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Pot casts and gutter casts are described for the first time in the lower part of the Majanillos Formation, a Middle Triassic carbonate unit located in the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain). Their identification, as well as their relation to tempestites, enables the better interpretation of the depositional environments and the shoreline-to-offshore facies transition on the Anisian muddy carbonate ramp of the southern Iberian Massif. The Majanillos Formation contains three members, which become progressively more marly towards the top. Well-preserved pot and gutter casts and thin intercalations of calcarenite, which are interpreted as tempestites, are abundant in the lowest member. Above the pot and gutter casts, thicker calcarenite beds, which locally contain hummocky cross-stratification, predominate. Bioturbated nodular limestones are prevalent at the top of the member. The remaining succession, which records a long-term Triassic transgressive cycle, consists mostly of fine-grained limestones deposited in very shallow-marine environments. Calcarenitic sediments only accumulated within potholes and gutters in the nearshore. They developed during storms when strong currents transported sediment to the outer shelf, where it was deposited as tempestite beds. Pot and gutter casts characterize sedimentation in the bypass zone. It is concluded that storm deposits provide important constraints for the interpretation of palaeobathymetry; it is proposed that gutter casts display a trend of increasing width/thickness ratios towards the outer shelf. The identification of these structures in marine successions elsewhere should prove useful in the interpretation of depositional environments.  相似文献   

The classical Middle to Upper Triassic carbonate sections at Monte Santa Giusta and Punta del Lavatoio, North‐west Sardinia (Italy), referred to the Muschelkalk and Keuper lithofacies group, are revisited and their trace fossil content is investigated for the first time. A combined ichnological and sedimentological study reveals insights into the depositional environments, regional context, palaeogeography and sequence stratigraphy. The results indicate deposition on a homoclinal carbonate ramp with broad facies belts. All recognized trace fossils are also known from time‐equivalent deposits of Germany and thus indicate a close affinity between the North‐west Sardinian Triassic and the Germanic Basin. Only a few trace fossils are particularly abundant and these indicate opportunistic colonization by their producers, which is probably related to restricted endobenthic conditions due to reduced oxygen and/or increased salinity. The trace fossil association can be grouped into a softground suite belonging to the Cruziana ichnofacies, and a firmground suite of the Glossifungites ichnofacies. This discrimination enables an interpretation of the northern Monte Santa Giusta section as a carbonate ramp with extensive tidal flats and abundant carbonate accumulation in a relatively proximal position, whereas the southern Punta del Lavatoio section exhibits broad lagoonal environments with reduced sedimentation in a deeper and more Tethys‐influenced area. The Sardinian sections are ichnologically similar to the Anisian–Ladinian succession known from the Tatra Mountains, but differ from it by having a slightly higher ichnodiversity, which again can be attributed to a less restricted lagoonal environment. This study demonstrates the importance of integrating trace fossil analysis in sedimentological and palaeontological investigations of carbonate systems.  相似文献   

Sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cretaceous in the Subbetic of the Alamedilla area (province of Granada) were studied. In this area, a significant amount of redeposited sediments within the Carretero Formation were recorded. Resedimented material is mainly composed of Jurassic oolitic limestones and volcanic rocks, as well as of Neocomian hemipelagic sedimentary rocks (marly limestones and marls). All these redeposited sediments corresponding to rock fall and debris flow originated as the result of significant slopes in a very sharp submarine topography. Volcanism and the resultant volcanic edifices created this sharp slopes making up in some cases guyots. The volcanism was mainly active in the Middle Jurassic, although it persisted locally until Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and controlled the sedimentation in this area of the Subbetic basin during most of the Mesozoic. The proposed genetic model is in agreement with a base-of-slope apron model with two significant special features: (1) the provenance of the clasts mainly from Jurassic outcrops with oolites deposited in guyots and isolated marine platforms, and volcanic submarine rocks, and (2) the palaeobathymetry of the deposits, relatively shallow and sporadically affected by storm waves.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study of the Ronda peridotites (southern Spain) has been carried out on 301 samples from 20 sites, spread along the three main outcrops of the ultrabasic complex: Ronda, Ojén and Carratraca massifs. Different lithologies and outcrops with different degrees of serpentinization have been sampled and analysed. Rock magnetic experiments have been carried out on a representative set of samples. These measurements include: Curie curves, hysteresis cycles, isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves, thermal demagnetization of IRM imparted along three orthogonal axes and magnetic bulk susceptibility. Results indicate that magnetite is the main magnetic mineral present in the samples. Stepwise thermal and alternating field (AF) demagnetization of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) reveals the presence of a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) carried by magnetite, and in some sepentinized samples, a northward component with variable unblocking temperatures up to 250–575 °C. The appearance and the relative intensity of this northward component are strongly related to serpentinization degree. Taking into account the geological history of the peridotites, the ChRM has been considered as a thermo-chemical remanent magnetization acquired during the first serpentinization phase associated to the post-metamorphic cooling of this unit. On the basis of radiometric and fission track analysis, the ChRM is proposed to have been acquired between 20 and 17–18 Ma. The inclination of the mean direction of the ChRM statistically coincides with the expected inclination for stable Iberia during the Oligocene–Miocene. The declination of the ChRM differs from the expected declination, indicating clockwise block rotations of 41±12° about vertical axes since the cooling of the peridotites. When applying a compositional layering correction, the ChRM directions fail to pass this kind of fold test, thus, the compositional layering was not a palaeohorizontal during ChRM acquisition time. Normal and reversed polarities of the ChRM are reported, showing that at least one reversal of the Earth's magnetic field took place during ChRM acquisition process. A tentative polarity zonation within the peridotitic outcrops is also suggested. No evidence is found from these data for the previously proposed simultaneity between post-metamorphic cooling and rotation of the peridotites.  相似文献   

The carbonate platform of the upper Wetterstein Formation (Cordevol) of the Drau Range (Austria) shows a distinct facies differentiation which depends on the palaeotopography. Although most areas of the platform were permanently flooded, a periodically emergent palaeotopographic high (Bleiberg facies) occurred near to the centre of the platform. The resulting cyclic sequences are composed of subtidal and intertidal to supratidal carbonates and emersion horizons. Typical shallowing upward cycles occur, as well as deepening upward, symmetrical and incomplete cycles. These types of cycles, with long-term emersion phases, can be explained by eustatic sea-level oscillations. It can be shown, due to an excellent lithostratigraphy based on distinct emersion horizons, that the cycle-type varies along a marker bed while the vertical distance between the emersion horizons is retained. Therefore the cycles cannot be explained by eustatic sea-level oscillations alone; local events which produce a local relief are necessary.A compiled profile of the Bleiberg facies is simulated with the help of a one-dimensional, parametric computer model. The quantification of some parameters which result from this simulation is used to verify and quantify the effects of relief on sedimentation.  相似文献   

The orientations of elongate gutter casts occurring in inner shelf storm deposits of the Proterozoic Bijaygarh Shale Formation, India reveal a modal population oriented roughly parallel to the average trend of the associated wave ripples. Assuming that the wave ripple trend approximately represents the orientation of the contemporary shoreline, the shore-parallel gutters appear to have been formed by the geostrophic current. Some gutters oriented at high angles to the inferred shoreline presumably represent incision by wave orbital currents in a storm-induced combined flow regime. The gutters also show variations in the style of incision and infill, which may be useful in distinguishing between gutters formed by wave orbital and geostrophic currents, independently of their orientation pattern with respect to the palaeo-shoreline.  相似文献   

Landslide hazard in a region limited to data from a regional scale about triggering factors is assessed via cross tabulation between determining factors and landslides with recent activity. Firstly, landslide susceptibility was evaluated and validated through a bivariate statistical method between the previously identified stability conditioning factors and the mapped landslides. In this way, the most susceptible areas for assessing landslide hazards were selected. The main problem to solve in this type of research is the landslide activity. For this purpose, several techniques were applied: news reports, differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar, digital photogrammetry, light detection and ranging, photointerpretation, and dendrochronology. Both the strong and weak points of these techniques are also mentioned. The landslide return period was computed via the association between landslide activity and triggering factors, in this case annual rainfall. Finally, landslide hazard was mapped solely based on landslides with recent activity and their computed return period. The relationship between landslide occurrence and triggering factors shows that, according to both the considered assumptions and the observations made, deep-seated landslides are triggered or reactivated together with superficial landslides once every 18 years, while superficial landslides as flows or falls occur once every 5 years. The results show that there is generally a low landslide hazard in the study zone, especially when compared to landslide susceptibility. This means that landslides are mainly dormant from a natural evolution point of view, but could be reactivated as a result of geomorphological, climate, or human changes. In any case, the landslide hazard is successfully assessed, with a prediction of a 6% annual probability of a high hazard in 5% of the area, intersecting with the main infrastructures of the region; thus, control strategies are justified in order to avoid damage in extraordinary rainfall periods.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary study of Miocene successions in the eastern External Betic Zone (South Iberian Margin) was carried out. Evidences of syn-sedimentary tectonic activity were recognized. The results enabled a better reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture (with an improved chronostratigraphic resolution) in the framework of the Miocene foredeep evolution of the eastern EBZ. Two main depositional sequences were dated as uppermost Burdigalian-upper Serravallian p.p. and middle-upper Tortonian. p.p., respectively. The vertical and lateral diversification of lithofacies associations and thicknesses resulted from the syn-depositional tectonic complexity of the area. A great variety of sedimentary depositional realms is due to different subsidence rates, and the growing of anticlines and synclines during the Langhian p.p.-Serravallian. After a regression with an early Tortonian erosional gap, platform to hemipelagic realms developed during the middle Tortonian. The end of the sedimentation coincided with the emplacement of an important olisthostrome-like mass consisting of Triassic material related to either the development of thrust systems or diapirs emerged in the middle-late Tortonian, during the nappe emplacement. Correlations with other external sectors of the Betic Chain, and the external domains of the Rif, Tell, and northern Apennine Chains highlighted a similar Miocene foredeep evolution during the building of these orogens.  相似文献   

四川盆地早三叠世飞仙关早期的环境基本上继承了晚二叠世长兴末期的格局。在川东北地区演化为碳酸盐蒸发台地。蒸发台地飞仙关组为一套含硫酸盐的富白云岩的蒸发潮坪沉积层系。下部为薄层的含石膏、硬石膏晶体、团块及肠状石膏层的泥晶灰岩、微晶白云岩组成的小潮差蒸发潮坪层序。中部为层状鲕粒白云岩、鲕粒灰岩的潮下鲕粒滩相与萨布哈环境的富层状膏岩的膏坪相、含石膏岩的膏云坪相组成的大潮差蒸发潮坪层序。上部为中薄层状富泥的含石膏质夹层的泥质泥晶灰岩、微晶白云岩组成的旋回性清楚的似蒸发潮坪层序。这三种层序的纵向组合在蒸发台地相区可以很好对比,尽管各层序厚度有明显变化。强烈白云石化的鲕粒白云岩是四川盆地飞仙关组大中型气藏的主要储层,依据鲕粒岩的相序特征可将其分为有障壁性质的台缘鲕粒坝和台内鲕粒滩两类。蒸发台地西缘的台缘鲕粒坝在飞仙关期基本稳定。东缘的台缘鲕粒坝在飞仙关中后期大幅度向盆地方向迁移。  相似文献   

This work presents the results of applying the matrix method in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to the drawing of maps of susceptibility to slope movements in different sectors of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain). In addition, the susceptibility models built by the matrix method were compared with a multivariate statistical method, and the first method gave the best results. The susceptibility maps drawn by the GIS matrix method were validated by calculating the coefficients of association with the degree of fit between recent slope movements registered in 1997 and the different levels of susceptibility of previously drawn maps (1995–1996) in different representative zones of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain). The first sector studied showed excellent degrees of fit, with an error of less than 10% for all the slope failures and 3% when considering only failures of natural origin. In the second sector, the relative errors were less than 5%. In the third sector, the error hardly exceeded 6%. The results are discussed in the different zones and for each type of slope movement. In any case, these results evidence the predictive capacity of susceptibility maps drawn in GIS by the matrix method, for a great number of slope movements.  相似文献   

In the Guadix-Baza Basin (Betic Cordillera) lies the Baza Fault, a structure that will be described for the first time in this paper. Eight gravity profiles and a seismic reflection profile, coupled with surface studies, indicate the existence of a NE-dipping normal fault with a variable strike with N-S and NW-SE segments. This 37-km long fault divides the basin into two sectors: Guadix to the West and Baza to the East. Since the Late Miocene, the activity of this fault has created a half-graben in its hanging wall. The seismic reflection profile shows that the fill of this 2,000–3,000 m thick asymmetric basin is syntectonic. The fault has associated seismicity, the most important of which is the 1531 Baza earthquake. Since the Late Tortonian to the present, i.e. over approximately the last 8 million years, extension rates obtained vary between 0.12 and 0.33 mm/year for the Baza Fault, being one of the major active normal faults to accommodate the current ENE–WSW extension produced in the central Betic Cordillera. The existence of this fault and other normal faults in the central Betic Cordillera enhanced the extension in the upper crust from the Late Miocene to the present in this regional compressive setting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Hemipelagic deposits are widespread in Triassic sequences of the Alpine belt and provide important data for stratigraphy and the study of bedding rhythms. The area of the western and central Dolomites of northern Italy escaped strong alpidic deformation and preserves such deposits in their original palaeogeographic setting. The Buchenstein Formation, the object of this study, was deposited in up to 1000 m deep, Middle Triassic interplatform basins, which extend over an area of 500 km2 within the Dolomites. Excellent outcrops and volcaniclastic markers allow a detailed correlation of the formation in both laminated (anoxic) and bioturbated facies down to a bed scale, and show its relationship to coeval carbonate platforms. Correlation of lithostratigraphically well‐constrained intervals in the bioturbated facies reveal that lateral thickening and thinning of the deposits depends on the amount of shallow‐water debris in the succession and is a function of the distance to coeval carbonate platform sources. In the laminated background deposit, thickness variations in limestones and marls parallel the thickness variations in ash layers, and were caused by local redeposition of sediment on the basin floor. Lateral persistence of laminae indicates that bottom currents were weak in the Buchenstein basin, but were able to redeposit mud in a significant way. In the area around Seceda and Geisler (western Dolomites), a lateral transition from dark‐grey laminated to grey bioturbated to red bioturbated facies is observed, which is probably linked to local relief with different oxygenation conditions on the sea floor. A comparison shows that decimetre‐scale bedding is preserved in all facies types and that the bedding rhythm is partly the result of different cementation of the sediment during early diagenesis. Correlation of individual layers in the bioturbated facies reveals that beds are thicker and enriched in lime mud in the western part of the basin, and decrease in thickness and contain less micrite towards the east, further away from the main shallow‐water areas. Nearslope calciturbidites change gradually from distinct layers into lateral arrays of micrite nodules and bands further out in the basin. These observations point to a platform source of lime mud in the Buchenstein basin.  相似文献   

川东北地区下三叠统飞仙关组为浅海碳酸盐岩夹泥页岩与蒸发岩序列,而在碳酸盐岩台地边缘通常发育一些白云石化的鲕粒滩。这些鲕粒滩白云岩储集层是川东北地区主要的产气层,一些学者认为该套白云岩为大气淡水与海水的混合水白云石化成因,另外一些学者将其视为回流—渗透白云石化成因。飞仙关组鲕粒滩白云岩稳定同位素氧值一般为-6.73‰~-3.65‰(PDB),平均值为-4.89‰(PDB)(罗家寨地区为-10.81‰(PDB)),稳定同位素碳值一般为+0.57‰~+3.00‰(PDB)。对基质和孔洞中充填的鞍状白云石和亮晶白云石胶结物而言,稳定同位素87Sr/86Sr值为0.70735~0.70800。这些有关鲕粒滩白云岩的数据表明白云石化作用是在埋藏条件下进行的。在测定流体包裹体的均一化温度后,计算出白云石化流体稳定同位素氧成分(δ18O白云石-δ18O=[3.2×106 T-2]-1.5,来自 Friedman 和 ONeil(1977)),其平均值约为+4‰(SMOW)。根据流体稳定同位素氧、碳成分与海水蒸发时流体盐度的正相关性,计算出流体δD平均值约为+25‰(SMOW)。流体包裹体盐度测定表明,白云石化流体是一种超盐度卤水,其盐度是海水的数倍,白云石化的温度为90~130℃。由于下三叠统鲕粒滩白云岩的稳定同位素氧和碳成分与上二叠统生物礁白云岩的稳定同位素氧和碳成分类似,因此,它们的白云石化流体很可能是同一来源。然而,这一结论还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

四川盆地西北部中三叠世雷口坡期岩相古地理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
四川盆地西北部中三叠统雷口坡组发育有蒸发台地、局限台地和开阔台地3种沉积亚相,其中局限台地是主要的沉积亚相。雷口坡一至五期沉积环境经历了水体逐渐加深※变浅※加深的过程:一期,在广元-旺苍、梓潼-三台等地区发育了蒸发台地沉积,且梓潼地区膏湖分布范围较广;二期,蒸发台地范围缩小,仅发育于旺苍和梓潼地区,其它地区为局限台地沉积;三期,水体加深,旺苍地区为开阔台地沉积,梓潼地区已无膏湖沉积;四期,主体为局限台地沉积,梓潼地区膏盆沉积再次发育;五期演变为开阔台地沉积,水体又加深。海平面升降变化是控制沉积相发育和空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphy, based on climatic, tectonic, and base level parameters, can be used to understand carbonate sedimentation in continental basins. The uppermost continental fill of the Guadix Basin (Betic Cordillera), containing both siliciclastics and carbonates, is investigated here. In its central sector a thick succession of fluvio-lacustrine sediments appear, hosting several important Pliocene and Pleistocene macrovertebrate sites (Fonelas Project). The need to characterize the stratigraphic and sedimentologic context of these important paleontologic sites has lead to litho-, magneto- and biostratigraphic studies. These data, together with the sedimentologic analysis of the Pliocene and Pleistocene siliciclastic and carbonate successions, establish a sedimentary model for the fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation of the two last stages of sedimentation in the Guadix Basin (Units V and VI). Unit V comprises mostly fluvial siliciclastic sediments with less abundant carbonate beds interpreted as floodplain lakes or ponds. The latter, Unit VI, is dominated by vertically-stacked, carbonate palustrine successions. Using two pre-existent continental stratigraphic models, the influence of climate, tectonism, and stratigraphic base level during the last 3.5 Ma on the sedimentary evolution of the fluvio-lacustrine system in the Guadix Basin, especially the carbonate sedimentation patterns, is outlined.  相似文献   

The BT3 multichannel seismic profile was acquired by the C.G.G. (Compagnie General de Géophysique) in 1977 for hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern Betic Cordillera. REXIMseis Ltd scanned and vectorized a paper copy and then performed post-stack processing, including coherence filtering and deconvolution. The receiver functions of a broad-band seismic station located near the village of Vélez Rubio, at the SE end of the profile, were analysed by Julia et al. [Julia, J., Mancilla, F., Morales, J., 2005. Seismic signature of intracrustal magmatic intrusions in the Eastern Betics (Internal Zone), SE Iberia, Geophysical Research Letters 32, L16304, doi:10.1029/2005GL023274.] to determine the structure of the underlying crust. We have used these Vp data to convert the profile to depth. The profile has a mean SE–NW trend, with a SE-Section 44 km in length followed by a NW-Section 20 km in length. The record includes the first 4 s (twtt), which corresponds to 11 km.Two main areas can be seen in the profile. At the SE-end, a band of high-amplitude discontinuous reflectors dips towards the north. The band is 100 to 200 ms thick, increasing even more northwards. This band reaches the surface at the top of the Maláguide Complex (the upper complex of the Internal Zones). Above these reflectors, an area with chaotic seismic facies and no reflectors corresponds to the outcrops of the olistostromes and turbidites of the Solana Formation, and it is in turn overlain by discontinuous reflectors of the Subbetic rocks.At the NW-end of the profile, a set of high-amplitude continuous reflectors with SE dips point to the location of the Prebetic. Below this section, oblique reflectors of intermediate amplitude indicate the Variscan basement. Over the Prebetic, we have marked the basal thrusts of the Intermediate Units and the Subbetic. Using this seismic data, as well as field observations, we propose a geological cross-section of the upper crust of the eastern Betic Cordillera and a model of the most recent evolution of the orogen. In this model, the Internal Zones and the Subbetic have been welded together from the Middle Burdigalian to the present day and acted as an orogenic wedge that deformed the Intermediate Units and the Prebetic.  相似文献   

Middle Tithonian-Berriasian shallow platform carbonates of the Maestrat Basin (Salzedella and Montanejos sections, NE Spain) are stacked in sequence stratigraphic units of different orders. Higher-order sequences (parasequences and subunits) have a shallowing or deepening-shallowing evolution. They have been related to the short-term eccentricity and precession cycles. Major facies changes and stacking pattern of parasequences reveal the presence of two 2nd-order sequences. The Lower Sequence is middle Tithonian-mid early Berriasian in age. The Upper Sequence extends up to the mid-late Berriasian. It is suggested that local subsidence changes along with regional sea-level changes controlled the long-term evolution of accommodation in the Maestrat Basin. Facies evolution, stacking pattern and sharp lithological changes have allowed the definition of five 3rd-order sequences in the Lower Sequence in Montanejos. The transgressive deposits are characterised by the progressive absence of the restricted lagoon facies, and the presence of deepening-upward intervals in the parasequences. The highstand deposits display an increase in siliciclastics and a progressive predominance of restricted lagoon facies. Some of the 3rd-order sequence boundaries match the sequence boundaries identified in other European basins and may be related to sea-level falls (induced by the long-term eccentricity cycle) enhanced during periods of long-term loss of accommodation.  相似文献   

中上扬子地区中三叠世雷口坡期岩相古地理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在详细研究单剖面的基础上,采用单因素分析、多因素综合作图法,编制了中上扬子地区中三叠世雷口坡期的定量岩相古地理图。通过研究认为,雷口坡期以海相沉积为主。由于海退,研究区整体处于浅水沉积区,不发育盆地和斜坡。西部康滇古陆趋于稳定,东南部华夏古陆上升,使中上扬子呈现东高西低的格局:东部为碎屑岩台地,西部为碳酸盐岩台地。根据研究区沉积背景和该期岩相古地理平面上的展布特征,总结出了中三叠世雷口坡期古地理演化过程及沉积模式。  相似文献   

In the procedures to minimize diachronic landslides, data on their temporal evolution and destructive capacities are necessary. For that purpose, remote-detection techniques proved to be highly useful for quantifying the ongoing change in the relief, as well as in comparisons between digital terrain models achieved by Light Detection and Ranging. The methodology presented in this paper includes the supervised merging and comparison of sequential scans, acquired within nearly annual intervals from an irregular terrain, which improves the quality of the results highlighting ground changes. This approach is based on the processing of digital terrain models from point clouds acquired by Terrestrial Laser Scanning to quantify and interpret the landslide displacements. In parallel, it is supported by Global Navigation Satellite Systems, the use of artificial targets and a refined data processing to minimize the uncertainty and improve the precision of the results. This is applied to a large translational slide affecting phyllite rocks in a IV-V degree of weathering settled on the southern slope of Sierra Nevada (south-eastern Spain). During the monitoring period (2008–2010), the slide remained inactive until 2009, followed by a reactivation with displacements in the range ?1.80 to 1.20 m along the period 2009–2010, where negative values are downwards from the reference model (2009). The accumulated relative standard deviation between data sets was on the order of 7.5 cm, whereas the threshold to determine a terrain displacement (also avoiding changes due to erosion-accumulation processes) was of 10 cm. When applying this methodology to Airborne Laser Scanning datasets for the years 2008 and 2010, covering zones hidden to the line of sight of the terrestrial technique, a reactivation with similar deformation pattern was found useful to validate the findings, although the detail of changes and quantitative results did not match exactly due to the different accuracy and resolution of both techniques. The reactivation of the slide coincided with a period of intense rains, pointing to this as the triggering factor, with a precipitation threshold of roughly 1000 mm in a period of 4 months, only reached on one occasion throughout in the historical record.  相似文献   

谭睿昶  李荣  王垚 《古地理学报》2018,20(3):389-408
为认识中三叠世拉丁期华南地区碳酸盐岩台地边缘沉积演化及其海平面变化特征,文中主要选取贵州关岭扒子场剖面,以岩石学特征研究为基础,建立中三叠统拉丁阶垄头组的沉积演化序列,来恢复其沉积时期的海平面变化特征。中三叠统垄头组按其岩石类型及组合特征可分为3段: 下段主体为核形石灰岩—叠层石沉积旋回,代表潮间带至潮上带环境。中段下亚段由核形石灰岩—泥晶灰岩—玛瑙纹层状灰岩旋回组成,最顶层的玛瑙纹层状灰岩指示地表暴露环境;中段上亚段为核形石灰岩—叠层石旋回,代表潮间带至潮上带环境。上段由代表潮间带至潮下带的核形石灰岩—似球粒灰岩旋回组成。垄头组沉积特征表明,该沉积时期黔西南地区海平面整体表现为持续上升,但在中段沉积时期发生过一次海平面下降事件,导致沉积物持续遭受地表暴露,随后海平面开始上升,又恢复到潮坪沉积环境。与国内外中三叠世拉丁期海平面变化研究结果相比,贵州地区垄头组中段沉积时期的海平面下降很可能是拉丁期大海退的产物,但自中段上亚段至上段沉积时期,海平面逐渐上升,与同时期的黔西南地区和全球海平面变化趋势一致。该结果对于认识玛瑙纹层状灰岩成因及中三叠世晚期生物复苏研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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