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通过采用单位面积河流在单位水头差作用下的渗漏量来表征河流渗漏能力,建立渗流井取水理想模型,分别计算了在不同河流渗漏能力和含水层渗透性能条件下,竖井降深对渗流井出水量的影响。建立渗流井取水非稳定流模型,计算了在前期稳定竖井降深不同条件下,河流断流后渗流井出水量衰减过程及竖井降深发展过程。提出渗流井合理竖井降深应根据河流与地下水是否脱节以及含水层渗透性能,在岸边渗流井中部及一侧各布设一个观测孔,根据观测孔水位进行确定。对于含水层渗透性能较强地区,渗流井竖井降深应使得渗流井范围内地下水位与河流脱节,但高于辐射孔顶面;对于含水层渗透性能较差地区,渗流井竖井降深应使得侧部观测孔水位接近河床底面或刚出现脱节。  相似文献   

Ongoing hydrogeological research aims to develop a correct management model for the Plio-Pleistocene multi-aquifer system of the Albegna River coastal plain (southern Tuscany, Italy); overexploitation of this aquifer for irrigation and tourism has caused seawater intrusion. The conceptual model is based on field and laboratory data collected during the 1995–2003 period. Meteoric infiltration and flows from the adjoining carbonate aquifer recharge the aquifer. Natural outflow occurs through a diffuse flow into the sea and river; artificial outflow occurs through intensive extraction of groundwater from wells. Water exchanges in the aquifer occur naturally (leakage, closing of aquitard) and artificially (multiscreened wells). The aquifer was represented by a three-dimensional finite element model using the FEFLOW numerical code. The model was calibrated for steady-state and transient conditions by matching computed and measured piezometric levels (February 1995–February 1996). The model helped establish that seawater intrusion is essentially due to withdrawals near the coast during the irrigation season and that it occurs above all in the Osa-Albegna sector, as well as along the river that at times feeds the aquifer. The effects of hypothetical aquifer exploitation were assessed in terms of water budget and hydraulic head evolution.  相似文献   

地表水与地下水相互转化是中国西北干旱内流盆地水循环的显著特征,转化机制研究是盆地水循环规律认知和水资源可持续管理的重要基础。以我国西北干旱内流河黑河流域中游的张掖盆地和盐池盆地为研究区,建立了黑河主干河道时变水平衡模型和地表水地下水耦合数值模型,研究了长周期水文变化和人类活动双重影响下地表水与地下水转化机制,得到如下认识:(1)补给条件由以天然条件下河流渗漏为主的线状补给演变为以河流与引水渠道渗漏的线状补给和灌区田间入渗面状补给,排泄条件由以泉水溢出和天然湿地排泄演变为以泉水溢出与地下水开采为主的排泄。(2)张掖盆地黑河干流河道入渗段和溢出段大致以G312 大桥为界,亦称为地表水与地下水转化的转折点。莺落峡—G312 大桥段为悬河渗漏段,河道入渗补给主要受控于进入河道的实际过水量。其中,莺落峡—草滩庄段河道入渗补给率为28.20 %;草滩庄—G312 大桥段河道入渗补给量与河道过水量的关系可用分段函数表达,河道过水量大于或等于0.37×108 m3/mon时呈幂函数关系,小于则呈线性函数关系。G312 大桥—正义峡段为地下水溢出段,其中G312大桥—平川大桥段地下水溢出量约占全部溢出量的70%,溢出峰值出现在高崖水文站下游约6 km处,其单长溢出量可达0.46 m3/(s·km)。(3)研究区是一个相对完整的河流—含水层系统,近31年来经历了连枯和连丰的水文变化,地下水补给排泄条件及与地表水转化机制均发生了相应的变化。地表水与地下水转化最强烈的地区为张掖盆地中部的黑河—梨园河倾斜平原。1990—2001 年连枯期,灌区引水量总体逐年减少,以河道入渗和渠系渗漏为主的补给量平均以0.06×108 m3/a速率减少,农田灌溉面积增加导致灌溉用水增加,地下水开采量显著增加,地下水水位逐年下降,储存量累计减少5.77×108 m3,地下水溢出量平均减少0.16×108 m3/a;而2002—2020 年连丰期,灌区引水量总体逐年减少,河道入渗量呈增加趋势,地下水总补给量平均增加0.15×108 m3/a,灌溉面积继续扩大,农灌开采量随之增加,以河道入渗量增加为主导,地下水水位持续上升,储存量累计增加5.45×108 m3,地下水溢出量平均增加0.08×108 m3/a。总之,补给和排泄条件变化较大,地下水储存量先减后增,地下水溢出总量变化较为平缓,反映了该区巨厚含水层系统的巨大调蓄功能。(4)位于张掖盆地东部的诸河倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态,这是由于地表水开发过度,补给量锐减。黑河侵蚀堆积平原地下水水位基本稳定。30 多年来盐池盆地倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态,这是由于移民开垦导致地下水过量开采。(5)内流盆地天然悬河入渗段是珍贵的地下水补给通道,无论连枯期还是连丰期,河道实际过水量是河道渗漏补给量的关键,保护上游天然河道和一定的河道实际过水量是内流盆地水资源可持续管理的关键。  相似文献   

This paper presents the hydrological coupling of the software framework OpenGeoSys (OGS) with the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Conceptual models include the Saint Venant equation for river flow, the 2D Darcy equations for confined and unconfined groundwater flow, a two-way hydrological coupling flux in a compartment coupling approach (conductance concept), and Lagrangian particles for solute transport in the river course. A SWMM river–OGS aquifer inter-compartment coupling flux is examined for discharging groundwater in a systematic parameter sensitivity analysis. The parameter study involves a small perturbation (first-order) sensitivity analysis and is performed for a synthetic test example base-by-base through a comprehensive range of aquifer parametrizations. Through parametrization, the test cases enables to determine the leakance parameter for simulating streambed clogging and non-ocillatory river-aquifer water exchange rates with the sequential (partitioned) coupling scheme. The implementation is further tested with a hypothetical but realistic 1D river–2D aquifer model of the Poltva catchment, where discharging groundwater in the upland area affects the river–aquifer coupling fluxes downstream in the river course (propagating feedbacks). Groundwater contribution in the moving river water is numerically determined with Lagrangian particles. A numerical experiment demonstrates that the integrated river–aquifer model is a serviceable and realistic constituent in a complete compartment model of the Poltva catchment.  相似文献   

To make optimum use of the most vital natural resource of Egypt, the River Nile water, a number of regulating structures (in the form of dams and barrages) for control and diversion of the river flow have been constructed in this river since the start of the 20th century. One of these barrages is the Assiut barrage which will require considerable repairs in the near future. The design of the rehabilitation of the barrage includes a headpond with water levels maintained at a level approximately 0.60 m higher than the highest water level in the headpond of the present barrage. This development will cause an increase of the seepage flow from the river towards the adjacent agricultural lands, Assiut Town and villages. The increased head pond level might cause a rise of the groundwater levels and impedance of drainage outflows. The drainage conditions may therefore be adversely affected in the so-called impacted areas which comprise floodplains on both sides of the Nile for about 70 km upstream of the future barrage. A rise in the groundwater table, particularly when high river levels impede drainage, may result in waterlogging and secondary salinization of the soil profile in agricultural areas and increase of groundwater into cellars beneath buildings in the urban areas. In addition, a rise in the groundwater table could have negative impact on existing sanitation facilities, in particular in the areas which are served with septic tanks. The impacts of increasing the headpond level were assessed using a three-dimensional groundwater model. The mechanisms of interactions between the Nile River and the underlying Quaternary aquifer system as they affect the recharge/discharge processes are comprehensively outlined. The model has been calibrated for steady state and transient conditions against historical data from observation wells. The mitigation measures for the groundwater rise in the urban areas have been tested using the calibrated mode.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a major source of water for agricultural and domestic requirements in western Uttar Pradesh. Due to increasing agricultural requirements the abstraction of groundwater has increased manifold in the last two-to-three decades. The quaternary alluvium hosts the aquifer in the region. The study area forms a part of Yamuna-Krishni interfluve. Although the area hosts potential aquifers these have been adversely affected by poor management. For effective groundwater management of a basin it is essential that a careful water balance study should be carried out. Keeping this in mind groundwater flow modelling was attempted to simulate the behaviour of the flow system and evaluate the water balance. The groundwater flow modelling was carried out. The horizontal flows, seepage losses from unlined canals, recharge from rainfall and irrigation return flows were applied using different boundary packages available in Visual MODFLOW, Pro 4.1. The river-aquifer interaction was simulated using the river boundary package. Hydraulic conductivity values were applied to specific zones and these ranged from 9.8 to 26.6m/day. Recharge due to rainfall and irrigation returns were assigned to respective zones. Pumping rates of 500m3/day, 1000m3/day, 1500m3/day, 2000m3/day and 2500m3/day were applied to appropriate areas of the model to simulate areas of stress. The zone budget shows a water balance deficit for the period June 2006 to June 2007. The total recharge to the study area is 160.21 million m3 (Mcum). The groundwater draft through pumping is of the order of 233.56 Mcum, thus leaving a deficit balance of −73.35 Mcum. The sensitivity of the model to input parameters was tested by varying the parameters of interest over a range of values, monitoring the response of the model and determining the root mean square error of the simulated groundwater heads to the measured heads. These analyses showed that the model is most sensitive to hydraulic conductivity and recharge parameters. Three scenarios were considered to predict aquifer responses under varied conditions of groundwater bstraction.  相似文献   

Multiple streamflow measurements were made at coupled discharge measurement stations to quantify rates of aquifer recharge and discharge on two reaches of the Souhegan River, New Hampshire, USA, flowing within a glacial-drift river-valley aquifer. The reaches included a predominantly losing (aquifer recharge) reach and a variable (aquifer recharge and discharge) reach located downstream of the former reach. River leakage, the differential between coupled upstream and downstream streamflow measurements along a reach, varied by almost 30 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) (0.85 m3/s) along the two reaches. The upper reach averaged 3.94 ft3/s (0.11 m3/s) loss whereas the lower reach averaged 4.85 ft3/s (0.14 m3/s) gain. At the upper reach, 13 losses were measured out of 19 coupled measurements. At the lower reach, ten out of 13 coupled measurements indicated gains in flow and suggest that this reach is primarily a gaining river reach. An important factor in river leakage appears to be antecedent trends in river stage. At the upper reach, gains were measured only during periods of declining river stage. Conversely, at the lower reach, streamflow loss was measured primarily during periods of rising river stage. Although some tendencies exist, several factors complicate the analysis of river leakage, most notably the inaccuracies in computed stream discharge.  相似文献   

两大江河流量的半世纪变化与“南水北调”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据最近50余年资料研讨黄河、长江月平均流量的特征,揭示其若干演变规律。分析得出:长江中下游多年平均年流量约为黄河的20倍。初夏(6月)时,则接近50倍。黄河的大流量主要集中出现于 7~10月,这4个月平均月流量为全年的14.5%,其它8个月平均为 5.25%;长江流量自 5月起逐渐增加,5~10月平均月流量占全年的12.0%,其它各月平均为4.67%。最近50余年来,黄河中下游流量在1968年以前主要为正距平;1969-1985年基本正常;1986年起一直为负距平;加上人为因素,致使下游流量剧减迅猛,以致90年代以来连年有断流出现。长江中下游流量在1953-1955年为显著正距平;然后缓慢下降;90年代以后回升,1997年以后迅速上升,并出现几次大洪水。总之长江水源比黄河丰富且较稳定,黄河流量近10多年来则是贫瘠且多变。南水北调既是需要又有可能,尤其对解决北方春旱更为有利。  相似文献   

The Rajshahi city is the fourth largest metropolitan city in Bangladesh on the bank of the River Padma (Ganges). Here an upper semi-impervious layer overlies aquifer — the source for large-scale groundwater development. The groundwater resource study using Visual MODFLOW modeling shows that recharge occurs mainly due to infiltration of rainfall and urban return flow at low rate, and water level fluctuates seasonally in response to recharge and discharge. Hydraulic connection between river and aquifer which indicates inflow from high river water levels beyond its boundaries. The total groundwater abstraction in 2004 (15000 million liters) is lower than total input to aquifer reveals an ample potentiality for groundwater development with increasing demand. But groundwater shortage (1000 million liter/year) especially in the vicinity of the River Padma in dry season happens due to its increasing use and fall of river water level resulting in reduced inflows and hence decline in groundwater level. The conjunctive use of surface water-groundwater and its economic use will help for sustainable groundwater supply to avoid adverse impact.  相似文献   

Overexploitation of shallow aquifers on the Syrian coast, north of Latakia (Damsarkho) for irrigation and tourism has caused an intrusion of seawater. The seawater intrusion into this aquifer has been presented by a three-dimensional finite element model using the FEFLOW numerical code. This conceptual model is based on field and laboratory data collected during the period 1966–2003. Meteoric infiltration and flows from the adjoining carbonate aquifer recharge the aquifer; natural outflow occurs through a diffuse flow into the sea; and artificial outflow occurs through intensive extraction of groundwater from wells. Water exchanges in the aquifer occur naturally (leakage) and artificially (multi-screened wells). The model was calibrated for transient conditions. The model helped establish that seawater intrusion is essentially due to withdrawals near the coast during the irrigation season and that it mainly occurs in the Damsarkho plain. The effects of hypothetical aquifer exploitation were assessed in terms of salt budget.  相似文献   

In the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river basin in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida (USA), population growth in the city of Atlanta and increased groundwater withdrawal for irrigation in southwest Georgia are greatly affecting the supply of freshwater to downstream regions. This study was conducted to understand and quantify the effect of irrigation pumpage on the karst Upper Floridan Aquifer and river–aquifer interactions in the lower ACF river basin in southwest Georgia. The groundwater MODular Finite-Element model (MODFE) was used for this study. The effect of two drought years, a moderate and a severe drought year, were simulated. Comparison of the results of the irrigated and non-irrigated scenarios showed that groundwater discharge to streams is a major outflow from the aquifer, and irrigation can cause as much as 10 % change in river–aquifer flux. The results also show that during months with high irrigation (e.g., June 2011), storage loss (34 %), the recharge and discharge from the upper semi-confining unit (30 %), and the river–aquifer flux (31 %) are the major water components contributing towards the impact of irrigation pumpage in the study area. A similar scenario plays out in many river basins throughout the world, especially in basins in which underlying karst aquifers are directly connected to a nearby stream. The study suggests that improved groundwater withdrawal strategies using climate forecasts needs to be developed in such a way that excessive withdrawals during droughts can be reduced to protect streams and river flows.  相似文献   

The development of limestone mining activities in Katni, Madhya Pradesh becomes necessary to increase the depth of exploration to produce ore. Increase in the exploration depth means that mining pits were subjected to water inrush. A hydrological and a hydrogeological model for the Katni area have been developed using USGS flow code, MODFLOW 2000. Collected GIS-based information was synthesized in a finite difference numerical model. The regional steady flow was calibrated under pre-development conditions assuming an equivalent porous medium approach. Water budget calculations show that the total groundwater flow into the aquifer system due to interaction with river amounts to 14,783 m3/day. Infiltration from precipitation provides 1,600 m3/day of the groundwater supply, while 1,446 m3/day comes from lateral inflow and the remaining. The inflows into mine pit area amounts to 15,725 m3/day. Although the karstic nature of the limestone aquifer the equivalent porous medium flow model is appropriate to represent hydraulic heads and recharge/discharge relationships on a regional scale. The results of this study can be used to predict the required amounts of pumping and the possible locations to dewater the groundwater in the mining pits.  相似文献   

A seawater-intrusion study was conducted at an oil-refinery site located on the coast in the lower Esino Valley, Italy. A steady-state density-dependent flow model was used in order to understand the position of the freshwater/salt-water interface, as influenced by the hydrogeologic structure and the presence of industrial activities and a river. Collected data and model results showed that in a large part of the area, the salt-water interface is steep and can penetrate only a few meters inland. On the other hand, close to the river mouth, seawater represents the main saline source for the aquifer. The river, in connection with the sea, can enhance seawater encroachment into the coastal aquifer; a long-term survey of river level and chloride concentrations in groundwater is recommended to further improve the physical model and to obtain a better calibration. At the refinery site, two “secondary” sources of saline water were identified and were demonstrated to have had a great influence on the presence of brackish waters in the unconfined aquifer: leakage from the fire-extinguishing system (network of pipes containing seawater) and rough sea events. This confirmed that groundwater contamination by chloride can result from means other than seawater intrusion.  相似文献   

敬信盆地第四系下更新统沉积环境以冲积扇相为主,发育有下部孔隙承压含水层(Mx);中上更新统以湖泊相为主,发育有上部孔隙承压含水层(Ms);孔隙潜水含水层的的发育层位为全新统。盆地内各层位地下水的补给来源主要为大气降水,上、下孔隙承压水主要靠孔隙潜水越流补给,其动态变化滞后于孔隙潜水近一个月,地下水向图们江径流、排泄。潜水含水层富水性较弱,水化学类型复杂;承压含水层富水性强,上部承压含水层水质优良,下部承压含水层水质稍差,水中Fe、Mn含量较高,并沿图们江向下游有增高的趋势。  相似文献   

Understanding groundwater/surface-water interactions in wetlands is crucial because wetlands provide not only a high potential for agricultural production, but also sensitive and valuable ecosystems. This is especially true for the Kilombero floodplain wetland in Tanzania, which represents a data-scarce region in terms of hydrological and hydrogeological data. A comprehensive approach combining hydrogeological with tracer-based assessments was conducted, in order to develop a conceptual hydrogeological wetland model of the area around the city of Ifakara in the north-eastern region of Kilombero catchment. Within the study site, a heterogeneous porous aquifer, with a range of hydraulic conductivities, is underlain by a fractured-rock aquifer. Groundwater chemistry is mainly influenced by silicate weathering and depends on groundwater residence times related to the hydraulic conductivities of the porous aquifer. Groundwater flows from the hillside to the river during most of the year. While floodwater close to the river is mainly derived from overbank flow of the river, floodwater at a greater distance from the river mainly originates from precipitation and groundwater discharge. Evaporation effects in floodwater increase with increasing distance from the river. In general, the contribution of flood and stream water to groundwater recharge is negligible. In terms of an intensification of agricultural activities in the wetland, several conclusions can be drawn from the conceptual model. Results of this study are valuable as a base for further research related to groundwater/surface-water interactions and the conceptual model can be used in the future to set up numerical flow and transport models.  相似文献   

A groundwater flow model of the Alpine valley aquifer in the Aosta Plain (NW Italy) showed that well pumping can induce river streamflow depletions as a function of well location. Analysis of the water budget showed that ~80% of the water pumped during 2 years by a selected well in the downstream area comes from the baseflow of the main river discharge. Alluvial aquifers hosted in Alpine valleys fall within a particular hydrogeological context where groundwater/surface-water relationships change from upstream to downstream as well as seasonally. A transient groundwater model using MODFLOW2005 and the Streamflow-Routing (SFR2) Package is here presented, aimed at investigating water exchanges between the main regional river (Dora Baltea River, a left-hand tributary of the Po River), its tributaries and the underlying shallow aquifer, which is affected by seasonal oscillations. The three-dimensional distribution of the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer was obtained by means of a specific coding system within the database TANGRAM. Both head and flux targets were used to perform the model calibration using PEST. Results showed that the fluctuations of the water table play an important role in groundwater/surface-water interconnections. In upstream areas, groundwater is recharged by water leaking through the riverbed and the well abstraction component of the water budget changes as a function of the hydraulic conditions of the aquifer. In downstream areas, groundwater is drained by the river and most of the water pumped by wells comes from the base flow component of the river discharge.  相似文献   

基于FEFLOW的海水入侵数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卢薇  朱照宇  刘卫平 《地下水》2010,32(3):19-21,129
在系统分析珠江口东岸地区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,建立了研究区海水入侵三维溶质模型,利用基于有限元原理的FEFLOW软件对建立的模型进行求解,用地下水位和浓度的动态观测资料对模型进行了识别和校验。运用识别后的模型预测了在不同开采条件下,研究区海水入侵的趋势。研究结果表明减少地下水开采量,海水入侵面积可逐步减少,入侵可得到有效控制;在减少开采量的情况下,相较于基岩裂隙含水层,第四系含水层海水入侵面积收缩较慢。  相似文献   

Evaluating aquifer–river interactions is naturally complex, particularly within urban settings. This is largely due to the difficulties involved in quantifying most elements of the water balance. The ability of numerical models to deal with several dynamic variables simultaneously makes them valuable tools to address this kind of problem. An applied, modeling-based approach to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of aquifer–river connectivity within a shallow urban aquifer is presented. Model development is based on comprehensive field campaigns in Langreo, Spain. Two calibration runs (for summer and winter conditions) were carried out in order to evaluate the spatial distribution of recharge rates. The model suggests that baseflows are largely negligible in comparison with total streamflows. This is mostly attributed to the abrupt nature of the catchment, which prevents the existence of sufficiently large alluvial systems to a great extent. Modelling results also show that aquifer–river connectivity at the study site is constrained by urban pumping as well as by seasonal fluctuations.  相似文献   

The paper aims at evaluating the interaction between ground and surface water along the Langat River in Malaysia through the development of a numerical simulation. Malaysia has been experiencing a rapid economic growth since the last few decades, driven by many factors such as agriculture, industry, and the like. The demand for water in these sectors has increased so tremendously that surface water has been utilized in conjunction to groundwater. Approximately 18,184 m3 of water per day is obtained from the aquifer to supply to the steel factory. There are also workshops, petroleum stations, and houses in the area thus causing the water quantity and quality to degrade. In terms of quantity, the pumping activity has altered the interaction between the groundwater and surface water. Therefore, a numerical model was proposed and two aquifer layers were simulated, with the first layer being approximately >20 m in depth and the second layer >100 m. The recharge estimated from the tank model was input into the groundwater modeling. The effects of the surface water to the aquifer were included in the simulation by defining the river conductance, river bed, and river level. The calibrated model (error about 0.9 m) was achieved and applied to predict the flow pattern in its natural state without the pumping and with the pumping states. As a result, in the first scenario, the stream was in an effluent condition influenced by the groundwater from the northeast to the west. A hyporheic flow occurred and was observed from the contour map. The flow system was changed in the second scenario when the pumping activity was included in the simulation. The groundwater lost its original function but received leakage from the stream near the pumping sites. The findings of this study will help the local authorities and other researchers to understand the aquifer system in the area and assist in the preparation of a sustainable groundwater management.  相似文献   

Deuterium, oxygen-18 and chloride were analyzed for 84 samples from deep and shallow wells, precipitation and the river White Nile to investigate groundwater recharge/discharge relations in the semi-arid central Sudan. Spatial and vertical variation in isotopic signature and chloride concentration in the groundwater show similar patterns and indicate local recharge and evaporative discharge. Progressive decrease in isotopic composition along the regional groundwater flow path demonstrates aquifer continuity down the NW–SE recharge-discharge path. Isotope-heavy recharged water progressively mixes with lighter older groundwater formed during cooler and humid conditions in the late Pleistocene. However, evaporative fractionation in the flow path’s final reach in the southeast re-enriches the isotopic composition and suggests evaporative loss of groundwater as the plausible discharge mechanism. Chloride concentration increases down the gradient from the recharge area and reaches its peak in the discharge zones indicating: lack of recharge from direct infiltration down the gradient, evaporation and prolonged rock/water interaction. Head differences and increased isotopic concentration in the vicinity of the White Nile suggest recharge from the river from subsurface flow. Reduced chloride content and relatively heavier isotopic composition in the deep groundwater beneath the wadi of Khor Abu Habil indicate recharge from the streambed into the deep aquifer.  相似文献   

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