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Well-preserved Quaternary staircased marine terraces appear on Ras Leona limestone relief. This is a peculiar sector of the Betic-Rif Cordillera, lying in the four-way junction between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and Europe and Africa. The age and altitude correlation of the Ras Leona terraces with travertine-covered lateral equivalent terraces fashioned in the neighbouring Beni Younech area, and comparison with those along the Moroccan Atlantic coasts, would suggest that the Ras Leona terraces were mainly formed by eustatic factors. The importance of the eustasy is supported by further comparisons with Spanish and Moroccan Mediterranean terraces and with different marine terraces developed on passive-margin coasts around the world. A tectonic event occurred mainly during the period between the formation of the Maarifian and the Ouljian terraces (i.e., between 370 and 150 ka). The moderate Quaternary tectonic uplift deduced from the marine terraces and its comparison with uplifted marine terraces developed in active subduction setting disagrees with the model of an active eastwards subduction below the Gibraltar tectonic arc.  相似文献   

Amorosi  Colalongo  Pasini  & Preti 《Sedimentology》1999,46(1):99-121
Data from 17 continuously cored boreholes, 40–170 m deep, reveal the subsurface stratigraphy of the Romagna coastal plain. Sedimentological and microfaunal data allow the distinction of eight facies associations of Late Pleistocene–Holocene age, including 18 lithofacies and 16 faunal associations. Ten 14C dates provide the basis to establish a sequence stratigraphic framework for the succession corresponding to the upper part 35 ky BP of the last glacio-eustatic cycle. The eight facies associations can be grouped into lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The upper part of the lowstand systems tract consists of alluvial plain deposits. These accumulated during the Late Pleistocene when the shoreline was ≈250 km south of its present-day position. A pronounced stratigraphic hiatus (between 25 and 8·8 ky BP) is invariably recorded at the upper boundary (transgressive surface) of these Pleistocene, indurated and locally pedogenized alluvial deposits. The succeeding postglacial history is represented by a well developed transgressive–regressive cycle. Transgressive deposits, interpreted to reflect the rapid landward migration of a barrier–lagoon system, include two wedge-shaped, paralic and marine units. These thicken in opposite directions and are separated by a ravinement surface. Above the transgressive deposits, the maximum flooding surface (MFS) marks the change from a transgressive barrier–lagoon complex to a prograding, wave-dominated delta system (early Po delta). The MFS can be traced landwards, where it constitutes the base of lagoonal deposits. An aggradational to progradational stacking pattern of upper delta plain (marsh), lower delta plain (lagoon/bay), and delta front (beach ridge) deposits reflects the progressive increase in the sediment supply/accommodation ratio during the following highstand. The alluvial deposits capping the sequence accumulated by the 13th century AD, in response to an avulsion event that caused abandonment of the former Po delta lobe and the northward migration of the Po River towards its present position.  相似文献   

Neotectonic observations allow a new interpretation of the recent tectonic behaviour of the outer fore arc in the Caldera area, northern Chile (27°S). Two periods of deformation are distinguished, based on large-scale Neogene to Quaternary features of the westernmost part of the Coastal Cordillera: Late Miocene to Early Pliocene deformations, characterized by a weak NE–SW to E–W extension is followed by uppermost Pliocene NW–SE to E–W compression. The Middle Pleistocene to Recent time is characterized by vertical uplift and NW–SE extension. These deformations provide clear indications of the occurrence of moderate to large earthquakes. Microseismic observations, however, indicate a lack of shallow crustal seismicity in coastal zone. We propose that both long-term brittle deformation and uplift are linked to the subduction seismic cycle.  相似文献   

Rotherslade on the Gower Peninsula in south Wales has been viewed as a key site for the reconstruction of Quaternary depositional environments in the British Isles. Since the early 20th century, and certainly since the 1980s, the accepted view has been that Rotherslade is the most westerly location on the south Gower coast where there is in situ basal till exposed and that, logically, this location marks the position of the LGM ice limit. However, reinvestigation of the sediments and their architecture, and analysis of clast fabrics and thin sections of critical sedimentary units, show that none of the exposed sediments has properties diagnostic of subglacial deposition or deformation. We postulate here that LGM ice terminated at the western side of Swansea Bay, a few kilometres to the north‐east of Rotherslade, and propose that the sedimentary sequence comprises Early to Middle Devensian periglacial sediments, overlain by a complex of Late Devensian, ice‐proximal outwash fan deposits, an assemblage of paraglacial debris and, finally, periglacial mass movement deposits. The proposed repositioning of the Late Devensian ice limit and the associated new subaerial interpretation of the sediments suggest that a reassessment of sedimentary sequences (Hunts Bay, Western Slade) and landforms (Paviland Moraine) farther west on Gower, which have attained similar stratigraphical status, is now warranted. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the basal interval, sedimentary cover of the Arakapas ophiolite massif (southern Cyprus) is composed of metalliferous sediments of the Perapedhi Formation that is divided into three sequences based on diverse radiolarian assemblages. These are basal umbers of the Cenomanian age presumably (2–20 m), interlayering cherts and umbers of the Turonian-Coniacian (6–10 m), and opoka-like cherts of the Coniacian-Santonian. Higher in the succession, there are olistostrome deposits of the Moni Formation, which unconformably rest on the eroded underlying strata. In this formation also divisible into three sequences, the lower one 200 to 300 m thick is composed of variegated, presumably Campanian silty clays containing olistoliths of basic, presumably Upper Triassic volcanics, Lower Cretaceous sandstones, and opoka-like cherts and cherty limestones of the Albian-lower Cenomanian. Next sequence (100–200 m) is represented by alternation of variegated silty and green bentonitic clays of the Campaian, which enclose frequent olistoliths and horizons of fine-clastic olistostrome breccias. The upper sequence of upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian bentonitic clays (50–100 m) contains interlayers of ash tuffs and clayey cherty sediments. Carbonate deposits of the upper Maastrichtian-Paleogene, conformably overlie the Moni Formation.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary landscape development along the Rancho Marino coastal range front in the central‐southern Pacific Coast Ranges of California has been documented using field mapping, surveying, sedimentary facies analysis and a luminescence age determination. Late Quaternary sediments along the base of the range front form a single composite marine terrace buried by alluvial fans. Marine terrace sediments overlie two palaeoshore platforms at 5 m and 0 m altitude. Correlation with the nearby Cayucos and San Simeon sites links platform and marine terrace development to the 125 ka and 105 ka sea‐level highstands. Uplift rate estimates based on the 125 ka shoreline angle are 0.01–0.09 m ka?1 (mean 0.04 m ka?1), and suggest an increase in regional uplift along the coast towards the NW where the San Simeon fault zone intersects the coastline. Furthermore, such low rates suggest that pre‐125 ka uplift was responsible for most of the relief generation at Rancho Marino. The coastal range front landscape development is, thus, primarily controlled by post 125 ka climatic and sea‐level changes. Post 125 ka sea‐level lowering expanded the range front piedmont area to a width of 7.5 km by the 18 ka Last Glacial Maximum lowstand. This sea‐level lowering created space for alluvial fan building along the range front. A 45 ± 3 ka optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age provides a basal age for alluvial fan building or marks the time by which distal alluvial fan sedimentation has reached 300 m from the range front slope. Fan sedimentation is related to climatic change, with increased sediment supply to the range front occurring during (1) glacial period cold stage maxima and/or (2) the Late Pleistocene–Holocene transition, when respective increases in precipitation and/or storminess resulted in hillslope erosion. Sea‐level rise after the 18 ka lowstand resulted in range front erosion, with elevated localised erosion linked to the higher relief and steeper slopes in the SE. This study demonstrates that late Quaternary coastal range front landscape development is driven by interplay of tectonics, climatic and sea‐level change. In areas of low tectonic activity, climatic and sea‐level changes dominate coastal landscape development. When the sea‐level controlled shoreline is in close proximity to the coastal range front, localised patterns of sedimentation and erosion are passively influenced by the pre‐125 ka topography. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

滇黔桂地区晚震旦世陡山沱期构造-层序岩相古地理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
层序地层是在一个等时地质年代格架内从三维空间上认识一个有成因联系的沉积组合体,层序内部沉积地质体的性质、叠置关系和沉积相演变与海平面升降周期变化有对应关系。对滇黔桂地区晚震旦世陡山沱期层序地层研究,笔者在上扬子浅海区对晋宁王家湾上震旦统剖面进行实测,拟建立浅海区基干层序剖面,并把陡山沱组划分为一个2级层序和四个3级层序;在深海区对广西灵川西岭剖面进行实测,拟建立深海地区的基干层序剖面。然后在研究区进行辅助对比剖面的观测,以编制该区二级层序海侵体系域和高水位体系域的构造-层序岩相古地理图。通过这些研究,使人们从另一个角度去揭示和认识该区在陡山沱期的构造运动、沉积物组合特征与海平面变化的关系,从而更进一步弄清该区的时空演化特征。  相似文献   

This study aims to reconstruct the Cenozoic and Pleistocene morphodynamic evolution of the Orb, a Mediterranean river which crosses all the structural units of the south Massif Central border. A geomorphological and sedimentological analysis of detrital deposits was carried out as a basis for correlating the different formations and reconstructing the palaeodrainage. Heavy minerals were used to reconstruct the main sedimentary palaeochannels since the Messinian. The successive Orb longitudinal profiles show anomalies which can be caused by structure and by interactions between fluvial dynamics and tectonics. Evidence of volcanic heavy minerals on the Faugères Mountains and in the Upper Pliocene deposits of the Languedocian piedmont demonstrates that a north–south flow took place during the Upper Pliocene. Nevertheless, a palaeo‐Orb existed at the place of the present course when the basaltic lava flows were spreading, but headward erosion did not reach them until the Upper Pleistocene, because the Orb middle and high terraces do not contain volcanic minerals sourced from the Escandorgue. The successive Orb longitudinal profiles show that headward erosion due to Pleistocene low sea levels does not reach beyond Béziers and that a tectonic hinge has functioned near the shoreline. The non‐lithologic knickpoints are explained by the Montagne Noire and Avant‐Monts uplift up until the Pleistocene. A progressive continental uplift is necessary to explain the Orb terraces staircase in the Béziers district, and the fluctuations of incision from upstream to downstream are due to laterally differential movements, which are isostatic effects of thick regressive deposits on the Gulf of Lion shelf during the cold periods. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Lower Permian (Artinskian to Sakmarian) Pebbley Beach Formation (PBF) of the southernmost Sydney Basin in New South Wales, Australia, records sediment accumulation in shallow marine to coastal environments at the close of the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan ice age. This paper presents a sequence stratigraphic re‐evaluation of the upper half of the unit based on the integration of sedimentology and ichnology. Ten facies are recognized, separated into two facies associations. Facies Association A (seven facies) comprises variably bioturbated siltstones and sandstones with marine body fossils, interpreted as recording sediment accumulation in open marine environments ranging from lower offshore to middle shoreface water depths. Evidence of deltaic influence is seen in several Association A facies. Facies Association B (three facies) comprises mainly heterolithic, interlaminated and thinly interbedded sandstone and siltstone with some thicker intervals of dark grey, organic‐rich mudstone, some units clearly filling incised channel forms. These facies are interpreted as the deposits of estuarine channels and basins. Throughout the upper half of the formation, erosion surfaces with several metres relief abruptly separate open marine facies of Association A (below) from estuarine facies of Association B (above). Vertical facies changes imply significant basinward shift of environment across these surfaces, and lowering of relative sea level in the order of 50 m. These surfaces can be traced over several kilometres along depositional strike, and are defined as sequence boundaries. On this basis, at least nine sequences have been recognized in the upper half of the formation, each of which is < 10 m thick, condensed, incomplete and top‐truncated. Sequences contain little if any record of the lowstand systems tract, a more substantial transgressive systems tract and a highstand systems tract that is erosionally truncated (or in some cases, missing). This distinctive stacking pattern (which suggests a dominance of retrogradation and progradation over aggradation) and the implied relative sea‐level drop across sequence boundaries of tens of metres are remarkably similar to some other studies of continental margin successions formed under the Neogene icehouse climatic regime. Accordingly, it is suggested that the stratigraphic architecture of the PBF was a result of an Icehouse climate regime characterized by repeated, high‐amplitude cycles of relative sea‐level change.  相似文献   

The glacial deposits of the eastern Lleyn Peninsula record the advance, coalescence and subsequent retreat and uncoupling of Welsh and Irish Sea ice-sheets during the Late Devensian cold stage. During advance a thick sheet of basal diamict was deposited over much of the area, and during retreat and uncoupling, which occurred after 14.5 ka, the eastern part of the area was dominated by the formation of a large sandur system draining from the retreating margin of the Irish Sea ice-sheet. Subsequent stages of retreat are marked by a series of arcuate cross-valley moraines formed either by ice-contact deposition during stillstand or by structural deformation during minor snout oscillation. In the western part of the area sedimentation was controlled by a series of dead-ice ridges running parallel to the retreating ice-margin and this led to the development of a complex assemblage of localised depositional environments including ice-front alluvial fans, marginal sandur troughs and pro-glacial lake basins, all formed under supraglacial ice-marginal conditions. No evidence of glaciomarine deposition is recorded. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Middle Oxfordian of the eastern Paris Basin constitutes a remarkable example of the growth and demise of a carbonate platform. Fischer plots, sedimentary and diagenetic features allow the identification of four depositional cycles (S5 to S8) in the Transversarium Zone; they are inserted in a lower frequency cycle of increased/decreased accommodation space (SoIII). The long‐term period of accommodation creation occurred during the older S5 and S6 cycles, the maximum accommodation zone being located in the lower part of the S6 cycle. This high accommodation period was tectonically controlled and was coeval with local distensive activity of a Hercynian fault. A major minimum accommodation zone exists during the S8 cycle. At that time, the platform was isolated and presented both a windward and a leeward margin. The growth of the platform was favoured by a warm and arid climate, oligotrophic conditions and reduced siliciclastic input during a highstand in relative sea‐level. These palaeoenvironmental features favoured the proliferation of phototrophic organisms producing carbonate material. The death of the platform was generated by a reduction in the carbonate production surface during a lowstand in relative sea‐level and by the appearance of mesotrophic conditions induced by the increase in siliciclastic inputs at the beginning of a period with a cooler and more humid climate. In the eastern Paris Basin, during the Middle Oxfordian, the parasequences are ordered and present ‘greenhouse’ characteristics. In contrast, at the beginning of the S8 cycle, the randomness in the thickness of contiguous parasequences increased. Decreased carbonate production during the lowstand caused by a transition from photozoan to heterozoan benthic communities certainly favoured this randomness and the appearance of catch‐down parasequences.  相似文献   

Rapid extension and active normal faulting in the western extremity of the Corinth Gulf are accompanied by fast coastal uplift. We investigate Pleistocene uplift west of Aigion, by attempting to date remains of marine terraces and sedimentary sequences by calcareous nannoplankton and U‐series analyses. Net uplift initiated recently, due to abandonment of an older rift‐bounding fault zone and increase in activity on the presently active, coastal fault zone. This change apparently coincides with an abrupt slow down (or, termination) of secondary fault block tilting within the broader hangingwall block of the older zone, indicated by an angular unconformity that dates in the early part of MIS10 (∼390–350 ka BP, preferably, in the earlier part of this period). Net uplift driven by the coastal zone resulted in the formation of MIS9c (330 ka) and younger terraces. The formation of the unconformity and the initiation of net uplift coincide temporally with a ∼300–400 ka unconformity recognized by recent studies in a wide area offshore Aigion i.e. they could be part of an evolutionary event that affected the entire western part of the Corinth Rift or, a large area therein. Uplift rate estimates at four locations are discussed with reference to the morphotectonic context of differential uplift of secondary fault blocks, and the context of possible increase in uplift rate with time. The most reliable and most useful estimate for uplift rate at the longitude of the studied transect is 1.74–1.85 mm/year (time‐averaged estimate for the last ∼240 ka, based on calcareous nannoplankton and sequence‐stratigraphic interpretation). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tectono-stratigraphic analysis of the East Tanka fault zone (ETFZ), Suez Rift, indicates that the evolution of normal fault segments was an important control on syn-rift depositional patterns and sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of the Nukhul Formation indicates that it was deposited in a narrow (ca 1–2 km), elongate (ca 5 km), fault-bounded, tidally influenced embayment during the low subsidence rift-initiation phase. The Nukhul Formation is composed of transgressive (TST) and highstand (HST) systems tract couplets interpreted as reflecting fault-driven subsidence and the continuous creation of accommodation in the hangingwall to the ETFZ. The overlying Lower Rudeis Formation was deposited during the high subsidence rift-climax phase, and is composed of forced regressive systems tract (FRST) shallow marine sandbodies, and TST to HST offshore mudstones. Activity on the ETFZ led to marked spatial variability in stratal stacking patterns, systems tracts and key stratal surfaces, as footwall uplift, coupled with regressive marine erosion during deposition of FRST sandbodies, led to the removal of intervening TST–HST mudstone-dominated units, and the amalgamation of FRST sandbodies and the stratal surfaces bounding these units in the footwall. This study indicates that the evolution of normal fault segments over relatively short (i.e. <1 km) length-scales has the potential to enhance or suppress a eustatic sea-level signal, leading to marked spatial variations in stratal stacking patterns, systems tracts and key stratal surfaces. Crucially, these variations in sequence stratigraphic evolution may occur within time-equivalent stratal units, thus caution must be exercised when attempting to correlate syn-rift depositional units based solely on stratal stacking patterns. Furthermore, local, tectonically controlled variations in relative sea level can give rise to syn-rift stacking patterns which are counterintuitive in the context of the structural setting and perceived regional subsidence rates.  相似文献   

This work deals with new lithostratigraphic, sedimentological, petrographic and geochemical data collected from coastal Quaternary formations of the Tangier Peninsula along the Northern Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts in the southern side of the Gibraltar Strait (Morocco).The sedimentological features of the analyzed sections reflect a palaeoenvironment evolution from a submerged beach-type to a high energy littoral depositional system, namely lower shoreface to beachface environment with a regressive trend to thickening- and coarsening-upward sequences. Other successions, located nearby Larache city and in the Sidi Kankouch area, are also characterized by a positive trend to fining- and thinning-upward sequences, reflecting an evolution from lower beachface or upper shoreface to lower shoreface. It is possible that the transgressive to regressive trend inversion could be related to fluctuations of sediment input rate versus accommodation space during the progradation of a coastal palaeoenvironment.The lateral and vertical evolution of the studied marine formations is related to late Quaternary neotectonics, mainly to the last repercussions of isostatic rebound of the External and Flysch Basin Domains, during a period of relatively uniform sea level between 280,000 and 125,000 years B.P.The provenance of arenites of these Quaternary marine formations, studied by means of modal counting and geochemical analysis, seems to be linked mainly to Middle-Upper Miocene and Pliocene terrigenous successions, unconformably resting on various formations of the Neogene accretionary prism. The latter has been built by the stacking of Flysch Nappes and External Units of the Northern Rif Chain.  相似文献   

Abstract Linking siliciclastic diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy allows a better understanding of the parameters controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations, and hence of reservoir quality. A study of the coal-bearing, alluvial, deltaic, estuarine and shallow-marine sandstones of the Rio Bonito Formation, early Permian, Paraná Basin (southern Brazil), reveals that the distribution of diagenetic alterations and of related reservoir quality evolution can be constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Calcite, dolomite, siderite, kaolinite and pyrite cementation is consistently linked to sequence and parasequence boundaries, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces and is systematically distributed within lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Diagenesis of coal layers at parasequence boundaries has promoted the formation of stratabound calcite (detectable in resistivity wire line logs), concretionary pyrite and kaolinite and of silicate grain dissolution in sandstones located above and below these boundaries, particularly in the transgressive systems tract. Meteoric water diagenesis caused grain dissolution and the formation of kaolinite in sandstones below sequence boundaries and in lowstand systems tract sandstones. Carbonate bioclasts and low sedimentation rates in lag deposits at parasequence boundaries, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces favoured the formation of grain-rimming siderite. The results of this study are relevant to the exploration of coal-bed methane and other coal-bearing reservoirs, where it is crucial to unravel and predict the distribution and quality of reservoirs and compartments.  相似文献   

The deglaciation of Skye at the close of the Loch Lomond Stadial is assessed on the basis of detailed geomorphological mapping and pollen-stratigraphic correlations. It is concluded that deglaciation proceeded in two distinct stages. The first was marked by numerous glacier stillstands and readvances, while uninterrupted retreat and local glacier stagnation occurred during the second and final stage. The pollen evidence indicates that the first stage was well advanced before the marked thermal improvement at the start of the Flandrian, and it is inferred that initial glacier retreat occurred in response to a decline in precipitation in the later part of the Loch Lomond Stadial. The first stage of glacier retreat continued into the early Flandrian, during which climatic amelioration was interrupted briefly. Final deglaciation appears to have occurred rapidly in response to sustained temperature increases. The collective evidence also indicates spatial variations in the timing of deglaciation, which appear to reflect differences in glacier morphology.  相似文献   

Due to difficulties in correlating aeolian deposits with coeval marine facies, sequence stratigraphic interpretations for arid coastal successions are debated and lack a unifying model. The Pennsylvanian record of northern Wyoming, USA, consisting of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sequences deposited in arid, subtropical conditions, provides an ideal opportunity to study linkages between such environments. Detailed facies models and sequence stratigraphic frameworks were developed for the Ranchester Limestone Member (Amsden Formation) and Tensleep Formation by integrating data from 16 measured sections across the eastern side of the Bighorn Basin with new conodont biostratigraphic data. The basal Ranchester Limestone Member consists of dolomite interbedded with thin shale layers, interpreted to represent alternating deposition in shallow marine (fossiliferous dolomite) and supratidal (cherty dolomite) settings, interspersed with periods of exposure (pedogenically modified dolomites and shales). The upper Ranchester Limestone Member consists of purple shales, siltstones, dolomicrites and bimodally cross‐bedded sandstones in the northern part of the basin, interpreted as deposits of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate tidal flats. The Tensleep Formation is characterized by thick (3 to 15 m) aeolian sandstones interbedded with peritidal heteroliths and marine dolomites, indicating cycles of erg accumulation, preservation and flooding. Marine carbonates are unconformably overlain by peritidal deposits and/or aeolian sandstones interpreted as lowstand systems tract deposits. Marine transgression was often accompanied by the generation of sharp supersurfaces. Lags and peritidal heteroliths were deposited during early stages of transgression. Late transgressive systems tract fossiliferous carbonates overlie supersurfaces. Highstand systems tract deposits are lacking, either due to non‐deposition or post‐depositional erosion. The magnitude of inferred relative sea‐level fluctuations (>19 m), estimated by comparison with analogous modern settings, is similar to estimates from coeval palaeotropical records. This study demonstrates that sequence stratigraphic terminology can be extended to coastal ergs interacting with marine environments, and offers insights into the dynamics of subtropical environments.  相似文献   

The development and propagation of a pollution gradient in the marine boundary layer over the Arabian Sea during the Intensive Field Phase of the Indian Ocean Experiment (1999) is investigated. A hypothesis for the generation of the pollution gradient is presented. Infrared satellite images show the formation of the pollution gradient as the leading edge of a polluted air mass in the marine boundary layer and also its propagation over the Arabian Sea and the northern Indian Ocean. Aerosol data measured from two research vessels over the Arabian Sea show a variation in the concentrations caused by the passage of this pollution gradient. Depth of the pollution gradient was found to be about 800 m. A numerical model was used to simulate the development of this gradient and its propagation over the ocean. Results show that its formation and structure are significantly influenced by the diurnal cycle of coastal sea-land breeze circulations along India’s west coast. Transport of aerosols and gases over the Arabian Sea in the lower troposphere from land sources appears to be through this mechanism with the other being the elevated land plume.  相似文献   

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