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The diets of monkey goby, Neogobius fluviatilis, and racer goby, Babka gymnotrachelus, which are the most abundant gobiids in the Dniprodzerzhynsk Reservoir (Dnieper River, Ukraine), have been studied on a diel basis across three summer months at one sampling site of the reservoir littoral zone. In total, 37 prey items were identified in the monkey goby diet and 39 prey items were identified in the racer goby diet during the sampling period. The most important prey were chironomid larvae and pupae, copepods, cladocerans, mysids, and juvenile fish and their importance varied depending on goby size, diel period, and month. Both gobiids showed clear patterns in their diel feeding activities. Both species fed over a 24-h period, but the monkey goby fed more actively during the daytime, while the racer goby fed more at night. Peak chironomid larvae consumption by the monkey goby were from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 22:00 to 02:00,, while those by the racer goby were in the night-time from 18:00 to 6:00. The consumption of chironomid pupae peaked at dusk and night for both gobiids. Total diet overlap index between the two gobiids, during all months and diel periods combined was 78.6 and it varied between different length groups. The lowest diet overlap indices were observed between the smallest and largest length groups of the two species, while the highest overlap indices were observed between the same length classes of different species and between the neighbouring length groups of the same species. A negative relationship was observed between the difference in the mean lengths of two gobiid species and the diet overlap index. The monkey goby and racer goby can reduce their competition and be successive due to several factors: (i) different spawning periods allowing them to utilise food resources available for their juveniles at different periods; (ii) different habitat preferences resulting in (iii) somewhat different prey choices; (iv) different feeding activity periods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the assemblage of Chironomidae from headwaters of Ñireco stream by recording drifting pupal exuviae caught in the debris close to the shore. Samples were collected in three stations along 18 km of the stream every 2 weeks during spring–summer months and monthly during autumn–winter over a year. A total of 15949 exuviae were collected and 55 taxa were identified. The most abundant taxa were Cricotopus spp. with highest numbers of exuviae recorded in each station over the study period. Subfamily Orthocladiinae was the most abundant taxa, followed by Chironominae and Podonominae. The emergence period in the stream occurred between December 1998 and March 1999. Most of the dominant and frequent species were univoltine. The emergence peaks at each sampling station occurred at the highest temperature of the water recorded.  相似文献   

Defining reference conditions for lakes situated in areas of human settlement and agriculture is rarely straightforward, and is especially difficult within easily eroding and nutrient rich watersheds. We used diatoms, cyanobaterial akinetes, remains of green algae and chironomid head capsules from sediment samples of Lake Kirmanjärvi, Finland, to assess its deviation from the initial ecological status. These site-specific records of change were compared to current type-specific ecological status assessment. All paleolimnological data indicated deviation from natural conditions and mirrored the current, monitoring-based assessment of “moderate” ecological lake status. However, the sediment data showed that the lake should be re-typified as a naturally eutrophic lake. Sediment records as well as current monitoring data indicated temporary improvement in water quality in response to extensive fish manipulation. Our results suggest that paleolimnological records can be used to derive site-specific reference conditions and that extensive restoration efforts can result in gradual, observable improvements of water quality and ecological status.  相似文献   

Abstract   Sediments deposited off the Nicoya Peninsula advect large volumes of water as they enter the Costa Rica subduction zone. Seismic reflection data, together with results from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 170, show that hemipelagic mud comprises the upper ∼135 m of the sediment column (ranging from 0 to 210 m). The lower ∼215 m of the sediment column (ranging from 0 to 470 m) is pelagic carbonate ooze. We analyzed samples from 60 shallow (<7 m) cores to characterize the spatial variability of sediment composition on the incoming Cocos Plate. The bulk hemipelagic sediment is 10 wt% opal and 60 wt% smectite on average, with no significant variations along strike; the pelagic chalk contains approximately 2 wt% opal and <1 wt% smectite. Initially, most of the water (96%) in the subducting sediment is stored in pore spaces, but the pore water is expelled during the early stages of subduction by compaction and tectonic consolidation. Approximately 3.6% of the sediment's total water volume enters the subduction zone as interlayer water in smectite; only 0.4% of the water is bound in opal. Once subducting strata reach depths greater than 6 km (more than 30 km inboard of the subduction front), porosity drops to less than 15%, and temperature rises to greater than 60°C. Under those conditions, discrete pulses of opal and smectite dehydration should create local compartments of fluid overpressure, which probably influence fluid flow patterns and reduce effective stress along the plate boundary fault.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the spatial and temporal effects of a freshwater discharge (Canal Andreoni) on the macroinfauna community and its habitat in a sandy beach of Uruguay. Bimonthly, we examined 17 environmental variables plus macroinfauna abundance, biomass, richness, evenness and diversity of three sites: Andreoni, at the canal mouth, Coronilla, at 1 km, and Barra, at 13 km from the mouth. Both univariate and multivariate techniques showed an increasing degree of perturbation towards the canal. This was reflected by abiotic and biotic differences between sites and by a consistent two-dimensional ordination of the samples. A clear seasonal pattern was found, specially accentuated at Coronilla, where the effects of the canal were stronger in winter and weaker in summer. Multivariate linking between macroinfauna and its habitat highlighted the role of salinity as explanatory variable of the observed trends.  相似文献   

In this research we evaluate the effects of the method used for estimating the potential surface available for benthic macroinvertebrates in macrophyte and unvegetated habitats on several metrics and habitat preference of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the upper catchment of the Henares River (Guadalajara, Central Spain). Three sampling sites were selected: a well-preserved stream (site A), a stream with no wood riparian vegetation (site B), and a straightened and deforested reach (site C). Two habitats were selected in each site: unvegetated habitat (i.e., substrata without macrophytes) and macrophyte habitat (i.e., substrata covered by macrophytes). In each habitat, six macroinvertebrate samples (including all macrophytes or mineral particles) were collected using a Hess sampler. Diversity and density of major families were referred to the surface of the Hess sampler (=Hess surface method) and to the actual surface of either mineral particles or macrophytes (=actual surface method). In general, for the actual surface method, biomass, richness, dominance, and diversity metrics were higher in the mineral habitat than in the macrophyte habitat. This trend was different for the Hess surface method. In general, densities turned out to be higher in the unvegetated habitat than in the macrophyte habitat when using the actual surface method, but the reverse occurred when using the Hess surface method. This fact is relevant for river biomonitoring, especially when reaches with different dominant substrates (macrophytes vs mineral) are compared using just one of the methods. It is concluded that the macrobenthic metrics and density values are influenced by the method used to estimate the potential available surface for aquatic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

The maintenance of species diversity in a given environment is strongly linked to resource partitioning. Littoral macrophyte zones are heterogeneous environments with high microcrustacean diversity, where zooplankton have dietary access to seston as well as organisms growing on macrophytic surfaces (epiphyton). We conducted a field study in a macrophyte-rich backwater of the river Allier to examine how seston and epiphyton were used as potential food sources by four dominant cladoceran species. Fatty acids were analyzed in these two food sources to assess how their differential uptake affects the trophic trajectory of essential compounds from these resources to cladocerans. Our results showed resource partitioning among the four cladocerans studied; while Eurycercus fed mostly on epiphyton, Daphnia mostly consumed phytoplankton, and Ceriodaphnia and Simocephalus were able to forage on sestonic and epiphytic resources. Based on their polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, it was evident that epiphyton was of higher food quality than seston in this macrophyte-rich backwater system. Variability of PUFA compositions of seston and epiphyton, and diversity of foraging strategies of cladoceran species, which represent the major link between microorganisms and consumers at higher trophic levels, affect dietary energy pathways and point to a variable PUFA transfer efficiency in backwater food webs.  相似文献   

The Pulmoddai placer sands in Sri Lanka(9°3’23.65’’-8°51’38.83’’N and 80°55’22.91’’-81°3’32.65’’E) is considered to be one of the major rare earth element(REE) prospects world-wide. This deposit has a global significance in terms of strategic economic resources and can provide valuable insight for resource estimation and for its economic use. A detailed study of the geochemical, mineralogical, and textural properties of the heavy minerals of this region is undertaken applying the scanning electr...  相似文献   

Wurl O  Obbard JP 《Marine pollution bulletin》2004,48(11-12):1016-1030
Boundary layers between different environmental compartments represent critical interfaces for biological, chemical and physical processes. The sea-surface microlayer (uppermost 1-1000 microm layer) forms the boundary layer interface between the atmosphere and ocean. Environmental processes are controlled by the SML, and it is known to play a key role in the global distribution of anthropogenic pollutants. Due to its unique chemical composition, the upper organic film of the SML represents both a sink and a source for a range of pollutants including chlorinated hydrocarbons, organotin compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals. These pollutants can be enriched in the SML by up to 500 times relative to concentrations occurring in the underlying bulk water column. The SML is also a unique ecosystem, serving as an important habitat for fish eggs and larvae. Concentration ranges and enrichment factors of pollutants in the SML in different areas of the world's oceans have been critically reviewed, together with available toxicity data for marine biota found within the SML. Overall, the SML is highly contaminated in many urban and industrialized areas of the world, resulting in severe ecotoxicological impacts. Such impacts may lead to drastic effects on the marine food web and to fishery recruitment in coastal waters. Studies of the toxicity of fish eggs and larvae exposed to the SML contaminants have shown that the SML in polluted areas leads to significantly higher rates of mortality and abnormality of fish embryos and larvae.  相似文献   

Pollen diversity offers abundant clues into the floristic diversity and history of vegetation change. Few palynological studies investigated modern pollen diversity or the past floristic diversity on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Based on modern pollen assemblages from 37 topsoils and 63 surface lake sediments in the Nam Co catchment on the central TP, this study quantitatively explored spatial distribution of modern pollen diversity using Shannon-Wiener index (H) and palynological richness (E(T n ), n=600). Pollen diversity indices showed spatial variability among vegetation types, reflecting the differences in terrestrial floristic diversity in the lake catchment. Their values were high in the southeastern region of the lake catchment which is covered by alpine steppe, while values were low for alpine meadow and marsh meadow. The pollen diversity in lacustrine pollen assemblage could be an effective proxy to document past floristic diversity. The past floristic diversity in the lake catchment, recovered from a fossil pollen record of NMLC-1, showed a long-term change of ascending overlaid by several rapid diversity changes during the last 8400 years due to the downward shift of altitudinal vegetation belt driven by a general climatic cooling. The results imply that under the environmental challenge of climate warming and vegetation degradation, alpine vegetation restoration in the Nam Co catchment and the central TP should pay attention to altitudinal vegetation belt and zonal vegetation of alpine steppe, and use the long-term change of floristic diversity as a historical analogue.  相似文献   

A number of aquatic organisms have demonstrated an ability to modulate sediment deposition in tropical and temperate stream systems, but little is known about the impact of similar benthic grazing processes in temperate pond systems. Using exclosure experiments in mesocosms, we used tadpoles of the western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) to investigate two questions: (1) can grazing activities of tadpoles of the western toad in ponds reduce sediment accrual on grazing surfaces (e.g. via bioturbation or ingestion); and (2) do these grazing activities contribute to enhanced periphyton biomass and chlorophyll a content of benthic matter. Mesocosms received pulses of fine sediment weekly over 8 weeks to simulate allochthonous surface inputs following rainstorms. Accumulated sediment and periphyton matter on exposed and grazing-restricted substrate surfaces were measured weekly. Tadpole grazing activity significantly reduced the standing stock of periphyton on open grazing surfaces by 80% in controls. Under sediment-additions, tadpoles effectively removed settled particulate matter from exposed grazing surfaces, but no corresponding increase in periphyton biomass was observed. These results suggest that tadpoles can impact the dynamics of sediment distribution in ponds as well as streams, providing support for a role as “ecosystem engineers” in these habitats.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that fish assemblages are structured by habitat features, most of them have proposed that there is a positive relationship between habitat structural complexity and species diversity. In this study, we aimed to test this positive-relationship idea in three habitats types (creeks, oxbow lakes and river sandbanks) distributed along the Bita River Basin in South America. Standardized surveys were conducted during January and February of 2016 (low water period) in 30 sites distributed along the entire basin. We recorded 23,092 individuals representing 191 species. To investigate possible relationships between habitat structural complexity and species diversity, we calculated the first three Hill’s numbers, and performed a Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS), a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Our results showed that river sandbanks and creeks had the highest species richness. Results from the NMDS analysis (stress = 0.19) showed that fish community composition was different in the assessed habitats (ANOSIM < p = 0.001). According to the results of the principal component analysis, sand percentage, dissolved oxygen, and vegetation width separated river sandbanks from the other habitats. Results from the Hill’s numbers, forward selection procedure, and canonical correspondence analysis suggested that species composition and diversity were significantly influenced by the habitat structural complexity index and conductivity.  相似文献   

Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) can provide a means of storing water for irrigation in agricultural areas where water availability is limited. A concern, however, is that the injected water may lead to a degradation of groundwater quality. In many agricultural areas, nitrate is a limiting factor. In the Umatilla Basin in north central Oregon, shallow alluvial groundwater with elevated nitrate‐nitrogen of <3 mg/L to >9 mg/L is injected into the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG), a transmissive confined aquifer(s) with low natural recharge rates. Once recovery of the injected water begins, however, NO3‐N in the recovered water decreases quickly to <3 mg/L (Eaton et al. 2009), suggesting that NO3‐N may not persist within the CRBG during ASR storage. In contrast to NO3‐N, other constituents in the recovered water show little variation, inconsistent with migration or simple mixing as an explanation of the NO3‐N decrease. Nitrogen isotopic ratios (δ15N) increase markedly, ranging from +3.5 to > +50, and correlate inversely with NO3‐N concentrations. This variation occurs in <3 weeks and recovery of <10% of the originally injected volume. TOC is low in the basalt aquifer, averaging <1.5 mg/L, but high in the injected source water, averaging >3.0 mg/L. Similar to nitrate concentrations, TOC drops in the recovered water, consistent with this component contributing to the denitrification of nitrate during storage.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that lavas behave as Bingham liquids, which are characterized by a yield stress σ and a plastic viscosity η. We consider two models describing downslope flows of a Bingham liquid with different aspect ratios A (= flow height/flow width): model 1 with A 1 and model 2 with A ≈ 1. Sufficiently uphill with respect to the front, such flows can be considered as laminar and locally isothermal. For both models, we obtain analytically the steady-state solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the constitutive equation for a Bingham liquid. We study the flow height and velocity as functions of flow rate, rheological parameters and ground slope. It is found that such flows remain in the Newtonian regime at low yield stresses (σ 103dyne/cm2), but the transition to the Bingham regime also depends on flow rate and occurs at higher values of σ for higher flow rates: for instance, a high aspect ratio flow (model 2) is still very close to the Newtonian regime at σ = 104 dyne/cm2, if the flow rate is greater than 105 g/s. In the Bingham regime, flow heights are generally greater and flow velocities are smaller than in the Newtonian regime; moreover, flow heights are independent of flow rate, so that a change in flow rate results exclusively in a velocity change. After assuming a specific temperature dependence of σ and η between the solidus and the liquidus temperatures of an ideal Bingham liquid (1000°C and 1200 °C respectively), flow heights and velocities are examined as functions of temperature along the flow. Several effects observed in lava flows are predicted by these models and allow a more quantitative insight into the behaviour of lava flows.  相似文献   

A methodology for planning an optimized river water temperature monitoring network is presented. The methodology is based on sampling of the physio-climatic variability of the region to be monitored. Physio-climatic metrics are selected to describe the study region, based on principal component analysis. The sites to be monitored are then identified based on a k-means clustering in the multidimensional space defined by the selected metrics. The methodology is validated on an existing dense water temperature network in Haute-Savoie, France. Different configurations of more or less dense network scenarios are evaluated by assessing their ability to estimate water temperature indices at ungauged locations. An optimized network containing 83 sites is found to provide satisfactory estimations for seven ecologically and biologically meaningful thermal indices defined to characterize brown trout thermal habitat.  相似文献   

The average concentrations of 19 siderophile and volatile elements in shergottite meteorites differ from those in terrestrial basalts by less than a factor of ten. This observation undermines claims that the abundances of siderophile and volatile elements in the Earth's upper mantle are uniquely terrestrial. Claims that similarities in the Moon's siderophile element pattern imply a terrestrial origin for the Moon are also weakened. The implication that basalt source regions on the asteroidal parent body of the shergottites resembled the terrestrial upper mantle constrains models of planetary formation and evolution. Heterogeneous accretion models may explain many of the similarities between these planets. Alternatively, separation of sulfide from basaltic magmas or their source regions on the Earth and the shergottite parent body may explain some of these similarities.  相似文献   

The formation of subsurface freshwater lenses on top of brackish groundwater is a fascinating hydrologic phenomenon that creates groundwater supplies of great potential value in arid regions. Information on the recharge quantity and mechanism of these lenses is both scarce and uncertain. This study examines the formation and macroscale stability of the Rawdatain freshwater lens in Kuwait, for which significant pre-development data are available. The Rawdatain is a large (150 million m3) subsurface freshwater lens overlying brackish groundwater compared to the other freshwater lenses in the Arabian Peninsula. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) density-dependent groundwater flow model is tested against the following data targets to estimate long-term diffuse and focused groundwater recharge: (i) groundwater head, (ii) total dissolved solids (TDS) groundwater concentration, (iii) volume and vertical thickness of stored groundwater of three different water quality TDS ranges (0–700, 700–1000 and 1000–2000 mg/L) and (iv) geometrical shape features of the lens along cross-sections. To better represent the spatial variation in TDS, six different recharge zones were assigned to allocate diffuse and focused recharge conditions. Twelve recharge rate scenarios, encompassing a wide range of feasible long-term average annual recharge values (200,000–5,000,000 m3/year), were tested against the multiple targets and compared with the groundwater age of the Rawdatain lens. Based on comparison with data targets, the long-term average annual recharge is estimated to be 500,000 m3/year. Scenarios of reduced recharge, which may occur due to changes in land-use or climate, demonstrate the extremely slow response of the lens, which is in agreement with the slow development and formation of the lens (>2,000 years). Within a 100-year time frame, a 50% reduction in annual recharge reduces the lens volumes by 21, 17 and 9% for the three water quality categories, respectively. This study demonstrates the stability of freshwater lenses in arid regions and also provides methodology for similar focused rainfall recharge freshwater lenses.  相似文献   

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