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A 1D model, including a time variation of eddy viscosity and mixed layer depth, is applied to study Ekman spirals. It simulates a weak velocity in the atmosphere but a jet in the upper oceanic mixed layer during daytime; and a strong velocity in the atmosphere but a weak, uniform velocity in the ocean at night. The mean spirals in both atmosphere and ocean are close to the average spirals at midday and midnight, they are not flat as suggested by previous studies but consistent with the observations of Polton et al (2013). Our results also show shorter length scale for magnitude decay than for rotation of mean velocity as observed in the ocean, which comes from the combined effects of the diurnal variation of PBL and the Coriolis force. The latter becomes more important away from the surface. In the upper oceanic mixed layer, the mean velocity mainly comes from the strong jets in the late afternoon and early evening. Near and below the depth of Ekman depth, the weak velocities change with time and cancel out each other if averaged timing is longer than the inertia period. It results in diminishing of magnitude of the mean velocity, but the amplitude of individual parcel oscillating can still be quite large near the Ekman depth. Meanwhile, the change of velocity angle from the surface is near or less than 90 degree. Hence, shorter length scale for magnitude decay than for rotation of the mean velocity is not controlled by viscosity alone. Meanwhile, the model does not need two viscosities as suggested previously.The results also show that either the diurnal variation of surface stress or eddy viscosity alone can create a diurnal oscillation of velocity in the ocean. The interactions between PBL force and the Coriolis force can create a weak instability in the atmosphere and ocean at 30° and 90°. This weak instability may explain the observed nocturnal LLJ near 30 °N on the lee of the Rocky Mountains and the intensification of mesoscale circulation simulated by Sun and Wu (1992).  相似文献   

A 40 year time series of daily and monthly Ekman transport is analysed in an oceanic area 150 km offshore Cape Finisterre (43°N, 11°W). The periodicity of the signal showed an annual component (365 days), a seasonal fluctuation (50 days) and a time scale related to passing storms (20 days). The Ekman transport showed different seasonal patterns. Thus, the summer pattern is characterized by transport pointing seaward (upwelling favourable) practically perpendicular to the shoreline, while the winter pattern is characterized by transport pointing landward (downwelling favourable). Although the most favourable upwelling conditions were observed during summer, for the last 15 years the frequency of observed winter upwelling events is higher due to the prevalence of northerly winds.  相似文献   

The general Ekman momentum approximation boundary-layer model(GEM) can be effectively used to describe the physical processes of the boundary layer. However, eddy viscosity, which is an approximated value, can lead to uncertainty in the solutions. In this paper, stochastic eddy viscosity is taken into consideration in the GEM, and generalized polynomial chaos is used to quantify the uncertainty. The goal of uncertainty quantification is to investigate the effects of uncertainty in the eddy viscosity on the model and to subsequently provide reliable distribution of simulation results. The performances of the stochastic eddy viscosity and generalized polynomial chaos method are validated based on three different types of eddy viscosities, and the results are compared based on the Monte Carlo method. The results indicate that the generalized polynomial chaos method can be accurately and efficiently used in uncertainty quantification for the GEM with stochastic eddy viscosity.  相似文献   

Ekman动量近似下中间边界层模式中的风场结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展了一个准三维的、中等复杂的边界层动力学模式,该模式包含了EKman动量近似下的惯性加速度和Blackadar的非线性湍流粘性系数,它进一步改进了Tan和Wu(1993)提出的边界层理论模型。该模型在数值计算复杂性上与经典Ekman模式相类似,但由于包含了Ekman动量近似下的惯性项,使得该模式比传统Ekman模式更近于实际过程。中详细地比较了该模式与其他简化边界层模式在动力学上的差异,结果表明:在经典的Ekman模式中,由于忽略了流动的惯性项作用,导致在气旋性切变气流(反气旋性切变气流)中风速和边界层顶部的垂直速度的高估(低估),而在半地转边界层模式中,由于高估了流动惯性项的作用,结果与经典Ekman模式相反。同样,该模式可以应用于斜压边界层,对于Ekman动量下的斜压边界层风场同时具有经典斜压边界层和Ekman动量近似边界层的特征。  相似文献   

Coastal ocean numerical modeling is basically the representation of the dynamics of the coastal ocean in a chosen range of length scales and over an associated frequency band, including the modeling of both coherent processes and associated transient processes. The ocean dynamical features can be individually identified by combining wavelet analysis for time and frequency localization and principal component analysis to “decorrelate” physically consistent structures. In the present paper, the so-called WEof analysis is applied for the extraction of external gravity waves and internal gravity wave lower modes in a simple case of a flat bottom, constant Brunt-Väisälä ocean. It is shown that, with some well known restrictive assumptions, WEof analysis is an efficient candidate for the recognition of frequency localized dynamical processes.  相似文献   

A convective cloud transport model, without chemical processes, is developed by joining a set of concentration conservative equations into a two-dimensional, slab-symmetric and fully elastic numerical cloud model, and a numerical experiment is completed to simulate the vertical transport of ground-borne, inert gaseous pollutant by deepthunderstorm. The simulation shows that deep convective storm can very effectively transport high concentrated pollutant gas from PBL upward to the upper troposphere in 30 to 40 minutes, where the pollutant spreads laterally outward with strong anvil outflow, forming an extensive high concentration area. Meanwhile, relatively low concentration areas are formed in PBL both below and beside the cloud, mainly caused by dynamic pumping effect and sub-cloud downdraft flow. About 80% of the pollutant gas transported to the upper troposphere is from the layer below 1.5 km AGL (above ground level).  相似文献   

Microstructure and hydrological profiles were collected along two cross-shelf sections from the deep slope to the shallow water in the north of Taiwan Island in the summer of 2006. While the tidal currents on the shelf were dominated by the barotropic tide with the current ellipse stretched across the shelf, significant internal tides were observed on the slope. The depth-mean turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) dissipation rate on the shelf was 10~(-6)W kg-1, corresponding to a diapycnal diffusivity of 10~(-2)m~2s~(-1). The depth-mean TKE dissipation rate on the slope was 1 × 10~(-7)W kg-1, with diapycnal diffusivity of 3.4 × 10~(-4)m~2s~(-1). The shear instability associated with internal tides largely contributed to the TKE dissipation rate on the slope from the surface to 150 m, while the enhanced turbulence on the shelf was dominated by tidal or residual current dissipations caused by friction in the thick bottom boundary layer(BBL). In the BBL, the Ekman currents associated with the northeastward Taiwan Warm Current were identified, showing a near-bottom velocity spiral, which agreed well with the analytical bottom Ekman solution.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional, non-reactive convective cloud transport model is used to simulate in detail the vertical transport and wet scavenging of soluble pollutant gases by a deep thunderstorm system, Simulations show that for gases with not very high solubility, a deep and intense thunderstorm can still rapidly and efficiently transport them from boundary layer (PBL) up to mid and upper troposphere, resulting in a local significant increase of concentration in the upper layer and a reduction in PBL. Dissolution effects decrease both the incloud gas concentration and the upward net fluxes. The higher the solubility is, the more remarkable the decrease is. However, for very low soluble gases (H < 102 M atm-1), the influences are very slight. In addition, the effects of irreversible dissolution and aqueous reactions in drops on the vertical transport of gaseous pollutants are estimated in extreme.  相似文献   

一次暴风雪过程中的中尺度重力波特征及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用地面自动气象站观测资料、数字化多普勒天气雷达探测资料和WRFV2.2.1中尺度数值模拟资料,分析了中尺度重力波与基本气流的相互作用,以及重力波活动对暴雪和大风天气的重要影响。结果表明,在波导中传播的中尺度重力波能够与基本气流进行动量交换,使得对流层中上层4.5—8 km气层内的水平平均风速趋于均匀,形成斜穿整个对流层的饱和湿空气急流,即"湿急流"。在高空急流出口区激发的垂直向下传播的重力波,使基本气流的水平风速在垂直方向上出现了加速和减速的交替变化,水平风加速的气层,反射率增大;水平风减速的气层,反射率减小。随着波动下传及其随基本气流的移动,反射率回波强度沿高空风的方向(由西南向东北)出现周期性变化,回波带呈西北—东南走向,强回波中心之间为宽约40 km的弱回波区。重力波下传期间,当地面气压迅速下降时,东北风快速增长,风向有明显的改变,反射率强度开始减弱;气压脊线过后,反射率降低到最低点。地面大风中心出现在反射率回波强度周期性变化的地带,沿西南—东北方向间隔着分布。雷达探测表明,对流层低层风速在风向切变层上下边界对称相等,因此推测在重力波与切变层汇合的高度层存在垂直环流,由风切变层上下边界附近的西南气流和东北气流与受重力波影响形成的垂直方向上的上升和下沉气流共同组成。切变层上方的动量通过垂直环流的下沉支到达地面,强风中心对应着下沉气流,出现在降水回波开始减弱之际。  相似文献   

基于WRF模式对2011年6月16—19日一次东移西南涡过程的模拟,开展了西南涡激发平流层重力波的特征研究。东移西南涡可以分为发展、强盛和减弱3个阶段,每个阶段均伴随着强降雨天气,但由于降水位置和强度的不同,平流层重力波的分布和强度也不同。西南涡发展阶段,平流层重力波主要位于低涡的东侧,并向东北传播;西南涡强盛阶段,伴随对流降水的强度和范围明显增大,平流层重力波的振幅和范围也显著增大,且围绕西南涡的东侧和南侧呈现出半环状的重力波分布特征可分为两支,东侧波动波列表现为东北西南向分布,南侧的波列表现为东—西向分布;西南涡减弱阶段,重力波的振幅和范围均减小。波谱分析表明,重力波的纬向波数频率谱关于零频率呈非对称分布,且随着西南涡的增强,波谱在小尺度范围显著增大,即强对流更容易激发出小尺度的高频波;经向波数频率谱在波数较小谱段关于零频率基本呈对称分布,但在波数较大谱段,也呈非对称分布,这说明受平流层东风气流的影响,重力波主要向东传播。  相似文献   

GRAPES中地形重力波拖曳物理过程的引进和应用试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在中国新一代全球中期/区域中尺度同化与预报系统(GRAPES)模式中引进了ECMWF地形重力波拖曳物理过程,填补了GRAPES全球中期数值预报系统中物理过程的空白。重新计算了地形重力波过程需要的地形静态资料数据,并与原ECMWF模式的地形静态参数进行了对比分析,验证了模式地形参数的正确性。利用GRAPES模式,进行了地形重力波拖曳物理过程影响的敏感性数值试验;结果表明:引进地形重力波拖曳过程以后,在存在大地形的区域,风场会发生变化,当纬向风遇到青藏高原时,一部分气流会产生爬坡效应而越过高原,使高原上空的西风气流减弱;另一部分气流会绕过高原,在高原的南侧产生绕流;随着模式积分时间的延长,风场变化会越来越明显,地形越复杂,风场的变化也越复杂;连续的模式积分试验结果显示,引进地形重力波过程,可以延长GRAPES模式的可用预报时效,提高了全球形势预报的准确率。通过对一次降水过程的模拟,对地形重力波过程影响降水预报的原因进行了简单分析。结果显示:引进地形重力波拖曳过程后,改变了大气流场的分布,使预报的流场更接近于大气真实状态,从而提高了降水预报的准确率。  相似文献   

Some Possible Solutions of Nonlinear Internal Inertial Gravity Wave Equations in the AtmosphereLiGuopingandLuJinghua(ChengduI...  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have been carried out for the flow along isobaths of simulated shelf-continental slope geometry. Cases of both homogeneous and linearly stratified fluids are considered and the background flows are sufficiently strong to have the flow near the bottom boundary range from transitional to fully turbulent. The background motions are impulsively started and flows with a coast on the right (spin-down) and on the left (spin-up) are considered. The homogeneous spin-down and spin-up processes are smooth in the sense that no vortical structures were found to be of the order of the slope width or larger. Flows reach equilibrium more quickly for spin-down cases, and this is attributed to secondary flows forced by the basin geometry. All of the stratified experiments exhibited large-scale instabilities as evidenced by the generation of slope and basin scale eddy structures and a much slower decay than their homogeneous counterparts.  相似文献   

对比两个同化资料GODAS(Global Ocean Data Assimilation System)和SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation),考察中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候系统海洋模式LICOM(LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model)模拟的北印度洋经向环流及热输送的气候态。LICOM能抓住北印度洋大尺度环流的季节变化特征,模拟的年平均越赤道热输送为-0.24 PW (1 PW=1015W),较之以往的数值模式结果更接近观测和同化资料。与同化资料的差异主要体现在季节变化强度,北半球夏季在赤道以南偏弱0.5 PW,这与模式夏季的纬向风应力偏弱,热输送中的大项Ekman热输送模拟偏弱,从而模拟的经圈翻转环流较浅有关。  相似文献   

The problem of error propagation is considered for spatially uncorrelated errors of the barotropic stream function in an oceanic general circulation model (OGCM). Such errors typically occur when altimetric data from satellites are assimilated into ocean models. It is shown that the error decays at first due to the dissipation of the smallest scales in the error field. The error then grows exponentially before it saturates at the value corresponding to the difference between independent realizations. A simple analytic formula for the error behavior is derived; it matches the numerical results documented for the present primitive-equation ocean model, and other models in the literature.  相似文献   

大气重力波是一种普遍存在于大气层中的波动现象,与多种不同尺度天气现象均有密切联系,研究平流层重力波的时空分布特征及其可能影响机制对于全球大气环流、大尺度气候变化和各类中尺度天气系统的研究具有重要意义.利用基于PANGAEA数据中心提供的2002—2015年逐月平流层重力波参数资料和SPARC数据中心提供的1992—1997年逐月纬向风资料,分析了平流层重力波参数的时空分布特征,并讨论了影响平流层重力波变化的可能机制.结果表明,对于重力波参数的纬向平均分布,平流层重力波扰动温度和垂直波长随高度增加而增大,而水平波数和绝对动量通量则相反.在夏半球的中低纬度和冬半球的高纬度存在重力波参数的大值区,在赤道附近全年存在重力波参数的低值区.平流层重力波参数水平分布表现为纬向上的带状分布,强度随季节发生变化.在相同纬度,重力波参数的大值中心出现在大陆,特别是山脉地区.平流层纬向风和重力波参数二者的分布具有一致性,说明背景风对大气的扰动是影响重力波参数的可能机制之一.  相似文献   

The vertical transport features of gaseous pollutants, with a negative exponent profile of concentration, by dif-ferent types of convective cloud systems are numerically investigated by using a two-dimensional, reactionless convective cloud transport model. The results show that an isolated, weak storm is able to pump pollutant gas out PBL and transport it to the mid-troposphere, whereas a deep, intense thunderstorm can very efficiently transport air pollutants up to the mid and upper troposphere and laterally spread with anvil, forming an extensive concentration surge layer at altitude of ten-odd kilometers altitude. Each type of convective transport results in concentration re-duction in PBL. In a wind shear environment the transport efficiency of deep thunderstorm significantly increases and the pollutants enter into clouds on the downshear side at low-level and spread downwind in anvil layer. On the other hand, for a cumulus cloud with plenty of liquid water, the gas dissolution effect is increased, and the irreversible aqueous reactions, in extreme, may significantly weaken the vertical transports of pollutant gases even with solubility coefficients no more than 103 M atm-1.  相似文献   

Ito  T.  Okita  T.  Ikegami  M.  Kanazawa  I. 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1986,4(4):401-411
In order to obtain a better understanding of the behavior of aerosols and SO2 in the longrange transport through a marine boundary layer, a simple box-model is applied to the evaluation of the residence times of the species from the concentrations of gases and aerosols measured simulataneously on two islands in the West Pacific Ocean in the north-west monsoon. For Aitken and large particles, the residence time is varied from 3.7 to 7.4 days depending on the particle size, and their flux to the sea is equal to or slightly smaller than that of the free atmosphere. The residence time of giant particles is about one day and their flux to the sea is three times larger than that of the free atmosphere. The residence time of SO2 is 15 hr, and the relative SO2 mass flows of the deposition to the sea, of the diffusion to the free atmosphere and of the transformation to SO4 2- are approximately 4, 1 and 1, respectively.  相似文献   

重力波对青藏高原东侧一次暴雨过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用WRF(weather research and forecasting)模式输出资料、NCEP/NCAR1°×1°再分析资料以及地面站降水资料,对2009年7月31日至8月1日四川省一次暴雨过程进行了分析。结果表明:水汽辐合区与降水区基本一致;散度场、水汽通量和水汽通量散度对降水具有较好的指示作用。在降水之前的6h中,降水中心上空的大气层结基本稳定,这种层结条件并不利于对流运动发生和发展;但是通过对散度场、非线性平衡方程和理查森数的分析,发现在暴雨开始前存在着中尺度重力波,它激发了对流运动的发展,而对流运动对暴雨的发展起到了主要作用。这说明,在整个暴雨过程中,只有同时考虑中尺度重力波与对流运动的相互作用,才能较完整地解释雨带的强度和特征得以发展和维持的原因。  相似文献   

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