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It is now recognized that a number of neutral-plasma interaction processes are of great importance in the formation of the Io torus. One effect not yet considered in detail is the charge exchange between fast torus ions and the atmospheric neutrals producing fast neutrals energetic enough to escape from Io. Since near Io the plasma flow is reduced, the neutrals of charge exchange origin are not energetic enough to leave the Jovian system; these neutrals are therefore distributed over an extensive region as indicated by the sodium cloud. It is estimated here that the total neutral injection rate can reach 1027 s?1 if not more. New ions subsequently created in the distributed neutral atomic cloud as a result of charge exchange or electron impact ionization are picked up by the corotating magnetic field. The pick-up ions are hot with initial gyration speed near the corotation speed. The radial current driven by the pickup process cannot close in the torus but must be connected to the planetary ionosphere by field-aligned currents. These field-aligned currents will flow away from the equator at the outer edge of the neutral cloud and towards it at the inner edge. We find that the Jovian ionospheric photoelectrons alone cannot supply the current flowing away from the equator, and torus ions accelerated by a parallel electric field could be involved. The parallel potential drop is estimated to be several kV which is large enough to push the torus ions into the Jovian atmosphere. This loss could explain the sharp discontinuous change of flux tube content and ion temperature at L = 5.6 as well as the generation of auroral type hiss there. Finally we show that the inner torus should be denser at system III longitudes near 240° as a result of the enhanced secondary electron flux in this region. This effect may be related to the longitudinal brightness variation observed in the SII optical emissions.  相似文献   

Since one does not know the photometric functions of various parts of Io, one cannot convert the observed geometric albedo of the satellite to a parameter more directly measurable in the laboratory. One must therefore convert laboratory reflectances to geometric albedos before quantitative comparisons between Io's surface and a laboratory sample are made. This procedure involves determining the wavelength dependence of the sample's photometric function. For substances such as sulfur, whose reflectance varies strongly with wavelength, it is incorrect to assume that the photometric function, and hence the ratio (laboratory reflectance/geometric albedo) is independent of wavelength. To illustrate this point, measurements of the color dependence of this ratio for sulfur are presented for the specific case in which the measured laboratory reflectance is the sample's normal reflectance. In general, unless the laboratory reflectance is precisely the geometric albedo, a wavelength-dependent correction factor must be determined before the laboratory sample can be compared quantitatively with Io's surface.  相似文献   

C. Blanco  S. Catalano 《Icarus》1975,25(4):585-587
A long-term variation of the magnitude at mean opposition is shown to exist for Io and Titan. The variation of Io seems to be correlated with the orbital period of Jupiter, the maximum light occurring at perihelion.  相似文献   

Infrared observations of the Io eclipse of 12 April 1980 in five broad bands from 3 to 30 μm define the thermal emission spectrum both during and after eclipse. A substantial fraction of the emitted radiation during eclipse arises from hot spots; the equivalent global average heat flow is 1.5 ± 0.3 W m?2, corresponding to an internal source of (6 ± 1) × 1013 W. The hot spot spectra can be matched by components with color temperatures of 200–600°K covering 1–2% of the surface. Comparison with observations over the past 8 years suggests that, while the flux at the hottest temperatures may be highly variable, there is no evidence for major changes in the total heat flow, which is emitted primarily in the spectral region 10–20 μm. The heating curves of the surface were observed at 10 and 20 μm; when corrected for the hot spot contribution they indicate a typical global thermal inertia for Io of (0.2 ± 0.1) × 10?3cal cm?2sec?12K?1, similar to that of the other Galilean satellites.  相似文献   

L. Trafton  W. Macy 《Icarus》1978,33(2):322-335
We investigate the contribution of scattering in the telescope to our measurements of the size of Io's sodium cloud and to the distribution of emission intensity in the cloud. The brightest regions, within 30″ of Io near opposition and along the equatorial plane, are relatively undistorted but regions further than 45″ away and not close to the equatorial plane are very likely to consist of mainly scattered light. Portions of the cloud in the vicinity of the magnetic equator are also mostly scattered light when Io is near extreme magnetic latitude. The equatorial torus, however, extends up to 20 arcmin from Jupiter. The large size of the cloud is thus confirmed. High-resolution line profile shapes indicate that sodium streams from Io preferentially in the forward direction with velocities distributed up to 18 km sec?1. The observed wavelength shifts of the peak intensities from Io's rest frame are compatible with a cloud streaming through a bound atmospheric component but they could also be caused by a velocity distribution peaked at very low velocities.  相似文献   

A.D. Herzog  R.F. Beebe 《Icarus》1975,26(1):30-36
Light curves of occultations of Europa by Io have been used to generate a crude map of abledo features on Europa. The best values currently available for the impact parameters and magnitude ratios for each event have been imposed on our model. Residuals between the observed and computed light curves are interpreted as albedo features on Europa. In order to improve the fit between the observations and the model it became necessary to impose a general polar brightening. The effects of additional albedo features and alternate models are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从气体动力学分析出发,解释了“旅行者1号”观察到的木卫一上火山羽的特点,如伞状外形和丝状结构等,给出了激波和羽顶之间流场的解析形式。  相似文献   

A.J. Dessler 《Icarus》1980,44(2):291-295
Theoretical arguments have been presented to the effect that both plasma and energy are supplied to the Jovian magnetosphere primarily from internal sources. If we assume that Io is the source of plasma for the Jovian magnetosphere and that outward flow of plasma from the torus is the means of drawing from the kinetic energy of rotation of Jupiter to drive magnetospheric phenomena, we can obtain a new, independent estimate of the rate of mass injection from Io into the Io plasma torus. We explicitly assume the solar wind supplies neither plasma nor energy to the Jovian magnetosphere in significant amounts. The power expended by the Jovian magnetosphere is supplied by torus plasma falling outward through the corotational-centrifugal-potential field. A lower limit to the rate of mass injection into the torus, which on the average must equal the rate of mass loss from the torus, is therefore derivable if we adopt a value for the power expended to drive the various magnetospheric phenomena. This method yields an injection rate of at least 103 kg/sec, a value in agreement with the results obtained by two other independent methods of estimating mass injection rate. If this injection rate from Io and extraction of energy from Jupiter's kinetic energy of rotation has been maintained over geologic time, then approximately 0.1% of Io's mass (principally in the form of sulfur and oxygen) has been lost to the Jovian magnetosphere, and Jupiter's spin rate has been reduced by less than 0.1%.  相似文献   

Gerald G. Schaber 《Icarus》1980,43(3):302-333
A prelimanary geologic map, representing 26.5% of the surface of Io, has been compiled using best-resolution (0.5 to 5 km/line pair) Voyager 1 images and (as a base) a preliminary pictorial map of Io. Nine volcanic units are identified, including materials of mountains (1.9% of total area), plains (49.6%), flows (31.1%), cones (0.1%), and crater vents (4.0%), in addition to seven types of structural features. Photogeologic evidence indicates a dominantly silicate composition for the mountain material, which supports heights of at least 9 ± 1 km. Sulfur flows of diverse viscosity and sulfur-silicate mixtures are thought to compose the pervasive plains. Pit crater and shield crater vent wall scarps reach heights of 2 km and layered plains boundary scarps have estimated heights of 150 to 1700 m; such scarps indicate a material with considerable strenght. A cumulative, volcanic crater size-frequency distribution plot has been prepared using 170 mapped Ionian vents with diameters > 14 km; the shape and slope of the curve are like those for impact craters on other bodies in the solar system, attesting to a similar nonrandom distribution to crater diameters and a surplus of small craters. Io's equatorial zone has six times the number of vents per unit area as the south polar zone. No craters of unequivocal impact origin have been identified on Io to date. A total of 151 lineaments and grabens are recognized with four dominant azimuthal trends forming two nearly orthogonal sets spaces 110° apart (N 85° E, N 25° W and N 45° E, N 55°W). The mapped area lies within the longitudinal zone (250 to 323°) of least-abundant SO2 frost, indicating that other sulfurous components dominate the upper surface layers in this area.  相似文献   

We give a quantitative theory of line formation in an atmosphere above a surface with backscattering properties. Sufficiently high spatial and spectral resolution spectra of resonance lines in Io region A can yield data on the surface scattering properties as well as the number density of scattering molecules. We discuss macroscopically homogenous models of scattering from the surface of Io and conclude that multiple reflection from crystal facets is the most likely cause for the observed geometric albedo and phase variation.  相似文献   

J.S. Morgan 《Icarus》1985,63(2):243-265
Three-dimensional models of the Io torus are employed to analyze the spectroscopic data reported by J.S. Morgan (1985, Icarus62, 389–414). These models are used to compare Morgan's ground-based spectroscopic data with R.J. Oliversen's (1983, The Io Plasma Torus: Its Structure and Sulfur Emission Spectra. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison) nearly simultaneous [SII] images and with the in situ measurements made by Voyager 1. The models are also used to investigate whether the observed [SII] longitudinal intensity variations were caused by intrinsic or geometric effects, and to test the hypothesis that the observed optical east-west variations are consistent with the convective motions suggested by D.D. Barbosa and M.G. Kivelson (1983, Geophys. Res. Lett.10, 210–213) and W.-H. Ip and C. K. Goertz (1983, Nature302, 232–233). Oliversen's images are found to be in good agreement with Morgan's spectroscopic measurements. Three significant differences exist between these data and the torus described in the Voyager 1 experiments: (1) the torus beyond ~5.7RJ was found to be at least 1.5 to 2 times denser in 1981 than at the time of the Voyager 1 measurements in 1979, (2) the outer torus SII ion temperatures were approximately two times cooler than those measured by Voyager 1, and (3) in 1981, the outer torus OII mixing ratios were lower than were suggested by the Voyager 1 experiments. The 1981 ground-based OII/SII intensity ratios are found to be consistent with a radial peak near 6.0RJ in the ratio of oxygen to sulfur. At its maximum this ratio is ~2, and it falls to ~1 within ~0.5RJ inside and outside of this radius. Viewing geometry variations were found to be inadequate to account for the longitudinal variations observed by Morgan (1984). Intrinsic longitudinal intensity changes of about a factor of 2 are required to match the 1981 observations. Convective motions were found to adequately explain the observed optical east-west intensity asymmetry, but problems in interpreting the [OII] doublet line ratios still remain. It is suggested that systematic errors are present in the measurements of the [OII] line ratios.  相似文献   

Magmatic Differentiation of Io   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If Io has been volcanically active through much of its history, it must be highly differentiated. We present an initial attempt to quantify the differentiation of the silicate portion of Io. We suggest that, on average, each part of Io has undergone about 400 episodes of partial melting. We employ a widely used thermodynamic model of silicate melts to examine the effect of such repeated differentiation. Despite many caveats, including a grossly oversimplistic model of the differentiation process, uncertainties in the initial composition of the mantle, and the failure to model more than four episodes of partial melting, we are able to make some robust conclusions. Io should have a roughly 50 km thick, low density (2600–2900 kg m−3), alkali-rich, siliceous crust composed primarily of feldspars and nepheline. The crustal magmas should have relatively low melting temperatures (<1100 °C). The bulk of the mantle should be essentially pure forsterite (magnesian olivine). It is possible that the denser iron- and calcium-rich materials are segregated into a lower mantle and thus no longer involved in surface processes. These model predictions are generally consistent with the observations of Io. The enrichment of the crust in alkalis may help to explain the composition of the neutral clouds around Io. The failure to detect silicates at the surface of Io to date might be due in part to the difficulty in detecting Fe-poor minerals such as nepheline, feldspars, and forsterite via near-IR spectroscopy. Many hot spot temperatures are too high for sulfur alone but are in line with silica-rich melts. The mountains on Io could be manifestations of large buoyant plutons. The highest temperature lavas may be the result of melts from the depleted mantle making their way to the surface from great depths.  相似文献   

J. Veverka  J. Goguen  S. Yang  J. Elliot 《Icarus》1979,37(1):249-255
The problem of comparing laboratory spectra of sulfur-containing binary mixtures with the spectrum of Io is discussed. For the satellite, the observable is the geometric albedo as a function of wavelength, whereas in the laboratory one often measures some other type of albedo. In a previous paper we demonstrated that for pure sulfur the multiplicative factor which converts the laboratory albedos to geometric albedos can be strongly wavelength dependent. The present paper demonstrates that this is also true for binary sulfur-containing mixtures. Furthermore, there is no universal conversion factor applicable to all binary mixtures, nor can the factor be interpolated for a particular mixture from the conversion factors of the two end members. The conversion factor is a function not only of the specific composition of a binary mixture, but of the relative particle size distributions of the two components, and must be measured specifically for each individual sample if a quantitative comparison between a laboratory sample and Io's surface is desired.  相似文献   

Jacques Henrard 《Icarus》2005,178(1):144-153

S.H. Gross  G.V. Ramanathan 《Icarus》1976,29(4):493-507
Observations of Io suggest that it may have an atmosphere in which sodium vapor, ammonia, and nitrogen are important constituents. Several atmospheric models consisting of these gases are treated here. These are tested as a function of total content against the Pioneer 10 observations and for stability against escape. The results suggest that the atmosphere is very tenuous and that the interpretation of the ionosphere detected by Pioneer 10 by a static model may be inconsistent with the sodium cloud observations. It is postulated that ionization may also be escaping and that sodium may be comparable in content in the atmosphere with some molecular constituent such as NH3 or N2. Sodium and this molecular component then dominate the atmosphere. It is also suggested that particle precipitation contributes to heating of the atmosphere and to the production of ionization; furthermore, the difference between day- and nighttime ionospheres and possible trailing and leading side effects may relate to the nature of the particle energy distributions. These distributions may be the result of the peculiar interaction of Io with the Jovian magnetosphere.  相似文献   

We produced the first geologic map of the Amirani-Gish Bar region of Io, the last of four regional maps generated from Galileo mission data. The Amirani-Gish Bar region has five primary types of geologic materials: plains, mountains, patera floors, flows, and diffuse deposits. The flows and patera floors are thought to be compositionally similar, but are subdivided based on interpretations regarding their emplacement environments and mechanisms. Our mapping shows that volcanic activity in the Amirani-Gish Bar region is dominated by the Amirani Eruptive Center (AEC), now recognized to be part of an extensive, combined Amirani-Maui flow field. A mappable flow connects Amirani and Maui, suggesting that Maui is fed from Amirani, such that the post-Voyager designation “Maui Eruptive Center” should be revised. Amirani contains at least four hot spots detected by Galileo, and is the source of widespread bright (sulfur?) flows and active dark (silicate?) flows being emplaced in the Promethean style (slowly emplaced, compound flow fields). The floor of Gish Bar Patera has been partially resurfaced by dark lava flows, although other parts of its floor are bright and appeared unchanged during the Galileo mission. This suggests that the floor did not undergo complete resurfacing as a lava lake as proposed for other ionian paterae. There are several other hot spots in the region that are the sources of both active dark flows (confined within paterae), and SO2- and S2-rich diffuse deposits. Mapped diffuse deposits around fractures on mountains and in the plains appear to serve as the source for gas venting without the release of magma, an association previously unrecognized in this region. The six mountains mapped in this region exhibit various states of degradation. In addition to gaining insight into this region of Io, all four maps are studied to assess the best methodology to use to produce a new global geologic map of Io based on the newly released, combined Galileo-Voyager global mosaics. To convey the complexity of ionian surface geology, we find that a new global geologic map of Io should include a map sheet displaying the global abundances and types of surface features as well as a complementary GIS database as a means to catalog the record of surface changes observed since the Voyager flybys and during the Galileo mission.  相似文献   

The discovery of large volcanic eruptions on Io suggests that Io is one of the most geologically active planetary bodies. The energy source of this geologic activity is believed to be tidal heating induced by Jupiter. A number of thermal history calculations were done to investigate the effect of tidal heating on the thermal history of Io taking into account solid state convection and advective heat transfer. These simulations show that the total tidal heating energy in Io is almost equal to the advectively transferred heat, indicating that the observed heat flow from Io is nearly equal to the total tidal heating energy. Since total tidal heating energy is dependent on the radius of the liquid mantle and the internal dissipation factor (Q), the radius of the liquid mantle can be estimated for a given value of Q. Some reasonable thermal history models of Io were obtained using a model with Q ≈ 25–50 in which the magma source of Ionian volcanism is at a depth of 100–300 km. The models satisfy the heat flow data and the existence of a thick lithosphere. Using a model with Q = 25 and L = 300 km (thickness of the advective region) as the standard model (model II), we then studied the effect of convective heat transfer and the initial temperature distribution on the Ionian thermal history. In these calculations, the other parameters are the same as in the standard model (model II). These calculations show that although the temperature distribution in the central region reflects the difference in the efficiency of convective heat transfer and initial temperature distribution, the temperature distribution in the outer region does not changes appreciably.  相似文献   

Voyager full-disk images of Io, available at solar phase angle of α = 2?29° and 101?159°, allow comparisons of the satellite's near-opposition photometric behavior with Earth-based results and the determination of the phase curve out to very high phase angles. The near-opposition data were reduced iteratively for self-consistent phase and rotation curves in each Voyager filter; the resulting phase coefficients, geometric albedos, and rotational lightcurves are consistent with Earth-based findings, except for a previously noted tendency for Voyager to yield somewhat redder spectral information. The derived near-opposition phase coefficients, ranging between 0.016 and 0.024 mag/ deg, decrease with increasing wavelength, a trend weakly noted in some Earth-based observations. The full, α = 2?159° phase curves allow the first direct determination of the phase integral of Io at several wavelengths: q rises from ≈0.7 in the ultraviolet to ≈0.8 in the orange. Combination of the Voyager phase integrals with Earth-based albedo information leads to a best estimate of the bolometric Bond albedo of 0.50 ± 0.10, a value consistent with, but slightly below, previous estimates.  相似文献   

Using data derived from Earth-based measurements of the Io plasma torus, J.T. Trauger (1984, Science226, 337–341) has recently detected a distinct and sharply defined component of the hot inner torus which describes as “ribbon-like” in structure. We identify this plasma ribbon as the source of density fluctuations which derive outward plasma diffusion in a linearized convection model. The model yields simple expressions involving the thickness of the source ring, a linear dimension of the convection cells, and the exponent in the power law in zenocentric radius which the plasma density satisfies in the source ring. We find that the model is consistent with Trauger's data.  相似文献   

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