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Cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic freshwater systems are a worldwide problem, creating adverse effects for many aquatic organisms by producing toxic microcystins and deteriorating water quality. In this study, microcystins (MCs) in Microcystis aeruginosa, and Daphnia magna exposed to M. aeruginosa, were analyzed by HPLC-MS, and the effects of M. aeruginosa on D. magna were investigated. When D. magna was exposed to M. aeruginosa for more than 2 h, Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) was detected. When exposed to 1.5 × 106, 3 × 106, 0.75 × 107, and 1.5 × 107 cell/mL of M. aeruginosa for 96 h, average survival of D. magna for treatments were 23.33%, 33.33%, 13.33%, 16.67%, respectively, which were significantly lower than the average 100% survival in the control group (P < 0.05). The adverse effects of M. aeruginosa on body length, time for the first brood, brood numbers, gross fecundity, lifespan, and population growth of D. magna were density-dependent. These results suggest that the occurrence of M. aeruginosa blooms could strongly inhibit the population growth of D. magna through depression of survival, individual growth and gross fecundity. In the most serious situations, M. aeruginosa blooms could undermine the food web by eliminating filter-feeding zooplankton, which would destroy the ecological balance of aquaculture water bodies.  相似文献   

Trophic structure of fish communities is fundamental for ecosystem-based fisheries management, and trophic spectrum classifies fishes by their positions in food web, which provides a simple summary on the trophic structure and ecosystem function. In this study, both fish biomass and abundance trophic spectra were constructed to study the spatial and seasonal variations in the trophic structure of demersal fish assemblages in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Data were collected from four seasonal bottom trawl surveys in Jiaozhou Bay from February to November in 2011. Trophic levels(TLs) of fishes were determined by nitrogen stable isotope analysis. This study indicated that most of these trophic spectra had a single peak at trophic level(TL) of 3.4–3.7, suggesting that demersal fish assemblages of Jiaozhou Bay were dominated by secondary consumers(eg. Pholis fangi and Amblychaeturichthys hexanema). The spatial and seasonal variations of trophic spectra of Jiaozhou Bay reflected the influence of fish reproduction, fishing pressure and migration of fishes. Two-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) showed that seasonal variations in trophic spectra in Jiaozhou Bay were significant(P 0.05), but variations among different areas were not significant( P 0.05). The trophic spectrum has been proved to be a useful tool to monitor the trophic structure of fish assemblages. This study highlighted the comprehensive application of fish biomass and abundance trophic spectra in the study on trophic structure of fish assemblages.  相似文献   

According to loess and palaeosol climatic record, field observation, analysis data and14C dating, we discuss the climatic changes and the water level fluctuations of Qinghai Lake. It is pointed out that there were four relatively warm and moist stages in Qinghai Lake basin during the Holocene. They formed in the periods from 10,300 yr.B.P. to 8,500 yr.B.P., 7,000 yr.B.P. to 3,500 yr.B.P., 2,800 yr.B.P. to 2,000 yr.B.P. and from 1,300 yr.B.P. up to now. the climate in the Holocene optimum period, from 7,000 yr.B.P. to 3,500 yr.B.P., was much warmer and moister than that today. Polypodium plant grew luxuriantly around Qinghai Lake. The annual temperature was 2.5°C higher than that today, but there was no forest at Qinghai Lake shore. It is found that there was a good relationship between precipitation and water level fluctuation. In warm and moist period water level was high and in the cold and dry period it was low in the Holocene. There were four high water level periods for Qinghai Lake in the Holocene, but the highest level was less than 30m above present water level. This research is supported by Youth Foundation of Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49101015).  相似文献   

湖水与地下水交互作用对于水资源合理开发与利用有着重要意义。基于温度示踪的原理,采用解析法、数值法2种方法,分析了湖床底部埋深0~0.4 m湖水与浅层地下水交互关系,并与水动力学方法进行了对比。结果表明,2018年5月20日至28日,湖水与地下水之间的垂向渗流速度为2×10-7~1×10-6 m/s,且在埋深0.4 m时大于埋深0.2 m处。降水会对解析法的结果造成一定影响,0.4 m处受到降雨影响表现为一定的滞后性。无降雨干扰情况下,数值法与水动力学方法估算结果较为吻合,且3种方法的计算结果处于同一数量级。同时,湖床沉积物体积热容和孔隙度2种参数对计算结果影响较大。在半干旱地区湖水与地下水交互研究中,数据较完备时,数值模拟法是更好的选择。   相似文献   

Based on the data from gauging stations,the changes in water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe (Yellow)River were analyzed by using the empirical mode decomposition(EMD)method.The results show that the periodic oscillation of water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe River occurs at the interannual,decadal,and multi-decadal scales,caused by the periodic oscillations of precipitation,and El Nio/Southern Oscillation(ENSO)affects water discharge by influencing precipitation distribution and contributes to periodic varations in precipitation and water discharge at interannual timescale.The water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe River have decreased since the 1960s under the influence of precipitation and huamn activities,and human activities attribute more than precipitation to the reduction in the water discharge and sediment load,furthermore,water abstraction and water-soil conservation practices are the main causes of the decrease in water discharge and sediment load,respectively.The reduction in sediment load has directly impacted on the lower reaches of the Huanghe River and the river delta, causing considerable erosion of the river channel in the lower reaches since the 1970s along with River Delta changing siltation into erosion around 2000.  相似文献   

以C、N、P为主要限制性因子研究了芽孢杆菌和微囊藻在水中的生长率 ,并据Monod方程了解种群增长率与营养浓度之间的关系 ,以判断藻菌资源竞争的结果。研究结果显示 ,氮浓度的升高或磷浓度的降低 ,即N/P比值的升高 ,有利于芽孢杆菌的生长 ;而当氮浓度一定时 ,C/N比值越高 ,芽孢杆菌生长得越好。而微囊藻作为一种自养的光合植物 ,其生长与水中的C源无关 ,与氮磷浓度有关。氮磷浓度越高则生长越好。在此研究结果基础上进行藻菌生长动态的比较表明 ,在氮限制条件下 ,微囊藻的生长率稍高于芽孢杆菌 ;在磷限制条件下 ,芽孢杆菌的生长率总是大大高于微囊藻的生长率  相似文献   

Eutrophication has become a serious concern in many lakes, resulting in cyanobacterial blooms. However, the mechanism and pathways of cyanobacteria decline are less understood. To identify and define the growth and decline of Microcystis blooms in Taihu Lake of China, and to illuminate the destination of surface floating blooms, we investigated the biomass distribution and variations in colony size, morphology, and floating velocity from October 2008 to September 2009. The results showed that the Microcystis bloom declined in response to biomass decrease, colony disaggregation, buoyancy reduction, and increased phytoplankton biodiversity, and these indicative parameters could be applied for recognition of the development phases of the bloom. Three major decline pathways were proposed to describe the bloom decline process, colony disaggregation (Pathway Ⅰ), colony settlement (Pathway Ⅱ), and cell lysis in colonies (Pathway Ⅲ). We proposed a strategy to define the occurrence and decline of Microcystis blooms, to evaluate the survival state under different stress conditions, and to indicate the efficiency of controlling countermeasures against algal blooms.  相似文献   


Soil water is the key factor that restricts the restoration of the local ecological systems in the Loess Plateau of China. Studying the effects of vegetation types on soil water and its seasonal variation helps to understand hydrological characteristics and provides insights into the sustainable restoration of vegetation. Therefore, the Caijiachuan watershed was chosen as the research object to investigate the water status of a 0-10 m soil layer under different vegetation types including Pinus tabulaeformis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Platycladus orientalis, apple orchard, natural forestland,farmland and grassland. By comparing the difference between soil water of different land use types and that of grassland during the same period, the seasonal changes of soil water status of different types were judged. The results show that(1) in the 0-10 m soil layer, the largest value of soil water content was in the0.3-0.4 m layer, and the lowest was in the 5.6-5.8 m layer. The depths at which the vegetation cover influenced the soil water were up to 10 m;(2) among summer, fall and spring, the soil water storage wasthe highest in the fall. In addition, the lowest value of relative accumulation was in the fall, which was the period in which the soil water recovered;(3) the soil water in the 0-10 m layer was in a relatively deficient state in the artificial forestlands, apple orchards and native forestlands, while the relative accumulation was in the farmland. In addition, the relative deep soil layers(8-10 m) had more serious deficits in the areas in which P. tabulaeformis, R. pseudoacacia and the apple orchard grew;(4) during the study period, the farmland in the summer had the largest relative accumulation(182.71 mm), and the land under R.pseudoacacia in the fall had the lowest relative deficit(512.20 mm). In the Loess Plateau, vegetation cover will affect the change of deep soil moisture and artificial forest will cause soil water loss in different degrees.  相似文献   

西安地下热水开采现状与合理开发利用探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
西安市的热水井井深较大,投资费用高.延长地热井的使用寿命,对经济合理的开发地下热水则十分重要。根据对西安市多年地下热水动态的监测资料分析.西安市的地热井水头下降速度过大,尤以第三和第四热储层段更大,年均下降10余米,个别甚至达到37m。依据地下热水的埋藏特征和各井的分布及开采量情况分析,造成上述现象的主要原因是由于井距较近、开采层段集中和单井开采量过大所致。为使西安市的地下热水能可持续开发利用,提出合理布井、限量开采及地下热水的回灌等措施。  相似文献   

The increasing occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in water bodies is a serious threat to the environment. Efficient in-lake treatment methods for the control of cyanobacteria proliferation are needed, their in-vivo detection to obtain a real-time response to their presence, as well as the information about their physiological state after the applied treatment. In-vivo fluorescence measurements of photosynthetic pigments have proved to be effective for quantitative and qualitative detection of phytoplankton in a water environment. In the experiment, chlorophyll and phycocyanin fluorescence sensors were used concurrently to detect stress caused by electrochemical oxidation applying an electrolytic cell equipped with borondoped diamond electrodes on a laboratory culture of cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806. The inflicted injuries were reflected in a clear transient increase in the phycocyanin fluorescence signal(for 104 %? 43%) 24 h after the treatment, which was not the case for the chlorophyll fluorescence signal. In the next 72 h of observation, the fluorescence signals decreased(on 40% of the starting signal) indicating a reduction of cell number, which was confirmed by cell count(24% reduction of the starting concentration) and analysis of extracted chlorophyll and phycocyanin pigment. These results demonstrate the viability of the combined application of two sensors as a useful tool for in-vivo detection of induced stress, providing real-time information needed for the evaluation of the efficiency of the in-lake treatment and decision upon the necessity of its repetition. The electrochemical treatment also resulted in a lower free microcystins concentration compared to control.  相似文献   

The lake groups in the Songnen Plain are low plain lake groups, which are located in the temperate semihumid area in China. They are characterized by small area, shallow basin, thick density and various types. In the try for classifying comprehensively the lake groups, a classification system is developed based on three main factors, i.e. forming cause, water quantity and water quality. The most internal character can be concisely grasped through three principal indexes and three auxiliary indexes of three main factors. A sample of complicated changeable path is put forward for further analyzing and outlining these basic types, in the meantime, it’s linking up easily with the classification system of the single factor. According to the regional environment, the regional differences of the type composition and the principal types, the lake groups in the Songnen Plain can be divided into 6 sub-regions. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49671077). Biography: LU Jin-fu (1938–), male, professor. His research interest includes paleo-environment in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Cai  Xingwei  Ye  Shaowen  Li  Wei  Fan  Hourui  Li  Zhongjie  Zhang  Tanglin  Liu  Jiashou 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(1):278-289

The knowledge of prey small fish stock, distribution and abundance is necessary to guide stocking of piscivorous fish for the biomanipulation in domestic tap water lakes. This study describes the current status of small fish community in Lake Kuilei (China), and examines the spatial and seasonal variations of the community in relation to key environmental factors. Based on submerged macrophyte cover and water depth, the lake was divided into five major habitats: (1) macrophyte covered shallow habitat of water depth < 2.00 m, (2) uncovered or less-covered shallow habitat (2.00 m–3.50 m), (3) uncovered medium shallow habitat (3.50 m–5.00 m), (4) uncovered medium deep habitat (5.00 m–6.50 m) and (5) uncovered deep habitat (6.50 m–8.50 m). The abundance and composition of small fish were monitored by benthic fykenet sampling from April 2013 to January 2014. A total of 2881 individuals belonging to 5 families and 21 species were collected. Based on their abundance (accounted for 88.96% of the total) and occurrence (more than 33.33%), Acheilognathus chankaensis, Acheilognathus macropterus, Microphysogobio microstomus, Pseudorasbora parva and Rhinogobius giurinus were recognized as dominant small fish species. The results of correlation analysis identified that species richness ( Sr ), Shannon-Wiener diversity index ( H′ ) and Margalef′s richness index ( D ) were significantly negatively correlated with water depth, but positively correlated with biomass of submerged macrophytes.Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that the spatial distributions of most small fishes were negatively associated with water depth. The details of these findings are beneficial to understanding the adaptation of the small fishes in degraded environments, and to developing suitable biomanipulation strategies for the management of fish resources and water quality in the lakes along the lower reach of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin.


The 4.45 m-thick pure ice lens have been discovered firstly at depth from 19.81 -24.26 m in the bore No.6, which locates in north bank of the Ngoring Lake. In source region of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, 14C dating, X -ray diffraction, pollen analysis, micropalaeontology, chemical components, environmental isotope 2H, 3H, 18O and freezing point of the ice and water samples from the bore have been tested and microorganism in the ice have been also appraised with microscope. Combined with the research on geomorphy and Quaternary around the lake, the ice lens are determined as a kind of deep-buried lake ice, formed in 35,030-45,209 yr.B.P., and annual mean air temperature was about -10℃ during that time.  相似文献   

Nearly a quarter of Canada’s landmass is covered by mountainous terrain, making mountains an important aspect of the physical and human geography of the country. Mountain areas in Canada have motivated a great deal of research activity, yet the state of mountain research in the country has never been systematically characterized, precluding a detailed understanding of what is being studied, when, where, how, and by whom. In response, we conducted a systematic scoping review to rigorously identif...  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of several main water masses in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and East China Sea (ECS) in 2011 were analyzed using the in-situ data collected on four cruises. There was something special in the observations for the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) during that year. The YSWC was confirmed to be a seasonal current and its source was closely associated with the Kuroshio onshore intrusion and the northerly wind. It was also found that the YSCWM in the summer of 2011 occupied a more extensive area in comparison with the climatologically-mean case due to the abnormally powerful wind prevailing in the winter of 2010 and decaying gradually thereafter. Resulting from the reduced Changjiang River discharge, the CDW spreading toward the Cheju Island in the summer of 2011 was weaker than the long-term mean and was confined to flow southward in the other seasons. The other water masses seemed normal without noticeable anomalies in 2011. The Yellow Sea Coastal Current (YSCC) water, driven by the northerly wind, flowed southeastward as a whole except for its northeastward surface layer in summer. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) was the strongest in summer and the weakest in winter in its northward movement. The Kuroshio water with an enhanced onshore intrusion in autumn was stable in hydrographic features apart from the seasonal variation of its surface layer.  相似文献   

亚热带泥炭地在水源涵养、碳储存和生物多样性等方面有着重要的保护价值。溶解有机碳(DOC)是泥炭地中容易受到外界扰动的一部分碳,在气候变化和人类活动的双重影响下,DOC可能通过降解或横向迁移从泥炭地中流失,潜在地威胁了泥炭地的碳储存功能。然而,目前对于亚热带泥炭地DOC如何响应季节性尺度的环境变化还缺乏深入的认识。以位于北亚热带的神农架大九湖泥炭地为研究对象,开展了季节尺度的泥炭孔隙水DOC浓度和紫外-可见吸收光谱特征以及环境参数的监测。结果显示,在大九湖泥炭地中,表层0~10 cm的泥炭孔隙水DOC浓度和光谱参数具有明显的季节差异性,DOC浓度和光谱参数还表现出明显的深度差异性。相关性分析显示,DOC浓度及紫外-可见吸收光谱参数直接受控于泥炭孔隙水的电导率和氨态氮浓度,可能还间接受到泥炭地水位和孔隙水硝态氮浓度等因素的影响。以上结果表明,在亚热带季风气候条件下,季节性水位波动引起的泥炭水化学参数和营养盐的变化,可能显著改变表层泥炭DOC动态,需要重视这种季节性波动对亚热带泥炭地碳储存能力以及生态功能的影响。   相似文献   

Based on up to date literature, this paper details the evolution of wave dependence of wind stress.Some typical models of the dependence of wind stress on waves are described in detail. Although there isno universally accepted theory and model, recent studies indicate that the wind strees strongly dependson the development state of sea waves, i. e., young seas are rougher than mature seas, in other words, thewind stress decreases with increasing wave age.  相似文献   

Component data of the saline lakes in Xizang were obtained from field observations in recent years (1976, 1978). Laboratory studies show that there are nearly 37 chemical components in 63 lakes brine and 27 evaporative minerals in nearly 40 saline lakes that reach their depositional stage. Their formative conditions, distributive properties, assemblage properties of some salt minerals, and mechanisms affecting the components of the saline lakes are discussed. A sedimentary model of the early Holocene epoch saline lake is suggested. This work is an aid not only to the understanding of the formation of the saline lakes in the said area, but also to the use of their mineral resources. This paper was published in Chinese inOcean. Limn. Sinica, 1983,14 (4): 342–352.  相似文献   

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