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High Mg–Al granulites from the Sunki locality in the central portion of the Eastern Ghats Province record evidence for the high-temperature peak and retrograde evolution. Peak metamorphic phase assemblages from two samples are garnet + orthopyroxene + quartz + ilmenite + melt and orthopyroxene + spinel + sillimanite + melt, respectively. Isochemical phase diagrams (pseudosections) based on bulk rock compositions calculated in the chemical system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) and Al contents in orthopyroxene indicate peak UHT metamorphic conditions in excess of 960 °C and 9.7 kbar. Microstructures and the presence of cordierite interpreted to record the post-peak evolution show that the rocks underwent decompression and minor cooling from conditions of peak UHT metamorphism to conditions of ~ 900 °C at ~ 7.5 kbar. In situ U–Pb isotope analyses of monazite associated with garnet and cordierite using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) yield a weighted mean 207Pb/235U age of ca. 980 Ma, which is interpreted to broadly constrain the timing of high-temperature monazite growth during decompression and melt crystallization at ~ 900–890 °C and 7.5 kbar. However, the range of 207Pb/235U monazite ages (from ca. 1014 Ma to 959 Ma for one sample and ca. 1043 Ma to 922 Ma for the second sample) suggest protracted monazite growth during the high-temperature retrograde evolution, and possibly diffusive lead loss during slow cooling after decompression. The results of the integrated petrologic and geochronologic approach presented here are inconsistent with a long time gap between peak conditions and the formation of cordierite-bearing assemblages at lower pressure, as proposed in previous studies, but are consistent with a simple evolution of a UHT peak followed by decompression and cooling.  相似文献   

We report here U–Pb electron microprobe ages from zircon and monazite associated with corundum- and sapphirine-bearing granulite facies rocks of Lachmanapatti, Sengal, Sakkarakkottai and Mettanganam in the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone system and Ganguvarpatti in the northern Madurai Block of southern India. Mineral assemblages and petrologic characteristics of granulite facies assemblages in all these localities indicate extreme crustal metamorphism under ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) conditions. Zircon cores from Lachmanapatti range from 3200 to 2300 Ma with a peak at 2420 Ma, while those from Mettanganam show 2300 Ma peak. Younger zircons with peak ages of 2100 and 830 Ma are displayed by the UHT granulites of Sengal and Ganguvarpatti, although detrital grains with 2000 Ma ages are also present. The Late Archaean-aged cores are mantled by variable rims of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic ages in most cases. Zircon cores from Ganguvarpatti range from 2279 to 749 Ma and are interpreted to reflect multiple age sources. The oldest cores are surrounded by Palaeoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic rims, and finally mantled by Neoproterozoic overgrowths. In contrast, monazites from these localities define peak ages of between 550 and 520 Ma, with an exception of a peak at 590 Ma for the Lachmanapatti rocks. The outermost rims of monazite grains show spot ages in the range of 510–450 Ma.While the zircon populations in these rocks suggest multiple sources of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic age, the monazite data are interpreted to date the timing of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in southern India as latest Neoproterozoic to Cambrian in both the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone system and the northern Madurai Block. The data illustrate the extent of Neoproterozoic/Cambrian metamorphism as India joined the Gondwana amalgam at the dawn of the Cambrian.  相似文献   

Chlorite and associated minerals from the volcanogenic Taveyanne metasediment of the western Helvetic nappes, Switzerland, were investigated by electron microprobe (EMP) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in order to determine their textural and chemical evolution during low-temperature metamorphism. EMP analyses of chloritic material from sub-greenschist facies outcrops show a decrease of Si and Σ(Ca, Na, K) with increasing metamorphic grade. A number of conclusions may be drawn from combined TEM images and analytical electron microscopy (AEM) data. 1 In diagenetic-grade samples, chlorite crystals (observed maximum defect-free distance=80 nm) always contain some 1 nm layers (with a maximum of 29% of all layers) and less frequently some 0.7 nm berthierine-like layers. With increasing grade, the amounts of 1 and 0.7 nm layers decrease, and most chlorite from the epizone is structurally pure or contains less than 2% of 1 nm layers. 2 A positive correlation was found between the amount of 1 nm layers and the Ca+K+Na content, indicating that the 1 nm layers are saponite. 3 Observations and calculations suggest that the transformation reaction of saponite to chlorite takes place by the replacement of the interlayer cations in saponite by brucite-like layers resulting in a local volume decrease. In contrast, the destruction of berthierine has only minor influence on the local bulk volume. These results confirm recent studies which show that the change in composition measured by EMP of diagenetic-grade chloritic material are mainly the result of mixtures of chlorite and saponite. The use of chlorite ‘geothermometry’ in such systems is greatly influenced by the presence of saponite and hence is not based on reaction equilibria, even though temperatures calculated in this study agree with temperatures derived from other methods. Therefore, chlorite evolution should be treated as a kinetically controlled grade indicator and developed as a qualitative scale similar to the illite crystallinity index.  相似文献   

Geochronological data are presented from Northern Tanzania, where deep-crustal terranes of different age are exposed. Stacking of these terranes was diachronous with one peak around 640 Ma, defined as East African Orogeny, and final consolidation at 550–580 Ma, that is defined as Kuunga Orogeny. This later event is predominant in the Western Granulite Belt of northern Tanzania and related to thrusting onto the Tanzanian Craton. The Tanzania Craton itself experienced a polycyclic history; age domains around 2.64 Ga prevail in the studied samples. There is no evidence of the Paleoproterozoic Usagaran Belt in northern Tanzania. Here the gneisses contain relicts of reworked Archean basement and are therefore considered part of the Western Granulites. Inliers of the Western Granulites are also found in the cores of marble antiforms that are part of the upper, sedimentary sequence of the Eastern Granulites. Those inliers formed during the Kuungan orogenic phase when the Eastern Granulites have taken their final position and were folded together with the Western Granulites.  相似文献   

This paper examines the surface sediments collected from Dongping Lake in China for speciation and distribution of toxic heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd) in different grain size fractions, and for the factors that need to be considered in potential hazard of metals to the environment. Four grain size fractions (<63, 63–78, 78–163 and 163–280 μm), divided in wet condition, and bulk samples less than 280 μm in diameter were analyzed for their distribution, density and appearance. A three-stage extraction procedure following the BCR protocol was used to chemically fractionate metals into “acid soluble”, “reducible”, “oxidizable” and “residual” fractions. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the datasets. The results showed that <63 μm grain size part constitutes the major proportion of the sediments, but its density is the smallest among the four grain size fractions. In general, the metal content curve against grain size presents “S” distribution, and the highest concentrations do not exist in <63 μm grain size. Appearance observation indicates that the adsorbed substance increases gradually along with the decreasing grain size. The dominant speciation of elements and the extent of pollution are responsible for the metal distribution in different grain size sediments. While studying bioavailability and mobilization of metals, it is advisable to take metal speciation, grain size distribution and density into consideration.  相似文献   

道伦达坝中型铜钨锡矿床位于大兴安岭南段,矿体呈脉状赋存于二叠系板岩及华力西期黑云母花岗岩的断裂破碎带中。道伦达坝矿床发育铜矿体、锡矿体、钨矿体、铜钨矿体、铜锡矿体、钨锡矿体和铜钨锡矿体。矿床的成矿过程可以划分为石英-萤石-白云母-电气石-锡石-黑钨矿阶段(Ⅰ阶段)、石英-萤石-黑钨矿-黄铜矿-毒砂-磁黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ阶段)、石英-萤石-绢云母-黄铜矿-磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿-银矿物阶段(Ⅲ阶段)和方解石-石英-萤石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅳ阶段)。道伦达坝矿床外围的张家营子岩体中的细粒花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为136.1±0.4Ma。Ⅱ阶段Cu-W共生矿体中2件独居石的LAICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为136.0±2.3Ma和135.1±2.2Ma。Ⅲ阶段Cu矿体中1件独居石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为134.7±2.8Ma。Ⅲ阶段铜矿体中1件绢云母的40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为138.8±0.47Ma,等时线年龄为140.0±1.1Ma。系统的定年结果表明,道伦达坝矿床的铜钨矿体和铜矿体均形成于早白垩世,它们属于同一个成矿系统;成矿与早白垩世高分异花岗岩有密切的成因联系。  相似文献   

The Schistes Lustrés (SL) suture zone occupies a key position in the Alpine chain between the high‐pressure (HP) Brianconnais domain and the ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) Dora Maira massif, and reached subduction depths ranging from c. 40–65 km (Cottian Alps). In order to constrain the timing of HP metamorphism and subsequent exhumation, several phengite generations were differentiated, on the basis of habit, texture, paragenesis and chemistry, as belonging to the first or second exhumation episode, respectively, D2 or D3, or to earlier stages of the tectono‐metamorphic evolution. Ten carefully selected samples showing D2, D3 (D2 + D3), or earlier (mostly peak temperature) phengite population(s) were subjected to laser probe 40Ar/39Ar analysis. The data support the results of the petrostructural study with two distinct age groups (crystallization ages) for D2 and D3 phengite, at 51–45 and 38–35 Ma, respectively. The data also reveal a coherent age cluster, at 62–55 Ma, for peak temperature phengite associated with chloritoid which were preserved in low strain domains. The age of the D3 event in the SL complex appears very similar to ages recently obtained for greenschist facies deformation on the border of most internal crystalline massifs. Exhumation rates of the order of 1–2 mm yr?1 are obtained for the SL complex, which are compatible with velocities documented for accretionary wedge settings. Similarly, cooling velocities are only moderate (c.5 °C Myr?1), which is at variance with recent estimates in the nearby UHP massifs.  相似文献   

Zircon, monazite and xenotime crystallized over a temperature interval of several hundred degrees at the magmatic to hydrothermal transition of the Sn and W mineralized Mole Granite. Magmatic zircon and monazite, thought to have crystallized from hydrous silicate melt, were dated by conventional U–Pb techniques at an age of 247.6 ± 0.4 and 247.7 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. Xenotime occurring in hydrothermal quartz is found to be significantly younger at 246.2 ± 0.5 Ma and is interpreted to represent hydrothermal growth. From associated fluid inclusions it is concluded that it precipitated from a hydrothermal brine ≤ 600 °C, which is below the accepted closure temperature for U–Pb in this mineral. These data are compatible with a two-stage crystallization process: precipitation of zircon and monazite as magmatic liquidus phases in deep crustal magma followed by complete crystallization and intimately associated Sn–W mineralization after intrusion of the shallow, sill-like body of the Mole Granite. Later hydrothermal formation of monazite in a biotite–fluorite–topaz reaction rim around a mineralized vein was dated at 244.4 ± 1.4 Ma, which distinctly postdates the Mole Granite and is possibly related to a younger hidden intrusion and its hydrothermal fluid system.

Obtaining precise age data for magmatic and hydrothermal minerals of the Mole Granite is hampered by uncertainties introduced by different corrections required for multiple highly radiogenic minerals crystallising from evolved hydrous granites, including 230Th disequilibrium due to Th/U fractionation during monazite and possibly xenotime crystallization, variable Th/U ratios of the fluids from which xenotime was precipitating, elevated contents of common lead, and post-crystallization lead loss in zircon, enhanced by the fluid-saturated environment. The data imply that monazite can also survive as a liquidus phase in protracted magmatic systems over periods of 106 years. The outlined model is in agreement with prominent chemical core-rim variation of the zircon.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon secreting alga Botryococcus has been identified in organic remains of sediments ranging from Precambrian to Recent, and is believed to have been a major source material for petroleum generation throughout the geological time. In some petroleum source rocks of Lower Palaeozoic and Precambrian age, identification of the alga is only possible by electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used in the present study to identify microstructures of the algal remains in a range of oil shales and petroleum source rocks. It has been established that Botryococcus is the predominant alga in the Kukersite oil shale of Estonia. Similarly, the alga has been shown to be a major contributor to petroleum source rocks in Cambrian and Precambrian sedimentary basins in Australia. TEM has been applied to observations of Botryococcus in torbanites and to products from simulated maturation experiments on torbanite. A comparison with algal remains from Cambrian and Precambrian sediments ranging from undermature to overmature, enabled the distinction of organic matter in various stages of oil generation. Maturation/thermal effects on alginite have been established by reflectance and fluorescence, and compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

文中对高级变质作用(高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相)条件下"干的"岩石体系中锆石U、Th、Ph行为进行了研究.样品为胶东栖霞地区太古宙变质基底的高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相变质闪长岩.矿物组合为单斜辉石+斜长石+钾长石+黑云母+石英.锆石呈近短轴状、等轴状和不规则状,阴极发光下具板状、杉树叶状、扇形结构,部分具封闭环带结构.锆石中存在斜...  相似文献   

The effect of prolonged contact time (up to 130 days) on the immobilization of Cd by sorption to calcium exchanged zeolite-X (CaX), under environmentally relevant conditions, was studied using both isotopic exchange and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). Sorption and isotopic exchange measurements revealed time-dependent Cd sorption and indicated the movement of Cd2+ ions into less accessible sites due to ageing. EXAFS suggested progressive fixation of Cd in the double six-ring (D6R) unit of the CaX structure. Proportional allocation of the apparent Cd-Si bond distance to two ‘end-members’, across all contact times, indicated that the bond distance for labile Cd was 3.41 Å and for non-labile (or fixed) Cd was 3.47 Å.  相似文献   

上扬子西南缘地区广泛分布峨眉山玄武岩,受其影响在中带金阳和外带荥经地区嘉陵江组发育滨岸和潮坪环境沉积物。本文在交错层理恢复的物源方向基础上,根据重矿物组成、重矿物电子探针和碎屑锆石测年结果,综合分析不同区域嘉陵江组物源区,进而探讨嘉陵江组形成的构造环境。嘉陵江组砂岩碎屑重矿物锆石、磷灰石、铬尖晶石等指示物源主要来自于岩浆岩,且自中带至外带基性岩浆岩所占比重逐渐减少。电气石电子探针分析显示,二者物源主要来自于贫锂花岗岩和变质砂岩、板岩。铬尖晶石显示,金阳地区物源来自峨眉山玄武岩和洋岛岩浆岩类岩石,荥经物源主要来自洋岛岩浆岩类岩石,个别为峨眉山玄武岩。碎屑锆石表明,嘉陵江组物源主要来自于新元古代岩浆岩和晚二叠世峨眉山玄武岩,前者经历再搬运。综合物源分析表明,嘉陵江组物源主要来自康滇古陆,岩石类型主要为峨眉山玄武岩和砂岩等。沉积序列和物源分析表明,嘉陵江组反映了沉积物蚀顶过程。结合地震资料、大火成岩省的分析成果表明,嘉陵江组形成于火山型裂谷边缘。  相似文献   

Mylonitic granites from two shear zones in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) were investigated in order to examine the behaviour of the U–Th–Pb system in zircon and monazite and of the 40Ar–39Ar system in micas during ductile deformation. Meso‐ and micro‐structural data indicate that shear zones gently dip to the NE and SW, have an opposite sense of shear (top‐to‐the‐SW and ‐NE, respectively) and developed under upper greenschist facies conditions. In situ U–Pb dating by laser‐ablation inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry of zircon areas with well‐preserved igneous zoning patterns (c. 490 Ma) confirm that granites were emplaced during the Early Cambrian to Early Ordovician Ross–Delamerian Orogeny. Monazite from the Bier Point Shear Zone (BPSZ) mainly yielded U–Th–Pb ages of c. 440 Ma, in agreement with in‐situ Ar laserprobe ages of syn‐shear muscovite and with most Ar ages of coexisting biotite. The agreement of ages derived from different decay schemes and from minerals with different crystal‐chemical features suggests that isotope transport in the studied sample was mainly controlled by (re)crystallization processes and that the main episode of ductile deformation in the BPSZ occurred at c. 440 Ma. Cathodoluminscence imaging showed that zircon from the BPSZ contains decomposed areas with faint relics of oscillatory zoning. These areas yielded a U–Pb age pattern which mimics that of monazite but is slightly shifted towards older ages, supporting previous studies which suggest that ‘ghost’ structures may be affected by inheritance. In contrast, secondary structures in zircon from the Mt. Emison Shear Zone (MESZ) predominantly consist of overgrowths or totally recrystallized areas and gave U–Pb ages of c. 450 and 410 Ma. The c. 450‐Ma date matches within errors most monazite U–Th–Pb ages and in‐situ Ar ages on biotite aligned along the mylonitic foliation. This again suggests that isotope ages from the different minerals are (re)crystallization ages and constrains the time of shearing in the MESZ to the Late Ordovician. Regionally, results indicate that shear zones were active in the Late Ordovician–Early Silurian and that their development was partially synchronous at c. 440 Ma, suggesting that they belong to a shear‐zone system formed in response to ~NE–SW‐directed shortening. Taking into account the former juxtaposition of northern Victoria Land and SE Australia, we propose that shear zones represent reactivated zones formed in response to stress applied along the new plate margin as a consequence of contractional tectonics associated with the early stages (Benambran Orogeny) of the development of the Late Ordovician–Late Devonian Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we reconstruct the latest Palaeoproterozoic to Early Mesoproterozoic orogenic events along the southern margin of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), using sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U‐Pb zircon dating and Lu‐Hf isotope analyses of zircon and Th‐U‐Pb chemical dating of monazite from samples of the Tirodi biotite gneiss (TBG) unit in the Sausar Mobile Belt (SMB), the latter constituting the southernmost litho‐tectonic component of the CITZ. U‐Pb zircon dating of one migmatitic gneiss sample from the type locality of the Tirodi biotite gneiss in the northern domain of the SMB has yielded an age of 1618 ± 8 Ma, which is considered to be the time of magmatic crystallization of its protolith. Combined U‐Pb zircon and monazite chemical dating of two granite gneiss samples from the southern domain of the SMB broadly constrain magmatic crystallization between 1603 ± 23 Ma and 1584 ± 17 Ma and an overprinting metamorphic recrystallization event at 1572 ± 7 Ma. Monazites from the granite gneiss samples also record a terminal metamorphic event at 1415 ± 23 Ma. Lu‐Hf isotopic analyses of zircons reveal fundamentally different source rock reservoirs for the protoliths of these magmatic rocks across the SMB. While the type TBG from the northern domain was derived from an Early Palaeoproterozoic source T(Hf) from 2093 to 2523 Ma, with a mean value at 2379 Ma) of essentially juvenile material with minor crustal components (εHf(t) from −3.3 to + 3.7), the granite from the southern domain had a mature crustal source (εHf(t) from −12.5 to −21.9) of Palaeoarchaean age T(Hf) from 3051 to 3630 Ma, with a mean value at 3218 Ma). When integrated with metamorphic information previously obtained from the 1.6 Ga ultra‐high temperature granulite facies metamorphic event in the SMB, the discrete magmatic and metamorphic events between 1.62/1.60 Ga and 1.42 Ga can be correlated with the formation of an Early Mesoproterozoic accretionary orogen in the CITZ. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

位于祁连地块北缘的门源-柯柯里杂岩体出露一套早古生代高级变质岩,其中长英质片麻岩的矿物组合以石榴子石+夕线石+黑云母+长石+石英为特征,变基性岩以石榴子石+单斜辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英为特征,具有典型的高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相组合特征。岩相学观察、相平衡模拟和地质温压计估算结果显示门源地区石榴黑云斜长片麻岩和石榴角闪岩的峰期变质作用的温压条件分别为780℃、9.0kbar和790℃、8.4kbar。相平衡模拟揭示石榴黑云斜长片麻岩经历了近等压降温的逆时针P-T轨迹,可能反映了处于中地壳的岩石经历了与洋壳俯冲相关的弧岩浆岩和弧火山岩所带来大量的热所导致的高温变质及随后的等压冷却过程。锆石U-Pb定年显示门源-柯柯里地区2个高级变质岩的变质年龄和1个闪长岩的弧岩浆作用年龄分别为495±2Ma、493±3Ma和495±3Ma,表明门源-柯柯里一带共同经历了北祁连洋壳俯冲导致的500Ma左右的弧岩浆作用和变质作用。门源-柯柯里高温低压变质带和其北侧百经寺-清水沟一带出露的HP/LT变质岩组成了双变质带,并指示了北祁连洋早古生代时期的向南俯冲。  相似文献   

Dating of young (<1 Ma) geological events has long been a challenge for geochronologists. Combining (U‐Th)/He with U‐Pb or U‐Th‐disequilibrium dating methods offers a unique dating tool that can address this important period. We present a new methodology that combines U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS and (U‐Th)/He dating of zircon and use it to date two Pleistocene marker tephras (A1Pm and DPm) from the Omachi Tephra suite (Japan). A1Pm and DPm yield U‐Pb ages in the range of 350–850 and ~140–630 ka, respectively, documenting protracted periods of zircon crystallisation (100's of k.y.) prior to eruption. (U‐Th)/He ages constrain the eruption ages of the A1Pm and DPm tephras to 375 ± 13 and 97.1 ± 7.3 ka, respectively, and are in agreement with published estimates. This study demonstrates the potential of combined zircon U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS and (U‐Th)/He dating to constrain magmatic and eruption events in the critical ~100 ka–1 Ma interval.  相似文献   

Two samples from the Eclogite Micaschist Complex (EMC) and the Seconda Zona Diorito–Kinzigitica (IIDK) of the Sesia Zone have been studied using a high-spatial resolution laser probe 40Ar/39Ar technique with the aim of investigating the complexities of argon behaviour in metamorphic rocks and comparing their thermal histories. Data from a single large phengite grain from the EMC show a range of ages from mid-Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous. These ‘apparent age’ variations are spatially related to both location within the grain and to intragrain microstructure. Modelling of the data shows that the profile formed by the diffusion of an excess argon component into the grain, parallel to the mica cleavage. Profile asymmetry is explained by temporal variations in microstructural development enabling excess argon to enter the grain at different times in different places. The temperatures of the initiation of deformation and the possible time-scales for the deformation can be calculated as a function of cooling rate. All estimates suggest deformation at greenschist facies, in accord with the observed retrograde mineral assemblage. Absolute temperature estimates for deformation vary by less than 22 °C for different cooling rates of 10 and 30 °C Ma?1 but vary by 80 °C with different estimates of diffusion parameters. The duration of deformation was for at least 2 Ma at 10 °C Ma?1 or 0.7 Ma at 30 °C Ma?1. Biotites from the IIDK sample record a Permian to Upper Cretaceous age range that correlates with grain size, the smallest grain sizes yielding the youngest ages. This relationship is best explained by a partial resetting of biotites during an Alpine thermal event initiated not more than 70 Ma ago. Modelling of these data suggest that the sample never exceeded 300 °C during the Alpine. The profoundly different thermal histories of the two units—the EMC recrystallized at 550 °C whilst the IIDK remained below 300 °C—suggests that they may not have been juxtaposed until much later than the eclogite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

通过对西藏纳如松多铅锌矿床4套矿化型式的系统梳理,根据地质事实和相关同位素证据,初步建立了一个独立的和岩浆作用相关的热液铅锌成矿系统模式。纳如松多铅锌矿化和石英正长斑岩密切相关,目前已发现了产在斑岩外围的古新世典中组凝灰岩地层中的隐爆角砾岩型矿化、产在斑岩与二叠纪下拉组灰岩接触带上的矽卡岩型矿化、产在斑岩外围典中组凝灰岩与二叠纪昂杰组砂板岩岩性分界面上的矿层型矿化以及产在凝灰岩或砂板岩内部先存裂隙中的脉型矿化等4种铅锌矿化型式。它们均以绿帘石绿泥石化、硅化绢云母化和碳酸盐化为主要围岩蚀变类型,矿石矿物为方铅矿+闪锌矿,主要脉石矿物为黄铁矿+黄铜矿+石英+绢云母+方解石,蚀变和矿物组合特征指示它们发育在同一矿化系统中,但成矿热液温度逐渐降低。隐爆角砾岩型和矽卡岩型矿化成矿流体δDV-SMOW值分布范围较大(-177‰~-118‰和-164‰~-139‰),δ18OV-SMOW值分布范围较小(-2.76‰~3.29‰和-5.46‰~-4.58‰),反映其主要来自发生了去气作用的岩浆水,并混合了少量大气降水。4种矿化型式的S同位素值按照隐爆角砾岩型(4.15‰)、矽卡岩型(7.92‰)、矿层型(8.49‰)和脉型(8.80‰)的顺序逐渐增大,反映其主要来自发生了H2S去气作用的残余岩浆相。矿区成矿斑岩与冷水坑斑岩型铅锌矿床的成矿斑岩极为相似,推测矿区深部也有斑岩型铅锌矿化的可能。一个独立的和岩浆作用相关的铅锌成矿系统模式由此建立,它包括了发育在挤压环境中所有和岩浆作用相关的铅锌矿化类型,可简述如下:新特提斯洋壳俯冲回转,地幔楔及上覆地壳部分熔融,纳如松多独具特色的斑岩岩浆形成;岩浆上升侵位,H2O及H2S去气,流体初溶,岩浆内部和顶部分别汇集了富氧化性质S和金属物质及富还原性质S和金属物质的残余岩浆流体;岩浆进一步侵位,温度降低,矿物结晶,SO2水解,斑岩型铅锌矿化形成;岩浆侵位到凝灰岩地层中,凝灰岩高压致爆,硫化物沉淀,隐爆角砾岩型铅锌矿化形成;富成矿物质残余岩浆水向外运移,伴随H2S进一步去气,矽卡岩型、矿层型、脉型铅锌矿化在不同岩性地层和构造位置中形成。  相似文献   

In France, the Devonian–Carboniferous Variscan orogeny developed at the expense of continental crust belonging to the northern margin of Gondwana. A Visean–Serpukhovian crustal melting has been recently documented in several massifs. However, in the Montagne Noire of the Variscan French Massif Central, which is the largest area involved in this partial melting episode, the age of migmatization was not clearly settled. Eleven U–Th–Pbtot. ages on monazite and three U–Pb ages on associated zircon are reported from migmatites (La Salvetat, Ourtigas), anatectic granitoids (Laouzas, Montalet) and post-migmatitic granites (Anglès, Vialais, Soulié) from the Montagne Noire Axial Zone are presented here for the first time. Migmatization and emplacement of anatectic granitoids took place around 333–326 Ma (Visean) and late granitoids emplaced around 325–318 Ma (Serpukhovian). Inherited zircons and monazite date the orthogneiss source rock of the Late Visean melts between 560 Ma and 480 Ma. In migmatites and anatectic granites, inherited crystals dominate the zircon populations. The migmatitization is the middle crust expression of a pervasive Visean crustal melting event also represented by the “Tufs anthracifères” volcanism in the northern Massif Central. This crustal melting is widespread in the French Variscan belt, though it is restricted to the upper plate of the collision belt. A mantle input appears as a likely mechanism to release the heat necessary to trigger the melting of the Variscan middle crust at a continental scale.  相似文献   

Upper crustal strike-slip duplexes provide an excellent opportunity to address the fundamental question of fault zone development and strain partitioning in an evolving system. Detailed field mapping of the Mesozoic Atacama fault system in the Coastal Cordillera of Northern Chile documents the progressive development of second- and third-order faults forming a duplex at a dilational jog between two overstepping master faults: the sinistral strike-slip, NNW-striking, Jorgillo and Bolfin faults. These are constituted by a meter-wide core of foliated S-C ultracataclasite and cataclasite, flanked by a damage zone of protocataclasite, splay faults and veins. Lateral separation of markers along master faults is on the order of a few kilometers. Second-order, NW-striking, oblique-slip subsidiary fault zones do not show foliated ultracataclasite; lateral sinistral separations are in the range of  10 to 200 m with a relatively minor normal dip-slip component. In turn, third-order, east–west striking normal faults exhibit centimetric displacement. Oblique-slip (sinistral–normal) fault zones located at the southern termination of the Bolfin fault form a well-developed imbricate fan structure. They exhibit a relatively simple architecture of extensional and extensional-shear fractures bound by low displacement shear fractures. Kinematic analysis of fault slip data from mesoscopic faults within the duplex area, document that the NW-striking and the EW-striking faults accommodate transtension and extension, respectively. Examination of master and subsidiary faults of the duplex indicates a strong correlation between total displacement and internal fault structure. Faults started from arrays of en echelon extensional/extensional-shear fractures that then coalesced into throughgoing strike-slip faults. Further displacement leads to the formation of discrete bands of cataclasite and ultracataclasite that take up a significant part of the total displacement. We interpret that the duplex formed by progressive linkage of horsetail-like structures at the southern tip of the Bolfin fault that joined splay faults coming from the Jorgillo and Coloso faults. The geometry and kinematics of faults is compared with that observed in analog models to gain an insight into the kinematic processes leading to complex strike-slip fault zones in the upper crust.  相似文献   

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