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A bed-length balance technique is presented to calculate listric normal fault trajectories using roll-over geometry and fault displacements. The technique can also be applied to subsidiary listric normal fault fans above a major fault to calculate the major listric fault geometry.  相似文献   

We suggest that faults in high slip tendency orientations tend to develop larger displacements than other faults. Consequently, faults that accumulate larger displacements are more likely to be reliable indicators of the longer term stress field and should be weighted accordingly in paleostress estimation. Application of a stress inversion technique that uses slip tendency analyses and fault displacements to interpret populations of coherent normal faults within the Balcones Fault System of south-central Texas provides stress estimates that are consistent with established regional stress analyses. Although the method does not require measurement of slip directions, these data, where available, and sensitivity analyses of the angular mismatch between measured slip directions and those predicted by inverted stress states provide high confidence in the stress estimates generated using slip tendency analyses. Close inspection of the fault orientation and displacement data further indicates that subpopulations of faults with orientations different from the regional pattern have formed in response to stress perturbations generated by displacement gradients on an adjacent seismic scale fault.  相似文献   

塔中Ⅰ号坡折带上奥陶统良里塔格组发现了我国珊瑚-层孔虫造礁群落最早的礁体,在生态演替上具承先启后重要特征,并伴随着发育了多套礁滩相储集体。充分利用古地理、古地磁,同位素、微量元素,包裹体,岩心物性分析等数据,分析了塔里木板块奥陶纪成礁环境,特别是从构造地质学、碳酸盐岩地质学、层序地层学、古生态学、古生物学出发,剖析了塔中隆起碳酸盐岩台地演化的阶段性、海平面变化的周期性,以及奥陶纪造礁生物生态群落的演替及生物生长性,分别建立了良里塔格组各个时期礁滩复合体发育的模式,深入解析了礁滩复合体多期生长发育的动力学特征。塔中良里塔格组3期叠加发育的礁体生长与台地演化的构造阶段性密切相关,同时控制了礁滩复合体微相类型上的多样性和分异性。礁滩复合体地貌隆起和高频海平面变化所导致的暴露,以及准同生期大气淡水淋滤、溶蚀作用是控制台缘礁滩体优质储层发育的动力学基础,经后期埋藏过程中所经历的表生岩溶作用、埋藏期热水岩溶作用以及断层相关岩溶等是该礁滩复合体储层物性改良主控因素。集中揭示了塔中奥陶纪礁滩复合体发育演替几何学、动力学机制及礁滩储集体控储机制,有效指导了塔中古隆起奥陶系生物礁油气规模效益开发,对于类似油气田勘探与学科发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

3D field data on mesoscale normal faults were collected to examine the geometries and growth of faults in multilayer systems. Observation and analysis of the fractures include the collection of geometric attributes such as fault dips and fault zone thicknesses, detailed mapping in cross-sections and plan views, and the construction of individual and cumulative displacement profiles. Fault zone growth is consistent with a “coherent model” and is strongly influenced by the multilayer system. In the limestone layers, faults grew in several steps, including opening and frictional sliding on 80° dipping segments. Faulting in clay layers was in the form of 40° dipping faults and sub-horizontal faults, the latter being mostly early features developed under the same extensional regime as normal faults and disturbing the fault architecture. The fault zone thickness increases with the limestone thickness and the presence of sub-horizontal faults in clay beds. Numerous connections occur in clay units. The moderate (≈0.08) and low (<0.03) mean displacement gradients in clays and in limestones respectively indicate that the vertical propagation of faults is inhibited in clay layers. Analysis of displacement along fault strike indicates that a 0.08 displacement gradient is associated with the horizontal propagation of fault segments in limestones. According to this value, the fault zones are much longer than expected. It is associated with ‘flat topped’ displacement profiles along some fault segments and connection between segments to form complex fault zones.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary study investigates the influence of different parameters on fault rock architecture development along normal faults affecting non-porous carbonates of the Corinth rift southern margin. Here, some fault systems cut the same carbonate unit (Pindus), and the gradual and fast uplift since the initiation of the rift led to the exhumation of deep parts of the older faults. This exceptional context allows superficial active fault zones and old exhumed fault zones to be compared.Our approach includes field studies, micro-structural (optical microscope and cathodoluminescence), geochemical analyses (δ13C, δ18O, trace elements) and fluid inclusions microthermometry of calcite sin-kinematic cements.Our main results, in a depth-window ranging from 0 m to about 2500 m, are: i) all cements precipitated from meteoric fluids in a close or open circulation system depending on depth; ii) depth (in terms of P/T condition) determines the development of some structures and their sealing; iii) lithology (marly levels) influences the type of structures and its cohesive/non-cohesive nature; iv) early distributed rather than final total displacement along the main fault plane is the responsible for the fault zone architecture; v) petrophysical properties of each fault zone depend on the variable combination of these factors.  相似文献   

We have carried out boundary element calculations to simulate quasistatic propagation of a normal fault in the earth's crust under a horizontal tensile loading. Byerlee's frictional law is employed to describe the mechanical behavior of the fault surface. We hypothesize that in order for a normal fault to grow quasistatically, the mixed-mode effective shear stress intensity factor must exceed a threshold value (fracture toughness), a crustal material property. We suggest that the fault grows in a direction of local maximum shear stress. The direction of fault propagation thus depends on the ratio of tensile and shear stress intensity factors. A listric normal fault is likely to form in crustal material with a small shear fracture toughness. A listric normal fault is also more likely to form in crustal material with a high degree of plasticity.The propagation trajectory of an incrementally growing normal fault is examined. As the normal fault extends to a greater depth, the shear stress intensity factor drops, owing to an increase in fault surface friction. The equilibrium depth to which a normal fault will grow is controlled by the far field loading and the fracture mechanical property of the crustal material. The decrease of shear stress intensity with fault length also stabilizes the fault growth.  相似文献   

A method using multilayer perceptrons for analysing diffusion profiles and sketching the temperature history of geological samples is explored. Users of this method can intuitively test and compare results thinking in terms of analytical solutions of the diffusion equation whilst the bulk of the work is made computationally. Being neither completely analytical nor numerical, the method is a hybrid and represents an ideal man-machine interaction. The approach presented in this paper should be preferred when the retrieval of the diffusion coefficients from concentration profiles using dimensionless parameters is not possible and/or there is more than one unknown parameter in the analytical solution of the diffusion equation. Its versatility is a key factor for extending the potential of Dodson’s formulation. The case of a species produced by a radiogenic source and diffusing in a cooling system is therefore discussed. Both the classical change of variable for diffusion coefficients depending on time and an alternative approach decomposing the overall effect of diffusion into a sum of effects due to smaller events could be used to tackle this problem. As multilayer perceptrons can approximate any function, none of the assumptions originally stated by Dodson are necessary.  相似文献   

陆相断陷盆地是世界上重要的含油气盆地类型之一,我国东部大陆及沿海分布着约230个各具特色的中、新生代陆相断陷盆地,是世界上最大的陆相含油气盆地集中分布区.陆相断陷盆地在其沉积演化过程中,断裂构造对断陷湖盆内沉积体系和砂体发育具有明显的控制作用.第一,对断陷盆地而言,盆缘断裂控制着盆地的样式.第二,盆缘断裂控制着断陷湖盆内坡折断裂带的形成,为沉积提供了潜在的空间和充填动力.第三,影响着物源的碎屑供给,进而控制着沉积体系类型,砂体成因类型及时空演化和分布特征.所以,深入研究陆相断陷湖盆断裂构造,对沉积体系及砂体的控制作用具有重要的实际意义和理论价值.  相似文献   

We examine five areas of mainland Greece where active extension occurs on sub-parallel systems of normal faults, and where geomorphological and stratigraphic evidence indicates that the faulting has migrated basinwards into the original hanging walls, in several cases within the late Quaternary. By comparing fault slip rates estimated from geomorphological data with current extension rates known from geodetic measurements, it appears that the newest faults can account for effectively all the present-day motions. Fault migration of this sort is easy to recognize in young systems close to sea level, because vertical movements of footwalls and hanging walls are obvious and reveal which faults are currently most active, but is less easy to confirm away from reliable reference levels or in older terrains with poorer time resolution. It is probably more common than is appreciated, and has a profound effect on syn-rift sedimentation and erosion patterns. Fault migration is probably an inevitable consequence of the interplay between stresses generated by the fault-related topography and the ultimate strength of major faults. It is likely to be further encouraged in places where lower crustal flow or rotations about a vertical axis are important. However, it is not clear why migration should preferentially occur into the hanging walls, as observed in central Greece.  相似文献   

根据深厚多层软土地区地基土的物理力学性质,考虑桩侧土低荷载水平下的初始极限剪应力和高荷载水平下的应力软化特性以及桩端土承载力分段发挥特性,采用一种新的桩侧和桩端模型模拟单桩荷载传递机制。基于上述模型,利用递推迭代方法可计算单桩桩顶沉降、桩身轴力以及桩侧摩阻力。采取土工参数易于获取且适用于软土地区的经验p-y曲线描述桩-土界面力和位移的非线性关系。基于欧拉-伯努利梁和中心差分理论,考虑桩尖边界条件,采用数值计算方法对桩沿长度方向的转角、剪力、弯矩进行计算,以获取在特定荷载下这些变量的变化特征。最后,结合工程案例,对上述方法进行了验证,其计算简洁且与实际测试结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

In a series of scale-experiments, we generated listric normal faults by extending models composed of colored sand layers deposited at regular time intervals throughout deformation during syntectonic sedimentation. Progressive bulk extension along a single set of faults caused domino-type tilting of fault blocks. Underlying tilted faults propagated upwards, with constant dips into newly sedimented layers. Hence fault profiles become progressively more listric. Tilting of the free surface resulted in asymmetrical depressions and in fan-shaped deposits.Stepwise or continuous geometric models of domino-tilting and synchronous sedimentation yield the same structural and stratigraphic features as observed in the sand models. The continuous geometric model shows that a critical parameter governing fault curvature is the ratio R between rates of bulk strain and sedimentation.Both types of models reveal that synchronous sedimentation and bulk extension are capable by themselves of generating listric normal faults.  相似文献   

Transpression occurs in response to oblique convergence across a deformation zone in intraplate regions and plate boundaries. The Korean Peninsula is located at an intraplate region of the eastern Eurasian Plate and has been deformed under the ENE–WSW maximum horizontal compression since the late Pliocene. In this study, we analyzed short-term instrumental seismic (focal mechanism) and long-term paleoseismic (Quaternary fault outcrop) data to decipher the neotectonic crustal deformation pattern in the southeastern Korean Peninsula. Available (paleo-)seismic data acquired from an NNE–SSW trending deformation zone between the Yangsan and Ulleung fault zones indicate spatial partitioning of crustal deformation by NNW–SSE to NNE–SSW striking reverse faults and NNE–SSW striking strike-slip faults, supporting a strike-slip partitioned transpression model. The instantaneous and finite neotectonic strains, estimated from the focal mechanism and Quaternary outcrop data, respectively, show discrepancies in their axes, which can be attributed to the switching between extensional and intermediate axes of finite strain during the accumulation of wrench-dominated transpression. Notably, some major faults, including the Yangsan and Ulsan fault zones, are relatively misoriented to slip under the current stress condition but, paradoxically, have more (paleo-)seismic records indicating their role in accommodating the neotectonic transpressional strain. We propose that fluids, heat flow, and lithospheric structure are potential factors affecting the reactivation of the relatively misoriented major faults. Our findings provide insights into the accommodation pattern of strain associated with the neotectonic crustal extrusion in an intraplate region of the eastern Eurasian Plate in response to the collision of the Indian Plate and the subduction of the Pacific/Philippine Sea Plates.  相似文献   

The Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) serves as a key continental‐scale controlling structural element of the Tibetan Plateau. However, its eastward extent remains controversial. Here we use high‐resolution seismic reflection profiles to investigate the subsurface structures of the easternmost ATF and use these to delimit the easternmost extent of the fault. The structural analyses show an eastward geometric change from transpressional positive flower structures to compressional thrusts, with transpression‐induced shortening magnitudes decreasing eastwards from a maximum of ~5.3 km to being absent. Stratigraphic controls indicate that the deformation took place over the last ~<1.2 Ma. Our wider findings lead us to: (a) reject the suggestion that the ATF previously extended beyond the Kuantan Shan‐Hei Shan to link with the Alxa‐East Mongolia Fault; and (b) propose that the rigid block model used to describe the Tibetan Plateau crust is not consistent with the extent and structural details of the easternmost ATF.  相似文献   

The 1200-km long North Anatolian fault zone is a right-lateral, intracontinental transform boundary which was initiated in the Late Neogene. Sediments of Pliocene to Holocene age in basins between Cerkes and Erbaa, within the convex-northwards arc of the fault zone, are deformed by syn-sedimentary and post-depositional mesoscopic faults and joints. The mesofractures, which strike obliquely to the fault zone, include reverse faults, normal faults, normal shear joints, conjugate vertical joints and strike-slip faults. Each type of structure occurs in two geometrical groups, one comprises four systems of fractures, the other is made up of five systems. The directions of secondary compression and/or extension inferred from the first group of mesofractures, which are restricted to sediments of Pliocene to Early Pleistocene age, are interpreted as being related to left-lateral shear along the North Anatolian fault zone. The directions of compression and/or extension inferred from the second group of mesofractures, which cut sediments of Pliocene to late Holocene age, were generated during right-lateral shear.The presence of the second group of mesofractures is understandable because they are related to the shear sense which operates at the present-day, but those interpreted as being related to left-lateral shear are more puzzling: their development implies one or more reversals of the dominant sense of displacement. Several tentative models to explain such reversals are proposed, including regional and local influences, the latter related to mechanical constraints and/or the effects of other fault systems.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown evidence of strong coupling between the atmosphere and lithosphere in coastal regions, associating abnormal atmospheric phenomena to the occurrence of strong earthquakes. Surface latent heat flux (SLHF), total column water vapor (CWV), relative humidity (RH) and total ozone column (TOC), analyzed over the epicentral region of the Denali fault earthquake of November 3, 2002, exhibit anomalous behavior that could be related to the earthquake preparatory process and its occurrence. The complementary nature of the parameters provides strong support that the anomalous values were driven by lithospheric processes, rather than other atmospheric phenomena. Due to the wide availability of remote sensing observations of atmospheric parameters, the detection of anomalies can be used to mitigate the earthquake risks.  相似文献   

2014年10—12月期间,云南景谷接连发生了Ms6.6、Ms5.8、Ms5.9三次中-强地震。为确定地震的地质构造成因,在地表调查的基础上,综合该区的地质构造情况、烈度与余震分布、震源机制解等资料,确定此次震群活动的宏观震中位于永平盆地东南侧山地,发震断层为地质与地貌表现不显著的NW向右旋走滑断层。此次震群活动及余震迁移过程指示,由于断层斜接部位岩桥的临时阻碍,Ms6.6地震破裂在向南东扩展过程中发生短暂停滞,突破障碍后进一步引发了Ms5.8和Ms5.9地震,这符合震源破裂沿NW向发震断裂分段破裂的行为。区域活动断裂的遥感解译结果发现,发震断层位置恰好处于NW向右旋走滑的茶房断裂与普文断裂之间,区域上属于该断裂带的不连贯部位,指示此次中-强震群活动应该是茶房-普文断裂带贯通过程的构造活动表现。结合思茅地块的历史地震资料发现,思茅地块地震活动多以小于等于6.8级为主,发震构造多为NW向断裂。指示在现今构造应力场作用下,该区NW向断裂的活动性相对NE向断裂更加显著,属于该区主要控震构造,应在今后的地震地质工作中给予更多关注。  相似文献   

Normal faults within orogenic belts can be pre-, syn- or post-orogenic features. We studied the Gubbio normal fault (central Italy), which is an example of a pre-orogenic fault reactivated in a post-orogenic stage. The Gubbio Fault is a 22-km-long fault bordering a Quaternary basin and part of an active faults system in the Umbria–Marche region (Central Italy). The interpretation of a set of seismic profiles enables us to reconstruct the fault geometry in detail and to measure displacement and throw distributions along the fault strike. Seismic data indicate that the Gubbio Fault represents an example of multiple reactivation: at least a portion of the fault was active in the Miocene and only a part of the total displacement was achieved in the Quaternary. The reconstruction of the fault geometry at depth shows that the fault is characterised by listric geometry. The fault is also characterised by a bend along strike and structure contours show that this geometry is maintained at depth. As the fault is commonly addressed as presently active, the maximum fault dimensions are correlated to the maximum expected earthquake, and the presence of the fault bend is discussed as a possible barrier to seismic ruptures propagation.  相似文献   

When a mechanically layered section of rock is subject to a horizontal strain, faults often nucleate preferentially in one or more layers before propagating through the rest of the section. The result is a high density of small, low-throw faults within these layers, and a much smaller number of large, through-cutting faults which nevertheless accommodate most of the strain due to their much larger displacement. A dynamic model of fault nucleation and propagation has been created by combining analytical and finite element techniques to calculate the energy balance of these propagating faults. This model shows that: 1) faults may nucleate in either mechanically weak layers, or in stiff layers with a high differential stress; 2) fault propagation may be halted either by strong layers (in which the sliding friction coefficient is high), or by layers which deform by flow and thus have low differential stress. This model can predict quantitatively the horizontal strain required for faults to nucleate, and to propagate across mechanical layer boundaries. The model is able to explain the complex pattern of fault nucleation and propagation observed in a mechanically layered outcrop in Sinai, Egypt.  相似文献   

The major structure accommodating orogen-parallel extension in the Eastern Alps is inferred to be the Brenner Fault, which forms the western boundary of the Tauern Window. The estimated amount of extension along this fault varies from a minimum of 10–20 km to a maximum of >70 km. All investigations that have attempted to constrain this amount of extension have calculated the fault plane parallel displacement required to restore the difference in structural level between footwall and hanging wall as constrained by geobarometry. However, these calculations neglected the component of exhumation of the footwall resulting from folding and erosion. Therefore, the total amount of extensional displacement was systematically overestimated. In the present study, we project a tectonic marker surface from the footwall and hanging wall of the Brenner Fault onto a N–S-striking cross section. This marker surface, which is the base of the Patscherkofel unit in the footwall and the base of the Ötztal basement in the hanging wall, is inferred to have occupied the same structural level in the hanging wall and footwall of the Brenner Fault before its activity. Therefore, the difference in height between the marker projected from the footwall and from the hanging wall is a measure of the vertical offset across the Brenner Fault. This construction shows that the vertical offset of the marker horizon on both sides of the Brenner Fault varies strongly and continuously along strike of the Brenner Fault, attaining a maximum value of 15 km at the hinge of the folded footwall (Tauern Dome). The along-strike change of vertical offset is explained by large-scale upright folding of the footwall that did not affect the hanging wall of the Brenner Fault. Therefore, the difference in vertical offset of 10 km between the area of the Brenner Pass and the area immediately south of Innsbruck corresponds to the shortening (upright folding) component of exhumation of the footwall. The remaining 5 km of vertical offset must be attributed to extensional deformation. The Brenner Fault itself is barely folded, its dip varies between 20 and 70°, and it crosscuts the upright folds of the western Tauern Window. Given the offset of 5 km, the dip of the fault constrains the extensional displacement to be between 2 and 14 km. We conclude that the Tauern Window was exhumed primarily by folding and erosion, not by extensional unroofing.  相似文献   

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