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N. Alam  Theo N. Olsthoorn 《水文研究》2014,28(20):5288-5296
The key to ‘sustainable conjunctive use of groundwater for additional irrigation’ is the salt balance of groundwater below an irrigated field. This paper aims to develop a mathematical tool to study the accumulation of salt in the groundwater below an irrigated field as caused by irrigation recirculation. This study derives a salt balance of groundwater to ensure that the additional irrigation from groundwater remains possible in the future. The water and salt budgets by themselves do neither provide information concerning farmers' options nor on the limits of the individual terms in the budget equations. It is presumed that farmers will intuitively aim for (1) an optimal value of the actual evapotranspiration, and (2) a return flow as a feasible low fraction of the available water. We, therefore, derive the irrigation from groundwater Q as a consequence of the predefined farmers' aims to achieve a high actual evapotranspiration in combination with a given optimally used irrigation system. Our model concludes that the required amount of drainage is only dependent on the ratio of the salinity in the surface irrigation water and the acceptable salinity of the groundwater. The final salinity in the saturated zone only depends on salt‐carrying inflows and outflows. From the aforesaid model, it is further concluded that sustainable conjunctive use of groundwater for additional irrigation requires long‐term salt management, which should be founded on the essential controlling factors as derived in this paper. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Upon completion of the Central Arizona Project (CAP), Colorado River water will be delivered some 200 miles inland for agricultural, domestic, and industrial use. Any new importation of water to an area implies adjustments in the organization of the economy of the area. For irrigated agriculture, adjustments will occur in input mix, output mix, acreage farmed, and in gross and net incomes. A complicating factor associated with importation of Colorado River water is that the imported water will contain different dissolved salt concentrations than the groundwater and surface water currently being used.Mathematical programming models of representative irrigated farms in Pinal County, Arizona, are used to project adjustments implied under several assumptions as to the availability, cost and salinity of the various sources of irrigation water. Conclusions are drawn as to the potential winners and losers from project development. Conclusions include the following: Increased salinity should not be of concern to the farmers in the county and Indian farms will reap the greatest share of benefits from the Project.  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact stochastic optimization model (ITSOM) is developed for agricultural irrigation management with a case study in China. Functional intervals are introduced into the modeling framework to much accurately address the spatial and temporal variation of system components. According to the results of case study, the developed model shows effectiveness in dealing with functional information of system parameters, and brings no difficulty in obtaining optimal water allocation patterns. It is indicated that the surface water resource (i.e. Heshui River) has better be used as the major source, and proper exploration of groundwater can curtail the related expense and further increase the system net benefit. Among eight farms, hybrid rice farm is going to obtain the greatest amount of water than the others, while watermelon farm has the priority to get water due to its highest benefit and penalty rate. In comparison, water allocations to rapeseed and tea farms are to be minimal within the respective fluctuation ranges. Scenario analysis is also conducted to clarify the differences between ITSOM and a conventional interval two-stage stochastic programming (ITSP) model. A total of 60 scenarios are initiated respectively linking to 60 monthly ITSP models for the entire planning horizon. The results show that the optimal objective function values of all ITSP models always fall into the range of that obtained from ITSOM. As each ITSP solution can only correspond to the system condition under a certain time point, it is highly vulnerable to system variation.  相似文献   

A stochastic optimization model based on an adaptive feedback correction process and surrogate model uncertainty was proposed and applied for remediation strategy design at a dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL)-contaminated groundwater site. One hundred initial training samples were obtained using the Latin hypercube sampling method. A surrogate model of a multiphase flow simulation model was constructed based on these samples employing the self-adaptive particle swarm optimization kriging (SAPSOKRG) method. An optimization model was built, using the SAPSOKRG surrogate model as a constraint. Then, an adaptive feedback correction process was designed and applied to iteratively update the training samples, surrogate model, and optimization model. Results showed that the training samples, the surrogate model, and the optimization model were effectively ameliorated. However, the surrogate model is an approximation of the simulation model, and some degree of uncertainty exists even though the surrogate model was ameliorated. Therefore, residuals between the surrogate model and the simulation model were calculated, and an uncertainty analysis was conducted. Based on the uncertainty analysis results, a stochastic optimization model was constructed and solved to obtain optimal remediation strategies at different confidence levels (60, 70, 80, 90, 95%) and under different remediation objectives (average DNAPL removal rate ≥?70,?≥?75,?≥?80,?≥?85,?≥?90%). The optimization results demonstrated that the higher the confidence level and remediation objective, the more expensive was remediation. Therefore, decision makers can weigh remediation costs, confidence levels, and remediation objectives to make an informed choice. This also allows decision makers to determine the reliability of a selected strategy and provides a new tool for DNAPL-contaminated groundwater remediation design.  相似文献   


Groundwater is an important water resource and its management is vital for integrated water resources development in semiarid catchments. The River Shiyang catchment in the semiarid area of northwestern China was studied to determine a sustainable multi-objective management plan of water resources. A multi-objective optimization model was developed which incorporated water supplies, groundwater quality, ecology, environment and economics on spatial and temporal scales under various detailed constraints. A calibrated groundwater flow model was supplemented by grey simulation of groundwater quality, thus providing two lines of evidence to use in the multi-objective water management. The response matrix method was used to link the groundwater simulation models and the optimization model. Multi-phase linear programming was used to minimize and compromise the objectives for the multi-period, conjunctive water use optimization model. Based on current water demands, this water use optimization management plan was able to meet ecological, environmental and economic objectives, but did not find a final solution to reduce the overall water deficit within the catchment.  相似文献   

A method is presented to design monitoring networks for detecting groundwater pollution at industrial sites. The goal is to detect the pollution at some distance from the site’s boundary so that it can be cleaned up or hydrologically contained before contaminating groundwater outside the site. It is assumed that pollution may occur anywhere on the site, that transport is by advection only and that no retardation and chemical reactions take place. However, the approach can be easily extended to include designated (and uncertain) source areas, dispersion and reactive transport. The method starts from the premise that it is impossible to detect 100% of all the contaminant plumes with reasonable costs and therefore seeks a balance between the risk of pollution and network density. The design approach takes account of uncertainty in the flow field by simulating realisations of conductivity, groundwater head and associated flow fields, using geostatistical simulation and a groundwater flow model. The realisations are conditioned to conductivity and head observations that may already be present on the site. The result is an ensemble of flow fields that is further analysed using a particle track program. From this the probability of missing a contaminant plume originating anywhere on the terrain can be estimated for a given network. From this probability follows the risk, i.e. the expected costs of an undetected pollution. The total costs of the monitoring strategy are calculated by adding the risk of pollution to the costs of installing and maintaining the monitoring wells and the routinely performed chemical analyses. By repeating this procedure for networks of varying well numbers, the best network is chosen as the one that minimises total cost. The method is illustrated with a simulated example showing the added worth of exploratory wells for characterising hydraulic conductivity of a site.  相似文献   

We develop methodologies to enable applications of reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) to environmental policy setting problems. RBDO considers uncertainty as random variables and parameters in an optimization framework with probabilistic constraints. Three challenges in environmental decision-making problems not addressed by current RBDO methods are efficient methods in handling: (1) non-normally distributed random parameters, (2) discrete random parameters, and (3) joint reliability constraints (e.g., meeting constraints simultaneously with a single reliability). We propose a modified sequential quadratic programming algorithm to address these challenges. An active set strategy is combined with a reliability contour formulation to solve problems with multiple non-normal random parameters. The reliability contour formulation can also handle discrete random parameters by converting them to equivalent continuous ones. Joint reliability constraints are estimated by their theoretical upper bounds using reliability indexes and angles of normal vectors between active constraints. To demonstrate the methods, we consider a simplified airshed example where CO and NOx standards are violated and are brought into compliance by reducing the speed limits of two nearby highways. This analytical example is based on the CALINE4 model. Results show the potential of this approach to handle complex large-scale environmental regulation problems.  相似文献   

Groundwater management involves conflicting objectives as maximization of discharge contradicts the criteria of minimum pumping cost and minimum piping cost. In addition, available data contains uncertainties such as market fluctuations, variations in water levels of wells and variations of ground water policies. A fuzzy model is to be evolved to tackle the uncertainties, and a multiobjective optimization is to be conducted to simultaneously satisfy the contradicting objectives. Towards this end, a multiobjective fuzzy optimization model is evolved. To get at the upper and lower bounds of the individual objectives, particle Swarm optimization (PSO) is adopted. The analytic element method (AEM) is employed to obtain the operating potentio metric head. In this study, a multiobjective fuzzy optimization model considering three conflicting objectives is developed using PSO and AEM methods for obtaining a sustainable groundwater management policy. The developed model is applied to a case study, and it is demonstrated that the compromise solution satisfies all the objectives with adequate levels of satisfaction. Sensitivity analysis is carried out by varying the parameters, and it is shown that the effect of any such variation is quite significant. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper describes an optimization method for the solution of groundwater management problems. The method consists of a combination of the computation of horizontal plane groundwater flow with a free surface (finite element method) and a linear optimization procedure (simplex algorithm). Considering the special structure of data which result form computing the groundwater flow with the finite element method, and modifying the simplex algorithm, the solution of management problems with complex groundwater flow is realized without any difficulties. Compared to a flow computation alone the additional effort of the optimization (computer time and scope for data storage) is only small.  相似文献   

Planning of water resources systems is often associated with many uncertain parameters and their interrelationships are complicated. Stochastic planning of water resources systems is vital under changing climate and increasing water scarcity. This study proposes an interval-parameter two-stage optimization model (ITOM) for water resources planning in an agricultural system under uncertainty. Compared with other optimization techniques, the proposed modeling approach offers two advantages: first, it provides a linkage to pre-defined water policies, and; second, it reflects uncertainties expressed as probability distributions and discrete intervals. The ITOM is applied to a case study of irrigation planning. Reasonable solutions are obtained, and a variety of decision alternatives are generated under different combinations of water shortages. It provides desired water-allocation patterns with respect to maximum system benefits and highest feasibility. Moreover, the modeling results indicate that an optimistic water policy corresponding to higher agricultural income may be subject to a higher risk of system-failure penalties; while, a too conservative policy may lead to wastage of irrigation supplies.  相似文献   

A simulation and optimization model was developed and applied to an irrigated area in Delta, Utah to optimize the economic benefit, simulate the water demand, and search the related crop area percentages with specified water supply and planted area constraints. The user interface model begins with the weather generation submodel, which produces daily weather data, which is based on long‐term monthly average and standard deviation data from Delta, Utah. To simulate the daily crop water demand and relative crop yield for seven crops in two command areas, the information provided by this submodel was applied to the on‐farm irrigation scheduling submodel. Furthermore, to optimize the project benefit by searching for the best allocation of planted crop areas given the constraints of projected water supply, the results were employed in the genetic algorithm submodel. Optimal planning for the 394·6‐ha area of the Delta irrigation project is projected to produce the maximum economic benefit. That is, projected profit equals US$113 826 and projected water demand equals 3·03 × 106 m3. Also, area percentages of crops within UCA#2 command area are 70·1%, 19% and 10·9% for alfalfa, barley and corn, respectively, and within UCA#4 command area are 41·5%, 38·9%, 14·4% and 5·2% for alfalfa, barley, corn and wheat, respectively. As this model can plan irrigation application depths and allocate crop areas for optimal economic benefit, it can thus be applied to many irrigation projects. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A grey fuzzy optimization model is developed for water quality management of river system to address uncertainty involved in fixing the membership functions for different goals of Pollution Control Agency (PCA) and dischargers. The present model, Grey Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (GFWLAM), has the capability to incorporate the conflicting goals of PCA and dischargers in a deterministic framework. The imprecision associated with specifying the water quality criteria and fractional removal levels are modeled in a fuzzy mathematical framework. To address the imprecision in fixing the lower and upper bounds of membership functions, the membership functions themselves are treated as fuzzy in the model and the membership parameters are expressed as interval grey numbers, a closed and bounded interval with known lower and upper bounds but unknown distribution information. The model provides flexibility for PCA and dischargers to specify their aspirations independently, as the membership parameters for different membership functions, specified for different imprecise goals are interval grey numbers in place of a deterministic real number. In the final solution optimal fractional removal levels of the pollutants are obtained in the form of interval grey numbers. This enhances the flexibility and applicability in decision-making, as the decision-maker gets a range of optimal solutions for fixing the final decision scheme considering technical and economic feasibility of the pollutant treatment levels. Application of the GFWLAM is illustrated with case study of the Tunga–Bhadra river system in India.  相似文献   


When rainfall does not meet crop water requirements, supplemental irrigation is needed to maintain productivity. On-farm ponds can prevent excessive groundwater exploitation – to the benefit of the whole community – but they reduce the cultivated area and require investments by each farmer. Thus, choosing the source of water for irrigation (groundwater vs on-farm pond) is a problem of collective action. An agent-based model is developed to simulate a smallholder farming system; the farmers’ long-/short-view orientation determines the choice of the water source. We identify the most beneficial water source for economic gain and its stability, and how it can change across communities and under future climate scenarios. By using on-farm ponds, long-view-oriented farmers provide collective advantages but have individual advantages only under extreme climates; a tragedy of the commons is always possible. Changes in farmers’ attitudes (and hence sources of water) based on previous experiences can worsen the economic outcome.  相似文献   

The study is focused on the harmonization of water use and removal strategies employed by a management body of a water resource system (center) and water users, i.e., active elements, which can intentionally distort information about their potentialities and preferences. The harmonization mechanism is based on the open-management (fair-play) principle. The instruments of harmonization are prices for water use and removal. When the volumes of allocated water resources and the masses of removed chemicals are determined independently, the harmonization is perfect, while when the joint management of the amount and quality of water resources is used, the harmonization is approximate.  相似文献   

引入两个负指数型差值函数,估计降雨量的概率分布,以此描述流域降雨空间变异性问题.将降雨量空间统计分布与垂向混合产流模型耦合进行产流量计算,即对地表径流,采用超渗产流模式,根据降雨与土壤下渗能力的联合分布推求其空间分布;对地面以下径流,采用蓄满产流模式,以地表渗入量的均值作为输入,进行简化处理以提高其实用性;最终推导出总产流量概率分布函数计算公式.将流域概化成一个线性水库,并根据随机微分方程理论,推导任一计算时段洪水流量的概率分布,从而构建了一个完整的随机产汇流模型.以淮河支流黄泥庄流域为例进行应用研究,结果表明,该模型可提供洪水过程的概率预报,可用于防洪风险分析,若以概率分布的期望值作为确定性预报,亦具有较高精度.  相似文献   

Traditional single-objective programs cannot deal with the tradeoffs between the decision makers who represent different perspectives and have inconsistent decision goals. Multi-objective ones can hardly represent a complex dominant-subordinate relationship between the leader and the follower. This study presents a new bilevel programming model with considering leader–follower-related health-risk and economic goals for optimal groundwater remediation management. The bilevel model is formulated by integrating health-risk assessment and environmental standards (the leader or the environmental concern) and remediation cost (the follower or the economic concern) into a general framework. In addition, stochastic uncertainty in health risk assessment is considered into the decision-making process. The developed bilevel model is then applied to a petroleum-contaminated aquifer in Canada. Results indicate that the performance of bilevel programming can not only meet the low remediation cost as the expectation from the follower but also simultaneously conform to the low contamination level as the expectation from the leader. Furthermore, comparative analyses show that the bilevel model with two-level concerns has the advantage of maximizing the interests and satisfaction degrees of decision makers, which can avoid the extreme results generated from the single-level models.  相似文献   


A six-stage operation policy for routing of flood hydrographs of return periods from 1.01 year up to the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for any dam having a gated spillway is proposed. The gate opening rules are determined depending on the recent pool level. Regardless of the size and timing of any incoming floods, the fixed rules of the six-stage operation policy will provide optimum routing for all, which are classified into six different groups based on their return periods. 10-, 100-, 1000-, 10 000- 100 000-year floods, and PMF are the upper limits for the six groups. Next, an Incremental Dynamic Programming programme is developed to optimize both the firm and secondary energies of hydroelectric generation at monthly periods. First, the six-stage flood routing programme is applied sequentially to three dams, all on the Seyhan River in Turkey, for 18 combinations resulting from different active storages, and optimum flood operation policies for all three dams for all 18 combinations are determined. Second, the Dynamic Programming programme is applied to these three dams, and optimum hydroelectricity generation policies for all 18 combinations are computed. Finally, the optimum active and flood retention storages for the three dams are determined so as to maximize the net probability-weighted present worth of hydroelectricity benefits minus flood damage costs.  相似文献   

Water quality management along rivers involves making water-allocation plans, establishing water quality goals, and controlling pollutant discharges, which is complicated itself but further challenged by existence of uncertainties. In this study, an inexact two-stage stochastic downside risk-aversion programming (ITSDP) model is developed for supporting regional water resources allocation and water quality management problems under uncertainties. The ITSDP method is a hybrid of interval-parameter programming, two-stage stochastic programming, and downside risk measure to tackle uncertainties described in terms of interval values and probability distributions. A water quality simulation model was provided for reflecting the relationship between the water resources allocation, wastewater discharge, and environmental responses. The proposed approach was applied to a hypothetical case for a shared stream water quality management with one municipal, three industrial and two agricultural sectors. A number of scenarios corresponding to different river inflows and risk levels were examined. The results demonstrated that the model could effectively communicate the interval-format and random uncertainties, and risk-aversion into optimization process, and generate a trade-off between the system economy and stability. They could be helpful for seeking cost-effective management strategies under uncertainties, and gaining an in-depth insight into the water quality management system characteristics, and make cost-effective decisions.  相似文献   

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