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The origin of the Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, is still an open issue: either they are asteroids captured by Mars or they formed in situ from a circum-Mars debris disk. The capture scenario mainly relies on the remote-sensing observations of their surfaces, which suggest that the moon material is similar to outer-belt asteroid material. This scenario, however, requires high tidal dissipation rates inside the moons to account for their current orbits around Mars. Although the in situ formation scenarios have not been studied in great details, no observational constraints argue against them. Little attention has been paid to the internal structure of the moons, yet it is pertinent for explaining their origin. The low density of the moons indicates that their interior contains significant amounts of porous material and/or water ice. The porous content is estimated to be in the range of 30?C60% of the volume for both moons. This high porosity enhances the tidal dissipation rate but not sufficiently to meet the requirement of the capture scenario. On the other hand, a large porosity is a natural consequence of re-accretion of debris at Mars?? orbit, thus providing support to the in situ formation scenarios. The low density also allows for abundant water ice inside the moons, which might significantly increase the tidal dissipation rate in their interiors, possibly to a sufficient level for the capture scenario. Precise measurements of the rotation and gravity field of the moons are needed to tightly constrain their internal structure in order to help answering the question of the origin.  相似文献   

J.P. Manker  A.P. Johnson 《Icarus》1982,51(1):121-132
Outflow channeling and associated chaotic terrain were created under temperature and pressure conditions suggested for a diluvian period on Mars 3.5 to 0.5 by ago. Pressures under which both features were formed ranged from 130 to 34 mbar at a constant ambient temperature of 266°K. Analogs of the collapse structures and channels evolved in a high-altitude/low-temperature chamber are found on the Martian surface. Similarities exist not only in their overall morphology but in the finer details of the megastructures themselves. The critical factor that allowed channelized flow to occur was the sudden release of liquid water derived from melting of subsurface ground ice and ice layers under the low atmospheric pressure and temperature conditions within the chamber. Experimentation may indicate the existence of substantially thick water ice layers beneath the Martian regolith prior to the outflow channeling episode.  相似文献   

David Pieri 《Icarus》1976,27(1):25-50
The distribution of small channels on Mars has been mapped from Mariner 9 images, at the 1:5 000 000 scale, by the author. The small channels referred to here are small valleys ranging in width from the resolution limit of the Mariner 9 wide-angle images (~1 km) to about 10 km. The greatest density of small band occurs in dark cratered terrain. This dark zone forms a broad subequatorial band around the planet. The observed distribution may be the result of decreased small-channel visibility in bright areas due to obscuration by a high albedo dust or sediment mantle. Crater densities within two small-channel segments show crater size-frequency distributions consistent with those of the oldest of the heavily cratered plains units. Such crater densities coupled with the almost exclusive occurrence of small channels in old cratered terrain and the generally degraded appearance of small channels in the high-resolution images (~100 m) imply a major episode of small-channel formation early in Martian geologic history.  相似文献   

A debris flow mechanism is proposed to account for the formation of chaos and the large channels debouching into Chryse Planitia from the adjacent southern uplands of Mars. The debris is thought to have originated through a mechanism of collapse in the chaotic terrains which exist at the head of these channels as well as locally along the channels. This proposition is based on the detailed morphologic similarities between Martian channel source areas and the heads of both subaerial and subaqueous terrestrial debris flows. The downslope movement of the debris produced the channels through (a) modification of earlier collapse areas, (b) active bed erosion, and (c) loading-induced collapse. The large-scale channel geometry and the assemblage of related morphologic features on Mars correspond tto that observed in subaqueous debris flow chutes on the Mississippi delta front. Through various mechanisms of strain-dependent viscosity decrease the debris flow gained mobility downstream, turned into a debris avalanche, and moved onto Chryse Planitia at very high velocities. This high-velocity avalanche eroded a series of streamlined remnants near the channel mouths and deposited its load as a thin blanket over a large area of the basin creating virtually no depositional relief.  相似文献   

Large channels on the Martian surface have been variously attributed to erosional, volcanic, and tectonic processes. Morphometric information shows that large braided Martian channels and islands between those channels are similar in their dimensions to channels and islands of large braided fluvial features on Earth. The information also suggests that braided fractures in solid materials are fundamentally different in morphometry from braided channels of Earth and Mars. Braided tension fractures have characteristically low braiding indices and are much narrower than their irregularly shaped “midchannel” islands. Terrestrial and Martian channels, in contrast, have high braiding indices, and they are wider than their streamlined midchannel islands. Braided volcanic features are known from the earth and the moon, but the absence of volcanic constructs near the large braided channels on Mars indicates that volcanic origin is unlikely. The morphometric information suggests that braided Martian channels are probably of fluvial origin.  相似文献   

Recent Viking results indicate the Martian satellites are composed of carbonaceous chondritic material, suggesting that Phobos and Deimos were once asteroids captured by Mars. On the other hand, the low eccentricities and inclinations of their orbits on the equator of Mars argue against that hypothesis. This paper presents detailed calculations of the tidal evolution of Phobos and Deimos, considering dissipation in both Mars and its satellites simultaneously and using a new method applicable for any value of the eccentricity. In particular, including precession of the satellites' orbits indicates that they have always remained close to their Laplacian plane, so that the orbital planes of Phobos and Deimos switched from near the Martian orbital plane to the Martian equator once the perturbations due to the planetary oblateness dominated the solar perturbations, as they do presently. The results show that Deimos has been little affected by tides, but several billion (109) years ago, Phobos was in a highly eccentric orbit lying near the common plane of the solar system. This outcome is obtained for very reasonable values of dissipation inside Mars and inside Phobos. Implications for the origin of the Martian satellites are discussed.  相似文献   

Herbert Frey 《Icarus》1979,37(1):142-155
The resistant parts of the canyon walls of the Martian rift complex Valles Marineris have been used to infer an earlier, less eroded reconstruction of the major troughs. The individual canyons were then compared with individual rifts of East Africa. When measured in units of planetary radius, Martian canyons show a distribution of lengths nearly identical to those in Africa, both for individual rifts and for compound rift systems. A common mechanism which scales with planetary radius is suggested. Martian canyons are significantly wider than African rifts. This is consistent with the long-standing idea that rift width is related to crustal thickness: most evidence favors a crust on Mars at least 50% thicker than that of Africa. The overall pattern of the rift systems of Africa and Mars are quite different in that the African systems are composed of numerous small faults with highly variable trend. On Mars the trends are less variable; individual scarps are straighter for longer than on Earth. This is probably due to the difference in tectonic histories of the two planets: the complex history of the Earth and the resulting complicated basement structures influence the development of new rifts. The basement and lithosphere of Mars are inferred to be simple, reflecting a relatively inactive tectonic history prior to the formation of the canyonlands.  相似文献   

All Martian channels and valleys visible at a resolution of 125 to 300 meters between 65°N and 65°S were mapped at a scale of 1:5,000,000 and the maps then digitized. Correlations of valley presence with other surface features show that almost all valleys are in the old cratered terrain. preferentially in areas of low albedo, low violet/red ratios, and high elevation. The networks are open, the individual drainage basins are small relative to Earth, and large distances separate the basins, features which all suggest an immature drainage system. The simplest explanation of the correlations and the restriction of valley networks to old terrain is that the channels themselves are old, and that the climatic conditions necessary for their formation did not prevail for long after the decline in the cratering rate around 3.9 billion years ago. Two types of outflow channel are distinguished: unconfined, in which broad swaths of terrain are scoured, and confined, in which flow is restricted to discrete channels. The outflow channels have a wide range of ages and may form under present climatic conditions. Fretted channels are largely restrited to two latitude belts centered on 40°N and 45°S, where relatively rapid erosion along escarpments results from mass wasting. They probably form by enlargement of preexisting channels by escarpment retreat.  相似文献   

J. Burt  J. Veverka  K. Cook 《Icarus》1976,29(1):83-90
We have determined the depth/diameter ratio for 87 craters on Mars using Mariner 9 UVS spectrometer altimetry (Barth et al., 1974). Our sample includes craters 12 to 100 km in diameter, and 0.4 to 3.3 km in depth. The largest depth/diameter ratios on Mars are comparable to those of fresh craters on Mercury (measured by Gault et al., 1975). However, more than half of our sample consists of degraded craters whose depths are significantly shallower than those of fresh craters of similar diameter on Mercury, confirming the interpretations of earlier photoanalysts.  相似文献   

Abstract Shock recovery experiments to determine whether magnetite could be produced by the decomposition of iron‐carbonate were initiated. Naturally occurring siderite was first characterized by a variety of techniques to be sure that the starting material did not contain detectable magnetite. Samples were shocked in tungsten‐alloy holders (W = 90%, Ni = 6%, Cu = 4%) to further ensure that any iron phases in the shock products were contributed by the siderite rather than the sample holder. Each sample was shocked to a specific pressure between 30 to 49 GPa. Transformation of siderite to magnetite as characterized by TEM was found in the 49 GPa shock experiment. Compositions of most magnetites are >50% Fe+2 in the octahedral site of the inverse spinel structure. Magnetites produced in shock experiments display the same range of sizes (?50–100 nm), compositions (100% magnetite to 80% magnetite‐20% magnesioferrite), and morphologies (equant, elongated, euhedral to subhedral) as magnetites synthesized by Golden et al. (2001) and as the magnetites in Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001. Fritz et al. (2005) previously concluded that ALH 84001 experienced ?32 GPa pressure and a resultant thermal pulse of ?100–110°C. However, ALH 84001 contains evidence of local temperature excursions high enough to melt feldspar, pyroxene, and a silica‐rich phase. This 49 GPa experiment demonstrates that magnetite can be produced by the shock decomposition of siderite as a result of local heating to > 470°C. Therefore, magnetite in the rims of carbonates in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 could be a product of shock devolatilization of siderite as well.  相似文献   

Abstract— Carbonates in Martian meteorite Allan Hills 84001 occur as grains on pyroxene grain boundaries, in crushed zones, and as disks, veins, and irregularly shaped grains in healed pyroxene fractures. Some carbonate disks have tapered Mg-rich edges and are accompanied by smaller, thinner and relatively homogeneous, magnesite microdisks. Except for the microdisks, all types of carbonate grains show the same unique chemical zoning pattern on MgCO3-FeCO3-CaCO3 plots. This chemical characteristic and the close spatial association of diverse carbonate types show that all carbonates formed by a similar process. The heterogeneous distribution of carbonates in fractures, tapered shapes of some disks, and the localized occurrence of Mg-rich microdisks appear to be incompatible with growth from an externally derived CO2-rich fluid that changed in composition over time. These features suggest instead that the fractures were closed as carbonates grew from an internally derived fluid and that the microdisks formed from a residual Mg-rich fluid that was squeezed along fractures. Carbonate in pyroxene fractures is most abundant near grains of plagioclase glass that are located on pyroxene grain boundaries and commonly contain major or minor amounts of carbonate. We infer that carbonates in fractures formed from grain boundary carbonates associated with plagioclase that were melted by impact and dispersed into the surrounding fractured pyroxene. Carbonates in fractures, which include those studied by McKay et al. (1996), could not have formed at low temperatures and preserved mineralogical evidence for Martian organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magnetic properties of 26 (of 32) unpaired Martian meteorites (SNCs) are synthesized to further constrain the lithology carrying Martian magnetic crustal sources. Magnetic properties of ultramafic cumulates (i.e., Chassigny, Allan Hills [ALH] 84001) and lherzolitic shergottites (ALH 77005, Lewis Cliff [LEW] 88516) are one or two orders of magnitude too weak to account for the crustal magnetizations, assuming magnetization in an Earth‐like field. Nakhlites and some basaltic shergottites, which are the most magnetic SNCs, show the right intensity. Titanomagnetite is the magnetic carrier in the nakhlites (7 meteorites), whereas in most basaltic shergottites (11 meteorites) it is pyrrhotite. Dhofar (Dho) 378, Los Angeles, and NWA 480/1460 and 2046 are anomalous basaltic shergottites, as their magnetism is mainly due to titanomagnetite. Pyrrhotite should be among the candidate minerals for the magnetized Noachian crust.  相似文献   

Paul D. Komar 《Icarus》1979,37(1):156-181
Comparisons are undertaken between the hydraulics of channelized water flows on Mars, large terrestrial rivers, deep-sea turbidity currents, and the catastrophic flow of Lake Missoula floods. Expected bottom shear stresses, velocities and discharges, flow powers, and other parameters are computed for each. Sand transport rates and the times required for channel erosion are estimated for Mangala Channel. These calculations indicate that the turbidity currents and Lake Missoula floods were similar to channelized water flow on Mars in their flow characteristics and in their abilities to erode and transport sediments. Like the Lake Missoula floods, deep-sea turbidity currents are catastrophic in character, being formed by the slumping of large masses of sediment trapped in submarine canyons or deposited on the continental slope. The repeated flows originating from submarine canyons have formed deep-sea channels similar in scale and overall morphology to the Martian outflow channels. The submarine canyon can be viewed as the counterpart of the chaotic terrain or crater which serves as sources for many Martian channels. Like most Martian outflow channels, the deep-sea channels generally lack tributaries or have only minor tributaries, instead consisting of a single pronounced channel extending for several hundred kilometers from its origin at the submarine canyon to deep abyssal depths. The channels vary considerably in dimensions, but most commonly have widths in the range 2 to 15 km with reliefs of 50 to 450 meters, again similar in scale to the Martian channels. Other similarities include sections of anastomosing channels, a general lack of pronounced meandering, and a lack of an apparent “delta” where the transported sediments are deposited. The similarities of channel morphology and flow hydraulics indicate the deep-sea channels and turbidity currents can be useful in furthering our understanding of the Martian outflow channels. Physical processes in the deep-sea occur under a reduced effective gravity because of the overlying water with its buoyancy. The deep-sea channels provide another set of Earth-based channels which can be studied to determine the effects of gravity on such factors as channel meandering and anastomosing characteristics.  相似文献   

Paul D. Komar 《Icarus》1980,42(3):317-329
Depending on their grain sizes (settling velocities), sediments are transported in rivers as bed load, in suspension, or as wash load. The coarsest material rolls or bounces along the bottom as bed load whereas finer material is placed into suspension by the water turbulence. The finest sediments are transported as wash load, evenly distributed through the water depth and effectively moving at the same rate as the water. The criteria for quantitatively determining which grain-size ranges are being transported in terrestrial rivers as bed load, suspended load and wash load are applied to an analysis of sediment transport in the large Martian outflow channels, assuming their origin to have been from water flow. Of importance is the balance of the effects of the reduced Martian gravity on the water flow velocity versus the reduction in grain settling velocities. Analyses were performed using grain densities ranging from 2.90 g/cm3 (basalt) to 1.20 g/cm3 (volcanic ash). The results show that the Martian flows could have transported cobbles in suspension and that nearly all sand-size material and finer would have been transported as wash load. Wash-load transport requires little or no net expenditure of the water-flow power, so the sands and finer could have been carried in nearly unlimited quantities. A comparison with terrestrial rivers indicates that concentrations as high as 60–70% by weight of wash-load sediment could have prevailed in the Martian flows, resulting in the very rapid erosion of the channels.  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigated the transfer of meteorites from Mars to Earth with a combined mineralogical and numerical approach. We used quantitative shock pressure barometry and thermodynamic calculations of post‐shock temperatures to constrain the pressure/temperature conditions for the ejection of Martian meteorites. The results show that shock pressures allowing the ejection of Martian meteorites range from 5 to 55 GPa, with corresponding post‐shock temperature elevations of 10 to about 1000 °C. With respect to shock pressures and post‐shock temperatures, an ejection of potentially viable organisms in Martian surface rocks seems possible. A calculation of the cooling time in space for the most highly shocked Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 was performed and yielded a best‐fit for a post‐shock temperature of 1000 °C and a meteoroid size of 0.4 to 0.6 m. The final burial depths of the sub‐volcanic to volcanic Martian rocks as indicated by textures and mineral compositions of meteorites are in good agreement with the postulated size of the potential source region for Martian meteorites during the impact of a small projectile (200 m), as defined by numerical modeling (Artemieva and Ivanov 2004). A comparison of shock pressures and ejection and terrestrial ages indicates that, on average, highly shocked fragments reach Earth‐crossing orbits faster than weakly shocked fragments. If climatic changes on Mars have a significant influence on the atmospheric pressure, they could account for the increase of recorded ejection events of Martian meteorites in the last 5 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— The northern lowland plains, such as those found in Acidalia and Utopia Planitia, have high percentages of impact craters with fluidized ejecta. In both regions, the analysis of crater geometry from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data has revealed large ejecta volumes, some exceeding the volume of excavation. Moreover, some of the crater cavities and fluidized ejecta blankets of these craters are topographically perched above the surrounding plains. These perched craters are concentrated between 40 and 70°N in the northern plains. The atypical high volumes of the ejecta and the perched craters suggest that the northern lowlands have experienced one or more episodes of resurfacing that involved deposition and erosion. The removal of material, most likely caused by the sublimation of ice in the materials and their subsequent erosion and transport by the wind, is more rapid on the plains than on the ejecta blankets. The thermal inertia difference between the ejecta and the surrounding plains suggests that ejecta, characterized by a lower thermal inertia, protect the underneath terrain from sublimation. This results in a decreased elevation of the plains relative to the ejecta blankets. Sublimation and eolian erosion can be particularly high during periods of high obliquity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivine from Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 occurs as clusters within orthopyroxene adjacent to fractures containing disrupted carbonate globules and feldspathic shock glass. The inclusions are irregular in shape and range in size from ~40 μm to submicrometer. Some of the inclusions are elongate and boudinage-like. The olivine grains are in sharp contact with the enclosing orthopyroxene and often contain small inclusions of chromite. The olivine exhibits a very limited range of composition from Fo65 to Fo66 (n = 25). The δ18O values of the olivine and orthopyroxene analyzed by ion microprobe range from +4.3 to +5.3‰ and are indistinguishable from each other within analytical uncertainty. The mineral chemistries, O-isotopic data, and textural relationships indicate that the olivine inclusions were produced at a temperature >800 °C. It is unlikely that the olivines formed during the same event that gave rise to the carbonates in ALH 84001, which have more elevated and variable δ18O values, and were probably formed from fluids that were not in isotopic equilibrium with the orthopyroxene or olivine. The reactions most likely instrumental in the formation of olivine could be either the dehydration of hydrous silicates that formed during carbonate precipitation or the reduction of orthopyroxene and spinel. If the olivine was formed by either reaction during a postcarbonate heating event, the implications are profound with regards to the interpretations of McKay et al. (1996). Due to the low diffusion rates in carbonates, this rapid, high-temperature event would have resulted in the preservation of the fine-scale carbonate zoning, while partially devolatilizing select carbonate compositions on a submicrometer scale (Brearley, 1998a). This may have resulted in the formation of the minute magnetite grains that McKay et al. (1996) attributed to biogenic activity.  相似文献   

A multilayer radiative transfer, high-spectral-resolution infrared model of the lower atmosphere of Mars has been constructed to assess the effect of scattering on line profiles. The model takes into account aerosol scattering and absorption and includes a line-by-line treatment of scattering and absorption by CO2 and H2O. The aerosol complex indices of refraction used were those measured on montmorillonite and basalt chosen on the basis of Mars ir data from the NASA Lear Airborne Observatory. The particle sizes and distribution were estimated using Viking data. The molecular line treatment employs the AFGL line parameters and Voigt profiles. The modling results indicate that the line profiles are only slightly affected by normal aerosol scattering and absorption, but the effect could be appreciable for heavy loading. The technique described permits a quantitative approach to assessing and correcting for the effect of aerosols on lineshapes in planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   

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