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声速改正是海底地形探测资料处理的关键技术环节之一,而声速剖面的质量则将从源头上影响声速改正的精度。针对当前深远海海域海底地形探测中在何时、何地布放何种声速仪器获取声速剖面性价比更高的技术难题,提出将海底地形和温盐场作为在深度方向和时空间布放声剖站的设计依据,开展了基于WOA13温盐场提高XBT计算声速剖面精度试验。结果表明,基于已有的海底地形和温盐场可提高深远海海域声速剖面站布设的性价比。  相似文献   

为进一步规范"二级检查、一级验收"制度,提高作业单位对自身资料潜在质量问题的预判能力,提升海洋测量成果验收的工作效率和成果优秀率,指出:各级业务部门应从两方面对海底地形测量数字测深成果开展质量检查并留存全过程记录,一是构建交叉点不符值数列并基于内、外精度指标作量化表征;二是生成多维、多类型海底地形曲面并在位置交叉域作直观拼接。针对成果水深在深度方向的异构性提出了基于水位改正逆过程的解决方法,多角度展示了《海洋测量信息处理工程》水深数据处理与成图软件中数字测深成果基于测深点、线、面的多样化拼接检查功能。  相似文献   

水位控制是海底地形测量资料处理的重要技术环节之一,潮汐观测数据质量控制则是提高水位改正精度的关键。针对当前自容式压力验潮仪使用中经常会遇到的潮汐观测数据缺失、波浪扰动影响等技术难题以及海水密度精密改正、基准面传递确定等技术需求,开展了相关理论方法研究并开发了较实用的潮汐数据处理模块。结果表明,经多个环节的精密处理后潮汐观测数据精度提高明显,适用于海底地形测量水位改正及其他海洋工程应用。  相似文献   

海洋测量中的交叉点误差反应了测量的误差信息,交叉点误差分析是海洋测量数据处理的重要环节。首先对可能引起交叉点误差的误差源进行了分析,然后讨论了从交叉点误差分析中可能提取的信息,最后对数据连续化过程中交叉点的定位与交叉点误差的确定进行详细分析。研究发现在进行数据连续化以定位交叉点的过程中,交叉点处测量值的误差特性将不同于原始测量值的误差特性,而且不同交叉点误差之间可能存在相关性。导出了交叉点误差方差以及不同交叉点误差间协方差的公式,从而能够求得交叉点误差向量的方差协方差矩阵,该矩阵在后续的平差处理中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

针对使用自容式压力验潮仪在布设临时验潮站时常出现的验潮零点漂移技术难题,基于附近长期验潮站的潮汐观测数据来计算二站同步时段内逐时日平均海面之差值,以此修正临时验潮站观测数据中隐含的验潮零点逐时漂移量。以福建平潭长期站和王爷山、牛山岛两个临时站的验潮数据为例,进行了自容式压力验潮仪验潮零点漂移处理的实践。结果表明本文相关模型具可操作性和实用价值。  相似文献   

海洋测绘学是一门研究海洋地理空间信息获取、处理、表达、管理和应用的综合性学科.介绍了海洋测绘学科发展概貌与内涵特点,梳理分析了当前测绘学科分类现状与存在问题,设计构建了海洋测绘学科体系架构,阐述了海洋测绘学科专业构成、概念定义与研究重点,为海洋测绘学科建设发展研究提供基础知识与理论参考.  相似文献   

针对沿岸及海岛礁控制测量作业现状,结合GNSS接收机等测量仪器在海洋控制测量实际生产中的应用,分析了受海洋观测环境以及仪器自身原因等内外部因素影响产生的各种误差。提出了一些提高测量定位精度方法,探讨了适用于海洋控制测量成果的质量控制和检验指标,制定了涵盖海洋控制测量的造标埋石、数据采集、处理、验收等全过程的质量检验方案。  相似文献   

洪在地  刘斌 《海洋测绘》2020,40(6):39-42
为提高水陆一体化测量系统的作业精度和性能,开展无人艇载水陆一体化测量系统集成优化技术研究。借助仿真分析手段,对艇型及设备布置进行优化研究,并开展多传感器集成、时间同步、盲区无缝和实时拼接技术研究,设计并集成了无人艇载水陆一体化测量系统。实验表明,无人艇载水陆一体化测量系统获得的水上水下数据的平均垂直误差为0.12m。所提出的无人艇载水陆一体化测量系统集成优化技术是可行的,可为测绘艇和水陆一体化测量系统集成提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the depth distributions of four major Southern Ocean macrobenthic epi- and infaunal taxa, the Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Isopoda, and Polychaeta, from subtidal to abyssal depth. All literature data up to summer 2008, as well as the unpublished data from the most recent ANDEEP I–III (Antarctic benthic deep-sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns) expeditions to the Southern Ocean deep sea are included in the analysis. Benthic invertebrates in the Southern Ocean are known for their wide bathymetric ranges. We analysed the distributions of four of the most abundant and species-rich taxa from intertidal to abyssal (5200 m) depths in depth zones of 100 m. The depth distributions of three macrofaunal classes (Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polychaeta) and one order (Isopoda) showed distinct differences. In the case of bivalves, gastropods and polychaetes, the number of species per depth zone decreased from the shelf to the slope at around 1000 m depth and then showed stable low numbers. The isopods showed the opposite trend; they were less species rich in the upper 1000 m but increased in species numbers from the slope to bathyal and abyssal depths. Depth ranges of families of the studied taxa (Bivalvia: 31 families, Gastropoda: 60, Isopoda: 32, and Polychaeta: 46 families) were compiled and illustrated. At present vast areas of the deep sea in the Southern Ocean remain unexplored and species accumulation curves showed that only a fraction of the species have been discovered to date. We anticipate that further investigations will greatly increase the number of species known in the Southern Ocean deep sea.  相似文献   

The “C-Plane” is a submerged variable depth ocean current turbine that is tethered to the sea floor and uses sustained ocean currents to produce electricity. As part of the development of a 130th scale physical model of the C-Plane, a mathematical model and dynamics simulation of the prototype was developed and is presented in this paper. This three-dimensional mathematical model represents the C-Plane as a rigid body with moveable control surfaces that is moored with three linear elastic cable elements. Gravitational, buoyancy, hydrodynamic, cable, gyroscopic, and inertial forces are included and a PC-based dynamics simulation is created. The simulation demonstrates that the C-Plane is stable and capable of changing depth in all expected operating conditions. The C-Plane prototype can fly level from a height of 3 to 6 m using the configuration suggested in this paper. The maximum ascent rates of the C-Plane with a water speed of 0.3 m/s are 0.015 m/s when the pitch is fixed at 0° and 0.030 m/s when the pitch is fixed at 4°. The maximum descent rates of the C-Plane are 0.018 m/s when the pitch is held at 0° and 0.031 m/s if the pitch is held at −4°.  相似文献   

Major sequence boundaries associated with eustatic sea level changes are correlated to the general stratigraphy of the north-eastern Gulf of Mexico. The details of a Middle Cretaceous Flooding Surface, marking a major break in sedimentation, are documented. The sequence stratigraphic work provides an example of the ‘stratigraphic signature of the Neogene’. Three major episodes of sediment accumulation are represented by: (1) Late Jurassic (150.5 Ma) to Middle Cretaceous (94 Ma) aggradation and progradation of sediments with significant sediment accumulation in the present shelf and slope areas; (2) an extended period of starved sedimentation during 94-30 Ma corresponding to Middle Cretaceous flooding events (93.5 and 91.5 Ma) and the lack of sediment supply; and (3) since Late Oligocene time, unusually rapid sedimentation rates that characterize the deep water study area. These patterns of sediment accumulation directly affect the formation of allochthonous salt in the study area.  相似文献   

E. OBLIGIS  N. TRAN  L. EYMARD 《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(1-2):255-277
In the context of the sea level survey at the mm level, it is necessary all along the lifetime of the altimeter mission to survey the quality of the products from the microwave radiometer. The calibration of the brightness temperatures has been validated using reference brightness temperatures over selected continental areas as well as simulations for a wide range of oceanic and atmospheric situations. The validation of the wet path delay is performed by comparison with radiosonde measurements and pointed out that both the JMR and the TMR estimate wet path delay around 5 mm higher than the one measured by radiosondes. Furthermore, it appeared that the correction of the TMR drift degrades the product with respect to radiosonde measurements. The monitoring of the brightness temperatures since launch shows a mean drift around +0.1 K/year for the 18.7 GHz, ?0.6 K/year for the 23.8 GHz channel, and around ?0.4 K/year for the 34 GHz channel.  相似文献   

In the context of the sea level survey at the mm level, it is necessary all along the lifetime of the altimeter mission to survey the quality of the products from the microwave radiometer. The calibration of the brightness temperatures has been validated using reference brightness temperatures over selected continental areas as well as simulations for a wide range of oceanic and atmospheric situations. The validation of the wet path delay is performed by comparison with radiosonde measurements and pointed out that both the JMR and the TMR estimate wet path delay around 5 mm higher than the one measured by radiosondes. Furthermore, it appeared that the correction of the TMR drift degrades the product with respect to radiosonde measurements. The monitoring of the brightness temperatures since launch shows a mean drift around +0.1 K/year for the 18.7 GHz, -0.6 K/year for the 23.8 GHz channel, and around -0.4 K/year for the 34 GHz channel.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2008,20(3):207-222
Free oscillations in the period range from 9 to 40 h and their corresponding adjoint solutions are used to synthesize semidiurnal and diurnal tides of second degree. The free oscillations are determined with explicit consideration of frictional terms and the full loading and self-attraction effect. This allows for a detailed analysis of the loading and self-attraction effect on the dynamics of ocean tides, e.g. a physical explanation is given for the induced phase delay computed by ocean tide models.Further, the synthesis gives a spectral composition of certain well known tidal features and pairs of free oscillations are identified, diminishing their contribution either on a global or local scale.  相似文献   

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