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准噶尔盆地侏罗系露头层序地层及沉积学特征   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
柳永清  李寅 《地球学报》2001,22(1):49-54
在经典层序地层学理论以及成因地层学和河流沉积体系构成单元等级界面分析方法指导下,通过准噶尔侏罗系陆相盆地露头层序地层和沉积学的实际调查和综合研究,依据研究区沉积地层特征、层序和界面识别与划分、凝缩沉积、体系域和层序格架发育特点等,提出了陆相环境中层序地层研究以及层序界面、层序及凝缩层、体系域和层序格架识别与划分的若干标志及实际操作的指导原则和具体方法。  相似文献   

吐哈盆地侏罗系层序地层学研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
吐哈盆地侏罗系是一个盆地充填层序 (一级层序 ),包括 4个构造层序 (二级层序 ),分别与侏罗纪湖盆的 4个演化阶段 (稳定沉降阶段、短期收缩阶段、扩张阶段和萎缩阶段 )相对应,其中又分为 13个 (三级 )层序。与海相地层不同的是,本区识别出了 4种层序边界类型 (A型、B型、C型和D型 ),其对应的层序本文分别称之为冲积层序、淹没层序、类Ⅰ型层序和类Ⅱ型层序。冲积层序形成于构造剧烈抬升时的盆地萎缩阶段,淹没层序形成于构造沉降迅速时的盆地扩张阶段.  相似文献   

The Fulra limestone (middle Eocene) exposed in the areas around Jhadwa and Harudi villages, southwestern, Kachchh reveals presence of a rich assemblage of calcareous algae belonging to the Chlorophyceae and Rhodophyceae along with abundant foraminifera. In the present paper, eight species belonging to eight genera of calcareous algae are described. These include Dissocladella longijangensis, Sporolithon keenani, Corallina crossmanni, Arthrocardia sp. Misra et al. 2001, Lithothamnion ishigakiensis, Melobesioideae gen. et spec. indet. 1, Melobesioideae gen. et spec. indet. 2 and Lithoporella melobesioides. Out of these, one taxon belongs to the family Dasycladaceae. Among the remaining taxa, one taxon to the family Sporolithaceae, three taxa to the family Corallinaceae and three to the family Hapalidiaceae. Two coralline species, Corallina crossmanni and Lithothamnion ishigakiensis, are recorded for the first time from India. Another species (Dissocladella longijangensis), though known from other areas of India, is new to the study area.  相似文献   

四川盆地下侏罗统大安寨段高分辨率层序地层学   总被引:58,自引:9,他引:58  
郑荣才 《沉积学报》1998,16(2):42-49
四川盆地下侏罗统大安寨段发育有41~47个短期、5个中期、2个长期基准面旋回。短期旋回有非对称和对称型两种旋回样式。由短期旋回叠加而成的中期旋回具有不同的堆积模式,分别代表低水位进积、湖侵加积-退积、湖泛加积、高水位早期加积-弱进积和晚期强烈进积小层序组。由中期旋回叠加组成的两个长期基准面半旋回分别代表大安寨期湖水位的长期上升和下降周期,并构成完整的湖进-湖退沉积旋回。通过各级基准面旋回转换点的等时地层对比建立的大安寨段层序地层格架,显示了储层、生油岩、盖层的分布规律与各级次基准面旋回的演化关系,此特征可作为储层预测和评价的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

川西前陆盆地侏罗纪层序地层格架、沉积体系配置及演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过地表露头和钻井岩心的观察, 以及测井曲线和地震剖面的综合分析,对分割川西前陆盆地侏罗系陆相碎屑岩充填实体的层序界面进行了识别和追踪,将该区层序界面划分为两种类型:不整合面及侵蚀沉积间断面和最大湖泛面,据此在全盆侏罗系地层中识别出13个层序界面,将川西前陆盆地侏罗系划分为13个三级层序。据盆地沉积特征,自西向东选择一些有代表性的层序剖面,进行盆地内不同相带间的层序对比,建立了研究区侏罗纪等时层序地层格架。并在川西前陆盆地侏罗系中识别出4种沉积体系:冲(洪)积、湖泊、扇三角洲、三角洲沉积体系。并在层序格架中讨论了各沉积体系的横向展布,大体是从盆地西缘到东缘为冲积扇—冲积平原、三角洲平原—三角洲前缘—湖底扇—滨浅湖—半深湖—三角洲—曲流河的展布方式。其中冲积扇和冲积平原分布范围相对较小,而三角洲—滨浅湖分布范围广阔,且三角洲与浅湖相在垂向上频繁交替。  相似文献   

Synaeresis cracks are observed at different stratigraphic levels in shallow marine mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments of the Middle Jurassic rocks of the Patcham Island, Kachchh, Western India. Cracks are preserved as cast or grooves in micritic sandstone of the Kuar bet member of Kaladongar Formation and sandy allochem limestone of the Raimalro Limestone member of Goradongar Formation. It bear distinct morphology of simple, straight to gently curved, spindle-shaped, irregular, unbranched to branched at acute angle; interconnected curlicue forms of non-orthogonal pattern. The X-radiography shows sharp margin and tapering twigs which support to nullify the possible biogenic origin. These cracks are developed at sediment-water interface and sediment-sediment interface in aqueous conditions, where partial dewatering of sediments causes reduction of sediment volume and loss of plasticity. Formation of cracks are also post-depositional phenomenon operated during initial phase of diagenesis where induced stress is generated due to compaction of sediments and neomorphism/recrystallisation of the susceptible carbonate grains.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部中二叠统层序地层特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文以野外露头观察及录井、测井、地震、古生物等资料为基础,通过岩石地层、测井地层及生物地层等的综合分析,在四川盆地东北部中二叠统地层中识别出4种类型的层序界面:隆升侵蚀不整合面、暴露层序不整合面、海侵上超不整合面及岩性岩相转换面。划分了3个三级层序:SQ1对应梁山组和栖霞组,时限约7Ma;SQ2对应茅口组一段,时限约3Ma;SQ3对应茅口组二段-三段,时限约5Ma。三级层序的平均时限约5Ma。同时,分析了层序对储层的控制作用,其主要体现在两个方面:层序控制了沉积相,影响了储层原生孔隙的发育;碳酸盐岩的发育受三级层序海平面升降控制,优质储层明显受控于海退半旋回。  相似文献   

柴西缘阿尔金山前侏罗系与柴北缘侏罗系具有相似的沉积背景,发育较好的泥页岩层段,具有一定的页岩气资源潜力。通过对野外露头与钻孔岩芯沉积特征的研究,建立了柴西缘阿尔金山前下侏罗统小煤沟组层序地层格架,恢复了基于三级层序的岩相古地理,并对沉积演化特征进行分析。小煤沟组岩性主要为泥岩、页岩、粉砂岩、砂岩、砾岩,发育湖泊、扇三角洲和辫状河沉积体系,包含半深湖、滨浅湖、湖湾、扇三角洲平原、扇三角洲前缘、河床、泛滥平原等沉积相。根据区域不整合面、河流下切谷冲刷面等层序界面,将小煤沟组划分为3个三级层序,每个层序内均发育一定厚度的泥页岩段。在单剖面和对比剖面沉积相分析的基础上,以三级层序为作图单元,利用单因素分析多因素综合作图法恢复了研究区古地理面貌。小煤沟组整体呈现北部半深湖、滨浅湖,南部以及东北部扇三角洲、河流的古地理格局,地势具有东南高西北低的特点,此时阿尔金山尚未隆升,物源主要来自于南部的柴达木盆地腹部隆起以及东北部的古阿拉巴什套山,盆地沉积中心主要为清水沟以及小西沟东北地区,发育厚度巨大的泥页岩段,为侏罗系页岩气勘探的有利地区。  相似文献   

浅析准噶尔盆地侏罗系煤层在层序地层中的意义   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
刘豪  王英民  王媛 《沉积学报》2002,20(2):197-202
准噶尔盆地侏罗系主要发育了三套煤层组合,分别位于八道湾组下段、八道湾组上段下部和西山窑组底部。在准噶尔盆地侏罗系层序地层学划分的方案中sb1、sb2、sb4界面则分别位于八道湾组下段、八道湾组上段下部和西山窑组底部三套煤层组合附近。由于在不同层序的不同体系域及同一体系域的不同时期可供煤层堆积所需要的可容空问和容纳快速堆积的煤层 (泥炭 )的发育程度以及沉积环境的不同,其聚煤情况也有较大差异,因而准噶尔盆地侏罗系煤层具有穿时现象,在层序的各个体系域中都有可能发育。经分析发现侏罗系煤层主要发育于 :⑴层序I的低位和高位域;⑵层序II的低位域;⑶层序III的高位域和 (4)局部发育于层序IV的低位域  相似文献   

从含油气盆地的油气勘探应用角度总结了沉积学与层序地层学研究新进展.内容包括三级层序和体系域类型及其石油地质意义;层序地层在非常规油气勘探中的应用;古土壤和遗迹化石在层序识别中的意义;盆地类型与沉积体系研究进展,包括不同盆地类型沉积分析如构造气候与沉积、前陆盆地沉积、断陷盆地沉积、走滑和弧前盆地的沉积等,涉及碎屑沉积的湖...  相似文献   

二连盆地层序地层单元统一划分及格架层序地层学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在剖析二连盆地层序地层学研究现存问题的基础上,将构造地层学、成因地层学和层序地层学的理论、方法结合起来,把具有区域对比意义的盆地世代界面和盆地原型界面分别作为一级层序和二级层序的界面,把盆地(或凹陷)原型的每一个裂陷-反转旋回(亚原型)作为三级层序,把沉降-充填单元作为四级层序,尝试在构造-地层格架约束下进行层序地层格架分析,而在层序地层格架约束下进行成因地层格架分析.其优点是既吸取了经典海相层序地层学的等时地层界面、层序旋回和可容空间分析等精髓,又摒弃了不适合陆相裂陷盆地的海平面升降变化及体系域等部分内容,便于建立全盆地统一的层序地层格架,也便于揭示各层序地层单元的沉积特征、沉积演化史和不同构造岩相带的油气成藏条件,有助于提高对有利储集相带和有利储集体分布规律及其区域性差异的认识,进而有助于建立有指导意义的成藏预测模式.通过二连盆地各凹陷的实际分析,建立了可对比的、有规律可循的、统一的分级层序界面系统及层序地层格架.   相似文献   

在岩芯观察、测井及地震资料分析基础上,应用高分辨层序地层理论对准噶尔盆地阜康凹陷东部斜坡带中侏罗统头屯河组进行划分,共识别出1个长期旋回,3个中期旋回以及10个短期旋回。概括起来有2种基准面旋回基本结构类型,多种亚类型,且旋回总体划分与地层划分基本一致。通过对试油资料的分析与总结,发现研究区油层大部分位于中期旋回MSC2中SSC4和SSC7两个短期旋回中,因此重点对两个短期旋回沉积微相特征进行详细分析,认为两个旋回都位于辫状河三角洲前缘亚相,包括水下主河道、分流河道等四个主要沉积微相。通过连井对比、等时地层格架的建立、上升相域沉积微相图编制和砂体纵向及横向分布特征的描述,总体认为SSC7旋回中所发育的有利储集体发育厚度及砂体连通性要好于SSC4旋回中砂体,并对有利储集层分布进行预测。  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic rocks of the Kaladongar Formation well exposed in the Kaladongar Hill range of the Patcham Island and Kuar Bet of the Northern Kachchh comprises of ∼450 m thick sequence of mixed siliciclasticcarbonate sediments intercalated with shales. These Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments show wide variation in textural and mineralogical composition and represent genetically related six rock types: micritic sandstone, allochemic sandstone, sandy allochemic limestone, micrtic mudrock, sandy micrite and muddy micrite; which are highly bioturbated and show behaviourally diverse groups of trace fossils. Total 34 ichnogenera are identified, which includes, Arenicolites, Asterosoma, Beaconites, Bergaueria, Chondrites, Cochlichnus, Dactylophycus, Daedalus, Didymaulichnus, Diplocraterion, Gordia, Gyrochorte, Gyrolithes, Ichnocumulus, Laevicyclus, Lockeia, Margaritichnus, Monocraterion, Nereites, Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Phoebichnus, Phycodes, Pilichnus, Planolites, Plug Shaped Form, Protovirgularia, Rhizocorallium, Scolicia, Skolithos, Taenidium, Teichichnus, Thalassinoides and Walcottia. These trace fossils are classified into six morphological groups namely, circular and elliptical structures; simple structures; branched structures; rosette structures; spreiten structures; and winding and meandering structures. These trace fossils are further group into eight assemblages which occurred together into mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments, include, Asterosoma assemblage, Gyrochorte assemblage, Rhizocorallium assemblage, Thalassinoides assemblage, Planolites-Palaeophycus assemblage, Phycodes assemblage, Ophiomorpha assemblage and Skolithos assemblage. The recurring pattern of these assemblages through the sequence displays the development of Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies and at places the mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies which suggest a low wave and current energy conditions with intervening period of high wave and current energy conditions and an intermediate period of stressful environments, respectively. Sedimentological and ichnological data suggest that the deposition of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments of the Kaladongar Formation took place in the foreshore to offshore environment under fluctuating wave and current energy condition.  相似文献   

The Kachchh Basin is a pericratonic rift basin situated at the western margin of the Indian plate. The Habo Dome embodies an important exposure of Bathonian to Kimmergian sediments among the Kachchh Mainland exposures. Based on vertical facies transitions, facies associations were documented: mixed shallow marine (Facies association 1), shoreface and lagoon deposits (Facies association II) and subtidal innershelf below fair weather wave base (Facies association III). The documented facies associations reflect that Habo Dome sediments deposited in a variety of environments from shallow marine to fluvio-deltaic and were strongly influenced by fluctuation of relative sea level. The dominance of floating grains and point contacts in the sandstone indicate that detrital grains do not show much pressure effects as a result of either shallow burial or early cementation. The sandstones were cemented by iron oxide, carbonate and silica in order of abundance. Three types of cements, blocky, rim and fibrous cement occur in the studied limestone representing phreatic, fresh water phreatic and deep burial diagenetic stages. Neomorphism and micritization are common. Both primary and secondary porosity exists in these sediments. Different graphs of porosity versus depth suggest a depth of burial in the range of 615–769 m.  相似文献   

The bauxites deposits of Kachchh area in Gujarat are investigated to characterize them based on mineralogical and petrographic studies. The major bauxitic mineral in these occurrences is gibbsite, with minor concentration of boehmite and diaspore. Apart from the bauxitic minerals, the other associate minerals are kaolin, calcite, alunite and the iron ore minerals such as hematite and goethite and titanium rich anatase. The iron ore minerals (hematite and goethite) are 10-50microns in size and are disseminated throughout the oolitic and pisolitic bauxitic minerals. At places the goethite exhibits colloform texture. The preservation of basaltic texture in some of the samples indicate that the insitu nature of these bauxites, which are formed by the alteration of calcic plagioclase from the parent basalt. Although, the basalt occurs as the main parent rock for these bauxites, the presence of calcite in some of the samples represent the possibility of having a limestone parent rock at least in some of the bauxite occurrences.  相似文献   

The 600 m thick prograding sedimentary succession of Wagad ranging in age from Callovian to Early Kimmeridgian has been divided into three formations namely, Washtawa, Kanthkot and Gamdau. Present study is confined to younger part of the Washtawa Formation and early part of the Kanthkot Formation exposed around Kanthkot, Washtawa, Chitrod and Rapar. The depositional architecture and sedimentation processes of these deposits have been studied applying sequence stratigraphic context. Facies studies have led to identification of five upward stacking facies associations (A, B, C, D, and E) which reflect that deposition was controlled by one single transgressive — regressive cycle. The transgressive deposit is characterized by fining and thinning upward succession of facies consisting of two facies associations: (1) Association A: medium — to coarse-grained calcareous sandstone — mudrocks alternations (2) Association B: fine-grained calcareous sandstone — mudrocks alternations. The top of this association marks maximum flooding surface as identified by bioturbational fabrics and abundance of deep marine fauna (ammonites). Association A is interpreted as high energy transgressive deposit deposited during relative sea level rise. Whereas, facies association B indicates its deposition in low energy marine environment deposited during stand-still period with low supply of sediments. Regressive sedimentary package has been divided into three facies associations consisting of: (1) Association C: gypsiferous mudstone-siltstone/fine sandstone (2) Association D: laminated, medium-grained sandstone — siltstone (3) Association E: well laminated (coarse and fine mode) sandstone interbedded with coarse grained sandstone with trough cross stratification. Regressive succession of facies association C, D and E is interpreted as wave dominated shoreface, foreshore to backshore and dune environment respectively. Sequence stratigraphic concepts have been applied to subdivide these deposits into two genetic sequences: (i) the lower carbonate dominated (25 m) transgressive deposits (TST) include facies association A and B and the upper thick (75m) regressive deposits (HST) include facies association C, D and E. The two sequences are separated by maximum flooding surface (MFS) identified by sudden shift in facies association from B to C. The transgressive facies association A and B represent the sediments deposited during the syn-rift climax followed by regressive sediments comprising association C, D and E deposited during late syn-rift stage.  相似文献   

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Jurassic Coal Measures in Northwestern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sequence stratigraphy of the Jurassic coal measures of northwestern China has been studied based on data from outcrop and borehole sections. Because of the geological background and the diversity of basin types, such as isochronisms of coal seams and recognition of key sequence boundaries, it is rare to summarize and correlate sequence structure and framework. The types and recognition characteristics of the sequence boundaries of the Jurassic coal measures are revealed by comparing climatic characteristics, structural styles and the base level cycle. A total of five third-order sequences and 15 systems tracts have been subdivided and the sequence stratigraphic framework has been reconstructed confirming that the thick coals accumulated in the late stage of transgression system tracts of sequence I (SQ I) and sequence III (SQ III). This idea is of important academic significance for instructing coal resources exploration, and enhancing geological effects of prospecting engineering. It is also of practical significance for guaranteeing construction of the large-scale coal production base in northwestern China, accelerating the westward development of the coal industry stratagem.  相似文献   

A well-preserved Middle Jurassic radiolarian fauna was discriminated from calcareous shale of the Wai Luli Formation on Rotti Island, Indonesia. This fauna is characterized by the presence of Tricolocapsa plicarum, Tricolocapsa ? fusiformis, Stichocapsa japonica, S. convexa, Cyrtocapsa mastoidea, Protunuma turbo, Transhsuum maxwelli, Eucyrtidiellum sp., Archaeodictyomitra sp. A. and others. These radiolarians represent the T. plicarum Assemblage reported from Bajocian and early Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) sequences in Japan and southeastern Europe. Based on accumulated micropaleontological evidence in Timor Island contributed by the present authors, Rotti Island was probably positioned within a warm water current system originating in the low latitude Tethyan realm through the Middle Jurassic. Fifteen species belonging to seven genera are systematically investigated. Among them, Tricolocapsa multispinosa and Tricolocapsa matsuokai are described as new.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the depositional facies, diagenetic processes and sequence stratigraphy of the shallow marine carbonates of the Samana Suk Formation, Kohat Basin, in order to elucidate its reservoir quality. The Samana Suk Formation consists of thin to thick-bedded, oolitic, bioclastic, dolomitic and fractured limestone. Based on the integration of outcrop, petrographic and biofacies analyses, the unit is thought to have been deposited on a gentle homoclinal ramp in peritidal, lagoonal and carbonate shoal settings. Frequent variations in microfacies based sea-level curve have revealed seven Transgressive Systems Tracts (TSTs) and six Regressive Systems Tracts (RSTs). The unit has undergone various stages of diagenetic processes, including mechanical and chemical compaction, cementation, micritization, dissolution and dolomitization. The petrographic analyses show the evolution of porosity in various depositional and diagenetic phases. The fenestral porosity was mainly developed in peritidal carbonates during deposition, while the burial dissolution and diagenetic dolomitization have greatly enhanced the reservoir potential of the rock unit, as is further confirmed by the plug porosity and permeability analyses. The porosities and permeabilities were higher in shoal facies deposited in TSTs, as compared to lagoonal and peritidal facies, except for the dolomite in mudstone, deposited during RSTs. Hence good, moderate and poor reservoir potential is suggested for shoal, lagoonal and peritidal facies, respectively.  相似文献   

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