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The origin of the martian chaotic terrains is still uncertain; and a variety of geologic scenarios have been proposed. We provide topographic profiles of different chaos landscapes, notably Aureum and Hydraotes Chaos, showing that an initial shallow ground subsidence occurred at the first step of the chaos formation. We infer that the subsidence was caused by intrusion of a volcanic sill; which could have produced consequent melting as well as release of ground water from disrupted aquifer. Signs of a volcanic activity are observed on the floor of Hydraotes Chaos, a complex and deep depression located at the junction of three channels. The volcanic activity is represented by small, 0.5 to 1.5 km diameter, rounded cones with summit pits. The cone's size and morphology, as well as the presence of possible surrounding lava flows, suggest that they are primary volcanic cones similar to terrestrial cinder cones. The identification of volcanic activity on the deepest chaos, where the lower crustal thickness and the faults/fractures system contributed to the magma rising, reveals that magmatic activity, proved by the cones, and possibly help by structural activity, has been a major factor in the formation of chaotic terrains.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Vredefort structure in South Africa was created by a meteorite impact about two billion years ago. Since that time, the crater has been deeply eroded; so to estimate its original size, researchers have had to rely heavily upon comparison to other terrestrial impact structures. Recent estimates of the original crater diameter range from 160 km to as much as 400 km. In this study, we combined the capabilities of both hydrocode and finite-element modeling, using the former to predict where the pressure of an impact-generated shock wave would have been high enough to form planar deformation features (PDFs) and shatter cones and the latter to follow the subsequent displacement of these shock isobars during the collapse of the crater. We established constraints on the sizes of the projectile and the transient crater (and, thus, on the size of the final crater) by comparing the observed locations of PDFs around Vredefort to the results of our simulations of impacts by projectiles of various sizes. These simulations indicate that a rocky projectile with a diameter of ~10 km, impacting vertically at a velocity of 20 km/s generates shock pressures that are consistent with the distribution of PDFs around Vredefort. These projectile parameters correspond to a transient crater ~80 km in diameter or a final crater ~120–160 km in diameter. Allowing for uncertainties in our modeling procedures, we consider final craters 120 to 200 km in diameter to be consistent with the observed locations of PDFs at Vredefort. The shock pressure contour corresponding to the formation of shatter cones is almost horizontal near the surface, making the locations of these features less useful constraints on the crater size. However, they may provide a constraint on the amount of erosion that has occurred since the impact.  相似文献   

A classification of over 200 lunar mare domes shows that they have two major modes of occurrence: (1) low, flat, generally circular structures with convex shapes, slopes less than about 5°, and displaying summit craters, and (2) irregular structures often adjacent to highland regions and rarely containing summit craters. On the basis of morphologic and morphometric similarities, the first mode of occurrence appears to be analogous to small terrestrial shield volcanoes, and to represent primary volcanic constructs, while the second class of domes appears to result from secondary volcanic effects (flooding of highland material to produce kipukas and draping of lavas to produce irregular dome-like topography).Domes comparable to small shield volcanoes generally range from 3–17 km in diameter and up to several hundred meters in height and occur predominantly in groupings in the lunar equatorial region in northeast Tranquillitatis (Cauchy area), between Kepler and Copernicus (Hortensius area), and in the Marius Hills. In the Marius Hills, domes generally lack summit craters and have a rough surface texture formed in part by superposed cones and steep-sided flows. Elsewhere, domes representing volcanic sources are smooth-surfaced and usually contain a summit crater. These features are similar in general morphology to small terrestrial lava shields. They are generally intermediate in volume, slope, and height between small shields of terrestrial basaltic plains (such as the Snake River Plains) and larger Icelandic shields. Summit craters on lunar domes are considerably larger than craters on terrestrial shields of comparable diameters, apparently due to a combination of factors, including vent enlargement during extrusion, possibly higher lunar extrusion rates, different amounts of collapse, and impact erosion.Most vent-related domes appear to be associated with, and are thus approximately the same age as, surrounding lava plains, although relationships in specific areas have not yet been established. On the basis of age ranges of mare deposits established by Apollo samples, mare vent-related domes formed over an approximately one billion year period starting about 3.7 b.y. ago. Extrusion rates were apparently relatively low compared to the very high values characteristic of flows associated with major lunar sinuous rilles and terrestrial flood basalts, but may have been relatively high compared to similar terrestrial shields. Large shield volcanoes equivalent to the terrestrial Hawaiian-type or to the martian edifices such as Olympus Mons, do not occur on the Moon. Lack of these features may be due to the low viscosities and high effusion rates typical of many lunar eruptions and the lack of continuous eruptions from single sources.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 pictures indicate that the surface of Mars has been shaped by impact, volcanic, tectonic, erosional and depositional activity. The moonlike cratered terrain, identified as the dominant surface unit from the Mariner 6 and 7 flyby data, has proven to be less typical of Mars than previously believed, although extensive in the mid- and high-latitude regions of the southern hemisphere. Martian craters are highly modified but their size-frequency distribution and morphology suggest that most were formed by impact. Circular basins encompassed by rugged terrain and filled with smooth plains material are recognized. These structures, like the craters, are more modified than corresponding features on the Moon and they exercise a less dominant influence on the regional geology. Smooth plains with few visible craters fill the large basins and the floors of larger craters; they also occupy large parts of the northern hemisphere where the plains lap against higher landforms. The middle northern latitudes of Mars from 90 to 150† longitude contain at least four large shield volcanoes each of which is about twice as massive as the largest on Earth. Steep-sided domes with summit craters and large, fresh-appearing volcanic craters with smooth rims are also present in this region. Multiple flow structures, ridges with lobate flanks, chain craters, and sinuous rilles occur in all regions, suggesting widespread volcanism. Evidence for tectonic activity postdating formation of the cratered terrain and some of the plains units is abundant in the equatorial area from 0 to 120° longitude.Some regions exhibit a complex semiradial array of graben that suggest doming and stretching of the surface. Others contain intensity faulted terrain with broader, deeper graben separated by a complex mosaic of flat-topped blocks. An east-west-trending canyon system about 100–200 km wide and about 2500 km long extends through the Coprates-Eos region. The canyons have gullied walls indicative of extensive headward erosion since their initial formation. Regionally depressed areas called chaotic terrain consist of intricately broken and jumbled blocks and appear to result from breaking up and slumping of older geologic units. Compressional features have not been identified in any of the pictures analyzed to data. Plumose light and dark surface markings can be explained by eolian transport. Mariner 9 has thus revealed that Mars is a complex planet with its own distinctive geologic history and that it is less primitive than the Moon.  相似文献   

Several types of spatially associated landforms in the southern Utopia Planitia highland-lowland boundary (HLB) plain appear to have resulted from localized geologic activity, including (1) fractured rises, (2) elliptical mounds, (3) pitted cones with emanating lobate materials, and (4) isolated and coalesced cavi (depressions). Stratigraphic analysis indicates these features are Hesperian or younger and may be associated with resurfacing that preferentially destroyed smaller (<8 km diameter) impact craters. Based on landform geomorphologies and spatial distributions, the documented features do not appear to be specifically related to igneous or periglacial processes or the back-wasting and erosion of the HLB scarp. We propose that these features are genetically related to and formed by sedimentary (mud) diapirs that ascended from zones of regionally confined, poorly consolidated, and mechanically weak material. We note morphologic similarities between the mounds and pitted cones of the southern Utopia boundary plain and terrestrial mud volcanoes in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan. These analogs provide a context for understanding the geological environments and processes that supported mud diapir-related modification of the HLB. In southern Utopia, mud diapirs near the Elysium volcanic edifice may have resulted in laccolith-like intrusions that produced the fractured rises, while in the central boundary plain mud diapirs could have extruded to form pitted cones, mounds, and lobate flows, perhaps related to compressional stresses that account for wrinkle ridges. The removal of material a few kilometers deep by diapiric processes may have resulted in subsidence and deformation of surface materials to form widespread cavi. Collectively, these inferences suggest that sedimentary diapirism and mud volcanism as well as related surface deformations could have been the dominant Hesperian mechanisms that altered the regional boundary plain. We discuss a model in which detritus would have accumulated thickly in the annular spaces between impact-generated structural rings of Utopia basin. We envision that these materials, and perhaps buried ejecta of Utopia basin, contained volatile-rich, low-density material that could provide the source material for the postulated sedimentary diapirs. Thick, water-rich, low-density sediments buried elsewhere along the HLB and within the lowland plains may account for similar landforms and resurfacing histories.  相似文献   

Bell Regio is a highland fragment south of Ishtar Terra, extending 1300 km in N-S direction and 900 km in E-W direction. South of this region Eisila Regio is located with an E-W extension of 8000 km and a width of 2000 km. Bell Regio consists of two large massifs: a northern massif with maximum altitudes of 2.5 to 3.0 km above the 6051 km datum and with a semi-corona (other coronae on Venus are associated with volcanic-tectonic processes) and a southern massif with a maximum of 4 to 4.5 km above the datum. The possible shield volcano Tepev Mons of 250 km in diameter is superimposed on the southern massif. It shows a radar dark crater of 40 km diameter on its eastern flank, a crater-like feature of 15 km diameter on the top and a radar bright area extending from the dark crater across the summit. South of Tepev Mons are several volcanic structures with summit depressions. The crest of Bell Regio exhibits a N-S extending fossa system. The whole fresh appearing plain-like area has been classified as rather young compared to other units. Gravity data show a maximum of 33 mGal at Bell Regio and 35 mGal at eastern Eisila Regio. The basins north and south of the highland fragments are associated with gravity lows.Density models have been calculated along the gravity profile Rev. 163 of Pioneer Venus Orbiter across Bell and Eisila Regiones assuming Airy isostatic compensation of the topography and considering several boundary conditions (e.g. mean crustal thickness T<- 100 km). There are two groups of density models in the case of Airy compensation. In the first group global total compensation is assumed along the profile and regional partial compensation for Bell and Eisila Regiones. This solution gives a range of possible models with 10 km <- T <- 100 km and a partial compensation for Bell and Eisila Regiones between 12% and 55%. Thus these two highland fragments show subsurface surplus masses.The second group of models considers for the whole profile total compensation with a global T <- 100 km and a regional very large depth of compensation for Bell and Eisila Regiones, i.e. T > 100 km.The highland of Beta Regio has, like Bell Regio, a N-S rifting system, volcanic structures, a fresh appearing plain-like surface and either deep-seating compensating masses or near surface surplus masses. Bell can be considered as little sister of Beta. The geological and geophysical results imply a volcanic-tectonic uplift over a hot spot. The conditions of Atla Regio in eastern Aphrodite Terra are similar. Thus the existence of volcanic-tectonic uplifts support the important role of hot spot volcanism on Venus.Contribution Nr. 343, Institut für Geophysik der Universität Kiel, F.R.G.  相似文献   

Martian altitudes were measured by radar during the oppositions of 1971 and 1963 using the 64-m antenna at Goldstone (California). The resultant topographic profiles substantiate a zonal classification of the volcanic flows blanketing the south flanks of Arsia Mons, and they confirm the existence of a secondary, parasitic shield attached from the SSW to the main Arsia shield. The secondary shield is about 400 km in diameter at its base and at least 4 km high at its center. South of Valles Marineris, the Tharsis plateau is bounded by the approximate longitudes of 80° in the east and 140° in the west. In the Sinai Planum, closely adjacent to Coprates Chasma, another rise has been detected, bounded by longitudes of 55° in the east and 80° in the west. A volcanic shield of diameter 80 km, capped with a 22 km caldera has been identified near the crest of the rise. Topographic highs of about 1 km are associated with heavily faulted tracts such as Claritas Fossae. The distribution and orientation of the lunar-mare-like ridges in Sinai Planum appear to be independent of the regional gradients. Segments of the chaotic terrain at the eastern terminus of Valles Marineris are located as much as 6 km below the level of the surrounding plains.  相似文献   

Jeffrey B. Plescia 《Icarus》1981,45(3):586-601
The Tempe volcanic province of Mars is a broad region adjacent to and superimposed upon the western Tempe Mareotis plateau. The volcanic region is a relatively low plain of probable basaltic flood lava affinity. Superimposed upon this plain are a variety of small constructional and nonconstructional volcanic features, all of which appear structurally controlled, along an orientation of approximately N60°E. Constructional features included low shields, composite (?) cones, and low irregular hills which may be silicic domes. The nonconstructional features include linear depressions which may be rift zones, fissure flows, and pit craters. The Tempe volcanic province appears comparable in many aspects to features of the Snake River Plains of Idaho. While the Tempe region may cover a significantly larger area than the Snake River Plains the same type and scale of features are observed on both areas. The tempe region includes three styles of volcanism: flood basalts, a capping of fissure- and vent-fed flows with scattered low shields, and areas where low shields have coalesced into plains-type volcanism. The Snake River Plains are represented by one style, plains volcanism. This represents one of the few examples where direct comparison can be made between Martian and terrestial geologic-geomorphic features and where a scale problem is not encountered.  相似文献   

A total of 184 confirmed impact structures are known on Earth to date, as registered by the Earth Impact Database . The discovery of new impact structures has progressed in recent years at a rather low rate of about two structures per year. Here, we introduce the discovery of the approximately 10 km diameter Santa Marta impact structure in Piauí State in northeastern Brazil. Santa Marta is a moderately sized complex crater structure, with a raised rim and an off‐center, approximately 3.2 km wide central elevated area interpreted to coincide with the central uplift of the impact structure. The Santa Marta structure was first recognized in remote sensing imagery and, later, by distinct gravity and magnetic anomalies. Here, we provide results obtained during the first detailed ground survey. The Bouguer anomaly map shows a transition from a positive to a negative anomaly within the structure along a NE–SW trend, which may be associated with the basement signature and in parts with the signature developed after the crater was formed. Macroscopic evidence for impact in the form of shatter cones has been found in situ at the base around the central elevated plateau, and also in the interior of fractured conglomerate boulders occurring on the floor of the surrounding annular basin. Planar deformation features (PDFs) are abundant in sandstones of the central elevated plateau and at scattered locations in the inner part of the ring syncline. Together, shatter cones and PDFs provide definitive shock evidence that confirms the impact origin of Santa Marta. Crystallographic orientations of PDFs occurring in multiple sets in quartz grains are indicative of peak shock pressures of 20–25 GPa in the rocks exposed at present in the interior of the crater. In contrast to recent studies that have used additional, and sometimes highly controversial, alleged shock recognition features, Santa Marta was identified based on well‐understood, traditional shock evidence.  相似文献   

Abstract– Vargeão Dome (southern Brazil) is a circular feature formed in lava flows of the Lower Cretaceous Serra Geral Formation and in sandstones of the Paraná Basin. Even though its impact origin was already proposed in the 1980s, little information about its geological and impact features is available in the literature. The structure has a rim‐rim diameter of approximately 12 km and comprises several ring‐like concentric features with multiple concentric lineaments. The presence of a central uplift is suggested by the occurrence of deformed sandstone strata of the Botucatu and Pirambóia formations. We present the morphological/structural characteristics of Vargeão Dome, characterize the different rock types that occur in its interior, mainly brecciated volcanic rocks (BVR) of the Serra Geral Formation, and discuss the deformation and shock features in the volcanic rocks and in sandstones. These features comprise shatter cones in sandstone and basalt, as well as planar microstructures in quartz. A geochemical comparison of the target rock equivalents from outside the structure with the shocked rocks from its interior shows that both the BVRs and the brecciated sandstone have a composition largely similar to that of the corresponding unshocked lithologies. No traces of meteoritic material have been found so far. The results confirm the impact origin of Vargeão Dome, making it one of the largest among the rare impact craters in basaltic targets known on Earth.  相似文献   

The Tharsis rise on Mars with a diameter of about 8000 km and an elevation up to 10 km shows extensive volcanism and an extensional fracture system. Other authors explained this structure by (I) an uplift due to mantle processes and by (II) volcanic construction. Gravity models of four profiles are in accordance with a total Airy isostatic compensation of the whole rise with mean crustal thicknesses of 50 km and 100 km. But two regions exhibit significant mass deficits: (i) the area between Olympus Mons and the three large Tharsis volcanoes and (ii) central Tharsis. This can be explained by (1) a heated upper mantle, (2) a chemically modified upper mantle, (3) a crustal thickening, or (4) a combination of these three processes. Crustal thickening is mainly a constructional process, but the mass deficit should contribute to a certain degree of uplift causing the extensional area of Labyrinthus Noctis. Gravity modelling results in a different isostatic state of the three Tharsis volcanoes. Pavonis Mons is not compensated, Ascraeus Mons is highly or totally compensated, and Arsia Mons is medium or not compensated. The large, flat volcanic structure Alba Patera has been explained by a hot spot with an evolution of a mantle diapir.The results have shown that the Tharsis rise is a very complex structure. The central and eastern part of the rise is characterized by extensional features and a mass deficit (Extensional Province). The western part is dominated by many volcanic features and a central elongated mass deficit (Volcanic Province). The northern part consists of Alba Patera. It seems unlikely that the whole rise has been generated by one stationary large axisymmetric plume or hot spot. There could have been one or more active hot spots with an evolution in space and time.Contribution Nr. 421, Institut für Geophysik der Universität Kiel, Germany.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Siljan impact structure in Sweden is the largest confirmed impact structure in Western Europe. Despite this, the structure has been poorly studied in the past, and detailed studies of shock metamorphic features in the target lithologies are missing. Here, we present the results of a detailed systematic search for shock metamorphic features in quartz grains from 73 sampled localities at Siljan. At 21 localities from an area approximately 20 km in diameter located centrally in the structure, the orientations of 2851 planar deformation feature sets in 1179 quartz grains were measured. Observations of shatter cones outside of the zone with shocked quartz extend the total shocked area to approximately 30 km in diameter. The most strongly shocked samples, recording pressures of up to 20 GPa, occur at the very central part of the structure, and locally in these samples, higher pressures causing melting conditions in the affected rocks were reached. Pressures recorded in the studied samples decrease outwards from the center of the structure, forming roughly circular envelopes around the proposed shock center. Based on the distribution pattern of shocked quartz at Siljan, the original transient cavity can be estimated at approximately 32–38 km in diameter. After correcting for erosion, we conclude that the original rim to rim diameter of the Siljan crater was somewhere in the size range 50–90 km.  相似文献   

The Cassini Titan Radar Mapper obtained Synthetic Aperture Radar images of Titan's surface during four fly-bys during the mission's first year. These images show that Titan's surface is very complex geologically, showing evidence of major planetary geologic processes, including cryovolcanism. This paper discusses the variety of cryovolcanic features identified from SAR images, their possible origin, and their geologic context. The features which we identify as cryovolcanic in origin include a large (180 km diameter) volcanic construct (dome or shield), several extensive flows, and three calderas which appear to be the source of flows. The composition of the cryomagma on Titan is still unknown, but constraints on rheological properties can be estimated using flow thickness. Rheological properties of one flow were estimated and appear inconsistent with ammonia-water slurries, and possibly more consistent with ammonia-water-methanol slurries. The extent of cryovolcanism on Titan is still not known, as only a small fraction of the surface has been imaged at sufficient resolution. Energetic considerations suggest that cryovolcanism may have been a dominant process in the resurfacing of Titan.  相似文献   

Using minimum variance analysis of the circular mapping data from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft during four selected weeks of observation, we identify 360 magnetic field structures in the Martian topside ionosphere with characteristic signatures of flux ropes. Physical parameters including size, peak field strength, helicity, orientation, and external conditions at the time of each observation are compiled for the events in each population. We observe that Martian flux ropes typically have a peak field amplitude of ∼15 nT and a diameter of ∼80–100 km assuming they are stationary. Flux ropes tend to be aligned approximately parallel to the planetary surface, and perpendicular to the direction from which the solar wind flows. They are more frequently observed during times of low solar wind pressure, but do not show a clear preference for a particular Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) draping direction. Flux rope characteristics of peak field amplitude, diameter, and helicity vary with solar zenith angle. Amplitudes tend to be higher during periods of high solar wind pressure. The events are sorted into three populations based on the location at which they were observed, possibly corresponding to distinct formation mechanisms. Flux ropes observed in eclipse tend to have smaller peak amplitudes and are larger than those observed in sunlight, and are less likely to be oriented parallel to the planetary surface. Proximity to crustal fields does not appear to influence the characteristics of flux ropes observed at the 400 km spacecraft altitude. The frequent observation of flux rope structures near Mars in a variety of locations suggests that the low-altitude plasma environment is quite dynamic, with magnetic shear playing a prominent role in determining magnetic field structure near the planet.  相似文献   

Floor-fractured lunar craters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous lunar craters (206 examples, mean diameter = 40km) contain pronounced floor rilles (fractures) and evidence for volcanic processes. Seven morphologic classes have been defined according to floor depth and the appearance of the floor, wall, and rim zones. Such craters containing central peaks exhibit peak heights (approximately 1km) comparable to those within well-preserved impact craters but exhibit smaller rim-peak elevation differences (generally 0–1.5km) than those (2.4km) within impact craters. In addition, the morphology, spatial distribution, and floor elevation data reveal a probable genetic association with the maria and suggest that a large number of floor-fractured craters represent pre-mare impact craters whose floors have been lifted tectonically and modified volcanically during the epochs of mare flooding. Floor uplift is envisioned as floating on an intruded sill, and estimates of the buoyed floor thickness are consistent with the inferred depth of brecciation beneath impact craters, a zone interpreted as a trap for the intruding magma. The derived model of crater modification accounts for (1) the large differences in affected crater size and age; (2) the small peak-rim elevation differences; (3) remnant central peaks within mare-flooded craters and ringed plains; (4) ridged and flat-topped rim profiles of heavily modified craters and ringed plains; and (5) the absence of positive gravity anomalies in most floor-fractured craters and some large mare-filled craters. One of the seven morphologic classes, however, displays a significantly smaller mean size, larger distances from the maria, and distinctive morphology relative to the other six classes. The distinctive morphology is attributed, in part, to the relatively small size of the affected crater, but certain members of this class represent a style of volcanism unrelated to the maria - perhaps triggered by the last major basin-forming impacts.  相似文献   

A relic impact structure was recognized within the strewn field of the Agoudal iron meteorite. The heavily eroded structure has preserved shatter cones in a limestone basement, and remnants of autochthonous and allochthonous breccias. Fragments of iron incorporated into the allochthonous breccia have a chemical composition (Ni = 5.16 wt%, Ir = 0.019 ppm) similar to that of the Agoudal meteorite, supporting a syngenetic origin of the strewn field and the impact structure. The total recovered mass of Agoudal meteorite fragments is estimated at approximately 500 kg. The estimated size of the SE–NW‐oriented strewn field is 6 × 2 km. Model calculations with minimal preatmospheric size show that a similar meteorite strewn field plus one small crater with observed shock effects could be formed by fragmentation of a meteoroid approximately 1.4 m in diameter with an impact angle of approximately 60° from the horizontal. However, the most probable is an impact of a larger, 3–4 m diameter meteoroid, resulting a strewn field with approximately 10 craters, 10–30 m in diameter each, plus numerous meteorite fragments. The calculated scattering area of meteorite shrapnel ejected from these impact craters could completely cover the observed strewn field of the Agoudal meteorite.  相似文献   

The Terny impact structure, located in central Ukraine, displays a variety of diagnostic indicators of shock metamorphism, including shatter cones, planar deformation features in quartz, diaplectic glass, selective melting of minerals, and whole rock melting. The structure has been modified by erosion and subsequently buried by recent sediments. Although there are no natural outcrops of the deformed basement rocks within the area, mining exploration has provided surface and subsurface access to the structure, exposing impact melt rocks, shocked parautochthonous target rocks, and allochthonous impact breccias, including impact melt‐bearing breccias similar to suevites observed at the Ries structure. We have collected and studied samples from surface and subsurface exposures to a depth of approximately 750 m below the surface. This analysis indicates the Terny crater is centered on geographic coordinates 48.13° N, 33.52° E. The center location and the distribution of shock pressures constrain the transient crater diameter to be no less than approximately 8.4 km. Using widely accepted morphometric scaling relations, we estimate the pre‐erosional rim diameter of Terny crater to be approximately 16–19 km, making it close in original size to the well‐preserved El'gygytgyn crater in Siberia. Comparison with El'gygytgyn yields useful insights into the original morphology of the Terny crater and indicates that the amount of erosion Terny experienced prior to burial probably does not exceed 320 m.  相似文献   

El'gygytgyn is a 3.6 Ma, 18 km diameter, impact crater formed in an approximately 88 Ma old volcanic target in Northeast Siberia. The structure has been the subject of a recent ICDP drilling project. In parallel to those efforts, a Russian‐German expedition was undertaken in summer 2011 to investigate the permafrost soil, lake terraces, and the volcanic rocks of the southern and eastern crater rim. This provided the unique opportunity for mapping and sampling of the volcanic target rocks around a large part of this complex impact structure. Samples from 43 outcrops were collected and analyzed petrographically and geochemically. The results were combined with earlier mapping outcomes to create a new geological map of this impact structure and its immediate environs, at the scale of 1:50,000. Compositions of our rock suites are compared with the lithologies of the 2009 ICDP drill core. The ignimbrite described as lower bedrock in the ICDP drill core shows petrographically and chemically strong similarities to the rhyolitic and rhyodacitic ignimbrites observed on surface. The suevite sequence exposed in the ICDP drill core is a mixture of all observed target rocks at their respective proportions in the area. In contrast to previous studies, the calculated average target composition of El'gygytgyn takes the contribution of the basic target rocks into consideration: mafic and intermediate rocks approximately 7.5%, and felsic rocks approximately 92.5%.  相似文献   

Observations of Titan obtained by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) have revealed Selk crater, a geologically young, bright-rimmed, impact crater located ∼800 km north-northwest of the Huygens landing site. The crater rim-crest diameter is ∼90 km; its floor diameter is ∼60 km. A central pit/peak, 20-30 km in diameter, is seen; the ratio of the size of this feature to the crater diameter is consistent with similarly sized craters on Ganymede and Callisto, all of which are dome craters. The VIMS data, unfortunately, are not of sufficient resolution to detect such a dome. The inner rim of Selk crater is fluted, probably by eolian erosion, while the outer flank and presumed ejecta blanket appear dissected by drainages (particularly to the east), likely the result of fluvial erosion. Terracing is observed on the northern and western walls of Selk crater within a 10-15 km wide terrace zone identified in VIMS data; the terrace zone is bright in SAR data, consistent with it being a rough surface. The terrace zone is slightly wider than those observed on Ganymede and Callisto and may reflect differences in thermal structure and/or composition of the lithosphere. The polygonal appearance of the crater likely results from two preexisting planes of weakness (oriented at azimuths of 21° and 122° east of north). A unit of generally bright terrain that exhibits similar infrared-color variation and contrast to Selk crater extends east-southeast from the crater several hundred kilometers. We informally refer to this terrain as the Selk “bench.” Both Selk and the bench are surrounded by the infrared-dark Belet dune field. Hypotheses for the genesis of the optically bright terrain of the bench include: wind shadowing in the lee of Selk crater preventing the encroachment of dunes, impact-induced cryovolcanism, flow of a fluidized-ejecta blanket (similar to the bright crater outflows observed on Venus), and erosion of a streamlined upland formed in the lee of Selk crater by fluid flow. Vestigial circular outlines in this feature just east of Selk’s ejecta blanket suggest that this might be a remnant of an ancient, cratered crust. Evidently the southern margin of the feature has sufficient relief to prevent the encroachment of dunes from the Belet dune field. We conclude that this feature either represents a relatively high-viscosity, fluidized-ejecta flow (a class intermediate to ejecta blankets and long venusian-style ejecta flows) or a streamlined upland remnant that formed downstream from the crater by erosive fluid flow from the west-northwest.  相似文献   

Wudalianchi volcanic field, located in northeast China, consists of 14 Quaternary volcanoes with each volcano as a steep-sided scoria cone surrounded by gently sloping lava flows. Each cone is topped with a bowl-shaped or funnel-shaped crater. The volcanic cones are constructed by the accumulation of tephra and other ejecta. In this paper, their geologic features have been investigated and compared with some Martian volcanic features at Ascraeus Mons volcanoes observed on images obtained from High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiments (HiRISE), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), Context Imager (CTX) and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS). The results show that both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons volcanoes are basaltic, share similar eruptive and geomorphologic features and eruptive styles, and have experienced multiple eruptive phases, in spite of the significant differences in their dimension and size. Both also show a variety of eruptive styles, such as fissure and central venting, tube-fed and channel-fed lava flows, and probably pyroclastic deposits. Three volcanic events are recognized at Ascraeus Mons, including an early phase of shield construction, a middle eruptive phase forming a low lava shield, and the last stage with aprons mantling both NE and SW flanks. We suggest that magma generation at both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons might have been facilitated by an upwelling mantle plume or upwelling of asthenospheric mantle, and a deep-seated fault zone might have controlled magma emplacement and subsequent eruptions in Ascraeus Mons as observed in the Wudalianchi field, where the volcanoes are constructed along the northeast-striking faults. Fumarolic cones produced by water/magma interaction at the Wudalianchi volcanic field may also serve as an analogue for the pseudocraters identified at Isidis and Cerberus Planitia on Mars, suggesting existence of frozen water in the ground on Mars during Martian volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

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