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Hydrothermal vent communities on a mid-ocean ridge crest can be separated by large distances on separate segments. Heat sources, vent character, fluid chemistry and current patterns may differ markedly. This study examines whether vent community characteristics on three of the four southern segments of the Juan de Fuca Ridge are significantly different. Taxonomic composition and relative abundance of the fauna over 1 mm in size associated with vestimentiferan tubeworm bushes are examined from fifty-one collections. Among nearly 350,000 specimens, 37 taxa are recognized, most to species level. Another 14 taxa are meiofaunal in size classification. Species richness and selected diversity indicators are highest on Axial Volcano while animal density within the bushes does not differ significantly. Cluster analysis does not group collections by location, year of collection or vent temperature; collection substratum—basalt or sulphide—may influence clustering. The architecture of the tubes of tubeworm bushes appears to affect the numbers of species present and the resultant clusters. The tightly interwoven, knotted Ridgeia piscesae tubes found on Axial host twice as many species as tubeworm bushes with a less complex structure. Four species dominate most of the collections: two gastropods (Lepetodrilus fucensis and Depressigyra globulus) and two polychaetes (Paralvinella pandorae and Amphisamytha galapagensis). Other vent species are low in abundance (<1% relative abundance) and patchy in distribution. Four collections with no visible flow had markedly different assemblages representing a transition state from vent assemblages to normal deep-sea fauna. There are differences in community structure among the segments, but the causes for these differences are unclear. Higher diversity on Axial Volcano may be supported by a greater time of sustained venting, a larger venting area, water circulation contained within the caldera, or flow conditions that sponsor growth of more complex habitat.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection profiles from the northern end of Juan de Fuca Ridge reveal three axial valleys having a basement relief of as much as 2 sec (two-way travel time). A thick sequence, presumably of turbidites, mainly less than 0.7 m.y. old, covers much of the area. The oldest turbidites form the upper part of the fill of a possible Tertiary trench between the ridge and North America. The second turbidite unit extends beyond the trench and once formed an abyssal plain over most of northern Juan de Fuca Ridge and the area west to Explorer Ridge. Following formation of the plain, vertical movements began that broadly uplifted the crest of Juan de Fuca Ridge, block-faulted its northern end, produced faulting along Sovanco Fracture Zone, and upwarped the basement north of the ridge. Younger turbidites have filled the lowlands created by the vertical movements. The present sea floor topography and seismic activity show evidence of continued movements.  相似文献   

From July to November 1988, a major electromagnetic (EM) experiment, known as EMRIDGE, took place over the southern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific. It was designed to complement the previous EMSLAB experiment which covered the entire Juan de Fuca Plate, from the spreading ridge to subduction zone. The principal objective of EMRIDGE was to use natural sources of EM induction to investigate the processes of ridge accretion. Magnetotelluric (MT) sounding and Geomagnetic Depth Sounding (GDS) are well suited to the study of the migration and accumulation of melt, hydrothermal circulation, and the thermal evolution of dry lithosphere. Eleven magnetometers and two electrometers were deployed on the seafloor for a period of three months. Simultaneous land-based data were made available from the Victoria Magnetic Observatory, B.C., Canada and from a magnetometer sited in Oregon, U.S.A.Changes in seafloor bathymetry have a major influence on seafloor EM observations as shown by the orientation of the real GDS induction arrows away from the ridge axis and towards the deep ocean. Three-dimensional (3D) modelling, using a thin-sheet algorithm, shows that the observed EM signature of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Blanco Fracture Zone is primarily due to nonuniform EM induction within the ocean, associated with changes in ocean depth. Furthermore, if the influence of the bathymetry is removed from the observations, then no significant conductivity anomaly is required at the ridge axis. The lack of a major anomaly is significant in the light of evidence for almost continuous hydrothermal venting along the neo-volcanic zone of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge: such magmatic activity may be expected to have a distinct electrical conductivity signature, from high temperatures, hydrothermal fluids and possible melt accumulation in the crust.Estimates of seafloor electrical conductivity are made by the MT method, using electric field records at a site 35 km east of the ridge axis, on lithosphere of age 1.2 Ma, and magnetic field records at other seafloor sites. On rotating the MT impedance tensor to the principal axis orientation, significant anisotropy between the major (TE) and minor (TM) apparent resistivities is evident. Phase angles also differ between the principal axis polarisations, and TM phase are greater than 90° at short periods. Thin-sheet modelling suggests that bathymetric changes accounts for some of the observed 3D induction, but two-dimensional (2D) electrical conductivity structure in the crust and upper mantle, aligned with the ridge axis, may also be present. A one-dimensional (1D) inversion of the MT data suggests that the top 50 km of Earth is electrically resistive, and that there is a rise in conductivity at approximately 300 km. A high conductivity layer at 100 km depth is also a feature of the 1D inversion, but its presence is less well constrained.  相似文献   

A seismic refraction profile was shot along the axis of the Northern Symmetrical Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge system. Three models of the along-axis crustal structure fit the observed data equally well. One model includes a low-velocity zone, the top of which is at a depth below the seafloor of approximately 3 km, that is continuous along-axis for at least 30 km. A second model includes a low-Q layer, the top of which is also at a depth of approximately 3 km below the seafloor and is continuous along-axis for at least 30 km. Both the low-Q layer and low-velocity zone can be explained geologically by a region of elevated temperatures. The third model is characterized by a homogeneous seismic layer 3. All models contain an ~1 km s–1 discontinuity at the seismic layer 2/3 boundary; a wide-angle reflection from this boundary is seen on all record sections. Kappel and Ryan (1986) had previously proposed that the Northern Symmetrical Segment was in a stage of volcanic inactivity, and this theory is supported by the seismic observations. Two-dimensional modelling of travel times to ocean bottom hydrophone instruments shows that the amplitude variations in the along-axis depth to intracrustal seismic layers (a few hundred meters) is on the order of the lateral changes in topographic relief. It is suggested that the crustal emplacement processes reflect the deeper style of 3-D mantle upwelling beneath the ridge.  相似文献   

An analysis of T-phase source locations determined in the mid-1960s for an area of the northeast Pacific Ocean encompassing the Juan de Fuca spreading center reveals that most of the source locations are associated with regions where seamount chains intersect the spreading center and with edifices both along and near the spreading center. The T-phase source locations also tend to cluster on, or near, areas of the most concentrated and vigorous hydrothermal venting along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Of the 58 T-phase source locations determined for a period from October 1964 through December 1966, only one was found to be associated with an earthquake detected by the National Geophysical Data Center/National Earthquake Information Service because of the characteristic small magnitude of spreading-center seismic events. Monitoring T-phase activity originating along the 80 000 km-long global seafloor spreading-center system offers a practical and unique opportunity to better understand the dynamics and oceanic effects of episodic spreading-center tectonic, volcanic, and hydrothermal processes.  相似文献   

Gravity data collected at two different levels, sea-surface and seafloor, are compared and interpreted to characterize the effect of hydrothermal circulation on the sediment density in Middle Valley, a deeply sedimented spreading center on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The sea-surface gravity data constrain density variations at depth beneath the seafloor, whereas sea-bottom measurements are more sensitive to shallow sources. At least two different types of hydrothermal signatures in the sediments can be distinguished from the gravity data: short-wavelength anomalies associated with sulfide deposits and broader anomalies associated with areas of lithified sediments. In Middle Valley, three distinct gravity anomalies were identified. (a) An anomaly over a sulfide mound, south of Bent Hill, shows that the sulfide body extends to depths of 120 to 180 m and has been fed by several near-surface conduits. (b) An anomaly at the base of the fault bordering the valley to the east is interpreted as a regional anomaly combined with the local effect of lithified sediments and possibly sulfide deposits. (c) An anomaly paralleling an intra-valley fault, that limits the deepest part of the graben, is interpreted as indicating lithification of the upper sediment layer. A high heat flow anomaly is located 1 to 2 km east of this fault, suggesting that sediment lithification occurred in a wide band above the fault and eastward to the current high heat flow area, due to the progressive migration of the hot fluid circulation.  相似文献   

Bio-acoustic surveys and associated zooplankton net tows have documented anomalously high concentrations of zooplankton within a 100 m layer above the hydrothermal plumes at Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. These and other data suggest that congregating epi-plume zooplankton are exploiting a food substrate associated with the hydrothermal plume. Ascending, organic-rich particles could provide a connection. Consequently, two paired sequentially sampling ascending and descending particle flux traps and a current meter were deployed on each of three moorings from July 1994 to May 1995. Mooring sites included an on-axis site (OAS; 47°57.0′N, 129°05.7′W) near the main Endeavour vent field, a “down-current” site 3 km west of the main vent field (WS), and a third background station 43 km northeast of the vent field (ES). Significant ascending and descending particle fluxes were measured at all sites and depths. Lipid analyses indicated that ascending POC was derived from mid-depth and deep zooplankton whereas descending POC also contained a component of photosynthetically derived products from the sea surface. Highest ascending POC fluxes were found at the hydrothermal plume-swept sites (OAS and WS). The limited data available, however, precludes an unequivocal conclusion that hydrothermal processes contribute to the ascending flux of organic carbon at each site. Highest ascending to descending POC flux ratios were also found at WS. Observed trends in POC, PMn/PTi, and PFe/PTi clearly support a hydrothermal component to the descending flux at the plume-swept WS site (no descending data was recovered at OAS) but not at the background ES site. Alternative explanations for ascending particle data are discussed. First-order calculations for the organic carbon input (5–22 mg C m−2 d−1) required to sustain observed epi-plume zooplankton anomalies at Endeavour are comparable both to measured total POC flux to epi-plume depths (2–5 mg C m−2 d−1: combined hydrothermal and surface derived organic carbon) and to estimates of the total potential in situ organic carbon production (2–9 mg C m−2 d−1) from microbial oxidation of hydrothermal plume H2, CH4 and NH4+.  相似文献   

基于收集到的东太平洋海隆北段Juan de Fuca Ridge热液活动区的高精度多波束声纳数据,应用加权移动平均算法, 生成典型的高精度海底DTM;应用声纳图像处理技术,生成高分辨率海底声纳镶嵌图,并对其海底地形及海底声学图像进行 处理和分析。通过处理与分析,对JFR热液区海底地形地貌特征有了初步认识,对于我国大洋调查和海底热液区探测具有一 定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae is an ecosystem-structuring organism in the hydrothermal vent environments of the Northeast Pacific. During this study, a single representative aggregation of the long-skinny morphotype of R. piscesae from the main endeavor segment was monitored for 3 yr before being collected in its entirety with a hydraulically actuated collection device manipulated in situ by a research vehicle. Vestimentiferan growth rates in this aggregation were determined by staining the exterior of the tubes and measuring newly deposited tube sections. The average growth rate of R. piscesae in this aggregation was very low in both years of the growth study (3.2 mm yr−1). Although the incidence of plume damage from partial predation was very high (>95%), mortality was very low (<4% yr−1). The distribution and the very tight clustering of recently recruited individuals indicated gregarious settlement behavior that is hypothesized to be partly due to biotic cues from settled larvae. Coupled measurements of vent fluid sulfide concentration and temperature were used to calculate the exposure of the vestimentiferans to sulfide from short- and long-term temperature monitoring. Plume-level temperature records indicate that most of the time individuals in this aggregation were exposed to extremely low levels of vent fluid, and therefore sulfide (<0.1 μM), while their posterior sections were consistently exposed to sulfide concentrations in the 100 μM range. A rootball-like structure formed the common base of the aggregation. In contrast to the anterior sections of the tubeworm tubes, the portions of the tubes within the “rootball” were freely permeable to sulfide. The results of this study show that R. piscesae, unlike vestimentiferans from the East Pacific Rise, can survive and grow in areas of low diffuse vent flow with very low plume-level exposure to sulfide. We propose that this morphotype of R. piscesae has the ability to acquire sulfide from sources near their posterior ends, similar to some species of cold seep vestimentiferans from the Gulf of Mexico. The ability of this single species of vestimentiferan to survive low exposure to vent flow with low mortality coupled with sulfide uptake across posterior tube sections may help explain the occurrence of a single vent vestimentiferan species in a wide variety of habitat conditions at hydrothermal vent sites in the Northeast Pacific.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and nekton at 2000 m depth in the axial valley of Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, show marked variability in abundances in a plane at 20 m above bottom. A remotely operated vehicle flew a gridded rectangle 3.2×0.5 km that included two large high-temperature and two small low-temperature vent fields. Numbers of zooplankton, jellyfish, shrimp and fish were recorded with a video camera, and the abundance patterns were examined with the program SADIE©. Each organism group displayed a distinctive distribution pattern. Abundance gaps over the high-temperature fields were significant and, for the more abundant copepods, were related to the locations of individual smokers. Pelagic shrimp and macrourid fish abundances were correlated and concentrated around the northern high temperature field. Distinct aggregations of zooplankton and nekton were correlated with the fluid indicators from both the low temperature diffuse effluent and the focused high temperature vents. Patterns were likely established by organism choice that forms aggregations and gaps, and by physical processes that entrain passive particles near vigorous smoker plumes. While enhanced plankton and nekton numbers were not observed over the vent fields, overall abundances in the axial valley may be sustained by production transported from the vent fields on the seafloor.  相似文献   

The concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs), sulphate, hydrogen sulphide, total alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and phosphate were measured in shallow (<12 cm below seafloor) pore waters from cold-seep sediments on the northern and southern summits of Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon. Downward-decreasing sulphate and coevally increasing sulphide concentrations reveal sulphate reduction as dominant early diagenetic process from ~2 cm depth downwards. A strong increase of total dissolved REE (∑REE) concentrations is evident immediately below the sediment–water interface, which can be related to early diagenetic release of REEs into pore water resulting from the re-mineralization of particulate organic matter. The highest pore water ∑REE concentrations were measured close to the sediment–water interface at ~2 cm depth. Distinct shale-normalized REE patterns point to particulate organic matter and iron oxides as main REE sources in the upper ~2-cm depth interval. In general, the pore waters have shale-normalized patterns reflecting heavy REE (HREE) enrichment, which suggests preferential complexation of HREEs with carbonate ions. Below ~2 cm depth, a downward decrease in ∑REE correlates with a decrease in pore water calcium concentrations. At this depth, the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to sulphate reduction increases carbonate alkalinity through the production of bicarbonate, which results in the precipitation of carbonate minerals. It seems therefore likely that the REEs and calcium are consumed during vast AOM-induced precipitation of carbonate in shallow Hydrate Ridge sediments. The analysis of pore waters from Hydrate Ridge shed new light on early diagenetic processes at cold seeps, corroborating the great potential of REEs to identify geochemical processes and to constrain environmental conditions.  相似文献   

An important application of detailed bathymetric mapping is the interpretation of geological processes based on the nature of the fine-scale morphology of the seafloor. This interpretation is usually accomplished through qualitative analysis of contour maps. In this paper, an objective classification technique, based on a two-dimensional spectral model of bathymetry developed by Fox and Hayes (1985) is applied to detailed Sea Beam data from the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Parameters of the model can be directly related to seafloor properties corresponding to 1) isotropic (non-directionally dependent) roughness; 2) anisotropic (directionally dependent) roughness; 3) orientation of the anisotropic component; and 4) spectral rool-off ( fractal dimension), by fitting the model surface to two-dimensional amplitude spectra of bathymetry determined on a regular grid over the study area. A test area was selected which encompasses the southern volcanic rift zone of Axial Volcano and the northern terminus of the Vance Segment. Parameters of the model clearly define the contrast between the constructional volcanic terrain (rough, isotropic, with high fractal dimension) and the tectonic extensional terrain (smoother, anisotropic, with low fractal dimension). An agglomerative, hierarchical cluster analysis is applied to the data, independent of spatial information, to delineate groups of spectra with similar characteristics. Distinct, mappable regions, corresponding to volcanic and tectonic provinces, are objectively determined. Also, coherent sub-regions of consistent spectral properties occur within the larger volcanic/tectonic divisions. The classification is extended to the Juan de Fuca Ridge system from 44°30 N to 47°20 N through combining these results with an a priori technique (K-means clustering). Broad-scale physiographic regions of the Juan de Fuca Ridge are delineated by the technique, which may aid geologists in the interpretation of crustal accretion processes at seafloor spreading centers.The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive royaltyfree license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Water samples from a Pacific Ocean basin have been analysed for a number of forms of chromium. Total Cr, almost entirely as dissolved Cr(VI), steadily increases with depth and correlates most closely with silica data. Mid-depth regeneration of Cr is suggested by a multiple regression equation which includes Cr(total), silica and phosphate data.The release of Cr and silica from bottom sediments is apparent as the continental margin is approached. Box model transport calculations suggest that a Cr flux from the sediments on the order of 100 nmol Cr m?2 day?1 could be balanced by horizontal and vertical eddy diffusion coefficients of 106 and 10 cm2 s?1, respectively, and by horizontal and vertical advection rates of 10?2 and 10?4 cm s?1, respectively.  相似文献   

选取胡安.德富卡洋脊(Juan de Fuca Ridge,JDFR)因代沃(Endeavour)段的17个热液黑烟囱体样品对其中的硫同位素进行分析测定,讨论了因代沃段热液活动区内黑烟囱体成矿的物质来源、将硫同位素数据与已发表的热液流体及硫化物数据耦合,并结合前人的成果得到如下认识:(1)因代沃段硫化物的硫同位素组成与其他无沉积物覆盖的洋脊硫化物硫同位素组成相似,然而其相比于南胡安.德富卡洋脊(South Juan de Fuca Ridge,SJFR)硫化物亏损重同位素;(2)结合前人研究成果,如果SJFR硫化物的硫全部来自基底玄武岩的淋洗与海水中的硫酸盐,那么因代沃段硫化物的硫可能有1%~3%来自沉积物的贡献,故提出因代沃段成矿系统中的硫来源主要来自基底玄武岩,同时伴随有少量海水硫酸盐来源及沉积物来源的硫加入;(3)将硫同位素数据与已发表的热液流体及硫化物数据进行耦合发现热液流体中的沉积物信号与硫化物中的硫可能来自不同的源,并提出沉积物端元可能位于下渗区。  相似文献   

洋中脊洋壳的形成与上地幔通过绝热熔化和多孔熔岩流的连续过程形成熔融物是分不开的。熔岩一旦到达洋壳,就会被不连续的事件所控制;来自于中层洋壳熔岩体的岩墙侵入构成了上地壳的席状岩墙,同时,近地壳的熔岩构建了下地壳的层状辉长岩(Kelemen等,1997)。由地幔运移和抽取而来的熔岩也许是间歇性的;一些关于洋中脊轴部结构和熔岩化学方面的研究显示,洋壳在间歇的岩浆期内增长(Lewis,1979;等)。Kappel和Ryan(1986)把沿着胡安.德富卡洋中脊形态的显著变化归因于由岩浆活动与构造作用的转换所致的不稳定的洋壳增长;因此,在争论地壳形成稳定型…  相似文献   

选取胡安·德富卡洋脊(Juan de Fuca Ridge,JDFR)因代沃(Endeavour)段的17个热液黑烟囱体样品对其中的硫同位素进行分析测定,讨论了因代沃段热液活动区内黑烟囱体成矿的物质来源、将硫同位素数据与已发表的热液流体及硫化物数据耦合,并结合前人的成果得到如下认识:(1)因代沃段硫化物的硫同位素组成与其他无沉积物覆盖的洋脊硫化物硫同位素组成相似,然而其相比于南胡安·德富卡洋脊(South Juan de Fuca Ridge,SJFR)硫化物亏损重同位素;(2)结合前人研究成果,如果SJFR硫化物的硫全部来自基底玄武岩的淋洗与海水中的硫酸盐,那么因代沃段硫化物的硫可能有1%~3%来自沉积物的贡献,故提出因代沃段成矿系统中的硫来源主要来自基底玄武岩,同时伴随有少量海水硫酸盐来源及沉积物来源的硫加入;(3)将硫同位素数据与已发表的热液流体及硫化物数据进行耦合发现热液流体中的沉积物信号与硫化物中的硫可能来自不同的源,并提出沉积物端元可能位于下渗区。  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the sea surface height (SSH) over the northeast Pacific Ocean is hindcast with a reduced-gravity, quasi-geostrophic model that includes linear damping. The model is forced with monthly Ekman pumping fields derived from the NCEP reanalysis wind stresses. The numerical solution is compared with SSH observations derived from satellite altimeter data and gridded at a lateral resolution of 1 degree. Provided that the reduced gravity parameter is chosen appropriately, the results demonstrate that the model has significant hindcast skill over interior regions of the basin, away from continental boundaries. A damping time scale of 2 to 3 years is close to optimal, although the hindcast skill is not strongly dependent on this parameter.A simplification of the quasi-geostrophic model is considered in which Rossby waves are eliminated, yielding a Markov model driven by local Ekman pumping. The results approximately reproduce the hindcast skill of the more complete quasi-geostrophic model and indicate that the interannual SSH variability is dominated by the local response to wind forcing. There is a close correspondence the two leading empirical orthogonal modes of the local model and those of the observed SSH anomalies. The latter account for over half of the variance of the interannual signal over the region.  相似文献   

A central theme of the ongoing GEOTRACES program is to improve the understanding of processes occurring at ocean interfaces with continents, sediments, and ocean crust. In this context, we studied the distributions of Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb around the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR) in total dissolvable (td), dissolved (d), and labile particulate (lp) fractions, which represent a fraction in unfiltered samples, filtered samples through an AcroPak capsule filter, and the difference between td and d, respectively. Al and Fe were dominated by lp-species, while Ni, Zn, and Cd were dominated by d-species with undetectable amounts of lp-species. Major findings in this study are as follows: (1) The continental margin (CM) provided large sources of Al, Mn, Fe, and Co from the surface to ~2000 m in depth. The supply from CM caused high surface concentrations of dMn and dCo, a subsurface (100–300 m depth) maximum of dCo, and intermediate (500–2000 m depth) maxima of lpAl and lpFe. The supply of dFe from CM was ~10 times that from the high-temperature hydrothermal activity at station BD21, which is located at ~3 km from the Middle Valley venting site and ~ 200 km from Vancouver Island. (2) DPb was maximum at the top layer of North Pacific Intermediate Water, probably owing to isopycnal transport of anthropogenic Pb via advection of subducted surface waters. Although dCo and dPb had different sources in the upper water, they showed a strong linearity below 300 m (r 2 = 0.95, n = 38), indicating concurrent scavenging. (3) A high-temperature hydrothermal plume occurred at a depth of 2300 m at BD21, accounting for maxima of dAl, dMn, dFe, lpCu, and lpPb and a minimum of dCu. (4) Strong bottom maxima of lpAl, lpMn, lpFe, lpCo, and lpPb occurred above the abyssal plain at the western foot of the JdFR, indicating resuspension of sediments. However, bottom maxima of d-species were apparent only for dAl and dCu.  相似文献   

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