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利用国际地球自转服务IERS发布的国际地球参考架ITRF96的速度场 ,建立了一个基于现代空间大地测量实测结果的全球板块运动模型ITRF96VEL ,该模型与NNR -NUVEL1A模型有着较好的一致性 .利用该模型 ,本文对ITRF96参考架相对无整体旋转参考架是否存在一个整体旋转的问题进行了初步的探讨 ,结果表明ITRF96参考架相对无整体旋转参考架有一个整体旋转 ,旋转角速度为 0 1 61°/Ma ,旋转极指向南纬 50 5° ,东经 65 5°,这与要求ITRF96无整体旋转的定义不相符 ,这个整体旋转将会对国际地球参考架的高精度应用和长期维持 ,特别是对地球自转参数长期变化的研究产生一定的影响 相似文献
关于ITRF96参考架整体旋转性的探讨 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8
利用国际地球自转服务IERS发布的国际地球参考架ITRF96的速度场 ,建立了一个基于现代空间大地测量实测结果的全球板块运动模型ITRF96VEL ,该模型与NNR -NUVEL1A模型有着较好的一致性 .利用该模型 ,本文对ITRF96参考架相对无整体旋转参考架是否存在一个整体旋转的问题进行了初步的探讨 ,结果表明ITRF96参考架相对无整体旋转参考架有一个整体旋转 ,旋转角速度为 0 1 61°/Ma ,旋转极指向南纬 50 5° ,东经 65 5°,这与要求ITRF96无整体旋转的定义不相符 ,这个整体旋转将会对国际地球参考架的高精度应用和长期维持 ,特别是对地球自转参数长期变化的研究产生一定的影响 相似文献
顾及板块运动、稳定性和系统偏差的高精度GPS监测基准研究与实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用GPS技术监测城市地面沉降,监测基准的合理选取对获得真实的形变结果至关重要.本文详细分析了城市沉降监测网基准的特点,针对传统基准模型的局限性提出了顾及板块运动、基准点稳定性以及其他系统误差影响的拟稳基准模型.该模型考虑了基准点自身的稳定性以及板块运动对高程形变的影响,同时采用系统参数统一各期基线框架以及区域拟稳基准,有效解决了因基准点不稳定性和基线框架不一致对形变结果造成的误差,确保正确形变信息的获取.最后通过六期西安市地面沉降监测网数据试验,验证了该方案的合理性和可靠性. 相似文献
本文在最新一代板块相对运动模型(MORVEL模型)的基础上,通过最小二乘反演观测热点方向数据建立板块绝对运动模型.经过对前人用于约束板块绝对运动模型的所有热点数据与MORVEL模型的一致性作系统的统计学检验,发现存在离群数据.相应地,提出两种系统剔除离群数据的新方法:逐一剔除法和全局搜索法.结合对总残差的卡方检验和对残差频率分布的正态检验,逐步筛选最优模型,最终得到一个基于热点参考系的板块绝对运动新模型(T87模型).该模型能够合理拟合全球分布的87个热点方向数据,而模型预测的板块绝对运动速率比观测热点火山的迁移速率系统偏小,最大偏差达到4 cm·a-1.这样的偏差可由观测热点速率的系统误差或地幔返回流造成的热点间运动解释.不论是哪种解释成立,本文结果表明热点方向数据能够独立、有效地定义全球热点参考系.这样定义的热点参考系可方便地应用于板块绝对运动、地幔对流及真极移的研究.
Upper mantle anisotropy and crust-mantle deformation pattern beneath the Chinese mainland 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
WANG ChunYong CHANG LiJun DING ZhiFeng LIU QiongLin LIAO WuLin Lucy M FLESCH 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2014,57(1):132-143
Over the past 10 years,the number of broadband seismic stations in China has increased significantly.The broadband seismic records contain information about shear-wave splitting which plays an important role in revealing the upper mantle anisotropy in the Chinese mainland.Based on teleseismic SKS and SKKS phases recorded in the seismic stations,we used the analytical method of minimum transverse energy to determine the fast wave polarization direction and delay time of shear-wave splitting.We also collected results of shear-wave splitting in China and the surrounding regions from previously published papers.From the combined dataset we formed a shear-wave splitting dataset containing 1020 parameter pairs.These splitting parameters reveal the complexity of the upper mantle anisotropy image.Our statistical analysis indicates stronger upper mantle anisotropy in the Chinese mainland,with an average shear-wave time delay of 0.95 s;the anisotropy in the western region is slightly larger(1.01 s)than in the eastern region(0.92 s).On a larger scale,the SKS splitting and surface deformation data in the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan region jointly support the lithospheric deformation mode,i.e.the crust-lithospheric mantle coherent deformation.In eastern China,the average fast-wave direction is approximately parallel to the direction of the absolute plate motion;thus,the upper mantle anisotropy can be attributed to the asthenospheric flow.The area from the Ordos block to the Sichuan Basin in central China is the transition zone of deformation modes between the east and the west regions,where the anisotropy images are more complicated,exhibiting"fossil"anisotropy and/or two-layer anisotropy.The collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate is the main factor of upper mantle anisotropy in the western region of the Chinese mainland,while the upper mantle anisotropy in the eastern region is related to the subduction of the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate. 相似文献
Christoph F Hieronymus 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2004,222(1):177-189
Seafloor spreading typically occurs along ridge segments oriented at right angles to plate motion and offset by orthogonal transform faults. Few regions exhibit different patterns, such as the East Pacific Rise (EPR), which additionally displays overlapping spreading centres (OSCs) and microplates. We introduce a dynamical model using two independent, scalar types of damage in an elastic plate that generates most observed spreading geometries as natural failure modes, suggesting that the dynamics of the underlying mantle have only a minor influence on accretionary plate margins. The elastic modulus that is affected by the damage determines the type of localized deformation. Damage reducing the bulk modulus tends to result in tensile fractures, while a reduction in shear modulus leads to shear fractures. The damage source determines the fracture orientation. Material weakening in tension results in fractures perpendicular to the most tensile principal stress, while shear weakening results in two conjugate fractures at 45° relative to the applied stress. Strain or energy-dependent damage results in propagating, localized fractures. Stress-dependent damage tends to evolve into diffuse regions that may eventually focus into narrow zones. Starting from small perturbations with reduced elastic moduli as nucleation points, all ridge geometries start with ridge propagation caused by tensile energy reducing both elastic moduli by a model of damage caused by tensile energy reducing both moduli. Orthogonal transform faults develop in regions between offset segments if there is an additional reduction in shear modulus due to shear stress. The orthogonality of the transform faults does not derive from the local stress orientation but from the dynamics of damage focusing which causes the fault to converge towards an optimal geometry that concentrates nearly all deformation into damaged zones. OSCs form when the shear damage leading to transform faults is suppressed, while microplate formation requires additional reduction of the shear modulus by tensile energy. Oblique spreading at 45°, recently discovered along ultraslow spreading ridges, occurs when both moduli are weakened by shear energy. A parameter regime exists in which ridge-transform patterns develop at low applied tension, while microplates form at higher stresses. These results indicate that at least three different micromechanical processes operate with different evolution rates. OSCs and oblique spreading require different material properties. 相似文献
对2016-2019年华北中部地区(34.7°-41.1°N,110.3°-119.7°E)流动地磁矢量观测数据进行处理,得到连续3期岩石圈磁场年变化数据,并对岩石圈磁场空间分布形态进行分析.研究发现,磁异常分布与岩石圈结构之间有一定相关性,在太行山隆起以西、临清坳陷、鲁西断隆和鲁西断隆以东等主要结构单元表现出不同程度... 相似文献
北京地区地壳形变场及其动态特征 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4
对北京地区多期精密水准资料进行同网形、同方法和同起算点的平差处理,采用曲面拟合的方法绘制了从60年代至90年代的地壳垂直形变速率图。系统地研究了北京地区30余年的趋势性形变特征和各地震活动时期不同时间段内的地形变特征。其研究成果不仅对地震预报研究而且对理论形变场等地学问题均具有一定的意义 相似文献
Theoretical considerations of lithosphere deformation across transform plate boundaries predict an expression in terms of 3istributed deformation. The magnitude of rotation is expected to diminish away from the fault zone in a way which depends on the length of the fault, the amount of displacement, and the ductility of the lithosphere. Palaeomagnetic studies across the North Anatolian transform fault zone, which separates the Eurasian Plate and Anatolian Block in northern Turkey, show that clockwise rotations predicted from the sense of dextral motion are indeed present and have attained finite rotations of up to 270° during the 5 Ma history of Neotectonic deformation. Such rotations are, however, confined to narrow ( 10 km wide) zones between system-bounding faults and appear to have resulted from rotation in ball-bearing fashion of equidimensional blocks a few kilometres in size. Outside of this zone only anticlockwise rotations are observed; these are unrelated to deformation across the fault zone and record regional anticlockwise rotation of Turkey which is complementing clockwise rotation of Greece and accompanying Neogene opening of the Aegean Sea. The observed behaviour of continental lithosphere satisfies no plausible value of power law behaviour. We therefore conclude that relative motion across this transform boundary occurs as a discrete zone of intense deformation within a brittle layer comprising the seismogenic upper crust. This is presumed to be detached from a continuum deformation response to shearing in the lower crust and mantle beneath. 相似文献
地球内部岩石圈物理与动力学研究发展的新动向与今后的任务 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4
本文通过对当代地球内部岩石圈物理与动力学发展的认识与分析,探讨了该领域的研究方向与今后的任务,并提出了相应的建议与对策 相似文献
3-D rheological structure is mainly the spatial distribution of lithospheric strength or viscos-ity, its strength and viscosity are indispensable parameters in quantitative study of the lithosphere deformation. Plate tectonics theory initially divided the… 相似文献