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Vertical distributions of chlorophyll in deep, warm monomictic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The factors affecting vertical distributions of chlorophyll fluorescence were examined in four temperate, warm monomictic lakes. Each of the lakes (maximum depth >80 m) was sampled over 2 years at intervals from monthly to seasonal. Profiles were taken of chlorophyll fluorescence (as a proxy for algal biomass), temperature and irradiance, as well as integrated samples from the surface mixed layer for chlorophyll a (chl a) and nutrient concentrations in each lake. Depth profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence were also made along transects of the longest axis of each lake. Chlorophyll fluorescence maxima occurred at depths closely correlated with euphotic depth (r 2 = 0.67, P < 0.01), which varied with nutrient status of the lakes. While seasonal thermal density stratification is a prerequisite for the existence of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), our study provides evidence that the depth of light penetration largely dictates the DCM depth during stratification. Reduction in water clarity through eutrophication can cause a shift in phytoplankton distributions from a DCM in spring or summer to a surface chlorophyll maximum within the surface mixed layer when the depth of the euphotic zone (z eu) is consistently shallower than the depth of the surface mixed layer (z SML). Trophic status has a key role in determining vertical distributions of chlorophyll in the four lakes, but does not appear to disrupt the annual cycle of maximum chlorophyll in winter.  相似文献   

Water chemistry of crater lakes, maars and water reservoirs linked to some Mexican volcanoes within and outside the Mexican Volcanic Belt has been determined for several years and examined regarding environmental and volcanic factors. All the analyzed lakes are relatively small with a maximum depth of 65 m, and are located in regions with different climates, from semi-arid to very humid, with altitudes ranging from 100 to more than 4000 m a.s.l. Crater lakes in active volcanoes (El Chichón, Popocatépetl) have very low pH, moderate to high temperatures and major ion concentrations varying with the level of volcanic unrest. Lakes in sub-arid and temperate-arid regions (like maars in Puebla and Guanajuato states) show high alkalinity and pH, with bicarbonate/carbonate, chloride, sodium and magnesium as predominant ions. Lakes located in humid climates (Central Michoacán and Veracruz state) have low mineralization and near-neutral pH values. In general, conservative dissolved ions and conductivity appear to be mostly controlled by precipitation/evaporation and by the ionic concentration of groundwater inputs. Calcium, magnesium, sulfate concentrations and pH are strongly influenced by volcanic-rock or volcanic gas interactions with water. The influence of low-level volcanic activity on crater lakes may be obscured by water–rock interactions, and climatic factors. One of the aims of this paper is to define the relative influence of these factors searching for a reference frame to recognize the early volcanic precursors in volcano-related lakes.  相似文献   

Citlaltépetl or Pico de Orizaba is the highest active volcano in the North American continent. Although Citlaltépetl is at present in repose, its eruptive history reveals repetitive explosive eruptions in the past. Its relatively low eruption rate has favored significant population growth in areas that may be affected by a potential eruptive activity. The need of some criteria for hazards assessment and land-use planning has motivated the use of statistical methods to estimate the time and space distribution of volcanic hazards around this volcano. The analysis of past activity, from late Pleistocene to historic times, and the extent of some well-identified deposits are used to calculate the recurrence probabilities of eruptions of various size during time periods useful for land-use planning.  相似文献   

采用对比研究法,研究了近30年来滇西北洱海、茈碧湖、剑湖、拉市海和泸沽湖5个高原湖泊海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)群落的变化,结果表明:与1980年相比,天然海菜花群落仅在泸沽湖和剑湖有分布.现时海菜花群落物种数增加,泸沽湖海菜花群落物种数由1980年的7种增至2008年的10种,剑湖海菜花群落物种数由1980年的6种增至2011年的12种.群落生活型构成变得复杂,泸沽湖海菜花群落由沉水植物和漂浮植物构成向沉水植物、浮叶植物和漂浮植物构成变化;剑湖海菜花群落由单一沉水植物构成向沉水植物、浮叶植物、漂浮植物和湿生植物构成变化.两湖海菜花群落物种组成均发生更替,但泸沽湖海菜花群落物种组成与30年前相似度较高,群落保存相对较好;剑湖海菜花群落物种组成则与30年前相似度较低,群落变化大.  相似文献   

The use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is explored to predict peak ground accelerations (PGA) and pseudospectral acceleration (SA) for Mexican inslab and interplate earthquakes. A total of 277 and 418 seismic records with two horizontal components for inslab and interplate earthquakes, respectively, are used to train the ANN models by using an ANN with a feed-forward architecture with a back-propagation learning algorithm. Both ANN with single and two hidden layers are considered. For comparison purposes, the PGA and SA values predicted by the trained ANN models are compared with those estimated with attenuation relations or ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The comparison indicates that the predicted PGA and SA values by the trained ANN models, in general, follow the trends predicted by the GMPEs. However, an extensive verification of the trained models must be conducted before they can be used for seismic hazard and risk analysis since, on occasion, the PGA and SA values predicted by the trained ANN models depart from the behaviour observed from the actual records.  相似文献   

丁扬  姜百惠  丁鑫  杨帆  孙涛 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1745-1754
消落区是河流、湖泊和水库因阶段性或长期性的水位涨落而反复淹没或出露而形成的一种特殊的季节性湿地.消落区植被在维持水陆生态系统的动态平衡、生物多样性、生态安全及生态服务功能等方面发挥着重要作用.通过样方法调查分析了海南松涛水库消落区植物组成、区系特点以及群落分布特征.结果显示:松涛水库消落区共有维管植物40科101属115种,其中被子植物36科97属111种,蕨类植物4科4属4种.植物区系以热带性为主,外来入侵种较多,且既耐水淹又耐干旱植物众多;群落以草本、灌木植物为主,乔木较少且大多以幼苗形式存在.主要群落类型为以铺地黍(Panicum repens)为优势种的复合群落,个别区域零散分布有美洲蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、光荚含羞草(Mimosa sepiaria)、猪屎豆(Crotalaria pallida)、马松子(Melochia corchorifolia)、假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)和铺地黍等单优群落.消落区不同海拔区间群落分布存在明显差异,物种多样性从高到低呈显著递减趋势.研究结果可为松涛水库消落区植被恢复工作提供科学指导.  相似文献   

The propagation of the Pacific-Cocos Segment of the East Pacific Rise (EPR-PCS) has significantly altered the plate configuration at the north end of the Middle America Trench. This ridge propagation, the collision of the EPR-PCS with the Middle America Trench, the separation of the Rivera and Cocos plates and the formation of the Rivera Transform have produced a complex arrangement of morphotectonic elements in the area of Rivera-Cocos plate boundary, atypical of an oceanic transform boundary. Existing marine magnetic and bathymetric data has proved inadequate to unravel this complexity, thus, a dense grid of total field magnetic data were collected during campaigns MARTIC-04 and MARTIC-05 of the B/O EL PUMA in 2004 and 2006. These data have greatly clarified the magnetic lineation pattern adjacent to the Middle America trench, and have revealed an interesting en echelon, NE-SW oriented magnetic high offshore of the Manzanillo Graben. We interpret these new data to indicate that the EPR-PCS ridge segment reached the latitude (~18.3°N) of the present day Rivera Transform at about Chron 2A3 (~3.5Ma) and propagated further northward, intersecting the Middle America Trench at about 1.7 Ma (Chron 2). At 1.5 Ma spreading ceased along the EPR north of 18.3°N and the EPR-PCS has since retreated southward in association with a southward propagation of the Moctezuma Spreading Segment. North of 18.3°N the seafloor near the trench has been broken into small, uplifted blocks, perhaps due to the subduction of the young lithosphere generated by the EPR-PCS.  相似文献   

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