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Located 55 km NE of the provincial capital León, Salamón deposit, discovered in 1985, is located on the southern slope of the Cantabrian Mountains, in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. The deposit is located on the León fault, which is a late-Variscan, E–W trending, deep structure extending for more than 100 km. The León fault has a complex history, and many mines and occurrences are located near it. The deposit is also close to small stocks and dykes of igneous rocks with intermediate to basic composition to which the mineralisation is related. The mineralisation is hosted mainly by the limestones and bituminous shales of the Lena Group (Namurian–Westphalian). There is also some mineralisation in other stratigraphic units of the Upper Carboniferous, such as the Maraña Group or the Stephanian B sediments.Apart from local and regional exploration, a detailed mineralogical and metallogenic research has been carried out. The epithermal mineralisation of Salamón was developed in two phases: an early dominant and extensive stage, with very fine crystalline gold-bearing sulphides, mainly pyrite, arsenic-bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite, in a matrix of quartz–chalcedony (jasperoid) and dolomite, and a later stage, of a larger crystal size, which occurs replacing the early stage or in pockets and veins, with greater mineralogical variety. Last of all there is a stage of supergene mineralisation, a product of the oxidant action of meteoric waters over the previous minerals. The hydrothermal alterations of the host rocks related to the orebodies are fundamentally decarbonatisation–dolomitisation, silicification and argillitisation. The early stages of mineralisation were produced in a temperature of 148–241°C, while that in the later stages occurred at 86–123°C. The early stage has been dated as 269±5 Ma, and this agrees with the ages of the other deposits of the district, which lay between 292 and 263 Ma, and the igneous rocks of the Peña Prieta stock (277±1 Ma), all which are of Permian age.The results of the studies carried out until now lead to the conclusion that Salamón is a Carlin-type gold deposit.  相似文献   

The Jiloca basin is a NNW–SSE trending, Neogene-Quaternary graben in NE Spain, bounded by normal faults with measurable hectometre-scale throws. Its overall trend truncates previous NW–SE folds. The sedimentary infilling includes Neogene and Quaternary deposits, exceeding 80 m in thickness. The stratigraphical and structural setting controls hydrogeology of the basin. Neogene marls constitute an aquiclude that separates a main Jurassic karstic, confined aquifer from a shallow, unconfined Plio-Quaternary aquifer. The Jurassic aquifer is laterally compartmented by impervious Upper Triassic anticline cores, though its piezometric surface usually lies 30–60 m higher than the Mesozoic-Neogene boundary. The geological, and specifically the hydrogeological features are not significantly compatible with a previously published hypothesis that considers the Jiloca depression as a polje (in which the final topography is the result of suballuvial karstic corrosion) for three reasons. First, the hypothetical corrosion front shows neither a specific relationship with the epiphreatic zone, nor control by the local presence of impervious Triassic rocks. Second, chemistry of groundwater at the underlying Jurassic aquifer would not allow limestone dissolution at rates necessary for producing the supposed erosion deepening of 300 m since the late Pliocene. Finally, no evidence of swallow holes or ponors has been found.  相似文献   

From among fossil fauna and flora specimens discovered in the famous outcrop of lithographic limestone of Montsec Mountain (Lleida, Spain), from the Early Cretaceous, there is one specimen of a small incomplete bird skeleton. Only the bones of the left wing, the wish-bone (furcula), feathers and some other fragmentary bones are preserved. It lacks the skull, backbone, pectoral region, pelvic girdle and hind legs.  相似文献   

Predominantly fine‐grained strata were deposited in the Smith Bank Formation (Early Triassic) in the Central North Sea area of the Northern Permian Basin. Previously regarded as monotonous red claystone, examination of continuous core reveals abundant stratification, significant variation in colour, siltstone as the prevalent average grain size, and claystone is rare. Loessite occurs beyond the north‐western lacustrine margin, and aerosol dust has inundated clay pellets derived from aeolian reworking of the desiccated lake floor. The loessite has limited evidence of pluvial reworking but rare fossil roots testify to sufficient moisture to sustain plants. Loessite has not previously been differentiated successfully from other fine‐grained strata in the subsurface, but this study defines the presence of random grain‐fabric orientation as an intrinsic unequivocal characteristic of loessite that formed during air‐fall deposition of aerosol dust. Comparison with outcrop data verifies the utility of grain fabric to differentiate loessite. Tosudite, an aluminous di‐octahedral regularly ordered mixed‐layer chlorite/smectite, which is rare in sedimentary rock, forms a significant proportion (10 to 21%) of the clay mineral fraction of loessite along with a similar quantity of kaolinite. In all other samples, only illite and chlorite are identified, which is typical of fine‐grained Triassic strata. In a location, close to the southern lake margin, lacustrine strata are characterized by fining‐upward couplets of very fine‐grained sandstone into siltstone and mudstone, with occasional desiccated surfaces. Small sand injections and associated sand extrusions are common and indicate periodic fluidization of sand. Precise stratigraphic location of the Smith Bank Formation is problematic because of extremely sparse fossil preservation; however, there is no sedimentological evidence for a period of hyperaridity known from the early Olenekian in continental Europe, which may mean that the North Permian Basin was never hyperarid or that the Smith Bank Formation is restricted to the Induan.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A number of non‐marine evaporite units composed of primary gypsum were deposited in saline lakes that developed in the southern Teruel Basin (NE Spain) during the Miocene. In the basin depocentre, a continuum of lacustrine evaporite lithofacies influenced by the activity of organisms is displayed. The Libros Gypsum was deposited in a deep lake, in which water stratification became unstable with progressive shoaling. Rhythmites, composed of laminae of pelletal gypsum and laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum crystals mixed with siliceous microorganisms, formed in addition to gypsum turbidites, intraformational gypsum breccias and slump structures. The pelletal laminae originated from the faecal activity of animals (crustaceans?) ingesting gypsum crystallites in the lake water during episodes of maximum evaporation, whereas the laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum mixed with microorganisms accumulated during episodes of relative dilution. In the wide marginal zones of the basin, the Libros Gypsum unit consists of massive to thin‐bedded bioturbated gypsum and thin‐bedded clotted gypsum, which formed in intermediate to very shallow (palustrine) water depths. The bioturbated gypsum lithofacies were produced by the action of diverse organisms, presumably worms and coleopterans, and chironomid larvae to a lesser extent; the massive lithofacies precipitated in very shallow water; and the thin‐bedded lithofacies formed in shallow to deeper settings. The thin‐bedded clotted gypsum is a relatively deep facies that may have diverse origins (e.g. bioturbation, compaction, disruption of soft sediments and early diagenesis). There is a well‐developed metre‐scale cyclicity in the marginal lake sequences, which is not observed in the inner lake deposits. This suggests a depth control in the various lacustrine subenvironments to record cyclic evaporitic processes. The isotopic composition of the gypsum indicates early sulphate‐reducing bacterial activity in the bottom of the lake and suggests that the sulphate was derived from the chemical recycling of Triassic evaporites of the country rocks.  相似文献   

Well‐exposed Triassic rift strata from the Ischigualasto–Villa Unión Basin (NW Argentina) include a 80 to ca 515 m thick lacustrine‐dominated package that can be correlated across a half‐graben using key stratigraphic surfaces (sequence boundaries, lacustrine flooding surfaces and forced regressive surfaces). The characteristics of the synrift lacustrine fill in different parts of the half‐graben have been examined and the mechanisms controlling sedimentation inferred. A variety of sedimentary environments are recognized including; volcaniclastic floodplain, mildly saline lake and playa lake, offshore lacustrine, delta front to fluvial‐dominated and wave‐dominated deltas, distributary and fluvial channel, and interdistributary bay. The succession can be divided into four stratigraphic sequences (SS1 to SS4), the oldest of which (SS1) contains volcaniclastic, fluvial and saline lake deposits; it is thickest close to the western border fault zone, reflecting more rapid subsidence here. Accommodation exceeded sediment and water input during SS1. The second and third sequences (SS2 and SS3) mark the onset of widespread lacustrine sedimentation, reflecting a balance between accommodation creation and water and sediment fluxes. Sequences SS2 and SS3 are represented by offshore meromictic lacustrine and deltaic deposits, the latter mostly sourced from the flexural and southern axial margins of the half‐graben. The presence of stacked parasequences bound by lacustrine flooding surfaces is related to climatically induced lake‐level fluctuations superimposed on variable rates of subsidence on the controlling rift border fault zone. The youngest sequence (SS4) is represented by the deposits of littoral lacustrine and shallow shelf deltas distinguished by a change in lithofacies, palaeocurrents and sandstone composition, suggesting a switch in sediment supply to the footwall margin to the NW. The change in the sediment source is related to reduced footwall uplift, the possible presence of a relay ramp and/or supply from a captured antecedent drainage network. During SS4, the rate of creation of accommodation was exceeded by the sediment and water discharge. The stratigraphic evolution of lacustrine strata in the half‐graben was mainly controlled by tectonic processes, including subsidence rate and the growth and evolution of the border fault zone, but changing climate (inducing changes in water balance and lake level) and autocyclic processes (delta lobe switching) were also important.  相似文献   

The diversity of serphitid wasps (Proctotrupomorpha: Serphitoidea) in Early Cretaceous (Albian) amber from Spain is described. Four new species have been found representing the genera Serphites Brues 1937, Aposerphites Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979, and Microserphites Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979. From the Peñacerrada I (Moraza) outcrop two species are described as Aposerphites angustus Ortega-Blanco, Delclòs, Peñalver and Engel, new species and Serphites lamiak, new species. A single species was found at the San Just (Teruel) outcrop and is described as S. silban, new species. Another single specimen was found in El Soplao (Cantabria) outcrop, described as Microserphites soplaensis, new species. This last specimen is especially interesting in sharing typical serphitid and mymarommatoid characters, giving additional support to the apparent close relationship of both groups.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of facies distribution within a set of early Cretaceous, deep‐lacustrine, partially confined turbidite fans (Sea Lion Fan, Sea Lion North Fan and Otter Fan) in the North Falkland Basin, South Atlantic. As a whole, ancient deep‐lacustrine turbidite systems are under‐represented in the literature when compared with those documented in marine basins. Lacustrine turbidite systems can form extensive, good quality hydrocarbon reservoirs, making the understanding of such systems crucial to exploration within lacustrine basins. An integrated analysis of seismic cross‐sections, seismic amplitude extraction maps and 455 m of core has enabled the identification of a series of turbidite fans. The deposits of these fans have been separated into lobe axis, lobe fringe and lobe distal fringe settings. Seismic architectures, observed in the seismic amplitude extraction maps, are interpreted to represent geologically associated heterogeneities, including: feeder systems, terminal mouth lobes, flow deflection, sinuous lobe axis deposits, flow constriction and stranded lobe fringe areas. When found in combination, these architectures suggest ‘partial confinement’ of a system, something that appears to be a key feature in the lacustrine turbidite setting of the North Falkland Basin. Partial confinement of a system occurs when depositionally generated topography controls the flow‐pathway and deposition of subsequent turbidite fan deposits. The term ‘partial confinement’ provides an expression for categorising a system whose depositional boundaries are unconfined by the margins of the basin, yet exhibit evidence of internal confinement, primarily controlled by depositional topography. Understanding the controls that dictate partial confinement; and the resultant distribution of sand‐prone facies within deep‐lacustrine turbidite fans, is important, particularly considering their recent rise as hydrocarbon reservoirs in rift and failed‐rift settings.  相似文献   

The early Cretaceous structure of NE China was a result of slab‐rollback‐driven extensional tectonics, characteristic of Western Pacific‐type continental margins. Oblique docking of a microcontinent along the Asian active margin in the early Late Cretaceous induced a compressional stress regime that brought about an Andean‐type continental margin development. Partitioning of contractional–transpressional strain across NE China produced a retroarc foreland basin system, comprising, from east to west, an orogenic wedge, a foredeep (Songliao basin), a forebulge (Great Xing'an Range) and a back‐bulge depozone (Hailar and Erlian basins). A sub‐circular lacustrine depozone in the pre‐existing Songliao basin evolved into a NNE‐trending depocentre near the forebulge and acquired a westward flowing fluvial–deltaic drainage system during the Campanian. Development of this retroarc foreland basin system signals a significant tectonic switch from a Western Pacific‐type to an Andean‐type continental margin evolution in the geological history of East Asia.  相似文献   

The Tafilalt is one of a number of generally unexplored sub‐basins in the eastern Anti‐Atlas of Morocco, all of which probably underwent a similar tectono‐stratigraphic evolution during the Palaeozoic Era. Analysis of over 1000 km of 2‐D seismic reflection profiles, with the interpretation of ten regional seismic sections and five isopach and isobath maps, suggests a multi‐phase deformation history for the Palaeozoic‐aged Tafilalt sub‐basins. Extensional phases were probably initiated in the Cambrian, followed by uniform thermal subsidence up to at least the end of the Silurian. Major extension and subsidence did not begin prior to Middle/Upper Devonian times. Extensional movements on the major faults bounding the basin to the north and to the south took place in synchronisation with Upper Devonian sedimentation, which provides the thickest part of the sedimentary sequence in the basin. The onset of the compressional phase in Carboniferous times is indicated by reflectors in the Carboniferous sequence progressively onlapping onto the Upper Devonian sequence. This period of compression developed folds and faults in the Upper Palaeozoic‐aged strata, producing a structural style characteristic of thin‐skinned fold and thrust belts. The Late Palaeozoic units are detached over a regional décollement with a northward tectonic vergence. The folds have been formed by the process of fault‐propagation folding related to the thrust imbricates that ramp up‐section from the décollement. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Siliciclastic intervals in Lower Permian carbonate–siliciclastic cyclothems in western Kansas record climate control on facies progression, deposition and preservation. The 26 000 km2 study area comprises seven marine‐continental (carbonate–siliciclastic) cyclothems caused by glacioeustasy. Core data and a three‐dimensional geological model provide a detailed view of the sub‐surface on a gently sloping ramp. Siliciclastic intervals in the cyclothems are fine‐grained red beds with extensive pedogenic features, indicating a continental origin. Bed geometry (sheet‐like deposits that thin to the east), lateral grading, grain size (very fine‐grained sand to silt) and grain angularity (sub‐angular to angular) suggest that the sediment is loess sourced from the west, probably the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. There is a repeated record of glacial‐cycle‐scale, climate‐controlled cyclicity within siliciclastic intervals that has not been recognized previously. Aeolian silt grain size coarsens upward towards the middle, then fines upward in each siliciclastic interval. When sea‐level was high (interglacial) and carbonate production flourished, aeolian sedimentation nearly ceased, suggesting increased vegetation and rainfall at the source. As sea‐level fell, fine‐grained siliciclastic sediments were deposited under relatively dry, but seasonally wet conditions on an exposed ramp. Laterally graded coarser grained siliciclastic sediments with diagnostic fabrics indicate drier conditions with seasonal rainfall during a continued relative fall in sea‐level. The coarsest siliciclastic sediments were deposited during the lowest sea‐level and driest conditions, but still with sufficient seasonal moisture to allow vegetative cover and bioturbation. Subsequent upward fining is correlated with sedimentological indications of wetter conditions during relative sea‐level rise. Unlike common sequence stratigraphic models that relate siliciclastic sediment accumulation to base‐level rise, continental deposits were preserved because plants and pedogenesis stabilized aeolian sediment. The aggradational landscape formed by this process had several metres of positive relief that reduced accommodation for overlying marine carbonate strata. Thus, this mechanism for continental siliciclastic aggradation has a significant effect on sequence stratigraphic architecture.  相似文献   

In the central Ebro basin, alluvial dolines develop on Quaternary materials overlying Neogene evaporites. This process is very active. Analysing aerial photographs of different years important differences can be observed. Since the 1970s, when the urbanisation of the area took place, karst processes have damaged many buildings and infrastructures. From the dates of construction and the repair of a number of buildings and pavements we calculate subsidence rates (12-120 mm/year). Moreover, we decided to monitor, for around 4 years, three dolines developed on urban areas to determine their subsidence behaviour. A water level device (with an error of 2-3 mm) was utilised for this purpose. The subsidence rates, so obtained, are 64.5, 39 and 21 mm/year, which fit with the previous data from repaired zones.  相似文献   

Peloidal crusts are significant components of Early Cretaceous (Aptian) reef carbonates in eastern Spain. The crusts form steep-sided laminated deposits on coral and other skeletal surfaces. Their microfabric consists almost entirely of silt-sized peloids in fenestral microspar matrix. This microfabric contrasts with more poorly sorted and generally finer grained detrital wackestone–packstone fabrics of the adjacent reef matrix. Scarcity of incorporated grains indicates that the crusts did not trap many particles. It is proposed that the crusts are stromatolites and that peloids and inter-peloid space were created concurrently by bacterial degradation of organic matter. As they developed, inter-peloid voids were protected from infiltration of extraneous sediment by the organic-rich exterior surface of the stromatolite. Even spacing of the peloids within microspar may reflect self-organization of bacterial colonies in the decaying organic matrix. Compressed and partly amalgamated peloids marginal to burrows in the stromatolites suggest that the peloid fabrics were initially only partially lithified. The grainstone-like peloid fabric is therefore interpreted as having formed in situ by very early diagenetic processes driven by heterotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

A thick Upper Ordovician shelf sequence was developed in the northern Gondwana margin (southernmost exposures of the Central Iberian Zone). Integrated sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies allow distinction between pedogenetic processes (Facies association C), shoreline deposits (Facies association S), proximal to distal shelf (Facies association L, H1, H2, H3) and outer shelf zone or open marine environments (Facies association M, Mo). The vertical distribution of facies is characterized by the presence of regressive high frequency sequences (partial shelf progradational sequences), affected by the presence of catastrophic phenomena (storms). These sequences, in turn, can be classified into higher‐order transgressive (T)–regressive (R) cycles. Two second‐order T‐R megacycles (MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1) limited by a major sequence boundary are identified. Traces of emersion (palaeokarsts and palaeosols) are detected along the sequence boundary, and these are related to the eustatic sea‐level fall that occurred during the Ashgillian. The MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1 megacycles extend respectively from the Middle Arenig to the Ashgillian and from Late Ashgillian to the Late Llandovery. Major transgressive peaks occurred at the Llanvirn and at the Middle Llandovery (Aeronian). The vertical distribution of the facies delineates successive genetically related units in relation to relative sea‐level changes. Within the upper part of the first megacycle (MC. Ord‐2) six third‐order cycles are proposed (Lla‐1, Car‐1, Car‐2, Car‐3, Car‐4, Ash‐1), in which a transgressive and a regressive interval can be distinguished. Within the lower part of the second megacycle (MC. Sil‐1) two transgressive–regressive third‐order cycles are proposed (Lly‐1, Lly‐2). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alluvial fans and shallow carbonate lakes interfered in the Teruel half‐graben during the Late Miocene–Pliocene. Tectonic influence is recorded in alluvial and lacustrine–palustrine successions, with long‐term climate changes being recorded in detail in the isotopic signatures of carbonates. Episodes of tectonic activity induced alluvial fan progradation and lake retraction in the whole basin. Three lacustrine stages have been identified, which support the idea that climate also exerted an important control on sedimentation. The transition between stages 1 and 2 occurred during a tectonically calm episode due to an increase in aridity in the Early Turolian; small fans with source areas next to the lake margin prograded, inducing lake‐shore retraction. The transition from stage 2 to 3 was caused by the superimposition of increasing tectonic activity and aridity effects. Our study demonstrates that discrimination of allogenic factors controlling sedimentation in continental closed basins is possible using sequence stratigraphy in combination with other techniques such as geochemistry of carbonates.  相似文献   

Sequence developments in rift basins are considered to be influenced largely by tectonics and to a lesser extent by eustatic sea‐level and climate. Studies indicate that in passive margin basins, climate can mask the effects of tectonics and eustasy by modulating the sediment supply. It is, however, less understood how the sedimentary sequence in rift basins might respond to strong climatic fluctuations where tectonic pulses generate rapid accommodation space. Here a case study has been provided to assess the effect of climate vis à vis sea‐level and tectonics on sequence development in the Cambay rift basin, western India, during the Early Palaeogene (Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene) super greenhouse globe. Facies analysis of this shale–lignite sequence suggests deposition in a lagoon/bay, developed over the Deccan Trap basement. Detailed sequence stratigraphic analysis using basin‐wide representative composite sections, marker lignite seam, event bed and high‐resolution carbon isotope (δ13C) chemostratigraphy suggest an overall transgressive motif. Among the three prominent Early Eocene eustatic highstands, only the one at ca 53·7 Ma is expressed by the thickest coal accumulation throughout the basin. Expression of the other sequence stratigraphic surfaces is subdued and can be due to the overall finer grain size of the sediment or local variation in the subsidence rate at different fault‐controlled mini‐basins. Enigmatic presence of a maximum flooding surface coinciding with the 53·7 Ma climate event (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2), manifested by negative carbon isotope excursion, indicates possible influence of climate over and above tectonics in developing the rift sequence. Qualitative rainfall variation assessed using the magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion and pollen abundance show that a relatively dry/low precipitation climatic phase during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 hindered the siliclastic supply to the basin. Thus, it has been inferred that climate‐induced high siliciclastic supply possibly enhanced the autocyclic reorganization and hindered the development of the key sequence stratigraphic surfaces across the basin during climate extremes.  相似文献   

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