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K-Ar ages of illite alteration associated with Middle Proterozoic Athabasca unconformity-type U deposits in Saskatchewan range from 414 to 1493 Ma. The K-Ar ages correlate with water contents and δD values such that illites with young K-Ar ages have δD values as low as −169 and water contents as high as 7.7 wt.% whereas illites with older ages have δD values near −70 and water contents near 4 wt.%. Water extracted at 400°C from illites with low δD values and high water contents has low δD and δ18O values similar to those of modern meteoric water suggesting that some of the illites associated with the original deposition of the ore underwent varying degrees of retrograde alteration. The alteration is initiated by hydration of sites in the interlayer region of the illite which results in the partial resetting of the K-Ar ages and introduction of excess structural water in the form of interlamellar water. The interlamellar water is enriched in 18O by about 7 per mil relative to the water that physically surrounded the clay particle. Further alteration decreases the δD value and increases the δ18O value of the illite by isotopic exchange between the mineral and the interlamellar water. Although the chemical compositions and XRD patterns of the altered illites indicate that no detectable smectite component is present in the samples, the isotopic results suggest that the altered illites may be an early precursor in the formation of mixed-layer illite/smectite by retrograde alteration of pure illite. The wide variation of δD values of chlorite and kaolinite from these U deposits is analogous to that of the illite suggesting that retrograde alteration of clays by meteoric water can be substantial. The general association of altered clays with areas containing the highest concentrations of U is probably related to localized permeability within the ore zone.  相似文献   

White mica (phengite and paragonite) K–Ar ages of eclogite-facies Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks (15 eclogitic rocks and eight associated pelitic schists) from four different localities yielded ages of 84–89 Ma (Seba, central Shikoku), 78–80 Ma (Nishi-Iratsu, central Shikoku), 123 and 136 Ma (Gongen, central Shikoku), and 82–88 Ma (Kotsu/Bizan, eastern Shikoku). With the exception of a quartz-rich kyanite-bearing eclogite from Gongen, white mica ages overlap with the previously known range of phengite K–Ar ages of pelitic schists of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt and can be distinguished from those of the Shimanto metamorphic belt. The similarity of K–Ar ages between the eclogites and surrounding pelitic schists supports a geological setting wherein the eclogites experienced intense ductile deformation with pelitic schists during exhumation. In contrast, phengite extracted from the Gongen eclogite, which is less overprinted by a ductile shear deformation during exhumation, yielded significantly older ages. Given that the Gongen eclogite is enclosed by the Higashi-Akaishi meta-peridotite body, these K–Ar ages are attributed to excess 40Ar gained during an interaction between the eclogite and host meta-peridotite with mantle-derived noble gas (very high 40Ar/36Ar ratio) at eclogite-facies depth. Fluid exchange between deep-subducted sediments and mantle material might have enhanced the gain of mantle-derived extreme 40Ar in the meta-sediment. Although dynamic recrystallization of white mica can reset the Ar isotope system, limited-argon-depletion due to lesser degrees of ductile shear deformation of the Gongen eclogite might have prevented complete release of the trapped excess argon from phengites. This observation supports a model of deformation-controlled K–Ar closure temperature.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanic rocks widespread in eastern China constitute an important part of the circum-Pacific volcanic belt.This paper presents more than 150K-Ar dates and a great deal of petrochemical analysis data from the Cenozoic volcanic rocks distributed in Tengchong,China‘s southeast coast,Shandong,Hebei,Nei Monggol and Northeast China.An integrated study shows that ubiquitous but uneven volcanic activities prevailed from the Eogene to the Holocene,characterized as being multi-eqisodic and multicycled.For example,in the Paleocene(67-58Ma),Eocene(57-37.5Ma),Miocene(22-18,16-19Ma),Pliocene(8-3Ma),and Early Pleistocene-Middle Pleistocene(1.2-0.5Ma) there were upsurges of volcanism,while in the Oligocene there was a repose period.In space,the older Eogene volcanic rocks are distributed within the region or in the central part of the NE-NNE-striking fault depression,while the younger Neogene and Quaternary volcanic rocks are distributed in the eastern and western parts.Petrologically,they belong essentially to tholeiite-series and alkali-series basalts,with alkalinity in the rocks increasing from old to youg.The above regularities are controlled by both global plate movement and regional inherent tectonic pattern.  相似文献   

Summary K–Ar and Ar–Ar whole rock and mineral ages are presented for 25 samples of metamorphic rocks from the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts., representing one of the largest allochthonous Palaeozoic terranes incorporated within the Internal Dinarides. Four main age groups can be distinguished: 1) Variscan (343Ma), 2) post-Variscan (288–238Ma), 3) Early Cretaceous (mainly 121–92Ma), and 4) Eocene (59–35Ma) ages. Apart from this, an Oligocene (31Ma) age was obtained on Alpine vein hyalophane. The radiometric dating indicates a polyphase metamorphic evolution of the Palaeozoic formations and suggests a pre-Carboniferous age of the volcano-sedimentary protoliths, an Early Carboniferous age of Variscan metamorphism and deformation, post-Variscan volcanism, an Early Cretaceous metamorphic overprint related to out-of-sequence thrusting of the Palaeozoic complex, and an Eocene and Oligocene metamorphic overprint related to the main Alpine compressional deformation and subsequent strike-slip faulting, and uplift of the metamorphic core. Accordingly, the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts. can be correlated in its multistage geodynamic evolution with some Palaeozoic tectonostratigraphic units from the Austroalpine domain in the Eastern Alps.Deceased  相似文献   

K—Ar年龄失真问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

辽西义县组火山岩^40Ar/^39Ar、K-Ar法年龄测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

钾长石是一种主要造岩矿物,自然成为进行K-Ar年龄测定的对象,但实验结果裘明其年龄值却比与其共生的黑云母年轻得多,据认为这是由于钾长石中的Ar容易逸失造成的。因此,要对钾长石中Ar的逸失机制进行深入的研究。本文整理和介绍了有关钾长石K-Ar年龄研究的情报资料,特别是了钾长石对地热史研究的重要性。  相似文献   

The Fe/Mn-Fe/Mg relations of published microprobe analyses of ureilite olivine cores suggest that FeO reduction in the magmatic stage was important in the genesis of some of these meteorites. Consideration of Mg/Mn and Fe/Mn partitioning between olivine and pigeonite cores shows that these two phases are not in equilibrium. The data are consistent with combined fractional crystallization and FeO reduction being the major processes of ureilite genesis. Few, if any, of the analyzed ureilites are consistent with a partial melting residue model.  相似文献   

Reater  A 李才 《世界地质》1993,12(4):49-55
在较低级变质泥质岩石中利用全岩的K—Ar和~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar分析方法来测定劈理形成年龄时,由于矿物样品的特殊性和碎屑颗粒间潜伏氩的存在,使测定工作变得复杂。复杂的矿物影响可通过仔细分辨K/Ca和~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar的年龄光谱加以解决。然而,碎屑的影响可能继续存在,甚至在具有渗透性裂开的变质泥质样品中(全岩和白云母,粒级均在0.4~0.63μm之间)也不例外,直到浅变质带(或浅带)的边缘这种影响才被消除。伴有浅变质裂开的凝灰岩夹层其~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar和K—Ar法测定的全岩劈理年龄与地层古生物学测定的劈理年龄相一致,这说明K—Ar和~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar法不受碎屑的影响。在粒级上与上述浅变质凝灰岩相区别,富含白云母的另一种凝灰岩具有下面特征,颗粒间界限明显,K—Ar和~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar全气体年龄与上述凝灰岩一致,不随颗粒的大小发生变化。近带高变质凝灰岩由边界不清的白云母颗粒组成,它们连续记录了~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar全气体年龄,其中~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar值比K—Ar值高10%~15%(全岩粗碎屑颗粒),这一差异是由于在辐射中受反冲气体~(39)Ar的影响,并表明颗粒的边界形态(有效表面积/体积)在很大程度上控制了~(39)Ar的反冲。  相似文献   

新疆要拉套山花岗岩类的K—Ar和^40Ar—^39Ar同位素定年   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陈江峰 Fola.  KA 《岩石学报》1994,10(2):184-192
新疆西北部阿拉套山南坡的花岗岩体的^40Ar-^39Ar和K-A定年结果表明它们都是海西期侵入体,侵入活动可分为三个阶段:最早的东部的岩基,岩性为花岗闪长岩和钾长花岗岩,年齿约305Ma;而后是西部的二长花岗岩和钾长花岗岩,与钨锡成矿有关,年龄约290Ma;最晚的是最西部的二长花岗岩,年龄约280-270Ma。岩浆活动中心有自动东或北东向西或南西迁移的趋势。  相似文献   


40Ar‐39Ar age spectra on minerals from granitic, metamorphic and hydrothermal rocks confirm that the Early Proterozoic Tennant Creek Block was affected by two thermal events during its evolution. Although extensive alteration of biotite and feldspar within the granites precludes the direct determination of their cooling history, 40Ar‐39Ar analyses for hydrothermal muscovite from several nearby gold‐copper deposits indicate that regional cooling to below ~ 300°C was not prolonged. Flat, uniform muscovite age spectra were obtained from gold deposits east of the Tennant Creek town site and indicate a minimum age of 1825–1830 Ma for their formation. These ages are within error of those for the felsic volcanism of the Flynn Subgroup, and a genetic relationship between the two may exist. Samples from gold deposits elsewhere in the area indicate disturbance of the K‐Ar isotope system. The second thermal event to affect the region occurred at around 1700 Ma, and is confirmed by the 40Ar‐39Ar muscovite ages for the ‘Warrego’ granite (1677 ± 4 Ma) and for the metamorphism of the Wundirgi Formation (1696 ± 4 Ma).  相似文献   

钾长石K—Ar定年若干问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有的测试数据反映,钾长石在K—Ar定年中存在很多问题,最常见的情况是年龄值偏年轻,有时也出现比共存矿物年龄偏老的情况。钾长石在实验过程中不完全释氩是造成年龄值偏年轻的原因之一,对此前人已经提出几个解决方案,但在实际应用中都不够完善。钾长石的封闭温度低(130~150℃)是放射成因氩丢失的最主要因素,个别情况下也出现捕获围岩中的放射成因氩,从而出现过剩氩。低温钾长石(如冰长石)的氩保存能力和结构有关系,通常情况下随着三斜度的升高所保存的放射成因氩会相应减少。不同地质环境中产出的钾长石在K—Ar定年中适用性有所不同,侵入岩中的钾长石(微斜长石和条纹长石等)不适合于K—Ar定年,而喷出岩中的钾长石(透长石和歪长石等)是非常好的定年矿物;低温钾长石可有条件应用  相似文献   

对中国东部新生代火山岩140多个K—Ar年龄测定表明:新生代火山活动具有多期多旋回的特点。呈NE向带状分布,有中心时代老、两侧新的变化趋势。本区火山岩主要属拉斑系列和碱性系列玄武岩,由老到新,碱性有逐渐增强趋势。上述规律受全球板块运动和区域性固有构造格局的双重控制。  相似文献   

成岩伊利石K—Ar年龄分析及其意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
烃源岩何时达到最高温度以及其经历加热时与成油构造的时间关系,一直是油气勘探研究中的关系问题。成岩作利石的K-Ar年龄可以用来确定碳氢化合物的形成时间,但由于无法将成岩伊利石从沉积岩中单独分离出来,因工源岩达到最高温度的时间一直不能确定,伊利石K-Ar年龄分析(IAA)方法的建立,使成岩伊利石年龄的获得成为可能。利用该方法对塔里木盆地某地区2772m处的奥陶系烃源层达到最高温度的时代进行了分析,结果表明,该地层是在上志留纪(408Ma)达到最高温度的。  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - U–Pb SHRIMP zircon crystallization ages and Ar–Ar and K–Ar mica cooling ages for basement rocks of the Yaminué and Nahuel Niyeu...  相似文献   

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