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Reynolds-number dependence of flow fields within a modelled urban area was studied in a wind tunnel. We measured flow around a single model building and around model city blocks at various wind speeds, and studied Reynolds number indices more appropriate than the building Reynolds number. Our results led to the following conclusions. Firstly, the flow around the models in the wind tunnel was roughly divided into three parts according to the intensities of viscous stress and Reynolds stress as follows: (1) the flow in the vicinity of the ground or the surfaces of the model, where viscous stress became dominant under certain conditions; (2) the flow detached from the surfaces of the model, where Reynolds stress was always dominant; and (3) the flow around the separation bubble at the leading edge of the building model, where the influences of both viscous stress near the wall and the Reynolds stress in the separated boundary layer were mixed.Secondly, the critical Reynolds number of the flow in the modelled urban area could be defined by using both the roughness Reynolds number Rez0 (= z0u*/) and the dimensionless height z+ (= zu*/). Reynolds-number independence could be expected for whole flow fields in the modelled urban areas as long as the critical values of Rez0 and z+ were satisfied.  相似文献   

基于涡度相关通量数据估算水稻光能利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用涡度相关通量数据估算安徽寿县农田水稻拔节至成熟期的光能利用率,并分析光能利用率的日变化和季节变化。研究表明:光能利用率的日动态呈现先降低后升高的单峰U型曲线,即早晚值较高,中午较低;季节变化总体呈现降低趋势。日变化中,光能利用率与温度呈正相关,与吸收的光合有效辐射呈显著负相关;季节变化中,光能利用率与温度呈弱正相关。  相似文献   

阿留申低压低频变化及其相关的瞬变动力学过程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR 1979—2013年的再分析资料,研究了冬季阿留申低压低频变化的环流特征,探讨了阿留申低压低频变化形成和维持的相关天气尺度瞬变强迫机制。冬季阿留申低压的低频变化在850 h Pa环流场上表现为北太平洋海盆区一个异常气旋/异常反气旋在局地强弱变化的过程,即阿留申低压在低频尺度上先异常增强/减弱随后逐渐恢复正常态的演变过程;850 h Pa上大气温度低频变化表现为低频冷中心在西北太平洋建立并逐渐东移的过程。对天气尺度瞬变扰动活动及其强迫的异常进行分析表明,北太平洋海盆区上空的瞬变动力强迫在阿留申低压异常增强的时期为负异常,有利于阿留申低压低频变化异常空间型的形成和维持。由瞬变热力强迫异常引起的温度倾向异常场表现为北太平洋中部以40°N为界南正—北负的空间分布,其南部正异常在一定程度上抑制和削弱了低频冷中心向南的扩张。  相似文献   

在不同的中尺度涡数据中,涡旋的识别,跟踪方法以及物理参数的定义存在差异,因此需要对涡旋结果进行相互比较和验证.本文比较了Chelton,GEM-M,Faghmous和Dong四套中尺度涡数据在黑潮延伸体区域的基本特征.结果表明,各数据的中尺度涡数量,特征和轨迹均存在差异.经过归一化处理后,涡特征的地理分布和时间变化高度...  相似文献   

基于2005年盘锦芦苇湿地近地面层湍流通量和微气象梯度的连续观测,研究了芦苇湿地近地面层湍流通量参数化方案。结果表明,盘锦芦苇湿地近地面层经常维持弱稳定和弱不稳定层结。在不稳定层结(-0.4  相似文献   

The application of autoregressive running mean filtering (RMF) and linear detrending (LDT) in the estimation of turbulent fluxes by the eddy covariance method is analysed. The systematic, as well as the random, errors of the fluxes arising from filtering and/or limited observation time effects are described. To observe negligible systematic errors in fluxes, the RMF has to be applied with moderately long time constants. However, the obtained flux values are subject to increased random errors during periods of non-stationarity and the method leads to systematic overestimation of variances. These shortcomings are not inherent in the LDT approach, which is recommended for use. But the systematic errors of fluxes due to LDT are not negligible under certain experimental conditions and have to be accounted for. The corrections are important because the relatively small errors in short-period fluxes can translate to significant errors in long-period averages. The corrections depend on the turbulence time scales, which should be preferably estimated as ensemble mean variables for a particular site.  相似文献   

The bandpass eddy covariance method has been used to measure the turbulent flux of scalar quantities using a slow-responsescalar sensor. The method issimilar in principle to the traditional eddy correlation method but includes the estimation of high-frequency components of the flux on the basis of cospectral similarity in the atmospheric surface layer. In order to investigate the performance of the method, measurements of the water vapour flux over a forest with the bandpass eddy covariance method and the direct eddy correlation method were compared. The flux obtained by the bandpass eddy covariance method agreed with that by the eddy correlation method within ±20% for most cases, in spite of a rather slow sensor-response of the adopted hygrometer. This result supports its relevance to a long-term continuous operation, since a stable, low-maintenance,general-purpose sensor canbe utilized for scalar quantities. Oneweak point of the method isits difficulty in principle to measure the correct flux when the magnitude of the sensible heat flux is very small, because the method uses the sensible heat flux as a standard reference for the prediction of undetectable high-frequency components of the scalar flux. An advanced method is then presented to increase its robustness. In the new method, output signals from a slow-response sensor are corrected using empirical frequency-responsefunctions for the sensor,thereby extending the width of the bandpass frequency region where components of the flux are directly measured (not predicted). The advanced method produced correct fluxes for all cases including the cases of small sensible heat flux. The advanced bandpass eddy covariance method is thus appropriate for along-term measurement of the scalar fluxes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of non-stationarity of the wind on similarity of the eddy diffusivities for heat and vapour within a stable layer at the bottom of an internal boundary layer formed downwind of a dry-to-wet transition. First, we present some experimental data taken above a rice crop downwind of very extensive dry range lands at Warrawidgee, NSW, Australia. These data establish that periods of higher wind speed were associated with periods of higher saturation deficit in the canopy of the rice crop, and lower Bowen ratio. It is shown that Bowen ratios calculated for 30-second sub-intervals varied three-fold within a single 20-minute averaging period. Thus periods of higher wind speed corresponded to periods of higher moisture flux and smaller sensible heat flux.An idealized situation is then analysed theoretically. It is assumed that the time scale of the slow variations of the wind is long compared with the surface-layer time scale and that fetch is sufficient that the air near the ground is in continuous equilibrium with the surface. Using a two-scale Reynolds decomposition of the fluctuating wind and scalar variables into active and inactive components, it is shown that unsteadiness can lead to an eddy diffusivity for saturation deficit, calculated as the ratio of average flux to average gradient, that is larger than that for total energy calculated in a similar way. Using this ratio to calculate the ratio of diffusivities for temperature and humidity, KT/Kq, it is found that the latter can be much larger than one if the Bowen ratio is small and negative. Despite this, assuming KT = Kq and using the Bowen ratio method to calculate surface energy fluxes will usually incur only minor errors.  相似文献   

In studies of large-scale ocean dynamics, often quoted values of Sverdrup transport are computed using the Hellerman–Rosenstein wind stress climatology. The Sverdrup solution varies, however, depending on the wind set used. We examine the differences in the large-scale upper ocean response to different surface momentum forcing fields for the North Atlantic Ocean by comparing the different Sverdrup interior/Munk western boundary layer solutions produced by a 1/16° linear numerical ocean model forced by 11 different wind stress climatologies. Significant differences in the results underscore the importance of careful selection of a wind set for Sverdrup transport calculation and for driving nonlinear models. This high-resolution modeling approach to solving the linear wind-driven ocean circulation problem is a convenient way to discern details of the Sverdrup flow and Munk western boundary layers in areas of complicated geometry such as the Caribbean and Bahamas. In addition, the linear solutions from a large number of wind sets provide a well-understood baseline oceanic response to wind stress forcing and thus, (1) insight into the dynamics of observed circulation features, by themselves and in conjunction with nonlinear models, and (2) insight into nonlinear model sensitivity to the choice of wind-forcing product.The wind stress products are evaluated and insight into the linear dynamics of specific ocean features is obtained by examining wind stress curl patterns in relation to the corresponding high-resolution linear solutions in conjunction with observational knowledge of the ocean circulation. In the Sverdrup/Munk solutions, the Gulf Stream pathway consists of two branches. One separates from the coast at the observed separation point, but penetrates due east in an unrealistic manner. The other, which overshoots the separation point at Cape Hatteras and continues to flow northward along the continental boundary, is required to balance the Sverdrup interior transport. A similar depiction of the Gulf Stream is commonly seen in the mean flow of nonlinear, eddy-resolving basin-scale models of the North Atlantic Ocean. An O(1) change from linear dynamics is required for realistic simulation of the Gulf Stream pathway. Nine of the eleven Sverdrup solutions have a C-shaped subtropical gyre, similar to what is seen in dynamic height contours derived from observations. Three mechanisms are identified that can contribute to this pattern in the Sverdrup transport contours. Along 27°N, several wind sets drive realistic total western boundary current transport (within 10% of observed) when a 14 Sv global thermohaline contribution is added (COADS, ECMWF 10 m re-analysis and operational, Hellerman–Rosenstein and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) surface stress re-analysis), a few drive transport that is substantially too high (ECMWF 1000 mb re-analysis and operational and Isemer–Hasse) and Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) surface stresses give linear transport that is slightly weaker than observed. However, higher order dynamics are required to explain the partitioning of this transport between the Florida Straits and just east of the Bahamas (minimal in the linear solutions vs. 5 Sv observed east of the Bahamas). Part of the Azores Current transport is explained by Sverdrup dynamics. So are the basic path of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and the circulation features within the Intra-Americas Sea (IAS), when a linear rendition of the northward upper ocean return flow of the global thermohaline circulation is added in the form of a Munk western boundary layer.  相似文献   

大理近地层山谷盆地湖陆风及湍流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究湖陆风特征不仅能够为提高天气气候的预测能力奠定基础,而且对风能资源的开发利用等具有重要的实用意义。利用大理国家气候观象台近地面通量观测系统的2007年3月-2008年5月资料,采用涡动相关法等分析了大理近地层中湖陆风、峡谷风特征及形成原因和影响因素。结果表明:大理地区白天以东风和东南风为主,夜间以西风和西南风为主。进一步对湍流和湍流通量特征分析发现,大理地区白天不稳定层结多于夜间;湍流强度白天强于夜间,并且随着风速的增大而减小;湍流通量具有明显的日变化特征,热量交换形式以潜热为主。  相似文献   

Based on monthly mean Argo profiler float data from 2004 to 2008 and monthly mean sea surface height and current velocity data from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) reanalysis for the period 1958–2007, the three-dimensional structure of the Mindanao Eddy (ME), its seasonal and interannual variability, and its impact on the thermohaline structure are analyzed. In addition, the displacement of the ME centre and its relation to ocean circulations are also discussed. The results showed that the ME spreads vertically from about 600 db depth upward to about 40 db depth. In addition to its strong seasonal variation, the strength of the ME displays strong interannual variability resulting from the interannual variability in the North Equatorial Current (NEC), the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and the Mindanao Current (MC). The meridional movement of the centre of the ME has strong seasonal and interannual variability, and the zonal movement has a strong seasonal variation. The meridional movement is associated with the meridional displacement of the interface between the NECC and the NEC, whereas the zonal movement is associated with the zonal displacement of the interface between the MC and the northward branch of the NECC. The ME variability can greatly affect the pattern of the thermohaline structure in the local upper ocean. When the eddy is strong, the cold and low salinity water within it moves vigorously upward from the deep layer; the thermocline shoals significantly; the subsurface high salinity water shows a large decrease; and the upper mixed layer becomes thinner, and vice versa.

RÉSUMÉ?[Traduit par la rédaction] En nous basant sur les données mensuelles moyennes des flotteurs profileurs Argo pour la période de 2004 à 2008 et sur les données mensuelles moyennes de hauteur de la surface de la mer et de vitesses vectorielles du courant fournies par les réanalyses SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation) pour la période de 1958 à 2007, nous analysons la structure tridimensionnelle du remous de Mindanao, sa variabilité saisonnière et interannuelle et son impact sur la structure thermohaline. De plus, nous discutons du déplacement du centre du remous de Mindanao et de sa relation avec les circulations océaniques. Les résultats ont montré que le remous s'étend verticalement vers le haut à partir d'une profondeur de 600 db jusqu’à une profondeur d'environ 40 db. En plus de sa forte variabilité saisonnière, la force du remous de Mindanao affiche une forte variabilité interannuelle résultant de la variabilité interannuelle dans le courant nord-équatorial (NEC), le contre-courant nord-équatorial (NECC) et le courant de Mindanao (MC). Le mouvement méridien du centre du centre du remous de Mindanao affiche une forte variabilité saisonnière et interannuelle et le mouvement zonal possède une forte variabilité saisonnière. Le mouvement méridien est lié au déplacement méridien de l'interface entre le NECC et le NEC alors que le mouvement zonal est lié au déplacement zonal de l'interface entre le MC et le bras allant vers le nord du NECC. La variabilité du remous de Mindanao peut grandement modifier la configuration de la structure thermohaline dans les couches supérieures locales de l'océan. Quand le remous est fort, l'eau froide et de faible salinité qu'il renferme se déplace vigoureusement vers le haut à partir de la couche profonde; la thermocline s'élève de façon marquée; les eaux de subsurface de forte salinité affichent une diminution importante; et la couche de mélange supérieure devient plus mince, et inversement.  相似文献   

2012年太湖蒸发量变化特征及蒸发模型评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊蒸发是全球能量分布,水文循环的重要组成部分,同时是气候及生态系统环境变化的指示因子。运用太湖湖上观测平台大浦口站2012年涡度相关数据分析了太湖蒸发量的月变化及日变化特征,并评估了11种蒸发模型。结果表明:太湖2012年总蒸发量为1066.2 mm。潜热通量是太湖净辐射能量分配中的主导项, 2012年太湖地区潜热通量占净辐射通量的91.9%。2~7月为太湖水体储热阶段,当净辐射在7月达到最大值时,蒸发值也达到最大值;净辐射8月开始减少,至12月达到最小值,期间湖体储热释放,使得蒸发量在2月才达到最小值。采用涡度相关系统观测太湖蒸发量的数据评估了11种蒸发模型,分别从年蒸发总量和蒸发量月变化特征来探讨模型对于太湖蒸发量计算的适用性,其中以波文比能量平衡模型表现最好,与涡度相关观测值的相关系数为0.99,中心化均方根误差为4.50 mm month-1。  相似文献   

利用日本气象厅葵花-8卫星亮温资料、欧洲中心ERA5(the fifth generation of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis)再分析资料,根据时间尺度分解的局地能量诊断方法,本文从能量学多个角度研究了2016年6月5日00时(协调世界时,下同)至6日15时(持续40小时)一次东移并引发强降水的高原对流云团,得到了以下主要结论。本次事件中,高原东移对流云团在不同阶段的主要影响系统有所不同。移出高原前,其主要受高原涡和高原短波槽的共同影响,随着云团移出高原,高原涡消亡,而高原短波槽则随时间发展加强,成为东移云团的最主要影响系统。高原东移对流云团具有显著的深对流特征,自西向东引发了一系列的降水,移出高原后,其对流重心显著降低,降水达到最强。不同阶段高原东移对流云团的能量转换特征显著不同。云团位于高原上时(第一阶段),背景场通过动能的降尺度能量级串为造成强降水的扰动流直接提供能量,这是此阶段扰动流动能维持的主要方式;云团移出高原过程中(第二阶段),降水凝结潜热明显增强,由此制造的扰动有效位能也显著增强。在垂直运动配合下,扰动有效位能斜压释放所制造的动能是本阶段造成强降水扰动流动能维持的最主要能量来源;云团移出高原后(第三阶段),背景场对造成强降水扰动流的影响再次增强,但是不同于第一阶段的直接影响方式,该阶段背景场的作用是以一种间接的影响方式出现。其首先通过有效位能的降尺度级串将背景场的有效位能转换为扰动流的有效位能,然后通过扰动有效位能的斜压能量释放为扰动流的动能维持不断地提供能量。此外,本阶段内还出现了扰动流向背景场动能的升尺度级串供给(即扰动流的反馈),但其强度不足以对背景场的演变产生显著影响。  相似文献   

The original density corrections proposed by Webb et al. [Webb EK, Pearman GI, Leuning R (1980) Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc 106:85–100] for calculating the eddy fluxes of trace gases are shown to be correct for both steady and non-steady state, horizontally homogeneous flows. The revised theory replaces the original assumption of zero vertical flux of dry air with the requirement of no sources or sinks of dry air in the layer below the height of measurement.  相似文献   

揭示春大豆后期干旱对产量形成的影响规律,为开展夏秋干旱评估和抗旱灌溉提供科学依据。于2017年和2018年在吉林省中部开展大豆鼓粒—成熟期农田水分控制试验,设7个土壤水分处理和1个自然雨养处理,观测土壤湿度、结荚率、空秕荚率、百粒重及产量。采用回归方法分析土壤湿度对大豆产量性状的影响。结果表明:在田间持水量以下,大豆粒重和产量与鼓粒—成熟期间耕层土壤水分线性正相关,结荚数和空秕荚率与土壤水分呈二次函数关系。鼓粒—成熟期间0—30 cm土层土壤湿度每下降1个百分点,大豆结荚数和有效荚数分别下降3.1和3.7个百分点,相对百粒重和相对单产分别下降0.8和1.5个百分点,空秕荚率上升9.3个百分点。大豆鼓粒—成熟期比较喜水,但也有较强的耐旱能力,土壤湿度22%—23%之间大豆荚数多、空秕荚少、籽粒重、产量高。大豆鼓粒—成熟期轻旱、中旱、重旱和特旱的土壤相对湿度指标分别为66%—75%、57%—65%、50%—56%和50%以下,对应的减产率分别为5%—10%、11%—15%、16%—20%和20%以上。与以往指标比较,本试验重旱、特旱指标明显大于凋萎湿度,更符合大豆水分生理规律,可用于春大豆鼓粒—成熟期干旱影响定量评估。  相似文献   

选用2个典型的由地形导致香港国际机场地区出现扰动气流的个例,对天气雷达的谱宽数据与激光雷达的涡流消散率的立方根进行了比较。结果表明,对两组数据作点对点比较时,两者基本上没有相关性,其相关系数小于0.10;其空间平均值之间的相关性较好,相关系数为0.39~0.46。最后,通过对多普勒天气雷达谱宽数据监测香港国际机场邻近地区湍流强度可行性的探讨,提出了多普勒天气雷达的谱宽数据用于监测飞机航道上湍流强度的具体方法与构想。  相似文献   

为探究玉米播种期水分胁迫及补水对玉米出苗率的影响,利用盆栽方式在玉米播种—出苗期开展水分胁迫及复水控制对比试验,分析播种日土壤相对湿度、播种后补水时间和补水量对辽西地区玉米出苗的影响。结果表明:玉米出苗率随播种日土壤相对湿度的降低,干旱持续时间的增加和补水量的减少而减小。播种后无补水,当播种日土壤相对湿度w播种为60%—70%时,出苗率达100%; w播种为50%—55%时,出苗率达66. 7—77. 8%; w播种为30%—45%时,出苗率为0。w播种为35%—45%时,持续5—20 d干旱,补水20 mm,出苗率为66. 7%—100%,较补水10 mm的出苗率为0%—77. 8%。w播种为35%—45%时,需在10—20 d内补水,所需补水量随补水时土壤相对湿度的减小而增加。研究结果可为春旱频发地区确定玉米播种后最迟补水时间和补水量下限提供有效的技术参考。  相似文献   

随着物联网、云计算技术的飞速发展,大数据及其相关科学成为学术界和工业界关注的热点.本文从范式理论的角度对大数据科学进行剖析,阐述大数据研究与传统研究的联系与区别;从机器学习的视角出发,分析了大数据带来的三大主要挑战及其背后的科学问题.此外,本文介绍了第四范式视角下进行大数据科学研究的洞察力,以及其所具有的积极意义;最后总结并展望未来大数据科学面临的挑战.  相似文献   

不同生育期水分胁迫对玉米光合特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用遮雨棚以夏玉米为对象进行水分胁迫大田试验,通过分析玉米叶片光合测量数据,研究不同生育期水分胁迫对玉米光合特性的影响,为定量分析不同水分胁迫程度对玉米生育的可能机理提供数据和初步的理论支持.结果表明:土壤水分下降会使玉米叶片的光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)降低,而胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和水分利用效率(WUE)会增加;Pn随着光照强度的增加而增加,且随着水分胁迫强度增强,Pn增加速率降低;干旱胁迫会改变Pn、Tr日变化规律,并且对拔节期光合作用的抑制小于成熟期;WUE与Pn存在极显著的正相关关系,与Tr、Ci及Gs存在显著的负相关关系.  相似文献   

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