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Evaluation of dam overtopping probability induced by flood and wind   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
This study develops a probability-based methodology to evaluate dam overtopping probability that accounts for the uncertainties arising from wind speed and peak flood. A wind speed frequency model and flood frequency analysis, including various distribution types and uncertainties in their parameters, are presented. Furthermore, dam overtopping probabilities based on monthly maximum (MMax) series models are compared with those of the annual maximum (AMax) series models. An efficient sampling scheme, which is a combination of importance sampling (IS) and Latin Hypercube sampling (LHS) methods, is proposed to generate samples of peak flow rate and wind speed especially for rare events. Reservoir routing, which incorporates operation rules, wind setup, and run-up, is used to evaluate dam overtopping probability.  相似文献   

We propose a spectral turning-bands approach for the simulation of second-order stationary vector Gaussian random fields. The approach improves existing spectral methods through coupling with importance sampling techniques. A notable insight is that one can simulate any vector random field whose direct and cross-covariance functions are continuous and absolutely integrable, provided that one knows the analytical expression of their spectral densities, without the need for these spectral densities to have a bounded support. The simulation algorithm is computationally faster than circulant-embedding techniques, lends itself to parallel computing and has a low memory storage requirement. Numerical examples with varied spatial correlation structures are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and versatility of the proposal.  相似文献   


To obtain estimates of the probability that a river flow will exceed a given threshold at time t + 1, given the flow value at time t, two stochastic models are considered: a filtered Poisson process and a diffusion process with jumps. Estimates derived from linear regression are also considered. The model parameters are assumed to depend on the flow value. An application to the Delaware River is presented.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Grimaldi  相似文献   

A magnitude 4.3 earthquake occurred near Pacoima Dam on 13 January 2001. An accelerometer array that had been upgraded after the Northridge earthquake recorded the motion with 17 channels on the dam and the dam–foundation interface. Using this data, properties of the first two modes are found from a system identification study. Modal properties are also determined from a forced vibration experiment performed in 2002 and indicate a significantly stiffer system than is estimated from the 2001 earthquake records. The 2001 earthquake, although small, must have induced temporary nonlinearity. This has implications for structural health monitoring. The source of the nonlinear behaviour is believed to be loss of stiffness in the foundation rock. A finite element model of Pacoima Dam is constructed and calibrated to match modal properties determined from the system identification study. A dynamic simulation of the 2001 earthquake response produces computed motions that agree fairly well with the recorded ones. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple mapping finite element method is used to calculate the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes of realistic arch dam reservoir systems in which the dam is circular cylindrical with non-uniform cross-section. This method, in which both the dam and the reservoir domains are mapped into geometrically simpler shapes using cylindrical-polar transformations, is found to give accurate results, achieved simply and economically. Results of analysis show that hydrodynamic interaction has a substantial effect on the coupled natural frequencies and mode shapes; also that the effect of water compressibility in the type of dams considered can be ignored without significant loss of accuracy. A simple method is also presented for predicting the water compressibility effect before undertaking detailed response analysis.  相似文献   

aam, m ¶rt;-mau ¶rt;uu a ma au am m¶rt; ma m unmuu m m. ¶rt;a, u a u unmuu annuuam, m am n una u 0,1 u a u ammuuu ¶rt;mau aa m m.  相似文献   

Measured accelerations and water pressures obtained during a recent forced vibration test on a large thin arch dam at high water are compared to predictions from a finite element model for which water compressibility is both included and neglected. The numerical model is calibrated using the antisymmetric response data because they are only slightly affected by water compressibility; good agreement is obtained. In the effort to reproduce the symmetric response data, for which water compressibility plays a strong role, the calibrated model shows better correlation when water compressibility is included, but the agreement is still inadequate. A successful isolation of the fundamental water resonance from the experimental data shows significantly different features from those of the numerical water model, indicating possible inaccuracy in the assumed geometry and/or boundary conditions for the reservoir. Some other results at low water level are also included.  相似文献   

Summary In this note we indicate a technique with which the title problem can be elegantly solved in contrast to previous attempts in the literature.  相似文献   




Summary By the «limiting sphere» method the combination coefficients for gaseous ions and aerosol particles were calculated, allowing for the jump in ion concentration at the surface of the particles. Hence the stationary charge distribution on aerosol particles in a symmetrical bipolar ionic atmosphere was determined. The use of the Boltzmann equation for this purpose proposed by some authors is theoretically wrong asthis equation applies to equilibrium rather than to stationary states. In practice, the Boltzmann equation can be used for particles with radius 3·10–5 cm (under atmospheric pressure). Within this range the image forces and the jump in ion concentration may be neglected. The conditions of the applicability of the steady diffusion equations to the theory of the stationary charge distribution in aerosols are discussed.  相似文献   

电磁场数值模拟的背景场/异常场算法是三维正演的有效策略之一,优点为采用解析法计算电磁场背景场代替场源项、克服了场源奇异性,缺点为不适用于发射源布置于起伏地表或背景模型复杂的情形.总场算法是直接对电磁场总场开展数值模拟,其难点是有效加载场源、保证近区与过渡区数值解精度.本文以水平电偶源形式分段加载接地长导线源,并以电场总场Helmholtz方程为矢量有限元法控制方程,实现了基于非结构化四面体网格剖分的接地长导线源频率域电磁法三维正演.通过与均匀全空间中水平电偶源产生的电场解析解对比,验证了本文算法的正确性,并分析了四面体外接圆半径与其最短棱边的最大比值和四面体二面角最小值对数值解精度的影响规律.通过与块状高导体地电模型的积分方程法、有限体积法和基于磁矢量势Helmholtz方程的有限元法数值解对比,进一步验证了本文算法正确性,同时说明了非结构化四面体网格能够更加精细地剖分电性异常体,利于获得精确数值解.  相似文献   

The Rayleigh-Tikhonov generalized stationary geothermal problem is formulated and solved exactly for a set of homogeneous horizontal infinite plane-parallel layers located in a lower half-space. The known solutions follow as particular cases of the solutions found. The results obtained in this work are usable for 1-D approximations of many important problems of geophysics, tectonophysics, and geology.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of the propagation of finite Love Waves in a heterogeneous elastic half space lying over a homogeneous elastic half space, using the quasilinear stress-strain relation due toS. Ferhst [4] is considered in detail. The variations of the parameter in the layer assumed to be of the form 1= 0e z, 0e z where is a constant andz is distance measured from the surface into the layer.  相似文献   

Summary The solution of the ionization balance equation is found in the surface air layer at horizontal homogeneity assuming an exponential law for the turbulent diffusion coefficient. Expressions describing the vertical distribution of the small ion concentration are found estimating on their basis the layer height by an electrode effect. A relation is found among the small ion concentration, the electric conductivity and the electric field in the surface layer.  相似文献   

传统的材料力学法静动力分析一直是我国重力坝规范规定的重力坝抗震安全评价的基本依据。但为了简化传统经典的重力坝材料力学法模型在动力分析中的复杂度,近年来,随着有限元分析技术的日益推广,许多重力坝有限元梁杆体系新模型在工程界开始得到应用,部分替代了传统材料力学法模型的作用,并在考虑多向地震耦合问题方面体现了一定的优势。从材料力学法的基本定义出发,提出了一种合理的坝面载荷处理模式,并从模态、抗侧力刚度、坝顶位移、内力结果等方面建立适用度指标,对这些有限元新模型进行细致对比,建议了一种最优的有限元梁杆模型,由该模型得到的结果与传统材料力学法的结果吻合,因此可供工程借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary The electro-magnetic equations of Maxwell and the equations of elasticity have been used to investigate the disturbances in an elastic bar acted upon by a magnetic field.  相似文献   




Some special functional equations involving means and related to a problem of reducibility of some classes of correlation functions are considered. We show some characterizations of the reducibility problem under several choices of the mean operators and different weak regularity assumptions imposed on the involving functions. We find that mean-generated correlation functions are completely irreducible, in the sense that, for this broad class of correlation functions, there does not exist a non-trivial solution associated to the Perrin–Senoussi problem.  相似文献   

研究了基于矢量有限元方法的大地电磁带地形三维反演算法并开发了三维反演计算程序代码.在大地电磁场正演数值模拟方面,采用并行直接稀疏求解器PARDISO且无需进行散度校正的快速正演方案,对典型地形模型,在中等规模计算条件下,与双共轭梯度法(BICG)计算结果比较,发现PARDISO比BICG快10倍以上;通过理论模型试算,并与前人的有限元法计算结果对比,验证了带地形三维正演计算程序的正确性.在反演方面,本研究基于共轭梯度方法编写了大地电磁带地形三维反演代码,为了避免直接求取雅可比矩阵,将反演中的雅可比矩阵计算问题转为求解两次"拟正演"问题,进而将PARDISO的快速正演方案应用于"拟正演"问题的求解,以提高反演计算效率.利用开发的反演算法对多个带地形地电模型的合成数据进行了三维反演,反演结果能很好地重现理论模型的电性结构,验证了本文开发的三维反演算法的正确性和可靠性.最后,利用该算法反演了某矿区大地电磁实测数据,反演得到的三维电性结构清晰地反映了研究区的地电特征,将反演结果与该区已有地质资料结合进行解释,应用效果明显,进一步验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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