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Cesium-137 derived from the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986 was preserved in anoxic sediments from a coastal environment in southern Rhode Island. Although the radioactive plume was detected in surface air samples at several locations in the United States, this is the first known record of a Chernobyl 137Cs peak in sediments from North America. The inventory of Chernobyl 137Cs that was preserved in the Pettaquamscutt River is small compared to European counterparts and should only be detectable for the next 15-20 yr. However, the presence of two 137Cs peaks (1963 and 1987) identifies a well-dated segment of the sediment column that could be exploited in understanding the decomposition and preservation of terrestrial and aquatic organic matter. Different methods for calculating the 210Pb chronology were also evaluated in this study and checked against independent varve counting. The end result is a detailed chronology of a site well suited for reconstruction of historical records of environmental change.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rate of suspensions (0.3–18.2 mm/yr) was determined on the basis of layer-by-layer distribution of 137Cs (global and Chernobyl) in the cores of bottom sediments (BS) from 16 lakes located in the high and moderate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Profiles of 137Cs concentration in the BS cores were analyzed. Sedimentation rates in the limnic zones of deep-water lakes were calculated using 137Cs accumulated in the finely-dispersed component of mineral suspension.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of 137Cs and 239,240Pu were measured in soils collected from two sites in southern Sweden and three sites in southern Poland and were modeled using both a solute transport model and a bioturbation model to better understand their downward migration. A time series of measured 137Cs profiles indicates that 137Cs from Chernobyl was found at the soil surface in 1986 but it has migrated progressively downward into the soil 4.5-25.5 cm since. However, because of dispersion during the migration and mixing following Chernobyl deposition and the much higher activities of 137Cs from Chernobyl, stratospheric fallout of 137Cs from the 1960s cannot be identified as a second 137Cs activity maximum lower in the soil column at any of the sites. Conversely, the 240Pu/239Pu ratio indicates that no Chernobyl-derived Pu is present in any of the cores with the exception of one sample in Sweden. This difference may be attributed to the nature of the release from Chernobyl. Cesium volatilized at the reactor temperature during the accident, and was released as a vapor whereas Pu was not volatile and was only released in the form of minute fuel particles that traveled regionally. Both the solute diffusion and the bioturbation models accurately simulate the downward migration of the radionuclides at some sites but poorly describe the distributions at other sites. The distribution coefficients required by the solute transport model are about 100 times lower than reported values from the literature indicating that even though the solute transport model can simulate the profile shapes, transport as a solute is not the primary mechanism governing the downward migration of either Cs or Pu. The bioturbation model uses reported values from the literature of the distribution coefficients and can simulate the downward migration because that model buries the fallout by placing soil from depth on top and mixing it slightly throughout the mixing zone (0.6-2% per year of mixing). However, mixing in that model predicts concentrations in the top parts of the soil profiles which are too high in many cases. Future progress at understanding the downward migration of radionuclides and other tracers will require a more comprehensive approach, combining solute transport with bioturbation and including other important soil processes.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(5):437-445
The input of137Cs into the troposphere from the Chernobyl nuclear accident made intriguing the use of fallout137Cs as a tool for estimating the rate of soil erosion over Europe. The present paper reports on the adoption of137Cs/134Cs activity ratio to differentiate the vertical distribution of137Cs prioir to and following the Chernobyl accident. The137Cs/134Cs activity ration in the radioactive clouds is required to calculate pre and post- 1986137Cs amounts, considering that the whole134Cs was actually derived from Chernobyl. By using this procedure, the erosion rates could be evaluated for the badland area, the Paglia River basin (central Italy), before and after the Chernobyl accident. Nine sites from two areas of this basin were sampled and analyzed. Erosion rates, ranging from 1.5 to 8.4 mm/a were measured, the values depending both on the basin lithology and site slope. These first results are consistent with those yielded by quantitative geomorphologic methods.  相似文献   

1964,1975及1986年三个137CS时标计算出红枫湖和洱海沉积物平均堆积速率完全一致,说明1975年和1986年次级蓄积峰作为计年时标的可靠性。洱海沉积物平均堆积速率为0.047±0.002g/(cm2·a),与210Pb方法所获得的结果一致;红枫湖为0.17±0.01g/(cm2·a),与其建湖以来沉积物实际堆积的观察结果吻合。洱海1964年沉积物中137CS的比活度(校正到沉积年代)仅46.4Bq/kg,而红枫湖达145Bq/kg。由于红枫湖沉积物堆积速率约为洱海的3.7倍,所以其1964年层节沉积物中137CS蓄积量比洱海大11.5倍。红枫湖沉积物中137CS累计值的99.4%分配于1985年以前,而洱海的19.4%分配于1986年以后,显示出137CS在洱海沉积物中的较大扩散能力。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic radionuclides (137Cs,134Cs,60Co) have been introduced to the James River estuary as a result of low-level releases from the Surry Reactor site since 1973 and worldwide atmospheric fallout from nuclear weapons tests since the early 1950s The total radionuclide burden in the estuary sediments has been estimated by integrating radionuclide activities in 29 box cores and extrapolating these integrated values over surface areas subdivided on the basis of sediment type, rates of accumulation, and proximity to the reactor release site. Our results indicate that 30% of the60Co, but only 15% of the134Cs released from the reactor site, has been retained in the estuary sediments, and about 40% of the134Cs and60Co sediment inventory is in areas that represent less than 5% of the total estuarine surface area. Depletion of the134Cs in downstream sediments forms a noticeable trend in the James River estuary, and we postulate that seawater cation competition and exchange is primarily responsible.  相似文献   

 Surface contamination with radioactive caesium introduced into the environment after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant was high enough in the Crimean Mountains to allow using radiocaesium as an indicator of penetration of radioactive contamination into a karst system. Caesium concentrations have been studied in soils above Marble Cave, Tchatyrdag Plateau, in percolation waters and in sediments transported by percolation waters within the cave. Contamination of the daylight surface with 137Cs is about 30 kqB m–2 which is approximately 13 times higher than the density of global fallouts. Besides 137Cs, almost all samples showed presence of 134Cs with the 137Cs/134Cs ratio close to that of Chernobyl contaminations. Concentrations of 137Cs range from 9 to 15 mBq l–1 in the present percolation waters in the cave. In sediments related to percolation waters 134Cs is detected in some samples besides 137Cs, although the effect of 228Ac is not ruled out. Surprisingly, the highest concentrations of radiocaesium were measured in "old" sediments in the cave's lower series. These sediments are not associated with modern percolation and are represented by a clay/moonmilk alternating sequence deposited in an old dried cave lake. Moonmilk layers have higher caesium content than clay. It is assumed that Chernobyl caesium was transported into the cave with aerosols which were then deposited mainly in areas where condensation occurs. The sampling site is located just in the boundary between two microclimatic zones with a temperature gradient of 0.5  °C. Active condensation processes occur in this area. Caesium was not detected in another similar sampling site (old lake deposits) located within homogeneous microclimatic conditions. If the above interpretation is correct, these results show the geochemical significance of the aerosol-condensation mechanism of mass transport and localisation. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   

The redistribution of Chernobyl 137Cs within a small drainage basin was studied in the Lokna river basin, Tula region, Central Russia. Sheet erosion on the cultivated part of basin is the main reason for 137Cs horizontal migration. However there is no statistically significant 137Cs redistribution within cultivated field because of relatively low erosion rates. The valley bottom is the main sink of 137Cs, where 73–84% eroded soil is stored. The resulting 137Cs level in the valley bottom is 1.5–2 times that of the initial 137Cs fallout.  相似文献   

Various anthropogenic radionuclides and210Pb were analyzed in a 4.3-m-long core, sampled near the Rhône River mouth in March 1991, to evaluate the extent of industrial releases that accumulate in this area. The whole core was significantly marked by radionuclide inputs from the nuclear facilities located along the river (137Cs,134Cs,60Co). Irregular profiles in natural and artificial radionuclides should be related to variations in their respective inputs from the Rhône River to the Mediterranean Sea. Minimum concentrations were found during high flow periods. Using both the137Cs/134Cs profile in the core and the range of this ratio in Rhône waters, mean apparent accumulation rates were estimated to range between 37 cm yr?1 and 48 cm yr?1. This core would then represent a sedimentary record over a 7–10 year period. However, the presence of a signal from the Chernobyl accident, which occurred on April 26, 1986, was not clearly observed in the core. Inventories of both artificial and natural radionuclides were greater than expected from atmospheric inputs. The increased sedimentation occurring in close vicinity to the mouth of the Rhône River is thus responsible for trapping of elements transported by the river to the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, inventories of artificial radionuclides are well in excess of aerial deposition from Chernobyl and atmospheric weapons tests and are linked primarily to industrial releases.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of 210Pb and 137Cs radioactivity measurements to determine the rates of sedimentation in the Great Lakes. Cores from eight locations in Lake Michigan were chosen for examination to cover as wide as possible a range of sedimentation rates and representative sedimentary environments. The surficial 210Pb activity in the sediments varies between 7 and 23 pCi/g dry wt and its profile in each core shows the expected exponential decrease with depth consistent with the assumption of uniform sedimentation rate over the last hundred years and secular equilibrium between supported 210Pb and 226Ra (0.5-1.0 pCi/g dry wt). Companion measurements of 137Cs indicate that the coring technique satisfactorily recovered the uppermost levels of the deposit and that the mobility of both radionuclides within the sediment is probably small.Based on the limited number of cores analyzed to date, it appears that modern sedimentation rates are not very different from average rates for the last 7000 yr. The excess 210Pb appears to originate primarily from atmospheric fallout, but a further inventory of the 210Pb distribution over the lake bottom must be made to properly assess the significance of other sources. The spatial distributions of both 137Cs and 210Pb at certain stations suggest that the mode of transport of these radionuclides are comparable and involve attachment to settling particles. A mathematical model is developed which accounts for the observed limited mobility of both 210Pb and 137Cs in several of the cores in terms of post-depositional redistribution by physical or biological mixing processes.  相似文献   

Single cores from two salt marshes in the United Kingdom located near different nuclear facilities were investigated to compare chronostratigraphic estimates derived from the natural radionuclide 210Pbexcess with estimates from the known times of introduction of artificial radionuclides to the environment. Both cores selected had clear visual indications of redox zonation, and evidence for diagenetic redox perturbation of the radionuclide records was also sought. In the core from Beaulieu Marsh on the south coast of England, the redox zonation was revealed by the profiles of the redox-sensitive elements Mn + I, Fe + P + As, and S, and the records of nuclear discharges were entirely contained within oxidized conditions in the upper 40 cm. The constant flux/constant sedimentation 210Pbexcess accumulation estimate was 76% of that derived from the 1963 fallout 137Cs level (0.35 vs. 0.46 g cm−2 yr−1 dry mass), but the constant flux 210Pbexcess method indicated that accumulation rates were lower at Beaulieu before ∼1950. On any timescale, 137Cs appears earlier in the sediment record than its introduction to the environment, but although downward diffusion of 137Cs relative to 241Am has clearly occurred, the 137Cs peak still appeared in place and there was negligible penetration of 137Cs into underlying reduced conditions. This core also contained a peak of the 60Co discharges from either or both the Winfrith and La Hague nuclear plants that peaked in 1980 and 1984, respectively. The sediments in the core from Wyre Marsh on the eastern coast of the Irish Sea had accumulated more rapidly than those at Beaulieu, and in this case the redox zonation could be established only from Mn and S profiles. Here, the constant initial activity 210Pbexcess accumulation rate estimate was 125% of that derived from the 137Cs peak correlated with the 1975 Sellafield discharge maximum (0.79 vs. 0.64 g cm−2 yr−1). Sellafield discharge 137Cs swamps fallout or Chernobyl 137Cs signals in this core, but the 137Cs and 241Am sediment records are well separated and remain consistent with the slightly different discharge patterns over time. This is so despite the fact that the maximum activity levels of both isotopes are now located well into reducing conditions out of which Mn must have migrated. The 210Pb profile appeared similarly unaffected by the oxidized/reduced boundary in this case. This core was too short to define the limits of any downward 137Cs migration. 210Pbexcess accumulation rate estimates for salt marshes should be viewed with some caution because of the steady-state assumptions inherent in all 210Pbexcess methods and the potential for fluctuating accumulation conditions and open system behavior in salt marshes.  相似文献   

中国新疆博斯腾湖全新世沉积环境年代学特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
通过对博斯腾湖沉积物湖芯样品进行137Cs,14C-AMS测年分析,湖芯剖面上有明显的1986年的切尔诺贝利核事故蓄积峰,以及1975年和1963年次蓄积峰,这些137Cs蓄积峰对博斯腾湖现代沉积有明显的时标意义。通过质量深度与年代分析,博斯腾湖的沉积速率相对稳定,平均沉积速率为0.13±0.01g/cm2.a。与14C年代获得的中全新世以来的平均沉积速率0.13±0.03cm/a和0.12±0.05cm/a相似,表明博斯腾湖中全新世以来的沉积环境较稳定,并且也说明14C-AMS测年分析所得的结果较为可靠,可以利用博斯腾湖沉积物样品测定的14C年代进行线性回归作年代校正,由于湖泊沉积物中老碳效应的影响,博斯腾湖沉积物有机质14C测年偏老约650a左右。  相似文献   

对兴凯湖我国水域沉积物137Cs比活度及通量空间分布进行了研究,利用137Cs测年法建立年代框架,估算了兴凯湖的沉积速率,结合粒度C-M图分析了湖泊现代沉积环境。兴凯湖我国水域西岸白棱河河口区域137Cs剖面形态区别于典型的137Cs全球大气沉降模式,且137Cs沉积通量高、平均137Cs活度高,中部和东部区域137Cs沉积通量低、平均137Cs活度低;137Cs沉积通量的空间分布主要受流域输入、水动力条件以及沉积物粒径的影响。兴凯湖沉积环境多表现为静水沉积,受特殊的风浪条件和泄洪闸等人类活动的影响,1963—2019年平均沉积速率空间分布上呈现西部高,中、东部低的特点,XKH-1、XKH-2和XKH-3柱样1963—2019年的平均沉积速率分别为0.143 cm/a、0.080 cm/a和0.036 cm/a。  相似文献   

干旱化对成土碳酸盐碳同位素组成的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
土壤碳酸盐的碳同位素组成可以作为古环境变化的指标.本文对黄土高原地区S1以来成土碳酸盐和红粘土中碳酸盐的碳同位素进行了研究.根据渭南、吉县、长武和会宁4个剖面末次间冰期以来土壤碳酸盐的碳同位素分析结果,探讨了不同气候条件下成土碳酸盐碳同位素组成的特征及其环境意义,指出气候的干湿程度可能是影响黄土地区成土碳酸盐δ13C值的主要原因;西峰红粘土序列碳酸盐的碳同位素记录表明,δ13C值在4.0Ma B.P.前后有一个明显增加的趋势,反映了我国西北地区上新世干旱化的发展,可能与青藏高原在这一时期发生较大规模的隆升有关.  相似文献   

东平湖沉积物 210Pb、137Cs 垂直分布及年代学意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对东平湖沉积物柱状岩芯放射性年代学研究表明: 12cm处的 137Cs比活度峰值对应于1963年人工核试验高峰,9cm和6cm处的 137Cs比活度蓄积峰可能分别与1974年的全球核素散落和1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏有关; 210Pb比活度随深度呈指数衰减,利用 137Cs核素1963年对应的蓄积峰进行校正,采用 210Pb计年的CRS模式建立了1889年以来东平湖现代沉积年代序列。根据 210Pb年代序列,计算了东平湖现代沉积速率,发现近百年来东平湖地区沉积速率有明显变化: 1889~1945年,沉积速率较高,平均达0.297g/cm2•a; 1945~1963年,沉积速率整体处于下降趋势; 1963~2000年,沉积速率比较稳定,平均约0.141g/cm2•a; 约2000年以来,沉积速率有增高趋势。通过分析认为,1945年以前东平湖较高的沉积速率可能与东平湖作为黄河水的自然滞洪区有关; 1950年代国家对东平湖的治理改造,控制了黄河水的自然倒灌,导致了东平湖沉积速率的迅速下降; 1963年以后,由于黄河上中游大型水利工程设施的修建,抑制了东平湖调洪功能的发挥,导致东平湖沉积速率低而稳定; 近年来,东平湖沉积速率有增大趋势,这可能与湖区人民发展围网养殖带入较多的沉积物有关。  相似文献   

The lakes of the Himalaya are degrading due to increase in toxic heavy metal loading. This study reports the last 50-year heavy metal pollution loading in the Rewalsar Lake, Himachal Pradesh, India. Sediment cores were recovered to study the pollution loading in the lake sediments. The 137Cs and 210Pb isotope-based sedimentation rate suggest rapid sedimentation in the lake during the last ~50 years. The concentrations of Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr metals in the lake sediments owe its contributions both to the natural and anthropogenic sources. Prior to ca 1990 AD, metal loading was dominated by the lithogenic input, whereas post ca 1990 AD the metal loading was controlled by the anthropogenic factors. The Pb concentration in the lake gradually increased during 1990–2004 and then decreased significantly till present. The higher concentration of Pb seems to be derived from the fossil fuel burning, while the Cr concentration in the lake indicates the use of fertilizer in the catchment area. The lowest concentrations of elements around ca 1990 AD seem to have occurred due to channelization of the lake feeding system.  相似文献   

A combination of ‘bomb spike’ calibration and conventional calibration of AMS 14C dating has been used to determine a detailed age-depth model for a 1-m sediment section collected from a salt marsh in Poole Harbour, southern England. These data were compared with the chronology obtained from 210Pb analysis and 137Cs age markers. We report post bomb values of over 1.46 F14C (> 146% modern 14C), and both the rising and falling limbs of the atmospheric ‘bomb spike’ are identified. Five pre-bomb samples were analysed using multi-target high-precision 2‰ AMS analysis, and after the replicates were combined the one-sigma uncertainty was as low as ± 9 14C yr on some ages. These data, and an additional three normal-precision pre-bomb 14C samples, were calibrated using CALIB 5.0 and the chronology constrained using the ‘prior knowledge’ of independent age markers obtained from the analysis of pollen and spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCPs). No agreement was found between the 14C ‘bomb spike’ dates and the CRS 210Pb chronology modelled for this sequence. In addition, poor agreement was found between the signal of the 1960s weapons test fallout indicated by the 14C ‘bomb spike’ dates and the timing suggested by the 137Cs data. This disagreement is attributed to the influence of the local discharge of 137Cs from the former UKAEA site at Winfrith. We use our new chronology to confirm the existence of an acceleration in sedimentation rates in Poole Harbour during the last 100 yr previously reported for this site by Long et al. (Long, A.J., Scaife, R.G., Edwards, R.J. 1999. Pine Pollen in intertidal sediments from Poole Harbour, UK; implications for late-Holocene sediment accretion rates and sea-level rise. Quaternary International, 55, 3–16.), and conclude that ‘bomb spike’ 14C calibration dating may offer a more robust alternative to the use of 210Pb chronologies for dating sediment deposition in salt-marsh environments. In addition, we demonstrate how the use of high-precision AMS analysis has the potential for reducing some of the uncertainties involved in the high-resolution dating of recent salt-marsh sediments.  相似文献   

239 + 240Pu activities of 100–450dpm/kg are found down to 15–18 cm in anoxic Saanich Inlet sediments, with a subsurface maximum in undisturbed deposits. Integrated 239 + 240Pu inventories which overlap delivery estimates are present both in two cores of anoxic sediments from Saanich Inlet and in one core of oxic sediments 65 km away in Dabob Bay, Washington. 241Am239 + 240Pu ratios in Saanich Inlet sediments overlap ratios in unfractionated midnorthern latitude fallout, in oxic sediments from the Washington continental shelf, and in anoxic sediments from two basins off southern California and Mexico. The 239 + 240Pu137Cs ratios in three intervals of Saanich Inlet sediments are also in agreement with ratios previously reported for oxic coastal marine sediments. The Pu inventories, the AmPu and PuCs ratios, and the Saanich Inlet Dabob Bay comparison all argue that Pu is not rapidly remobilized in anoxic sediments.The subsurface 239 + 240Pu activity maximum is not in agreement with the historical record of peak Pu fallout in 1963–1964 unless our 210Pb-derived sedimentation rates are incorrectly high. However, they are in good agreement with previous 210Pb and varve chronologies in Saanich Inlet, and also give reasonable dates for times when 239 + 240Pu and SNAP-9A supplied 238Pu first appear in the sediments. We conclude they properly date the maximum in sedimentary 239 + 240Pu activity at 1970–1973, and seek explanations for the 7–10yr time lag after peak fallout.239 + 240Pu inventories in one core from the eastern basin of the Cariaco Trench and in two cores from Golfo Dulce. an anoxic basin off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, are also in reasonable agreement with fallout delivery to these latitudes when excess 210Pb inventories and fluxes are used to verify recovery of at least a major fraction of the most recently deposited sediments.  相似文献   

Cheko, a small lake located in Siberia close to the epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska explosion, might fill a crater left by the impact of a fragment of a Cosmic Body. Sediment cores from the lake’s bottom were studied to support or reject this hypothesis. A 175‐cm long core, collected near the center of the lake, consists of an upper ~1 m thick sequence of lacustrine deposits overlaying coarser chaotic material. 210Pb and 137Cs indicate that the transition from lower to upper sequence occurred close to the time of the Tunguska Event. Pollen analysis reveals that remains of aquatic plants are abundant in the top post‐1908 sequence, but are absent in the lower pre‐1908 portion of the core. These results, including organic C, N and δ13C data, suggest that Lake Cheko formed at the time of the Tunguska Event.  相似文献   

Particle mixing rates (DB) calculated from excess 210Pb gradients in sediments of the east equatorial Pacific range from 0.04 to 0.5 cm2/y, with variation of a factor of 3–4 at a single site. Diffusion of the 236Ra daughter 222Rn may affect 210Pb distributions under conditions of slow mixing and low 210Pb flux to the seafloor, as shown by a siliceous ooze-clay core which contained the fallout radionuclides 239,240Pu and 137Cs but no excess 210Pb (relative to 226Ra). There is no clear relationship between 210Pbderived mixing rates and sediment type, accumulation rate or organic carbon flux to the sediments. Comparison of 210Pb mixing rates with those calculated from 239,240Pu and 137Cs distributions reveals better agreement for a pulse input of the fallout radionuclides (DB = 0.03?0.4 cm2/y) than for continuous input at a constant rate (DB = 0.1?1.6 cm2/y), although the Pu and 137Cs data are better fit by the latter model. The agreement may be fortuitous because 239,240Pu and 137Cs appear significantly deeper than 210Pb in at least one core. Tracer separation could be caused by particle size-selective mixing by the benthic fauna or by chemical mobilization. If the fallout radionuclides are scavenged from surface waters by large, organic-rich particles such as fecal pellets, their release and migration may result from decomposition of the carrier in surface sediments. Either a relatively unreactive form of Pu (e.g. oxidized Pu) has been released by this process or a one-dimensional model is inadequate to explain its observed penetration into the sediments. Activity ratios of 239,240Pu137Cs in the sediments decrease with increasing north latitude, and the trend reflects higher fluxes of 239,240Pu near the weapons test site at Christmas Island (2°N). The 239,240Pu137Cs ratios and fluxes to the sediment (assuming constant input) at the siliceous ooze-red clay site are consistent with published sediment trap data from a nearby site. Thus if fallout radionuclide fluxes to the sea floor were higher in the past, both 239,240Pu and 137Cs have been released from sinking particles.  相似文献   

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