿舍勒铜锌矿区内出露的泥盆纪火山岩进行了研究。由锆石U-Pb定年获得了一组火山岩老锆石谐和年龄为1985±8.9Ma,加权年龄为2005±30Ma,代表了阿尔泰地区前寒武纪结晶基底的形成时代,其Th/U值在0.25~0.90之间,εHf(t)为-1.4~8.5,平均值为3.3;另外一组新锆石年龄为408±8Ma,其εHf(t)为9.3,Th/U值为0.49,具有典型岩浆锆石特征,代表了早泥盆世岩浆活动高峰期一次火山活动时代。老锆石∑REE从最低的1015×10-6变化到最高的3486×10-6,表现为轻稀土亏损,重稀土富集特征;本组锆石不同于正常岩浆锆石的显著特征是部分出现Ce元素负异常。锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素及稀土元素Ce负异常特征综合显示,阿尔泰前寒武纪结晶基底可能形成于Columbia超大陆拼合聚集背景下,其物源来自强还原性地幔物质与氧化性地壳物质的不均匀混合。  相似文献   

西藏中部拉萨地块大规模早白垩世花岗岩类的岩浆源区和岩石成因迄今尚未得到很好约束,对这些问题的深入理解将有助于揭示拉萨地块白垩纪时期的岩浆作用过程及成矿背景。本文报道了中部拉萨地块代表性花岗岩基——措勤麦嘎岩基的锆石U-Pb年代学、全岩元素地球化学、Sr-Nd同位素和锆石Hf同位素数据。本文锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,麦嘎岩基花岗质岩主要侵位于122±1Ma和113±2Ma,闪长质包体与后者同期(113±2Ma)。122±1Ma花岗质岩属I型弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列,(87Sr/86Sr)i值高(0.7147),全岩εNd(t)(-12.0)和锆石εHf(t)(-15.7~-11.1)为较大的负值,表明其很可能来源于古老下地壳物质的重熔。113±2Ma寄主花岗质岩为I型偏铝质-弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列,相对于122±1Ma花岗质岩石,其(87Sr/86Sr)i比值偏低(0.7094~0.7156)、全岩εNd(t)值(-12.1~-7.3)和锆石εHf(t)值(-11.1~0.1)较高,很可能来源于古老下地壳物质的部分熔融,并含有更多幔源物质。闪长质包体(113±2Ma)为偏铝质中-高钾钙碱性系列,以变化范围大的(87Sr/86Sr)i(0.7058~0.7105)、负的全岩εNd(t)值(-10.7~-9.8)及负的锆石εHf(t)值(-14.0~-5.6)为特征,可能是古老富集岩石圈地幔物质部分熔融的产物或亏损地幔物质经历强烈地壳混染作用的结果。在目前已有资料条件下(缺乏同期基性岩石的相关数据),本文暂将麦嘎岩基113±2Ma寄主花岗质岩及同期闪长质包体解释为镁铁质岩浆与长英质岩浆发生不同程度岩浆混合作用的产物,这一解释可能对中部拉萨地块同期花岗类的岩石成因具普遍意义。麦嘎岩基及中部拉萨地块同期岩浆岩约113Ma幔源物质增加现象,可能是南向俯冲的班公湖-怒江洋壳岩石圈板片断离的结果。  相似文献   

Both oceanic and continental HP rocks are juxtaposed in the Huwan shear zone in the western Dabie orogen, and thus provide a window for testing the buoyancy‐driven exhumation of dense oceanic HP rocks. The HP metamorphic age of the continental rocks in this zone has not been well constrained, and hence it is not known if they are of the same age as the exhumation of the HP oceanic rocks. In situ laser ablation (multiple collector) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐(MC‐)ICP‐MS), U–Pb, trace element and Hf isotope analyses were made on zircon in a granitic gneiss and two eclogites from the Huwan shear zone. U–Pb age and trace element analysis of residual magmatic zircon in an eclogite constrain its protolith formation at 411 ± 4 Ma. The zircon in this sample displays εHf (t) values of +6.1 to +14.4. The positive εHf (t) values up to +14.4 suggest that the protolith was derived from a relatively depleted mantle source, most likely Palaeotethyan oceanic crust. A granitic gneiss and the other eclogite yield protolith U–Pb ages of 738 ± 6 and 700 ± 14 Ma, respectively, which are both the Neoproterozoic basement rocks of the Yangtze Block. The zircon in the granitic gneiss has low εHf (t) values of ?14.2 to ?10.5 and old TDM2 ages of 2528–2298 Ma, suggesting reworking of Palaeoproterozoic crust during the Neoproterozoic. The zircon in the eclogite has εHf (t) values of ?1.0 to +7.4 and TDM1 ages of 1294–966 Ma, implying prompt reworking of juvenile crust during its protolith formation. Metamorphic zircon in both eclogite samples displays low Th/U ratios, trace element concentrations, relatively flat heavy rare earth element patterns, weak negative Eu anomalies and low 176Lu/177Hf ratios. All these features suggest that the metamorphic zircon formed in the presence of garnet but in the absence of feldspar, and thus under eclogite facies conditions. The metamorphic zircon yields U–Pb ages of 310 ± 3 and 306 ± 7 Ma. Therefore, both the oceanic‐ and continental‐type eclogites share the same episode of Carboniferous eclogite facies metamorphism. This suggests that high‐pressure continental‐type metamorphic rocks might have played a key role in the exhumation and preservation of oceanic‐type eclogites through buoyancy‐driven uplift.  相似文献   

Based on new evidence the Sulu orogen is divided from south‐east to north‐west into high‐pressure (HP) crustal slice I and ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) crustal slices II and III. A combined set of mineral inclusions, cathodoluminescence images, U‐Pb SHRIMP dating and in situ trace element and Lu‐Hf isotope analyses was obtained on zircon from orthogneisses of the different slices. Zircon grains typically have three distinct domains that formed during crystallization of the magmatic protolith, HP or UHP metamorphism and late‐amphibolite facies retrogression, respectively: (i) oscillatory zoned cores, with low‐pressure (LP) mineral inclusions and Th/U > 0.38; (ii) high‐luminescent mantles (Th/U < 0.10), with HP mineral inclusions of Qtz + Grt + Arg + Phe + Ap for slice I zircon and Coe + Grt + Phe + Kfs + Ap for both slices II and III zircon; (iii) low‐luminescent rims, with LP mineral inclusions and Th/U < 0.08. Zircon U‐Pb SHRIMP analyses of inherited cores point to protolith ages of 785–770 Ma in all seven orthogneisses. The ages recorded for UHP metamorphism and subsequent retrogression in slice II zircon (c. 228 and c. 215 Ma, respectively) are significantly older than those of slice III zircon (c. 218 and c. 202 Ma, respectively), while slice I zircon recorded even older ages for HP metamorphism and subsequent retrogression (c. 245 and c. 231 Ma, respectively). Moreover, Ar‐Ar biotite ages from six paragneisses, interpreted as dating amphibolite facies retrogression, gradually decrease from HP slice I (c. 232 Ma) to UHP slice II (c. 215 Ma) and UHP slice III (c. 203 Ma). The combined data set suggests decreasing ages for HP or UHP metamorphism and late retrogression in the Sulu orogen from south‐east to north‐west. Thus, the HP‐UHP units are interpreted to represent three crustal slices, which underwent different subduction and exhumation histories. Slice I was detached from the continental lithosphere at ~55–65 km depth and subsequently exhumed while subduction of the underlying slice II continued to ~100–120 km depth (UHP) before detachment and exhumation. Slice III experienced a similar geodynamic evolution as slice II, however, both UHP metamorphism and subsequent exhumation took place c. 10 Myr later. Magmatic zircon cores from two types of orthogneiss in UHP slices II and III show similar mid‐Neoproterozoic crystallization ages, but have contrasting Hf isotope compositions (εHf(~785) = ?2.7 to +2.2 and ?17.3 to ?11.1, respectively), suggesting their formation from distinct crustal units (Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic to Archean, respectively) during the breakup of Rodinia. The UHP and the retrograde zircon domains are characterized by lower Th/U and 176Lu/177Hf but higher 176Hf/177Hf(t) than the Neoproterozoic igneous cores. The similarity between UHP and retrograde domains indicates that late retrogression did not significantly modify chemical and isotopic composition of the UHP metamorphic system.  相似文献   

Detrital zircons from Holocene beach sand and igneous zircons from the Cretaceous syenite forming Cape Sines (Western Iberian margin) were dated using laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry. The U–Pb ages obtained were used for comparison with previous radiometric data from Carboniferous greywacke, Pliocene–Pleistocene sand and Cretaceous syenite forming the sea cliff at Cape Sines and the contiguous coast. New U–Pb dating of igneous morphologically simple and complex zircons from the syenite of the Sines pluton suggests that the history of zircon crystallization was more extensive (ca 87 to 74 Ma), in contrast to the findings of previous geochronology studies (ca 76 to 74 Ma). The U–Pb ages obtained in Holocene sand revealed a wide interval, ranging from the Cretaceous to the Archean, with predominance of Cretaceous (37%), Palaeozoic (35%) and Neoproterozoic (19%) detrital‐zircon ages. The paucity of round to sub‐rounded grains seems to indicate a short transportation history for most of the Cretaceous zircons (ca 95 to 73 Ma) which are more abundant in the beach sand that was sampled south of Cape Sines. Comparative analysis using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical method, analysing sub‐populations separately, suggests that the zircon populations of the Carboniferous and Cretaceous rocks forming the sea cliff were reproduced faithfully in Quaternary sand, indicating sediment recycling. The similarity of the pre‐Cretaceous ages (>ca 280 Ma) of detrital zircons found in Holocene sand, as compared with Carboniferous greywacke and Pliocene–Pleistocene sand, provides support for the hypothesis that detritus was reworked into the beach from older sedimentary rocks exposed along the sea cliff. The largest percentage of Cretaceous zircons (<ca 95 Ma) found in Holocene sand, as compared with Pliocene–Pleistocene sand (secondary recycled source), suggests that the Sines pluton was the one of the primary sources that became progressively more exposed to erosion during Quaternary uplift. This work highlights the application of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method in comparison of zircon age populations used to identify provenance and sediment recycling in modern and ancient detrital sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

梅仙花岗岩体位于幕阜山复式花岗岩基西南部,其成岩时代、岩石成因对湘东北地区新元古代花岗岩带成因研究以及其构造背景有着重要的指示意义。本次研究对梅仙岩体中粗粒、细粒两种结构的黑云母花岗岩分别开展了LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年、锆石Hf同位素和全岩地球化学测试。分析结果显示,中粗粒和细粒花岗岩年龄分别为819. 6±4. 6 Ma和810. 4±4. 7 Ma,证实梅仙岩体形成于新元古代,代表江南造山带中段新元古代构造- 岩浆活动高峰的结束。梅仙岩体的中粗粒花岗岩εHf (t)=5. 4~10. 1, tDM2=1. 31~1. 04 Ga,细粒花岗岩εHf (t)=5. 0~9. 9, tDM2=1. 33~1. 06 Ga。梅仙花岗岩具有正的εHf (t)值,且其Hf二阶段模式年龄接近冷家溪群碎屑锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄峰值(1. 4~1. 0 Ga),暗示其母岩浆有新生地壳物质的参与。梅仙花岗岩具有富硅铝、高钠、中低钾、弱过铝质,较富集Rb、Th、U、Li、LREE等元素,亏损Ba、Nb、Sr、Sm等元素的特征,以及复杂的Eu异常(δEu=0. 58~1. 61)特征,属于或近似于火山弧花岗岩。梅仙花岗岩的Mg#值(45~59)明显高于地壳熔体的Mg#值(17~38),又暗示其母岩浆可能混入一定比例幔源物质。结合前人研究,本文认为梅仙花岗岩应是幔源岩浆底侵导致新生火成岩地壳部分熔融形成的非典型I型、I- S型花岗岩,其形成于扬子- 华夏板块陆陆碰撞后期,江南造山带构造背景由挤压向伸展转换的特殊时期。  相似文献   

本文首先提出了河流泥沙输移过程中泥沙中的钙镁矿物溶蚀消耗水体中的CO2并具有碳汇功能的观点。基于前人长江干流从源头到入海口和支流2003~2007年期间4次河流悬移质泥沙的化学元素组成和矿物组成资料,分析悬移质中CaO、MgO含量和方解石、白云石含量变化特征,定量计算了这些取样点悬移质泥沙的CO2总碳汇能力和非永久性、永久性碳汇能力,分析了不同碳汇能力沿程变化规律及其原因。碳汇计算结果表明:寸滩—大通河段1956~2000年期间泥沙输移过程中钙镁矿物溶蚀产生的总碳汇量、非永久性和永久性碳汇量分别为2572万t/a、1700万t/a和872万t/a。由于输沙量减少,寸滩站—大通站河段的总碳汇量、非永久性和永久性碳汇量2006~2019年期间较1956~2000年期间相应分别减少了1852万t、1224万t和872万t。三峡水库年均淤积量1. 145亿t,损失总碳汇量675. 6万t,相当于三峡电站减排二氧化碳8580万t的7. 9%。全球河流入海年输沙量126. 1亿t,以寸滩- 吴淞口河段碳汇功能0. 060 t/t计,总碳汇量7. 57亿t相当于全球岩石风化碳汇总量10. 56亿t CO2的71. 6%。河流泥沙输移过程中钙镁矿物溶蚀的碳汇量具有重要的作用,其溶蚀速率大于原地风化。  相似文献   

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