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根据在太平洋海底光缆中国段路由勘察中所获得的多波束、侧扫声呐、浅地层剖面、海洋磁力、柱状取样等资料,结合勘察区的自然环境特征,对路由区的自然环境条件、海底工程地质条件进行了详细的分析,并对该段路由条件进行了综合评价。研究发现,此段路由在大陆架路由区海底地形平缓,平均坡度小于2°,其中发现沙波、麻坑、冲刷沟等轻微不良地貌因素,跨越了黏土/粉砂、砂砾、砾/固结砂海底,地震活动少,地壳稳定性好,适合海底光缆铺设;在大陆架与大陆坡结合带地形起伏大,最大落差达500 m,发育有海底峡谷、海槽、陡坎等海底地形,路由条件相对较差,综合所获资料,针对路由不良区域进行了适当调整,并提出应对措施。调整后的路由基本适合海底光缆的铺设。  相似文献   

根据勘察路由区旁侧声纳、浅地层剖面仪和多波束测深等物理探测手段所获取的资料 ,结合其它自然环境资料 ,对路由区海底工程地质条件进行了详尽的分析 ,通过对地质灾害、海洋开发活动等影响的分析 ,对该段路由区环境进行了综合评价。研究结果表明 ,该段路由工程环境适合于光缆的铺设  相似文献   

根据在东南亚至日本海底光缆汕头段(300m水深以浅)路由勘察中所获得的多波束、侧扫声纳、浅地层剖面、柱状取样等资料,结合勘察区的自然环境特征,对路由区的自然环境条件、海底工程地质条件进行了详细的分析,并对该段路由条件进行了综合评价。研究表明,此段路由在大陆架区域路由条件较好,适合海底光缆的铺设;在大陆架与大陆坡结合带路南条件相对较差,应做好应对措施。  相似文献   

根据勘察路由区旁侧声纳、浅地层剖面仪和多波束测深等物理探测手段所获取的资料,结合其它自然环境资料,对路由区海底工程地质条件进行了详尽的分析,通过对地质灾害、海洋开发活动等影响的分析,对该段路由区环境进行了综合评价。研究结果表明,该段路由工程环境适合于光缆的铺设。  相似文献   

中美海底光缆是连接中国和美国的主要国际通讯光缆之一,该光缆中国段穿越中国南海北部陆架、陆坡、海盆平原和马尼拉沟-弧区域,地形地貌、地质条件和水动力条件非常复杂。为了探讨这些复杂条件对该光缆的影响,充分利用了获取的区域水深、侧扫、浅地层剖面、底质等数据,并结合区域构造背景和水文气象条件,分析典型不良地形地貌特征,特别是陡坡、裸露基岩以及陆架-陆坡区大面积的沙波活动对海缆造成的危害。根据底质沉积及浅地层特征,研究南海北部陆架路由走廊的底质分区。综合分析结果表明光缆所处区域构造稳定,针对路由线路作适当调整后以适合光缆铺设。该研究内容可为经过南海复杂地质区域的海底光缆路由选择积累经验。  相似文献   

在浙江象山檀头山海底电缆路由勘察中获得的地形测量、侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面探测、工程地质钻探等资料基础上,结合其他自然环境资料对路由勘察区工程地质条件进行了详尽的分析和研究。结果表明,该区域工程环境较适合海缆的铺设,海缆可铺设于勘察区的南部,登陆点附近基岩裸露区和砾石应进行清理、开挖和采取防护措施,海底和冲刷槽边坡稳定,檀头山附近水下浅滩地层中浅层气上冲至海底面以下最浅不足5m,对海底电缆影响不大,但要在开挖施工时引起注意。  相似文献   

通过对路由区海域的海底地形、地貌、浅层沉积结构的探测及对其自然环境资料的综合分析,在中韩两国之间选择了一条条件最佳的光缆路线,并对其环境进行了全面分析与评价  相似文献   

海洋路由勘测对海底光缆工程的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了水深、海底坡度、土壤剪切强度以及潮流、雷暴等海洋路由各勘测要素及其在海底光缆通信施工中的作用,并对它们在施工中的作用及其必要性进行了评价,从而使海洋路由勘测与施工的需要结合得更紧密,更具有针对性。  相似文献   

蔡锋  陈峰  王树宏  陈坚 《台湾海峡》1999,18(1):14-19
本文论述了珠江口珠海-深圳海底光缆路由设计、建设所涉及的主要技术问题,解决了港湾内海缆路由勘设及施工遇到的多种复杂的实际难题,为今后港湾内海缆建设提供参考.  相似文献   

根据在路由区所进行的旁扫声纳及浅地层剖面仪的声波探测和取样分析结果,对影响中韩海底光缆敷设及日后安全防护工程的浅埋岩石与露头、砂波、砂斑、砂香等灾害性地质现象进行了研究与评价。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(3):197-208
The purpose of this paper is to present results from the first five-year phase of a large fisheries co-management research project implemented by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) and the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM), with national partners in Asia and Africa. More specifically, the paper will present results of conditions which affect the success of co-management as identified through the project's research activities in Asia. The 18 conditions identified as being of high importance for success are grouped into three categories: supra-community level, community level, and individual and household level.  相似文献   

针对以交通客流预测结果为基础所提出的城市群城际快速轨道交通系统初步规划方案,通过建立基于系统效益、经济效益和社会环境效益等3个方面的指标体系,构建适合我国城市群交通发展现状和趋势的评价模型和方法,对城市群轨道交通系统的结构与功能进行衡量和评估,辨别系统发展程度,对规划线网进行评价,从总体上对城际轨道交通系统规划方案的可靠性与合理性进行验证。  相似文献   

Most of the basins developed in the continental core of SE Asia (Sundaland) evolved since the Late Cretaceous in a manner that may be correlated to the conditions of the subduction in the Sunda Trench. By the end of Mesozoic times Sundaland was an elevated area composed of granite and metamorphic basement on the rims; which suffered collapse and incipient extension, whereas the central part was stable. This promontory was surrounded by a large subduction zone, except in the north and was a free boundary in the Early Cenozoic. Starting from the Palaeogene and following fractures initiated during the India Eurasia collision, rifting began along large faults (mostly N–S and NNW–SSE strike-slip), which crosscut the whole region. The basins remained in a continental fluvio-lacustrine or shallow marine environment for a long time and some are marked by extremely stretched crust (Phu Khanh, Natuna, N. Makassar) or even reached the ocean floor spreading stage (Celebes, Flores). Western Sundaland was a combination of basin opening and strike-slip transpressional deformation. The configuration suggests a free boundary particularly to the east (trench pull associated with the Proto-South China Sea subduction; Java–Sulawesi trench subduction rollback). In the Early Miocene, Australian blocks reached the Sunda subduction zone and imposed local shortening in the south and southeast, whereas the western part was free from compression after the Indian continent had moved away to the north. This suggests an important coupling of the Sunda Plate with the Indo-Australian Plate both to SE and NW, possibly further west rollback had ceased in the Java–Sumatra subduction zone, and compressional stress was being transferred northwards across the plate boundary. The internal compression is expressed to the south by shortening which is transmitted as far as the Malay basin. In the Late Miocene, most of the Sunda Plate was under compression, except the tectonically isolated Andaman Sea and the Damar basins. In the Pliocene, collision north of Australia propagated toward the north and west causing subduction reversal and compression in the short-lived Damar Basin. Docking of the Philippine Plate confined the eastern side of Sundaland and created local compression and uplift such as in NW Borneo, Palawan and Taiwan. Transpressional deformation created extensive folding, strike-slip faulting and uplift of the Central Basin and Arakan Yoma in Myanmar. Minor inversion affected many Thailand rift basins. All the other basins record subsidence. The uplift is responsible for gravity tectonics where thick sediments were accumulated (Sarawak, NE Luconia, Bangladesh wedge).  相似文献   

通过运用由增长率和DEA分析数值分别作为纵轴和横轴的波士顿矩阵,揭示了2001-2007年间东北亚三国(中国、日本、韩国)十二个重要集装箱港口的竞争地位变化,并根据港口增长率和发展效率值对这些港口的技术效率和竞争地位进行了比较和排序.结论指出,通过使用数据包络分析和波士顿矩阵的分析方法,可以为港口经营者的未来规划和发展提供有用和必要的经营信息,为今后提升港口竞争力提供有针对性的建议.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This work summarizes the archived data of geocryological and hydrogeological conditions in the west of Nordenskiold Land on the Spitsbergen Archipelago....  相似文献   

Within the framework of a one-dimensional model taking into account the presence of an upper mixed layer, we compute the seasonal variation of temperature and the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the central part of Lake Kinneret. The temperature conditions of the lake are determined by heat exchange with the atmosphere, and the oxygen conditions depend on gas exchange with the atmosphere and oxygen consumption in sediments as well as on internal sources and sinks. The latter are connected with oxygen supply in the course of photosynthesis and its consumption for the oxidation of labile organic substance in the water thickness. In the period of winter convection from December to February, when the upper mixed layer reaches the bottom, complete aeration of water takes place. The presence of thermal stratification of the lake in the remaining time results in oxygen deficiency under the thermocline.  相似文献   

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