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High-density array MT soundings of the crust in the seismically active northern Tien Shan were performed using Phoenix MTU-5 stations in the Bishkek Geodynamic Polygon, at the junction of the Chu basin and the Kyrgyz Range. The MT transfer functions were determined to an accuracy of 1–2% (amplitude) and about 0.5–0.8 deg (phase) in most of 145 soundings. Preliminary analysis of the collected data aimed at estimating the geoelectrical dimensionality. The Bahr decomposition analysis indicated the presence of local 3D structures in the crust of the area superposed on the regional 2D structure.  相似文献   

Seismic-tomography studies were conducted in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan using two different observation schemes. The first was based on the arrival times of P and S waves from regional earthquakes recorded with local seismological networks (local scheme). Nonlinear tomographic inversion based on the LOTOS algorithm was used to construct the 3D distributions of P and S wave velocities in the crust beneath the Kyrgyz Tien Shan and to refine the earthquake locations. The second scheme was used to study the upper-mantle structure based on data from global earthquake catalogs (regional scheme). All the data on waves which at least partly travel within the volume studied were used here, including (1) those from regional earthquakes recorded at world seismic stations and (2) teleseisms recorded at the local stations. This approach was earlier applied to calculate the upper-mantle structure beneath Asia. We used a fragment of this structure beneath the Tien Shan and adjacent areas. A series of synthetic tests was performed to estimate the resolution provided by both schemes. The tomography shows traces of the delamination of the Tarim mantle lithosphere from south to north. Also, the local and regional schemes reveal evidence for cold-matter descent from north to south in the northern Tien Shan but on a much smaller scale. Low velocities in the upper mantle beneath the Tien Shan might indicate lithospheric thinning. These data suggest that mantle-lithosphere delamination is taking place underneath both the northern and the southern margins of the Tien Shan collision belt. Lack of the mantle lithosphere beneath the Tien Shan leads to lithospheric weakening and active deformation, thus causing intense orogeny.  相似文献   

L.  V.  A.  V.  G.  E.  G.  V.  A. 《Tectonophysics》2007,431(1-4):143
On the base of the GPS-measured velocity field referring to the recent crust movements over sizable terrestrial areas (Central Tien Shan), the strain rate tensor is evaluated as the tensor components are governed by space gradients of the velocity field. The areas of the extreme values of the strain rate tensor components are shown to coincide with the highest seismic activity areas. Also shown is the fact that, in the direction of the crust surface layer compression, the deep layer electric conductivity reaches its maximum. A simplest explanation of this phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   

Moraines studied in the Chon-Kyzylsuu River valley (southeastern Lake Issyk-Kul region, Tien Shan) were mobilized during historic and prehistoric large earthquakes. Seismic triggers of moraine mobilization included the M > 8 Kebin earthquake of 1911 and prehistoric events that produced rockslides, landslides, and multiple fault scarps. Rockslides in the Chon-Kyzylsuu basin are located in the hanging wall of the Terskey border thrust fault. The observed deformation results from at least four prehistoric earthquakes in the second half of the Holocene (early 20th century BC, early 11th century BC, middle 8th century BC, and early 2nd century BC), with local shaking intensity I > 7.  相似文献   

A new approach to interpretation of shallow electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data discussed for the case of the Olkhon area (western Baikal region) stems from tectonophysical ideas of faulting phases and deformation levels in rocks. The deformation levels, identified statistically from ERT responses, constrain fault boundaries and subboundaries associated with the formation of main and subsidiary fault planes. Information of this kind creates a basis for solving various fundamental and applied problems of tectonics, mineral exploration, and engineering geology.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This paper analyzes the rose diagrams of the directions of 439 faults of the Variscian province, 476 faults of the Caledonian province, and 603 presently active faults of...  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of new data on geology and geochronology of Precambrian terranes in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt reveals new insights into its evolution. At the present surface, these terranes mostly consist of Meso- to Neoproterozoic sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic assemblages, with insignificant Paleoproterozoic rocks. Archean material is represented exclusively by detrital and xenocrystic zircons in younger strata. Meso- to Neoproterozoic felsic magmatic rocks were mostly sourced from Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic continental crust, indicating its reworking and potential wider presence at deeper crustal levels. Most Meso- to Neoproterozoic assemblages are of intraplate origin. The supra-subduction assemblages of Neoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic ages are of limited extent.We propose to recognize the Issedonian and Ulutau-Moyunkum groups of terranes, separated by early Paleozoic Z-shaped ophiolitic suture, based on their different tectono-magmatic evolution in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Distinctly different are the Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic assemblages, with lithological variations at the beginning of the late Neoproterozoic and practically no differences at the end of the Neoproterozoic.The Issedonian group of terranes could be part of a Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1100 Ma) orogen between the Siberian, North China and Laurentian cratons. The pre-Mesoproterozoic crust of these terranes was completely reworked during the younger events. The Ulutau-Moyunkum group of terranes appear to be lithologically and geochronologically similar to the Tarim craton. Both the Issedonian and Ulutau-Moyunkum groups of terranes were metamorphosed during the Ulutau-Moyunkum event at 700 ± 25 Ma.The breakup into currently mappable Precambrian terranes took place during end-Ediacaran to early Paleozoic times after opening of oceanic basins, whose relics are preserved in numerous Paleozoic ophiolitic sutures.  相似文献   

The results of numerical modelling of deformation of the Earth’s crust along the Tarim–Altai profile caused by the force of gravity and lateral compression using the approximate two-dimensional model of the elastoplastic transition are presented. The conditions of the formation of mountains and their roots were determined taking into account some geological and geophysical parameters.  相似文献   

The main differences and similarities between the tectonic features of the Urals and the Tien Shan are considered. In the Neoproterozoic and Early and Middle Paleozoic, the Ural and Turkestan oceanic basins were parts of one oceanic domain, with several distinct regions in which tectonic events took different courses. The Baltic continental margin of the Ural paleoocean was active, whereas the Tarim-Alay margin of the Turkestan ocean, similar in position, was passive. The opposite continental margin in the Urals is known beginning from the Devonian as the Kazakh-Kyrgyz paleocontinent. In the Tien Shan, a similar margin developed until the Late Ordovician as the Syr Darya block with the ancient continental crust. In the Silurian, this block became a part of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz paleocontinent. The internal structures of the Ural and Turkestan paleooceans were different. The East Ural microcontinent occurred in the Ural paleoocean during the Early and Middle Paleozoic. No microcontinents are established in the Turkestan oceanic basin. Volcanic arcs in the Ural paleoocean were formed in the Vendian (Ediacarian), at the Ordovician-Silurian boundary, and in the Devonian largely along the Baltic margin at different distances from its edge. In the Turkestan paleoocean, a volcanic arc probably existed in the Ordovician at its Syr Darya margin, i.e., on the other side of the ocean in comparison with the Urals. The subduction of the Turkestan oceanic crust developed with interruptions always in the same direction. The evolution of subduction in the Urals was more complicated. The island arc-continent collision occurred here in the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous; the continent-continent collision took place in the Moscovian simultaneously with the same process in the Tien Shan. The deepwater flysch basins induced by collision appeared at the Baltic margin in the Famennian and Visean, whereas in the Bashkirian and Moscovian they appeared at the Alay-Tarim margin. In the Devonian and Early Carboniferous, the Ural and Turkestan paleooceans had a common active margin along the Kazakh-Kyrgyz paleocontinent. The sudduction of the oceanic crust beneath this paleocontinent in both the Urals and the Tien Shan started, recommenced after interruptions, and finally ceased synchronously. In the South Ural segment, the Early Carboniferous subduction developed beneath both Baltica and the Kazakh-Kyrgyz paleocontinent, whereas in the Tien Shan, it occurred only beneath the latter paleocontinent. A divergent nappe-fold orogen was formed in the Urals as a result of collision of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz paleocontinent with the Baltic and Alay-Tarim paleocontinents, whereas a unilateral nappe-fold orogen arose in the Tien Shan. The growth of the high divergent orogen brought about the appearance of the Ural Foredeep filled with molasse beginning from the Kungurian. In the Tien Shan, a similar foredeep was not developed; a granitic axis similar to the main granitic axis in the Urals was not formed in the Tien Shan either.  相似文献   

Cenozoic deformation within the Tien Shan of central Asia has accommodated part of the post-collisional indentation of the Indian plate into Asia. Within the Urumgi—Korla region of the Chinese Tien Shan this occurred dominantly on thrusts, with secondary strike-slip faulting. The gross pattern of deformation is of moderate to steeply dipping thrusts that have overthrust foreland basins to the north and south of the range, the Junggar and Tarim basins, respectively. Smaller foreland basins lie within the margins of the range itself (Turfan, Chai Wo Pu, Korla and Qumishi basins); these lie in the footwalls of local thrust systems. Both the Turfan and the Korla basins contain major thrusts within them; they are complex foreland basins. Deformation has progressively affected regions further into the interior of the Junggar Basin, and propagated into the interiors of the intermontane basins. No unidirectional deformation front has passed across the Tien Shan in the Neogene and Quaternary. An Oligocene unconformity may indicate the time of the onset of the Cenozoic deformation, but most of the Cenozoic molasse has been deposited after the Palaeogene. The rate of deposition in basins next to the uplifted ranges has increased since the onset of deformation. There has been at least about 80 km of Cenozoic shortening across this part of the Tien Shan. Cenozoic shortening is greater in sections of the range further west; these are nearer to the northern margin of the Indian indenter. Cenozoic compression has reactivated structures created by the two late Palaeozoic collisions that created the ancestral Tien Shan. These Palaeozoic structures have exerted a strong control over the style and location of the Cenozoic deformation.  相似文献   

Through analysis of seismic ambient noise recorded by the GHENGIS array, we constructed a high‐resolution 3‐D crustal shear‐wave velocity model for the central Tien Shan. The obtained shear‐wave velocity model provides insight into the detailed crustal structure beneath the Tien Shan. The results obtained at shallow depths are well correlated with known subsurface geological features. Low velocities are found mainly beneath sedimentary basins, whereas high velocities are mainly associated with mountain ranges. At greater depths of ~43–45 km, high velocities were observed beneath the Tarim Basin and Kazakh Shield; these high velocities extend forward in opposite directions and tilt down towards the central Tien Shan to a depth of in excess of 50 km, most likely reflecting lateral variations in crustal thickness beneath the Tien Shan and surrounding platforms.  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (NMTP) is a major intracontinental Cenozoic transpressional zone that comprises a series of active strike-slip faults and thrust faults. It is important to document cumulative horizontal displacements along the NMTP in order to understand quantitatively strain partitioning in East Asia since the India–Eurasia collision. Based on an analysis of horizontal slip along major active faults, the total amount of horizontal displacements is estimated up to 700 km between the Tibetan Plateau and the Tarim Basin since the convergence of India and Eurasia. Along the western and middle segment of the Altyn Tagh fault to the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, there are abundant evidence that show that the net displacement is 400 km since 40–35 Ma, and along the Shulenan Shan and southeast of middle Qilian Shan since 25–17 Ma, the amount of offset is 150 km. The largest horizontal slip in Qilian Shan–Hexi Corridor to the northeast of the Altyn Tagh fault is also 150 km since late Oligocene to early Miocene. It decreases to only 60 km along the Haiyuan fault (since late Miocene) and to 25 km along the Zhongwei–Tongxin fault since the Pliocene (about 5.3–3.4 Ma), at the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau. This clearly implies northeastward diminishing of the total horizontal displacement and temporal getting younger of the fault slip along the NMTP. However, this tendency is very complicated at different times and different segments as a result of the uplift, growth and rotation of different segments of the NMTP at different stages during the convergence of India and Eurasia.  相似文献   

Geodynamics of late Paleozoic magmatism in the Tien Shan and its framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Devonian-Permian history of magmatic activity in the Tien Shan and its framework has been considered using new isotopic datings. It has been shown that the intensity of magmatism and composition of igneous rocks are controlled by interaction of the local thermal upper mantle state (plumes) and dynamics of the lithosphere on a broader regional scale (plate motion). The Kazakhstan paleocontinent, which partly included the present-day Tien Shan and Kyzylkum, was formed in the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian as a result of amalgamation of ancient continental masses and island arcs. In the Early Devonian, heating of the mantle resulted in the within-plate basaltic volcanism in the southern framework of the Kazakhstan paleocontinent (Turkestan paleoocean) and development of suprasubduction magmatism over an extensive area at its margin. In the Middle-Late Devonian, the margins of the Turkestan paleoocean were passive; the area of within-plate oceanic magmatism shifted eastward, and the active margin was retained at the junction with the Balkhash-Junggar paleoocean. A new period of active magmatism was induced by an overall shortening of the region under the settings of plate convergence. The process started in the Early Carboniferous at the Junggar-Balkhash margin of the Kazakhstan paleocontinent and the southern (Paleotethian) margin of the Karakum-Tajik paleocontinent. In the Late Carboniferous, magmatism developed along the northern boundary of the Turkestan paleoocean, which was closing between them. The disappearance of deepwater oceanic basins by the end of the Carboniferous was accompanied by collisional granitic magmatism, which inherited the paleolocations of subduction zones. Postcollision magmatism fell in the Early Permian with a peak at 280 Ma ago. In contrast to Late Carboniferous granitic rocks, the localization of Early Permian granitoids is more independent of collision sutures. The magmatism of this time comprises: (1) continuation of the suprasubduction process (I-granites, etc.) with transition to the bimodal type in the Tien Shan segment of the Kazakhstan paleocontinent that formed; (2) superposition of A-granites on the outer Hercynides and foredeep at the margin of the Tarim paleocontinent (Kokshaal-Halyktau) and emplacement of various granitoids (I, S, and A types, up to alkali syenite) in the linear Kyzylkum-Alay Orogen; and (3) within-plate basalts and alkaline intrusions in the Tarim paleocontinent. Synchronism of the maximum manifestation and atypical combination of igneous rock associations with spreading of magmatism over the foreland can be readily explained by the effect of the Tarim plume on the lithosphere. Having reached maximum intensity by the Early Permian, this plume could have imparted a more distinct thermal expression to collision. The localization of granitoids in the upper crust was controlled by postcollision regional strike-slip faults and antiforms at the last stage of Paleozoic convergence.  相似文献   

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